Esempio n. 1
function wpsr_plugin_activate()
    // Set the defaults plugin when the options are not set
    $wpsr_settings = get_option('wpsr_settings_data');
    if (empty($wpsr_settings)) {
    // Set the defaults to the Floating share bar
    $floatbts = get_option('wpsr_template_floating_bar_data');
    if (empty($floatbts)) {
Esempio n. 2
function wpsr_admin_page()
    $wpsr_updated = false;
    ## Get the global variables
    global $wpsr_socialsites_list, $wpsr_addthis_lang_array, $wpsr_button_code_list, $wpsr_donate_link;
    if (function_exists('current_user_can') && !current_user_can('manage_options')) {
        die(__('Sorry you do not have enough previliges to access this page.'));
    ## Reset form on submit
    if (isset($_POST['wpsr_reset']) && check_admin_referer('wpsr_main_form')) {
        $wpsr_reseted = true;
    ## Version intro form on submit
    if (isset($_POST['wpsr_intro_submit']) && check_admin_referer('wpsr_intro_form')) {
        update_option("wpsr_version", WPSR_VERSION);
    ## Main form on submit
    if (isset($_POST["wpsr_submit"]) && check_admin_referer('wpsr_main_form')) {
        ## Addthis options
        $wpsr_addthis['username'] = $_POST['wpsr_addthis_username'];
        $wpsr_addthis['language'] = $_POST['wpsr_addthis_lang'];
        $wpsr_addthis['button'] = $_POST['wpsr_addthis_button'];
        $wpsr_addthis['tb_16pxservices'] = $_POST['wpsr_addthis_tb_16pxservices'];
        $wpsr_addthis['tb_32pxservices'] = $_POST['wpsr_addthis_tb_32pxservices'];
        $wpsr_addthis['sharecount'] = $_POST['wpsr_addthis_sharecount'];
        $wpsr_addthis['btbrand'] = $_POST['wpsr_addthis_btbrand'];
        $wpsr_addthis['clickback'] = $_POST['wpsr_addthis_clickback'];
        update_option("wpsr_addthis_data", $wpsr_addthis);
        ## Sharethis Options
        $wpsr_sharethis['vcount_order'] = $_POST['wpsr_sharethis_vcount_order'];
        $wpsr_sharethis['hcount_order'] = $_POST['wpsr_sharethis_hcount_order'];
        $wpsr_sharethis['buttons_order'] = $_POST['wpsr_sharethis_buttons_order'];
        $wpsr_sharethis['large_order'] = $_POST['wpsr_sharethis_large_order'];
        $wpsr_sharethis['regular_order'] = $_POST['wpsr_sharethis_regular_order'];
        $wpsr_sharethis['regular2_order'] = $_POST['wpsr_sharethis_regular2_order'];
        $wpsr_sharethis['pubkey'] = $_POST['wpsr_sharethis_pubkey'];
        $wpsr_sharethis['addp'] = $_POST['wpsr_sharethis_addp'];
        update_option("wpsr_sharethis_data", $wpsr_sharethis);
        ## Retweet Options
        $wpsr_retweet['username'] = $_POST['wpsr_retweet_username'];
        $wpsr_retweet['type'] = $_POST['wpsr_retweet_type'];
        $wpsr_retweet['service'] = $_POST['wpsr_retweet_service'];
        $wpsr_retweet['topsytheme'] = $_POST['wpsr_retweet_topsytheme'];
        $wpsr_retweet['twitter_recacc'] = $_POST['wpsr_retweet_twitter_recacc'];
        $wpsr_retweet['twitter_lang'] = $_POST['wpsr_retweet_twitter_lang'];
        update_option("wpsr_retweet_data", $wpsr_retweet);
        ## Digg Options
        $wpsr_digg['type'] = $_POST['wpsr_digg_type'];
        update_option("wpsr_digg_data", $wpsr_digg);
        ## Facebook Options
        $wpsr_facebook['btstyle'] = $_POST['wpsr_facebook_btstyle'];
        $wpsr_facebook['showfaces'] = $_POST['wpsr_facebook_showfaces'];
        $wpsr_facebook['width'] = $_POST['wpsr_facebook_width'];
        $wpsr_facebook['verb'] = $_POST['wpsr_facebook_verb'];
        $wpsr_facebook['font'] = $_POST['wpsr_facebook_font'];
        $wpsr_facebook['color'] = $_POST['wpsr_facebook_color'];
        $wpsr_facebook['appid'] = $_POST['wpsr_facebook_appid'];
        update_option("wpsr_facebook_data", $wpsr_facebook);
        ## Social Button Options
        $wpsr_socialbt['target'] = $_POST['wpsr_socialbt_target'];
        $wpsr_socialbt['nofollow'] = $_POST['wpsr_socialbt_nofollow'];
        $wpsr_socialbt['loadcss'] = $_POST['wpsr_socialbt_loadcss'];
        $wpsr_socialbt['effect'] = $_POST['wpsr_socialbt_effect'];
        $wpsr_socialbt['label'] = $_POST['wpsr_socialbt_label'];
        $wpsr_socialbt['columns'] = $_POST['wpsr_socialbt_columns'];
        $wpsr_socialbt['selected16px'] = $_POST['wpsr_socialbt_selected16px'];
        $wpsr_socialbt['selected32px'] = $_POST['wpsr_socialbt_selected32px'];
        $wpsr_socialbt['imgpath16px'] = $_POST['wpsr_socialbt_imgpath16px'];
        $wpsr_socialbt['imgpath32px'] = $_POST['wpsr_socialbt_imgpath32px'];
        $wpsr_socialbt['usesprites'] = $_POST['wpsr_socialbt_usesprites'];
        update_option('wpsr_socialbt_data', $wpsr_socialbt);
        ## Custom Options
        $wpsr_custom['custom1'] = stripslashes($_POST['wpsr_custom1']);
        $wpsr_custom['custom2'] = stripslashes($_POST['wpsr_custom2']);
        update_option("wpsr_custom_data", $wpsr_custom);
        ## Placement Options
        $wpsr_templates = $_POST['wpsr_template'];
        $templates = get_option('wpsr_templates');
        // Get the list of templates defined
        foreach ($templates as $k => $v) {
            $wpsr_template_temp['content'] = stripslashes($wpsr_templates[$k]['content']);
            $wpsr_template_temp['inhome'] = $wpsr_templates[$k]['inhome'];
            $wpsr_template_temp['insingle'] = $wpsr_templates[$k]['insingle'];
            $wpsr_template_temp['inpage'] = $wpsr_templates[$k]['inpage'];
            $wpsr_template_temp['incategory'] = $wpsr_templates[$k]['incategory'];
            $wpsr_template_temp['intag'] = $wpsr_templates[$k]['intag'];
            $wpsr_template_temp['indate'] = $wpsr_templates[$k]['indate'];
            $wpsr_template_temp['inauthor'] = $wpsr_templates[$k]['inauthor'];
            $wpsr_template_temp['insearch'] = $wpsr_templates[$k]['insearch'];
            $wpsr_template_temp['inexcerpt'] = $wpsr_templates[$k]['inexcerpt'];
            $wpsr_template_temp['infeed'] = $wpsr_templates[$k]['infeed'];
            $wpsr_template_temp['abvcontent'] = $wpsr_templates[$k]['abvcontent'];
            $wpsr_template_temp['blwcontent'] = $wpsr_templates[$k]['blwcontent'];
            $wpsr_template_temp['addp'] = 0;
            update_option("wpsr_template" . $k . "_data", $wpsr_template_temp);
        ## Settings options
        $wpsr_settings['smartload'] = $_POST['wpsr_settings_smartload'];
        $wpsr_settings['smartload_timeout'] = $_POST['wpsr_settings_smartload_timeout'];
        $wpsr_settings['rssurl'] = $_POST['wpsr_settings_rssurl'];
        $wpsr_settings['bitlyusername'] = $_POST['wpsr_settings_bitlyusername'];
        $wpsr_settings['bitlyapi'] = $_POST['wpsr_settings_bitlyapi'];
        $wpsr_settings['disablewpsr'] = $_POST['wpsr_settings_disablewpsr'];
        $wpsr_settings['disablecredits'] = $_POST['wpsr_settings_disablecredits'];
        $wpsr_settings['scriptsplace'] = $_POST['wpsr_settings_scriptsplace'];
        update_option("wpsr_settings_data", $wpsr_settings);
        $wpsr_updated = true;
    if (isset($wpsr_updated) && $wpsr_updated == true) {
        echo "<div class='message updated autoHide'><p>" . __('Updated successfully', 'wpsr') . "</p></div>";
