/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { zbase()->setConsoleCommand($this); $phpCommand = env('ZBASE_PHP_COMMAND', 'php'); $packages = zbase()->packages(); if (!empty($packages)) { foreach ($packages as $packageName) { $zbase = zbase_package($packageName); if ($zbase instanceof Interfaces\TestCommandInterface) { $this->info($this->signature . '.pre - ' . $packageName); $zbase->testCommand($phpCommand, ['test.pre' => true, 'command' => $this]); } } } $commands = []; if (!empty($commands)) { foreach ($commands as $command) { if ($command instanceof \Closure) { $command(); } } } zbase_package('zbase')->testCommand($phpCommand, ['test.post' => true, 'command' => $this]); if (!empty($packages)) { foreach ($packages as $packageName) { $zbase = zbase_package($packageName); if ($zbase instanceof Interfaces\TestCommandInterface) { $this->info($this->signature . '.post - ' . $packageName); $zbase->testCommand($phpCommand, ['test.post' => true, 'command' => $this]); } } } }
/** * Added module can be added dynamically to route * and can be accessed * @group Modules */ function testModuleRoute() { $modules = zbase()->modules(); foreach ($modules as $module) { $this->assertTrue(zbase()->module($module->id()) instanceof \Zbase\Module\ModuleInterface); } }
public function register() { $this->app->singleton(zivsluck_tag(), function () { return new Zivsluck(); }); zbase()->addPackage(zivsluck_tag()); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { zbase()->setConsoleCommand($this); $phpCommand = env('ZBASE_PHP_COMMAND', 'php'); $packages = zbase()->packages(); if (!empty($packages)) { foreach ($packages as $packageName) { $zbase = zbase_package($packageName); if ($zbase instanceof Interfaces\AssetsCommandInterface) { $this->info($this->signature . '.pre - ' . $packageName); $zbase->assetsCommand($phpCommand, ['assets.pre' => true, 'command' => $this]); } } } echo shell_exec($phpCommand . ' artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force'); $commands = []; if (!empty($commands)) { foreach ($commands as $command) { if ($command instanceof \Closure) { $command(); } else { echo shell_exec($phpCommand . ' artisan ' . $command); } } } if (!empty($packages)) { foreach ($packages as $packageName) { $zbase = zbase_package($packageName); if ($zbase instanceof Interfaces\AssetsCommandInterface) { $this->info($this->signature . '.post - ' . $packageName); $zbase->assetsCommand($phpCommand, ['assets.post' => true, 'command' => $this]); } } } }
public function register() { $this->app->singleton(packagename_tag(), function () { return new Packagename(); }); zbase()->addPackage(packagename_tag()); }
/** * Used only for testing * @return view */ public function form() { if ($this->isPost()) { $validatorMessages = ['email.required' => _zt('Email Address is required.'), 'email.email' => _zt('Invalid email address.')]; $valid = $this->validateInputs(zbase()->request()->inputs(), ['email' => 'required|email'], $validatorMessages); if (!empty($valid)) { $this->message('success', _zt('Successfull!')); } } return $this->view('form'); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { zbase_maintenance_set(); zbase()->setConsoleCommand($this); $phpCommand = env('ZBASE_PHP_COMMAND', 'php'); $packages = zbase()->packages(); if (!empty($packages)) { foreach ($packages as $packageName) { $zbase = zbase_package($packageName); if ($zbase instanceof Interfaces\MigrateCommandInterface) { $this->info($this->signature . '.pre - ' . $packageName); $zbase->migrateCommand($phpCommand, ['migrate.pre' => true, 'command' => $this]); } } } \File::cleanDirectory(database_path() . '/migrations'); \File::cleanDirectory(database_path() . '/seeds'); \File::cleanDirectory(database_path() . '/factories'); \File::cleanDirectory(storage_path() . '/zbase'); \File::cleanDirectory(storage_path() . '/framework/cache'); \File::cleanDirectory(storage_path() . '/framework/views'); \File::cleanDirectory(storage_path() . '/logs'); echo