Esempio n. 1
function check_loged()
    global $_SESSION;
    if (!isset($_SESSION["mfi_user"])) {
        die(wrapError(ERROR_CODE_EXPIRED, 'The Session has expired'));
Esempio n. 2

include_once '../function_header.php';
include '../common_server_functions.php';
$responseCode = 0;
$driverId = $_REQUEST['driverId'];
if ($driverId == 0 || $driverId == '') {
    die(wrapError(ERROR_CODE_FIVE, 'INTERNAL ERROR'));
$broker = $_REQUEST['broker'];
if ($broker == 0 || $broker == '') {
    die(wrapFormError(ERROR_CODE_MISSING_PARAMETERS, 'Please select a broker', 'brokerId'));
$first = $_REQUEST['first'];
if ($first == '') {
    die(wrapFormError(ERROR_CODE_MISSING_PARAMETERS, 'Please type the driver first name', 'firstName'));
$last = $_REQUEST['last'];
if ($last == '') {
    die(wrapFormError(ERROR_CODE_MISSING_PARAMETERS, 'Please type the driver last name', 'lastName'));
$existingDriver = objectQuery($conexion, '*', 'driver', "driverFirstName like '{$first}' AND driverLastName like '{$last}' AND brokerId = '{$broker}' AND driverId<>'{$driverId}'");
if ($existingDriver != null) {
    die(wrapFormError(ERROR_CODE_DUPLICATE, "The driver name '{$first} {$last}' already exists with ID [" . $existingDriver['driverId'] . "]", 'firstName'));
$ssn = $_REQUEST['ssn'];
if ($ssn == '') {
    die(wrapFormError(ERROR_CODE_MISSING_PARAMETERS, 'Please type the driver SSN', 'ssn'));
$tel = $_REQUEST['tel'];
Esempio n. 3

include_once '../function_header.php';
include '../common_server_functions.php';
$response = array();
$truck = $_REQUEST['truckId'];
if ($truck == '') {
    die(wrapError(ERROR_CODE_FIVE, 'INTERNAL ERROR'));
if (getTruckTicketCount($conexion, $truck) > 0) {
    die(wrapError(ERROR_CODE_INVALID_VALUE, 'The truck you want to delete has assigned tickets. Please delete the tickets first.'));
//die(wrapError(-2,'Feature not ready'));
$truckId = deleteTruck($conexion, $truck);
echo wrapSubmitResponse(0, $truck);
Esempio n. 4

