function wpv_filter_meta_html($atts)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array(), $atts));
    global $WP_Views;
    $view_settings = $WP_Views->get_view_settings();
    if (isset($view_settings['filter_meta_html'])) {
        $content = wpml_content_fix_links_to_translated_content($view_settings['filter_meta_html']);
        return wpv_do_shortcode($content);
    } else {
        return '';
  * apply the filter to the content/body of a post.
  * Checks to see if a view-template is set for the post
  * and renders using the view_template if on exists
 function the_content($content)
     global $id, $post, $wpdb, $WP_Views, $wp_query, $wplogger;
     if (post_password_required($post)) {
         return $content;
     // core functions that we except calls from.
     static $the_content_core = array('the_content', 'wpv_shortcode_wpv_post_body');
     // known theme functions that we except calls from.
     static $the_content_themes = array('wptouch_the_content');
     $db = debug_backtrace();
     if (!isset($db[3]['function'])) {
         return $content;
     $function_ok = false;
     if ($db[1]['function'] == 'the_excerpt_for_archives') {
         $function_ok = true;
     if (!$function_ok) {
         if (in_array($db[3]['function'], $the_content_core)) {
             $function_ok = true;
     if (!$function_ok) {
         if (in_array($db[3]['function'], $the_content_themes)) {
             $function_ok = true;
     if (!$function_ok) {
         $options = $WP_Views->get_options();
         if (isset($options['wpv-theme-function'])) {
             if (in_array($db[3]['function'], explode(',', str_replace(', ', ',', $options['wpv-theme-function'])))) {
                 $function_ok = true;
         if (!$function_ok) {
             // We don't except calls from the calling function.
             if (current_user_can('administrator')) {
                 if (isset($options['wpv-theme-function-debug']) && $options['wpv-theme-function-debug']) {
                     $content = sprintf(__('<strong>View template debug: </strong>Calling function is <strong>%s</strong>', 'wpv-views'), $db[3]['function']) . '<br />' . $content;
             return $content;
     // If it's in progress then just return the un-filtered content
     // to avoid recursion
     static $in_progress = array();
     if (in_array($id, array_keys($in_progress))) {
         return $content;
     $in_progress[$id] = true;
     static $view_options = null;
     static $taxonomy_loop = null;
     static $archive_loop = null;
     if (!$view_options) {
         $view_options = $WP_Views->get_options();
         if (is_archive()) {
             /* Taxonomy archives. */
             if (is_tax() || is_category() || is_tag()) {
                 $term = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
                 $taxonomy_loop = 'views_template_loop_' . $term->taxonomy;
             } else {
                 if (is_post_type_archive($post->post_type)) {
                     $archive_loop = 'views_template_archive_for_' . $post->post_type;
                 } else {
                     if ('post' == $post->post_type) {
                         $archive_loop = 'views_template_archive_for_post';
     $template_selected = 0;
     if (isset($_GET['view-template']) && $_GET['view-template'] != '') {
         if (!isset($post->view_template_override_get)) {
             $template_selected = $this->get_template_id($_GET['view-template']);
             $post->view_template_override_get = true;
     } else {
         if (isset($post->view_template_override)) {
             if (strtolower($post->view_template_override) == 'none') {
                 $template_selected = 0;
             } else {
                 $template_selected = $this->get_template_id($post->view_template_override);
         } else {
             if ($taxonomy_loop) {
                 if (isset($view_options[$taxonomy_loop]) && $view_options[$taxonomy_loop] > 0) {
                     if (!isset($post->view_template_override_loop_setting)) {
                         $template_selected = $view_options[$taxonomy_loop];
                         $post->view_template_override_loop_setting = true;
             } else {
                 if ($archive_loop) {
                     if (isset($view_options[$archive_loop]) && $view_options[$archive_loop] > 0) {
                         if (!isset($post->view_template_override_loop_setting)) {
                             $template_selected = $view_options[$archive_loop];
                             $post->view_template_override_loop_setting = true;
                 } else {
                     $template_selected = get_post_meta($id, '_views_template', true);
     if ($template_selected) {
         if (function_exists('icl_object_id')) {
             $template_selected = icl_object_id($template_selected, 'view-template', true);
         $this->view_template_used_ids[] = $template_selected;
         $wplogger->log('Using view template: ' . $template_selected . ' on post: ' . $post->ID);
         $content = $this->get_template_content($template_selected);
         $output_mode = get_post_meta($template_selected, '_wpv_view_template_mode', true);
         if ($output_mode == 'raw_mode') {
     $content = wpml_content_fix_links_to_translated_content($content);
     return $content;
Esempio n. 3
  * Render the view and loops through the found posts
 function render_view($view_id, $hash)
     global $post;
     global $wplogger;
     static $processed_views = array();
     // increment the view count.