shell_exec($phpCommand . ' artisan vendor:publish --tag=migrations --force'); echo shell_exec($phpCommand . ' artisan optimize'); echo shell_exec($phpCommand . ' artisan migrate:refresh --seed --force'); $commands = []; // zbase()->commands('migrate'); if (!empty($commands)) { foreach ($commands as $command) { if ($command instanceof \Closure) { $command(); } else { echo shell_exec($phpCommand . ' artisan ' . $command); } } } if (!empty($packages)) { foreach ($packages as $packageName) { $zbase = zbase_package($packageName); if ($zbase instanceof Interfaces\MigrateCommandInterface) { $this->info($this->signature . '.post - ' . $packageName); $zbase->migrateCommand($phpCommand, ['migrate.post' => true, 'command' => $this]); } } } zbase_maintenance_unset(); }
/** * Return contents for a certain module and widget * * @param string $module The module that is asking for content * @param string $widget The widget that is asking for content * @param string $section The current section [default: front] front|back * @param boolean $adminView IF for admin [default: false] * @param string $key key to search * @param array $contents Some contents * @return array */ function zbase_module_widget_contents($module, $widget, $section = 'front', $adminView = false, $key = null, $contents = []) { $modules = zbase()->modules(); foreach ($modules as $mod) { $widgetContent = $mod->widgetContents($widget, $module, $section, $adminView, $key); if (!empty($widgetContent)) { foreach ($widgetContent as $index => $content) { $contents[] = $content; } } } if (!empty($contents)) { return zbase_collection($contents)->sortByDesc(function ($itm) { return !empty($itm['position']) ? $itm['position'] : 0; })->toArray(); } }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { zbase()->setConsoleCommand($this); $phpCommand = env('ZBASE_PHP_COMMAND', 'php'); $packages = zbase()->packages(); if (!empty($packages)) { foreach ($packages as $packageName) { $zbase = zbase_package($packageName); if ($zbase instanceof Interfaces\ClearCommandInterface) { $this->info($this->signature . '.pre - ' . $packageName); $zbase->clearCommand($phpCommand, ['clear.pre' => true, 'command' => $this]); } } } echo shell_exec($phpCommand . ' artisan clear-compiled'); echo shell_exec($phpCommand . ' artisan cache:clear'); echo shell_exec($phpCommand . ' artisan view:clear'); echo shell_exec($phpCommand . ' artisan config:clear'); echo shell_exec($phpCommand . ' artisan route:clear'); \File::cleanDirectory(zbase_storage_path('tmp/images')); \File::cleanDirectory(zbase_storage_path(zbase_tag() . '_tmp/images')); $commands = []; // zbase()->commands('clear'); if (!empty($commands)) { foreach ($commands as $command) { if ($command instanceof \Closure) { $command(); } else { echo shell_exec($phpCommand . ' artisan ' . $command); } } } if (!empty($packages)) { foreach ($packages as $packageName) { $zbase = zbase_package($packageName); if ($zbase instanceof Interfaces\ClearCommandInterface) { $this->info($this->signature . '.post - ' . $packageName); $zbase->clearCommand($phpCommand, ['clear.post' => true, 'command' => $this]); } } } }