    if (isset($wpsr_reseted) && $wpsr_reseted == true) {
        echo "<div class='message updated autoHide'><p>" . __('Values are set to defaults successfully', 'wpsr') . "</p></div>";
    if (isset($wpsr_v1fix) && $wpsr_v1fix == true) {
        echo "<div class='message updated autoHide'><p>" . __('You have upgraded from version 1.0, So some settings are fixed to suit new version.', 'wpsr') . "</p></div>";
    ## Assign the defaults to temp variables
    $wpsr_addthis = get_option('wpsr_addthis_data');
    $wpsr_sharethis = get_option('wpsr_sharethis_data');
    $wpsr_retweet = get_option('wpsr_retweet_data');
    $wpsr_digg = get_option('wpsr_digg_data');
    $wpsr_facebook = get_option('wpsr_facebook_data');
    $wpsr_socialbt = get_option('wpsr_socialbt_data');
    $wpsr_custom = get_option('wpsr_custom_data');
    $wpsr_settings = get_option('wpsr_settings_data');
    ## Assign the values of the template temporary
    $templates = get_option('wpsr_templates');
    foreach ($templates as $k => $v) {
        $wpsr_template[$k] = get_option('wpsr_template' . $k . '_data');
    if ($wpsr_socialbt['imgpath16px'] == WPSR_URL . 'social-icons/16/') {
        $wpsr_v1fix = true;
    if ($wpsr_settings['disablewpsr']) {
        $wpsr_is_disabled = ' | <span class="redText">' . __('Disabled', 'wpsr') . '</span>';
    } else {
        $wpsr_is_disabled = '';

<!-- Hidden fields -->
<div style="display:none">
	<span class="wpsrAdminUrl"><?php 
    echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
	<span class="tmplUrl"><?php 
    echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL . 'templates/templates.xml';
	<span class="tmplImg"><?php 
    echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL . 'templates/';
	<span class="wpsrVer" style="display:none"><?php 
    echo WPSR_VERSION;

    if (wpsr_show_admin() == 1) {
<!-- Main ADMIN page -->
<div class="wrap">
	<div class="header">
		<iframe src="//;send=false&amp;layout=button_count&amp;width=450&amp;show_faces=true&amp;action=recommend&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;font=arial&amp;height=21&amp;appId=106994469342299" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width: 126px; height:21px;float: right;margin-top: 15px;" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
		<h2><img width="32" height="32" src="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
images/wp-socializer.png" align="absmiddle"/>&nbsp;WP Socializer<span class="smallText"> v<?php 
        echo WPSR_VERSION;
        echo $wpsr_is_disabled;
	</div><!-- Header -->
	<ul class="wpsr_share_wrap">
	<li class="wpsr_donate" data-width="300" data-height="220" data-url="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL . 'js/share.php?i=1';
"><a href="#"></a></li>
	<li class="wpsr_share" data-width="350" data-height="85" data-url="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL . 'js/share.php?i=2';
"><a href="#"></a></li>
	<li class="wpsr_pressthis" title="Share a small post about this plugin in your blog !"><a href="press-this.php" target="_blank"></a></li>
	<div class="plugin_promo">
		<img src="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
images/anpn-thumb.png" width="60" height="60" />
	  <div class="promo_show">
			<h3>Advanced Post Navigator - WordPress plugin</h3>
			<div class="promo_slide"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
images/anpn.png" alt="Advanced Post Navigator"  width="100%" border="0"/></a></div>
	  	  <p class="promo_p1 promo_text">Advanced Post Navigator is a WordPress plugin, which adds <strong>"Next post"</strong> and <strong>"Previous post"</strong> buttons to the sides of the Posts and pages.</p>
			<p class="promo_p2 promo_text">It also shows more information about the Next and previous post in a hover bubble displaying the post <strong>"Excerpt, thumbnail, date, comments, category, tags and further posts"</strong></p>
			<div><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
images/purchase.png" alt="purchase"  width="200px" border="0" align="absmiddle"/></a> at Codecanyon<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
images/demo.png" alt="demo"  width="130px" border="0" align="right" /></a></div>
			<div><a href="" class="promo_credit" target="_blank">A plugin from Aakash Web - Official home page</a></div>
	<form id="content" method="post">
		<ul id="tabs" class="clearfix">
			<li><a href="#tab-1">Start</a></li>
			<li><a href="#tab-2">Button Settings</a></li>
			<li><a href="#tab-3" title="Placement">Edit templates</a></li>
			<li style="float:right"><a href="#tab-5" class="helpTab">Help</a></li>
			<li style="float:right"><a href="#tab-4">Global Settings</a></li>
		<div id="tab-1" class="clearfix">
			<div class="clearfix">
				<div class="startBox auto">
				<h2>Automatic setup</h2>
				<p>Start using WP Socializer by selecting pre-made set of button templates for your site.</p>
				<p>Just select the template style you like to use and "Save the settings".</p>				
				<div class="startBt"><span data-win="winTemplates" data-title="Select a template">Select an Inbuilt template</span></div>
				<div class="startBox manual">
				<h2>Manual setup</h2>
				<p>If you want to create your own button arrangement, then edit the individual button settings if needed.</p>
				<p>Then use the "Placement" section to place the buttons in the template</p>
				<div class="startBt" data-tab="2"><span>Manual customization</span></div>
			<h5>Give 5 star rating</h5>
			<p class="note">If you like this plugin then please give <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
images/five-star.png" align="absmiddle"/></a> rating in the WP page to show the quality and worth of the plugin.</p>
			<h5>Report bugs</h5>
			<p class="note">If you notice a bug in the plugin, report it immediately in the <a href="" target="_blank">Support Forum</a>.</p>

		<div id="tab-2" class="clearfix">
			<div class="leftCnt">
				<h3 class="noToggle">Edit button properties: </h3>
				<p>Click to edit the button properties.</p>
				<ul class="buttonsList clearfix">
					<li data-win="winSocialBts" data-width="85%" data-title="Social Buttons"><span class="admSprites socialButtons"></span> Social buttons</li>
					<li data-win="winAddthis" data-title="Addthis"><span class="admSprites addthisIcon"></span> Addthis</li>
					<li data-win="winSharethis" data-title="Sharethis"><span class="admSprites sharethisIcon"></span> Sharethis</li>
					<li data-win="winRetweetDigg" data-title="Retweet and Digg"><span class="admSprites retweetIcon"></span> Retweet &amp; Digg</li>
					<li data-win="winFacebook" data-title="Facebook"><span class="admSprites facebookIcon"></span> Facebook</li>
					<li data-win="winCustom" data-title="Custom buttons"><span class="admSprites customIcon"></span> Add a custom button</li>
				<p class="nextStep" data-tab="3">Next step: Insert these customized buttons in the template</p>
			</div><!-- Left content -->
			<div class="rightCnt">
