<?php while (have_posts()) { the_post(); ?> <?php $wpex_count++; ?> <?php get_template_part('partials/blog/blog-entry', 'layout'); ?> <?php if (wpex_blog_entry_columns() == $wpex_count) { $wpex_count = 0; } ?> <?php } ?> </div><!-- #blog-entries --> <?php // Display custom style for search entries } else { ?>
/** * Returns correct blog entry classes * * @since 1.1.6 */ function wpex_blog_entry_classes() { // Define classes array $classes = array(); // Entry Style $entry_style = wpex_blog_entry_style(); // Core classes $classes[] = 'blog-entry'; $classes[] = 'clr'; // Masonry classes if ('masonry' == wpex_blog_grid_style()) { $classes[] = 'isotope-entry'; } // Equal heights if (wpex_blog_entry_equal_heights()) { $classes[] = 'blog-entry-equal-heights'; } // Add columns for grid style entries if ($entry_style == 'grid-entry-style') { $classes[] = 'col'; $classes[] = wpex_grid_class(wpex_blog_entry_columns()); } // No Featured Image Class, don't add if oembed or self hosted meta are defined if (!has_post_thumbnail() && '' == get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'wpex_post_self_hosted_shortcode', true) && '' == get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'wpex_post_oembed', true)) { $classes[] = 'no-featured-image'; } // Blog entry style $classes[] = $entry_style; // Avatar if ($avatar_enabled = wpex_get_mod('blog_entry_author_avatar')) { $classes[] = 'entry-has-avatar'; } // Counter global $wpex_count; if ($wpex_count) { $classes[] = 'col-' . $wpex_count; } // Apply filters to entry post class for child theming $classes = apply_filters('wpex_blog_entry_classes', $classes); // Rturn classes array return $classes; }
if ('grid-entry-style' == wpex_blog_fit_rows()) { echo '</div><!-- .row -->'; } $wpex_count = 0; } // End loop } // Make sure row is closed for the fit rows style blog if ('grid-entry-style' == wpex_blog_fit_rows()) { if ('4' == wpex_blog_entry_columns() && $wpex_total_posts % 4 != 0) { echo '</div><!-- .row -->'; } if ('3' == wpex_blog_entry_columns() && $wpex_total_posts % 3 != 0) { echo '</div><!-- .row -->'; } if ('2' == wpex_blog_entry_columns() && $wpex_total_posts % 2 != 0) { echo '</div><!-- .row -->'; } } ?> </div><!-- #blog-entries --> <?php // Display post pagination wpex_blog_pagination(); ?> </div><!-- #content --> </section><!-- #primary --> <?php // Get site footer get_sidebar(); ?>
echo term_description(); ?> </div><!-- #category-description --> <?php } ?> <?php // Display posts if there are in fact posts to display if (have_posts()) { /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* - Standard Post Type Posts (BLOG) /* - See framework/conditionals.php /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (wpex_is_blog_query()) { // Some useful vars $wpex_entry_columns = wpex_blog_entry_columns(); ?> <div id="blog-entries" class="clr <?php wpex_blog_wrap_classes(); ?> "> <?php // Start counters to create rows $wpex_total_posts = $wpex_count = 0; // Loop through posts while (have_posts()) { the_post(); // Add row for the fit rows style blog if (0 == $wpex_count && wpex_blog_fit_rows()) { ?> <div class="blog-row clr">