Esempio n. 1
 public function task($offset = 0)
     global $ym_sys;
     if (!$ym_sys->email_reminder_enable) {
         echo 'Not Enabled in YM SYS';
     $offset = isset($_REQUEST['offset']) ? $_REQUEST['offset'] : $offset;
     if (is_null($offset)) {
         $offset = 0;
     if ($offset == -1) {
         // no pagination
         $offset = 0;
         $this->limit = null;
     $this->limit = isset($_REQUEST['limit']) ? $_REQUEST['limit'] : $this->limit;
     // use API Exposed Element for search
     $users = get_users(array('offset' => $offset, 'number' => $this->limit, 'meta_key' => 'ym_status', 'meta_value' => YM_STATUS_EXPIRED, 'meta_compare' => '!='));
     $current_time = time();
     // set to now + days so a future
     $limit_date = time() + $ym_sys->email_reminder_limit * 86400;
     $postarray = array();
     //Drip Feed Email
     if ($ym_sys->email_drip_reminder_enable) {
         global $wpdb;
         //Get all posts
         $args = array('meta_key' => '_ym_account_min_duration', 'post_status' => 'publish');
         $posts = get_posts($args);
         foreach ($posts as $post) {
             $drip = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_ym_account_min_duration', true);
             $new_array = array();
             if ($drip) {
                 $drip = explode(';', $drip);
                 if ($drip) {
                     foreach ($drip as $d) {
                         $array = explode('=', $d);
                         $new_array[$array[0]] = $array[1];
             $postarray[$post->ID] = array_filter($new_array);
         $postarray = array_filter($postarray);
     $total = count($users);
     if ($total) {
         $counter = 0;
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $user = new YourMember_User($user->ID);
             $expire_date = $user->expire_date;
             // user has expire date
             // user has not been sent a reminder
             // expire_date is less that the limit date
             // expire date is in the future
             if ($user->expire_date && !$user->reminder_email_sent && $user->expire_date < $limit_date && $user->expire_date > $current_time) {
                 // lock
                 $user->update(array('reminder_email_sent' => true), true);
                 // send
                 $subject = $ym_sys->email_reminder_subject;
                 $message = $ym_sys->email_reminder_message;
                 $pack = ym_get_pack_by_id($user->pack_id);
                 if ($pack['num_cycles'] != 1) {
                     // so 0 or many ie recurring
                     $subject = $ym_sys->email_reminder_subject_recur;
                     $message = $ym_sys->email_reminder_message_recur;
                 $subject = str_replace('[site_name]', get_bloginfo(), $subject);
                 $message = ym_apply_filter_the_content($message);
                 ym_email($user->data->user_email, $subject, $message);
                 @ym_log_transaction(YM_USER_STATUS_UPDATE, __('Email Reminder Sent', 'ym'), $user->ID);
                 do_action('ym_cron_email_reminder_sent', $user->ID);
                 echo '1';
             } else {
                 echo '.';
             if (substr($counter, -1, 1) == '0') {
                 echo ' ' . $counter . '/' . $total . "\n";
             $reminders = array();
             foreach ($postarray as $post => $type) {
                 foreach ($type as $ac_type => $days) {
                     if ($ac_type == $act) {
                         $reminders[$post] = array('post_id' => $post, 'days' => $days);
             if ($reminders) {
                 $users_reminders = unserialize(get_user_meta($user->ID, 'drip_email_reminders', true));
                 if (!$users_reminders || !is_array($users_reminders)) {
                     $users_reminders = array();
                 foreach ($reminders as $reminder) {
                     if (!in_array($reminder['post_id'], $users_reminders)) {
                         //The post ID is not marked as already sent so we may need to send it
                         //need to determine if we should send it.