				<p class="note">Other buttons like Google +1, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Pinterest do not have settings to be customized. <br/> <br/> Just use them directly in the template.</p>
		</div><!-- Tab - 2-->
		<div id="tab-3">
			<ul id="subTabs" class="clearfix">
        $templates = get_option('wpsr_templates');
        foreach ($templates as $k => $v) {
            echo '<li data-editor="wpsr_template[' . $k . '][content]">
						<a href="#sub-tab-' . $k . '">' . $v['name'] . '</a>
			<div class="toolbar clearfix">
			<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Use the menu above to insert the corresponding button's <code>{button-code}</code> into the template. Use HTML/CSS to properly align the buttons. <a data-win="winTemplates" data-title="Select a template" href="#">Predefined templates</a> can also be selected and edited.</p>
        foreach ($templates as $k => $v) {
			<div id="sub-tab-<?php 
            echo $k;
				<div class="section">
				<textarea class="wpsr_content" name="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][content]" id="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][content]" rows="7"><?php 
            echo $wpsr_template[$k]['content'];
				<h3>Where to show this template ?</h3>
				<div class="section">
				<table width="100%" border="0">
					<td><label><input name="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][inhome]" id="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][inhome]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
            echo $wpsr_template[$k]['inhome'] == "1" ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
 /> <?php 
            _e('Show in front page', 'wpsr');
</label> <br />
	<label><input name="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][insingle]" id="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][insingle]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
            echo $wpsr_template[$k]['insingle'] == "1" ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
 /> <?php 
            _e('Show in individual posts', 'wpsr');
</label> <br />
	<label><input name="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][inpage]" id="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][inpage]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
            echo $wpsr_template[$k]['inpage'] == "1" ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
 /> <?php 
            _e('Show in pages', 'wpsr');
</label> <br />
	<label><input name="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][incategory]" id="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][incategory]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
            echo $wpsr_template[$k]['incategory'] == "1" ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
 /> <?php 
            _e('Show in Category pages', 'wpsr');
</label> <br />
	<label><input name="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][intag]" id="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][intag]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
            echo $wpsr_template[$k]['intag'] == "1" ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
 /> <?php 
            _e('Show in Tag pages', 'wpsr');
					<td><label><input name="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][indate]" id="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][indate]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
            echo $wpsr_template[$k]['indate'] == "1" ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
 /> <?php 
            _e('Show in date archives', 'wpsr');
</label> <br />
	<label><input name="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][inauthor]" id="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][inauthor]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
            echo $wpsr_template[$k]['inauthor'] == "1" ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
 /> <?php 
            _e('Show in author pages', 'wpsr');
</label> <br />
	<label><input name="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][insearch]" id="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][insearch]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
            echo $wpsr_template[$k]['insearch'] == "1" ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
 /> <?php 
            _e('Show in search pages', 'wpsr');
</label> <br />
	<label><input name="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][inexcerpt]" id="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][inexcerpt]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
            echo $wpsr_template[$k]['inexcerpt'] == "1" ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
 /> <?php 
            _e('Show in Excerpt', 'wpsr');
</label> <br />
	<label><input name="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][infeed]" id="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][infeed]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
            echo $wpsr_template[$k]['infeed'] == "1" ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
 /> <?php 
            _e('Show in RSS feeds', 'wpsr');
				<h3>Where to position this template ?</h3>
				<div class="section">
					<label><input name="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][abvcontent]" id="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][abvcontent]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
            echo $wpsr_template[$k]['abvcontent'] == "1" ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
            _e('Above content', 'wpsr');
					<label><input name="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][blwcontent]" id="wpsr_template[<?php 
            echo $k;
][blwcontent]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php 
            echo $wpsr_template[$k]['blwcontent'] == "1" ? 'checked="checked"' : "";
            _e('Below content', 'wpsr');

		</div><!-- Tab - 3-->
		<div id="tab-4">
			<h3>Smart load <small class="redText">New !</small></h3>
			<div class="section">
				<table width="100%" height="39" border="0">
					<td width="49%" height="35">Load the button scripts</td>
					<td width="51%"><select id="wpsr_settings_smartload" name="wpsr_settings_smartload">
				<option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_settings['smartload'] == 'normal' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
 value="normal">Normally (Async)</option>
				<!--<option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_settings['smartload'] == 'window' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
 value="window">After window load</option>-->
				<option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_settings['smartload'] == 'timeout' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
 value="timeout">After specific time</option>
			<div id="wpsr_lazload_timeout">Load buttons script after: <input name="wpsr_settings_smartload_timeout" type="text" id="wpsr_settings_smartload_timeout" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_settings['smartload_timeout'];
