Esempio n. 1
 public static function silent($user)
     // Make sure the user doesn't exist
     if (is_numeric($user)) {
         if ($userData = User::get($user, "uni_id")) {
             return true;
     } else {
         if ($userData = User::getIDByHandle($user)) {
             return true;
     // Get User Data from Auth
     $packet = array("user" => $user, "columns" => "uni_id, handle, display_name");
     if ($response = API_Connect::to("auth", "UserData", $packet)) {
         return self::register((int) $response['uni_id'], $response['handle'], $response['display_name'], "");
     return false;
Esempio n. 2
// Prepare Values
// Set the timeout limit to 5 minutes.
// Run Header
require SYS_PATH . "/controller/includes/admin_header.php";
// Run Global Script (if applicable)
if (isset($_GET['action']) and $_GET['action'] == "run") {
    echo "Running Script:<br />";
    // Prepare Valuess
    define("PROTECTED", true);
    // Gather Sites
    $siteList = Database::selectMultiple("SELECT site_handle, site_name FROM network_data", array());
    foreach ($siteList as $site) {
        $apiData = API_Data::get($site['site_handle']);
        $success = API_Connect::call($apiData['site_url'] . "/api/AuthCommand", "system-script", $apiData['site_key']);
        if ($success) {
            echo "<br /><span style='color:green;'>" . $site['site_name'] . " run their instructions SUCCESSFULLY!</span>";
        } else {
            echo "<br /><span style='color:red;'>" . $site['site_name'] . " FAILED! Some or all of the instructions did not run as desired.</span>";
    echo "<br /><br />Script Complete.";
} else {
    echo '
	<p>Are you sure you want to have all sites run the system-wide script "{SYS_PATH}/system-script.php" on the entire universe system?</p>
	<p><a class="button" href="/admin/scripts/run-universe?action=run">Yes, run the script</a></p>';
// Display the Footer
require SYS_PATH . "/controller/includes/admin_footer.php";
Esempio n. 3
 public static function logActivity()
     // Not ready yet
     API_Connect::to("karma", "KarmaActivityAPI", array("uni_id" => Me::$id, "site_handle" => SITE_HANDLE, "action" => "view"));

// Installation Header
require PARENT_APP_PATH . "/includes/install_header.php";
// Run the Form
if (Form::submitted("install-connect-handle")) {
    // Check if all of the input you sent is valid:
    $_POST['handle'] = str_replace("@", "", $_POST['handle']);
    Validate::variable("UniFaction Handle", $_POST['handle'], 1, 22);
    if (Validate::pass()) {
        // Make sure the handle is registered
        if ($response = API_Connect::call(URL::unifaction_com() . "/api/UserRegistered", $_POST['handle'])) {
            Cookie_Server::set("admin-handle", $_POST['handle'], "", 3);
            Alert::saveSuccess("Admin Chosen", "You have designated @" . $_POST['handle'] . " as the admin of your site.");
            header("Location: /install/config-app");
        } else {
            Alert::error("Handle Invalid", "That user handle does not exist on UniFaction.");
} else {
    $_POST['handle'] = isset($_POST['handle']) ? Sanitize::variable($_POST['handle']) : "";
// Run Global Script
require PARENT_APP_PATH . "/includes/install_global.php";
// Display the Header
require HEADER_PATH;
echo '
<form class="uniform" action="/install/connect-handle" method="post">' . Form::prepare("install-connect-handle");
// Display the Page
echo '
Esempio n. 5
$_POST['site-domain'] = isset($_POST['site-domain']) ? Sanitize::variable($_POST['site-domain'], ":/.") : "";
$_POST['site-database-name'] = isset($_POST['site-database-name']) ? Sanitize::variable($_POST['site-database-name']) : "";
// Run the Form
if (Form::submitted("install-app-config")) {
    // Check if all of the input you sent is valid:
    Validate::variable("Site Handle", $_POST['site-handle'], 3, 22);
    Validate::safeword("Site Name", $_POST['site-name'], 3, 42);
    Validate::url("URL", $_POST['site-url'], 3, 64);
    // Parse the URL input
    $siteURL = URL::parse($_POST['site-url']);
    if (Validate::pass()) {
        // Make sure the site handle isn't taken
        $packet = array("site-handle" => $_POST['site-handle'], "uni-handle" => $ownerHandle, "site-name" => $_POST['site-name'], "site-url" => $siteURL['full']);
        // Call UniFaction's API to register a site with the system
        // If the site fails to register, it will provide an alert explaining why
        $response = API_Connect::call(URL::unifaction_com() . "/api/RegisterSiteHandle", $packet);
        if ($response) {
            // If the database users are provided and there is a database name that we can create, build config settings
            $siteTheme = "default";
            $siteThemeStyle = "default";
            $buildApp = '<?php