     if (!isset($this->view_count[$this->view_depth])) {
         $this->view_count[$this->view_depth] = 0;
     $view = get_post($view_id);
     $this->view_used_ids[] = $view_id;
     $out = '';
     $css = get_post_meta($view_id, '_wpv_css', true);
     if ($css) {
         $out .= "<style type='text/css'>\n";
         $out .= $css;
         $out .= "\n</style>";
     $view_caller_id = isset($post) && isset($post->ID) ? get_the_ID() : 0;
     // post or widget
     if (!isset($processed_views[$view_caller_id][$hash]) || 0 === $view_caller_id) {
         //$processed_views[$view_caller_id][$hash] = true; // mark view as processed for this post
         if (!empty($view)) {
             $post_content = $view->post_content;
             // apply the layout meta html if we have some.
             $view_layout_settings = $this->get_view_layout_settings();
             if (isset($view_layout_settings['layout_meta_html'])) {
                 $post_content = str_replace('[wpv-layout-meta-html]', $view_layout_settings['layout_meta_html'], $post_content);
             $post_content = wpml_content_fix_links_to_translated_content($post_content);
             $view_settings = $this->get_view_settings();
             // find the loop
             if (preg_match('#\\<wpv-loop(.*?)\\>(.*)</wpv-loop>#is', $post_content, $matches)) {
                 // get the loop arguments.
                 $args = $matches[1];
                 $exp = array_map('trim', explode(' ', $args));
                 $args = array();
                 foreach ($exp as $e) {
                     $kv = explode('=', $e);
                     if (sizeof($kv) == 2) {
                         $args[$kv[0]] = trim($kv[1], '\'"');
                 if (isset($args['wrap'])) {
                     $args['wrap'] = intval($args['wrap']);
                 if (isset($args['pad'])) {
                     $args['pad'] = $args['pad'] == 'true';
                 } else {
                     $args['pad'] = false;
                 $tmpl = $matches[2];
                 $item_indexes = $this->_get_item_indexes($tmpl);
                 if ($view_settings['query_type'][0] == 'posts') {
                     // get the posts using the query settings for this view.
                     $archive_query = null;
                     if ($view_settings['view-query-mode'] == 'archive') {
                         // check for an archive loop
                         global $WPV_view_archive_loop;
                         if (isset($WPV_view_archive_loop)) {
                             $archive_query = $WPV_view_archive_loop->get_archive_loop_query();
                     if ($archive_query) {
                         $this->post_query = $archive_query;
                     } else {
                         $this->post_query = wpv_filter_get_posts($view_id);
                     $items = $this->post_query->posts;
                     $wplogger->log('Found ' . count($items) . ' posts');
                     if ($wplogger->isMsgVisible(WPLOG_DEBUG)) {
                         // simplify the output
                         $out_items = array();
                         foreach ($items as $item) {
                             $out_items[] = array('ID' => $item->ID, 'post_title' => $item->post_title);
                         $wplogger->log($out_items, WPLOG_DEBUG);
                 // save original post
                 global $post, $authordata, $id;
                 $tmp_post = isset($post) ? clone $post : null;
                 if ($authordata) {
                     $tmp_authordata = clone $authordata;
                 } else {
                     $tmp_authordata = null;
                 $tmp_id = $id;
                 if ($view_settings['query_type'][0] == 'taxonomy') {
                     $items = $this->taxonomy_query($view_settings);
                     $wplogger->log($items, WPLOG_DEBUG);
                     // taxonomy views can be recursive so remove from
                     // the processed array
                 $loop = '';
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) {
                     $index = $i;
                     if (isset($args['wrap'])) {
                         $index %= $args['wrap'];
                     // [wpv-item index=xx] uses base 1
                     $index = strval($index);
                     if ($view_settings['query_type'][0] == 'posts') {
                         $post = clone $items[$i];
                         $authordata = new WP_User($post->post_author);
                         $id = $post->ID;
                         $temp_variables = $this->variables;
                         $this->variables = array();
                         do_action('wpv-before-display-post', $post, $view_id);
                     if ($view_settings['query_type'][0] == 'taxonomy') {
                         $this->taxonomy_data['term'] = $items[$i];
                     // first output the "all" index.