" size="2"/> seconds</div>
				<small class="grayText"><strong>Note:</strong> If the buttons fail to load, there might be a <abbr title="Javascript">JS</abbr> error in the page. This plugin is tested on various browsers and it seems to work fine. If you can't find a solution for the problem report it in the <a href="" target="_blank">Support Forum</a></small>		
			<h3>RSS <?php 
        _e('Settings', 'wpsr');
			<div class="section">
				<table width="100%" height="39" border="0">
					<td width="49%" height="35">RSS <?php 
        _e('URL', 'wpsr');
<br />
		<span class="smallText"><?php 
        _e('Leave blank to use default Wordpress RSS feed.', 'wpsr');
        _e('You can use Feedburner feed URL also', 'wpsr');
					<td width="51%"><input name="wpsr_settings_rssurl" type="text" id="wpsr_settings_rssurl" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_settings['rssurl'];
" size="60"/>
			<h3> <?php 
        _e('Integration', 'wpsr');
			<span class="smallText"> is used only in Social bookmarking button for Twitter</span>
			<div class="section">
				<table width="100%" height="39" border="0">
					<td width="49%" height="35"><label for="wpsr_settings_bitlyusername"> <?php 
        _e('Username', 'wpsr');
					<td width="51%"><input name="wpsr_settings_bitlyusername" id="wpsr_settings_bitlyusername" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_settings['bitlyusername'];
					<td width="49%" height="35"><label for="wpsr_settings_bitlyapi"> API Key</label></td>
					<td width="51%"><input name="wpsr_settings_bitlyapi" id="wpsr_settings_bitlyapi" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_settings['bitlyapi'];
        _e('WP Socializer Settings', 'wpsr');
			<div class="section">
				<table width="100%" height="84" border="0">
					<td width="49%" height="40"><label for="wpsr_settings_scriptsplace"><?php 
        _e('Load button scripts in ', 'wpsr');
					<td width="51%"><select id="wpsr_settings_scriptsplace" name="wpsr_settings_scriptsplace">
					  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_settings['scriptsplace'] == 'header' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Header (recommended)', 'wpsr');
					  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_settings['scriptsplace'] == 'footer' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Footer', 'wpsr');
					<td height="34"><?php 
        _e('Load WP Socializer CSS', 'wpsr');
					<br /><span class="smallText"><?php 
        _e('Note: templates, hover effects &amp; column will not work', 'wpsr');
					<td><select id="wpsr_socialbt_loadcss" name="wpsr_socialbt_loadcss">
					  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['loadcss'] == '1' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Yes', 'wpsr');
					  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['loadcss'] == '0' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('No', 'wpsr');
        _e('Hide credit links', 'wpsr');
				<div class="section">
					<table width="100%" height="39" border="0">
						<td width="49%" height="35"><?php 
        _e('Hide the credit links which appear below the floating share bar', 'wpsr');
<br />
			<span class="smallText"><?php 
        _e('Credit links are added below the floating sharebar to show the support and increase the knowledge of the plugin to other WordPress users.', 'wpsr');
						<td width="51%"><select id="wpsr_settings_disablecredits" name="wpsr_settings_disablecredits">
				<option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_settings['disablecredits'] == '0' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('No', 'wpsr');
				<option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_settings['disablecredits'] == '1' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Yes', 'wpsr');
        _e('Disable WP Socializer', 'wpsr');
				<div class="section">
					<table width="100%" height="39" border="0">
						<td width="49%" height="35"><?php 
        _e('Temporarily disable all WP-Socializer buttons ', 'wpsr');
<br />
			<span class="smallText"><?php 
        _e('Disabling will stop displaying all buttons, templates', 'wpsr');
						<td width="51%"><select id="wpsr_settings_disablewpsr" name="wpsr_settings_disablewpsr">
				<option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_settings['disablewpsr'] == '0' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('No', 'wpsr');
				<option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_settings['disablewpsr'] == '1' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Yes', 'wpsr');
		</div><!-- Tab - 4 -->
		<div id="tab-5">
			<div class="section helpBox">
				<p>Click the "Help" tab to load the help file.</p>
		<div class="footer">
		<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="wpsr_submit" id="wpsr_submit" value="<?php 
        _e('Update', 'wpsr');
" />
		<input class="button alignright" type="submit" name="wpsr_reset" id="wpsr_reset" value="  <?php 
        _e('Reset', 'wpsr');
   " />
	<!-- Button settings -->
	<div class="window">
		<!-- SOCIAL BTS -->
		<div class="inWindow winSocialBts">
		<input type="hidden" id="wpsr_socialbt_selected16px" name="wpsr_socialbt_selected16px" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['selected16px'];
" />
		<input type="hidden" id="wpsr_socialbt_selected32px" name="wpsr_socialbt_selected32px" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['selected32px'];
" />
		<a href="#settings" class="sbSettingsBt">Settings</a>
		<h3>Select the required social bookmarking buttons</h3>
		<div class="section clearfix">
		<span class="smallText"><?php 
        _e('Click the icon size to select and "x" button to remove selected. Click and drag to reorder selected sites', 'wpsr');
		<div class="sbLeftCnt">
        _e('Available buttons', 'wpsr');
 <input type="text" placeholder="Filter..." id="sbFilter" title="<?php 
        _e('Filter buttons', 'wpsr');
        $spriteImage16px = WPSR_SOCIALBT_IMGPATH . 'wp-socializer-sprite-16px.png';
        $spriteMaskImage16px = WPSR_SOCIALBT_IMGPATH . 'wp-socializer-sprite-mask-16px.gif';
        echo '<ul id="sbList">';
        foreach ($wpsr_socialsites_list as $sitename => $property) {
            $spritesYCoord = get_sprite_coord($sitename, $wpsr_socialsites_list, '16px');
            $finalSprites = '0px -' . $spritesYCoord . 'px';
            echo "\n<li>" . '<img src="' . $spriteMaskImage16px . '" alt="' . $sitename . '" style="background-position:' . $finalSprites . '" />' . '<span class="sbName">' . $sitename . '</span>' . '<span class="sbAdd sbAdd_16px" data-pixel="16">16</span>';
            if (isset($property['support32px']) && $property['support32px'] == 1) {
                echo '<span class="sbAdd sbAdd_32px" data-pixel="32">32</span>';
            echo "</li>\n";
        echo '</ul>';
		<div class="sbRightCnt">
        _e('Selected buttons', 'wpsr');
 | 16px </h4>
			<ul class="sbSelList" id="sbSelList_16px">
        $wpsr_socialbt_splited16px = explode(',', $wpsr_socialbt['selected16px']);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($wpsr_socialbt_splited16px); $i++) {
