  * {@inheritdoc}
  * Builds a row for the following table:
  *   Transitions, for example:
  *     18 => array(
  *       20 => array(
  *         'author' => 1,
  *         1        => 0,
  *         2        => 1,
  *       )
  *     )
  *   means the transition from state 18 to state 20 can be executed by
  *   the content author or a user in role 2. The $transitions array should
  *   contain ALL transitions for the workflow.
 public function buildRow(EntityInterface $entity)
     $row = array();
     $workflow = $this->workflow;
     if ($workflow) {
         // Each $entity is a from-state.
         /* @var $entity \Drupal\workflow\Entity\WorkflowState */
         $from_state = $entity;
         $from_sid = $from_state->id();
         $states = $workflow->getStates($all = 'CREATION');
         if ($states) {
             // Only get the roles with proper permission + Author role.
             $type_id = $workflow->id();
             $roles = workflow_get_user_role_names("create {$type_id} workflow_transition");
             // Prepare default value for 'stay_on_this_state'.
             $allow_all_roles = [];
             // array_combine (array_keys($roles) , array_keys($roles));
             foreach ($states as $state) {
                 $row['to'] = ['#type' => 'value', '#markup' => t('@label', array('@label' => $from_state->label()))];
                 foreach ($states as $to_state) {
                     // Don't allow transition TO (creation).
                     if ($to_state->isCreationState()) {
                     // Only allow transitions from $from_state.
                     if ($state->id() != $from_state->id()) {
                     $to_sid = $to_state->id();
                     $stay_on_this_state = $to_sid == $from_sid;
                     // Load existing config_transitions. Create if not found.
                     $config_transitions = $workflow->getTransitionsByStateId($from_sid, $to_sid);
                     if (!($config_transition = reset($config_transitions))) {
                         $config_transition = $workflow->createTransition($from_sid, $to_sid);
                     $row[$to_sid]['workflow_config_transition'] = ['#type' => 'value', '#value' => $config_transition];
                     $row[$to_sid]['roles'] = ['#type' => $stay_on_this_state ? 'checkboxes' : 'checkboxes', '#options' => $stay_on_this_state ? [] : $roles, '#disabled' => $stay_on_this_state, '#default_value' => $stay_on_this_state ? $allow_all_roles : $config_transition->roles];
     return $row;
  * Implements hook_form().
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * Add a "three dimensional" (state, role, permission type) configuration
  * interface to the workflow edit form.
 public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     // Get the Workflow from the page.
     /* @var $workflow \Drupal\workflow\Entity\Workflow */
     if (!($workflow = workflow_ui_url_get_workflow())) {
         // Leave this page immediately.
         return $form;
     $form = array('#tree' => TRUE);
     $form['#wid'] = $workflow->id();
     // A list of role names keyed by role ID, including the 'author' role.
     // Only get the roles with proper permission + Author role.
     $type_id = $workflow->id();
     $roles = workflow_get_user_role_names("create {$type_id} workflow_transition");
     // Add a table for every workflow state.
     foreach ($workflow->getStates($all = TRUE) as $sid => $state) {
         if ($state->isCreationState()) {
             // No need to set perms on creation.
         $view = $update = $delete = array();
         $count = 0;
         foreach (workflow_access_get_workflow_access_by_sid($sid) as $rid => $access) {
             $view[$rid] = $access['grant_view'] ? $rid : 0;
             $update[$rid] = $access['grant_update'] ? $rid : 0;
             $delete[$rid] = $access['grant_delete'] ? $rid : 0;
         // Allow view grants by default for anonymous and authenticated users,
         // if no grants were set up earlier.
         if (!$count) {
             $view = array(AccountInterface::ANONYMOUS_ROLE => AccountInterface::ANONYMOUS_ROLE, AccountInterface::AUTHENTICATED_ROLE => AccountInterface::AUTHENTICATED_ROLE);
         // @todo: better tables using a #theme function instead of direct #prefixing.
         $form[$sid] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => $state->label(), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, '#tree' => TRUE);
         $form[$sid]['view'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes', '#options' => $roles, '#default_value' => $view, '#title' => t('Roles who can view posts in this state'), '#prefix' => '<table width="100%" style="border: 0;"><tbody style="border: 0;"><tr><td>', '#suffix' => "</td>");
         $form[$sid]['update'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes', '#options' => $roles, '#default_value' => $update, '#title' => t('Roles who can edit posts in this state'), '#prefix' => "<td>", '#suffix' => "</td>");
         $form[$sid]['delete'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes', '#options' => $roles, '#default_value' => $delete, '#title' => t('Roles who can delete posts in this state'), '#prefix' => "<td>", '#suffix' => "</td></tr></tbody></table>");
     return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);