Esempio n. 1
 * Adds the shortcode to the Visual Composer
 * @since 2.0.0
function vcex_social_links_vc_map()
    // Define map array
    $array = array('name' => esc_html__('Social Links', 'total'), 'description' => esc_html__('Display social links using icon fonts', 'total'), 'base' => 'vcex_social_links', 'category' => wpex_get_theme_branding(), 'icon' => 'vcex-social-links vcex-icon fa fa-user-plus');
    // Create params for array
    $params = array(array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Unique Id', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'unique_id'), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Classes', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'classes'), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Style', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'style', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_social_button_styles())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Visibility', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'visibility', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_visibility())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Appear Animation', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'css_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_css_animations())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Hover Animation', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'hover_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_hover_css_animations())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Link Target', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'link_target', 'value' => array(__('Self', 'total') => '', __('Blank', 'total') => 'blank')));
    // Get array of social links to loop through
    $social_links = vcex_social_links_profiles();
    // Loop through social links and add to params
    foreach ($social_links as $key => $val) {
        $desc = 'email' == $key ? esc_html__('Format:', 'total') : '';
        $params[] = array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => $val['label'], 'param_name' => $key, 'group' => esc_html__('Profiles', 'total'), 'description' => $desc);
    // Add CSS option
    $params[] = array('type' => 'css_editor', 'heading' => esc_html__('CSS', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'css', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total'));
    $params[] = array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Align', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'align', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_alignments()), 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total'));
    $params[] = array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Font Size', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'size', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total'));
    $params[] = array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Width', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'width', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total'));
    $params[] = array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Height', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'height', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total'));
    $params[] = array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Border Radius', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'border_radius', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total'));
    $params[] = array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Color', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'color', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total'));
    $params[] = array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Hover Background', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'hover_bg', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total'));
    $params[] = array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Hover Color', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'hover_color', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total'));
    // Add params to array
    $array['params'] = $params;
    // Return $array
    return $array;
 * Adds the shortcode to the Visual Composer
 * @since Total 1.4.1
function vcex_pricing_shortcode_vc_map()
    vc_map(array('name' => __('Pricing Table', 'wpex'), 'description' => __('Insert a pricing column', 'wpex'), 'base' => 'vcex_pricing', 'category' => WPEX_THEME_BRANDING, 'icon' => 'vcex-pricing vcex-icon fa fa-usd', 'params' => array(array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Unique Id', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'unique_id'), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Classes', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'el_class'), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Visibility', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'visibility', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_visibility())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Appear Animation', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'css_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_css_animations())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Hover Animation', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'hover_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_hover_css_animations())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Featured', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'featured', 'value' => array(__('No', 'wpex') => 'no', __('Yes', 'wpex') => 'yes'), 'group' => __('Plan', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Plan', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'plan', 'group' => __('Plan', 'wpex'), 'std' => __('Basic', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Background', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'plan_background', 'group' => __('Plan', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'plan', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Color', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'plan_color', 'group' => __('Plan', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'plan', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Font Weight', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'plan_weight', 'std' => '', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_font_weights()), 'group' => __('Plan', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'plan', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Text Transform', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'plan_text_transform', 'std' => '', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_text_transforms()), 'group' => __('Plan', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'plan', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Font Size', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'plan_size', 'group' => __('Plan', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'plan', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Letter Spacing', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'plan_letter_spacing', 'group' => __('Plan', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'plan', 'not_empty' => true), 'description' => __('Please enter a px value.', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Padding', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'plan_padding', 'description' => __('Please use the following format: top right bottom left.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Plan', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'plan', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Margin', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'plan_margin', 'description' => __('Please use the following format: top right bottom left.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Plan', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'plan', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Border', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'plan_border', 'description' => __('Please use the shorthand format: width style color. Enter 0px or "none" to disable border.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Plan', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'plan', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Cost', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'cost', 'group' => __('Cost', 'wpex'), 'std' => '$20'), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Background', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'cost_background', 'group' => __('Cost', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'cost', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Color', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'cost_color', 'group' => __('Cost', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'cost', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Font Weight', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'cost_weight', 'std' => '', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_font_weights()), 'group' => __('Cost', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'cost', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Font Size', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'cost_size', 'group' => __('Cost', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'cost', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Padding', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'cost_padding', 'description' => __('Please use the following format: top right bottom left.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Cost', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'cost', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Border', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'cost_border', 'description' => __('Please use the shorthand format: width style color. Enter 0px or "none" to disable border.