            echo '<li><span class="sbName">' . $wpsr_socialbt_splited16px[$i] . '</span><span class="sbDelete">x</span></li>' . "\n";
        _e('Selected buttons', 'wpsr');
 | 32px</h4>
			<ul class="sbSelList" id="sbSelList_32px">
        $wpsr_socialbt_splited32px = explode(',', $wpsr_socialbt['selected32px']);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($wpsr_socialbt_splited32px); $i++) {
            echo '<li><span class="sbName">' . $wpsr_socialbt_splited32px[$i] . '</span><span class="sbDelete">x</span></li>';
		<a id="settings"></a>
        _e('Settings', 'wpsr');
		<div class="section">
		<table width="100%" border="0">
			<td height="35"><?php 
        _e('Open links in new tab/window', 'wpsr');
			<td><select id="wpsr_socialbt_target" name="wpsr_socialbt_target">
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['target'] == '1' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Yes', 'wpsr');
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['target'] == '0' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('No', 'wpsr');
			<td height="35"><?php 
        _e('Add <code>rel="nofollow"</code> attribute to links', 'wpsr');
			<td><select id="wpsr_socialbt_nofollow" name="wpsr_socialbt_nofollow">
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['nofollow'] == '1' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Yes', 'wpsr');
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['nofollow'] == '0' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('No', 'wpsr');
			<td height="35"><?php 
        _e('Image on Hover effect', 'wpsr');
 <small class="redText">New effects</small></td>
			<td><select id="wpsr_socialbt_effect" name="wpsr_socialbt_effect">
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['effect'] == 'magnify' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
 value="magnify">Magnify Effect (New)</option>
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['effect'] == 'jump' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
 value="jump">Jump Effect (Updated)</option>
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['effect'] == 'opacity' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
 value="opacity">Transparency Effect</option>
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['effect'] == 'none' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('No Effect', 'wpsr');
			<td height="40"><?php 
        _e('Show Label for buttons', 'wpsr');
			<td><select id="wpsr_socialbt_label" name="wpsr_socialbt_label">
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['label'] == '1' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Yes', 'wpsr');
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['label'] == '0' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('No', 'wpsr');
			<td height="53"><?php 
        _e('Show Icons in', 'wpsr');
 <br />
			<span class="smallText"><?php 
        _e('Very very effective when labels are enabled (try it)', 'wpsr');
</span>		</td>
			<td><select id="wpsr_socialbt_columns" name="wpsr_socialbt_columns">
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['columns'] == 'no' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
 value="no">No Column</option>
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['columns'] == '5' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
 value="5">5 Columns</option>
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['columns'] == '4' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
 value="4">4 Columns</option>
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['columns'] == '3' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
 value="3">3 Columns</option>
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['columns'] == '2' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
 value="2">2 Columns</option>
			<td height="53"><?php 
        _e('Image folder', 'wpsr');
<br />
			<span class="smallText"><?php 
        _e('Leave blank to use default', 'wpsr');
</span>		</td>
			  <input name="wpsr_socialbt_imgpath16px" type="text" id="wpsr_socialbt_imgpath16px" value="<?php 
        echo empty($wpsr_socialbt['imgpath16px']) ? WPSR_SOCIALBT_IMGPATH . '16/' : $wpsr_socialbt['imgpath16px'];
" size="40" />
			  (16px)<br />
			  <input name="wpsr_socialbt_imgpath32px" type="text" id="wpsr_socialbt_imgpath32px" value="<?php 
        echo empty($wpsr_socialbt['imgpath32px']) ? WPSR_SOCIALBT_IMGPATH . '32/' : $wpsr_socialbt['imgpath32px'];
" size="40" />
			<td height="35"><?php 
        _e('Use Sprites', 'wpsr');
			<td><select id="wpsr_socialbt_usesprites" name="wpsr_socialbt_usesprites">
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['usesprites'] == '1' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Yes', 'wpsr');
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_socialbt['usesprites'] == '0' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('No', 'wpsr');
		</div><!-- Social bts -->
		<div class="inWindow winAddthis">
			<div class="section">
			  <table width="100%" height="139" border="0" class="tableClr">
				  <th height="30">Toolbox type </th>
        _e('Services', 'wpsr');
				  <td width="35%" height="53"><label for="wpsr_addthis_tb_16pxservices"><img src="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
images/buttons/addthis-tb-16px.png" title="16px Icons"/></label></td>
				  <td width="65%"><input name="wpsr_addthis_tb_16pxservices" type="text" id="wpsr_addthis_tb_16pxservices" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_addthis['tb_16pxservices'];
" size="35" /> <input class="submit button" type="button" value="Select services" onclick="openServiceSelctor('<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
wpsr-services-selector.php?id=wpsr_addthis_tb_16pxservices&bt=addthis&val=', 'wpsr_addthis_tb_16pxservices');" />
				  <br /><span class="smallText"><?php 
        _e('Leave blank to use default', 'wpsr');
				  <td height="48"><label for="wpsr_addthis_tb_32pxservices"><img src="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
images/buttons/addthis-tb-32px.png" title="32px Icons"/></label></td>
				  <td><input name="wpsr_addthis_tb_32pxservices" type="text" id="wpsr_addthis_tb_32pxservices" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_addthis['tb_32pxservices'];
" size="35" /> <input class="button" type="button" value="Select services" onclick="openServiceSelctor('<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
wpsr-services-selector.php?id=wpsr_addthis_tb_32pxservices&bt=addthis&val=', 'wpsr_addthis_tb_32pxservices');"/>
				  <br /><span class="smallText"><?php 
        _e('Leave blank to use default', 'wpsr');
			<div class="section">
			  <table width="100%">
				<td><label><input name="wpsr_addthis_sharecount" id="wpsr_addthis_sharecount" type="radio" value="normal" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_addthis['sharecount'] == 'normal' ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
 /> <img src="" title="Sharecount - Large"/></label></td>
