function getlog() { global $timestamp, $onlineip, $action, $sax_user; if ($action) { writefile(SABLOG_ROOT . 'data/log/adminlog.php', "<?PHP exit('Access Denied'); ?>\t{$timestamp}\t{$sax_user}\t{$onlineip}\t" . htmlspecialchars(trim($action)) . "\twap\n", 'a'); } }
function add($key, $val, $exp = 0) { $this->_file = $this->get_file($key, 'add'); $value = array("Time" => time(), "Expires" => $exp, "Data" => $val); $data = serialize($value); $this->_cache_sock = '<?php exit;?>'; if ($this->_have_zlib && $this->_compress_enable) { $this->_cache_sock .= gzcompress($data, 9); } else { $this->_cache_sock .= $data; } return writefile($this->_file, $this->_cache_sock); }
public function export_db_go() { require COMMON_PATH . "tp_common.php"; //引入自定义的类 import("Think.Db.Db"); //D('');也可以 $db = DB::getInstance(); $tables = $db->getTables(); foreach ($tables as $tbname) { $coumt = $db->getFields($tbname); $modelname = str_replace(C('DB_PREFIX'), '', $tbname); //msg($modelname); $row = D($modelname); $row = $row->findAll(); if ($_GET[dbform]) { //同时备份表结构 msg('正在备份表结构......<br>', 0); $sql = "DROP TABLE `{$tbname}`;\n"; $field = $db->query("show create table {$tbname}"); $sql .= $field[0]['Create Table'] . ";\n\n"; $dbdatasql .= $sql; unset($sql); msg('表:' . $tbname . '备份表结构信息成功!<br>'); } if ($_GET[dbdata]) { //只备份表数据 msg('正在备份表数据......<br>', 0); $sql = "TRUNCATE `{$tbname}`;\n"; //写入清空表信息 msg('表:' . $tbname . '写入清空表信息成功!<br>'); $values = array(); foreach ($row as $value) { $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$tbname}` VALUES ("; foreach ($value as $v) { $sql_tmp[] = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($v) . "'"; } $sql .= join(',', $sql_tmp); $sql .= ");\n"; $dbdatasql .= $sql; unset($sql); unset($sql_tmp); } msg('分析表:' . $tbname . '成功!<br>'); } } $sqlbody = $dbdatasql . "\n" . $dbdatasql . "\n\n\n"; writefile('./Backup/SQL/tpmaker_' . date('Ymd-His') . '.sql', $sqlbody); msg('备份表数据成功.<br>', 0); }
function parse_template($tplfile, $objfile) { global $options; $nest = 5; if (!($template = loadfile($tplfile))) { exit('Current template file not found or have no access!'); } /* elseif (!include_once lang('templates')) { exit("Current template pack do not have a necessary language file 'templates.php' or have syntax error!"); } */ $var_regexp = "((\\\$[a-zA-Z_-ÿ][a-zA-Z0-9_-ÿ]*)(\\[[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.\"\\'\\[\\]\$-ÿ]+\\])*)"; $const_regexp = "([a-zA-Z_-ÿ][a-zA-Z0-9_-ÿ]*)"; $template = preg_replace("/([\n\r]+)\t+/s", "\\1", $template); $template = preg_replace("/\\<\\!\\-\\-\\{(.+?)\\}\\-\\-\\>/s", "{\\1}", $template); $template = preg_replace("/\\{lang\\s+(.+?)\\}/ies", "languagevar('\\1')", $template); $template = preg_replace("/\\{(\\\$[a-zA-Z0-9_\\[\\]\\'\"\$\\.-ÿ]+)\\}/s", "<?=\\1?>", $template); $template = preg_replace("/{$var_regexp}/es", "addquote('<?=\\1?>')", $template); $template = preg_replace("/\\<\\?\\=\\<\\?\\={$var_regexp}\\?\\>\\?\\>/es", "addquote('<?=\\1?>')", $template); $template = "<? if(!defined('SABLOG_ROOT')) exit('Access Denied'); ?>\n{$template}"; $template = preg_replace("/[\n\r\t]*\\{template\\s+([a-z0-9_]+)\\}[\n\r\t]*/is", "\n<? include template('\\1'); ?>\n", $template); $template = preg_replace("/[\n\r\t]*\\{template\\s+(.+?)\\}[\n\r\t]*/is", "\n<? include template(\\1); ?>\n", $template); $template = preg_replace("/[\n\r\t]*\\{eval\\s+(.+?)\\}[\n\r\t]*/ies", "stripvtags('\n<? \\1; ?>\n','')", $template); $template = preg_replace("/[\n\r\t]*\\{elseif\\s+(.+?)\\}[\n\r\t]*/ies", "stripvtags('\n<? } elseif(\\1) { ?>\n','')", $template); $template = preg_replace("/[\n\r\t]*\\{else\\}[\n\r\t]*/is", "\n<? } else { ?>\n", $template); for ($i = 0; $i < $nest; $i++) { $template = preg_replace("/[\n\r\t]*\\{loop\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\}[\n\r]*(.+?)[\n\r]*\\{\\/loop\\}[\n\r\t]*/ies", "stripvtags('\n<? if(is_array(\\1)) { foreach(\\1 as \\2) { ?>','\n\\3\n<? } } ?>\n')", $template); $template = preg_replace("/[\n\r\t]*\\{loop\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)\\}[\n\r\t]*(.+?)[\n\r\t]*\\{\\/loop\\}[\n\r\t]*/ies", "stripvtags('\n<? if(is_array(\\1)) { foreach(\\1 as \\2 => \\3) { ?>','\n\\4\n<? } } ?>\n')", $template); $template = preg_replace("/[\n\r\t]*\\{if\\s+(.+?)\\}[\n\r]*(.+?)[\n\r]*\\{\\/if\\}[\n\r\t]*/ies", "stripvtags('\n<? if(\\1) { ?>','\n\\2\n<? } ?>\n')", $template); } $template = preg_replace("/\\{{$const_regexp}\\}/s", "<?=\\1?>", $template); $template = preg_replace("/ \\?\\>[\n\r]*\\<\\? /s", " ", $template); $template = preg_replace("/\"(http)?[\\w\\.\\/:]+\\?[^\"]+?&[^\"]+?\"/e", "transamp('\\0')", $template); $template = str_replace('<?=', '<?php echo ', $template); $template = str_replace('<? ', '<?php ', $template); if (!writefile($objfile, $template)) { exit('Directory \'./data/template/\' not found or have no access!'); } }
function all_doconfig_modify($whereis){ global $dbhost2, $dbuser2, $dbpw2, $dbname2, $tablepre2,$dbcharset2; if($whereis == 'is_dz') { // /\$dbhost.+;/i if(file_exists('./uc_server/data/')) { $config = file_get_contents('./uc_server/data/'); writefile('./uc_server/data/config.bak.php.'.time(),$config); $config = uc_doconfig_modify($config); writefile('./uc_server/data/',$config); } $config = file_get_contents('./'); writefile('./forumdata/config.bak.php.'.date(ymd,time()),$config); $config = preg_replace('/\$dbhost.+;/i','$dbhost = \''.$dbhost2.'\';',$config); $config = preg_replace('/\$dbuser.+;/i','$dbuser = \''.$dbuser2.'\';',$config); $config = preg_replace('/\$dbpw.+;/i','$dbpw = \''.$dbpw2.'\';',$config); $config = preg_replace('/\$dbname.+;/i','$dbname = \''.$dbname2.'\';',$config); $config = preg_replace('/\$tablepre.+;/i','$tablepre = \''.$tablepre2.'\';',$config); $config = preg_replace('/\$dbcharset.+;/i','$dbcharset = \''.$dbcharset2.'\';',$config); $config = uc_doconfig_modify($config); if(writefile('./',$config)) { show_tools_message('配置文件已经成功修改,原配置文件已经备份到forumdata目录下。','tools.php?action=all_config'); } } elseif($whereis == 'is_uch' || $whereis == 'is_ss') { $config = file_get_contents('./config.php'); writefile('./data/config.bak.php.'.date(ymd,time()),$config); $config = preg_replace('/\$_SC\[\'dbhost\'\].