function updateSettings() { global $_PB_CACHE; if (isset($_PB_CACHE['setting']) && is_array($_PB_CACHE['setting'])) { writeCache('setting', '', '$_PB_CACHE[\'setting\'] = ' . evalArray($_PB_CACHE['setting']) . ";\n\n"); } }
function renderRequest($url) { if (caching) { $cache = readCache($url); if ($cache) { list($contentType, $content) = $cache; return [true, [$contentType, base64_decode($content)]]; } } list($rBool, $rData, $bCache) = doRequest($url); if (!$rBool) { if (caching) { if ($bCache) { bulkCacheTimestampUpdate(); } $cache = readCache($url, true); if ($cache) { list($contentType, $content) = $cache; return [true, [$contentType, base64_decode($content)]]; } } return [false, $rData]; } if (caching) { if (!writeCache($url, $rData)) { error_log('could not write to cache'); } } list($contentType, $content) = $rData; return [true, [$contentType, base64_decode($content)]]; }
/** * Count number of requested IP addresses */ function countRequestedIPaddresses() { # check if already in cache if ($vtmp = checkCache("openrequests", 0)) { return $vtmp; } else { global $database; /* set query, open db connection and fetch results */ $query = 'select count(*) from requests where `processed` = 0;'; /* execute */ try { $details = $database->getArray($query); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); print "<div class='alert alert-danger'>" . _('Error') . ": {$error}</div>"; return false; } # save to cche writeCache("openrequests", 0, $details[0]['count(*)']); # return return $details[0]['count(*)']; } }
function getAllSlaves($subnetId, $multi = false) { # check cache if ($vtmp = checkCache("allslaves", $subnetId . "_{$multi}")) { return $vtmp; } else { global $removeSlaves; $end = false; # breaks while $removeSlaves[] = $subnetId; # first # db global $db; # get variables from config file $database = new database($db['host'], $db['user'], $db['pass'], $db['name']); while ($end == false) { /* get all immediate slaves */ $query = "select * from `subnets` where `masterSubnetId` = '{$subnetId}' order by `id` asc; "; /* execute query */ try { $slaves2 = $database->getArray($query); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); print "<div class='alert alert-danger'>" . _('Error') . ": {$error}</div>"; return false; } # we have more slaves if (sizeof($slaves2) != 0) { # recursive foreach ($slaves2 as $slave) { $removeSlaves[] = $slave['id']; getAllSlaves($slave['id']); $end = true; } } else { $end = true; } } # save cache if (sizeof($removeSlaves) > 0) { writeCache("allslaves", $subnetId . "_{$multi}", $removeSlaves); } } }
/** * get whole tree path for subnetId - from parent all slaves * * if multi than create multidimensional array */ function getAllSlavesReturn($subnetId) { # check cache if ($vtmp = checkCache("allslavesReturn", $subnetId)) { return $vtmp; } else { $end = false; # breaks while $allSlaves[] = $subnetId; # first # db global $database; while ($end == false) { /* get all immediate slaves */ $query = "select `id` from `subnets` where `masterSubnetId` = '{$subnetId}' order by `id` asc; "; /* execute query */ try { $slaves2 = $database->getArray($query); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); print "<div class='alert alert-danger'>" . _('Error') . ": {$error}</div>"; return false; } # we have more slaves if (sizeof($slaves2) != 0) { # recursive foreach ($slaves2 as $slave) { $allSlaves[] = $slave['id']; getAllSlavesReturn($slave['id']); $end = true; } } else { $end = true; } } # save cache if (sizeof($allSlaves) > 0) { writeCache("allslaves", $subnetId, $allSlaves); } # return return $allSlaves; } }
/** * Group details by ID */ function getGroupById($id) { # check if already in cache if ($vtmp = checkCache("group", $id)) { return $vtmp; } else { global $database; /* execute query */ $query = "select * from `userGroups` where `g_id`= '{$id}';"; /* get group */ try { $group = $database->getArray($query); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); die("<div class='alert alert-danger'>" . _('Error') . ": {$error}</div>"); } /* return false if none, else list */ if (sizeof($group) == 0) { return false; } else { writeCache("group", $id, $group[0]); return $group[0]; } } }