				<td><label><input name="wpsr_addthis_sharecount" id="wpsr_addthis_sharecount" type="radio" value="pill" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_addthis['sharecount'] == 'pill' ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
 /> <img src="" title="Sharecount - Pill style"/></label></td>
				<td> <label><input name="wpsr_addthis_sharecount" id="wpsr_addthis_sharecount" type="radio" value="grouped" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_addthis['sharecount'] == 'grouped' ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
 /> <img src="" title="Sharecount - grouped"/></label></td>
        _e('Buttons', 'wpsr');
			<div class="section">
			<table width="100%">
					<td><label><input name="wpsr_addthis_button" id="wpsr_addthis_button" type="radio" value="lg-share-" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_addthis['button'] == 'lg-share-' ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
 /> <img src="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_addthis['language'];
.gif" alt="Share button - Large"/></label></td>
					<td><label><input name="wpsr_addthis_button" id="wpsr_addthis_button" type="radio" value="sm-share-" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_addthis['button'] == 'sm-share-' ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
 /> <img src="" alt="Share button - Small"/></label></td>
        _e('Optional button Settings', 'wpsr');
			<div class="section">
			<table width="100%" border="0">
				<td height="52"><label for="wpsr_addthis_username"><?php 
        _e('AddThis PubID', 'wpsr');
				<td><input type="text" id="wpsr_addthis_username"  name="wpsr_addthis_username" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_addthis['username'];
" /><br /><span class="smallText"> <?php 
        _e('If available', 'wpsr');
				<td><label for="wpsr_addthis_lang"><?php 
        _e('Language', 'wpsr');
				<td><select name="wpsr_addthis_lang" id="wpsr_addthis_lang">
        foreach ($wpsr_addthis_lang_array as $lang => $name) {
            echo "<option value=\"{$lang}\"" . ($lang == $wpsr_addthis['language'] ? " selected" : "") . ">{$name}</option>";
				<td width="13%" height="52"><label for="wpsr_addthis_btbrand"><?php 
        _e('Brand Name', 'wpsr');
				<td width="30%"><input name="wpsr_addthis_btbrand" id="wpsr_addthis_btbrand" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_addthis['btbrand'];
"/><br /><span class="smallText"><?php 
        _e('Leave blank to use default', 'wpsr');
				<td width="14%"><label for="wpsr_addthis_clickback"><?php 
        _e('Track Clickback', 'wpsr');
				<td width="43%"><select id="wpsr_addthis_clickback" name="wpsr_addthis_clickback">
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_addthis['clickback'] == '1' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Yes', 'wpsr');
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_addthis['clickback'] == '0' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('No', 'wpsr');
		</div><!-- Addthis -->
		<div class="inWindow winSharethis">
			<h3>Customize the buttons</h3>
			<div class="section">
			  <table width="100%" height="517" border="0" class="tableClr shareThisTbl">
				  <th width="50%" height="21"><?php 
        _e('Buttons', 'wpsr');
<br />
				  <span class="smallText"><?php 
        _e('Button type', 'wpsr');
				  <th width="50%"><?php 
        _e('Button Order', 'wpsr');
<br />
				  <span class="smallText"><?php 
        _e('Reorder, remove or add social buttons', 'wpsr');
				  <td width="50%" height="69"><img src="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
images/buttons/sharethis-vcount.png" /></td>
				  <td width="50%"><input name="wpsr_sharethis_vcount_order" id="wpsr_sharethis_vcount_order" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_sharethis['vcount_order'];
				  <input class="submit button" type="button" value="Select services" onclick="openServiceSelctor('<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
wpsr-services-selector.php?id=wpsr_sharethis_vcount_order&bt=sharethis&val=', 'wpsr_sharethis_vcount_order');" /></td>
				  <td height="64"><img src="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
images/buttons/sharethis-hcount.png" /></td>
				  <td><input name="wpsr_sharethis_hcount_order" id="wpsr_sharethis_hcount_order" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_sharethis['hcount_order'];
				  <input class="submit button" type="button" value="Select services" onclick="openServiceSelctor('<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
wpsr-services-selector.php?id=wpsr_sharethis_hcount_order&bt=sharethis&val=', 'wpsr_sharethis_hcount_order');" /></td>
				  <td height="65"><img src="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
images/buttons/sharethis-buttons.png" /></td>
				  <td><input name="wpsr_sharethis_buttons_order" id="wpsr_sharethis_buttons_order" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_sharethis['buttons_order'];
				  <input class="submit button" type="button" value="Select services" onclick="openServiceSelctor('<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
wpsr-services-selector.php?id=wpsr_sharethis_buttons_order&bt=sharethis&val=', 'wpsr_sharethis_buttons_order');" /></td>
				  <td height="67"><img src="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
images/buttons/sharethis-large.png" /></td>
				  <td><input name="wpsr_sharethis_large_order" id="wpsr_sharethis_large_order" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_sharethis['large_order'];
				  <input class="submit button" type="button" value="Select services" onclick="openServiceSelctor('<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
wpsr-services-selector.php?id=wpsr_sharethis_large_order&bt=sharethis&val=', 'wpsr_sharethis_large_order');" /></td>
				  <td height="70"><img src="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
images/buttons/sharethis-regular.png" /></td>
				  <td><input name="wpsr_sharethis_regular_order" id="wpsr_sharethis_regular_order" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_sharethis['regular_order'];
				  <input class="submit button" type="button" value="Select services" onclick="openServiceSelctor('<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
wpsr-services-selector.php?id=wpsr_sharethis_regular_order&bt=sharethis&val=', 'wpsr_sharethis_regular_order');" /></td>
				  <td height="75"><img src="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
images/buttons/sharethis-regular-notext.png" /></td>
				  <td><input name="wpsr_sharethis_regular2_order" id="wpsr_sharethis_regular2_order" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_sharethis['regular2_order'];
				  <input class="submit button" type="button" value="Select services" onclick="openServiceSelctor('<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
wpsr-services-selector.php?id=wpsr_sharethis_regular2_order&bt=sharethis&val=', 'wpsr_sharethis_regular2_order');" /></td>
				  <td><img src="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
