Esempio n. 1
function ym_fbook_init()
    global $facebook_settings, $location;
    //	session_start();// wp does this
    if (ym_request('destroy')) {
        header('Location: ' . site_url());
    $location = get_permalink() ? get_permalink() : 'http' . (is_ssl() ? 's' : '') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    /* AWAKE?
    if (!ym_facebook_settings()) {
        // no settings
        // iframe break out if iframe present
        add_action('wp_head', 'ym_fbook_init_iframe_breakout');
        // abort
    if (!$facebook_settings->enabled) {
        // not enabled
        // iframe break out if iframe present
        add_action('wp_head', 'ym_fbook_init_iframe_breakout');
        // abort
    /* Aborts
    if (is_admin()) {
        // in the admin system
    // abort login
    if (FALSE !== strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'wp-login')) {
    // IPN
    if (ym_request('ym_process')) {
    // Cron
    if (ym_request('doing_wp_cron')) {
    /* basic defines
    define('YM_FBOOK_APPID', $facebook_settings->app_id);
    define('YM_FBOOK_SECRET', $facebook_settings->app_secret);
    $Location = str_replace('?logged_out=1', '', $location);
    define('YM_FBOOK_IN_HERE', $location);
    // app target
    define('YM_FBOOK_APP_TARGET', '' . $facebook_settings->canvas_url . str_replace(site_url(), '', $location));
    define('YM_FBOOK_PAGE_TARGET', '' . $facebook_settings->page_url . '?sk=app_' . YM_FBOOK_APPID);
    // can't take args
    if (isset($_SESSION['facebook_last_page']) && $_SESSION['facebook_last_page']) {
        define('YM_FBOOK_LAST_PAGE', $_SESSION['facebook_last_page']);
    } else {
        // TODO: use location for now, but should be defined FB Root URL based on page/app
        define('YM_FBOOK_LAST_PAGE', $location);
    $_SESSION['facebook_last_page'] = $location;
    /* Linter
    // come back to this if needed
    $test = 'facebookexternalhit';
    if (substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 0, strlen($test)) == $test) {
    /* Scope
    $scope = array();
    global $scopes;
    foreach ($scopes as $fbsetting => $entry) {
        if (isset($facebook_settings->{$fbsetting}) && $facebook_settings->{$fbsetting}) {
            $scope[] = $entry;
    if (count($scope)) {
        $scope = '&scope=' . implode(',', $scope);
    } else {
        $scope = '';
    /* Defines
    // oauth target
    $base = '' . YM_FBOOK_APPID . $scope . '&redirect_uri=';
    define('YM_FBOOK_AUTH_APP', $base . urlencode(YM_FBOOK_APP_TARGET));
    define('YM_FBOOK_AUTH_PAGE', $base . urlencode(YM_FBOOK_PAGE_TARGET));
    define('YM_FBOOK_AUTH_NO', $base . urlencode($location));
    /* Exceptions
    if (isset($_SESSION['in_facebook']) && $_SESSION['in_facebook'] == 1 && ym_request('leavefacebook') == 1 && $facebook_settings->enable_leave_facebook) {
        // leaving :-(
        // route to last page, not current page (aka location)
        // as that is leavefacebook = 1
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">top.location.href="' . $_SESSION['facebook_last_page'] . '";</script>';
    if (ym_request('loggedout') == 1) {
        $in_facebook = isset($_SESSION['in_facebook']) ? $_SESSION['in_facebook'] : FALSE;
        $in_facebook_page = isset($_SESSION['in_facebook_page']) ? $_SESSION['in_facebook_page'] : FALSE;
        $_SESSION['in_facebook'] = $in_facebook;
        $_SESSION['in_facebook_page'] = $in_facebook_page;
        $r = ym_fbook_oauth_go();
        //		echo $r . '<br />';
        $r = str_replace(array('loggedout=1&', 'loggedout=1'), '', $r);
        $r = str_replace(array(urlencode('loggedout=1&'), urlencode('loggedout=1')), '', $r);
        //		$_SESSION['ym_fb_auth_target'] = $r;
        $_SESSION['ym_fb_auth_target'] = str_replace(array(urlencode('loggedout=1&'), urlencode('loggedout=1'), 'loggedout=1'), '', $_SESSION['ym_fb_auth_target']);
        //		echo $r;
        //echo $_SESSION['ym_fb_auth_target'];
        //echo '<script type="text/javascript">top.location.href="' . $_SESSION['ym_fb_auth_target'] . '";</script>';
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">top.location.href="' . $r . '";</script>';
    // Ping check to see if facebook exists and is alive
    // Most commonly analytics
    if (ym_get('ymfbook')) {
        $_SESSION['in_facebook'] = 1;
    if ($_SESSION['in_facebook']) {
        wp_enqueue_script('ym-fb', site_url('wp-content/plugins/ym_facebook/js/fb.js'), array('jquery'), YM_FB_PLUGIN_VERSION);
        wp_enqueue_style('ym-fb-login', site_url('wp-content/plugins/ym_facebook/css/ym_fbook_login.css'), array(), YM_FB_PLUGIN_VERSION);
    // height controls
    if ($facebook_settings->iframe_size == 'scrollbars') {
        if ($facebook_settings->iframe_size_height) {
            define('YM_FBOOK_HEIGHT', 'FB.Canvas.setSize({height: ' . $facebook_settings->iframe_size_height . '});');
        } else {
            define('YM_FBOOK_HEIGHT', '');
            // height of window-ish
    } else {
        define('YM_FBOOK_HEIGHT', 'FB.Canvas.setAutoResize();');
    // width controls
    if (isset($_SESSION['in_facebook_page']) && $_SESSION['in_facebook_page']) {
        $width = 450;
    } else {
        $width = 600;