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Cost', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'cost', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Per', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'per', 'group' => __('Per', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Display', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'per_display', 'value' => array(__('Default', 'wpex') => '', __('Inline', 'wpex') => 'inline', __('Block', 'wpex') => 'block', __('Inline-Block', 'wpex') => 'inline-block'), 'group' => __('Per', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'per', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Color', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'per_color', 'group' => __('Per', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'per', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Font Weight', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'per_weight', 'std' => '', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_font_weights()), 'group' => __('Per', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'per', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Text Transform', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'per_transform', 'group' => __('Per', 'wpex'), 'value' => array_flip(wpex_text_transforms()), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'per', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Font Size', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'per_size', 'group' => __('Per', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'per', 'not_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'textarea_html', 'heading' => __('Features', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'content', 'value' => '<ul>
										<li>30GB Storage</li>
										<li>512MB Ram</li>
										<li>10 databases</li>
										<li>1,000 Emails</li>
										<li>25GB Bandwidth</li>
									</ul>', 'description' => __('Enter your pricing content. You can use a UL list as shown by default but anything would really work!', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Features', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Color', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'font_color', 'group' => __('Features', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Background', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'features_bg', 'group' => __('Features', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Font Size', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'font_size', 'group' => __('Features', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Padding', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'features_padding', 'description' => __('Please use the following format: top right bottom left.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Features', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Border', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'features_border', 'description' => __('Please use the shorthand format: width style color. Enter 0px or "none" to disable border.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Features', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textarea_raw_html', 'heading' => __('Custom Button HTML', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'custom_button', 'description' => __('Enter your custom button HTML, such as your paypal button code.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'vc_link', 'heading' => __('URL', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_url', 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'custom_button', 'is_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Local Scroll?', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_local_scroll', 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex'), 'value' => array(__('No', 'wpex') => 'false', __('Yes', 'wpex') => 'true'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'custom_button', 'is_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Text', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_text', 'value' => __('Text', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'custom_button', 'is_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => _x('Area Background', 'Pricing Button Area Setting', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_wrap_bg', 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => _x('Area Padding', 'Pricing Button Area Setting', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_wrap_padding', 'description' => __('Please use the following format: top right bottom left.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => _x('Area Border', 'Pricing Button Area Setting', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_wrap_border', 'description' => __('Please use the shorthand format: width style color. Enter 0px or "none" to disable border.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Style', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_style', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_button_styles()), 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'custom_button', 'is_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Color', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_style_color', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_button_colors()), 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'custom_button', 'is_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Background', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_bg_color', 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'custom_button', 'is_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Background: Hover', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_hover_bg_color', 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'custom_button', 'is_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Color', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_color', 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'custom_button', 'is_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Color: Hover', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_hover_color', 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'custom_button', 'is_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Font Size', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_size', 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'custom_button', 'is_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Border Radius', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_border_radius', 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'custom_button', 'is_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Letter Spacing', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_letter_spacing', 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'custom_button', 'is_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Padding', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_padding', 'description' => __('Please use the following format: top right bottom left.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'custom_button', 'is_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Font Weight', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_weight', 'std' => '', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_font_weights()), 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'custom_button', 'is_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Text Transform', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_transform', 'group' => __('Button', 'wpex'), 'value' => array_flip(wpex_text_transforms()), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'custom_button', 'is_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Icon library', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'icon_type', 'description' => __('Select icon library.', 'wpex'), 'std' => 'fontawesome', 'value' => array(__('Font Awesome', 'wpex') => 'fontawesome', __('Open Iconic', 'wpex') => 'openiconic', __('Typicons', 'wpex') => 'typicons', __('Entypo', 'wpex') => 'entypo', __('Linecons', 'wpex') => 'linecons', __('Pixel', 'wpex') => 'pixelicons'), 'group' => __('Button Icons', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'custom_button', 'is_empty' => true)), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Left', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_icon_left', 'admin_label' => true, 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'fontawesome'), 'group' => __('Button Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Left', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_icon_left_openiconic', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'openiconic', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'openiconic'), 'group' => __('Button Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Left', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_icon_left_typicons', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'typicons', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'typicons'), 'group' => __('Button Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Left', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_icon_left_entypo', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'entypo', 'iconsPerPage' => 300), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'entypo'), 'group' => __('Button Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Left', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_icon_left_linecons', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'linecons', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'linecons'), 'group' => __('Button Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Left', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_icon_left_pixelicons', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => false, 'type' => 'pixelicons', 'source' => vcex_pixel_icons()), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'pixelicons'), 