Esempio n. 1
		function wm_head_styles( $classes ) {
			global $post;

			//variables needed
				//post ID
				$postId = ( is_home() ) ? ( get_option( 'page_for_posts' ) ) : ( null );

			//custom in-header styles
				$inHeaderStyles = '';

				//page background image
					if (
							( isset( $post ) || is_home() ) &&
							! is_search() && ! is_archive() &&
							wm_css_background_meta( 'background-' )
						) {
						$inHeaderStyles .= ( wm_meta_option( 'background-bg-img-fit-window', $postId ) ) ? ( "\t" . 'body {background: none}' . "\r\n" ) : ( "\t" . 'body {background: ' . wm_css_background_meta( 'background-' ) . '}' . "\r\n" );
						$inHeaderStyles .= ( ! wm_meta_option( 'background-bg-color', $postId ) ) ? ( '' ) : ( "\t" . 'html {background: none}' . "\r\n" );

				//main heading area background
					if (
							( isset( $post ) || is_home() ) &&
							( wm_css_background_meta( 'heading-background-' ) || wm_meta_option( 'heading-background-padding' ) )
						) {
						$inHeaderStyles .= ( wm_meta_option( 'heading-background-padding' ) ) ? ( "\t" . '.main-heading .twelve.pane {padding-top: ' . absint( wm_meta_option( 'heading-background-padding' ) ) . 'px; padding-bottom: ' . absint( wm_meta_option( 'heading-background-padding' ) ) . 'px;}' . "\r\n" ) : ( '' );
						$inHeaderStyles .= ( wm_css_background_meta( 'heading-background-' ) ) ? ( "\t" . '.main-heading {background: ' . wm_css_background_meta( 'heading-background-' ) . '}' . "\r\n" ) : ( '' );
						$inHeaderStyles .= ( ! wm_meta_option( 'heading-background-color', $postId ) ) ? ( '' ) : ( "\t" . '.main-heading h1, .main-heading h2, .main-heading i[class^="icon-"] {color: ' . wm_meta_option( 'heading-background-color', $postId, 'color' ) . ';}' . "\r\n" );

				//wrapper padding when fixed header used
					if ( in_array( 'header-fixed', get_body_class() ) && 0 < wm_option( 'header-height' ) )
						$inHeaderStyles .= "\t" . '@media only screen and (min-width: 1020px) { body.header-fixed { padding-top: ' . absint( wm_option( 'header-height' ) ) . 'px; } { padding-top: ' . absint( wm_option( 'header-height' ) + 50 ) . 'px; } }' . "\r\n";

			if ( $inHeaderStyles )
				$inHeaderStyles = "\r\n<!-- Custom header styles -->\r\n" . '<style type="text/css">' . "\r\n" . $inHeaderStyles . '</style>' . "\r\n";

			echo $inHeaderStyles;
Esempio n. 2
if(empty($kd)) {
$kd = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>";
echo $kd;

<?php do_action( 'wm_before_website' ); ?>

//Background image fit browser window width
if (
		( isset( $post ) || is_home() ) &&
		! is_search() && ! is_archive() &&
		wm_css_background_meta( 'background-' ) &&
		wm_meta_option( 'background-bg-img-fit-window', $postId )
	) {
	$imageURL      = wm_meta_option( 'background-bg-img-url', $postId );
	$imageURL      = ( ! is_array( $imageURL ) ) ? ( esc_url( $imageURL ) ) : ( esc_url( $imageURL['url'] ) );
	$imagePosition = ( 'fixed' === wm_meta_option( 'background-bg-img-attachment', $postId ) ) ? ( 'fixed' ) : ( 'absolute' );
	echo '<img src="' . $imageURL . '" alt="" style="position: ' . $imagePosition . '; width: 100%; left: 0; top: 0; z-index: -1;" />';

if ( $isTopBar ) {
	$topbarClasses = '';
	if ( wm_option( 'header-top-bar-fixed' ) )
		$topbarClasses = ' fixed';

	echo "\r\n\r\n" . '<div id="top-bar" class="clearfix top-bar' . $topbarClasses . '"><div class="wrap' . wm_element_width( 'toppanel' ) . '"><div class="wrap-inner"><div class="twelve pane clearfix">' . "\r\n" . '<!-- TOP BAR -->' . "\r\n" . '<a class="invisible" href="#nav-main">' . __( 'Go to main navigation', 'lespaul_domain' ) . '</a>' . "\r\n";