                     $loop .= wpv_do_shortcode($item_indexes['all']);
                     // Output each index we find
                     // otherwise output 'other'
                     if (isset($item_indexes[$index])) {
                         $loop .= wpv_do_shortcode($item_indexes[$index]);
                     } elseif (isset($item_indexes['other'])) {
                         $loop .= wpv_do_shortcode($item_indexes['other']);
                     if ($view_settings['query_type'][0] == 'posts') {
                         do_action('wpv-after-display-post', $post, $view_id);
                         $this->variables = $temp_variables;
                 // see if we should pad the remaining items.
                 if (isset($args['wrap']) && isset($args['pad'])) {
                     while ($i % $args['wrap'] && $args['pad']) {
                         $index = $i;
                         $index %= $args['wrap'];
                         if ($index == $args['wrap'] - 1) {
                             $loop .= wpv_do_shortcode($item_indexes['pad-last']);
                         } else {
                             $loop .= wpv_do_shortcode($item_indexes['pad']);
                 $out .= str_replace($matches[0], $loop, $post_content);
                 $post = isset($tmp_post) ? clone $tmp_post : null;
                 // restore original $post
                 if ($tmp_authordata) {
                     $authordata = clone $tmp_authordata;
                 } else {
                     $authordata = null;
                 $id = $tmp_id;
         } else {
             $out .= sprintf('<!- %s ->', __('View not found', 'wpv-views'));
     } else {
         if ($processed_views[$view_caller_id][$hash] !== true) {
             $out .= $processed_views[$view_caller_id][$hash];
             // use output from cache
     return $out;
  * Render the view and loops through the found posts
 function render_view($view_id, $hash)
     global $post, $WPVDebug, $wplogger;
     static $processed_views = array();
     // increment the view count.
     // TODO this code is duplicated, maybe create function for it?
     if (!isset($this->view_count[$this->view_depth])) {
         $this->view_count[$this->view_depth] = 0;
     $view = get_post($view_id);
     $this->view_used_ids[] = $view_id;
     $out = '';
     $view_caller_id = isset($post) && isset($post->ID) ? get_the_ID() : 0;
     // post or widget
     if (!isset($processed_views[$view_caller_id][$hash]) || 0 === $view_caller_id) {
         //$processed_views[$view_caller_id][$hash] = true; // mark view as processed for this post
         $status = get_post_status($view_id);
         // Views should be 'publish'ed to be allowed to produce an output
         // FIXME: Check also that user has permissions to render this view
         if (!empty($view) && $status == 'publish') {
             $post_content = $view->post_content;
             // apply the layout meta html if we have some.
             $view_layout_settings = $this->get_view_layout_settings();
             if (isset($view_layout_settings['layout_meta_html'])) {
                 $post_content = str_replace('[wpv-layout-meta-html]', $view_layout_settings['layout_meta_html'], $post_content);
             $post_content = wpml_content_fix_links_to_translated_content($post_content);
             $view_settings = $this->get_view_settings();
             // find the loop
             if (preg_match('#\\<wpv-loop(.*?)\\>(.*)</wpv-loop>#is', $post_content, $matches)) {
                 // get the loop arguments.
                 $args = $matches[1];
                 $exp = array_map('trim', explode(' ', $args));
                 $args = array();
                 foreach ($exp as $e) {
                     $kv = explode('=', $e);
                     if (sizeof($kv) == 2) {
                         $args[$kv[0]] = trim($kv[1], '\'"');
                 if (isset($args['wrap'])) {
                     $args['wrap'] = intval($args['wrap']);
                 if (isset($args['pad'])) {
                     $args['pad'] = $args['pad'] == 'true';
                 } else {
                     $args['pad'] = false;
                 // Get templates for items (differentiated by their indices, see [wpv-item] documentation).
                 $tmpl = $matches[2];
                 $item_indexes = $this->_get_item_indexes($tmpl);
                 if ($view_settings['query_type'][0] == 'posts') {
                     // get the posts using the query settings for this view.