'group' => __('Button Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Right', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_icon_right', 'admin_label' => true, 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'fontawesome'), 'group' => __('Button Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Right', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_icon_right_openiconic', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'openiconic', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'openiconic'), 'group' => __('Button Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Right', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_icon_right_typicons', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'typicons', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'typicons'), 'group' => __('Button Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Right', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_icon_right_entypo', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'entypo', 'iconsPerPage' => 300), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'entypo'), 'group' => __('Button Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Right', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_icon_right_linecons', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'linecons', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'linecons'), 'group' => __('Button Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Right', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_icon_right_pixelicons', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => false, 'type' => 'pixelicons', 'source' => vcex_pixel_icons()), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'pixelicons'), 'group' => __('Button Icons', 'wpex')))));
 * Adds the shortcode to the Visual Composer
 * @since 1.4.1
function vcex_navbar_vc_map()
    // Create an array of menu items
    $menus_array = array(__('None', 'wpex') => '');
    if (is_admin()) {
        $menus = get_terms('nav_menu', array('hide_empty' => true));
        foreach ($menus as $menu) {
            $menus_array[$menu->name] = $menu->term_id;
    // Map the shortcode
    vc_map(array('name' => __('Navigation Bar', 'wpex'), 'description' => __('Custom menu navigation bar', 'wpex'), 'base' => 'vcex_navbar', 'icon' => 'vcex-navbar vcex-icon fa fa-navicon', 'category' => WPEX_THEME_BRANDING, 'params' => array(array('type' => 'textfield', 'admin_label' => true, 'heading' => __('Unique Id', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'unique_id'), array('type' => 'textfield', 'admin_label' => true, 'heading' => __('Classes', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'classes'), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'admin_label' => true, 'heading' => __('Menu', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'menu', 'std' => '', 'value' => $menus_array, 'save_always' => true), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Alignment', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'align', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_alignments())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Visibility', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'visibility', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_visibility())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Appear Animation', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'css_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_css_animations())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Hover Animation', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'hover_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_hover_css_animations()), 'std' => ''), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Local Scroll menu', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'local_scroll', 'value' => array(__('No', 'wpex') => 'false', __('Yes', 'wpex') => 'true')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'admin_label' => true, 'heading' => __('Style', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'style', 'std' => 'buttons', 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex'), 'value' => array(__('Buttons', 'wpex') => 'buttons', __('Simple', 'wpex') => 'simple')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Button Style', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_style', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_button_styles()), 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex'), 'std' => 'minimal-border', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'style', 'value' => 'buttons')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Button Color', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_color', 'std' => '', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_button_colors()), 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'style', 'value' => 'buttons')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Layout', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'button_layout', 'value' => array(__('Default', 'wpex') => '', __('Expanded', 'wpex') => 'expanded'), 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'style', 'value' => 'buttons')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Font Size', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'font_size', 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Color', 'wpex') . ' (' . _x('Legacy', 'Old VC Module Setting', 'wpex') . ')', 'param_name' => 'link_color', 'value' => array(__('Default', 'wpex') => '', __('Black', 'wpex') => 'black', __('White', 'wpex') => 'white'), 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Hover: Background', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'hover_bg', 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Hover: Color', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'hover_color', 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'css_editor', 'heading' => __('CSS', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'css', 'group' => __('CSS', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'hidden', 'param_name' => 'border_radius'))));
 * Adds the shortcode to the Visual Composer
 * @since 1.4.1
function vcex_button_vc_map()
    vc_map(array('name' => __('Total Button', 'wpex'), 'description' => __('Eye catching button', 'wpex'), 'base' => 'vcex_button', 'category' => WPEX_THEME_BRANDING, 'icon' => 'vcex-total-button vcex-icon fa fa-external-link-square', 'params' => array(array('type' => 'textfield', 'admin_label' => true, 'heading' => __('Unique Id', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'unique_id'), array('type' => 'textfield', 'admin_label' => true, 'heading' => __('Classes', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'classes'), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Visibility', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'visibility', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_visibility())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Appear Animation', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'css_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_css_animations())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Hover Animation', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'hover_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_hover_css_animations())), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('URL', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'url', 'value' => ''), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Text', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'content', 'admin_label' => true, 'std' => 'Button Text'), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Link Title', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'title', 'value' => 'Visit Site'), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Link Target', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'target', 'value' => array(__('Self', 'wpex') => '', __('Blank', 'wpex') => 'blank', __('Local', 'wpex') => 'local')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Link Rel', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'rel', 'value' => array(__('None', 'wpex') => '', __('Nofollow', 'wpex') => 'nofollow')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Style', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'style', 'std' => '', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_button_styles()), 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Layout', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'layout', 'value' => array(__('Inline', 'wpex') => '', __('Block', 'wpex') => 'block', __('Expanded (fit container)', 'wpex') => 'expanded'), 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Align', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'align', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_alignments()), 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Size', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'size', 'std' => '', 'value' => array(__('Default', 'wpex') => '', __('Small', 'wpex') => 'small', __('Medium', 'wpex') => 'medium', __('Large', 'wpex') => 'large'), 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Font Family', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'font_family', 'std' => '', 'value' => vcex_fonts_array(), 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Color', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'color', 'std' => '', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_button_colors()), 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Background', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'custom_background', 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Background: Hover', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'custom_hover_background', 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Color', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'custom_color', 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Color: Hover', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'custom_hover_color', 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Font Size', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'font_size', 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Letter Spacing', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'letter_spacing', 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Text Transform', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'text_transform', 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex'), 'value' => array_flip(wpex_text_transforms()), 'std' => ''), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Font Weight', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'font_weight', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_font_weights()), 'std' => '', 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Custom Width', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'width', 'description' => __('Please use a pixel or percentage value.