images/buttons/sharethis-classic.png" /></td>
        _e('Settings', 'wpsr');
			<div class="section">
				<table width="100%" height="100" border="0">
					<td width="31%" height="49"><label for="wpsr_sharethis_pubkey">Sharethis Publisher Key</label></td>
					<td width="69%"><input name="wpsr_sharethis_pubkey" type="text" id="wpsr_sharethis_pubkey" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_sharethis['pubkey'];
" size="50" /><br /><span class="smallText"><?php 
        _e('You can see you publisher key in this page. ', 'wpsr');
 <a href="" target="_blank"><?php 
        _e('Click here', 'wpsr');
					<td><label for="wpsr_sharethis_addp">Automatically wrap with paragraph</label></td>
					<td><select id="wpsr_sharethis_addp" name="wpsr_sharethis_addp">
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_sharethis['addp'] == '1' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Yes', 'wpsr');
			  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_sharethis['addp'] == '0' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('No', 'wpsr');
		</div><!-- Sharethis -->
		<div class="inWindow winRetweetDigg">
        _e('General', 'wpsr');
			<div class="section">
			<table width="100%" height="76" border="0">
				<td width="30%" height="37"><label for="wpsr_retweet_username"><?php 
        _e('Twitter Username', 'wpsr');
				<td width="70%">@<input name="wpsr_retweet_username" id="wpsr_retweet_username" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['username'];
				<td><label for="wpsr_retweet_type"><?php 
        _e('Retweet Button Type', 'wpsr');
				<td><select id="wpsr_retweet_type" name="wpsr_retweet_type">
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['type'] == 'normal' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Normal (Big)', 'wpsr');
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['type'] == 'compact' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Compact', 'wpsr');
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['type'] == 'nocount' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('No Count (only for Twitter\'s Official Button)', 'wpsr');
        _e('Choose a service', 'wpsr');
			<div class="section">
			<table width="100%" border="0">
				<td width="30%"><label for="wpsr_retweet_service"><?php 
        _e('Retweet Service', 'wpsr');
				<td width="70%"><select id="wpsr_retweet_service" name="wpsr_retweet_service">
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['service'] == 'twitter' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Twitter\'s Official Button', 'wpsr');
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['service'] == 'tweetmeme' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['service'] == 'topsy' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
				<div id="wpsr_retweet_topsysettings">
				<table width="100%" border="0">
					<td width="32%"><?php 
        _e('Select a theme for topsy', 'wpsr');
					<td width="68%">
					  <select id="wpsr_retweet_topsytheme" name="wpsr_retweet_topsytheme">
						<option value="blue" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['topsytheme'] == 'blue' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
						<option value="brown" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['topsytheme'] == 'brown' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
						<option value="jade" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['topsytheme'] == 'jade' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
						<option value="brick-red" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['topsytheme'] == 'brick-red' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
						<option value="sea-foam" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['topsytheme'] == 'sea-foam' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
						<option value="mustard" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['topsytheme'] == 'mustard' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
						<option value="hot-pink" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['topsytheme'] == 'hot-pink' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
				<div id="wpsr_retweet_twittersettings">			
				<table width="100%" height="75" border="0">
					<td width="32%" height="34"><?php 
        _e('Recommend people', 'wpsr');
					<td width="68%"><input name="wpsr_retweet_twitter_recacc" type="text" id="wpsr_retweet_twitter_recacc" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['twitter_recacc'];
" size="40"/><br />
					<span class="smallText"><?php 
        _e('Twitter Username: Description (Optional)', 'wpsr');
        _e('Language', 'wpsr');
					<td><select id="wpsr_retweet_twitter_lang" name="wpsr_retweet_twitter_lang">
					  <option value="en" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['twitter_lang'] == 'en' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
					  <option value="fr" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['twitter_lang'] == 'fr' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
					  <option value="de" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['twitter_lang'] == 'de' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
					  <option value="es" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['twitter_lang'] == 'es' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
					  <option value="ja" <?php 
        echo $wpsr_retweet['twitter_lang'] == 'ja' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Digg Button', 'wpsr');
			<div class="section">
			<table width="100%" border="0">
				<td width="31%"><label for="wpsr_digg_type"><?php 
        _e('Digg Button type', 'wpsr');
				<td width="69%"><select id="wpsr_digg_type" name="wpsr_digg_type">
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_digg['type'] == 'DiggMedium' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Medium', 'wpsr');
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_digg['type'] == 'DiggWide' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Wide', 'wpsr');
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_digg['type'] == 'DiggCompact' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Compact', 'wpsr');
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_digg['type'] == 'DiggIcon' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Icon', 'wpsr');
		</div> <!-- Retweet and digg -->
		<div class="inWindow winFacebook">
        _e('Like Button', 'wpsr');
			<div class="section">
			<table width="100%" border="0">
				<td width="30%" height="31"><label for="wpsr_facebook_btstyle"><?php 
        _e('Button Style', 'wpsr');
				<td width="70%"><select id="wpsr_facebook_btstyle" name="wpsr_facebook_btstyle">
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['btstyle'] == 'standard' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Standard', 'wpsr');
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['btstyle'] == 'button_count' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Button count', 'wpsr');