                     $archive_query = null;
                     if ($view_settings['view-query-mode'] == 'archive') {
                         // check for an archive loop
                         global $WPV_view_archive_loop;
                         if (isset($WPV_view_archive_loop)) {
                             $archive_query = $WPV_view_archive_loop->get_archive_loop_query();
                     } else {
                         if ($view_settings['view-query-mode'] == 'layouts-loop') {
                             global $wp_query;
                             $archive_query = isset($wp_query) && $wp_query instanceof WP_Query ? clone $wp_query : null;
                     if ($archive_query) {
                         $this->post_query = $archive_query;
                     } else {
                         $this->post_query = wpv_filter_get_posts($view_id);
                     $items = $this->post_query->posts;
                     $wplogger->log('Found ' . count($items) . ' posts');
                     if ($wplogger->isMsgVisible(WPLOG_DEBUG)) {
                         // simplify the output
                         $out_items = array();
                         foreach ($items as $item) {
                             $out_items[] = array('ID' => $item->ID, 'post_title' => $item->post_title);
                         $wplogger->log($out_items, WPLOG_DEBUG);
                 // save original post
                 global $post, $authordata, $id;
                 $tmp_post = isset($post) && $post instanceof WP_Post ? clone $post : null;
                 $tmp_authordata = isset($authordata) && is_object($authordata) ? clone $authordata : null;
                 $tmp_id = $id;
                 if ($view_settings['query_type'][0] == 'taxonomy') {
                     $items = $this->taxonomy_query($view_settings);
                     $wplogger->log($items, WPLOG_DEBUG);
                     // taxonomy views can be recursive so remove from the processed array
                 } else {
                     if ($view_settings['query_type'][0] == 'users') {
                         $items = $this->users_query($view_settings);
                         $wplogger->log($items, WPLOG_DEBUG);
                 global $WPV_settings;
                 if (isset($WPV_settings->wpv_debug_mode) && !empty($WPV_settings->wpv_debug_mode)) {
                     $WPVDebug->add_log('items_count', count($items));
                 // The actual loop - render all items
                 $loop = '';
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) {
                     $index = $i;
                     if (isset($args['wrap'])) {
                         $index %= $args['wrap'];
                     // [wpv-item index=xx] uses base 1
                     $index = strval($index);
                     if ($view_settings['query_type'][0] == 'posts') {
                         $post = clone $items[$i];
                         $authordata = new WP_User($post->post_author);
                         $id = $post->ID;
                         $temp_variables = $this->variables;
                         $this->variables = array();
                         do_action('wpv-before-display-post', $post, $view_id);
                     } elseif ($view_settings['query_type'][0] == 'taxonomy') {
                         $this->taxonomy_data['term'] = $items[$i];
                         do_action('wpv-before-display-taxonomy', $items[$i], $view_id);
                     } elseif ($view_settings['query_type'][0] == 'users') {
                         $user_id = $items[$i]->ID;
                         $user_meta = get_user_meta($user_id);
                         $items[$i]->meta = $user_meta;
                         $this->users_data['term'] = $items[$i];
                         do_action('wpv-before-display-user', $items[$i], $view_id);
                     $WPVDebug->add_log($view_settings['query_type'][0], $items[$i]);
                     // first output the "all" index.
                     $shortcodes_output = wpv_do_shortcode($item_indexes['all']);
                     $loop .= $shortcodes_output;
                     $WPVDebug->add_log_item('shortcodes', $item_indexes['all']);
                     $WPVDebug->add_log_item('output', $shortcodes_output);
                     /* Select a template for this item based on it's index.
                      * Note: It is possible that we won't be rendering this item's content if the index 'other'
                      * isn't set and there is no other match. */
                     $selected_index = null;
                     if (isset($item_indexes[$index])) {
                         $selected_index = $index;
                     } elseif (isset($item_indexes['odd']) && $index % 2 == 1) {
                         $selected_index = 'odd';
                     } elseif (isset($item_indexes['even']) && $index % 2 == 0) {
                         $selected_index = 'even';
                     } elseif (isset($item_indexes['other'])) {
                         $selected_index = 'other';
                     // Output the item with appropriate template (if we found one)
                     if (null !== $selected_index) {
                         $shortcodes_output = wpv_do_shortcode($item_indexes[$selected_index]);
                         $loop .= $shortcodes_output;
                         $WPVDebug->add_log_item('shortcodes', $item_indexes[$selected_index]);
                         $WPVDebug->add_log_item('output', $shortcodes_output);
                     // Do wpv-after-display-* action after displaying the item
                     if ($view_settings['query_type'][0] == 'posts') {
                         do_action('wpv-after-display-post', $post, $view_id);
                         $this->variables = $temp_variables;
                     } elseif ($view_settings['query_type'][0] == 'taxonomy') {
                         do_action('wpv-after-display-taxonomy', $items[$i], $view_id);
                     } elseif ($view_settings['query_type'][0] == 'users') {
                         do_action('wpv-after-display-user', $items[$i], $view_id);
                 // see if we should pad the remaining items.