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Border Radius', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'border_radius', 'description' => __('Please enter a px value.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Padding', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'font_padding', 'description' => __('Please use the following format: top right bottom left.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Margin', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'margin', 'description' => __('Please use the following format: top right bottom left.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Design', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Lightbox', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'lightbox', 'value' => array(__('No', 'wpex') => '', __('Yes', 'wpex') => 'true'), 'group' => __('Lightbox', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Type', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'lightbox_type', 'value' => array(__('Auto Detect - slow', 'wpex') => '', __('iFrame', 'wpex') => 'iframe', __('Image', 'wpex') => 'image', __('Video', 'wpex') => 'video_embed', __('HTML5', 'wpex') => 'html5', __('Quicktime', 'wpex') => 'quicktime'), 'description' => __('Auto detect depends on the iLightbox API, so by choosing your type it speeds things up and you also allows for HTTPS support.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Lightbox', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'lightbox', 'value' => 'true')), array('type' => 'attach_image', 'heading' => __('Lightbox Image', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'lightbox_image', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'lightbox_type', 'value' => 'image'), 'group' => __('Lightbox', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('HTML5 Webm URL', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'lightbox_video_html5_webm', 'description' => __('Enter the URL to a video, SWF file, flash file or a website URL to open in lightbox.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Lightbox', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'lightbox_type', 'value' => 'html5')), array('type' => 'attach_image', 'heading' => __('Lightbox HTML5 Poster Image', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'lightbox_poster_image', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'lightbox_type', 'value' => 'html5'), 'group' => __('Lightbox', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Lightbox Dimensions', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'lightbox_dimensions', 'description' => __('Enter a custom width and height for your lightbox pop-up window. Use format widthxheight. Example: 900x600.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Lightbox', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'lightbox', 'value' => 'true')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Icon library', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'icon_type', 'description' => __('Select icon library.', 'wpex'), 'std' => 'fontawesome', 'value' => array(__('Font Awesome', 'wpex') => 'fontawesome', __('Open Iconic', 'wpex') => 'openiconic', __('Typicons', 'wpex') => 'typicons', __('Entypo', 'wpex') => 'entypo', __('Linecons', 'wpex') => 'linecons', __('Pixel', 'wpex') => 'pixelicons'), 'group' => __('Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Left', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'icon_left', 'admin_label' => true, 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'fontawesome'), 'group' => __('Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Left', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'icon_left_openiconic', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'openiconic', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'openiconic'), 'group' => __('Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Left', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'icon_left_typicons', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'typicons', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'typicons'), 'group' => __('Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Left', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'icon_left_entypo', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'entypo', 'iconsPerPage' => 300), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'entypo'), 'group' => __('Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Left', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'icon_left_linecons', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'linecons', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'linecons'), 'group' => __('Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Left', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'icon_left_pixelicons', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'pixelicons', 'source' => vcex_pixel_icons()), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'pixelicons'), 'group' => __('Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Right', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'icon_right', 'admin_label' => true, 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'fontawesome'), 'group' => __('Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Right', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'icon_right_openiconic', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'openiconic', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'openiconic'), 'group' => __('Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Right', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'icon_right_typicons', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'typicons', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'typicons'), 'group' => __('Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Right', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'icon_right_entypo', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'entypo', 'iconsPerPage' => 300), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'entypo'), 'group' => __('Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Right', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'icon_right_linecons', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'linecons', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'linecons'), 'group' => __('Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => __('Icon Right', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'icon_right_pixelicons', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'pixelicons', 'source' => vcex_pixel_icons()), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'pixelicons'), 'group' => __('Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Left Icon: Right Padding', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'icon_left_padding', 'group' => __('Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Right Icon: Left Padding', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'icon_right_padding', 'group' => __('Icons', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'css_editor', 'heading' => __('CSS', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'css_wrap', 'group' => __('CSS', 'wpex')))));
Esempio n. 5
 * Adds the shortcode to the Visual Composer
 * @since Total 1.4.1
function vcex_icon_vc_map()
    return array('name' => esc_html__('Font Icon', 'total'), 'description' => esc_html__('Font Icon from various libraries', 'total'), 'base' => 'vcex_icon', 'icon' => 'vcex-font-icon vcex-icon fa fa-bolt', 'category' => wpex_get_theme_branding(), 'params' => array(array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Unique Id', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'unique_id'), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Classes', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'el_class'), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Appear Animation', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'css_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_css_animations())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Hover Animation', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'hover_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_hover_css_animations())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon library', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_type', 'description' => esc_html__('Select icon library.', 'total'), 'value' => array(__('Font Awesome', 'total') => 'fontawesome', __('Open Iconic', 'total') => 'openiconic', __('Typicons', 'total') => 'typicons', __('Entypo', 'total') => 'entypo', __('Linecons', 'total') => 'linecons', __('Pixel', 'total') => 'pixelicons')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon', 'admin_label' => true, 'value' => 'fa fa-info-circle', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'fontawesome')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_openiconic', 