+;/i','$_SC[\'dbhost\'] = \''.$dbhost2.'\';',$config); $config = preg_replace('/\$_SC\[\'dbuser\'\].+;/i','$_SC[\'dbuser\'] = \''.$dbuser2.'\';',$config); $config = preg_replace('/\$_SC\[\'dbpw\'\].+;/i','$_SC[\'dbpw\'] = \''.$dbpw2.'\';',$config); $config = preg_replace('/\$_SC\[\'dbname\'\].+;/i','$_SC[\'dbname\'] = \''.$dbname2.'\';',$config); $config = preg_replace('/\$_SC\[\'tablepre\'\].+;/i','$_SC[\'tablepre\'] = \''.$tablepre2.'\';',$config); $config = preg_replace('/\$_SC\[\'dbcharset\'\].+;/i','$_SC[\'dbcharset\'] = \''.$dbcharset2.'\';',$config); $config = uc_doconfig_modify($config); if(writefile('./config.php',$config)) { show_tools_message('配置文件已经成功修改,原配置文件已经备份到data目录下。','tools.php?action=all_config'); } } elseif($whereis == 'is_uc') { $config = file_get_contents('./data/'); writefile('./data/config.bak.php.'.date(ymd,time()),$config); $config = uc_doconfig_modify($config); if(writefile('./data/',$config)) { show_tools_message('配置文件已经成功修改,原配置文件已经备份到data目录下。','tools.php?action=all_config'); } } }
/** * 写配置文件 * @param string $path * @param string $content * @param int $isappend 是否追加 */ function writeconf($path, $content) { $o_content = (include $path); $new_conf = $content; if ($o_content) { $new_conf = array_merge($content, $o_content); } $str = "<?php \r\n return " . var_export($new_conf, true) . "; \r\n?>"; return writefile($path, $str); }
$max_uploads = (int) $max_uploads; // please keep this formatted like this $sSQL = "Update " . $pho_main . " set\n name='{$name}',\n description='{$description}',\n config_suffix='{$config_suffix}',\n parent={$parent},\n display={$display},\n moderation='{$moderation}',\n email_list='{$email_list}',\n email_return='{$email_return}',\n email_tag='{$email_tag}',\n check_dup={$check_dup},\n multi_level={$multi_level},\n collapse={$collapsed},\n flat={$rflat},\n lang='{$language_file}',\n html='{$allow_html}',\n table_width='{$table_width}',\n table_header_color='{$table_header_color}',\n table_header_font_color='{$table_header_font_color}',\n table_body_color_1='{$table_body_color_1}',\n table_body_color_2='{$table_body_color_2}',\n table_body_font_color_1='{$table_body_font_color_1}',\n table_body_font_color_2='{$table_body_font_color_2}',\n nav_color='{$nav_color}',\n nav_font_color='{$nav_font_color}',\n allow_uploads='{$allow_uploads}',\n upload_types='{$upload_types}',\n upload_size='{$upload_size}',\n max_uploads='{$max_uploads}',\n security='{$security}',\n showip='{$showip}',\n emailnotification={$emailnotification},\n body_color='{$body_color}',\n body_link_color='{$body_link_color}',\n body_alink_color='{$body_alink_color}',\n body_vlink_color='{$body_vlink_color}'\n where\n id={$num}"; } else { $sSQL = "Update " . $pho_main . " set name='{$name}', description='{$description}', config_suffix='{$config_suffix}', lang='{$language_file}', parent={$parent}, table_width='{$table_width}', table_header_color='{$table_header_color}', table_header_font_color='{$table_header_font_color}', table_body_color_1='{$table_body_color_1}', table_body_font_color_1='{$table_body_font_color_1}', nav_color='{$nav_color}', nav_font_color='{$nav_font_color}', body_color='{$body_color}', body_link_color='{$body_link_color}', body_alink_color='{$body_alink_color}', body_vlink_color='{$body_vlink_color}' where id={$num}"; } $q->query($DB, $sSQL); $err = $q->error(); if ($err == "") { if (!$folder && $AllowAttachments && $allow_uploads == 'Y') { if (!file_exists("{$AttachmentDir}/{$table}") && !@mkdir("{$AttachmentDir}/{$table}", 0777)) { QueMessage("The directory ({$AttachmentDir}/{$table}) for attachments could not be created."); } else { chmod("{$AttachmentDir}/{$table}", 0777); } if ($err = create_table($DB, "attachments", $table . "_attachments")) { QueMessage("Could not create attachments table. Database server said \"{$err}\""); } } $ForumName = stripslashes($name); writefile($num); include "{$PHORUM['settings_dir']}/{$num}.php"; QueMessage("{$ForumName} has been updated."); } else { QueMessage($err); $page = $frompage; } } else { QueMessage("You must provide a name for the forum."); $option == "edit_prop"; }
function makeprotpl($id) { //生成基本Action $app_path = $this->getapppath(); //获取生成程序的根目录 $tpl_path = $this->gettplpath(); //获取程序模板的根目录 $data = $this->gettables($id); $tablename = uplower($data['title']); //第一个字母变成大写,其它变成小写 $caption = $data['caption']; $fields = $this->getfieldsbytbid($id); tpmk_dir($app_path . '/Tpl/default/' . $tablename . '/'); //生成目录 $islist = $data['list'] == 1 ? true : false; //是否列表 $issearch = $data['search'] == 1 ? true : false; //issearch $isadd = $data['add'] == 1 ? true : false; //是否增加 $isedit = $data['edit'] == 1 ? true : false; //是否允许编辑 $isview = $data['view'] == 1 ? true : false; //是否允许查看详细 $isdel = $data['del'] == 1 ? true : false; //是否允许删除数据 //生成INDEX.HMTL包括LIST及SEARCH的 if ($islist) { $filename = $app_path . '/Tpl/default/' . $tablename . '/index.html'; //生成的模板文件名 $tpl = new tpl($tpl_path . '/Html_tpl/index.html'); //源模板文件名 $tpl->tplsign('tablecaption', $caption); //替换 $tpl->tplsign('tablelist', $tablename); //替换表名 $filecontent = $tpl->tplreturn(); writefile($filename, $filecontent); } //生成ajaxlist.HMTL if ($islist || $issearch) { $filename = $app_path . '/Tpl/default/' . $tablename . '/ajaxlist.html'; //生成的模板文件名 $tpl = new tpl($tpl_path . '/Html_tpl/ajaxlist.html'); //源模板文件名 $listshowsort = $this->makerowslistsort($fields, 'islist'); $listshowtd = $this->makerowslisttd($fields, 'islist'); $tpl->tplblocksign('listshowsort', $listshowsort); //替换 $tpl->tplblocksign('listshowtd', $listshowtd); //替换 $tpl->tplissign('issearch', $issearch); //替换是否搜索 $tpl->tplissign('isadd', $isadd); //替换是否增加 $tpl->tplissign('isedit', $isedit); //替换是否编辑 $tpl->tplissign('isview', $isview); //替换查看详细 $tpl->tplissign('isdel', $isdel); //替换删除数据 $tpl->tplsign('tablecaption', $caption); //替换 $tpl->tplsign('tablelist', $tablename); //替换表名 $filecontent = $tpl->tplreturn(); writefile($filename, $filecontent); } //生成Add.HMTL if ($isadd) { $filename = $app_path . '/Tpl/default/' . $tablename . '/add.html'; //生成的模板文件名 $tpl = new tpl($tpl_path . '/Html_tpl/add.html'); //源模板文件名 if (count($fields) > 0) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $vartype = $field['addtype']; $varname = $this->maketags($field['addtype'], 'addtype', $field['name'], $field['indexvar'], $field['outkey'], $field['outkeyid'], $field['outkeyf'], $field['outkeywhere']); $varcaption = $field['caption']; $rows_contents[] = array("rows_type" => $vartype, "rows_name" => $varname, "rows_caption" => $varcaption); //替换方式 } } $tpl->tplblocksign('rows_contents', $rows_contents); $tpl->tplissign('issearch', $issearch); //替换是否搜索 $tpl->tplissign('isadd', $isadd); //替换是否增加 $tpl->tplissign('isedit', $isedit); //替换是否编辑 $tpl->tplissign('isview', $isview); //替换查看详细 $tpl->tplissign('isdel', $isdel); //替换删除数据 $tpl->tplsign('tablecaption', $caption); //替换 $tpl->tplsign('tablename', $tablename); //替换表名 $filecontent = $tpl->tplreturn(); writefile($filename, $filecontent); unset($rows_contents); } //生成Edit.HMTL if ($isedit) { $filename = $app_path . '/Tpl/default/' . $tablename . '/edit.html'; //生成的模板文件名 $tpl = new tpl($tpl_path . '/Html_tpl/edit.html'); //源模板文件名 if (count($fields) > 0) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $vartype = $field['edittype']; $varname = $this->maketags($field['edittype'], 'edittype', $field['name'], $field['indexvar'], $field['outkey'], $field['outkeyid'], $field['outkeyf'], $field['outkeywhere']); $varcaption = $field['caption']; $rows_contents[] = array("rows_type" => $vartype, "rows_name" => $varname, "rows_caption" => $varcaption); //替换方式 } } $tpl->tplblocksign('rows_contents', $rows_contents); $tpl->tplissign('issearch', $issearch); //替换是否搜索 $tpl->tplissign('isadd', $isadd); //替换是否增加 $tpl->tplissign('isedit', $isedit); //替换是否编辑 $tpl->tplissign('isview', $isview); //替换查看详细 $tpl->tplissign('isdel', $isdel); //替换删除数据 $tpl->tplsign('tablecaption', $caption); //替换 $tpl->tplsign('tablename', $tablename); //替换表名 $filecontent = $tpl->tplreturn(); writefile($filename, $filecontent); unset($rows_contents); } //生成Veiw.HMTL if ($isview) { $filename = $app_path . '/Tpl/default/' . $tablename . '/view.html'; //生成的模板文件名 $tpl = new tpl($tpl_path . '/Html_tpl/view.html'); //源模板文件名 if (count($fields) > 0) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $vartype = $field['viewtype']; $varname = $this->maketags($field['viewtype'], 'viewtype', $field['name'], $field['indexvar'], $field['outkey'], $field['outkeyid'], $field['outkeyf'], $field['outkeywhere']); $varcaption = $field['caption']; $rows_contents[] = array("rows_type" => $vartype, "rows_name" => $varname, "rows_caption" => $varcaption); //替换方式 } } $tpl->tplblocksign('rows_contents', $rows_contents); $tpl->tplissign('issearch', $issearch); //替换是否搜索 $tpl->tplissign('isadd', $isadd); //替换是否增加 $tpl->tplissign('isedit', $isedit); //替换是否编辑 $tpl->tplissign('isview', $isview); //替换查看详细 $tpl->tplissign('isdel', $isdel); //替换删除数据 $tpl->tplsign('tablecaption', $caption); //替换 $tpl->tplsign('tablename', $tablename); //替换表名 $filecontent = $tpl->tplreturn(); writefile($filename, $filecontent); unset($rows_contents); } unset($data); }
// "on" -> boolean // XXX we assume there is no string called "on" $config .= "gp_{$key}\t{$key}\tboolean\ttrue\n"; $typedef .= "\tboolean gp_{$key}=false\n"; } else { // string otherwise $config .= "gp_{$key}\t{$key}\tString\t{$val}\n"; $typedef .= "\tString gp_{$key}=\"{$val}\"\n"; } } } } } } #echo $typedef; writefile($config, $uid . ".appconfig"); } writeattributefile($gamedata, $uid . ".game"); if ($clearform) { header("Location: fillgameform.php#form"); } else { if ($badinput) { header("Location: fillgameform.php?error=badinput#form"); } else { if ($undefinput) { header("Location: fillgameform.php?error=undefinput#form"); } else { if ($counterror) { header("Location: fillgameform.php?error=counterror#form"); } else { header("Location: playgame.php");
function dumpsql_action() { global $db; $dump = $this->dump; /* 设置最长执行时间为5分钟 */ @set_time_limit(300); $run_log = $this->path . '/run.log'; /* 初始化输入变量 */ if (empty($_REQUEST['sql_file_name'])) { $sql_file_name = $dump->get_random_name(); } else { $sql_file_name = str_replace("0xa", '', trim($_REQUEST['sql_file_name'])); // 过滤 0xa 非法字符 $pos = strpos($sql_file_name, '.sql'); if ($pos !== false) { $sql_file_name = substr($sql_file_name, 0, $pos); } } $max_size = empty($_REQUEST['vol_size']) ? 0 : intval($_REQUEST['vol_size']); $vol = empty($_REQUEST['vol']) ? 1 : intval($_REQUEST['vol']); $is_short = empty($_REQUEST['ext_insert']) ? false : true; $dump->is_short = $is_short; /* 变量验证 */ $allow_max_size = intval(@ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); //单位M if ($allow_max_size > 0 && $max_size > $allow_max_size * 1024) { $max_size = $allow_max_size * 1024; //单位K } if ($max_size > 0) { $dump->max_size = $max_size * 1024; } /* 获取要备份数据列表 */ $type = empty($_POST['type']) ? '' : trim($_POST['type']); $tables = array(); switch ($type) { case 'full': $query = $db->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . $GLOBALS['table_prefix'] . "%'"); while ($t = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $table = array_values($t); $tables[$table[0]] = -1; } $dump->put_tables_list($run_log, $tables); break; case 'stand': $temp = array('site', 'user', 'groups ', 'score'); foreach ($temp as $table) { $tables[$GLOBALS['table_prefix'] . $table] = -1; } $dump->put_tables_list($run_log, $tables); break; case 'min': $temp = array('site'); foreach ($temp as $table) { $tables[$GLOBALS['table_prefix'] . $table] = -1; } $dump->put_tables_list($run_log, $tables); break; case 'custom': foreach ($_POST['customtables'] as $table) { $tables[$table] = -1; } $dump->put_tables_list($run_log, $tables); break; } /* 开始备份 */ $tables = $dump->dump_table($run_log, $vol); if ($tables === false) { die($dump->errorMsg()); } if (empty($tables)) { /* 备份结束 */ if ($vol > 1) { /* 有多个文件 */ if (!@writefile(ROOT_PATH . 'data/sqlbackup/' . $sql_file_name . '_' . $vol . '.sql', $dump->dump_sql)) { sheader('index.php?con=database&act=backup', 3, $sql_file_name . '_' . $vol . '.sql文件写入失败', 'redirect', true); } $list = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $vol; $i++) { $list[] = array('name' => $sql_file_name . '_' . $i . '.sql', 'href' => 'data/sqlbackup/' . $sql_file_name . '_' . $i . '.sql'); } sheader('index.php?con=database&act=restore', 3, '文件备份完成', 'redirect', true); } else { /* 只有一个文件 */ if (!