Esempio n. 1
	private function __construct() {
		$connectionSettings = ConfigHandler::LoadConfigFile("db");

		switch ($connectionSettings['type']) {
			case 'cassandra':
				require_once(ROOT_PDIR . 'core/libs/phpcassa-0.7.a.4/connection.php');
				require_once(ROOT_PDIR . 'core/libs/core/ADODB_cassandra.class.php');
				$this->connection = new ADODB_cassandra();
				$this->connection->connect($connectionSettings['server'], null, null, $connectionSettings['name']);
				//var_dump($this->connection); die();
				$dsn              = "{$connectionSettings['type']}://"
					. "{$connectionSettings['user']}:{$connectionSettings['pass']}"
					. "@{$connectionSettings['server']}"
					. "/{$connectionSettings['name']}"
					. "?persist&fetchmode=ASSOC";
				$this->connection =& ADONewConnection($dsn);


		// No go?
		if (!$this->connection) return;

		// Caching?
		// @todo Make this a config option.
		//$this->connection->memCache = true;
		//$this->connection->memCacheHost = 'localhost';
		//$this->connection->memCacheCompress = false;
Esempio n. 2
  * Override the default `doquote` method to better sanitize numeric values.
  * @param ADOConnection $db
  * @param mixed $value
  * @param string $type
  * @return mixed
 public function doquote(&$db, $value, $type)
     switch ($type) {
         case 'L':
         case 'I':
         case 'I1':
         case 'I2':
         case 'I4':
         case 'I8':
         case 'F':
         case 'N':
             if (!is_numeric($value)) {
                 if (is_null($value)) {
                     return null;
                 if ($value === true) {
                     return 1;
                 if ($value === false) {
                     return 0;
                 $db->outp_throw('Numeric field type "' . $type . '" requires numeric value.', 'DOQUOTE');
                 return 0;
             return parent::doquote($db, $value, $type);
Esempio n. 3
  * Constructor
  * @param ADOConnection $db An instance of ADOConnection.
  * @throws XML_Query2XML_DBException If the ADOConnection instance passed as
  *                          argument was not connected to the database server.
 public function __construct(ADOConnection $db)
     if (!$db->IsConnected()) {
         throw new XML_Query2XML_DBException('ADOConnection instance was not connected');
     $this->_db = $db;
Esempio n. 4
 function __construct($type, $host, $user, $pass, $db, $debug)
     $this->_adoConnection = NewADOConnection($type);
     $this->_adoConnection->debug = $debug;
     $status = $this->_adoConnection->Connect($host, $user, $pass, $db);
     if (!$status) {
         throw new Exception("Không kết nối được CSDL");
Esempio n. 5
 function DropColumnSQL($tabname, $flds)
     if ($this->debug) {
         ADOConnection::outp("DropColumnSQL not supported");
     return array();
Esempio n. 6
 public function DropColumnSQL($tabname, $flds, $tableflds = '', $tableoptions = '')
     if ($this->debug) {
         ADOConnection::outp("DropColumnSQL not supported");
     return array();
	function BindTimeStamp($d)
		$d = ADOConnection::DBTimeStamp($d);
		if (strncmp($d,"'",1)) return $d;

		return substr($d,1,strlen($d)-2);
Esempio n. 8
 function &SelectLimit($sql, $nrows = -1, $offset = -1, $inputarr = false, $arg3 = false, $secs2cache = 0)
     if (!preg_match('/ORDER[ \\t\\r\\n]+BY/is', $sql)) {
         $sql .= ' ORDER BY 1';
     return ADOConnection::SelectLimit($sql, $nrows, $offset, $inputarr, $arg3, $secs2cache);
Esempio n. 9
  *   Sends the sql to the database and returns the results.
  *   @internal Switches between ADOConnection::Execute() and
  *    ADOConnection::SelectLimit() depending on the $query parameter's
  *    $solutionModifier "limit" and "offset" settings.
  *   Uses $query variable.
  *   @param array $arSql     Array that gets a SQL query string once imploded
  *   @return mixed           Anything ADOConnection::Execute() may return
  *   @throws Exception       If Database query does not work
 function queryDb($arSql, $nOffset, $nLimit)
     $strSql = SparqlEngineDb_SqlMerger::getSelect($this->query, $arSql);
     if ($strSql == '()') {
         return new ADORecordSet(false);
     // I want associative arrays.