    define('YM_FBOOK_WIDTH', $width);
    /* post or session
    if (ym_post('signed_request', false)) {
        // landed in facebook from the outside world
        // store the request
        $_SESSION['facebook_signed_request'] = $_POST['signed_request'];
        // set in facebook here as we are defo. in facebook
        // cant do it on data uncode as we could be on the main site
        // using a wordpress side facebook like wall
        // for example
        $_SESSION['in_facebook'] = TRUE;
        // if in_facebook then redirect there
        // if in_facebook and in_facebook_page then go to page
        // if in_facebook_page only do nothing (as not in facebook)
        $_SESSION['facebook_signed_request'] = $_POST['signed_request'];
    /* force
    if ($facebook_settings->force_facebook && !$_SESSION['in_facebook']) {
        // force
        $_SESSION['in_facebook'] = 1;
        if ($facebook_settings->page_url) {
            $_SESSION['in_facebook_page'] = 1;
        header('Location: ' . ym_fbook_oauth_go());
        //header('Location: ' . ($facebook_settings->page_url ? YM_FBOOK_PAGE_TARGET : YM_FBOOK_APP_TARGET));
    /* interupt for auth
    // check for a get code
    if (ym_get('code')) {
        // landed with a code
        // oAuth return, validate
        // get token
        if ($_SESSION['in_facebook_page'] && $facebook_settings->page_url) {
            $url = '' . $facebook_settings->page_url . '/';
        } else {
            $url = '' . $facebook_settings->canvas_url . '/';
        if (!$_SESSION['ym_fb_auth_target']) {
            // no target
        // generate auth code
        //		$_SESSION['ym_fb_auth_target'] = str_replace(array(urlencode('loggedout=1&'), urlencode('loggedout=1'), 'loggedout=1&', 'loggedout=1'), '', $_SESSION['ym_fb_auth_target']);
        //			'&redirect_uri=' . urlencode($_SESSION['ym_fb_auth_target']) .
        $auth_code = '?client_id=' . YM_FBOOK_APPID . '&redirect_uri=' . urlencode($url) . '&client_secret=' . YM_FBOOK_SECRET . '&code=' . $_GET['code'];
        //		echo $auth_code;//exit;
        // exchange
        $facebook_auth = new Facebook('', $auth_code);
        // decode
        $auth = $facebook_auth->auth;
        $test = json_decode($auth);
        if ($test->error->message) {
            echo $test->error->message;
            ym_fbook_add_message(str_replace('_', ' ', $test->error->message));
        parse_str($auth, $query);
        $_SESSION['facebook_oauth_token'] = $query['access_token'];
        $_SESSION['facebook_oauth_start'] = time();
        $_SESSION['facebook_oauth_expires'] = $query['expires'];
        // clean
        $_SESSION['ym_fb_auth_target'] = str_replace('code=' . ym_get('code'), '', $_SESSION['ym_fb_auth_target']);
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">top.location.href="' . $_SESSION['ym_fb_auth_target'] . '"</script>';
        // and GO BABY GO!!!!!!!!!!!
    /* munch
    if (isset($_SESSION['facebook_signed_request']) && $_SESSION['facebook_signed_request']) {
        // exisiting session
        // validate
        $data = facebook_uncode($_SESSION['facebook_signed_request']);
        if ($data) {
            // last control
            if (isset($_SESSION['facebook_use_last_page']) && $_SESSION['facebook_use_last_page']) {
                header('Location: ' . YM_FBOOK_LAST_PAGE);
            if (isset($data->page) && $data->page) {
                $_SESSION['facebook_page'] = $data->page;
                // defo in a page
                // should only occur on landing on the page
                $_SESSION['in_facebook_page'] = TRUE;
                if ($facebook_settings->page_landing && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != $facebook_settings->page_landing && $_POST['signed_request']) {
                    // somewhere to land
                    header('Location: /' . $facebook_settings->page_landing);
                define('ym_fbphp_dev_in_page', TRUE);
            } else {
                define('ym_fbphp_dev_in_page', TRUE);
            // landing control needed?
            if ($facebook_settings->canvas_landing && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != $facebook_settings->canvas_landing && $_POST['signed_request'] && !$_SESSION['facebook_has_landed'] && !$_SESSION['in_facebook_page']) {
                // landing control if the Root Page is requested
                header('Location: /' . $facebook_settings->canvas_landing);
            $_SESSION['facebook_has_landed'] = TRUE;
            // oauth
            $_SESSION['facebook_oauth_token'] = $data->oauth_token;
            $_SESSION['facebook_oauth_start'] = $data->issued_at;
            $_SESSION['facebook_oauth_expires'] = $data->expires;
    } else {
        if (isset($_SESSION['facebook_oauth_token']) && $_SESSION['facebook_oauth_token']) {
            // we have a facebook session
        } else {
            // no session
    global $facebook_client;
    $facebook_client = new Facebook($_SESSION['facebook_oauth_token']);
    if (!$facebook_client->initok) {
        $facebook_client = FALSE;
    } else {
        // permissions check
        // check oauth granted match what we need
        // in case the game has changed.
