Esempio n. 1
 protected function init_tabs()
     $this->tabs->add('cp_tools', __('Advanced', APP_TD));
     $this->tab_sections['cp_tools']['cache'] = array('title' => '', 'fields' => array(array('title' => __('Theme Cache', APP_TD), 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => array('cp_tools', 'flush_cache'), 'extra' => array('class' => 'button-secondary'), 'value' => __('Flush ClassiPress Cache', APP_TD), 'desc' => __('Empty anything that ClassiPress has stored in cache (i.e. category drop-down menu, home page directory structure, etc).', APP_TD))));
     $this->tab_sections['cp_tools']['uninstall'] = array('title' => __('Uninstall Theme', APP_TD), 'fields' => array(array('title' => __('Database Tables', APP_TD), 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => array('cp_tools', 'delete_tables'), 'extra' => array('class' => 'button-secondary', 'onclick' => 'return cp_confirmBeforeDeleteTables();'), 'value' => __('Delete ClassiPress Tables', APP_TD), 'desc' => __('You will lose any custom fields, forms, and ad packs that you have created.', APP_TD)), array('title' => __('Config Options', APP_TD), 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => array('cp_tools', 'delete_options'), 'extra' => array('class' => 'button-secondary', 'onclick' => 'return cp_confirmBeforeDeleteOptions();'), 'value' => __('Delete ClassiPress Options', APP_TD), 'desc' => __('All values saved on the settings, pricing, gateways, etc admin pages will be erased from the wp_options table.', APP_TD))));
Esempio n. 2
 protected function init_tabs()
     $this->tabs->add('cp_tools', __('Advanced', APP_TD));
     $this->tab_sections['cp_tools']['cache'] = array('title' => __('Theme Cache', APP_TD), 'fields' => array(array('title' => __('Flush Theme Cache', APP_TD), 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => array('cp_tools', 'flush_cache'), 'extra' => array('class' => 'button-secondary'), 'value' => __('Flush Entire ClassiPress Cache', APP_TD), 'desc' => '<br />' . __("Sometimes you may have changed something and it hasn't been updated on your site.", APP_TD) . '<br />' . __('Flushing the cache will empty anything that ClassiPress has stored in the cache (i.e. category drop-down menu, home page directory structure, etc).', APP_TD))));
     $this->tab_sections['cp_tools']['uninstall'] = array('title' => __('Uninstall Theme', APP_TD), 'fields' => array(array('title' => __('Delete Database Tables', APP_TD), 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => array('cp_tools', 'delete_tables'), 'extra' => array('class' => 'button-secondary', 'onclick' => 'return cp_confirmBeforeDeleteTables();'), 'value' => __('Delete ClassiPress Database Tables', APP_TD), 'desc' => '<br />' . __('Do you wish to completely delete all ClassiPress database tables?', APP_TD) . '<br />' . __('Once you do this you will lose any custom fields, forms, ad packs, etc that you have created.', APP_TD)), array('title' => __('Delete Config Options', APP_TD), 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => array('cp_tools', 'delete_options'), 'extra' => array('class' => 'button-secondary', 'onclick' => 'return cp_confirmBeforeDeleteOptions();'), 'value' => __('Delete ClassiPress Config Options', APP_TD), 'desc' => '<br />' . __('Do you wish to completely delete all ClassiPress configuration options?', APP_TD) . '<br />' . __('This will delete all values saved on the settings, pricing, gateways, etc admin pages from the wp_options database table.', APP_TD))));
     $this->tab_sections['cp_tools']['theme'] = array('title' => __('Theme', APP_TD), 'fields' => array(array('title' => __('Rerun Migration Script', APP_TD), 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => array('cp_tools', 'rerun_migration'), 'extra' => array('class' => 'button-secondary'), 'value' => __('Rerun ClassiPress Migration Script', APP_TD), 'desc' => '<br />' . __("If you're still using ClassiPress version 3.0.4 (or earlier) and were not prompted to upgrade to 3.0.5 or the script timed out, click this button.", APP_TD) . '<br />' . __("It will attempt to rerun the migration script again. Running this script won't do any harm if you aren't sure about it.", APP_TD))));