@writefile(ROOT_PATH . 'data/sqlbackup/' . $sql_file_name . '.sql', $dump->dump_sql)) { sheader('index.php?con=database&act=backup', 3, $sql_file_name . '_' . $vol . '.sql文件写入失败', 'redirect', true); } $list = array(array('name' => $sql_file_name . '.sql', 'href' => 'data/sqlbackup/' . $sql_file_name . '.sql')); sheader('index.php?con=database&act=restore', 3, '文件备份完成', 'redirect', true); } } else { /* 下一个页面处理 */ if (!@writefile(ROOT_PATH . 'data/sqlbackup/' . $sql_file_name . '_' . $vol . '.sql', $dump->dump_sql)) { sheader('index.php?con=database&act=backup', 3, $sql_file_name . '_' . $vol . '.sql文件写入失败', 'redirect', true); } $lnk = 'index.php?con=database&act=dumpsql&sql_file_name=' . $sql_file_name . '&vol_size=' . $max_size . '&vol=' . ($vol + 1); sheader($lnk, 3, $sql_file_name . '_' . $vol . '.sql文件写入成功,进入下一个文件', 'redirect', true); } }
if (!defined('IN_BRAND')) { exit('Access Denied'); } $goodcronfile = B_ROOT . './data/system/updategoodgrade.cache.php'; if (!file_exists($goodcronfile)) { $goodcrontext = '$crongoodid=0'; writefile($goodcronfile, $goodcrontext, 'php'); } @(include $goodcronfile); $pernum = 1000; $resultarr = array(); $wheresql = 'itemid>' . $crongoodid . ' AND'; $goodnum = DB::result_first('SELECT COUNT(itemid) FROM ' . tname('gooditems') . ' WHERE ' . $wheresql . ' grade>2 ORDER BY itemid ASC'); $query = DB::query('SELECT itemid, validity_end FROM ' . tname('gooditems') . ' WHERE ' . $wheresql . ' grade>2 ORDER BY itemid ASC LIMIT ' . $pernum); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { if (!empty($value['validity_end']) && $value['validity_end'] < $_G['timestamp']) { DB::query('UPDATE ' . tname('gooditems') . ' SET grade=2 WHERE itemid=' . $value['itemid'], 'UNBUFFERED'); } $resultarr[] = $value; } if ($goodnum > $pernum) { $cronlastgood = array_pop($resultarr); $crongoodid = $cronlastgood['itemid']; $goodcrontext = '$crongoodid=' . $crongoodid; writefile($goodcronfile, $goodcrontext, 'php'); runcron($cron['cronid']); } else { $goodcrontext = '$crongoodid=0'; writefile($goodcronfile, $goodcrontext, 'php'); cronnextrun(array($cron['cronid'])); }
<?php check_security(); ?> <?php // activate the current forum $sSQL = "Update " . $pho_main . " set active=1 where id={$num}"; $q->query($DB, $sSQL); $ForumActive = 1; writefile($num, true);
unset($resultmodels['mid']); $resultcolumns = array(); $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('SELECT * FROM ' . tname('modelcolumns') . ' WHERE mid = \'' . $_GET['mid'] . '\' ORDER BY displayorder, id'); while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { unset($value['id']); unset($value['mid']); if (!empty($value['upid']) && $value['formtype'] == 'linkage') { $value['upid'] = $cacheinfo['columnids'][$value['upid']]; } $resultcolumns[] = $value; } $resultmodels['tpl'] = ''; $tarr = array('info' => array('version' => S_VER, 'charset' => $_SCONFIG['charset']), 'models' => $resultmodels, 'columns' => $resultcolumns, 'categories' => $cacheinfo['categoryarr']); $modelsql = "/** SupeSite Dump\r\n" . " * Version: SupeSite " . S_VER . "\r\n" . " * Charset: " . $_SCONFIG['charset'] . "\r\n" . " * Time: {$time}\r\n" . " * From: {$_SCONFIG['sitename']} (" . S_URL . ")\r\n" . " * \r\n" . " * SupeSite:\r\n" . " * Please visit our website for latest news about SupeSite\r\n" . " * --------------------------------------------------------*/\r\n\r\n\r\n"; $modelsql .= '$cacheinfo = ' . arrayeval($tarr) . ';'; if (!writefile($modelsqlfile, $modelsql, 'php')) { fclose($fp); deltree($datadir . '/' . $backupdir . '/'); showmessage('file_write_error'); } else { fclose($fp); $zipfilearr[] = $modelsqlfile; } $dberrorarr = array(); $createtable = $tabledump = ''; $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE=0', 'SILENT'); //ÎÞ±¨´íÖ´ÐйرÕÎҵĴ´½¨±íºÍÁÐʱ²»¼ÓÒýºÅ foreach ($modeldbarr as $tmpvalue) { $createtable = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . tname($resultmodels['modelname'] . $tmpvalue), 'SILENT'); if (!$_SGLOBAL['db']->errno()) { $tabledump .= 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . tname($resultmodels['modelname'] . $tmpvalue) . ";\n";
function ehtml($type, $updatetime = 0) { global $_SGLOBAL, $_SGET, $_SHTML, $_SCONFIG, $lang; if ($type == 'get') { $_SGLOBAL['htmlfile']['updatetime'] = $updatetime; //if(empty($_SGET['php']) && !empty($_SGLOBAL['htmlfile']['path']) && file_exists($_SGLOBAL['htmlfile']['path'])) { // sheader($_SGLOBAL['htmlfile']['url']); //} if (empty($_SGET['php']) && !empty($_SGLOBAL['htmlfile']['path']) && file_exists($_SGLOBAL['htmlfile']['path'])) { if ($_SGLOBAL['htmlfile']['path'] == './html/index.html') { include S_ROOT . './html/index.html'; exit; } else { sheader($_SGLOBAL['htmlfile']['url']); } } } else { if (empty($_SHTML['maxpage']) && !empty($_SGLOBAL['htmlfile']['path'])) { $content = $_SGLOBAL['content']; $theurl = S_URL_ALL . '/index.php?' . arraytostring($_SHTML); $codearr = array('url' => rawurlencode($theurl), 'maketime' => $_SGLOBAL['timestamp'], 'updatetime' => $_SGLOBAL['htmlfile']['updatetime'], 'uid' => empty($_SHTML['uid']) ? 0 : $_SHTML['uid'], 'itemid' => empty($_SHTML['itemid']) ? 0 : $_SHTML['itemid'], 'action' => $_SHTML['action']); $code = rawurlencode(implode('/', $codearr)); $content .= ' <script language="javascript"> <!-- var Modified = new Date(document.lastModified); var copyright = document.getElementById("xspace-copyright"); if(copyright) { copyright.innerHTML += "Last update: <a href=\\"' . $theurl . '/php/1\\" title=\\"' . $lang['the_page_can_be_updated_immediately_hits'] . '\\">"+(Modified.getYear()<200?(Modified.getYear()+1900):Modified.getYear())+"-"+(Modified.getMonth()+1)+"-"+Modified.getDate()+" "+Modified.getHours()+":"+Modified.getMinutes()+":"+Modified.getSeconds() + "</a><br>"; } document.write(\'<script src="' . S_URL . '/batch.html.php?code=' . $code . '&lastmodified=\' + Modified.getTime() + \'" type="text\\/javascript" language="javascript"><\\/script>\'); //--> </script>'; writefile($_SGLOBAL['htmlfile']['path'], $content); } } }