     $oldmode = $this->dbConn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC);
     if (isset($GLOBALS['debugSparql']) && $GLOBALS['debugSparql']) {
         echo 'SQL query: ' . $strSql . "\n";
     if ($nLimit === null && $nOffset == 0) {
         $ret = $this->dbConn->execute($strSql);
     } else {
         if ($nLimit === null) {
             $ret = $this->dbConn->SelectLimit($strSql, -1, $nOffset);
         } else {
             $ret = $this->dbConn->SelectLimit($strSql, $nLimit, $nOffset);
     //... but others maybe not
     if (!$ret) {
         //Error occured
         throw new Exception('ADOdb error: ' . $this->dbConn->ErrorMsg() . "\n" . $strSql);
     return $ret;
Esempio n. 10
	public function PrepareSP($sql)
		if (!$this->_has_mssql_init) {
			ADOConnection::outp( "PrepareSP: mssql_init only available since PHP 4.1.0");
			return $sql;
		if (is_string($sql)) $sql = str_replace('||','+',$sql);
		$stmt = mssql_init($sql,$this->_connectionID);
		if (!$stmt)  return $sql;
		return array($sql,$stmt);
Esempio n. 11
  * Fonction static permettant d'obtenir la séquence suivante
  * @name DbSequence::next()
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @param ADOConnection $conn Connexion valide à une base de données
  * @param string $table Table sur laquelle on doit obtenir la sequence suivante
  * @param string $column Nom de la colonne Primary Key de type numerique
  * @return int Numero de séquence suivante
 public static function next(ADOConnection $conn, $table, $column)
     try {
         $sql = "SELECT {$column} FROM {$table} ORDER BY 1 DESC";
         $rs = $conn->SelectLimit($sql, 1);
         // Si il n'y a aucun enregistrement : insertion du premier
         if ($rs->RecordCount() == 0) {
             $id = 1;
         } else {
             while (!$rs->EOF) {
                 $id = $rs->fields[0];
     } catch (exception $e) {
         return null;
     return $id;
Esempio n. 12
  * Remove right
  * @param array $params
  * @return void
 public function removeRight(array $params)
     $rightId = (int) $params['right_id'];
     // get permission
     $sql = 'SELECT right_define_name
             FROM ' . self::RIGHTS . "\n                WHERE right_id = {$rightId}";
     $permission = $this->db->GetOne($sql);
     // remove acl rules
     try {
         list($resource, ) = PermissionToAcl::translate($permission);
     } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
     $sql = 'DELETE
             FROM ' . self::RULES . "\n                WHERE resource = '{$resource}'";
     // remove right
     $sql = 'DELETE
             FROM ' . self::RIGHTS . "\n                WHERE right_id = {$rightId}";
 function MetaTables($ttype = false, $showSchema = false, $mask = false)
     if ($mask) {
         $save = $this->metaTablesSQL;
         $mask = $this->qstr(strtoupper($mask));
         $this->metaTablesSQL .= " AND table_name like {$mask}";
     $ret = ADOConnection::MetaTables($ttype, $showSchema);
     if ($mask) {
         $this->metaTablesSQL = $save;
     return $ret;
Esempio n. 14
 function &MetaTables($ttype = false, $showSchema = false, $mask = false)
     if ($mask) {
         $save = $this->metaTablesSQL;
         $mask = $this->qstr($mask);
         $this->metaTablesSQL .= " like {$mask}";
     $ret =& ADOConnection::MetaTables($ttype, $showSchema);
     if ($mask) {
         $this->metaTablesSQL = $save;
     return $ret;
 function MetaTables($ttype = false, $showSchema = false, $mask = false)
     $save = $this->metaTablesSQL;
     if ($showSchema && is_string($showSchema)) {
         $this->metaTablesSQL .= " from {$showSchema}";
     if ($mask) {
         $mask = $this->qstr($mask);
         $this->metaTablesSQL .= " like {$mask}";
     $ret = ADOConnection::MetaTables($ttype, $showSchema);
     $this->metaTablesSQL = $save;
     return $ret;
	function ServerInfo()
		$arr['dialect'] = $this->dialect;
		switch($arr['dialect']) {
		case '':
		case '1': $s = 'Firebird Dialect 1'; break;
		case '2': $s = 'Firebird Dialect 2'; break;
		case '3': $s = 'Firebird Dialect 3'; break;
		$arr['version'] = ADOConnection::_findvers($s);
		$arr['description'] = $s;
		return $arr;
Esempio n. 17
 function MetaTables($ttype = false, $showSchema = false, $mask = false)
     $save = $this->metaTablesSQL;
     if ($showSchema && is_string($showSchema)) {
         $this->metaTablesSQL .= $this->qstr($showSchema);
     } else {
         $this->metaTablesSQL .= "schema()";
     if ($mask) {
         $mask = $this->qstr($mask);
         $this->metaTablesSQL .= " AND table_name LIKE {$mask}";
     $ret = ADOConnection::MetaTables($ttype, $showSchema);
     $this->metaTablesSQL = $save;
     return $ret;