        $permissions = $facebook_client->permissions();
        global $scopes;
        $scope_copy = $scopes;
        foreach ($scope_copy as $fbsetting => $entry) {
            if (isset($facebook_settings->{$fbsetting}) && $facebook_settings->{$fbsetting}) {
                // check presence
                if (isset($permissions->data[0]->{$entry}) && $permissions->data[0]->{$entry} == 1) {
            } else {
                // not requested
        if (count($scope_copy)) {
            add_action('ym_fbook_messages', 'ym_fbook_messages');
            add_action('template_redirect', 'ym_fbook_template');
            define('FBOOK_TEMPLATE_OVERRIDE', 'login');
    if ($facebook_client && !$data) {
        // build data
        $data = new stdClass();
        $data->user_id = $facebook_client->user_data->id;
        $data->locale = $facebook_client->user_data->locale;
    // facebook user ID
    $_SESSION['facebook_user_id'] = $data->user_id;
    $_SESSION['locale'] = isset($data->locale) ? $data->locale : 'en_GB';
    // check facebook login
    if ($facebook_settings->force_facebook_auth && !$data->user_id) {
        // require login
        // redirect to facebook login
        // use template login template
        add_action('ym_fbook_messages', 'ym_fbook_messages');
        add_action('template_redirect', 'ym_fbook_template');
        define('FBOOK_TEMPLATE_OVERRIDE', 'login');
    if (isset($data->id) && $data->id) {
    // check wordpress login
    if ($_REQUEST['register'] == 1 && !$_SESSION['facebook_registering']) {
    	// need login.....
    	$_SESSION['facebook_use_last_page'] = 1;
    	$_SESSION['facebook_registering'] = 1;
    	echo '<script type="text/javascript">top.location.href="' . ym_fbook_oauth_go() . '"</script>';
    if ($_REQUEST['register'] == 1 && $_SESSION['facebook_registering']) {
    	// go register dammit
    	add_action('ym_fbook_messages', 'ym_fbook_messages');
    	add_action('template_redirect', 'ym_fbook_template');
    	define('FBOOK_TEMPLATE_OVERRIDE', 'register');
    // Hidden Reg
    if ($facebook_settings->register_with_facebook_hidden && $_SESSION['facebook_user_id'] && !$_SESSION['wordpress_user_id']) {
        // not logged into WP
        // go hidden reg
    // action cases
    if (ym_request('dolink', false)) {
        // go for link
        $_SESSION['dolink'] = 1;
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">top.location.href="' . ym_fbook_oauth_go() . '"</script>';
    if (ym_session('dolink')) {
        if (!$_SESSION['facebook_user_id']) {
            header('Location: ' . ym_fbook_oauth_go());
    if (ym_request('dounlink')) {
        // unlink
Esempio n. 2
function ym_fbook_admin()
    global $wpdb, $ym_formgen, $facebook_settings;
    include YM_FBOOK_BASE_DIR . 'includes/ym_facebook_constants.php';
    $pricing_data = get_option('ym_fbook_pricing');
    if ($_POST) {
        foreach ($settings as $setting) {
            $facebook_settings->{$setting} = $_POST[$setting];
        // images
        foreach ($images as $image) {
            if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$image]['tmp_name'])) {
                $file = $_FILES[$image];
                $ym_upload = new ym_dl_file_upload();
                $ym_upload->upload_dir = $ym_upload_root;
                $ym_upload->max_length_filename = 100;
                $ym_upload->rename_file = false;
                $ym_upload->the_temp_file = $file['tmp_name'];
                $ym_upload->the_file = $file['name'];
                $ym_upload->http_error = $file['error'];
                $ym_upload->replace = "y";
                $ym_upload->do_filename_check = "n";
                if ($ym_upload->upload()) {
                    $filename = $ym_upload_url . $ym_upload->file_copy;
                    $facebook_settings->{$image} = $filename;
                } else {
                    ym_display_message(sprintf(__('unable to move file to %s', 'ym'), $ym_upload->upload_dir), 'error');
        update_option('ym_fbook_options', $facebook_settings);
        echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>Settings were updated</p></div>';
        $packs = ym_get_packs();
        foreach ($packs as $pack) {
            $id = 'pack_' . $pack['id'];
            $post = 'override_price_' . $id;
            $price = ym_post($post);
            if ($price) {
                $price = number_format((double) $price, 0);
            $pricing_data->{$id} = $price;
        $query = 'SELECT post_id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'postmeta WHERE meta_key = \'ym_post_purchasable\' AND meta_value = 1';
        foreach ($wpdb->get_results($query) as $post) {
            $id = 'post_' . $post->post_id;
            $post = 'override_price_' . $id;
            $price = ym_post($post);
            if ($price) {
                $price = number_format((double) $price, 0);
            $pricing_data->{$id} = $price;
        $query = 'SELECT id, name FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'ym_post_pack ORDER BY id ASC';
        foreach ($wpdb->get_results($query) as $bundle) {
            $id = 'bundle_' . $bundle->id;
            $post = 'override_price_' . $id;
            $price = ym_post($post);
            if ($price) {
                $price = number_format((double) $price, 0);
            $pricing_data->{$id} = $price;
        $price = ym_post('override_price_post_override');
        if ($price) {
            $price = number_format((double) $price, 0);
        $pricing_data->post_override = $price;
        $price = ym_post('override_price_bundle_override');
        if ($price) {
            $price = number_format((double) $price, 0);
        $pricing_data->bundle_override = $price;
        update_option('ym_fbook_pricing', $pricing_data);
        echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>Pricings were updated</p></div>';
    echo '
<script type="text/javascript">
	jQuery(document).ready(function() {
			fx: {opacity: \'toggle\'},
			selected: ' . ym_post('ym_fb_tab_select', ym_get('ym_fb_tab_select', 0)) . '
