/** * clear static cache with prefix, don't use except in clear-cache-watcher * * @internal */ public static function clear($cacheIdPrefix) { if (extension_loaded('apc')) { if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli') { Kwf_Util_Apc::callClearCacheByCli(array('clearCacheSimpleStatic' => $cacheIdPrefix)); } else { if (!class_exists('APCIterator')) { throw new Kwf_Exception_NotYetImplemented("We don't want to clear the whole"); } else { static $prefix; if (!isset($prefix)) { $prefix = Kwf_Cache_Simple::getUniquePrefix() . '-'; } $it = new APCIterator('user', '#^' . preg_quote($prefix . $cacheIdPrefix) . '#', APC_ITER_NONE); if ($it->getTotalCount() && !$it->current()) { //APCIterator is borked, delete everything //see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=59938 if (extension_loaded('apcu')) { apc_clear_cache(); } else { apc_clear_cache('user'); } } else { //APCIterator seems to work, use it for deletion apc_delete($it); } } } } else { //don't use $cacheIdPrefix as filenames are base64 encoded foreach (glob('cache/simple/*') as $f) { unlink($f); } } }
public function index() { if (!CheckAcl::can('viewStats')) { return Error::set('You are not allowed to view stats!'); } $info = new APCIterator('user'); $redis = new redisInfo(ConnectionFactory::get('redis')); $redisInfo = $redis->info(); $this->view['apcNoKeys'] = $info->getTotalCount(); $this->view['apcSize'] = $info->getTotalSize(); $this->view['redisVersion'] = $redisInfo['redis_version']; $this->view['redisSIP'] = $redisInfo['bgsave_in_progress']; $this->view['redisNoChans'] = $redisInfo['pubsub_channels']; $this->view['redisMem'] = $redisInfo['used_memory']; $this->view['redisLastSave'] = $redisInfo['last_save_time']; $this->view['valid'] = true; }
/** * List of caches * * @return void */ public function indexAction() { $type = $this->params('type'); $cacheList = array('stat' => _a('File status cache'), 'apc' => _a('APC file cache'), 'file' => _a('System cache files'), 'persist' => _a('System persistent data'), 'module' => _a('Module cache'), 'comment' => _a('Comment cache')); if (!function_exists('apc_clear_cache')) { unset($cacheList['apc']); } elseif (class_exists('\\APCIterator')) { $apcIterator = new \APCIterator('file'); $size = $apcIterator->getTotalSize(); foreach (array('', 'K', 'M', 'G') as $i => $k) { if ($size < 1024) { break; } $size /= 1024; } $totalSize = sprintf("%5.1f %s", $size, $k); $totalCount = $apcIterator->getTotalCount(); $cacheList['apc'] .= ' (' . $totalCount . '-' . $totalSize . ')'; } $cacheStorageClass = get_class(Pi::service('cache')->storage()); $cacheStorageName = substr($cacheStorageClass, strrpos($cacheStorageClass, '\\') + 1); $cacheList['application'] = sprintf(_a('Application cache [%s]'), $cacheStorageName); $frontConfig = Pi::config()->load('application.front.php'); if (!empty($frontConfig['resource']['cache'])) { if (!empty($frontConfig['resource']['cache']['storage'])) { $cacheStorage = Pi::service('cache')->loadStorage($frontConfig['resource']['cache']['storage']); } else { $cacheStorage = Pi::service('cache')->storage(); } $cacheStorageClass = get_class($cacheStorage); $cacheStorageName = substr($cacheStorageClass, strrpos($cacheStorageClass, '\\') + 1); $page['title'] = sprintf(_a('Page cache [%s]'), $cacheStorageName); $modules = Pi::service('module')->meta(); $page['modules'] = array_keys($modules); $this->view()->assign('page', $page); } $registryList = Pi::service('registry')->getList(); sort($registryList); $this->view()->assign('type', $type); $this->view()->assign('list', $cacheList); $this->view()->assign('registry', $registryList); $this->view()->assign('title', _a('Cache list')); //$this->view()->setTemplate('cache-list'); }