                         $reg = $user->data->user_registered;
                         if ($sys->post_delay_start == 'pack_join') {
                             if ($pack_join = $user->account_type_join_date) {
                                 $reg = date('Y-m-d', $pack_join);
                         $reg = mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($reg, 5, 2), substr($reg, 8, 2), substr($reg, 0, 4));
                         $user_at = $reg + 86400 * $reminder['days'];
                         if ($user_at <= time() && $user_at >= time() - 86400 * 7) {
                             //If the time is not in the future, and no older then 10 days, we should send an email
                             //send email
                             $subject = $ym_sys->email_drip_subject;
                             $message = $ym_sys->email_drip_message;
                             $subject = str_replace('[site_name]', get_bloginfo(), $subject);
                             $message = ym_apply_filter_the_content($message);
                             ym_email($target, $subject, $message);
                             $users_reminders[] = $reminder['post_id'];
                             @ym_log_transaction(USER_STATUS_UPDATE, __('Drip Content Email for post' . $reminder['post_id'], 'ym'), $user->ID);
                             do_action('ym_cron_email_drip_sent', $user->ID, $reminder['post_id']);
                 update_user_meta($user->ID, 'drip_email_reminders', serialize($users_reminders));
         echo ' ' . $counter . '/' . $total . "\n";
         // loop
         echo 'Loop Complete From ' . $offset . "\n";
         if ($this->call_type == 'auto') {
             if ($this->limit != NULL) {
                 echo 'Schedule Next Step' . "\n";
                 wp_schedule_single_event(time(), 'ym_cron_email_reminder', array($offset + $this->limit));
             } else {
                 echo 'Full Call Occured' . "\n";
         } else {
             // reload
             echo 'Sleeping' . "\n";
             echo '<form action="" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="run_cron_job" value="ym_cron_email_reminder" /><input type="hidden" name="offset" value="' . ($offset + $this->limit) . '" /></form>';
             echo '<script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function() { setTimeout(\'ym_fire()\', 5000) }); function ym_fire() { jQuery(\'form\').submit(); }</script>';
     } else {
         echo 'Nothing to do Job Complete' . "\n";

global $ym_formgen, $ym_res, $ym_sys, $wpdb, $allowed_extensions;
global $current_user;
$target = $current_user->user_email;
if (isset($_POST['send_test']) && !empty($_POST['send_test'])) {
    $ym_sys->email_reminder_subject = str_replace('[site_name]', get_bloginfo(), $ym_sys->email_reminder_subject);
    $message = ym_apply_filter_the_content($ym_sys->email_reminder_message);
    ym_email($target, $ym_sys->email_reminder_subject, $message);
    ym_display_message(__('Sent test Email Reminder test email to you', 'ym'));
if (isset($_POST['send_test_recur']) && !empty($_POST['send_test_recur'])) {
    $ym_sys->email_reminder_subject_recur = str_replace('[site_name]', get_bloginfo(), $ym_sys->email_reminder_subject_recur);
    $message = ym_apply_filter_the_content($ym_sys->email_reminder_message_recur);
    ym_email($target, $ym_sys->email_reminder_subject_recur, $message);
    ym_display_message(__('Sent test Email Reminder test email to you', 'ym'));
if (isset($_POST['settings_update']) && !empty($_POST['settings_update'])) {
    update_option('ym_sys', $ym_sys);
    ym_display_message(__('System Updated', 'ym'));
echo '<div class="wrap" id="poststuff">';
echo ym_box_top(__('Email Configuration', 'ym'));
echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('These from settings will also be used for all YM initiated emails, instead of the WordPress default, normally wordpress@%s', 'ym'), $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . '</p>';
echo '<form action="" method="post">
<table class="form-table">';
$ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row(__('From Name', 'ym'), 'from_name', $ym_sys->from_name, __('Name of the sender (you or your site&#39;s name)', 'ym'));
$ym_formgen->render_form_table_text_row(__('From Email', 'ym'), 'from_email', $ym_sys->from_email, __('The email address where site emails will come from', 'ym'));
$ym_formgen->render_form_table_radio_row(__('All Emails', 'ym'), 'filter_all_emails', $ym_sys->filter_all_emails, __('Apply these filters to <strong>ALL</strong> Emails WordPress Sends', 'ym'));