} } else { showmessage('bbs_db_error', CPURL . '?action=bbs&error=db'); } $_SC['bbsurl'] = trim($_POST['bbsurl']); $txt = sreadfile($_SC['bbsurl'] . '/index.php', 'r', 1); if (strlen($txt) < 100) { showmessage('bbs_url_error', CPURL . '?action=bbs&error=bbsurl'); } //ÐÞ¸Äconfig.php $file = S_ROOT . './config.php'; $configfile = sreadfile($file, 'r'); foreach (array('dbhost_bbs', 'dbuser_bbs', 'dbpw_bbs', 'dbname_bbs', 'tablepre_bbs', 'pconnect_bbs', 'dbcharset_bbs', 'bbsurl', 'bbsattachurl', 'bbsver') as $value) { $configfile = preg_replace("/[\$]\\_SC\\[\\'" . $value . "\\'\\](\\s*)\\=\\s*[\"'].*?[\"']/is", "\$_SC['" . $value . "']\\1= '" . $_SC[$value] . "'", $configfile); } if (!writefile($file, $configfile)) { showmessage('error: config.php have no access to write', $theurl); } $bbschenelarr = array('nameid' => 'bbs', 'name' => $alang['bbs'], 'type' => 'system', 'status' => 1); inserttable('channels', $bbschenelarr, 0, true); include_once S_ROOT . './function/cache.func.php'; dbconnect(1); //Éý¼¶ÂÛ̳×ֶΠupdatebbstables(); //»º´æÂÛ̳ÉèÖà updatebbssetting(); //»º´æÂÛ̳·ç¸ñÉèÖà updatebbsstyle(); //»º´æÂÛ̳bbcode/smiles updatebbsbbcode(); updatebbsstyle();
$aaa = num_rand(10); $start = 0; $bakuptable = bakuptable($tabledb); } $f_num = ceil($step / 2); $filename = 'iCMS_' . get_date('', "md") . '_' . $aaa . '_' . $f_num . '.sql'; $step++; $writedata = $bakuptable ? $bakuptable . $bakupdata : $bakupdata; $t_name = $tabledb[$tableid - 1]; $c_n = $startfrom; if ($stop == 1) { $files = $step - 1; trim($writedata) && writefile(iPATH . 'admin/data/' . $filename, $bak . $writedata, true, 'ab'); redirect("正在备份数据库表{$t_name}: 共{$rows}条记录<br>已经备份至{$c_n}条记录,已生成{$f_num}个备份文件,<br>程序将自动备份余下部分", __SELF__ . "?do=database&operation=savebackup&start={$startfrom}&tableid={$tableid}&sizelimit={$sizelimit}&step={$step}&aaa={$aaa}&tablesel={$tablesel}&rows={$rows}", 3); } else { trim($writedata) && writefile(iPATH . 'admin/data/' . $filename, $bak . $writedata, true, 'ab'); if ($step > 1) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $f_num; $i++) { $temp = substr($filename, 0, 19) . $i . ".sql"; if (file_exists("data/{$temp}")) { $bakfile .= '<a href="' . "data/{$temp}" . '">' . $temp . '</a><br>'; } } } redirect("已全部备份完成,备份文件保存在data目录下", __SELF__ . "?do=database&operation=recover"); } break; case 'recover': $Admin->MP("menu_database_recover"); include iPATH . 'admin/table.array.php'; $filedb = array();
function saveremotefile($url, $thumbarr = array(100, 100), $mkthumb = 1, $maxsize = 0) { global $_SCONFIG, $_SGLOBAL; $patharr = $blank = array('file' => '', 'thumb' => '', 'name' => '', 'type' => '', 'size' => 0); $ext = fileext($url); $patharr['type'] = $ext; if (in_array($ext, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png'))) { $isimage = 1; } else { $isimage = 0; $ext = 'attach'; } //debug 文件名 if (empty($_SGLOBAL['_num'])) { $_SGLOBAL['_num'] = 0; } $_SGLOBAL['_num'] = intval($_SGLOBAL['_num']); $_SGLOBAL['_num']++; $filemain = $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'] . '_' . sgmdate($_SGLOBAL['timestamp'], 'YmdHis') . $_SGLOBAL['_num'] . random(4); $patharr['name'] = $filemain . '.' . $ext; //debug 得到存储目录 $dirpath = getattachdir(); if (!empty($dirpath)) { $dirpath .= '/'; } $patharr['file'] = $dirpath . $filemain . '.' . $ext; //debug 上传 $content = sreadfile($url, 'rb', 1, $maxsize); if (empty($content)) { return $blank; } writefile(A_DIR . '/' . $patharr['file'], $content, 'text', 'wb', 0); if (!file_exists(A_DIR . '/' . $patharr['file'])) { return $blank; } $imageinfo = @getimagesize(A_DIR . '/' . $patharr['file']); list($width, $height, $type) = !empty($imageinfo) ? $imageinfo : array('', '', ''); if (!in_array($type, array(1, 2, 3, 6, 13))) { @unlink(A_DIR . '/' . $patharr['file']); return $blank; } $patharr['size'] = filesize(A_DIR . '/' . $patharr['file']); //debug 缩略图水印 if ($isimage) { if ($mkthumb && $ext != 'gif') { //debug 缩略图 $patharr['thumb'] = makethumb($patharr['file'], $thumbarr); //debug 加水印 if (!empty($patharr['thumb'])) { makewatermark($patharr['file']); } } if (empty($patharr['thumb'])) { $patharr['thumb'] = $patharr['file']; } } return $patharr; }
if (!defined('IN_BRAND')) { exit('Access Denied'); } $noticecronfile = B_ROOT . './data/system/updatenoticegrade.cache.php'; if (!file_exists($noticecronfile)) { $noticecrontext = '$cronnoticeid=0'; writefile($noticecronfile, $noticecrontext, 'php'); } @(include $noticecronfile); $pernum = 1000; $resultarr = array(); $wheresql = 'itemid>' . $cronnoticeid . ' AND'; $noticenum = DB::result_first('SELECT COUNT(itemid) FROM ' . tname('noticeitems') . ' WHERE ' . $wheresql . ' grade>2 ORDER BY itemid ASC'); $query = DB::query('SELECT itemid, validity_end FROM ' . tname('noticeitems') . ' WHERE ' . $wheresql . ' grade>2 ORDER BY itemid ASC LIMIT ' . $pernum); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { if (!empty($value['validity_end']) && $value['validity_end'] < $_G['timestamp']) { DB::query('UPDATE ' . tname('noticeitems') . ' SET grade=2 WHERE itemid=' . $value['itemid'], 'UNBUFFERED'); } $resultarr[] = $value; } if ($noticenum > $pernum) { $cronlastnotice = array_pop($resultarr); $cronnoticeid = $cronlastnotice['itemid']; $noticecrontext = '$cronnoticeid=' . $cronnoticeid; writefile($noticecronfile, $noticecrontext, 'php'); runcron($cron['cronid']); } else { $noticecrontext = '$cronnoticeid=0'; writefile($noticecronfile, $noticecrontext, 'php'); cronnextrun(array($cron['cronid'])); }
if (!defined('IN_BRAND')) { exit('Access Denied'); } $groupbuycronfile = B_ROOT . './data/system/updategroupbuygrade.cache.php'; if (!file_exists($groupbuycronfile)) { $groupbuycrontext = '$crongroupbuyid=0'; writefile($groupbuycronfile, $groupbuycrontext, 'php'); } @(include $groupbuycronfile); $pernum = 1000; $resultarr = array(); $wheresql = 'itemid>' . $crongroupbuyid . ' AND'; $groupbuynum = DB::result_first('SELECT COUNT(itemid) FROM ' . tname('groupbuyitems') . ' WHERE ' . $wheresql . ' grade>2 ORDER BY itemid ASC'); $query = DB::query('SELECT itemid, validity_end FROM ' . tname('groupbuyitems') . ' WHERE ' . $wheresql . ' grade>2 ORDER BY itemid ASC LIMIT ' . $pernum); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { if (!empty($value['validity_end']) && $value['validity_end'] < $_G['timestamp']) { DB::query('UPDATE ' . tname('groupbuyitems') . ' SET grade=2 WHERE itemid=' . $value['itemid'], 'UNBUFFERED'); } $resultarr[] = $value; } if ($groupbuynum > $pernum) { $cronlastgroupbuy = array_pop($resultarr); $crongroupbuyid = $cronlastgroupbuy['itemid']; $groupbuycrontext = '$crongroupbuyid=' . $crongroupbuyid; writefile($groupbuycronfile, $groupbuycrontext, 'php'); runcron($cron['cronid']); } else { $groupbuycrontext = '$crongroupbuyid=0'; writefile($groupbuycronfile, $groupbuycrontext, 'php'); cronnextrun(array($cron['cronid'])); }