			fx: {opacity: \'toggle\'}
		jQuery(\'#tabkiller\').click(function() {
			jQuery(\'.subtabs\').slideUp(function() {
				jQuery(\'.subtabs ul\').hide();
			jQuery(\'#ym_fbook_tabs\').slideUp(function() {
				jQuery(\'#ym_fbook_tabs ul\').hide();
		jQuery(\'#ym_fb\').submit(function() {
			var selected = jQuery(\'#ym_fbook_tabs\').tabs(\'option\', \'selected\');
		jQuery(\'table\').after(\'<p class="submit" style="text-align: right;"><input type="submit" value="Save Settings" /></p>\');
    echo '<div class="wrap" id="poststuff">';
    //	echo '<h2>YourMembers in Facebook | Settings</h2>';
    //	echo '<p style="text-align: right;"><a href="#nowhere" id="tabkiller">Remove Tabs/All Settings on a single page</a></p>';
    echo '<div id="ym_fbook_tabs">';
    echo '<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-=data" id="ym_fb">';
    $credits = FALSE;
    global $ym_active_modules;
    if (in_array('ym_facebook_credits', $ym_active_modules)) {
        //	if (get_option('ym_facebook_credits')) {
        $credits = TRUE;
    echo '
	<li><a href="#guide">Guide</a></li>
	<li><a href="#facebook_settings">Facebook</a></li>
	<li><a href="#settings_settings">Settings</a></li>
	<li><a href="';
    if ($credits) {
        echo '#facebook_credits';
    echo '">Facebook Credits</a></li>
	<li><a href="';
    if ($credits) {
        echo '#facebook_pricing';
    echo '">Facebook Pricing</a></li>
	<li><a href="#share_control">Like/Share</a></li>
	<li><a href="#open_graph">Open Graph</a></li>
	<li><a href="';
    if ($credits) {
        echo '#transaction_logging';
    echo '">Transaction Log</a></li>
    echo '<div id="guide">';
    echo '<div id="message" class="updated">';
    echo '<p>We have written a guide that should help you get Your Members Facebook Integration Up and Running, you can read it <a href="" target="_blank">here</a></p>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="facebook_settings" class="subtabs">';
    echo '
	<li><a href="#master_enable">Master Enable</a></li>
	<li><a href="#keys_settings">Application Keys</a></li>
	<li><a href="#canvas_settings">Canvas Settings</a></li>
	<li><a href="#page_settings">Page Settings</a></li>
	<li><a href="#dim_settings">Dimensions</a></li>
	<li><a href="#permissions">Permissions</a></li>
    echo '<div id="master_enable">';
    ym_box_top('Enable Facebook');
    $review = '';
    if (!$facebook_settings->app_id) {
        $review .= '<div id="message" class="updated"><p>If you havn&#39;t created an app yet, you can do so <a href="" target="_new">here</a></p></div>';
    echo $review;
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook', 'enabled', $facebook_settings->enabled, 'If not enabled if a users access the app, they are redirected to the site');
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>
<div id="keys_settings">';
    ym_box_top('Application Keys');
    $review .= '<p>You can find and review these settings <a href="';
    if ($facebook_settings->app_id) {
        $review .= $facebook_settings->app_id;
    $review .= '" target="_new">Here</a></p>';
    echo $review;
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Facebook Application ID', 'app_id', $facebook_settings->app_id, 'The application ID');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Facebook Application Secret', 'app_secret', $facebook_settings->app_secret, 'The application secret');
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="canvas_settings">';
    ym_box_top('Canvas Settings');
    echo $review;
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    echo '<tr><th>Facebook Canvas Name</th><td><input class="ym_input" type="text" name="canvas_url" id="canvas_url" value="' . $facebook_settings->canvas_url . '" /></td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><th>Facebook Canvas Landing</th><td>' . site_url('/') . '<input class="ym_input" type="text" name="canvas_landing" id="canvas_landing" value="' . $facebook_settings->canvas_landing . '" /></td></tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="page_settings">';
    ym_box_top('Page Settings');
    echo $review;
    echo '<p>If you have a (fan) page vanity url specified the app will do its best to stay in the (fan) page if the session starts on the (fan) page</p>';
    if ($facebook_settings->app_id) {
        echo '<p>You will have needed to have added your Application as a Tab to your Facebook Fan Page, you can do that <a href="' . $facebook_settings->app_id . '">here</a> and then click <strong>Add to my Page</strong></p>';
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    echo '<tr><th>Facebook (fan) Page Vanity Url</th><td><input class="ym_input" type="text" name="page_url" id="page_url" value="' . $facebook_settings->page_url . '" /></td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><th>Facebook Page Landing</th><td>' . site_url('/') . '<input class="ym_input" type="text" name="page_landing" id="page_landing" value="' . $facebook_settings->page_landing . '" /></td></tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="dim_settings">';
    ym_box_top('Dimension Settings');
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('IFrame Size', 'iframe_size', $iframe_options, $facebook_settings->iframe_size, 'Make sure this setting is set identical to the setting in Facebook Application settings');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('IFrame Height', 'iframe_size_height', $facebook_settings->iframe_size_height, 'If you are using Scrollbars you can specify the height you want here, in px');
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="permissions">';
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    echo '<tr><td></td><td style="width: 50px;"></td></tr>';