'std' => '', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'openiconic', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'openiconic')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_typicons', 'std' => '', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'typicons', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'typicons')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_entypo', 'std' => '', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'entypo', 'iconsPerPage' => 300), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'entypo')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_linecons', 'std' => '', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'linecons', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'linecons')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_pixelicons', 'std' => '', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'pixelicons', 'source' => vcex_pixel_icons()), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'pixelicons')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Color', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'color', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Color: Hover', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'color_hover', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Background', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'background', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Background: Hover', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'background_hover', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Size', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'size', 'std' => 'normal', 'value' => array(__('Inherit', 'total') => 'inherit', __('Extra Large', 'total') => 'xlarge', __('Large', 'total') => 'large', __('Normal', 'total') => 'normal', __('Small', 'total') => 'small', __('Tiny', 'total') => 'tiny'), 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Position', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'float', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_alignments()), 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Custom Size', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'custom_size', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Border Radius', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'border_radius', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Border', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'border', 'description' => esc_html__('Please use the shorthand format: width style color. Enter 0px or "none" to disable border.', 'total'), 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Width', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'width', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Height', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'height', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total')), array('type' => 'vc_link', 'heading' => esc_html__('Link', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'link_url', 'group' => esc_html__('Link', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Link: Local Scroll', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'link_local_scroll', 'value' => array(__('False', 'total') => 'false', __('True', 'total') => 'true'), 'group' => esc_html__('Link', 'total'))));
Esempio n. 6
 * Register the shortcode for use with the Visual Composer
 * @since 1.4.1
function vcex_icon_box_vc_map()
    return array('name' => esc_html__('Icon Box', 'total'), 'base' => 'vcex_icon_box', 'category' => wpex_get_theme_branding(), 'icon' => 'vcex-icon-box vcex-icon fa fa-star', 'description' => esc_html__('Content box with icon', 'total'), 'params' => array(array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Unique Id', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'unique_id'), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Classes', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'classes'), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Visibility', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'visibility', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_visibility())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Appear Animation', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'css_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_css_animations())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Hover Animation', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'hover_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_hover_css_animations()), 'std' => ''), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Style', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'style', 'value' => vcex_icon_box_styles(), 'description' => esc_html__('For greater control select left, right or top icon styles then go to the "Design" tab to modify the icon box design.', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Alignment', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'alignment', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'style', 'value' => array('two')), 'value' => array(__('Default', 'total') => '', __('Center', 'total') => 'center', __('Left', 'total') => 'left', __('Right', 'total') => 'right')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon Bottom Margin', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_bottom_margin', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'style', 'value' => array('two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Container Left Padding', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'container_left_padding', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'style', 'value' => array('one'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Container Right Padding', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'container_right_padding', 'description' => esc_html__('Please enter a px value.', 'total'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'style', 'value' => array('seven'))), array('type' => 'textarea_html', 'holder' => 'div', 'heading' => esc_html__('Content', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'content', 'value' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.', 'group' => esc_html__('Content', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Font Size', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'font_size', 'group' => esc_html__('Content', 'total')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Color', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'font_color', 'group' => esc_html__('Content', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading', 'std' => 'Sample Heading', 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Color', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading_color', 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Type', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading_type', 'value' => array(__('Default', 'total') => '', 'h2' => 'h2', 'h3' => 'h3', 'h4' => 'h4', 'h5' => 'h5', 'div' => 'div', 'span' => 'span'), 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Font Family', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading_font_family', 'std' => '', 'value' => vcex_fonts_array(), 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Font Weight', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading_weight', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_font_weights()), 'std' => '', 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Text Transform', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading_transform', 'std' => '', 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total'), 'value' => array_flip(wpex_text_transforms())), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Font Size', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading_size', 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Letter Spacing', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading_letter_spacing', 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Bottom Margin', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading_bottom_margin', 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon library', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_type', 'description' => esc_html__('Select icon library.', 'total'), 'value' => array(__('Font Awesome', 'total') => 'fontawesome', __('Open Iconic', 'total') => 'openiconic', __('Typicons', 'total') => 'typicons', __('Entypo', 'total') => 'entypo', __('Linecons', 'total') => 'linecons', __('Pixel', 'total') => 'pixelicons'), 'group' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon', 'value' => 'fa fa-info-circle', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'fontawesome'), 'group' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_openiconic', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'openiconic', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'openiconic'), 'group' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_typicons', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'typicons', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'typicons'), 'group' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_entypo', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'entypo', 'iconsPerPage' => 300), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'entypo'), 'group' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_linecons', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'linecons', 'iconsPerPage' => 200), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'linecons'), 'group' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total')), array('type' => 'iconpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_pixelicons', 'settings' => array('emptyIcon' => true, 'type' => 'pixelicons', 'source' => vcex_pixel_icons()), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'icon_type', 'value' => 