/** * 更新用户后台模型id */ function updateuserspacemid() { global $_SGLOBAL; dbconnect(); $midarr = array(); $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('SELECT m.*, c.status FROM ' . tname('models') . ' m LEFT JOIN ' . tname('channels') . ' c ON (m.modelname = c.nameid) WHERE c.status > -1'); while ($result = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $midarr[] = $result; } $cachefile = S_ROOT . './cache/model/model.cache.php'; $text = '$cacheinfo = ' . arrayeval($midarr) . ';'; writefile($cachefile, $text, 'php'); return $midarr; }
function dealdata($data) { global $current_size, $tablearr, $writefile_data, $_POST; $current_size += strlen($data); $writefile_data .= $data; if ($current_size >= intval($_POST["filesize"]) * 1024) { $current_size = 0; $writefile_data .= "\r\n?" . ">"; writefile($writefile_data, "w"); $_POST[page] = intval($_POST[page]) + 1; fheader(); echo tablestart("正在从数据库'{$_POST['db_dbname']}'中导出数据……", 500); $str1 = "<br>-= 以下数据表处理完成 =- <div class='borderdiv' style='width:150px;height:100px;overflow:auto;' align=left>"; $finishByte = 0; for (reset($tablearr); list($key, $val) = each($tablearr);) { if ($key < $_POST[tabledumping]) { $str1 .= "√ {$val}<BR>\r\n"; $finishByte += $_POST[fsqltable][$val]; } else { if ($key == $_POST[tabledumping]) { $str1 .= "<a href='#' id='finisheditem'> </a></div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<br>-= 以下数据表正待处理 =-\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class='borderdiv' style='width:150px;height:100px;overflow:auto;' align=left>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<font style='color:#FF0000'>→ {$val}</font><br>\r\n"; $finishByte += $_POST[lastinsert] * substr(strstr($_POST[fsqltable][$val], ','), 1); $finish = intval($finishByte / $_POST[totalsize] * 100); } else { $str1 .= "・ {$val}<br>\r\n"; } } } $str1 .= "</div><BR>"; $str2 = tablestart("导出状态", 300); $str2 .= tabledata("共有数据:|" . num_bitunit($_POST[totalsize]) . "", "100|200"); $str2 .= tabledata("现已导出:|" . num_bitunit($finishByte) . ""); $str2 .= tabledata("每页导出:|" . num_bitunit(intval($finishByte / $_POST[page])) . ""); $str2 .= tabledata("导出时间间隔:|{$_POST['nextpgtimeout']} 秒"); $str2 .= tabledata("每页生成数据文件|≥ " . num_bitunit($_POST["filesize"] * 1024) . ""); $str2 .= tabledata("已生成数据文件:|" . ($_POST[page] - 1) . " 个"); $str2 .= tabledata("正在自动进入:|<a href='javascript:myform.submit();'>第 {$_POST['page']} 页</a>"); $str2 .= tabledata("已用时:|" . timeformat(time() - $_POST["StartTime"]) . ""); $str2 .= tabledata("已完成:|{$finish}% "); $str2 .= tabledata("完成进度:|<table width=100% height=12 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 class='tabletitle' align=center><tr><td width='{$finish}%'><div></div></td><td width='" . (100 - $finish) . "%' class='tabledata'><div></div></td></tr></table>"); $str2 .= tableend(); $str2 .= "<B><div id='postingTag'></div></B>"; echo tabledata("{$str1}|{$str2}"); echo tableend(); ffooter(); eval(auto_submit_script()); exit; } }
function updateattrext($force = true, $cachetime = '53200') { global $_G, $_SGLOBAL; $cachefile = B_ROOT . './data/system/attr_ext.cache.php'; if ($force == false) { $cachemtime = file_exists($cachefile) ? filemtime($cachefile) : 0; if ($_G['timestamp'] - $cachemtime < $cachetime) { @(include $cachefile); return false; } } $_SGLOBAL['brandlinks'] = $link = array(); $query = DB::query('SELECT * FROM ' . tname('modelcolumns') . ' WHERE mid = 2 and available = 1 order by displayorder'); while ($value = DB::fetch($query)) { if (!preg_match('/^ext_/', $value['fieldname'])) { continue; } $_SGLOBAL['attr_ext'][] = $value; } $cachetext = '$_SGLOBAL[\'attr_ext\']=' . arrayeval($_SGLOBAL['attr_ext']); writefile($cachefile, $cachetext, 'php'); @(include $cachefile); }
function writemodelvalidate($type, $value) { global $alang; $validatearr = array(); $validatestr = ''; $cacheinfo = getmodelinfoall($type, $value); if (!empty($cacheinfo['fielddefault']['subject'])) { $alang['model_validate_subject'] = $cacheinfo['fielddefault']['subject']; } if (!empty($cacheinfo['fielddefault']['subjectimage'])) { $alang['model_validate_subjectimage'] = $cacheinfo['fielddefault']['subjectimage']; } if (!empty($cacheinfo['fielddefault']['catid'])) { $alang['model_validate_categories'] = $cacheinfo['fielddefault']['catid']; } $validatearr['fieldinfo'] = array('new Array(\'subject\', \'' . $alang['model_validate_subject'] . '\', \'text\', \'80\', \'1\', \'CHAR\')', 'new Array(\'catid\', \'' . $alang['model_validate_categories'] . '\', \'select\', \'6\', \'1\', \'SMALLINT\')', 'new Array(\'subjectimage\', \'' . $alang['model_validate_subjectimage'] . '\', \'img\', \'80\', \'0\', \'CHAR\')'); if (!empty($cacheinfo['columns'])) { foreach ($cacheinfo['columns'] as $tmpvalue) { $issign = false; if ($tmpvalue['formtype'] == 'checkbox' && $tmpvalue['isrequired'] == 1) { $issign = true; } else { if (preg_match("/^(select|linkage|radio|timestamp|file)\$/i", $tmpvalue['formtype'])) { if ($tmpvalue['isrequired'] == 1) { $issign = true; } } else { $issign = true; } } if ($issign) { $validatearr['fieldinfo'][] = "new Array('{$tmpvalue['fieldname']}', '{$tmpvalue['fieldcomment']}', '{$tmpvalue['formtype']}', '{$tmpvalue['fieldlength']}', '{$tmpvalue['isrequired']}', '{$tmpvalue['fieldtype']}')"; } if ($tmpvalue['formtype'] == 'linkage') { $tmpfielddata = strim(explode("\r\n", $tmpvalue['fielddata'])); if (!empty($tmpfielddata)) { foreach ($tmpfielddata as $skey => $svalue) { if (!empty($svalue)) { $svalue = trim(substr($svalue, strpos($svalue, '=') + 1)); $validatearr[$tmpvalue['fieldname'] . 