show_admin_bar(false); } ?> <base href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?> /" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?> ; charset=<?php bloginfo('charset'); ?> " /> <title><?php echo wiziapp_apply_request_title(wp_title('«', false, 'right') . get_bloginfo('name')); ?> </title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,user-scalable=no" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?> " type="text/css" media="screen" /> <link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo('pingback_url'); ?> " /> <?php wp_head(); /** * When we are coming from a single post page we need to include the script as is, but in a
function wiziapp_buildCategoryPage($category_id) { $screen_conf = $GLOBALS['WiziappScreens']->getScreenLayout('posts'); $pageNumber = isset($_GET['wizipage']) ? $_GET['wizipage'] : 0; $numberOfPosts = WiziappConfig::getInstance()->posts_list_limit; $offset = $numberOfPosts * $pageNumber; $cat = get_category($category_id); $title = wiziapp_apply_request_title($cat->cat_name); $query = "cat={$category_id}&orderby=post_date&posts_per_page=" . $numberOfPosts . "&offset=" . $offset; // Find the total number of posts in the blog $totalPostsInCat = $cat->count; if ($totalPostsInCat < $offset) { echo json_encode(wiziapp_prepareSectionScreen(array(), $title, "List")); exit; } if ($numberOfPosts < $totalPostsInCat) { $showMore = $totalPostsInCat - $numberOfPosts; } else { $showMore = FALSE; } $posts = wiziapp_buildPostListPage($query, '', $screen_conf['items'], TRUE, $showMore, FALSE); $postsCount = count($posts); $totalShownPosts = $totalPostsInCat - ($offset + $postsCount); if ($totalShownPosts < $numberOfPosts) { $showMore = $totalShownPosts; } else { $showMore = $numberOfPosts; } if ($showMore) { $obj = new WiziappMoreCellItem('L1', array(sprintf(__("Load %d more items", 'wiziapp'), $showMore), $pageNumber + 1)); $moreComponent = $obj->getComponent(); $posts[] = $moreComponent; } $section = array(); $section[] = array('section' => array('title' => '', 'id' => 'recent', 'items' => $posts)); echo json_encode(wiziapp_prepareSectionScreen($section, $title, "List")); // echo json_encode(wiziapp_prepareSectionScreen(array($posts), $title, "List")); }
function wiziapp_content_get_video_headers($title) { $header = array("screenTitle" => strip_tags(wiziapp_apply_request_title($title))); return $header; }