function wrsqz_assemble($text, $vars=array()){ global $CFG; if(!isset($text[0])) return $text; $W = WIRISQUIZZESEXTENSION;//This char should be always 'W' $T = 'T'; $M = 'M'; mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); mb_regex_encoding("UTF-8"); //Transform #x into ##Wx $start=0; while(($char = strpos($text,'#',$start))!==false){ if(($char == 0 || substr($text,$char-1,1)!='#') && $char+1<strlen($text)){ $char1 = substr($text, $char+1,1); if(('a'<=$char1 && $char1<='z') || ('A'<=$char1 && $char1<='Z')){ $text = substr($text,0,$char) . '##W' . substr($text,$char+1); $start = $char + 3; }else{ $start = $char+1; } }else{ $start = $char + 1; } } //Transform ##Wx into ##Wx## in order to avoid conflicts between 2 variables //such that the name of the first is a prefix of the name of the second $text = mb_ereg_replace('##(['.$W.$M.$T.']'.WRSQZ_ONLYLETTERS . WRSQZ_ONLYLETTERSANDNUMBERS . '*)', '##\1##', $text); //classify vars depending on their nature (##M, ##W and ##T) $mathmlvars = array(); $encodedvars = array(); $textvars = array(); $imagevars = array(); foreach ($vars as $name=>$value){ if(!empty($name)){ $prefix = substr($name,0,3); $name = $name . '##'; if($prefix=='##'.$M){ $mathmlvars[$name]=$value; }else if($prefix == '##'.$W){ if (mb_substr($value,0,7)==='<image>') { $imagevars[$name] = wrsqz_imgHTMLTag($value); }else{ $encodedvars[$name]=wrsqz_mathmlEncode($value); } }else if($prefix == '##'.$T){ $textvars[$name]=$value; } } } //find MathML formulas & replace ##Mx variables inside. //We are using not-multibyte functions very carefully due to performance reasons. $start=0; while (($start = strpos($text,'<math',$start))!==false){ $length = strpos($text, '</math>',$start) - $start + strlen('</math>'); $formula = substr($text, $start, $length); $formula = wrsqz_assembleInsideFormula($formula, $mathmlvars, false); $text = substr($text,0,$start) . $formula . substr($text, $start+$length); $start = $start+strlen($formula); } //find encoded MathML formulas & replace ##Wx variables inside them. //We are not using multibyte functions. $start=0; while (($start = strpos($text,'«math',$start))!==false){ $length = strpos($text, '«/math»',$start) - $start + strlen('«/math»'); $formula = substr($text, $start, $length); $formula = wrsqz_assembleInsideFormula($formula, $encodedvars, true); $formula = wrsqz_extractTextFromMathML($formula); $text = substr($text,0,$start) . $formula . substr($text, $start+$length); $start = $start+strlen($formula); } //Replace variables outside formulas //MathML ones foreach($mathmlvars as $name=>$value){ $text = str_replace($name, '<math xmlns="">' . $value . '</math>', $text); } //Encoded MathML Ones foreach ($encodedvars as $name=>$value){ $value = wrsqz_extractTextFromMathML('«math xmlns=¨¨»'.$value.'«/math»'); $value = wrsqz_extractNumbersfromMathML($value); $text = str_replace($name, $value, $text); } //Text Ones foreach ($textvars as $name=>$value){ $text=str_replace($name, $value, $text); } //Image Ones foreach ($imagevars as $name=>$value){ $text = str_replace($name, $value, $text); } return $text; }
'<math><mrow><msqrt><mrow><mn>2</mn><msqrt><mn>3</mn></msqrt></mrow></msqrt><mi>#a</mi></mrow></math>', '<math><mrow><msub><mi>#</mi><mi>a</mi></msub></mrow></math>' => '<math><mrow><msub><mi>#</mi><mi>a</mi></msub></mrow></math>', '<math><mrow><mi>#</mi><msub><mi>a</mi><mi>c</mi></msub></mrow></math>'=>'<math><mrow><msub><mi>#a</mi><mi>c</mi></msub></mrow></math>', ); foreach($tests as $test=>$correct){ $resp = wrsqz_prepareVariablesInsideFormulas($test, FALSE); echo '<tr><td>'; echo $resp == $correct ? 'OK' : 'KO'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'.htmlentities($test, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').'</td>'; echo '<td>'.htmlentities($resp, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').'</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } foreach($tests as $test=>$correct){ $correct = wrsqz_mathmlEncode($correct); $test = wrsqz_mathmlEncode($test); $resp = wrsqz_prepareVariablesInsideFormulas($test, TRUE); echo '<tr><td>'; echo $resp == $correct ? 'OK' : 'KO'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td>'.htmlentities($test, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').'</td>'; echo '<td>'.htmlentities($resp, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').'</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } ?> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
function wrsqz_response_summary($questionType, $dbType, $question, $state, $length=80){ if($questionType == 'match'){ //assemble Questiontexts and answers. $subquestions = &$state->options->subquestions; $responses = &$state->responses; $table = new stdClass(); $table->data = array(); $table->width = '100%'; foreach ($subquestions as $key => $sub) { foreach ($responses as $ind => $code) { if (isset($sub->options->answers[$code])) { //assemble $text in encoded MathML. $text = format_text(wrsqz_assemble($subquestions[$ind]->questiontext,$state->vars),$question->questiontextformat); //assemble $answer in text mode. $answer = wrsqz_assemble(wrsqz_variablesToText($sub->options->answers[$code]->answer),$state->vars); $table->data[] = array($text ,$answer); } } } $summary = print_table($table, true); }else if($questionType == 'shortanswer'){ if(isset($state->responses[''])){ mb_parse_str($question->options->wiris->eqoption, $eqoptionArray); if(isset($eqoptionArray['editor']) && $eqoptionArray['editor'] == 'true'){ $summary = format_text(wrsqz_mathmlEncode(stripslashes($state->responses[''])),FORMAT_HTML); }else{ $summary = stripslashes($state->responses['']); } }else{ $summary=''; } }else if($questionType == 'truefalse'){ if(isset($state->responses['']) && isset($question->options->answers[$state->responses['']])){ $summary = $question->options->answers[$state->responses['']]->answer; }else{ $summary = ''; } }else if($questionType == 'multianswer'){ global $QTYPES; $table = new stdClass(); $table->data = array(); $table->data[0] = array(); $table->width = '100%'; $numquestions = count($question->options->questions); $table->size=array_fill(0,$numquestions,100/$numquestions . '%'); foreach ($question->options->questions as $key=>$wrapped) { $wrappedstate = clone($state); $wrappedstate->responses = array(''=>$state->responses[$key]); $table->data[0][] = $QTYPES[$wrapped->qtype]->response_summary($wrapped,$wrappedstate); } $summary = print_table($table, true); } return $summary; }