function writeCache($urlAbs) { static $urlRootPage = ''; static $aCss = []; static $aJs = []; static $regScript = '/<script src="((?:\\.{0,2}\\/)*(?:[\\w\\d]+\\/)*[\\w\\d]+\\.js)"><\\/script>/i'; static $regLink = '/<link rel="stylesheet" href="((?:\\.{0,2}\\/)*(?:[\\w\\d]+\\/)*[\\w\\d]+\\.css)" *\\/?>/i'; static $regIncInline = '/<!-- include src="((?:\\.{0,2}\\/)*(?:[\\w\\d]+\\/)*[\\w\\d]+\\.html)"[\\s\\S]*? -->/i'; static $regSrc = '/(?<=script src=")(\\/src[^"]+?)(?=")/i'; if ($urlRootPage === '') { $urlRootPage = $urlAbs; } $txtCnt = getContent($urlAbs); if ($txtCnt !== false) { collectResources($regLink, $txtCnt, $urlAbs, $aCss); collectResources($regScript, $txtCnt, $urlAbs, $aJs); preg_match_all($regIncInline, $txtCnt, $aIncs); for ($cntIncs = 0; $cntIncs < count($aIncs[0]); $cntIncs++) { $sInclude = $aIncs[0][$cntIncs]; $urlIncRel = $aIncs[1][$cntIncs]; $urlIncAbs = calAbsUrl($urlIncRel, $urlAbs); $txtIncCnt = writeCache($urlIncAbs); if ($txtIncCnt === false) { $txtIncCnt = "<div>NO FILE {$urlIncRel} in {$urlAbs} !!!</div>"; } $sIncludeHead = str_replace([$urlIncRel, 'include'], [$urlIncAbs, 'include beginning'], $sInclude); $txtCnt = str_replace($sInclude, $sIncludeHead . $txtIncCnt . "<!-- include ending src=\"{$urlIncAbs}\" -->", $txtCnt); } } if ($urlRootPage === $urlAbs) { if (!DEVELOPING) { array_walk($aCss, function ($value, $key) { $fileLess = str_replace(".css", ".less", WEBROOT_AT_DISK . $value); $fileCss = WEBROOT_AT_DISK . $value; $command = "lessc --clean-css {$fileLess} {$fileCss} -s"; exec($command, $output, $returnCode); if ($returnCode !== 0) { echo "{$command} excuted error!!!<br>"; } }); } $aCss = packageResources($aCss); array_walk($aCss, function (&$value, $key) { $value = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{$value}\">"; }); $aJs = packageResources($aJs); usort($aJs, "jsRacing"); array_walk($aJs, function (&$value, $key) { $value = "<script src=\"{$value}\"></script>"; }); $regScriptOthers = '/<script src="[^"]+?\\.js"><\\/script>/i'; preg_match_all($regScriptOthers, $txtCnt, $aOthers); $aOthers = $aOthers[0]; $txtCnt = str_replace($aOthers, '', $txtCnt); $txtCnt = str_replace(['</head>', '</body>'], [implode(PHP_EOL, $aCss) . '</head>', implode(PHP_EOL, $aOthers) . implode(PHP_EOL, $aJs) . '</body>'], $txtCnt); $txtCnt = preg_replace($regSrc, WEBROOT_AT_HOST . "\$1", $txtCnt); writeFile(PACKAGE_AT_HOST . $urlAbs, $txtCnt); $urlRootPage = ''; $aCss = $aJs = []; } return $txtCnt; }
function getConversionRate($from, $to) { global $cache_tolerance, $cache_conversion, $webServiceURL; $cache_file = $cache_conversion . md5($from) . "-" . md5($to); if (isCacheValid($cache_file, $cache_tolerance)) { return file_get_contents($cache_file); } $url = $webServiceURL . "?from=" . $from . "&to=" . $to; $cache_contents = updateCache($cache_file, $url); if (strlen($cache_contents) > 0) { $cache_file_reverse = $cache_conversion . md5($to) . "-" . md5($from); $reverse_response = getReverseResponse($cache_contents); if (strlen($reverse_response) > 0) { writeCache($cache_file_reverse, $reverse_response); } } else { $cache_contents = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<response>\n<conversion-rate>0.0</conversion-rate>\n<date>:-(</date>\n</response>"; } return $cache_contents; }
function ArcadeInfoPanelBlock() { global $context, $txt, $arcSettings, $scripturl; $no = 5; echo ' <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><div align="center"><span><i><b>', $txt['arcade_info'], '</b></i></span></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span class="middletext">'; echo ' <script type="text/javascript"> var pausecontent=new Array() '; if ($arcSettings['enable_arcade_cache'] == 1) { ob_start(); if (!