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Likewalls - user_likes', 'permission_likewall', $facebook_settings->permission_likewall, 'If using likewalls, we need to extended permissions to get User Likes, as some users have their Likes set to Private');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Email Address - email', 'permission_email', $facebook_settings->permission_email, 'For the registration with Facebook you can enable this to pre fill the email entry with their Primary Facebook Email Address. Users will be asked to accept additional permissions.');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Offline Access - offline_access', 'permission_offline_access', $facebook_settings->permission_offline_access, 'Access Tokens are on average valid for about an hour. Which means once an hour we have to send the user thru a loop, normally this is transparent. However if you do not want this you can enable offline access to get a longer access key');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Offline Access - publish_actions', 'permission_publish_actions', $facebook_settings->permission_publish_actions, 'Part of the new Open Graph Actions');
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="settings_settings" class="subtabs">';
    echo '
	<li><a href="#access_settings">Access Settings</a></li>
	<li><a href="#registration_settings">Registration Settings</a></li>
	<li><a href="#content_settings">Content Settings</a></li>
	<li><a href="#comment_settings">Comment Settings</a></li>
	<li><a href="#analytics_settings">Analytics Settings</a></li>
    echo '<div id="access_settings">';
    ym_box_top('Access Settings');
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Force Facebook', 'force_facebook', $facebook_settings->force_facebook, 'Make YM Facebook only, force users visting the Website to access via Facebook');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Force Application Add', 'force_facebook_auth', $facebook_settings->force_facebook_auth, 'Force a user to be logged into Facebook and authorised the Application');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Force WordPress Login', 'force_wordpress_auth', $facebook_settings->force_wordpress_auth, 'Force a user to be logged into WordPress');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Require Link', 'require_link', $facebook_settings->require_link, 'Require a User to link their Facebook and WordPress Accounts if Logged in (unless superseeded by above)');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Disable the Link Suggested Message', 'disable_link_message', $facebook_settings->disable_link_message, 'When a user is logged out do not prompt them to link/login');
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="registration_settings">';
    ym_box_top('Registration Settings');
    echo '<p>Using Hidden Register? You might want to turn on the Email Permission on the Facebook->Permissions Tab</p>';
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    //	$ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Register with Facebook', 'register_with_facebook', $facebook_settings->register_with_facebook, 'Allow a user to register a WordPress accout using their Facebook Account as a Base');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Hidden Register with Facebook', 'register_with_facebook_hidden', $facebook_settings->register_with_facebook_hidden, 'If a User uses the Facebook App and are not logged into WordPress create them a WordPress Account. If they are found by their username or email address, the two accounts are Auto Linked. (Implies Require Link and Force Redirect)');
    //	$ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Email Address', 'permission_emailb', $facebook_settings->permission_email, 'For the registration with Facebook you can enable this to pre fill the email entry with their Primary Facebook Email Address. Users will be asked to accept additional permissions.');
    $packs = ym_get_packs();
    $ym_packs = array();
    $ym_packs[0] = 'No Account';
    foreach ($packs as $pack) {
        $ym_packs[$pack['id']] = ym_get_pack_label($pack['id']);
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Hidden Register Subscription', 'register_with_facebook_hidden_subid', $ym_packs, $facebook_settings->register_with_facebook_hidden_subid, 'Which Subscription To Put a Hidden Regsiter User on. It will <strong>not</strong> prompt for Payment');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Hidden Register Redirect', 'register_with_facebook_hidden_redirect', $facebook_settings->register_with_facebook_hidden_redirect, 'On Hidden Register Complete Redirect the users to a page');
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="content_settings">';
    ym_box_top('Content Settings');
    echo '<p>fb.php status is: ';
    $result = locate_template('fb.php');
    if (empty($result)) {
        echo 'Not Present';
    } else {
        echo 'Present';
    echo '</p>';
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('fb.php', 'enable_fb_php', $facebook_settings->enable_fb_php, 'Enable the use of the Theme File fb.php instead of YM FB Theme, if fb.php is present');
    echo '</table>';
    echo '<p>If you use a theme fb.php file, most of these options are redundant, unless you implement them in your Theme File</p>';
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Allow Leave Facebook', 'enable_leave_facebook', $facebook_settings->enable_leave_facebook, 'Allow a user to start a website session from inside facebook, if a user vists the blog on Facebook first, they will stay inside Facebook, (is overriden by force facebook)');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Post Breakout', 'post_breakout', $facebook_settings->post_breakout, 'when viewing the end post, breakout (overrides Force Facebook)');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Page Breakout', 'page_breakout', $facebook_settings->page_breakout, 'when viewing the end page, breakout (overrides Force Facebook)');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Use excerpt', 'use_excerpt', $facebook_settings->use_excerpt, 'Use excerpts on post pages? (Template dependant)');
    $menus = array('Auto', 'Slug');
