public function __construct() { $this->object = 'dir'; $this->subtype = 'content'; $this->method = 'direct'; $this->filter_name = 'PlatformSkipfiles'; if (AEFactory::getKettenrad()->getTag() == 'restorepoint') { $this->enabled = false; } // We take advantage of the filter class magic to inject our custom filters $configuration = AEFactory::getConfiguration(); $jreg = JFactory::getConfig(); if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) { $tmpdir = $jreg->get('tmp_path'); } else { $tmpdir = $jreg->getValue('config.tmp_path'); } // Get the site's root if ($configuration->get('akeeba.platform.override_root', 0)) { $root = $configuration->get('akeeba.platform.newroot', '[SITEROOT]'); } else { $root = '[SITEROOT]'; } $this->filter_data[$root] = array(self::treatDirectory($configuration->get('akeeba.basic.output_directory')), self::treatDirectory($tmpdir), 'tmp', self::treatDirectory(JPATH_CACHE), self::treatDirectory(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/cache'), self::treatDirectory(JPATH_ROOT . '/cache'), 'cache', 'administrator/cache', self::treatDirectory(JPATH_ROOT . '/installation'), 'installation', self::treatDirectory(AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_site_root() . '/cache'), self::treatDirectory(AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_site_root() . '/administrator/cache'), 'administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup', self::treatDirectory(AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_site_root() . '/components/libraries/cmslib/cache'), 'components/libraries/cmslib/cache', 'logs'); parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { $this->object = 'dir'; $this->subtype = 'inclusion'; $this->method = 'direct'; // FIXME This filter doesn't work very well on many live hosts. Disabled for now. parent::__construct(); return; if (empty($this->filter_name)) { $this->filter_name = strtolower(basename(__FILE__, '.php')); } // Get the saved library path and compare it to the default $jlibdir = AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_platform_configuration_option('jlibrariesdir', ''); if (empty($jlibdir)) { if (defined('JPATH_LIBRARIES')) { $jlibdir = JPATH_LIBRARIES; } elseif (defined('JPATH_PLATFORM')) { $jlibdir = JPATH_PLATFORM; } else { $jlibdir = false; } } if ($jlibdir !== false) { $jlibdir = AEUtilFilesystem::TranslateWinPath($jlibdir); $defaultLibraries = AEUtilFilesystem::TranslateWinPath(JPATH_SITE . '/libraries'); if ($defaultLibraries != $jlibdir) { // The path differs, add it here $this->filter_data['JPATH_LIBRARIES'] = $jlibdir; } } else { $this->filter_data = array(); } parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // This is a directory inclusion filter. $this->object = 'db'; $this->subtype = 'inclusion'; $this->method = 'direct'; $this->filter_name = 'PlatformSitedb'; // Add a new record for the core Joomla! database // Get core database options $options = AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_platform_database_options(); $host = $options['host']; $port = NULL; $socket = NULL; $targetSlot = substr(strstr($host, ":"), 1); if (!empty($targetSlot)) { // Get the port number or socket name if (is_numeric($targetSlot)) { $port = $targetSlot; } else { $socket = $targetSlot; } // Extract the host name only $host = substr($host, 0, strlen($host) - (strlen($targetSlot) + 1)); // This will take care of the following notation: ":3306" if ($host == '') { $host = 'localhost'; } } // This is the format of the database inclusion filters $entry = array('host' => $host, 'port' => is_null($socket) ? is_null($port) ? '' : $port : $socket, 'username' => $options['user'], 'password' => $options['password'], 'database' => $options['database'], 'prefix' => $options['prefix'], 'dumpFile' => 'joomla.sql', 'driver' => AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_default_database_driver(true)); // We take advantage of the filter class magic to inject our custom filters $configuration =& AEFactory::getConfiguration(); $this->filter_data['[SITEDB]'] = $entry; parent::__construct(); }