// Site-Wide Salt
define("SITE_SALT", "' . $_POST['site-salt'] . '");

// A unique 10-22 alphanumeric value to represent your site
define("SITE_HANDLE", "' . $_POST['site-handle'] . '");

// Set the Application Path (in most cases, this is the same as SITE_PATH)
define("APP_PATH", SITE_PATH);
// Make sure the content exists
if ($contentData = Database::selectOne("SELECT id, uni_id, url, url_slug FROM content_entries WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", array((int) $_POST['contentID']))) {
    // Prepare Values
    $contentID = (int) $contentData['id'];
    $authorID = (int) $contentData['uni_id'];
    // If the entry was aggregated from another site
    if ($contentData['url']) {
        // Prepare the Packet
        $packet = array("uni_id" => Me::$id, "url_slug" => $contentData['url_slug'], "type" => "boost");
        if (isset($_POST['voteType'])) {
            $packet["voteType"] = (int) $_POST['voteType'];
        $articleSite = Database::selectValue("SELECT site_handle FROM network_data WHERE site_url=?", array($contentData['url']));
        // Run the API
        $response = API_Connect::to($articleSite, "TrackerAPI", $packet);
        echo json_encode($response);
    // Run the Content Track Handler
    $contentTrack = new ContentTrack($contentID, Me::$id);
    switch ($_POST['type']) {
        case "boost":
        case "nooch":
            $success = false;
            $noochCount = 0;
            if ($authorID != Me::$id) {
                // Check if the user has already triple nooched
                $noochCount = Database::selectValue("SELECT nooch FROM content_tracking_users WHERE uni_id=? AND content_id=? LIMIT 1", array(Me::$id, $contentID));
Esempio n. 7
                if (isset($_POST['send_email'])) {
                    // Email a verification letter
                    Alert::success("Email Sent", "The account was created successfully! A verification email has been sent to " . $_POST['email'] . "!");
                } else {
                    Alert::success("User Added", "The account was created successfully!");
        // Create the account
        if ($uniID) {
            $pass = Database::query("INSERT INTO users_handles (handle, uni_id) VALUES (?, ?)", array($_POST['handle'], $uniID));
            if (Database::endTransaction($pass)) {
                // Create the ProfilePic for this Account
                $packet = array("uni_id" => $uniID, "title" => $_POST['display_name']);
                $response = API_Connect::to("profile_picture", "SetDefaultPic", $packet);
                // Reset Values
                $_POST['handle'] = "";
                $_POST['display_name'] = "";
                $_POST['email'] = "";
                $_POST['password'] = "";
        } else {
            Alert::error("Process Error", "An error has occurred while processing this registration.", 1);
} else {
    $_POST['email'] = isset($_POST['email']) ? Sanitize::email($_POST['email']) : "";
    $_POST['password'] = isset($_POST['password']) ? Sanitize::safeword($_POST['password']) : "";
    $_POST['handle'] = isset($_POST['handle']) ? Sanitize::variable($_POST['handle']) : "";