/** * Event after Action * @param string $action * @param string $url The Default URL to redirect */ protected function _postEvent($action) { if ($this->isPublic() && $this->isNode() && $this->isCreating()) { return zbase_redirect()->to($this->entity()->alphaUrl()); } $isAjax = zbase_request_is_ajax(); $requestMethod = strtolower(zbase_request_method()); if ($isAjax) { if ($requestMethod == 'post') { $e = $this->_v('event.' . zbase_section() . '.' . $action . '.post-json.post', $this->_v('event.' . $action . '.post-json')); } else { $e = $this->_v('event.' . zbase_section() . '.' . $action . '.post-json', $this->_v('event.' . zbase_section() . '.' . $action . '.post')); } } else { if ($requestMethod == 'post') { $e = $this->_v('event.' . zbase_section() . '.' . $action . '.post.post', $this->_v('event.' . $action . '.post.post', null)); } else { $e = $this->_v('event.' . zbase_section() . '.' . $action . '.post', $this->_v('event.' . $action . '.post', null)); } } if (is_null($e)) { if (zbase_is_back()) { if ($this->isCreating()) { $action = 'update'; } $byAlphaId = $this->_v('entity.repo.byAlphaId.route', false); if ($this->entityIsPostInterface($this->entity())) { if (!empty($byAlphaId)) { $params = ['action' => $action, 'id' => $this->entity()->postAlphaId()]; } else { $params = ['action' => $action, 'id' => $this->entity()->postId()]; } } else { if (!empty($byAlphaId)) { $params = ['action' => $action, 'id' => $this->entity()->alphaId()]; } else { $params = ['action' => $action, 'id' => $this->entity()->id()]; } } } else { $params = ['action' => $action, 'id' => $this->entity()->alphaId()]; } if ($action == 'delete') { $params = []; } $url = $this->getModule()->url(zbase_section(), $params); if ($action == 'restore' || $action == 'ddelete') { $url = zbase_url_previous(); } } if (!empty($e)) { if (!empty($e['data'])) { if ($isAjax) { zbase()->json()->addVariables($e['data']); } } if (!empty($e['route'])) { $params = zbase_route_inputs(); if (!empty($e['route']['params'])) { $params = array_merge($params, $e['route']['params']); } if (zbase_is_back()) { $byAlphaId = $this->_v('entity.repo.byAlphaId.route', false); if (!empty($byAlphaId)) { $params['id'] = $this->entity()->alphaId(); } else { $params['id'] = $this->entity()->id(); } } if ($action == 'ddelete') { if (isset($params['id']) && isset($params['action'])) { unset($params['id']); unset($params['action']); } } $e['route']['params'] = $params; $url = zbase_url_from_config($e); } $toUrl = zbase_value_get($e, 'url', false); if (!empty($toUrl)) { $url = $toUrl; } } $enableRedirect = $this->_v('event.' . zbase_section() . '.' . $action . '.post.redirect.enable', $this->_v('event.' . $action . '.post.redirect.enable', true)); if (!empty($url) && !empty($enableRedirect)) { return zbase_redirect()->to($url); } return true; }
* Dx * * @link http://dennesabing.com * @author Dennes B Abing <*****@*****.**> * @license proprietary * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015 ClaremontDesign/MadLabs-Dx * @version * @since Aug 22, 2016 8:29:03 PM * @file maintenance-notice.blade.php * @project Zbase * @package Expression package is undefined on line 14, column 15 in Templates/Scripting/EmptyPHP.php. */ if (zbase()->system()->hasScheduledDowntime() && !zbase()->system()->inMaintenance()) { ?> <?php $details = zbase()->system()->scheduledDowntimeDetails(); ?> <div class="alert alert-warning"> <h3>Temporary Downtime Notice.</h3> <p> <?php $message = null; if (!empty($details['maintenance-message'])) { $message = $details['maintenance-message']; } if (!empty($details['start-datetime'])) { $startTime = zbase_date_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', $details['start-datetime']); $endTime = zbase_date_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', $details['end-datetime']); echo str_replace(array('{START_TIME}', '{END_TIME}'), array('<strong>' . $startTime->format('F d, Y h:i A') . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $endTime->format('F d, Y h:i A') . '</strong>'), nl2br($message)); } ?>