    $query = 'SELECT name FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'term_taxonomy tt LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'terms t ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE taxonomy = \'nav_menu\'';
    foreach ($wpdb->get_results($query) as $row) {
        $menus[] = $row->name;
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Menu Control', 'menu', $menus, $facebook_settings->menu, 'We can use the First non blank menu, or you can pick your own. Menus are controlled <a href="' . site_url('/wp-admin/nav-menus.php') . '">here</a>');
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="comment_settings">';
    ym_box_top('Comment Settings');
    echo '<p>You can replace the standard comment form with a Facebook Powered comment form</p>';
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Use Facebook Comments on Facebook', 'use_facebook_comments', $facebook_settings->use_facebook_comments);
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Use Facebook Comments on the Site', 'use_facebook_comments_on_site', $facebook_settings->use_facebook_comments_on_site);
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="analytics_settings">';
    echo '<p>You need to set the Website URL of the Profile to <strong>' . site_url('?ymfbook=googleanalytics') . '</strong> in order for Check Status to succeed</p>';
    echo '<p>Its recommended you use a separate profile under the same domain to track the Facebook Application</p>';
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Google Analytics Profile ID', 'google_analytics_profile_id', $facebook_settings->google_analytics_profile_id, 'Uses the Standard code with this ID');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_textarea_row('Tracking Code', 'analytics_tracking_code', $facebook_settings->analytics_tracking_code, 'This will override the standard Google Analytics Code');
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    if ($credits) {
        echo '<div id="facebook_credits">';
        ym_box_top(__('Facebook Credits', 'ym_facebook'));
        echo __('<p>Facebook Credits can only be used inside Facebook</p>', 'ym_facebook');
        echo sprintf(__('<p>You will need a Credits Callback URL, please use this: <strong>%s</strong></p>', 'ym_facebook'), site_url('?ym_process=ym_facebook_credits'));
        ym_box_top(__('Primary Button', 'ym_facebook'));
        echo __('<p>In line with the Facebook Credits branding guide, you have a choice of three Pay with Facebook Credits Icons</p>', 'ym_facebook');
        $select = $facebook_settings->logo;
        echo '<table class="form-table">';
        echo '<tr><th>' . __('Option A', 'ym_facebook') . '</th>
				<input type="radio" name="logo" id="logoa" value="' . YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_a.png" ' . ($select == YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_a.png' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' />
				<label for="logoa">
					<img src="' . YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_a.png" />
        echo '<tr><th>' . __('Option B', 'ym_facebook') . '</th>
				<input type="radio" name="logo" id="logob" value="' . YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_b.png" ' . ($select == YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_b.png' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' />
				<label for="logob">
					<img src="' . YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_b.png" />
        echo '<tr><th>' . __('Option C', 'ym_facebook') . '</th>
				<input type="radio" name="logo" id="logoc" value="' . YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_c.png" ' . ($select == YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_c.png' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' />
				<label for="logoc">
					<img src="' . YM_IMAGES_DIR_URL . 'pg/facebook_credits_c.png" />
        echo '</table>';
        ym_box_top(__('Credits Dialog Images', 'ym_facebook'));
        echo __('<p>When purchasing a item users are shown a title, description, cost and a icon/logo. You can crontol these logos here</p>', 'ym_facebook');
        echo '<table class="form-table">';
        echo '
			<th>' . __('Subscription Purchase Image', 'ym_facebook') . '</th>
				<input type="file" name="credits_purchase_sub_image" id="credits_purchase_sub_image" />';
        if ($facebook_settings->credits_purchase_sub_image) {
            echo '<div style="margin-top: 5px;"><img src="' . $facebook_settings->credits_purchase_sub_image . '" alt="' . __('Subscription Purchase Image', 'ym_facebook') . '" /></div>';
        echo '
			<th>' . __('Post Purchase Image', 'ym_facebook') . '</th>
				<input type="file" name="credits_purchase_post_image" id="credits_purchase_post_image" />';
        if ($facebook_settings->credits_purchase_post_image) {
            echo '<div style="margin-top: 5px;"><img src="' . $facebook_settings->credits_purchase_post_image . '" alt="' . __('Post Purchase Image', 'ym_facebook') . '" /></div>';
        echo '
			<th>' . __('Bundle Purchase Image', 'ym_facebook') . '</th>
				<input type="file" name="credits_purchase_bundle_image" id="credits_purchase_bundle_image" />';
        if ($facebook_settings->credits_purchase_bundle_image) {
            echo '<div style="margin-top: 5px;"><img src="' . $facebook_settings->credits_purchase_bundle_image . '" alt="' . __('Bundle Purchase Image', 'ym_facebook') . '" /></div>';
        echo '
        echo '</table>';
        ym_box_top(__('Other Settings', 'ym_facebook'));
        echo '<table class="form-table">';
        $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Exclusive Facebook Credits', 'credits_exclusive', $facebook_settings->credits_exclusive, 'Use only Facebook Credits when inside Facebook');
        echo '<tr><td></td><td><p>';
        echo 'Facebook takes a 30% fee on all transactions.<br />' . 'For Transactions in non USD Facebook pays out based on:<br />' . 'Each Facebook Credit is $0.10 and then converts this into your native currency based on that days exchange rate<br />' . 'So 10 Credits is $1 and 100 is $10<br />' . 'Transactions can only occur in whole credits, so if any math involved results in a decimal prices will be rounded up<br />' . 'Costs can only be in Whole Credits';