'pixelicons'), 'group' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon Font Alternative Classes', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_alternative_classes', 'group' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Color', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_color', 'group' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Background', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_background', 'group' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Font Size', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_size', 'group' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Border Radius', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_border_radius', 'description' => esc_html__('For a circle enter 50%.', 'total'), 'group' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Width', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_width', 'group' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Height', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'icon_height', 'group' => esc_html__('Icon', 'total')), array('type' => 'attach_image', 'heading' => esc_html__('Icon Image Alternative', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'image', 'group' => esc_html__('Image', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Width', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'image_width', 'group' => esc_html__('Image', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Height', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'image_height', 'group' => esc_html__('Image', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('URL', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'url', 'group' => esc_html__('URL', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('URL Target', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'url_target', 'value' => array(__('Self', 'total') => 'self', __('Blank', 'total') => '_blank', __('Local', 'total') => 'local'), 'group' => esc_html__('URL', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('URL Rel', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'url_rel', 'value' => array(__('None', 'total') => '', __('Nofollow', 'total') => 'nofollow'), 'group' => esc_html__('URL', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Link Container Wrap', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'url_wrap', 'value' => array(__('Default', 'total') => '', __('Yes', 'total') => 'true', __('No', 'total') => 'false'), 'group' => esc_html__('URL', 'total'), 'description' => esc_html__('Apply the link to the entire wrapper?', 'total')), array('type' => 'css_editor', 'heading' => esc_html__('CSS', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'css', 'description' => esc_html__('If any of these are defined it will add a new wrapper around your icon box with the custom CSS applied to it.', 'total'), 'group' => esc_html__('CSS', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Border Radius', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'border_radius', 'group' => esc_html__('CSS', 'total')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Background: Hover', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'hover_background', 'description' => esc_html__('Will add a hover background color to your entire icon box or replace the current hover color for specific icon box styles.', 'total'), 'group' => esc_html__('CSS', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('White Text On Hover', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'hover_white_text', 'value' => array(__('No', 'total') => 'false', __('Yes', 'total') => 'true'), 'group' => esc_html__('CSS', 'total'))));
 * Adds the shortcode to the Visual Composer
 * @since 1.4.1
function vcex_image_grid_vc_map()
    vc_map(array('name' => __('Image Grid', 'wpex'), 'description' => __('Responsive image gallery', 'wpex'), 'base' => 'vcex_image_grid', 'icon' => 'vcex-image-grid vcex-icon fa fa-picture-o', 'category' => WPEX_THEME_BRANDING, 'params' => array(array('type' => 'attach_images', 'admin_label' => true, 'heading' => __('Attach Images', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'image_ids', 'group' => __('Images', 'wpex'), 'description' => __('Click the plus icon to add images to your gallery. Once images are added they can be drag and dropped for sorting.', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Post Gallery', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'post_gallery', 'group' => __('Images', 'wpex'), 'description' => __('Enable to display images from the current post "Image Gallery".', 'wpex'), 'value' => array(__('No', 'wpex') => 'false', __('Yes', 'wpex') => 'true')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Unique Id', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'unique_id'), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Custom Classes', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'classes'), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Visibility', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'visibility', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_visibility())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Appear Animation', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'css_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_css_animations())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Hover Animation', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'hover_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_hover_css_animations())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Grid Style', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'grid_style', 'value' => array(__('Fit Rows', 'wpex') => 'default', __('Masonry', 'wpex') => 'masonry', __('No Margins', 'wpex') => 'no-margins'), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-3 vc_column clear'), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Columns', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'columns', 'std' => '4', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_grid_columns()), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-3 vc_column'), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Gap', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'columns_gap', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_column_gaps()), 'std' => '', 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-3 vc_column'), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Responsive', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'responsive_columns', 'std' => '', 'value' => array(__('True', 'wpex') => '', __('False', 'wpex') => 'false'), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-3 vc_column'), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'admin_label' => true, 'heading' => __('Randomize Images', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'randomize_images', 'value' => array(__('False', 'wpex') => '', __('True', 'wpex') => 'true')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'admin_label' => true, 'heading' => __('Images Per Page', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'posts_per_page', 'value' => '-1', 'description' => __('This will enable pagination for your gallery. Enter -1 or leave blank to display all images without pagination.', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Image Link', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'thumbnail_link', 'std' => 'lightbox', 'value' => array(__('None', 'wpex') => 'none', __('Lightbox', 'wpex') => 'lightbox', __('Attachment Page', 'wpex') => 'attachment_page', __('Custom Links', 'wpex') => 'custom_link'), 'group' => __('Links', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Lightbox Skin', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'lightbox_skin', 'std' => '', 'value' => vcex_ilightbox_skins(), 'group' => __('Links', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'thumbnail_link', 'value' => 'lightbox')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Lightbox Gallery', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'lightbox_gallery', 'value' => array(__('Yes', 'wpex') => 'true', __('No', 'wpex') => 'false'), 'group' => __('Links', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'thumbnail_link', 'value' => 'lightbox')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Lightbox Thumbnails Placement', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'lightbox_path', 'value' => array(__('Horizontal', 'wpex') => '', __('Vertical', 'wpex') => 'vertical'), 'group' => __('Links', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'lightbox_gallery', 'value' => 'true')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Lightbox Title', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'lightbox_title', 'value' => array(__('Alt', 'wpex') => '', __('Title', 'wpex') => 'title', __('None', 'wpex') => 'false'), 'group' => __('Links', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'thumbnail_link', 'value' => 'lightbox')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Lightbox Caption', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'lightbox_caption', 'value' => array(__('Enable', 'wpex') => 'true', __('Disable', 'wpex') => 'false'), 'group' => __('Links', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'thumbnail_link', 'value' => 'lightbox')), array('type' => 'exploded_textarea', 'heading' => __('Custom links', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'custom_links', 'description' => __('Enter links for each slide here. Divide links with linebreaks (Enter). For images without a link enter a # symbol. And don\'t forget to include the http:// at the front.', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'thumbnail_link', 'value' => array('custom_link')), 'group' => __('Links', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Link Target', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'custom_links_target', 'group' => __('Links', 'wpex'), 'value' => array(__('Same window', 