function __construct() { $this->object = 'dir'; $this->subtype = 'content'; $this->method = 'direct'; if(empty($this->filter_name)) $this->filter_name = strtolower(basename(__FILE__,'.php')); parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { $this->object = 'dir'; $this->subtype = 'all'; $this->method = 'direct'; $this->filter_name = 'PlatformFolders'; // We take advantage of the filter class magic to inject our custom filters $this->filter_data['[SITEROOT]'] = array('awstats', 'cgi-bin'); parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { $this->object = 'dbobject'; $this->subtype = 'content'; $this->method = 'direct'; $this->filter_name = 'PlatformTabledata'; // We take advantage of the filter class magic to inject our custom filters $this->filter_data['[SITEDB]'] = array('#__session', '#__guardxt_runs'); parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { $this->object = 'file'; $this->subtype = 'all'; $this->method = 'direct'; $this->filter_name = 'PlatformFiles'; // We take advantage of the filter class magic to inject our custom filters $this->filter_data['[SITEROOT]'] = array('kickstart.php', 'error_log', 'administrator/error_log'); parent::__construct(); }
function __construct() { $this->object = 'dbobject'; $this->subtype = 'all'; $this->method = 'direct'; if(AEFactory::getKettenrad()->getTag() == 'restorepoint') $this->enabled = false; if(empty($this->filter_name)) $this->filter_name = strtolower(basename(__FILE__,'.php')); parent::__construct(); }
function __construct() { $this->object = 'file'; $this->subtype = 'all'; $this->method = 'regex'; if (empty($this->filter_name)) { $this->filter_name = strtolower(basename(__FILE__, '.php')); } parent::__construct(); $this->filter_data['[SITEROOT]'] = array('#/Thumbs.db$#', '#^Thumbs.db$#', '#/.DS_Store$#i', '#^.DS_Store$#i'); }
public function __construct() { $this->object = 'dbobject'; $this->subtype = 'content'; $this->method = 'direct'; $this->filter_name = 'PlatformTabledata'; // We take advantage of the filter class magic to inject our custom filters $this->filter_data['[SITEDB]'] = array('#__session', '#__guardxt_runs'); if (AEFactory::getKettenrad()->getTag() == 'restorepoint') { $this->enabled = false; } parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { $this->object = 'components'; $this->subtype = 'all'; $this->method = 'direct'; if (empty($this->filter_name)) { $this->filter_name = strtolower(basename(__FILE__, '.php')); } if (AEFactory::getKettenrad()->getTag() == 'restorepoint') { $this->enabled = false; } $this->joomla16 = !@file_exists(JPATH_SITE . '/includes/joomla.php'); parent::__construct(); }
public function hasFilters() { // Reset the filters $this->filter_data = array(); // Add filters for modules $admin = substr(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, strlen(JPATH_SITE) + 1); $filterObjects = array(array('modules', 'frontend', 'modules'), array('modules', 'backend', $admin . '/modules')); foreach ($filterObjects as $filterObject) { $this->createFilterEntry($filterObject[0], $filterObject[1], $filterObject[2]); } // Plugins are a special case. They're stored in the front end, but // there are subdirectories based on type. Extensions can define custom types, // therefore there is no predetermined set of directories. We have to scan for it. $this->createPluginFilters(); return parent::hasFilters(); }
public function __construct() { // This is a directory inclusion filter. $this->object = 'dir'; $this->subtype = 'inclusion'; $this->method = 'direct'; $this->filter_name = 'PlatformSiteroot'; // Directory inclusion format: // array(real_directory, add_path) $add_path = null; // A null add_path means that we dump this dir's contents in the archive's root // We take advantage of the filter class magic to inject our custom filters $configuration =& AEFactory::getConfiguration(); $this->filter_data[] = array('[SITEROOT]', $add_path); parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { $this->object = 'dir'; $this->subtype = 'children'; $this->method = 'direct'; $this->filter_name = 'PlatformSkipdirs'; // We take advantage of the filter class magic to inject our custom filters $configuration = AEFactory::getConfiguration(); if (defined('AKEEBACLI')) { $tmpdir = AEUtilJconfig::getValue('tmp_path'); } else { $jreg = JFactory::getConfig(); $tmpdir = $jreg->getValue('config.tmp_path'); } $this->filter_data['[SITEROOT]'] = array(self::treatDirectory($configuration->get('akeeba.basic.output_directory')), self::treatDirectory($tmpdir), self::treatDirectory(JPATH_CACHE), self::treatDirectory(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/cache'), self::treatDirectory(JPATH_ROOT . '/cache'), self::treatDirectory(JPATH_ROOT . '/installation'), self::treatDirectory(AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_site_root() . '/cache'), self::treatDirectory(AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_site_root() . '/administrator/cache'), 'administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup', self::treatDirectory(AEPlatform::getInstance()->get_site_root() . '/components/libraries/cmslib/cache'), 'logs'); parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { $this->object = 'dir'; $this->subtype = 'all'; $this->method = 'direct'; $this->filter_name = 'PlatformFolders'; // Get the site's root $configuration = AEFactory::getConfiguration(); if ($configuration->get('akeeba.platform.override_root', 0)) { $root = $configuration->get('akeeba.platform.newroot', '[SITEROOT]'); } else { $root = '[SITEROOT]'; } // We take advantage of the filter class magic to inject our custom filters $this->filter_data[$root] = array('awstats', 'cgi-bin'); parent::__construct(); }
function __construct() { $this->object = 'file'; $this->subtype = 'all'; $this->method = 'regex'; if (empty($this->filter_name)) { $this->filter_name = strtolower(basename(__FILE__, '.php')); } parent::__construct(); // Get the site's root $configuration = AEFactory::getConfiguration(); if ($configuration->get('akeeba.platform.override_root', 0)) { $root = $configuration->get('akeeba.platform.newroot', '[SITEROOT]'); } else { $root = '[SITEROOT]'; } $this->filter_data[$root] = array('#/Thumbs.db$#', '#^Thumbs.db$#', '#/.DS_Store$#i', '#^.DS_Store$#i'); }
public function __construct() { $this->object = 'dir'; $this->subtype = 'children'; $this->method = 'direct'; $this->filter_name = 'PlatformSkipdirs'; // We take advantage of the filter class magic to inject our custom filters $configuration =& AEFactory::getConfiguration(); if(defined('AKEEBACLI')) { $tmpdir = AEUtilJconfig::getValue('tmp_path'); } else { $jreg =& JFactory::getConfig(); $tmpdir = $jreg->getValue('config.tmp_path'); } $this->filter_data['[SITEROOT]'] = array ( // Output & temp directory of the component self::treatDirectory($configuration->get('akeeba.basic.output_directory')), self::treatDirectory($configuration->get('akeeba.basic.temporary_directory')), // Joomla! temporary directory self::treatDirectory($tmpdir), // Joomla! front- and back-end cache, as reported by Joomla! self::treatDirectory(JPATH_CACHE), self::treatDirectory(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'cache'), self::treatDirectory(JPATH_ROOT.DS.'cache'), // This is not needed except on sites running SVN or beta releases self::treatDirectory(JPATH_ROOT.DS.'installation'), // Joomla! front- and back-end cache, as calculated by us (redundancy, for funky server setups) self::treatDirectory( AEPlatform::get_site_root().DS.'cache' ), self::treatDirectory( AEPlatform::get_site_root().DS.'administrator'.DS.'cache'), 'administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup', // MyBlog's cache self::treatDirectory( AEPlatform::get_site_root().DS.'components'.DS.'libraries'.DS.'cmslib'.DS.'cache' ), // The logs directory 'logs' ); parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { $this->object = 'file'; $this->subtype = 'all'; $this->method = 'direct'; $this->filter_name = 'PlatformFiles'; if (AEFactory::getKettenrad()->getTag() == 'restorepoint') { $this->enabled = false; } // Get the site's root $configuration = AEFactory::getConfiguration(); if ($configuration->get('akeeba.platform.override_root', 0)) { $root = $configuration->get('akeeba.platform.newroot', '[SITEROOT]'); } else { $root = '[SITEROOT]'; } // We take advantage of the filter class magic to inject our custom filters $this->filter_data[$root] = array('kickstart.php', 'error_log', 'administrator/error_log'); parent::__construct(); }