/** * User By Email * @param string $email * @return object|array */ public static function findUserByEmail($email, $object = false) { if (is_array($email) && !empty($email['email'])) { $email = $email['email']; } if (!empty($email)) { $entity = zbase()->entity('user', [], true); return ['user' => self::userApi($entity->repo()->by('email', $email)->first())]; } }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>@yield('title')<?php echo zbase()->view()->pageTitle(); ?> </title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" > <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: #eee; } body, h1, p { font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "Segoe UI", Segoe, Helvetica, Arial, "Lucida Grande", sans-serif; font-weight: normal; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-align: center; } .container { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 177px; max-width: 1170px; padding-right: 15px; padding-left: 15px; }
/** * Element Factory * @param array $configuration * @return \Zbase\Ui\Form\Element */ public static function factory($configuration) { /** * Load a widget */ if (!empty($configuration['widget'])) { if (!empty($configuration['validations'])) { $widget = zbase()->widget($configuration['widget'], [], true)->setAttribute('validations', $configuration['validations']); } else { $widget = zbase()->widget($configuration['widget'], [], true); } return $widget; } if (!empty($configuration['ui'])) { $ui = \Zbase\Ui\Ui::factory($configuration['ui']); if ($ui->enabled()) { return $ui; } return null; } $type = !empty($configuration['type']) ? $configuration['type'] : 'text'; $id = !empty($configuration['id']) ? $configuration['id'] : null; if (is_null($id)) { throw new Exceptions\ConfigNotFoundException('Index:id is not set on Form Element Factory'); } if (!empty($type)) { $className = zbase_model_name(null, 'class.ui.form.type.' . strtolower($type), '\\Zbase\\Ui\\Form\\Type\\' . ucfirst($type)); $element = new $className($configuration); if ($element->enabled()) { $element->prepare(); return $element; } } return null; }
<?php /** * Dx * * @link http://dennesabing.com * @author Dennes B Abing <*****@*****.**> * @license proprietary * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015 ClaremontDesign/MadLabs-Dx * @version * @since Mar 8, 2016 10:37:59 AM * @file widget.php * @project Expression project.name is undefined on line 13, column 15 in Templates/Scripting/EmptyPHP.php. * @package Expression package is undefined on line 14, column 15 in Templates/Scripting/EmptyPHP.php. * */ return ['type' => 'form', 'enable' => true, 'config' => ['access' => 'only::sudo', 'values' => ['default' => ['enable' => true, 'array' => function () { return zbase()->telegram()->settings(); }]], 'entity' => null, 'elements' => ['status' => ['type' => 'select', 'id' => 'status', 'label' => 'Status', 'multiOptions' => 'enableDisable', 'help' => ['text' => 'Disable telegram messaging.']], 'botusername' => ['type' => 'text', 'id' => 'botusername', 'label' => 'Bot Name', 'html' => ['attributes' => ['input' => ['placeholder' => 'Bot Username']]]], 'bottoken' => ['type' => 'text', 'id' => 'bottoken', 'label' => 'Bot Token', 'html' => ['attributes' => ['input' => ['placeholder' => 'Bot Token']]]], 'webhook' => ['type' => 'text', 'id' => 'webhook', 'label' => 'WebHook (Optional)', 'html' => ['attributes' => ['input' => ['value' => function () { $token = zbase()->telegram()->token(); if (!empty($token)) { return zbase_url_from_route('telegramhook', ['token' => $token]); } }, 'placeholder' => 'Webhook']]]], 'testmessage' => ['type' => 'select', 'id' => 'testmessage', 'label' => 'Send Test Message', 'multiOptions' => 'yesNo', 'help' => ['text' => 'Will send test message to Dennes.']]]]];
/** * Retur the response format * @return string */ function zbase_response_format() { return zbase()->getResponseFormat(); }