Esempio n. 18
 function ErrorNo()
     if ($this->_haserrorfunctions) {
         if (empty($this->_connectionID)) {
             $e = @odbc_error();
         } else {
             $e = @odbc_error($this->_connectionID);
         // bug in 4.0.6, error number can be corrupted string (should be 6 digits)
         // so we check and patch
         if (strlen($e) <= 2) {
             return 0;
         return $e;
     } else {
         return ADOConnection::ErrorNo();
 function _connect($host, $username, $password, $ldapbase)
     if (!function_exists('ldap_connect')) {
         return null;
     if (strpos($host, 'ldap://') === 0 || strpos($host, 'ldaps://') === 0) {
         $this->_connectionID = @ldap_connect($host);
     } else {
         $conn_info = array($host, $this->port);
         if (strstr($host, ':')) {
             $conn_info = explode(':', $host);
         $this->_connectionID = @ldap_connect($conn_info[0], $conn_info[1]);
     if (!$this->_connectionID) {
         $e = 'Could not connect to ' . $conn_info[0];
         $this->_errorMsg = $e;
         if ($this->debug) {
         return false;
     if (count($LDAP_CONNECT_OPTIONS) > 0) {
     if ($username) {
         $bind = @ldap_bind($this->_connectionID, $username, $password);
     } else {
         $username = '******';
         $bind = @ldap_bind($this->_connectionID);
     if (!$bind) {
         $e = sprintf($this->_bind_errmsg, ldap_error($this->_connectionID));
         $this->_errorMsg = $e;
         if ($this->debug) {
         return false;
     $this->_errorMsg = '';
     $this->database = $ldapbase;
     return $this->_connectionID;
 function SelectLimit($sql, $nrows = -1, $offset = -1, $inputarr = false, $secs2cache = 0)
     // seems that oracle only supports 1 hint comment in 8i
     if (strpos($sql, '/*+') !== false) {
         $sql = str_replace('/*+ ', '/*+FIRST_ROWS ', $sql);
     } else {
         $sql = preg_replace('/^[ \\t\\n]*select/i', 'SELECT /*+FIRST_ROWS*/', $sql);
     	The following is only available from 8.1.5 because order by in inline views not 
     	available before then...
     if ($nrows > 0) {	
     	if ($offset > 0) $nrows += $offset;
     	$sql = "select * from ($sql) where rownum <= $nrows";
     	$nrows = -1;
     return ADOConnection::SelectLimit($sql, $nrows, $offset, $inputarr, $secs2cache);
Esempio n. 21
	public function _connect( $host, $username, $password, $ldapbase)
		if ( !function_exists( 'ldap_connect' ) ) return null;
		$conn_info = array( $host,$this->port);
		if ( strstr( $host, ':' ) ) {
		    $conn_info = split( ':', $host );
		$this->_connectionID = ldap_connect( $conn_info[0], $conn_info[1] );
		if (!$this->_connectionID) {
			$e = 'Could not connect to ' . $conn_info[0];
			$this->_errorMsg = $e;
			if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp($e);
			return false;
		if( count( $LDAP_CONNECT_OPTIONS ) > 0 ) {
			$this->_inject_bind_options( $LDAP_CONNECT_OPTIONS );
		if ($username) {
		    $bind = ldap_bind( $this->_connectionID, $username, $password );
		} else {
			$username = '******';
		    $bind = ldap_bind( $this->_connectionID );		
		if (!$bind) {
			$e = 'Could not bind to ' . $conn_info[0] . " as ".$username;
			$this->_errorMsg = $e;
			if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp($e);
			return false;
		$this->_errorMsg = '';
		$this->database = $ldapbase;
		return $this->_connectionID;
  * Метод получения коннекта к БД
  * @return ADOConnection
 protected final function getConnection()
     if ($this->CONNECTION != null) {
         return $this->CONNECTION;
     if (!$this->isConfigured()) {
         PsUtil::raise('Cannot get DB connection, {} is not configured.', get_called_class());
     $this->LOGGER->info('?  Connection for [{}] is requested', $this->CONNECTION_PARAMS);
     $URL = $this->CONNECTION_PARAMS->url();
     //Посмотрим, есть ли у нас нужный коннект
     if (array_key_exists($URL, $this->CONNECTIONS)) {
         $this->LOGGER->info('<  Fast returned from cache');
         return $this->CONNECTION = $this->CONNECTIONS[$URL];
     $this->LOGGER->info('+  Establishing connection {}', $this->CONNECTION_PARAMS);
     //Подключаем adodb
     $this->CONNECTION = ADONewConnection($URL);
     if (!is_object($this->CONNECTION)) {
         PsUtil::raise("Unable to connect to [{}]", $this->CONNECTION_PARAMS);
     //Зададим некоторые настройки
     $this->CONNECTION->debug = ADODB_DEBUG;
     $this->CONNECTION->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
     $this->CONNECTION->query("SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'");
     //Положим соединение в пул
     if (array_key_exists($URL, $this->CONNECTIONS)) {
