function x_plugin_cornerstone_exists() { if (x_plugin_exists('cornerstone/cornerstone.php')) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function x_addons_page_extensions() { ?> <?php // // Allow cache to be cleared manually. // if (isset($_GET['force-check']) && $_GET['force-check'] == 1) { delete_site_option('x_addon_list_cache'); } // // Retrieve addons from cache, or check immediately if they were just cleared. // $addons_cache = X_Update_API::get_cached_addons(); // // Show connection errors on screen. // if (isset($_GET['x-verbose']) && $_GET['x-verbose'] == 1) { delete_site_option('x_addon_list_cache'); x_dump(X_Update_API::get_errors(), 350, 'var_dump'); } ?> <div class="wrap x-addons-extensions"> <header class="x-addons-header"> <h2>Extensions</h2> <p>Custom and third party plugins you can use for free (over $1,000 in value) with updates!</p> <?php if (isset($addons_cache['error']) && $addons_cache['error']) { ?> <div class="error"><p><?php echo $addons_cache['message']; ?> </p></div> <?php } ?> </header> <ul class="x-addons-extensions-list cf" id="x-addons-extensions-list"> <?php $plugins = TGM_Plugin_Activation::$instance->plugins; foreach ($plugins as $key => $plugin) { if ($plugin['slug'] == 'cornerstone') { $cornerstone = $plugin; unset($plugins[$key]); } } array_unshift($plugins, $cornerstone); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { ?> <?php if (x_plugin_exists($plugin['x_plugin'])) { if (is_plugin_active($plugin['x_plugin'])) { $status = 'active'; $status_message = 'Active'; } else { $status = 'inactive'; $status_message = 'Inactive'; } $button = '<a class="x-addon-button button" href="' . admin_url('plugins.php') . '">Manage Plugin</a>'; } else { if ($plugin['source'] == NULL) { $url = x_addons_get_link_product_validation(); $text = 'Validate Purchase to Install'; $class = 'x-addon-button button'; } else { $url = wp_nonce_url(add_query_arg(array('page' => TGM_Plugin_Activation::$instance->menu, 'plugin' => $plugin['slug'], 'plugin_name' => $plugin['name'], 'plugin_source' => $plugin['source'], 'tgmpa-install' => 'install-plugin'), admin_url(TGM_Plugin_Activation::$instance->parent_url_slug)), 'tgmpa-install'); $text = 'Install Plugin'; $class = 'x-addon-button button button-primary'; } $status = 'not-installed'; $status_message = 'Not Installed'; $button = '<a class="' . $class . '" href="' . $url . '">' . $text . '</a>'; } ?> <li class="x-addons-extension <?php echo $status; ?> " id="<?php echo $plugin['slug']; ?> "> <div class="top cf"> <img src="<?php echo $plugin['x_logo']; ?> " class="img"> <div class="info"> <h4 class="title"><?php echo $plugin['name']; ?> </h4> <span class="status <?php echo $status; ?> "><?php echo $status_message; ?> </span> <p class="desc"><?php echo $plugin['x_description']; ?> </p> <p class="author"><cite>By <?php echo $plugin['x_author']; ?> </cite></p> </div> </div> <div class="bottom cf"><?php echo $button; ?> </div> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <?php }