public function api() { $validation = $this->validateApi(); if (!$validation) { $this->returns['message'] = 'Validation error. Kindly check error messages.'; $this->returns['errors'] = $this->apiErrors; } else { $objectClass = $this->apiConfiguration['class']; $objectClassMethod = $this->apiConfiguration['method']; $objectResult = $objectClass::$objectClassMethod($this->params); /** * Entity */ if ($objectResult instanceof \Zbase\Interfaces\EntityInterface) { $this->returns['result'] = $objectResult->toArray(); } /** * Array */ if (is_array($objectResult)) { $this->returns['result'] = $objectResult; } } $this->returns['parameters'] = $this->params; zbase()->json()->setVariable('api', $this->returns); }
/** * Delete/Remove File * @param object|array $file * * return boolean */ public function postFileDelete($file) { if (method_exists($this, 'fileDelete')) { return $this->fileDelete($file); } try { $file = (object) $file; if (file_exists($this->postFileUploadFolder() . $file->filename)) { zbase_db_transaction_start(); $files = $this->postFiles(); $i = 0; foreach ($files as $f) { if ($f['filename'] == $file->filename) { unset($files[$i]); unlink($this->postFileUploadFolder() . $file->filename); break; } $i++; } $this->postSetOption('_files', $files); $this->save(); zbase()->json()->addVariable('post_file_deleted', 1); zbase_db_transaction_commit(); return true; } } catch (\Zbase\Exceptions\RuntimeException $e) { zbase_db_transaction_rollback(); zbase_exception_throw($e); return false; } }
<?php /** * Dx * * @link http://dennesabing.com * @author Dennes B Abing <*****@*****.**> * @license proprietary * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015 ClaremontDesign/MadLabs-Dx * @version * @since Aug 23, 2016 6:00:01 PM * @file notifications.blade.php * @project Zbase * @package Expression package is undefined on line 14, column 15 in Templates/Scripting/EmptyPHP.php. */ if (zbase()->telegram()->isEnabled() && zbase_config_get('modules.account.widgets.account.tab.telegram', true)) { ?> <?php echo zbase_view_render(zbase_view_file_module('account.views.telegram-user', 'account', 'zbase'), ['user' => zbase_auth_user()]); }
/** * Render HTML before </body> * * @return string */ function zbase_view_render_body() { $str = ''; zbase()->view()->prepare(); $onloadScripts = zbase_view_placeholder_render('body_scripts_onload'); $str .= zbase_view_placeholder_render('body_javascripts'); $str .= zbase_view_placeholder_render('body_footer_html'); $str .= EOF . '<script type="text/javascript">'; $str .= EOF . zbase_view_compile(zbase_view_placeholder_render('body_scripts')); if (!empty(zbase_auth_is_duplex())) { $onloadScripts .= 'jQuery(\'body\').append(\'<div style="margin:0px auto;z-index:999999;background:yellow;width: auto;position:absolute;top:0px;padding:5px;margin-top:2px;margin-left:2px;">You are loggedin as: ' . zbase_auth_user()->displayFullDetails() . ' <a class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" href="' . zbase_url_from_route('admin.duplex', ['action' => 'unduplex']) . '">SignOut</a></div>\');'; } if (!empty($onloadScripts)) { $str .= EOF . 'jQuery(document).ready(function(){' . EOF . $onloadScripts . EOF . '});'; } $str .= EOF . '</script>'; return $str; }
<?php if (zbase()->system()->inMaintenance()) { ?> <div class="alert alert-danger text-center"> <a href="<?php echo zbase_url_from_route('admin.system', ['action' => 'maintenance-mode-off']); ?> " class="btn btn-danger">Stop Maintenance Mode</a> <br /> <br /> Website is currently in <strong>maintenance mode</strong>. </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="alert alert-info text-center"> <a href="<?php echo zbase_url_from_route('admin.system', ['action' => 'maintenance-mode-on']); ?> " class="btn btn-info">Set to Maintenance Mode</a> <br /> <br /> When <strong>maintenance mode</strong> is enabled,<br /> a maintenance message will be displayed when someone accesses the site. Your current IP Address of <strong><?php echo zbase_ip(); ?> </strong> will be excluded. </div> <?php