'arr'][] = 'new Array(\'' . trim(substr($tmpfielddata[$skey], 0, strpos($tmpfielddata[$skey], '='))) . '\', \'' . $svalue . '\')'; } } } } } } $validatestr = <<<EOF var imageext = new Array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png'); var flashext = new Array('swf'); function strLen(str) { \tvar charset = is_ie ? document.charset : document.characterSet; \tvar len = 0; \tfor(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { \t\tlen += str.charCodeAt(i) < 0 || str.charCodeAt(i) > 255 ? (charset.toLowerCase() == "utf-8" ? 3 : 2) : 1; \t} \treturn len; } function fileext(filename) { \tif(filename == null || filename == '') { \t\treturn ''; \t} \tvar ext = null; \tvar num = filename.lastIndexOf("."); \tif(num != -1) { \t\text = filename.substring(num + 1); \t} else { \t\text = ''; \t} \treturn ext; } function isfileext(filename, extarr) { \tvar ext = fileext(filename).toLowerCase(); \tfor(var i = 0; i < extarr.length; i++) { \t\tif(extarr[i] == ext){ \t\t\treturn true; \t\t} \t} \treturn false; } function fill(setid, parentid, arr, value) { \tsetid = document.getElementById(setid); \tif(setid != null) { \t\tsetid.options[0]=new Option('{$alang['model_validate_choose']}',''); \t\topt = 0; \t\tif(parentid == '') { \t\t\tfor(i=0;i<arr.length;i++) { \t\t\t\tsetid.options[i+1]=new Option(arr[i][1],arr[i][0]); \t\t\t\tif(arr[i][1] == value) { \t\t\t\t\topt = i+1; \t\t\t\t} \t\t\t} \t\t\tsetid.options[opt].selected=true; \t\t\tsetid.length=i+1; \t\t} else { \t\t\tparentcode = document.getElementById(parentid).value; \t\t\tcount=1; \t\t\tif(parentcode != '') { \t\t\t\tfor(i=0;i<arr.length;i++) { \t\t\t\t\tif(arr[i][0].toString().substring(0,parentcode.length)==parentcode.substring(0, parentcode.length)) { \t\t\t\t\t\tsetid.options[count]=new Option(arr[i][1],arr[i][0]); \t\t\t\t\t\tif(value != null && arr[i][1] == value) { \t\t\t\t\t\t\topt = count; \t\t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t\t\tcount=count+1; \t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t} \t\t\t} \t\t\tsetid.options[opt].selected=true; \t\t\tsetid.length=count; \t\t} \t} } function validate(theform) { \tif(fieldinfo.length > 0) { \t\tfor(i = 0; i < fieldinfo.length; i++) { \t\t\tobj = null; \t\t\tif(fieldinfo[i][2] == 'checkbox' && fieldinfo[i][4] == '1') { \t\t\t\tischoose = false; \t\t\t\tvar nodes = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); \t\t\t\tif(nodes) { \t\t\t\t\tfor(j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) { \t\t\t\t\t\tvar node = nodes[j]; \t\t\t\t\t\tif ( == fieldinfo[i][0]+'[]') { \t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(obj == null) obj = node; \t\t\t\t\t\t\tif(node.checked == true) { \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tischoose = true; \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak; \t\t\t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t\tif(!ischoose) { \t\t\t\t\t\talert('{$alang['model_validate_choose_2']}'+fieldinfo[i][1]); \t\t\t\t\t\tobj.focus(); \t\t\t\t\t\treturn false; \t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t} \t\t\t} else { \t\t\t\tischoose = true; \t\t\t\tobj = document.getElementById(fieldinfo[i][0]); \t\t\t\tif(fieldinfo[i][4] == '1' && obj && strLen(obj.value) < 1) { \t\t\t\t\tischoose = false; \t\t\t\t\tif(fieldinfo[i][2] == 'text' || fieldinfo[i][2] == 'textarea') { \t\t\t\t\t\talert('{$alang['model_validate_input_1']}'+fieldinfo[i][1]); \t\t\t\t\t} else if(fieldinfo[i][2] == 'img' || fieldinfo[i][2] == 'flash' || fieldinfo[i][2] == 'file' || fieldinfo[i][2] == 'timestamp') { \t\t\t\t\t\tobjvalue = document.getElementById(fieldinfo[i][0]+'_value'); \t\t\t\t\t\tif(obj && strLen(objvalue.value) < 1) { \t\t\t\t\t\t\talert('{$alang['model_validate_noset']}'+fieldinfo[i][1]+',{$alang['model_validate_affirm']}'); \t\t\t\t\t\t} else { \t\t\t\t\t\t\tischoose = true; \t\t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t\t} else { \t\t\t\t\t\talert("{$alang['model_validate_choose_2']}"+fieldinfo[i][1]); \t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\tif(obj && obj.value != '') { \t\t\t\t\tif(fieldinfo[i][2] == 'text' || (fieldinfo[i][2] == 'textarea' && fieldinfo[i][3] != 0)) { \t\t\t\t\t\tif(fieldinfo[i][5] != 'TEXT' && fieldinfo[i][5] != 'MEDIUMTEXT' && fieldinfo[i][5] != 'LONGTEXT' && fieldinfo[i][5] != 'FLOAT' && fieldinfo[i][5] != 'DOUBLE') { \t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (strLen(obj.value) > fieldinfo[i][3]) { \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tischoose = false; \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\talert('{$alang['model_validate_input_2']}'+fieldinfo[i][1]+'{$alang['model_validate_input_3']}'+strLen(obj.value)+'{$alang['model_validate_input_4']}'+fieldinfo[i][3]+'{$alang['model_validate_input_5']}'); \t\t\t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t\t} else if(fieldinfo[i][2] == 'img' || fieldinfo[i][2] == 'flash') { \t\t\t\t\t\tif (!isfileext(obj.value, (fieldinfo[i][2] == 'img' ? imageext : flashext))) { \t\t\t\t\t\t\tischoose = false; \t\t\t\t\t\t\talert('{$alang['model_validate_input_2']}'+fieldinfo[i][1]+'{$alang['model_validate_input_6']}'); \t\t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\t} \t\t\t\tif(!ischoose) { \t\t\t\t\tobj.focus(); \t\t\t\t\treturn false; \t\t\t\t} \t\t\t} \t\t} \t} \treturn true; } EOF; foreach ($validatearr as $tmpkey => $tmpvalue) { $validatestr .= "\nvar " . $tmpkey . " = new Array(\n"; $validatestr .= implode(",\n", $tmpvalue); $validatestr .= "\n);\n"; } $cachefile = S_ROOT . './model/data/' . $cacheinfo['models']['modelname'] . '/images/validate.js'; writefile($cachefile, $validatestr); }
function sethtmlupdatemode($newmode) { $cachefile = S_ROOT . './data/system/html.cache.php'; @(include_once $cachefile); $text = ''; if (!empty($htmltime)) { $text .= '$htmltime=\'' . $htmltime . '\';' . "\n"; } $text .= '$htmlupdatemode=\'' . $newmode . '\';' . "\n"; writefile($cachefile, $text, 'php', 'w', 0); }
