Esempio n. 1

<div class="wrap">
            color: #666;
    <div id="icon-edit" class="icon32 icon32-posts-post">
_e("WP Live Chat Support Settings", "wplivechat");
$wplc_settings = get_option("WPLC_SETTINGS");
if ($wplc_settings["wplc_settings_align"]) {
    $wplc_settings_align[intval($wplc_settings["wplc_settings_align"])] = "SELECTED";
if ($wplc_settings["wplc_settings_enabled"]) {
    $wplc_settings_enabled[intval($wplc_settings["wplc_settings_enabled"])] = "SELECTED";
if ($wplc_settings["wplc_settings_fill"]) {
    $wplc_settings_fill = $wplc_settings["wplc_settings_fill"];
} else {
    $wplc_settings_fill = "ed832f";
if ($wplc_settings["wplc_settings_font"]) {
function wplc_support_menu()
    _e("WP Live Chat Support", "wplivechat");
    <div class="wplc_row">
        <div class='wplc_row_col' style='background-color:#FFF;'>
            <h2><i class="fa fa-book fa-2x"></i> <?php 
    _e("Documentation", "wplivechat");
            <hr />
    _e("Getting started? Read through some of these articles to help you along your way.", "wplivechat");
    _e("Documentation:", "wplivechat");
                <li><a href='' target='_BLANK' title='<?php 
    _e("Minimum System Requirements", "wplivechat");
    _e("Minimum System Requirements", "wplivechat");
                <li><a href='' target='_BLANK' title='<?php 
    _e("Do I have to be logged into the dashboard to chat with visitors?", "wplivechat");
    _e("Do I have to be logged into the dashboard to chat with visitors?", "wplivechat");
                <li><a href='' target='_BLANK' title='<?php 
    _e("What are Quick Responses?", "wplivechat");
    _e("What are Quick Responses?", "wplivechat");
                <li><a href='' target='_BLANK' title='<?php 
    _e("Can I use this plugin on my multi-site?", "wplivechat");
    _e("Can I use this plugin on my multi-site?", "wplivechat");
                <li><a href='' target='_BLANK' title='<?php 
    _e("How do I disable APC Object Cache?", "wplivechat");
    _e("How do I disable APC Object Cache?", "wplivechat");
                <li><a href='' target='_BLANK' title='<?php 
    _e("Do you have a mobile app?", "wplivechat");
    _e("Do you have a mobile app?", "wplivechat");
                <li><a href='' target='_BLANK' title='<?php 
    _e("How do I check for JavaScript errors on my site?", "wplivechat");
    _e("How do I check for JavaScript errors on my site?", "wplivechat");
        <div class='wplc_row_col' style='background-color:#FFF;'>
            <h2><i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle fa-2x"></i> <?php 
    _e("Troubleshooting", "wplivechat");
            <hr />
    _e("WP Live Chat Support  has a diverse and wide range of features which may, from time to time, run into conflicts with the thousands of themes and other plugins on the market.", "wplivechat");
    _e("Common issues:", "wplivechat");
                <li><a href='' target='_BLANK' title='<?php 
    _e("The chat box doesnt show up", "wplivechat");
    _e("The chat box doesnt show up", "wplivechat");
                <li><a href='' target='_BLANK' title='<?php 
    _e("The chat window disappears when I logout or go offline", "wplivechat");
    _e("The chat window disappears when I logout or go offline", "wplivechat");
                <li><a href='' target='_BLANK' title='<?php 
    _e("This chat has already been answered. Please close the chat window", "wplivechat");
    _e("This chat has already been answered. Please close the chat window", "wplivechat");
                <li><a href='' target='_BLANK' title='<?php 
    _e("Messages only show when I refresh the chat window", "wplivechat");
    _e("Messages only show when I refresh the chat window", "wplivechat");
                <li><a href='' target='_BLANK' title='<?php 
    _e("I'm not getting any notifications of a new chat", "wplivechat");
    _e("I'm not getting any notifications of a new chat", "wplivechat");
                <li><a href='' target='_BLANK' title='<?php 
    _e("The chat window never goes offline", "wplivechat");
    _e("The chat window never goes offline", "wplivechat");
        <div class='wplc_row_col' style='background-color:#FFF;'>
            <h2><i class="fa fa-bullhorn fa-2x"></i> <?php 
    _e("Support", "wplivechat");
            <hr />
    _e("Still need help? Use one of these links below.", "wplivechat");
                <li><a href='' target='_BLANK' title='<?php 
    _e("Support forum", "wplivechat");
    _e("Support forum", "wplivechat");
                <li><a href='' target='_BLANK' title='<?php 
    _e("Contact us", "wplivechat");
    _e("Contact us", "wplivechat");
Esempio n. 3
function wplc_admin_survey_layout()
    update_option("wplc_seen_surveys", true);
    $settings = get_option('WPLC_SURVEY_SETTINGS');
    echo "<div class=\"wrap\">";
    echo "<h1>" . __("WP Live Chat Surveys with Nimble Squirrel", "wplivechat") . "</h1>";
    echo "<div style='width:100%; display:block; overflow:auto; background-color:#FFF; padding:10px; border-radius:10px;'>";
    if (isset($settings['wplc_enable_surveys']) && intval($settings['wplc_enable_surveys']) == 1) {
        echo "<h2>" . __("Surveys", "wplivechat") . "</h2>";
        echo "<p>" . __("To view your responses, click the button below and log in to your NimbleSquirrel account.", "wplivechat") . "</p>";
        echo "<a href='' target='_BLANK' class='button button-primary'>View your responses</a>";
        echo "<p>&nbsp;</p>";
        echo "<p>" . __("Need help? <a href='' target='_BLANK'>Contact us</a> and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!", "wplivechat") . "</p>";
        echo "";
        echo "";
        echo "";
        echo "";
        echo "";
    } else {
        $link1 = sprintf(__('Register on <a href="%s" target="_BLANK" title="NimbleSquirrel">NimbleSquirrel</a> (It\'s free.)', 'wplivechat'), '' . get_option("admin_email") . "&site=" . get_option('siteurl') . '&utm_source=wplc&utm_medium=click&utm_campaign=plugin_register');
        $link2 = sprintf(__('<a href="%s" target="_BLANK" title="Create a survey">Create a survey</a>.', 'wplivechat'), '');
        echo "  <div style='display:block; width:50%; float:left; overflow:auto;'>";
        echo "      <div style='display:block; padding:10px;'>";
        echo "          <h2>" . __("Add a Survey to your live chat box", "wplivechat") . "</h2>";
        echo "          <p>" . __("Three simple steps:", "wplivechat") . "</p>";
        echo "          <ol>";
        echo "              <li>" . $link1 . "</li>";
        echo "              <li>" . $link2 . "</li>";
        echo "              <li>" . __("Enable surveys in your live chat <a href='admin.php?page=wplivechat-menu-settings'>settings page</a>.", "wplivechat") . "</li>";
        echo "          </ol>";
        echo "";
        echo "";
        echo "      </div>";
        echo "  </div>";
        echo "  <div style='display:block; width:50%; float:left; overflow:auto;'>";
        echo "      <div style='display:block; padding:10px;'>";
        echo "";
        echo "";
        echo "";
        echo "";
        echo "          <img src='' style='max-width:100%;' />";
        echo "";
        echo "";
        echo "";
        echo "";
        echo "";
        echo "      </div>";
        echo "  </div>";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "</div>";