public function controllerIndex() { if (!$this->getModule()->hasAccess()) { if (zbase_auth_has()) { return $this->unathorized(_zt('You don\'t have enough access to the resource.')); } else { return redirect()->to(zbase_url_from_route('login')); } } /** * Check for widgets */ $widgetsAction = $action = str_replace('.', '-', $this->getRouteParameter('action', 'index')); $requestMethod = zbase_request_method(); if (!empty($this->nodeName)) { $widgetsAction = $requestMethod . '-node-' . $this->nodeName . '-' . $action; $htmls = []; } $isAjax = zbase_request_is_ajax(); if ($isAjax) { $widgetsAction = (!empty($this->nodeName) ? $requestMethod . '-node-' . $this->nodeName . '-' : '') . 'json-' . $action; $htmls = []; } if ($this->getModule()->hasAction($requestMethod . '-' . $action)) { $widgetsAction = $requestMethod . '-' . $action; $action = $widgetsAction; $htmls = []; } $widgets = $this->getModule()->pageProperties($action)->widgetsByControllerAction($widgetsAction); if (count($widgets) == 1) { $firstWidget = collect($widgets)->first(); if ($firstWidget instanceof \Zbase\Widgets\WidgetInterface) { $firstWidget->pageProperties($widgetsAction); } } if (!is_array($widgets) && $widgets instanceof \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse) { return $widgets; } zbase()->json()->addVariable('_widget', $this->getModule()->id() . '_' . str_replace('-', '', $action)); if (zbase_is_dev()) { zbase()->json()->addVariable(__METHOD__, $widgetsAction); if (zbase_request_is_post()) { zbase()->json()->addVariable('_POST_PARAMETERS', zbase_request_inputs()); } zbase()->json()->addVariable('_ROUTE_PARAMETERS', zbase_route_inputs()); zbase()->json()->addVariable('_GET_PARAMETERS', zbase_request_query_inputs()); } // dd($this->getModule(), $widgetsAction, $widgets); if (empty($widgets)) { return zbase_abort(404); } foreach ($widgets as $widget) { if (!empty($this->nodeName)) { zbase()->json()->addVariable('node', ['prefix' => $this->getModule()->nodeNamespace(), 'name' => $this->nodeName, 'support' => 1]); $widget->setNodename($this->nodeName)->setNodeSupport(true); } if ($widget instanceof \Zbase\Widgets\ControllerInterface) { $v = $widget->validateWidget($action); if ($v instanceof \Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator) { if ($isAjax) { zbase()->json()->addVariable('errors', $v->errors()->getMessages()); return new \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse($v->errors()->getMessages(), 422); } else { return redirect()->to($this->getRedirectUrl())->withInput(zbase_request_inputs())->withErrors($v->errors()->getMessages()); } } $ret = $widget->controller($this->getRouteParameter('action', 'index')); if ($ret instanceof \Zbase\Exceptions\NotFoundHttpException) { return $this->notFound(); } if ($ret instanceof \Zbase\Exceptions\UnauthorizedException) { return $this->unathorized(); } if ($ret instanceof \Zbase\Exceptions\Exception) { return $this->error(); } if ($ret instanceof \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse) { if ($isAjax) { zbase()->json()->addVariable('redirect', $ret->getTargetUrl()); } else { return $ret; } } if (zbase_is_json()) { zbase_response_format_set('json'); $jsonIndexName = $widget->getWidgetPrefix(); if (zbase_is_angular()) { if ($widget instanceof \Zbase\Widgets\Type\Datatable) { $angularTemplate = zbase_angular_widget_datatable($this->getModule(), $widget); $jsonIndexName = $angularTemplate['serviceName']; } } if (zbase_is_dev()) { zbase()->json()->addVariable('$jsonIndexName', $jsonIndexName); } if (!$widget->isExporting()) { zbase()->json()->addVariable($jsonIndexName, $widget->toArray()); } } else { if ($isAjax) { $htmls[str_replace('-', '_', $widget->id())] = $widget->render(); } } $widget->pageProperties($widgetsAction); } } if (!empty($isAjax)) { zbase()->json()->addVariable('_widgets', 1); zbase()->json()->addVariable('html', $htmls); } else { return $this->view(zbase_view_file('module.index'), array('module' => $this->getModule(), 'widgets' => $widgets)); } }