                 if (isset($args['wrap']) && isset($args['pad'])) {
                     while ($i % $args['wrap'] && $args['pad']) {
                         $index = $i;
                         $index %= $args['wrap'];
                         if ($index == $args['wrap'] - 1) {
                             $loop .= wpv_do_shortcode($item_indexes['pad-last']);
                         } else {
                             $loop .= wpv_do_shortcode($item_indexes['pad']);
                 $out .= str_replace($matches[0], $loop, $post_content);
                 // restore original $post
                 $post = isset($tmp_post) && $tmp_post instanceof WP_Post ? clone $tmp_post : null;
                 $authordata = isset($tmp_authordata) && is_object($tmp_authordata) ? clone $tmp_authordata : null;
                 $id = $tmp_id;
         } else {
             $out .= sprintf('<!- %s ->', __('View not found', 'wpv-views'));
     } else {
         if ($processed_views[$view_caller_id][$hash] !== true) {
             // use output from cache
             $out .= $processed_views[$view_caller_id][$hash];
     return $out;
Esempio n. 5
* render_view_template
* Returns the content of a Content Template applied to a Post
* @param $view_template_id (integer) ID of the relevant Content Template
* @param $post_in (post object) post to apply the Content Template to
* @param $current_user_in (optional) (user object) sets the global $current_user
* @usage  <?php echo render_view_template(80, $mypost)); ?>
* @note we need to set the global $authordata to the right user
* @since unknown
function render_view_template($view_template_id, $post_in = null, $current_user_in = null)
    global $WPV_templates, $post, $current_user, $authordata;
    // Save current globals to restore them later
    $post_old = $post;
    $current_user_old = $current_user;
    $authordata_old = $authordata;
    if ($post_in) {
        $post = $post_in;
        $authordata = new WP_User($post->post_author);
    if ($current_user_in) {
        $current_user = $current_user_in;
    // Adjust for WPML support
    $view_template_id = apply_filters('translate_object_id', $view_template_id, 'view-template', true, null);
    $content = $WPV_templates->get_template_content($view_template_id);
    // If this function returns null, $view_template_id does not exist or is not a Content Template or its status is different from 'publish'
    if (is_null($content)) {
        $content = '';
    } else {
        $WPV_templates->view_template_used_ids[] = $view_template_id;
        $output_mode = get_post_meta($view_template_id, '_wpv_view_template_mode', true);
        if ($output_mode == 'raw_mode') {
        $content = wpml_content_fix_links_to_translated_content($content);
        $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
    // Restore current globals
    $post = $post_old;
    $current_user = $current_user_old;
    $authordata = $authordata_old;
    return $content;
Esempio n. 6
* render_view_template
* Returns the content of a Content Template applied to a Post
* @param integer	$view_template_id	ID of the relevant Content Template
* @param object		$post_in			Post to apply the Content Template to
* @param object		$current_user_in	Sets the global $current_user
* @param array		$args				Extra arguments to be used
* @usage  <?php echo render_view_template(80, $mypost)); ?>
* @note we need to set the global $authordata to the right user
* @since unknown

function render_view_template( $view_template_id, $post_in = null, $current_user_in = null, $args = array() ) {
	$ct_post = get_post( $view_template_id );
	if (
		! $ct_post 
		|| $ct_post->post_status != 'publish' 
		|| $ct_post->post_type != 'view-template'
	) {
		return '';
	global $WPV_templates, $post, $current_user, $authordata;
	// Save current globals to restore them later
	$post_old = $post;
	$current_user_old = $current_user;
	$authordata_old = $authordata;
	if ( $post_in ) {
		$post = $post_in;
		$authordata = new WP_User( $post->post_author );
	if ( $current_user_in ) {
		$current_user = $current_user_in;
	// Adjust for WPML support
	$view_template_id = apply_filters( 'translate_object_id', $view_template_id, 'view-template', true, null );
	$content = $WPV_templates->get_template_content( $view_template_id );
	// If this function returns null, $view_template_id does not exist or is not a Content Template or its status is different from 'publish'
	if ( is_null( $content ) ) {
		$content = '';
	} else {
		$WPV_templates->view_template_used_ids[] = $view_template_id;
		$output_mode = get_post_meta( $view_template_id, '_wpv_view_template_mode', true );
		if ( $output_mode == 'raw_mode' ) {
		$content = wpml_content_fix_links_to_translated_content( $content );
		if (
			* wpv_filter_wpv_render_view_template_force_suppress_filters
			* Force the use of the restricted wpv_filter_wpv_the_content_suppressed filter instead of the the_content one.