        global $ym_res;
        if ($ym_res->currency != 'USD') {
            echo '<br /><br />So you can either specify an exchange rate, or set a Facebook credits price per item on the Facebook Pricing Tab';
            echo '</p></td></tr>';
            $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Specify a Exchange Rate', 'exchange_rate', $facebook_settings->exchange_rate, 'If you specify an exchange rate, it will be used. Its the Exchange rate for your Currency to USD');
        } else {
            echo '<br /><br />You are using USD, so you do not need to worry about an exchange rate, but you can still set a Facebook credits price per item on the Facebook Pricing Tab';
            echo '</p></td></tr>';
        $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Rounding', 'exchange_round', $round_options, $facebook_settings->exchange_round, 'You can control the rounding method if any');
        echo '</table>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<div id="facebook_pricing" class="subtabs">';
        echo '
	<li><a href="#pack_pricing">Pack</a></li>
	<li><a href="#post_pricing">Post</a></li>
	<li><a href="#bundle_pricing">Bundle</a></li>
        echo '<div id="pack_pricing">';
        ym_box_top('Pack Pricing');
        echo '<p>Remember: 1 Credit is USD 0.10 and pricing is in whole credits, if a override price is set Exchange Rates and Rouding is ignored</p>';
        echo '<table class="form-table">';
        $pricing_data = get_option('ym_fbook_pricing');
        // subs
        $packs = ym_get_packs();
        foreach ($packs as $pack) {
            $id = 'pack_' . $pack['id'];
            $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Pack Price: ' . ym_get_pack_label($pack['id']), 'override_price_' . $id, $pricing_data->{$id});
        echo '</table>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<div id="post_pricing">';
        ym_box_top('Post Pricing');
        echo '<p>Remember: 1 Credit is USD 0.10 and pricing is in whole credits, if a override price is set Exchange Rates and Rouding is ignored</p>';
        echo '<table class="form-table">';
        $query = 'SELECT post_id FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'postmeta WHERE meta_key = \'ym_post_purchasable\' AND meta_value = 1';
        foreach ($wpdb->get_results($query) as $post) {
            $id = 'post_' . $post->post_id;
            $postdata = get_post($post);
            $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Post Price: ' . $postdata->post_title, 'override_price_' . $id, $pricing_data->{$id});
        if (!$wpdb->num_rows) {
            echo '<tr><td></td><th>No Available Posts</th></tr>';
        $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Default Override Pack Price', 'override_price_post_override', $pricing_data->post_override, 'You can set a default price to override if one is not set');
        echo '</table>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<div id="bundle_pricing">';
        ym_box_top('Bundle Pricing');
        echo '<p>Remember: 1 Credit is USD 0.10 and pricing is in whole credits, if a override price is set Exchange Rates and Rouding is ignored</p>';
        echo '<table class="form-table">';
        $query = 'SELECT id, name FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'ym_post_pack ORDER BY id ASC';
        foreach ($wpdb->get_results($query) as $bundle) {
            $id = 'bundle_' . $bundle->id;
            $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Bundle Price: ' . $bundle->name, 'override_price_' . $id, $pricing_data->{$id});
        if (!$wpdb->num_rows) {
            echo '<tr><td></td><th>No Available Bundles</th></tr>';
        $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Default Override Bundle Price', 'override_price_bundle_override', $pricing_data->bundle_override, 'You can set a default price to override if one is not set');
        echo '</table>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="share_control" class="subtabs">';
    echo '
	<li><a href="#post_control">Post Like/Share</a></li>
	<li><a href="#footer_control">Footer Like/Share</a></li>
	<li><a href="#shortcode_control">Shortcode Like/Share</a></li>
	<li><a href="#likewall_control">Likewall Like/Share</a></li>
    echo '<div id="post_control">';
    ym_box_top('Post Share Control');
    echo '<p>This are the options for adding Share/Send buttons to Posts/Pages</p>';
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook Share', 'enable_share', $facebook_settings->enable_share, 'Allow people to share content to Facebook Feeds from within the App');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook Send', 'enable_send', $facebook_settings->enable_send, 'Allow people to share content via PM (needs Share to be on)');
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Share Box to Use', 'share_box', $sharebox_options, $facebook_settings->share_box);
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Show faces', 'show_faces', $facebook_settings->show_faces, 'Show the faces of Friend who have shared the same link');
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Verb to Use', 'verb', $verbs, $facebook_settings->verb);
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Color Scheme', 'color_scheme', $color_schemes, $facebook_settings->color_scheme);
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Font', 'font', $fonts, $facebook_settings->font, 'The Font to use for the Buttons');
    //	$ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Add a Ref', 'ref', $facebook_settings->ref, 'A reference for tracking');
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="footer_control">';
    ym_box_top('Footer Share Control');