/** * Send a reset link to the given user. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function postEmail(Request $request) { // $this->validate($request, ['email' => 'required|email|exists:' . zbase_config_get('entity.user.table.name') . ',email']); $entity = zbase()->entity('user', [], true); $user = $entity->repo()->by('email', zbase_request_input('email'))->first(); if (!empty($user)) { $broker = $this->getBroker(); $response = \Password::broker($broker)->sendResetLink($this->getSendResetLinkEmailCredentials($request), $this->resetEmailBuilder()); $user->lostPassword(); } zbase()->json()->setVariable('password_success', 1); zbase()->json()->setVariable('_redirect', zbase_url_previous()); if (!zbase_is_json()) { return redirect()->back()->with('status', trans(\Password::RESET_LINK_SENT)); } }
<?php /** * Dx * * @link http://dennesabing.com * @author Dennes B Abing <*****@*****.**> * @license proprietary * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015 ClaremontDesign/MadLabs-Dx * @version * @since Mar 5, 2016 11:51:42 PM * @file dsstore/module.php * */ return ['id' => 'system', 'enable' => true, 'access' => 'only::sudo', 'class' => null, 'backend' => true, 'frontend' => false, 'url' => ['backend' => 'system/{action?}/{id?}/{task?}'], 'navigation' => ['back' => ['enable' => true, 'nav' => ['order' => 9998, 'route' => ['name' => 'admin.dsorders'], 'icon' => 'fa fa-gears', 'label' => 'System', 'title' => 'System', 'children' => [['route' => ['name' => 'admin.system', 'params' => ['action' => 'maintenance']], 'icon' => 'fa fa-flash', 'label' => 'Maintenance', 'title' => 'Maintenance'], ['route' => ['name' => 'admin.system', 'params' => ['action' => 'telegram']], 'icon' => 'fa fa-flash', 'label' => 'Telegram', 'title' => 'Telegram']]]]], 'controller' => ['back' => ['action' => ['telegram' => ['page' => ['title' => 'Telegram Integration', 'headTitle' => 'Telegram Integration', 'subTitle' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [['label' => 'Telegram Integration']]]], 'maintenance' => ['page' => ['title' => 'System Maintenance', 'headTitle' => 'System Maintenance', 'subTitle' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [['label' => 'System Maintenance']]]], 'maintenance-mode-on' => ['page' => ['title' => 'System Maintenance - WEBSITE IN MAINTENANCE MODE!', 'headTitle' => 'System Maintenance', 'subTitle' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [['label' => 'System Maintenance']]]], 'maintenance-mode-off' => ['page' => ['title' => 'System Maintenance', 'headTitle' => 'System Maintenance', 'subTitle' => '', 'breadcrumbs' => [['label' => 'System Maintenance']]]]]]], 'routes' => [], 'widgets' => ['back' => ['controller' => ['action' => ['maintenance' => ['system-maintenance-form' => null], 'telegram' => ['telegram-settings-form' => null], 'telegram-disable' => function () { zbase()->telegram()->disableUserTelegram(zbase_auth_user()); return redirect()->to(zbase_url_previous()); }, 'post-telegram' => function () { zbase()->telegram()->saveSettings(zbase_request_inputs()); return ['telegram-settings-form' => null]; }, 'post-maintenance' => function () { zbase()->system()->scheduleDowntime(zbase_request_inputs()); return ['system-maintenance-form' => null]; }, 'maintenance-mode-on' => function () { zbase()->system()->startMaintenance(); return redirect()->to(zbase_url_previous()); }, 'maintenance-mode-off' => function () { zbase()->system()->stopMaintenance(); return redirect()->to(zbase_url_previous()); }]]]]];