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['btstyle'] == 'box_count' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Box count', 'wpsr');
				<td height="35"><label for="wpsr_facebook_showfaces"><?php 
        _e('Show Faces', 'wpsr');
				<td><select id="wpsr_facebook_showfaces" name="wpsr_facebook_showfaces">
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['showfaces'] == '1' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Yes', 'wpsr');
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['showfaces'] == '0' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('No', 'wpsr');
				<td height="49"><label for="wpsr_facebook_width"><?php 
        _e('Width', 'wpsr');
				<td><input name="wpsr_facebook_width" id="wpsr_facebook_width" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['width'];
"/><br /><span class="smallText"><?php 
        _e('In pixels', 'wpsr');
				<td height="35"><label for="wpsr_facebook_verb"><?php 
        _e('Verb to Display', 'wpsr');
				<td><select id="wpsr_facebook_verb" name="wpsr_facebook_verb">
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['verb'] == 'like' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Like', 'wpsr');
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['verb'] == 'recommend' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Recommend', 'wpsr');
				<td height="37"><label for="wpsr_facebook_font"><?php 
        _e('Font', 'wpsr');
				<td><select id="wpsr_facebook_font" name="wpsr_facebook_font">
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['font'] == 'arial' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['font'] == 'lucida grande' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
 value="lucida grande">Lucida Grande</option>
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['font'] == 'segoe ui' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
 value="segoe ui">Segoe UI</option>
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['font'] == 'tahoma' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['font'] == 'trebuchet ms' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
 value="trebuchet ms">Trebuchet MS</option>
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['font'] == 'verdana' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
				<td height="38"><label for="wpsr_facebook_color"><?php 
        _e('Color scheme', 'wpsr');
				<td><select id="wpsr_facebook_color" name="wpsr_facebook_color">
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['color'] == 'light' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Light', 'wpsr');
				  <option <?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['color'] == 'dark' ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
        _e('Dark', 'wpsr');
        _e('General Settings', 'wpsr');
			<div class="section">
				<table width="100%" border="0">
					  <td height="38"><label for="wpsr_facebook_appid"><?php 
        _e('Application ID', 'wpsr');
					  <td><input name="wpsr_facebook_appid" id="wpsr_facebook_appid" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo $wpsr_facebook['appid'];
"/><br /><span class="smallText"><?php 
        _e('Useful in analytics', 'wpsr');
. Enter a <b>valid</b> ID or else leave blank.</span></td>
		</div><!-- Facebook -->
		<div class="inWindow winCustom">
        _e('Custom 1', 'wpsr');
			<div class="section">
			<textarea name="wpsr_custom1" id="wpsr_custom1" style="width:99%" rows="8" class="custom_box"><?php 
        echo $wpsr_custom['custom1'];
        _e('Custom 2', 'wpsr');
			<div class="section">
			<textarea name="wpsr_custom2" id="wpsr_custom2" style="width:99%" rows="8" class="custom_box"><?php 
        echo $wpsr_custom['custom2'];
			<p class="note"><?php 
        printf(__('Enter any share button code. Use %s for the page url and %s for page title', 'wpsr'), '{url}', '{title}');
		</div><!-- Custom -->
		<div class="inWindow winTemplates">
			<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Selecting a template will overwrite the current template and button settings.</p>
			<div class="templatesList">
			<a href="" target="_blank"><?php 
        _e('Create a template', 'wpsr');
</a> | <a href="" target="_blank"><?php 
        _e('Submit a template', 'wpsr');
		</div><!-- One click - templates -->
	</div><!-- Window -->
	</form><!-- Content -->
	<div class="bottomInfo">
		<p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></p>
		<p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank">(Demo video)</a></p>
		<p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank">Follow @vaakash</a></p>
		<p align="center"><a href="" class="credits" target="_blank">a plugin from Aakash Web</a></p>
</div><!-- Wrap -->

    if (wpsr_show_admin() == 0) {
<!-- Version Intro -->

<span class="blogUrl" style="display:none"><?php 
        echo get_option('siteurl');

<div class="wrap">
	<p><strong>NOTE: Please refresh the page to load the new Stylesheets and Javascripts of the admin page.</strong></p>
	<h2><img width="32" height="32" src="<?php 
        echo WPSR_ADMIN_URL;
images/wp-socializer.png" align="absmiddle"/> WP Socializer <span class="smallText">v<?php 
        echo WPSR_VERSION;
	<div class="miniWrap introWrap">

		<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
		<div class="shareList addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">
		<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a>
		<a class="addthis_button_tweet" tw:text="Check out: WP Socializer - the best social sharing plugin for WordPress with cool all in one features," tw:via="vaakash"></a>
		<a class="addthis_button_google_plusone" g:plusone:size="medium"></a>
		<a class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"></a>
		<a class="button alignright" href="" target="_blank">Donate</a>
		<script type="text/javascript">
		var addthis_share = {
			url: '',
			title: 'WP Socializer - the best social sharing plugin for WordPress with cool all in one features',
			description: 'WP Socializer is an advanced plugin for inserting all kinds of Social bookmarking & sharing buttons. It has super cool features to insert the buttons into posts, sidebar. It also has Floating sharebar.',
		var addthis_config = { data_track_clickback: false }
		<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
		<!-- AddThis Button END -->
		<div class="infoContent"></div>
		<p class="refLinks"><b><a href="" target="_blank"><?php 
        _e('Full Features', 'wpsr');
</a> | <a href="" target="_blank"><?php 
        _e('Documentation', 'wpsr');
</a> | <a href="" target="_blank"><?php 
        _e('Support', 'wpsr');
</a> | <a href="" target="_blank"><?php 
        _e('Bug Report', 'wpsr');
</a> | <a href="" target="_blank"><?php 
        _e('Video Demo & Tutorials', 'wpsr');

		<form class="startForm" method="post">
			<input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="wpsr_intro_submit" id="wpsr_intro_submit" value="     <?php 
        _e('Start using WP Socializer', 'wpsr');
        echo ' v' . WPSR_VERSION;
     " />