			* @param bool 						Defaults to false
			* @param object	$ct_post 			The Content Template post object
			* @param object	$post_in			Post object to overwrote the global $post
			* @param object $current_user_in	User object that overwrote the global $current_user
			* @param array	$args				Extra arguments passed to the function
			* Since 1.10

			apply_filters( 'wpv_filter_wpv_render_view_template_force_suppress_filters', false, $ct_post, $post_in, $current_user_in, $args )
			|| (
				isset( $args['suppress_filters'] )
				&& $args['suppress_filters']
		) {
			$content = apply_filters( 'wpv_filter_wpv_the_content_suppressed', $content );
		} else {
			$content = apply_filters( 'the_content', $content );
	// Restore current globals
	$post = $post_old;
	$current_user = $current_user_old;
	$authordata = $authordata_old;
	return $content;
  * apply the filter to the content/body of a post.
  * Checks to see if a view-template is set for the post
  * and renders using the view_template if on exists
 function the_content($content)
     global $id, $post, $wpdb, $WP_Views, $wp_query, $wplogger, $WPVDebug;
     if (post_password_required($post)) {
         return $content;
     // core functions that we except calls from.
     static $the_content_core = array('the_content', 'wpv_shortcode_wpv_post_body');
     // known theme functions that we except calls from.
     static $the_content_themes = array('wptouch_the_content');
     $db = debug_backtrace();
     if (!isset($db[3]['function'])) {
         return $content;
     $function_ok = false;
     if ($db[1]['function'] == 'the_excerpt_for_archives') {
         $function_ok = true;
     if (!$function_ok) {
         if (in_array($db[3]['function'], $the_content_core)) {
             $function_ok = true;
     if (!$function_ok) {
         if (in_array($db[3]['function'], $the_content_themes)) {
             $function_ok = true;
     if (!$function_ok) {
         $options = $WP_Views->get_options();
         if (isset($options['wpv-theme-function'])) {
             if (in_array($db[3]['function'], explode(',', str_replace(', ', ',', $options['wpv-theme-function'])))) {
                 $function_ok = true;
         if (!$function_ok) {
             // We don't except calls from the calling function.
             if (current_user_can('administrator')) {
                 if (isset($options['wpv-theme-function-debug']) && $options['wpv-theme-function-debug']) {
                     $content = sprintf(__('<strong>Content template debug: </strong>Calling function is <strong>%s</strong>', 'wpv-views'), $db[3]['function']) . '<br />' . $content;
             return $content;
     // If it's in progress then just return the un-filtered content
     // to avoid recursion
     static $in_progress = array();
     if (in_array($id, array_keys($in_progress))) {
         return $content;
     // Here we will store what kind of place this template is being used on: single-{post-type}, singular, archive-{post-type}, archive-{taxonomy}, archive, listing-{post-type}
     $kind = '';
     if (is_singular()) {
         $current_page = $WP_Views->get_top_current_page();
         if (is_null($current_page) || !isset($current_page->ID)) {
             $current_id = 0;
         } else {
             $current_id = $current_page->ID;
         if (isset($post->post_type)) {
             if ($current_id == $post->ID) {
                 $kind = 'single-' . $post->post_type;
             } else {
                 $kind = 'listing-' . $post->post_type;
         } else {
             $kind = 'singular';
     $in_progress[$id] = true;
     static $view_options = null;
     static $taxonomy_loop = null;
     static $archive_loop = null;
     if (!$view_options) {
         $view_options = $WP_Views->get_options();
         if (is_archive()) {
             /* Taxonomy archives. */
             if (is_tax() || is_category() || is_tag()) {
                 $term = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
                 $taxonomy_loop = 'views_template_loop_' . $term->taxonomy;
                 $kind = 'archive-' . $term->taxonomy;
             } else {
                 if (is_post_type_archive($post->post_type)) {
                     $archive_loop = 'views_template_archive_for_' . $post->post_type;
                     $kind = 'archive-' . $post->post_type;
                 } else {
                     if ('post' == $post->post_type) {
                         $archive_loop = 'views_template_archive_for_post';
                         $kind = 'archive-post';
                     } else {
                         // if on an archive page but not a tax one and not on the archive for the displayed $post, then it's a generic archive
