Esempio n. 1
  * @param $_project_id
 protected function _tryToCloseProject($_project_id)
     $project_totals = array();
     $project_totals['project_segments'] = $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->get(RedisKeys::PROJECT_TOT_SEGMENTS . $_project_id);
     $project_totals['num_analyzed'] = $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->get(RedisKeys::PROJECT_NUM_SEGMENTS_DONE . $_project_id);
     $project_totals['eq_wc'] = $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->get(RedisKeys::PROJ_EQ_WORD_COUNT . $_project_id) / 1000;
     $project_totals['st_wc'] = $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->get(RedisKeys::PROJ_ST_WORD_COUNT . $_project_id) / 1000;
     $this->_doLog("--- (Worker {$this->_workerPid}) : count segments in project {$_project_id} = " . $project_totals['project_segments'] . "");
     $this->_doLog("--- (Worker {$this->_workerPid}) : Analyzed segments in project {$_project_id} = " . $project_totals['num_analyzed'] . "");
     if (empty($project_totals['project_segments'])) {
         $this->_doLog("--- (Worker {$this->_workerPid}) : WARNING !!! error while counting segments in projects {$_project_id} skipping and continue ");
     if ($project_totals['project_segments'] - $project_totals['num_analyzed'] == 0 && $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->setnx(RedisKeys::PROJECT_ENDING_SEMAPHORE . $_project_id, 1)) {
         $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->expire(RedisKeys::PROJECT_ENDING_SEMAPHORE . $_project_id, 60 * 60 * 24);
         $_analyzed_report = getProjectSegmentsTranslationSummary($_project_id);
         $total_segs = array_pop($_analyzed_report);
         //remove Rollup
         $this->_doLog("--- (Worker {$this->_workerPid}) : analysis project {$_project_id} finished : change status to DONE");
         changeProjectStatus($_project_id, \Constants_ProjectStatus::STATUS_DONE);
         changeTmWc($_project_id, $project_totals['eq_wc'], $project_totals['st_wc']);
          * Remove this job from the project list
         $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->lrem($this->_mySubscribedQueue->redis_key, 0, $_project_id);
         $this->_doLog("--- (Worker {$this->_workerPid}) : trying to initialize job total word count.");
         foreach ($_analyzed_report as $job_info) {
             $counter = new \WordCount_Counter();
             $counter->initializeJobWordCount($job_info['id_job'], $job_info['password']);
Esempio n. 2
  * @param $pid
  * @return int
 protected function _myProcessExists($pid)
     return $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->sismember($this->_executionContext->pid_set_name, $pid);
Esempio n. 3
  * Process deletion/killing
  * <ul>
  *     <li>Kill a specific Process ID from a specific Queue when $pid and $queueInfo are passed</li>
  *     <li>Kill a specific Process ID un unknown Queue when only $pid is passed</li>
  *     <li>Kill a certain number of processes from a queue when $num and $queueInfo are passed</li>
  *     <li>Kill all processes from a queue when only the $queueInfo is passed</li>
  *     <li>Kill a number of elements equally from all queues when only $num is passed</li>
  *     <li>Kill ALL processes when no parameters are sent</li>
  * </ul>
  * @param Context $queueInfo
  * @param int       $pid
  * @param int       $num
 protected function _killPids(Context $queueInfo = null, $pid = 0, $num = 0)
     self::_TimeStampMsg("Request to kill some processes.");
     self::_TimeStampMsg("Pid List: " . @var_export($queueInfo->pid_set_name, true));
     self::_TimeStampMsg("Pid:      " . @var_export($pid, true));
     self::_TimeStampMsg("Num:      " . @var_export($num, true));
     $numDeleted = 0;
     if (!empty($pid) && !empty($queueInfo)) {
         self::_TimeStampMsg("Killing pid {$pid} from " . $queueInfo->pid_set_name);
         $numDeleted += $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->srem($queueInfo->pid_set_name, $pid);
         posix_kill($pid, SIGINT);
         $queueInfo->pid_list_len = $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->decr($queueInfo->queue_name);
     } elseif (!empty($pid) && empty($queueInfo)) {
         self::_TimeStampMsg("Killing pid {$pid} from a not defined queue. Seek and destroy.");
          * @var $queue Context
         foreach ($this->_queueContextList->list as $queue) {
             $deleted = $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->srem($queue->pid_set_name, $pid);
             if ($deleted) {
                 posix_kill($pid, SIGINT);
                 $queue->pid_list_len = $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->decr($queue->queue_name);
                 self::_TimeStampMsg("Found. Killed pid {$pid} from queue {$queue->queue_name}.");
             $numDeleted += $deleted;
     } elseif (!empty($num) && !empty($queueInfo)) {
         self::_TimeStampMsg("Killing {$num} pid from " . $queueInfo->pid_set_name);
         $queueBefore = $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->scard($queueInfo->pid_set_name);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
             $pid = $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->spop($queueInfo->pid_set_name);
             posix_kill($pid, SIGINT);
             $queueInfo->pid_list_len = $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->decr($queueInfo->queue_name);
         $queueAfter = $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->scard($queueInfo->pid_set_name);
         $numDeleted = $queueBefore - $queueAfter;
     } elseif (!empty($queueInfo)) {
         self::_TimeStampMsg("Killing all processes from " . $queueInfo->pid_set_name);
         $numDeleted = $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->scard($queueInfo->pid_set_name);
         $pid_list = $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->smembers($queueInfo->pid_set_name);
         foreach ($pid_list as $pid) {
             posix_kill($pid, SIGINT);
         $queueInfo->pid_list_len = 0;
     } elseif (!empty($num)) {
         self::_TimeStampMsg("Killing {$num} processes balancing all queues.");
         while (true) {
             // if all queues are empty or they have less elements than requested $num
             //we do not want an infinite loop
             //so, at least one deletion per cycle
             $deleted = false;
             foreach ($this->_queueContextList->list as $queue) {
                 //Exit, we reached the right number, exit the while loop
                 if ($numDeleted >= $num) {
                     break 2;
                     //exit the while loop
                 $_deleted = false;
                 if ($queue->max_executors < $queue->pid_list_len) {
                     //ok, queue can be reduced because it's upper limit exceed the max queue consumers
                     $_deleted = $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->spop($queue->pid_set_name);
                     if ($_deleted) {
                         $queue->pid_list_len = $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->decr($queue->queue_name);
                         posix_kill($_deleted, SIGINT);
                 //we do not want an infinite loop
                 //so, at least one deletion per cycle
                 $deleted = $_deleted || $deleted;
                 $numDeleted += (int) (bool) $_deleted;
             //no more processes to kill!! Avoid infinite loop
             if (!$deleted) {
     } elseif (empty($queueInfo) && empty($pid) && empty($num)) {
         self::_TimeStampMsg("Killing ALL processes.");
         foreach ($this->_queueContextList->list as $queue) {
             $numDeleted += $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->scard($queue->pid_set_name);
             $pid_list = $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->smembers($queue->pid_set_name);
             foreach ($pid_list as $pid) {
                 posix_kill($pid, SIGINT);
             $this->_queueHandler->getRedisClient()->set($queue->queue_name, 0);
             $queue->pid_list_len = 0;
     } else {
         self::_TimeStampMsg("Parameters not valid. Killing *** NONE ***");
     $this->_runningPids -= $numDeleted;
     self::_TimeStampMsg("Deleted {$numDeleted} processes.");