<!-- BEGIN NOTIFICATION DROPDOWN --> <?php $modules = zbase()->modules(); $notifications = []; foreach ($modules as $module) { $notifications = array_merge($notifications, $module->getNotifications()); } if (!empty($notifications)) { $notifications = zbase_collection($notifications)->sortByDesc(function ($itm) { return $itm->getOrder(); })->toArray(); foreach ($notifications as $notification) { echo $notification; } } ?> <!-- END NOTIFICATION DROPDOWN -->
/** * Return widgets by Index and IndexName * @param string $index * @param string $indexName */ public function getWidgets($index, $indexName) { $section = zbase_section(); $hasSection = $this->_v('widgets.' . $section, false); if (!empty($hasSection)) { $byAction = $this->_v('widgets.' . $section . '.controller.' . $index, []); if (!empty($byAction)) { $widgets = $this->_v('widgets.' . $section . '.controller.' . $index . '.' . $indexName, []); } else { $widgets = $this->_v('widgets.' . $section . '.controller.' . $indexName, []); } /** * If widgets are for this action, * then let;s look at if there is a "default" action to do. * * On the front/public pages, we have links like: node/action/nodeId * but if there are no widgets on the given action, * probably, the given action is the slug-name of an entity * like: * node/node-slug-id * nodes/category-slug-id * so if the module has a "default" index, then we will load that default widget */ if (empty($widgets)) { $widgets = $this->_v('widgets.' . $section . '.controller.' . $index . '.default', $this->_v('widgets.' . $section . '.controller.default', [])); } } else { $widgets = $this->_v('widgets.controller.' . $indexName, []); } if (is_array($widgets)) { foreach ($widgets as $name => $path) { if ($path instanceof \Closure) { $path(); continue; } if (is_string($path) && zbase_file_exists($path)) { $config = (require $path); } if (!empty($config) && is_array($config)) { if (empty($config['id'])) { $config['id'] = $name; } $widget = zbase_widget(['id' => $name, 'config' => $config]); } if (is_null($path)) { $widget = zbase()->widget($name, [], true); } if ($widget instanceof \Zbase\Widgets\WidgetInterface) { $widget->setModule($this); $widgets[$name] = $widget; } } return $widgets; } return $widgets; }
/** * HTML the ui * @return string */ public function __toString() { $this->prepare(); try { if (!is_null($this->_viewFile) && empty($this->_rendered)) { if (!zbase_request_is_ajax()) { zbase()->view()->multiAdd($this->_v('view.library', false)); } $this->_viewParams['ui'] = $this; $str = $this->preTag(); $str .= $this->htmlPreContent(); if (!empty($this->_viewFileContent)) { $str .= zbase_view_render(zbase_view_file_contents($this->_viewFile), $this->getViewParams()); } else { $str .= zbase_view_render($this->_viewFile, $this->getViewParams()); } $str .= $this->htmlPostContent(); $str .= $this->postTag(); $this->_rendered = true; return $str; } return ''; } catch (\Exception $e) { if (zbase_is_dev()) { dd($e); } zbase_abort(500); } }
/** * Telegram Hook * http://Agse-local.biz/telegram/237861793:AAFW6v2ZRg5oPHiQWuedtXuqs2GAguCSZU8 */ public function telegramHook() { zbase()->telegram()->receiveMessage(); }
/** * Write To Console */ function _zdd($msg) { if (zbase_is_console()) { zbase()->consoleCommand()->info($msg); } }
/** * User By Email * @param string $email * @return object|array */ public static function findUserByEmail($email) { if (is_array($email) && !empty($email['email'])) { $email = $email['email']; } if (!empty($email)) { $entity = zbase()->entity('user', [], true); $user = $entity->repo()->by('email', $email)->first(); return ['user' => $user, 'user_profile' => $user->profile()]; } }