                         $kind = 'archive';
     $template_selected = 0;
     $template_apply_filter = true;
     if (isset($_GET['view-template']) && $_GET['view-template'] != '') {
         if (!isset($post->view_template_override_get)) {
             $template_selected = $this->get_template_id($_GET['view-template']);
             $post->view_template_override_get = true;
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['cred-edit-form']) && $_GET['cred-edit-form'] != '') {
             // special case when displaying CRED forms
             if (isset($post->view_template_override) && strtolower($post->view_template_override) != 'none') {
                 // if displaying CRED form and this template is inside the form in a wpv-post-body shortcode, apply it
                 $template_selected = $this->get_template_id($post->view_template_override);
             } else {
                 // if this template is being used for the post type being edited by a CRED form, do not apply it
                 $template_selected = 0;
                 $template_apply_filter = false;
         } else {
             if (isset($post->view_template_override)) {
                 if (strtolower($post->view_template_override) == 'none') {
                     $template_selected = 0;
                 } else {
                     $template_selected = $this->get_template_id($post->view_template_override);
             } else {
                 if ($taxonomy_loop) {
                     if (isset($view_options[$taxonomy_loop]) && $view_options[$taxonomy_loop] > 0) {
                         if (!isset($post->view_template_override_loop_setting)) {
                             $template_selected = $view_options[$taxonomy_loop];
                             $post->view_template_override_loop_setting = true;
                 } else {
                     if ($archive_loop) {
                         if (isset($view_options[$archive_loop]) && $view_options[$archive_loop] > 0) {
                             if (!isset($post->view_template_override_loop_setting)) {
                                 $template_selected = $view_options[$archive_loop];
                                 $post->view_template_override_loop_setting = true;
                     } else {
                         $template_selected = get_post_meta($id, '_views_template', true);
     if ($template_apply_filter) {
          * Filter wpv_filter_force_template
          * @param $template_selected the template ID we want to overwrite
          * @param $id the post the template is being applied to
          * @param $kind the kind of place where this template is being used: single-{post-type}, singular, archive-{post-type}, archive-{taxonomy}, archive, listing-{post-type}
          * @return $template_selected
          * Since 1.4
         $old_template_selected = $template_selected;
         $template_selected = apply_filters('wpv_filter_force_template', $template_selected, $id, $kind);
         //	$WPVDebug->add_log( 'info' , "wpv_filter_force_template\n" . __('ID: ', 'wpv-views') . $id . "\n" . __('Content Template: from ', 'wpv-views') . $old_template_selected . __(' to ', 'wpv-views') . $template_selected, 'filters', 'Filter: wpv_filter_force_template' );
         //	The debug is not being added, I will need a better way to show this
     if ($template_selected) {
         if (function_exists('icl_object_id')) {
             $template_selected = icl_object_id($template_selected, 'view-template', true);
         $this->view_template_used_ids[] = $template_selected;
         $wplogger->log('Using Content Template: ' . $template_selected . ' on post: ' . $post->ID);
         $content = $this->get_template_content($template_selected);
         $output_mode = get_post_meta($template_selected, '_wpv_view_template_mode', true);
         if ($output_mode == 'raw_mode') {
     $content = wpml_content_fix_links_to_translated_content($content);
     $WPVDebug->add_log_item('shortcodes', $content);
      * Filter wpv_filter_content_template_output
      * @param $content the content to be displayed, whether it's the real post content or the one coming from a Content Template
      * @param $template_selected the template ID being applied, can be 0 when there is none
      * @param $id the post the template is being applied to
      * @param $kind the kind of place where this template is being used: single-{post-type}, singular, archive-{post-type}, archive-{taxonomy}, archive, listing-{post-type}
      * @return $content
      * Since 1.5.1
     $content = apply_filters('wpv_filter_content_template_output', $content, $template_selected, $id, $kind);
     return $content;