function write_src($path, $info) { if (empty($info['file']) === true || file_exists($info['file']) === false) { return $info; } global $db; $vars = array(); $results = $db->query('select * from locals where call = ' . $info['call']); while ($row = $results->fetchArray()) { $vars[$row['name']] = write_var($path, $row, 'l'); } $args = array(); $results = $db->query('select, v.value, from args n, argvs v, funcs f, calls c where f.func = c.func and n.func = f.func and = and n.seq = v.seq and = ' . $info['call']); while ($row = $results->fetchArray()) { $args[$row['name']] = write_var($path, $row, 'a'); } $fp = fopen($info['file'], 'r'); $content = "<pre>\n"; for ($i = 1; $i < $info['line_start']; ++$i) { $content .= write_line_no($i) . htmlspecialchars(fgets($fp)); } for (; $i <= $info['line_end']; ++$i) { $content .= write_line_no($i) . write_line(fgets($fp), $i, $info, $vars, $args); } while (($tmp = fgets($fp)) !== false) { $content .= write_line_no($i++) . htmlspecialchars($tmp); } $content .= "</pre>\n"; fclose($fp); global $globals; $params = array('globals' => $globals, 'content' => $content); $file = $info['call'] . '_' . basename($info['file']) . '.html'; if (write_html($params, 'src.template.php', "{$path}/src/{$file}") === true) { $info['url'] = "src/{$file}#cur"; } return $info; }
$mapper = new NoneShardKeyMapper($config); break; default: throw new Exception('Unsupported mapper: ' . $config_database['mapper']); break; } if (empty($config['gearman'])) { /* Add a Shard-Query managed gearmand */ write_line("A gearman server was not seen in your config. Enter a host to use: []"); $gearman_host = read_line(); if (!trim($gearman_host)) { $gearman_host = ''; } write_line("A gearman port was not seen in your config. Enter a port number to use: [7001]"); $gearman_port = read_line(); if (!trim($gearman_port)) { $gearman_port = 7001; } $gearman = array(array('hostname' => $gearman_host, 'port' => $gearman_port, 'is_local' => true)); } else { /* Use externally managed gearmand */ $gearman = $config['gearman']; unset($config['gearman']); $gearmen = explode(',', $gearman); if (!is_array($gearmen)) { $gearmen = array($gearman); }
if ($create_user === true) { //add acount write_line("Creating user..."); $sql = "CREATE USER '{$sq_username}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{$sq_password}'"; $dbh->query($sql); $sql = "CREATE USER '{$sq_username}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '{$sq_password}'"; $dbh->query($sql); $sql = "GRANT ALL ON `shard_query`.* TO 'shard_query'@'%';"; $dbh->query($sql); $sql = "GRANT ALL ON `shard_query`.* TO 'shard_query'@'localhost';"; $dbh->query($sql); } //Create database + tables write_line("Installing 'shard_query' database"); $cmd = "mysql -h{$sq_host} -P{$sq_port} -u {$username} "; if (trim($password) != "") { $cmd .= "-p{$password} "; } $stmt = $dbh->query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {$sq_db}") or die("Could not create database (wrong credentials?)!"); $cmd .= "-D {$sq_db} < shard_query.sql"; $result = exec($cmd); //print if we have error? if (!empty($result)) { echo "ERROR:\n"; write_line($result); exit(1); } //done #write_line("Done!"); // Exit correctly exit(0);
} if (is_numeric($player['deaths'])) { $player['deaths'] = number_format($player['deaths']); } if (is_numeric($player['ratio'])) { $player['ratio'] = number_format($player['ratio'], 2); } if (is_numeric($player['winstreak'])) { $player['winstreak'] = number_format($player['winstreak']); } if (is_numeric($player['losestreak'])) { $player['losestreak'] = number_format($player['losestreak']); } write_line($image, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $color_stats_text, $font, "Skill: " . $player['skill'], $font_spacing); write_line($image, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $color_stats_text, $font, "Kills: " . $player['kills'], $font_spacing); write_line($image, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $color_stats_text, $font, "Deaths: " . $player['deaths'], $font_spacing); write_line($image, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $color_stats_text, $font, "Ratio: " . $player['ratio'], $font_spacing); write_line($image, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $color_stats_text, $font, "Kill Streak: " . $player['winstreak'], $font_spacing); write_line($image, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $color_stats_text, $font, "Death Streak: " . $player['losestreak'], $font_spacing); //write_line( $image, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $color_stats_text, $font, "Connections: " . number_format($player['connections']), $font_spacing ); } // Hosted by box. define("HOSTED_BY", "XLRstats"); $font = "./fonts/gunplay.ttf"; $font_size = 11; $box = imagettfbbox($font_size, 0, $font, HOSTED_BY); $text_width = $box[0] + $box[4]; $text_height = $box[1] - $box[5]; imagefilledrectangle($image, $image_width - ($text_width + 14), $image_height - ($text_height + 6), $image_width - 1, $image_height - 1, $color_hb_shade); imagerectangle($image, $image_width - ($text_width + 14), $image_height - ($text_height + 6), $image_width - 1, $image_height - 1, $color_hb_border); imagettftext($image, $font_size, 0, $image_width - ($text_width + 10), $image_height - ($text_height / 2 - 2), $color_hb_text, $font, HOSTED_BY);
function if_weiboapi_fail_cmd($api_res, $line = null, $out_put = FALSE) { if (isset($api_res['error_code'])) { if ($out_put) { $msg = "id:{$sid}\terror_code:{$api_res['error_code']}\terror:{$api_res['error']}\t{$line}\n"; // echo $msg; write_line($msg); } } if (!$api_res && $out_put) { $msg = "weibo api returns nothing.\n"; // echo $msg; write_line($msg); } }
$mapper->conn->my_query($sql) or die("SETUP FAILED: " . $mapper->conn->my_error()); } echo "[2J[;H"; $create_user = true; if (empty($params['user'])) { write_line("Please enter admin credentials for a user with GRANT option (to set up each shard): "); write_line("Please enter mysql a administrator username: [root]"); $username = read_line(); } else { $username = $params['user']; } if (trim($username) == "") { $username = "******"; } if (empty($params['password'])) { write_line("Enter admin password: [default no password]"); $password = read_line(); } else { $password = $params['password']; } echo "* Populating/Updating shard list\n"; $mapper->conn->my_query('DELETE IGNORE shards.* from shards join schemata on shards.schema_id = where schema_name = "' . $config['schema_name'] . '"') or die($mapper->conn->my_error()); foreach ($shards as $shard_name => $shard) { if (!isset($coord_shard_name) || isset($coord_shard_name) && $shard_name == $coord_shard_name) { $coord_shard = 1; } else { $coord_shard = 0; } $mapper->add_shard($shard_name, $shard, $coord_shard, $accepts_new_rows = true, null, $config['schema_name']); if ($create_user) { $shard_admin = $shard;