include_once '../function_header.php';
include '../common_server_functions.php';
$response = array();
$vendor = $_REQUEST['vendorId'];
if ($vendor == '') {
    die(wrapError(ERROR_CODE_FIVE, 'INTERNAL ERROR'));
if (getVendorSupplierCount($conexion, $vendor) > 0) {
    die(wrapError(ERROR_CODE_INVALID_VALUE, 'The vendor you are trying to delete has assigned suppliers. Please delete the suppliers first.'));
//if(getBrokerTicketCount($conexion, $vendor) > 0) die(wrapError(ERROR_CODE_INVALID_VALUE, 'The vendor you want to delete has assigned tickets. Please delete the tickets first.'));
//die(wrapError(-2,'Feature not ready'));
$vendorId = deleteVendor($conexion, $vendor);
echo wrapSubmitResponse(0, $vendorId);
include_once '../function_header.php';
include '../common_server_functions.php';
$response = array();
$report = $_REQUEST['reportId'];
if ($report == '') {
    die(wrapError(ERROR_CODE_FIVE, 'INTERNAL ERROR'));
$number = $_REQUEST['number'];
if ($number == '') {
    die(wrapError(ERROR_CODE_MISSING_PARAMETERS, 'Missing Check Number'));
if ($number != 'cash') {
    $existingNumber = objectQuery($conexion, '*', 'paidcheques', "paidchequeNumber = '{$number}'");
    if ($existingNumber != null) {
        die(wrapError(ERROR_CODE_DUPLICATE, 'Number is used by a different check'));
$date = $_REQUEST['date'];
$amount = $_REQUEST['amount'];
if ($amount <= 0) {
    die(wrapError(ERROR_CODE_INVALID_VALUE, 'The amount must be a value greater than "0".'));
//die(wrapError(-2,'Feature not ready'));
$checkId = saveBrokerCheck($conexion, $report, $number, $amount, $date);
if ($checkId != null && $checkId > 0) {
    echo wrapSubmitResponse(SUCCESS_CODE, $checkId);
} else {
    echo wrapError(ERROR_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR, 'There was an error inserting the check. Please contact the administrator.');
$response = array();
$optionalClause = "";
if ($_REQUEST['material'] != 0) {
    $optionalClause = "AND materialId = '" . $_REQUEST['material'] . "'";
if ($_REQUEST['item'] != 0) {
    $optionalClause = "AND itemId = '" . $_REQUEST['item'] . "'";
$project = $_REQUEST['project'];
$start = $_REQUEST['startDate'];
$end = $_REQUEST['endDate'];
$comment = $_REQUEST['comment'];
$availability = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT count(*) as totalTickets FROM ticket JOIN item USING (itemId) LEFT JOIN invoiceticket USING (ticketId) WHERE projectId = '{$project}' AND invoiceId IS NULL \n\tAND ticketDate BETWEEN '{$start}' AND '{$end}' {$optionalClause}", $conexion));
if ($availability['totalTickets'] == 0) {
    die(wrapError(-1, "There are no tickets in the specified dates"));
//die(wrapError(-2,'Feature not ready'));
$queryInvoice = "INSERT INTO invoice (invoiceDate, projectId, invoiceStartDate, invoiceEndDate, invoiceComment) \n\tVALUES (CURDATE(),'{$project}','{$start}','{$end}','{$comment}')";
$invoiceId = mysql_insert_id();
$queryTickets = "INSERT INTO invoiceticket (ticketId, invoiceId) SELECT ticketId, '{$invoiceId}' FROM ticket JOIN item USING (itemId) LEFT JOIN invoiceticket USING (ticketId) WHERE projectId = '{$project}' AND invoiceId IS NULL \n\tAND ticketDate BETWEEN '{$start}' AND '{$end}' {$optionalClause}";
$brokerId = $_REQUEST['brokerId'];
$driverId = $_REQUEST['driverId'];

if($_REQUEST['startDate'] == '') {
	$startDateQuery = "select ticketDate from ticket JOIN truck using (truckId) LEFT JOIN reportticket USING (ticketId) where reportId Is NULL AND brokerId = $brokerId ".($driverId!=0?" AND driverId = $driverId ORDER BY ticketDate asc limit 1":"");
	$startDateInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($startDateQuery, $conexion));
	$fromDate = $startDateInfo['ticketDate'];
Esempio n. 7

include_once '../function_header.php';
include '../common_server_functions.php';
$response = array();
$ticket = $_REQUEST['ticketId'];
if ($ticket == '') {
    die(wrapError(ERROR_CODE_FIVE, 'INTERNAL ERROR'));
$inVendorInvoice = objectQuery($conexion, '*', 'supplierinvoiceticket JOIN supplierinvoice USING (supplierInvoiceId)', "ticketId = '{$ticketId}'");
if ($inVendorInvoice != null) {
    die(wrapError(ERROR_CODE_INVALID_VALUE, "This ticket is in vendor invoice [" . $inVendorInvoice['supplierInvoiceNumber'] . "]. Please delete the invoice first."));
$inBrokerInvoice = objectQuery($conexion, '*', 'reportticket', "ticketId = '{$ticketId}'");
if ($inBrokerInvoice != null) {
    die(wrapError(ERROR_CODE_INVALID_VALUE, "This ticket is in broker invoice [" . $inBrokerInvoice['reportId'] . "]. Please delete the invoice first."));
$inCustomerInvoice = objectQuery($conexion, '*', 'invoiceticket', "ticketId = '{$ticketId}'");
if ($inCustomerInvoice != null) {
    die(wrapError(ERROR_CODE_INVALID_VALUE, "This ticket is in customer invoice [" . $inVendorInvoice['invoiceId'] . "]. Please delete the invoice first."));
//die(wrapError(-2,'Feature not ready'));
$ticketId = deleteTicket($conexion, $ticket);
echo wrapSubmitResponse(0, $ticketId);