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook Share Footer', 'enable_share_footer', $facebook_settings->enable_share_footer, 'Add a Share button for the whole site in the footer');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook Send Footer', 'enable_send_footer', $facebook_settings->enable_send_footer, 'Allow people to share content via PM (needs Share to be on)');
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Share Box to Use', 'share_box_footer', $sharebox_options, $facebook_settings->share_box_footer);
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Show faces', 'show_faces_footer', $facebook_settings->show_faces_footer, 'Show the faces of Friend who have shared the same link');
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Verb to Use', 'verb_footer', $verbs, $facebook_settings->verb_footer);
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Color Scheme', 'color_scheme_footer', $color_schemes, $facebook_settings->color_scheme_footer);
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Font', 'font_footer', $fonts, $facebook_settings->font_footer, 'The Font to use for the Buttons');
    //	$ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Add a Ref', 'ref_footer', $facebook_settings->ref_footer, 'A reference for tracking');
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="shortcode_control">';
    ym_box_top('Shortcode Share Control');
    echo '<p>You can use the shortcode [ym_fb_like]</p>';
    echo '<p>You can specify a shareurl to use, if not the post permalink will be used</p>';
    //	echo '<p>You can specify a type to use, if not the "post" tab settings will be used, specify "shortcode" to use the below settings, or "footer" to use the footer tab settings</p>';
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook Share Shortcode', 'enable_share_shortcode', $facebook_settings->enable_share_shortcode);
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Auto Add to the bottom of posts on non Facebook Pages', 'enable_share_auto_nonfb', $facebook_settings->enable_share_auto_nonfb, 'Add a Share button to the bottom of all posts on non Facebook Framed Pages');
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook Send Shortcode', 'enable_send_shortcode', $facebook_settings->enable_send_shortcode, 'Allow people to share content via PM (needs Share to be on)');
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Share Box to Use', 'share_box_shortcode', $sharebox_options, $facebook_settings->share_box_shortcode);
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Show faces', 'show_faces_shortcode', $facebook_settings->show_faces_shortcode, 'Show the faces of Friend who have shared the same link');
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Verb to Use', 'verb_shortcode', $verbs, $facebook_settings->verb_shortcode);
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Color Scheme', 'color_scheme_shortcode', $color_schemes, $facebook_settings->color_scheme_shortcode);
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Font', 'font_shortcode', $fonts, $facebook_settings->font_shortcode, 'The Font to use for the Buttons');
    //	$ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Add a Ref', 'ref_shortcode', $facebook_settings->ref_shortcode, 'A reference for tracking');
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="likewall_control">';
    ym_box_top('Likewall Share Control');
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    //		$ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook Share LikeWall', 'enable_share_likewall', $facebook_settings->enable_share_likewall, 'Add a Share button for the whole site in the likewall');
    //		$ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Enable Facebook Send LikeWall', 'enable_send_likewall', $facebook_settings->enable_send_likewall, 'Allow people to share content via PM (needs Share to be on)');
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Share Box to Use', 'share_box_likewall', $sharebox_options, $facebook_settings->share_box_likewall);
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row('Show faces', 'show_faces_likewall', $facebook_settings->show_faces_likewall, 'Show the faces of Friend who have shared the same link');
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Verb to Use', 'verb_likewall', $verbs, $facebook_settings->verb_likewall);
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Color Scheme', 'color_scheme_likewall', $color_schemes, $facebook_settings->color_scheme_likewall);
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Font', 'font_likewall', $fonts, $facebook_settings->font_likewall, 'The Font to use for the Buttons');
    //	$ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Add a Ref', 'ref_likewall', $facebook_settings->ref_likewall, 'A reference for tracking');
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div id="open_graph">';
    ym_box_top('Open Graph Options');
    echo '<table class="form-table">';
    echo '
		<th>Open Graph Image
			<div style="color: gray; margin-top: 5px; font-size: 11px;">This image is used when a user links/shares content from your site.</div>
			<input type="file" name="open_graph_image" id="open_graph_image" />';
    if ($facebook_settings->open_graph_image) {
        echo '<div style="margin-top: 5px;"><img src="' . $facebook_settings->open_graph_image . '" alt="Open Graph Image" /></div>';
    echo '
    $ym_formgen->render_combo_from_array_row('Default Open Graph Type', 'open_graph_type', $types, $facebook_settings->open_graph_type);
    $ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row('Admin Ids', 'open_graph_admins', $facebook_settings->open_graph_admins, 'Users who should be linked/denoted as admins for your YM in Facebook, comma separated');
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="ym_fb_tab_select" id="ym_fb_tab_select" value="0" />';
    echo '</form>';
    if ($credits) {
        // facebook credits appears to be enabled in YM
        echo '<div id="transaction_logging">';
        ym_box_top('Facebook Credits Transaction Logging');
        include YM_FBOOK_BASE_DIR . 'admin/ym_facebook_transaction_log.php';
        echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';