* @package WordPress * @subpackage Your Inspiration Themes */ $thumbs = ''; $slider_type = yit_slide_get('slider_type'); global $_wp_additional_image_sizes; $thumb_width = $_wp_additional_image_sizes['thumb-slider-thumbnails']['width']; $thumb_height = $_wp_additional_image_sizes['thumb-slider-thumbnails']['height']; ?> <!-- START SLIDER --> <div id="slider-<?php echo $current_slider; ?> "<?php yit_slider_class('group inner'); ?> > <div class="showcase group"> <?php while (yit_have_slide()) { $thumbnail = explode('.', basename(yit_slide_get('image_url'))); $thumbnail = str_replace(basename(yit_slide_get('image_url')), $thumbnail[0] . '-' . $thumb_width . 'x' . $thumb_height . '.' . $thumbnail[1], yit_slide_get('image_url')); ?> <div class="showcase-slide"> <div class="showcase-content"> <!-- If the slide contains multiple elements you should wrap them in a div with the class .showcase-content-wrapper. We usually wrap even if there is only one element, because it looks better. --> <div class="showcase-content-wrapper">
$width = yit_slide_get('width') == 0 ? '100%' : yit_slide_get('width') . 'px'; $width_inline = yit_slide_get('width') == 0 ? "" : "width: {$width};"; $slider_class = 'ei-slider'; $slider_class .= yit_slide_get('align') != '' ? ' align' . yit_slide_get('align') : ''; if (yit_slide_get('width') == 0 && !$is_primary) { $slider_class .= ' container'; } else { $width_inline = "width: {$width};"; } ?> <!-- BEGIN #slider --> <div id="<?php echo $slider_id; ?> "<?php yit_slider_class($slider_class); ?> style="<?php echo $width_inline; ?> "> <div class="ei-slider-loading"><?php _e('Loading', 'yit'); ?> </div> <ul class="ei-slider-large"> <?php while (yit_have_slide()) { global $_wp_additional_image_sizes; list($thumbnail, $thumb_width, $thumb_height) = yit_image("id=" . yit_slide_get('item_id') . "&size=thumb-slider-elastic&output=array");
<?php /** * @package WordPress * @subpackage Your Inspiration Themes */ $slider_type = yit_slide_get('slider_type'); $slider = yit_slide_get('layer_slider_layer-slider'); ?> <!-- START SLIDER --> <div id="slider-<?php echo $current_slider; ?> "<?php yit_slider_class(); ?> > <div class="shadowWrapper"> <?php layerslider($slider); ?> <div class="shadow-left"></div> <div class="shadow-right"></div> </div> </div> <!-- END SLIDER -->
global $is_primary; $thumbs = ''; $slider_type = yit_slide_get( 'slider_type' ); $slider_class = 'group'; if ( ! $is_primary ) $slider_class = 'container'; $slider_class .= yit_slide_get('align') != '' ? ' align' . yit_slide_get('align') : ''; $background = ( yit_slide_get( 'header-background' ) != '' ) ? 'style="background-color: ' . yit_slide_get( 'header-background' ) . ';"' : '' ; if ( ! has_action( 'yit_after_header', 'yit_slider_space' ) ) add_action( 'yit_after_header', create_function( '', "echo \"<div style='height:130px;'></div> \";" ) ); ?> <div class="thumb_wrapper <?php if ($background != '') echo 'back-color' ?>" <?php echo $background ?>> <!-- START SLIDER --> <div id="<?php echo $slider_id ?>"<?php yit_slider_class($slider_class) ?>> <div class="showcase group"> <?php while( yit_have_slide() ) : list( $thumbnail, $thumb_width, $thumb_height ) = yit_image( "id=" . yit_slide_get('item_id') . "&size=thumb-slider-thumbnails&output=array" ); ?> <div class="showcase-slide"> <div class="showcase-content"> <!-- If the slide contains multiple elements you should wrap them in a div with the class .showcase-content-wrapper. We usually wrap even if there is only one element, because it looks better. --> <div class="showcase-content-wrapper"> <div class="showcase-content-slides"> <?php yit_slide_the( 'featured-content', array( 'container' => false ) ) ?> </div>
$slider_type = yit_slide_get( 'slider_type' ); $width = yit_slide_get('width') == 0 ? '100%' : yit_slide_get('width') . 'px'; $width_inline = ( yit_slide_get('width') == 0 ) ? "" : "width: $width;"; $slider_class = 'ei-slider'; $slider_class .= yit_slide_get('align') != '' ? ' align' . yit_slide_get('align') : ''; if ( yit_slide_get('width') == 0 && ! $is_primary ) { $slider_class .= ' container'; } else { $width_inline = "width: $width;"; } ?> <!-- BEGIN #slider --> <div id="<?php echo $slider_id ?>"<?php yit_slider_class($slider_class) ?> style="<?php echo $width_inline ?>"> <div class="ei-slider-loading"><?php _e( 'Loading', 'yit' ) ?></div> <ul class="ei-slider-large"> <?php while( yit_have_slide() ) : global $_wp_additional_image_sizes; list( $thumbnail, $thumb_width, $thumb_height ) = yit_image( "id=" . yit_slide_get('item_id') . "&size=thumb-slider-elastic&output=array" ); $thumbs .= "<li><a href=\"#\">".strip_tags(yit_slide_get( 'title' ))." - ".strip_tags(yit_slide_get( 'clean-content' ))."</a><img src=\"$thumbnail\" alt=\"".strip_tags(yit_slide_get( 'slide_title' ))." - ".strip_tags(yit_slide_get( 'clean-content' ))."\" /></li>\n"; ?> <li<?php yit_slide_class( 'slide align-' . yit_slide_get( 'layout_slide' ) ) ?>> <?php yit_slide_the( 'featured-content', array( 'container' => false ) ) ?> <?php if ( yit_slide_get( 'title' ) != '' || yit_slide_get( 'subtitle' ) != '' ) : ?>
/** * @package WordPress * @subpackage Your Inspiration Themes */ $thumbs = ''; $slider_type = yit_slide_get('slider_type'); $height = yit_slide_get('height'); $height = empty($height) ? 485 : $height; ?> <!-- START SLIDER --> <div id="slider-<?php echo $current_slider; ?> "<?php yit_slider_class('slider_cycle group'); ?> style="height:<?php echo $height; ?> px;"> <ul class="slider"> <?php if (!yit_is_empty()) { ?> <?php while (yit_have_slide()) { $paths = wp_upload_dir(); $image_url = yit_slide_get('image_url'); $image_path = str_replace($paths['baseurl'], $paths['basedir'], $image_url); $image_path = str_replace(site_url(), ABSPATH, $image_path);
/** * @package WordPress * @subpackage Your Inspiration Themes */ $thumbs = ''; $slider_type = yit_slide_get('slider_type'); $width = yit_slide_get('width') == 0 ? '100%' : yit_slide_get('width') . 'px'; ?> <!-- BEGIN #slider --> <div id="slider-<?php echo $current_slider; ?> "<?php yit_slider_class('ei-slider'); ?> style="width: <?php echo $width; ?> ; height: <?php yit_slide_the('height'); ?> px;"> <div class="ei-slider-loading"><?php _e('Loading', 'yit'); ?> </div> <ul class="ei-slider-large"> <?php