         raise_error('Double trying to register db connection');
     $this->LOGGER->info('<  Established connection returned');
     return $this->CONNECTIONS[$URL] = $this->CONNECTION;
  * @see adodb_perf#optimizeTable
 function optimizeTable($table, $mode = ADODB_OPT_LOW)
     if (!is_string($table)) {
         return false;
     $conn = $this->conn;
     if (!$conn) {
         return false;
     $sql = '';
     switch ($mode) {
         case ADODB_OPT_LOW:
             $sql = $this->optimizeTableLow;
         case ADODB_OPT_HIGH:
             $sql = $this->optimizeTableHigh;
             ADOConnection::outp(sprintf("<p>%s: '%s' using of undefined mode '%s'</p>", __CLASS__, 'optimizeTable', $mode));
             return false;
     $sql = sprintf($sql, $table);
     return $conn->Execute($sql) !== false;
Esempio n. 24
 function ServerInfo()
     global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
     $this->debug = 1;
     $stmt = $this->PrepareSP('sp_server_info');
     $val = 2;
     if ($this->fetchMode === false) {
         $savem = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
     } else {
         $savem = $this->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
     $this->Parameter($stmt, $val, 'attribute_id');
     $row = $this->GetRow($stmt);
     //$row = $this->GetRow("execute sp_server_info 2");
     if ($this->fetchMode === false) {
         $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $savem;
     } else {
     $arr['description'] = $row[2];
     $arr['version'] = ADOConnection::_findvers($arr['description']);
     return $arr;
Esempio n. 25
  * @param $v is a timestamp string in YYYY-MM-DD HH-NN-SS format
  * @return date in unix timestamp format, or 0 if before TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR, or false if invalid date format
 function UnixTimeStamp($v)
     return ADOConnection::UnixTimeStamp($v);
Esempio n. 26
 function _fetch()
     $rs = $this->_queryID;
     if (!$rs or $rs->EOF) {
         $this->fields = false;
         return false;
     $this->fields = array();
     if (!$this->_tarr) {
         $tarr = array();
         $flds = array();
         for ($i = 0, $max = $this->_numOfFields; $i < $max; $i++) {
             $f = $rs->Fields($i);
             $flds[] = $f;
             $tarr[] = $f->Type;
         // bind types and flds only once
         $this->_tarr = $tarr;
         $this->_flds = $flds;
     $t = reset($this->_tarr);
     $f = reset($this->_flds);
     if ($this->hideErrors) {
         $olde = error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_CORE_ERROR);
     // sometimes $f->value be null
     for ($i = 0, $max = $this->_numOfFields; $i < $max; $i++) {
         //echo "<p>",$t,' ';var_dump($f->value); echo '</p>';
         switch ($t) {
             case 135:
                 // timestamp
                 if (!strlen((string) $f->value)) {
                     $this->fields[] = false;
                 } else {
                     if (!is_numeric($f->value)) {
                         $val = variant_date_to_timestamp($f->value);
                     } else {
                         $val = $f->value;
                     $this->fields[] = adodb_date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $val);
             case 133:
                 // A date value (yyyymmdd)
                 if ($val = $f->value) {
                     $this->fields[] = substr($val, 0, 4) . '-' . substr($val, 4, 2) . '-' . substr($val, 6, 2);
                 } else {
                     $this->fields[] = false;
             case 7:
                 // adDate
                 if (!strlen((string) $f->value)) {
                     $this->fields[] = false;
                 } else {
                     if (!is_numeric($f->value)) {
                         $val = variant_date_to_timestamp($f->value);
                     } else {
                         $val = $f->value;
                     if ($val % 86400 == 0) {
                         $this->fields[] = adodb_date('Y-m-d', $val);
                     } else {
                         $this->fields[] = adodb_date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $val);
             case 1:
                 // null
                 $this->fields[] = false;
             case 6:
                 // currency is not supported properly;
                 ADOConnection::outp('<b>' . $f->Name . ': currency type not supported by PHP</b>');
                 $this->fields[] = (double) $f->value;
                 $this->fields[] = $f->value;
         //print " $f->value $t, ";
         $f = next($this->_flds);
         $t = next($this->_tarr);
     // for
     if ($this->hideErrors) {
     // @ needed for some versions of PHP!