'wpex') => '_self', __('New window', 'wpex') => '_blank'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'thumbnail_link', 'value' => array('custom_link'))), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Image Size', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'img_size', 'std' => 'wpex_custom', 'value' => vcex_image_sizes(), 'group' => __('Image', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Image Crop Location', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'img_crop', 'std' => 'center-center', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_image_crop_locations()), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'img_size', 'value' => 'wpex_custom'), 'group' => __('Image', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Image Crop Width', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'img_width', 'group' => __('Image', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'img_size', 'value' => 'wpex_custom')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Image Crop Height', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'img_height', 'description' => __('Enter a height in pixels. Leave empty to disable vertical cropping and keep image proportions.', 'wpex'), 'group' => __('Image', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'img_size', 'value' => 'wpex_custom')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Rounded Image?', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'rounded_image', 'value' => array(__('No', 'wpex') => '', __('Yes', 'wpex') => 'yes'), 'group' => __('Image', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Overlay Style', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'overlay_style', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_overlay_styles_array()), 'group' => __('Image', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Overlay Button Text', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'overlay_button_text', 'group' => __('Image', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'overlay_style', 'value' => 'hover-button')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('CSS3 Image Hover', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'img_hover_style', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_image_hovers()), 'group' => __('Image', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Image Filter', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'img_filter', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_image_filters()), 'group' => __('Image', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Enable', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'title', 'std' => '', 'value' => array(__('No', 'wpex') => 'no', __('Yes', 'wpex') => 'yes'), 'group' => __('Title', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Tag', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'title_tag', 'value' => array(__('Default', 'wpex') => '', 'h2' => 'h2', 'h3' => 'h3', 'h4' => 'h4', 'div' => 'div'), 'group' => __('Title', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'title', 'value' => 'yes')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Based On', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'title_type', 'value' => array(__('Default', 'wpex') => '', __('Title', 'wpex') => 'title', __('Alt', 'wpex') => 'alt', __('Caption', 'wpex') => 'caption', __('Description', 'wpex') => 'description'), 'group' => __('Title', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'title', 'value' => 'yes')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => __('Color', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'title_color', 'group' => __('Title', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'title', 'value' => 'yes')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Font Size', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'title_size', 'group' => __('Title', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'title', 'value' => 'yes')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Line Height', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'title_line_height', 'group' => __('Title', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'title', 'value' => 'yes')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => __('Margin', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'title_margin', 'group' => __('Title', 'wpex'), 'description' => __('Please use the following format: top right bottom left.', 'wpex'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'title', 'value' => 'yes')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Font Weight', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'title_weight', 'group' => __('Title', 'wpex'), 'std' => '', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_font_weights()), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'title', 'value' => 'yes')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => __('Text Transform', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'title_transform', 'group' => __('Title', 'wpex'), 'std' => '', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_text_transforms()), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'title', 'value' => 'yes')), array('type' => 'css_editor', 'heading' => __('Entry CSS', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'entry_css', 'group' => __('Entry CSS', 'wpex')), array('type' => 'css_editor', 'heading' => __('Wrap CSS', 'wpex'), 'param_name' => 'css', 'group' => __('Container CSS', 'wpex')))));
Esempio n. 8
 * Adds the shortcode to the Visual Composer
 * @since 1.4.1
function vcex_teaser_vc_map()
    return array('name' => esc_html__('Teaser Box', 'total'), 'description' => esc_html__('A teaser content box', 'total'), 'base' => 'vcex_teaser', 'category' => wpex_get_theme_branding(), 'icon' => 'vcex-teaser vcex-icon fa fa-file-text-o', 'params' => array(array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Unique Id', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'unique_id'), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Custom Classes', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'classes'), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Visibility', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'visibility', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_visibility())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Appear Animation', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'css_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_css_animations())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Hover Animation', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'hover_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_hover_css_animations()), 'std' => ''), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Text Align', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'text_align', 'value' => array(__('Default', 'total') => '', __('Center', 'total') => 'center', __('Left', 'total') => 'left', __('Right', 'total') => 'right')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Style', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'style', 'value' => array(__('Default', 'total') => '', __('Plain', 'total') => 'one', __('Boxed 1 - Legacy', 'total') => 'two', __('Boxed 2 - Legacy', 'total') => 'three', __('Outline - Legacy', 'total') => 'four')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Padding', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'padding', 'description' => esc_html__('Please use the following format: top right bottom left.', 'total'), 'dependency' => array('element' => 'style', 'value' => 'two')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Background Color', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'background', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'style', 'value' => array('two', 'three'))), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Border Color', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'border_color', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'style', 'value' => array('two', 'three', 'four'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Border Radius', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'border_radius', 'dependency' => array('element' => 'style', 'value' => array('two', 'three', 'four'))), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading', 'value' => 'Sample Heading', 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Heading Color', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading_color', 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Heading Type', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading_type', 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total'), 'value' => array('h2' => 'h2', 'h3' => 'h3', 'h4' => 'h4', 'h5' => 'h5', 'div' => 'div')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Font Family', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading_font_family', 'std' => '', 'value' => vcex_fonts_array(), 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Heading Font Weight', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading_weight', 'std' => '', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_font_weights()), 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Heading Text Transform', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading_transform', 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total'), 'value' => array_flip(wpex_text_transforms())), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Heading Font Size', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading_size', 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Heading Margin', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading_margin', 'description' => esc_html__('Please use the following format: top right bottom left.', 'total'), 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Heading Letter Spacing', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'heading_letter_spacing', 