function CreateConfigFile() { global $DreamCMS; $tmp = $DreamCMS->db->get_results("SELECT * FROM `#DC@__config`"); $config_data = "<?php\n\t\$config=array(\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($tmp); $i++) { if ($tmp[$i]['name'] == 'rewrite' || $tmp[$i]['name'] == 'bbs' || $tmp[$i]['name'] == 'email') { //zhaoyanmin 加email $_config .= "\t\t\"" . $tmp[$i]['name'] . "\"=>\"" . addslashes($tmp[$i]['value']) . "\",\n"; } else { $_config .= "\t\t\"" . $tmp[$i]['name'] . "\"=>\"" . $tmp[$i]['value'] . "\",\n"; } } $config_data .= substr($_config, 0, -2); $config_data .= "\t\n);?>"; writefile(DCPATH . 'include/site.config.php', $config_data); }
$filename = './shutdown.txt'; $str = 'shutdown ok'; writefile($filename, $str); echo "<script>alert('操作成功');location='member.php';</script>"; } //重启操作 if ($_GET["PS"] == "r") { function writefile($fname, $str) { $fp = fopen($fname, "w"); fputs($fp, $str); fclose($fp); } $filename = './restartnow.txt'; $str = 'restart ok'; writefile($filename, $str); echo "<script>alert('操作成功');location='member.php';</script>"; } //显示用户 $sql = "select * from member where member_user='******'member'] . "',member_img='" . $_POST['member_img'] . "'"; $rs = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql)); if ($_SESSION['member']) { ?> <table width="350" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#B3B3B3"> <tr> <td width="327" align="center" bgcolor="#EBEBEB" class="font">控制者控制面板 </tr> </table> <table width="100" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td height="3"></td>
++$page; $nexturl = CPURL . '?action=makehtml&op=makecathtml&perlisthtml=' . $perlisthtml . '&catid=' . $catid . '&total=' . $countnum . '&page=' . $page; echo '<table style="width:98%;padding:0.2em;border: 1px solid #698CC3;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;font-family: Trebuchet MS, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans, sans-serif;" align="center"><tr><td><a href=' . $nexturl . '>' . $alang['making_page_info_0'] . $total . $alang['making_page_info_1'] . $start . ' / ' . ($start + $perlisthtml) . $alang['making_page_info_2'] . '</a></td><td width="35%"><a href="' . $theurl . '&op=make">' . $alang['making_page_info_3'] . '</a></td></tr></table>'; jumpurl($nexturl, 1); } else { if ($_GET['jump'] == 'yes') { include_once S_ROOT . '/data/temp/catid.cache.php'; //取出其中一个catid生成html $catid = array_pop($tcatidarr); $jump = 'no'; if (!empty($tcatidarr)) { //保存到临时文件下,用于跳转 $jump = 'yes'; $cachefile = S_ROOT . './data/temp/catid.cache.php'; $text = '$tcatidarr = ' . arrayeval($tcatidarr) . ';'; writefile($cachefile, $text, 'php'); } updatehtmlpathcache(); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("DELETE FROM " . tname('spacepages') . " WHERE catid='{$catid}'"); $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tname('spaceitems') . " WHERE catid='{$catid}'"); $countnum = $_SGLOBAL['db']->result($query, 0); $nexturl = CPURL . '?action=makehtml&op=makecathtml&perlisthtml=' . $perlisthtml . '&catid=' . $catid . '&total=' . $countnum . '&jump=' . $jump; echo '<table style="width:98%;padding:0.2em;border: 1px solid #698CC3;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;font-family: Trebuchet MS, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans, sans-serif;" align="center"><tr><td><a href=' . $nexturl . '>' . $alang['making_page_info_0'] . $batch_makehtml_count . $alang['making_page_info_1'] . '0 / ' . $perlisthtml . $alang['making_page_info_2'] . '</a></td><td width="35%"><a href="' . $theurl . '&op=make">' . $alang['making_page_info_3'] . '</a></td></tr></table>'; jumpurl($nexturl, 1); exit; } showmessage('make_html_success', $theurl); } } elseif ($op == 'updatehtml') { include_once S_ROOT . '/data/temp/catidarr.cache.php'; //处理对应的分类block内容
if (!file_exists($src)) { showmessage('channel_php_src_error'); } if (!@copy($src, $obj)) { $data = implode('', file($src)); writefile($obj, $data); } //复制模板 $src = S_ROOT . './templates/' . $_SCONFIG['template'] . '/channel_sample.html.php'; $obj = S_ROOT . './templates/' . $_SCONFIG['template'] . '/channel_' . $nameid . '.html.php'; if (!file_exists($src)) { showmessage('channel_tpl_src_error'); } if (!@copy($src, $obj)) { $data = implode('', file($src)); writefile($obj, $data); } } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'news') { $_POST['category'] = trim($_POST['category']); $datas = array(); if (empty($_POST['category'])) { $datas = array("'{$alang['channel_category_1']}', '{$nameid}'", "'{$alang['channel_category_2']}', '{$nameid}'", "'{$alang['channel_category_3']}', '{$nameid}'", "'{$alang['channel_category_4']}', '{$nameid}'", "'{$alang['channel_category_5']}', '{$nameid}'", "'{$alang['channel_category_6']}', '{$nameid}'", "'{$alang['channel_category_7']}', '{$nameid}'", "'{$alang['channel_category_8']}', '{$nameid}'", "'{$alang['channel_category_9']}', '{$nameid}'"); } else { $_POST['category'] = explode("\n", $_POST['category']); foreach ($_POST['category'] as $value) { $value = saddslashes(shtmlspecialchars(trim($value))); if ($value) { $datas[] = "'{$value}', '{$nameid}'"; } } }
check_security(); /* Plugin Managment */ if (@$do == "props" && !empty($plugin)) { $plugindirname = $plugin; $pluginprops = TRUE; include "./plugin/{$plugin}/admin.php"; } else { if (isset($action) && isset($plugin)) { if ($action == "activate_plugin") { $PHORUM["plugins"][$plugin] = true; QueMessage("Plugin Activated."); } elseif ($action == "deactivate_plugin") { $PHORUM["plugins"][$plugin] = false; QueMessage("Plugin Deactivated."); } writefile(); } ?> <p> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" class="box-table"> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle" class="table-header">Manage Plugins</td> </tr> <tr> <?php $dir = opendir("./plugin/"); $num = 0; while ($plugindirname = readdir($dir)) { if ($plugindirname[0] != ".") { if (@file_exists("./plugin/{$plugindirname}/plugin.php")) { unset($pluginname);
function updatebbsforumset() { global $_SGLOBAL; $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('SELECT * FROM ' . tname('forums') . ' ORDER BY displayorder'); while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $value['pushsetting'] = unserialize($value['pushsetting']); $_SGLOBAL['bbsforumarr'][$value['fid']] = $value; } $cachefile = S_ROOT . './data/system/bbsforums.cache.php'; $cachetext = '$_SGLOBAL[\'bbsforumarr\']=' . arrayeval($_SGLOBAL['bbsforumarr']); writefile($cachefile, $cachetext, 'php'); }