public static function iterate() { header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8'); $requiredSpazi = 1024 * 1024 * 128; //128MB //$requiredSpazi = 1024*1024*300; $mem = apc_sma_info(true); $memSize = $mem['num_seg'] * $mem['seg_size']; $memAvailable = $mem['avail_mem']; if ($memAvailable > $requiredSpazi) { die; } $start = microtime(true); Kwf_Util_MemoryLimit::set(256); ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); set_time_limit(90); echo "size: " . round($memSize / (1024 * 1024)) . " MB\n"; echo "avail: " . round($memAvailable / (1024 * 1024)) . " MB\n"; echo "\nduration: " . round(microtime(true) - $start, 3) . " s\n"; $accessTime = array(); $it = new APCIterator('user', '#^[^-]+\\-[^-]+\\-(\\-cc|procI|url)-#', APC_ITER_KEY | APC_ITER_MEM_SIZE | APC_ITER_ATIME); echo "total count: " . $it->getTotalCount() . "\n"; echo "total hits: " . $it->getTotalHits() . "\n"; echo "total size: " . round($it->getTotalSize() / (1024 * 1024)) . " MB\n"; echo "\nduration: " . round(microtime(true) - $start, 3) . " s\n"; $webs = array(); foreach ($it as $i) { preg_match('#^([^-]+)\\-([^-]+)\\-+([a-zA-Z0-9]+)#', $i['key'], $m); $key = $m[1] . '-' . $m[2]; if (!isset($webs[$key])) { $webs[$key] = 0; } $webs[$key] += $i['mem_size']; $accessTime[] = time() - $i['access_time']; } echo "min lastAccess: " . min($accessTime) . "\n"; echo "max lastAccess: " . max($accessTime) . "\n"; echo "avg lastAccess: " . round(array_sum($accessTime) / count($accessTime)) . "\n"; echo "\nduration: " . round(microtime(true) - $start, 3) . " s\n"; unset($accessTime); echo "\n"; arsort($webs); foreach ($webs as $web => $items) { echo "{$web}: " . round($items / $it->getTotalSize() * 100) . "%\n"; } reset($webs); $web = key($webs); unset($it); unset($webs); echo "\nduration: " . round(microtime(true) - $start, 3) . " s\n"; $it = new APCIterator('user', '#^' . preg_quote($web) . '\\-(\\-cc|procI|url)-#', APC_ITER_KEY | APC_ITER_MEM_SIZE | APC_ITER_ATIME); echo "\n{$web}\n"; echo "total count: " . $it->getTotalCount() . "\n"; echo "total hits: " . $it->getTotalHits() . "\n"; echo "total size: " . round($it->getTotalSize() / (1024 * 1024)) . " MB\n"; echo "\nduration: " . round(microtime(true) - $start, 3) . " s\n"; $accessTime = array(); $size = array(); foreach ($it as $i) { $t = time() - $i['access_time']; $accessTime[$i['key']] = $t; $size[$i['key']] = $i['mem_size']; } unset($it); echo "min lastAccess: " . min($accessTime) . "\n"; echo "max lastAccess: " . max($accessTime) . "\n"; echo "avg lastAccess: " . round(array_sum($accessTime) / count($accessTime)) . "\n"; echo "\nduration: " . round(microtime(true) - $start, 3) . " s\n"; flush(); arsort($accessTime); $deletedBytes = 0; $deletedCount = 0; foreach ($accessTime as $key => $t) { $deletedBytes += $size[$key]; $memAvailable += $size[$key]; //echo "delete $key (".round($deletedBytes/(1024*1024))."MB)\n"; //flush(); apc_delete($key); $deletedCount++; if ($memAvailable > $requiredSpazi + 1024 * 1024 * 2) { break; } } echo "deleted {$deletedCount} entries\n"; echo "deleted " . round($deletedBytes / 1024) . " KB\n"; echo "\nduration: " . round(microtime(true) - $start, 3) . " s\n"; exit; }
echo "<pre>"; echo "<pre>"; //Example #1 apc_inc() example echo "Let's do something with success", PHP_EOL; apc_store('anumber', 42); echo apc_fetch('anumber'), PHP_EOL; echo apc_inc('anumber'), PHP_EOL; echo apc_inc('anumber', 10), PHP_EOL; echo apc_inc('anumber', 10, $success), PHP_EOL; var_dump($success); echo "Now, let's fail", PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL; apc_store('astring', 'foo'); $ret = apc_inc('astring', 1, $fail); var_dump($ret); var_dump($fail); ?> <?php echo "I am here <br/><br/>"; $oApcIt = new APCIterator('user', '/^[a-z]/'); echo "This total APC in mem: [" . $oApcIt->getTotalCount() . "]<br/><br/>"; echo "This total APC hits: [" . $oApcIt->getTotalHits() . "]<br/><br/>"; echo "This total size APC: [" . $oApcIt->getTotalSize() . "]<br/><br/>"; echo "WHILE "; print_r($oApcIt); echo "<br/>"; foreach ($oApcIt as $counter) { // print_r($counter) . PHP_EOL; echo "{$counter['key']}: {$counter['value']}<br/>"; //apc_dec($counter['key'], $counter['value']) . "<br/>"; }