'group' => esc_html__('Heading', 'total')), array('type' => 'textarea_html', 'holder' => 'div', 'heading' => esc_html__('Content', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'content', 'value' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed faucibus feugiat convallis. Integer nec eros et risus condimentum tristique vel vitae arcu.', 'group' => esc_html__('Content', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Content Margin', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'content_margin', 'description' => esc_html__('Please use the following format: top right bottom left.', 'total'), 'group' => esc_html__('Content', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Content Padding', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'content_padding', 'description' => esc_html__('Please use the following format: top right bottom left.', 'total'), 'group' => esc_html__('Content', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Content Font Size', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'content_font_size', 'group' => esc_html__('Content', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Content Font Weight', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'content_font_weight', 'std' => '', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_font_weights()), 'group' => esc_html__('Content', 'total')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Content Font Color', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'content_color', 'group' => esc_html__('Content', 'total')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Content Background', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'content_background', 'group' => esc_html__('Content', 'total')), array('type' => 'attach_image', 'heading' => esc_html__('Image', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'image', 'group' => esc_html__('Media', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Video link', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'video', 'description' => esc_html__('Enter in a video URL that is compatible with WordPress\'s built-in oEmbed feature.', 'total'), 'group' => esc_html__('Media', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Image Style', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'img_style', 'value' => array(__('Default', 'total') => '', __('Stretch', 'total') => 'stretch'), 'group' => esc_html__('Media', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Image Crop Width', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'img_width', 'group' => esc_html__('Media', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Image Crop Height', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'img_height', 'description' => esc_html__('Enter a height in pixels. Leave empty to disable vertical cropping and keep image proportions.', 'total'), 'group' => esc_html__('Media', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Image Filter', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'img_filter', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_image_filters()), 'group' => esc_html__('Media', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('CSS3 Image Hover', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'img_hover_style', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_image_hovers()), 'group' => esc_html__('Media', 'total')), array('type' => 'vc_link', 'heading' => esc_html__('URL', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'url', 'group' => esc_html__('Link', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Link: Local Scroll', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'url_local_scroll', 'group' => esc_html__('Link', 'total'), 'value' => array(__('False', 'total') => '', __('True', 'total') => 'true')), array('type' => 'css_editor', 'heading' => esc_html__('Design', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'css', 'group' => esc_html__('Design', 'total'))));
Esempio n. 9
 * Adds the shortcode to the Visual Composer
 * @since Total 1.4.1
function vcex_milestone_vc_map()
    return array('name' => esc_html__('Milestone', 'total'), 'description' => esc_html__('Animated counter', 'total'), 'base' => 'vcex_milestone', 'icon' => 'vcex-milestone vcex-icon fa fa-medium', 'category' => wpex_get_theme_branding(), 'params' => array(array('type' => 'textfield', 'admin_label' => true, 'heading' => esc_html__('Unique Id', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'unique_id'), array('type' => 'textfield', 'admin_label' => true, 'heading' => esc_html__('Classes', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'classes'), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Visibility', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'visibility', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_visibility())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Appear Animation', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'css_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_css_animations())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Hover Animation', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'hover_animation', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_hover_css_animations())), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Animated', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'animated', 'std' => 'true', 'value' => array(__('Yes', 'total') => 'true', __('No', 'total') => 'false')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Speed', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'speed', 'value' => '2500', 'description' => esc_html__('The number of milliseconds it should take to finish counting.', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Refresh Interval', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'interval', 'value' => '50', 'description' => esc_html__('The number of milliseconds to wait between refreshing the counter.', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'admin_label' => true, 'heading' => esc_html__('Number', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'number', 'std' => '45', 'group' => esc_html__('Number', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Before', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'before', 'group' => esc_html__('Number', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('After', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'after', 'default' => '%', 'group' => esc_html__('Number', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Font Family', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'number_font_family', 'std' => '', 'value' => vcex_fonts_array(), 'group' => esc_html__('Number', 'total')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Color', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'number_color', 'group' => esc_html__('Number', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Font Size', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'number_size', 'group' => esc_html__('Number', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Font Weight', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'number_weight', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_font_weights()), 'std' => '', 'group' => esc_html__('Number', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Bottom Margin', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'number_bottom_margin', 'group' => esc_html__('Number', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'class' => 'vcex-animated-counter-caption', 'heading' => esc_html__('Caption', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'caption', 'value' => 'Awards Won', 'admin_label' => true, 'group' => esc_html__('Caption', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Font Family', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'caption_font_family', 'std' => '', 'value' => vcex_fonts_array(), 'group' => esc_html__('Caption', 'total')), array('type' => 'colorpicker', 'heading' => esc_html__('Color', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'caption_color', 'group' => esc_html__('Caption', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Font Size', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'caption_size', 'group' => esc_html__('Caption', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Font Weight', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'caption_font', 'value' => array_flip(wpex_font_weights()), 'std' => '', 'group' => esc_html__('Caption', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('URL', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'url', 'group' => esc_html__('Link', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('URL Target', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'url_target', 'value' => array(__('Self', 'total') => 'self', __('Blank', 'total') => 'blank'), 'group' => esc_html__('Link', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('URl Rel', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'url_rel', 'value' => array(__('None', 'total') => '', __('Nofollow', 'total') => 'nofollow'), 'group' => esc_html__('Link', 'total')), array('type' => 'dropdown', 'heading' => esc_html__('Link Container Wrap', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'url_wrap', 'value' => array(__('Default', 'total') => '', __('No', 'total') => 'false', __('Yes', 'total') => 'true'), 'group' => esc_html__('Link', 'total'), 'description' => esc_html__('Apply the link to the entire wrapper?', 'total')), array('type' => 'css_editor', 'heading' => esc_html__('Design', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'css', 'group' => esc_html__('Design options', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Width', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'width', 'group' => esc_html__('Design options', 'total')), array('type' => 'textfield', 'heading' => esc_html__('Border Radius', 'total'), 'param_name' => 'border_radius', 'group' => esc_html__('Design options', 'total'))));