Esempio n. 1

if (function_exists('wptouch_pro_check_for_update')) {
    $new_version = wptouch_pro_check_for_update();
    $current_version = WPTOUCH_VERSION;

    if ($new_version != $current_version && !wptouch_has_license()) {
		<tr class="plugin-update-tr" id="wptouch-plugin-message">
			<td colspan="3" class="plugin-update colspanchange">
				<div class="update-message">
        if (!wptouch_has_license()) {
            if (wptouch_show_renewal_notice()) {
                echo sprintf(__('A new product version (%s) is available. %sRenew your license%s to download this update and receive additional product support.', 'wptouch-pro'), $new_version, '<a href="//">', '</a>');
            } else {
                if (wptouch_should_show_license_nag()) {
                    echo sprintf(__('A new product version (%s) is available. Please %sactivate your license%s, or %spurchase a new license%s to enable updates and full product support.', 'wptouch-pro'), $new_version, '<a href="' . wptouch_get_license_activation_url() . '">', '</a>', '<a href="//">', '</a>');
 function check_for_update()
     if (function_exists('wptouch_pro_check_for_update')) {
Esempio n. 3

if (function_exists('wptouch_pro_check_for_update')) {
    if (($version = wptouch_pro_check_for_update()) !== false) {
        if (!wptouch_has_license()) {
		<tr class="plugin-update-tr">
			<td colspan="3" class="plugin-update colspanchange">
				<div class="update-message">
            if (!wptouch_has_license()) {
                if (wptouch_show_renewal_notice()) {
                    echo sprintf(__('A new product version (%s) is available. %sRenew your license%s to download this update and receive additional product support.', 'wptouch-pro'), $version, '<a href="">', '</a>');
                } else {
                    if (wptouch_should_show_license_nag()) {
                        echo sprintf(__('A new product version (%s) is available. Please %sactivate your license%s, or %spurchase a new license%s to enable updates and full product support.', 'wptouch-pro'), $version, '<a href="' . wptouch_get_license_activation_url() . '">', '</a>', '<a href="">', '</a>');