     if ($this->fetchMode & ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC) {
         $this->fields =& $this->GetRowAssoc(ADODB_ASSOC_CASE);
     return true;
 function &SelectLimit($sql, $nrows = -1, $offset = -1, $inputarr = false, $secs2cache = 0)
     if ($nrows > 0 && $offset <= 0) {
         $sql = preg_replace('/(^\\s*select\\s+(distinctrow|distinct)?)/i', '\\1 ' . $this->hasTop . " {$nrows} ", $sql);
         $rs =& $this->Execute($sql, $inputarr);
     } else {
         $rs =& ADOConnection::SelectLimit($sql, $nrows, $offset, $inputarr, $secs2cache);
     return $rs;
Esempio n. 28
 function ErrorNo()
     $e = $this->ErrorMsg();
     if (strlen($e)) {
         return ADOConnection::MetaError($e);
     return 0;
Esempio n. 29
 * Save a file $filename and its $contents (normally for caching) with file locking
function adodb_write_file($filename, $contents, $debug = false)
    # Bug that flock fails on Windows
    # So to simulate locking, we assume that rename is an atomic operation.
    # First we delete $filename, then we create a $tempfile write to it and
    # rename to the desired $filename. If the rename works, then we successfully
    # modified the file exclusively.
    # What a stupid need - having to simulate locking.
    # Risks:
    # 1. $tempfile name is not unique -- very very low
    # 2. unlink($filename) fails -- ok, rename will fail
    # 3. adodb reads stale file because unlink fails -- ok, $rs timeout occurs
    # 4. another process creates $filename between unlink() and rename() -- ok, rename() fails and  cache updated
    if (strncmp(PHP_OS, 'WIN', 3) === 0) {
        // skip the decimal place
        $mtime = substr(str_replace(' ', '_', microtime()), 2);
        // getmypid() actually returns 0 on Win98 - never mind!
        $tmpname = $filename . uniqid($mtime) . getmypid();
        if (!($fd = @fopen($tmpname, 'a'))) {
            return false;
        $ok = ftruncate($fd, 0);
        if (!fwrite($fd, $contents)) {
            $ok = false;
        chmod($tmpname, 0644);
        // the tricky moment
        if (!@rename($tmpname, $filename)) {
            $ok = false;
        if (!$ok) {
            if ($debug) {
                ADOConnection::outp(" Rename {$tmpname} " . ($ok ? 'ok' : 'failed'));
        return $ok;
    if (!($fd = @fopen($filename, 'a'))) {
        return false;
    if (flock($fd, LOCK_EX) && ftruncate($fd, 0)) {
        $ok = fwrite($fd, $contents);
        chmod($filename, 0644);
    } else {
        if ($debug) {
            ADOConnection::outp(" Failed acquiring lock for {$filename}<br>\n");
        $ok = false;
    return $ok;
 function Error($err, $fn)
     global $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS;
     $fn = get_class($this) . '::' . $fn;
     $this->_lasterr = $fn . ': ' . $err;
     if ($this->_dbat < 0) {
         $db = false;
     } else {
         $activedb = $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS[$this->_dbat];
         $db = $activedb->db;
     if (function_exists('adodb_throw')) {
         if (!$db) {
             adodb_throw('ADOdb_Active_Record', $fn, -1, $err, 0, 0, false);
         } else {
             adodb_throw($db->databaseType, $fn, -1, $err, 0, 0, $db);
     } else {
         if (!$db || $db->debug) {