($cache3Best = readCache('arcadeinfopanel.cache', 86400))) { echo 'pausecontent[0]="', addslashes(ArcadeInfoBestPlayers($no)), '"; '; echo 'pausecontent[1]="', addslashes(ArcadeInfoNewestGames($no)), '"; '; echo 'pausecontent[2]="', addslashes(Arcade3champsBlock($no)), '"; '; echo 'pausecontent[3]="', addslashes(ArcadeInfoMostPlayed($no)), '"; '; echo 'pausecontent[4]="', addslashes(ArcadeInfoLongestChamps($no)), '"; '; $cache3Best = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); writeCache($cache3Best, 'arcadeinfopanel.cache'); ob_end_clean(); } echo $cache3Best; ob_start(); if (!($cacheGotd = readCache('gotd.cache', 86400))) { echo 'pausecontent[5]="', addslashes(ArcadeGOTDBlock()), '"; '; $cacheGotd = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); writeCache($cacheGotd, 'gotd.cache'); ob_end_clean(); } echo $cacheGotd; } else { echo 'pausecontent[0]="', addslashes(ArcadeInfoBestPlayers($no)), '"; '; echo 'pausecontent[1]="', addslashes(ArcadeInfoNewestGames($no)), '"; '; echo 'pausecontent[2]="', addslashes(Arcade3champsBlock($no)), '"; '; echo 'pausecontent[3]="', addslashes(ArcadeInfoMostPlayed($no)), '"; '; echo 'pausecontent[4]="', addslashes(ArcadeInfoLongestChamps($no)), '"; '; echo 'pausecontent[5]="', addslashes(ArcadeGOTDBlock()), '"; '; } echo 'pausecontent[6]="', addslashes(ArcadeRandomGameBlock()), '"; '; echo '</script> <style type="text/css"> #pescroller1{ height: 220px; border: 0px solid black; padding: 5px; } .someclass{ //class to apply to your escroller(s) if desired } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> /*********************************************** * Pausing up-down escroller- © Dynamic Drive ( * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit for this script and 100s more. ***********************************************/ function pauseescroller(content, divId, divClass, delay){ this.content=content //message array content this.tickerid=divId //ID of ticker div to display information this.delay=delay //Delay between msg change, in miliseconds. this.mouseoverBol=0 //Boolean to indicate whether mouse is currently over escroller (and pause it if it is) this.hiddendivpointer=1 //index of message array for hidden div document.write(\'<div id="\'+divId+\'" class="\'+divClass+\'" style="position: relative; overflow: hidden"><div class="innerDiv" style="position: absolute; width: 100%" id="\'+divId+\'1">\'+content[0]+\'</div><div class="innerDiv" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; visibility: hidden" id="\'+divId+\'2">\'+content[1]+\'</div></div>\') var escrollerinstance=this if (window.addEventListener) //run onload in DOM2 browsers window.addEventListener("load", function(){escrollerinstance.initialize()}, false) else if (window.attachEvent) //run onload in IE5.5+ window.attachEvent("onload", function(){escrollerinstance.initialize()}) else if (document.getElementById) //if legacy DOM browsers, just start escroller after 0.5 sec setTimeout(function(){escrollerinstance.initialize()}, 500) } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // initialize()- Initialize escroller method. // -Get div objects, set initial positions, start up down animation // ------------------------------------------------------------------- pauseescroller.prototype.initialize=function(){ this.tickerdiv=document.getElementById(this.tickerid) this.visiblediv=document.getElementById(this.tickerid+"1") this.hiddendiv=document.getElementById(this.tickerid+"2") this.visibledivtop=parseInt(pauseescroller.getCSSpadding(this.tickerdiv))*2)+"px" this.getinline(this.visiblediv, this.hiddendiv)"visible" var escrollerinstance=this document.getElementById(this.tickerid).onmouseover=function(){escrollerinstance.mouseoverBol=1} document.getElementById(this.tickerid).onmouseout=function(){escrollerinstance.mouseoverBol=0} if (window.attachEvent) //Clean up loose references in IE window.attachEvent("onunload", function(){escrollerinstance.tickerdiv.onmouseover=escrollerinstance.tickerdiv.onmouseout=null}) setTimeout(function(){escrollerinstance.animateup()}, this.delay) } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // animateup()- Move the two inner divs of the escroller up and in sync // ------------------------------------------------------------------- pauseescroller.prototype.animateup=function(){ var escrollerinstance=this if (parseInt(>(this.visibledivtop+5)){"px""px" setTimeout(function(){escrollerinstance.animateup()}, 50) } else{ this.getinline(this.hiddendiv, this.visiblediv) this.swapdivs() setTimeout(function(){escrollerinstance.setmessage()}, this.delay) } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // swapdivs()- Swap between which is the visible and which is the hidden div // ------------------------------------------------------------------- pauseescroller.prototype.swapdivs=function(){ var tempcontainer=this.visiblediv this.visiblediv=this.hiddendiv this.hiddendiv=tempcontainer } pauseescroller.prototype.getinline=function(div1, div2){"px", div1.offsetHeight)+"px" } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // setmessage()- Populate the hidden div with the next message before it\'s visible // ------------------------------------------------------------------- pauseescroller.prototype.setmessage=function(){ var escrollerinstance=this if (this.mouseoverBol==1) //if mouse is currently over scoller, do nothing (pause it) setTimeout(function(){escrollerinstance.setmessage()}, 100) else{ var i=this.hiddendivpointer var ceiling=this.content.length this.hiddendivpointer=(i+1>ceiling-1)? 0 : i+1 this.hiddendiv.innerHTML=this.content[this.hiddendivpointer] this.animateup() } } pauseescroller.getCSSpadding=function(tickerobj){ //get CSS padding value, if any if (tickerobj.currentStyle) return tickerobj.currentStyle["paddingTop"] else if (window.getComputedStyle) //if DOM2 return window.getComputedStyle(tickerobj, "").getPropertyValue("padding-top") else return 0 } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> //new pauseescroller(name_of_message_array, CSS_ID, CSS_classname, pause_in_miliseconds) new pauseescroller(pausecontent, "pescroller1", "someclass", 2000) document.write("<br />") </script> </span> </td> </tr> </table> '; }
/** * Check if subnet contains slaves */ function subnetContainsSlaves($subnetId) { # we need new temp variable for empties $subnetIdtmp = $subnetId; if (strlen($subnetIdtmp) == 0) { $subnetIdtmp = "root"; } # check if already in cache if ($vtmp = checkCache("subnetcontainsslaves", $subnetIdtmp)) { return $vtmp; } else { global $database; /* get all ip addresses in subnet */ $query = 'SELECT count(*) from `subnets` where `masterSubnetId` = "' . $subnetId . '";'; /* execute */ try { $slaveSubnets = $database->getArray($query); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); print "<div class='alert alert-danger'>" . _('Error') . ": {$error}</div>"; return false; } if ($slaveSubnets[0]['count(*)']) { writeCache("subnetcontainsslaves", $subnetIdtmp, true); return true; } else { writeCache("subnetcontainsslaves", $subnetIdtmp, false); return false; } } }
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT); defined('ROOT_PATH') || define('ROOT_PATH', str_replace('/public', '', dirname(__FILE__))); function writeCache($file, $content) { @($fp = fopen($file, "w")); @fwrite($fp, $content); @fclose($fp); } writeCache(ROOT_PATH . '/cache/gitpull', '1'); echo 'ok...';
} include_once './template/search.php'; #echo $template; } else { // show the top ten $LASTUPDATE = 0; $NEXTUPDATE = 0; if (isCached('home')) { $template = getCache('home'); $LASTUPDATE = intToTime(getLastUpdate(getcwd() . '/cache/home.cache')); $NEXTUPDATE = intToTime(getNextUpdate(getcwd() . '/cache/home.cache', RANKING_REFRESH_TIME)); } else { $topten = getTopTen(); include_once './template/home.php'; // write cache file writeCache('home', $template); $LASTUPDATE = intToTime(0); $NEXTUPDATE = intToTime(RANKING_REFRESH_TIME); } $template = str_replace('{:LASTUPDATE:}', $LASTUPDATE, $template); $template = str_replace('{:NEXTUPDATE:}', $NEXTUPDATE, $template); } /*************************************************************** * CLOSE DATABASE CONNECTION AND PROCESS PAGE LOAD TIME ***************************************************************/ mysql_close($link); //processing page END $time_end = microtime(true); $time = round($time_end - $time_start, 4); $template = str_replace('{:PROCESSED:}', $time, $template); /***************************************************************