Esempio n. 1
  * Sanitize a date or date/time string, making sure it is valid, and return it
  * If no dateFormat is specified, date will be returned as a unix timestamp.
  * If given date is invalid or empty, NULL will be returned.
  * If $value is an integer or string of all numbers, it is always assumed to be a unix timestamp.
  * @param string|int $value Date string or unix timestamp
  * @param string|null $format Format of date string ($value) in any wireDate(), date() or strftime() format.
  * @param array $options Options to modify behavior:
  * 	- returnFormat: wireDate() format to return date in. If not specified, then the $format argument is used.
  * 	- min: Minimum allowed date in $format or unix timestamp format. Null is returned when date is less than this.
  * 	- max: Maximum allowed date in $format or unix timestamp format. Null is returned when date is more than this.
  * 	- default: Default value to return if no value specified.
  * @return string|int|null
 public function date($value, $format = null, array $options = array())
     $defaults = array('returnFormat' => $format, 'min' => '', 'max' => '', 'default' => null);
     $options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
     if (empty($value)) {
         return $options['default'];
     if (!is_string($value) && !is_int($value)) {
         $value = $this->string($value);
     if (ctype_digit("{$value}")) {
         // value is in unix timestamp format
         // make sure it resolves to a valid date
         $value = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int) $value));
     } else {
         $value = strtotime($value);
     // value is now a unix timestamp
     if (empty($value)) {
         return null;
     if (!empty($options['min'])) {
         // if value is less than minimum required, return null/error
         $min = ctype_digit("{$options['min']}") ? (int) $options['min'] : (int) wireDate('ts', $options['min']);
         if ($value < $min) {
             return null;
     if (!empty($options['max'])) {
         // if value is more than max allowed, return null/error
         $max = ctype_digit("{$options['max']}") ? (int) $options['max'] : (int) wireDate('ts', $options['max']);
         if ($value > $max) {
             return null;
     if (!empty($options['returnFormat'])) {
         $value = wireDate($options['returnFormat'], $value);
     return empty($value) ? null : $value;
  * Debug info specific to Page objects
  * @param Page $page
  * @return array
 protected function Page(Page $page)
     $info = array('instanceID' => $page->instanceID, 'id' => $page->id, 'name' => $page->name, 'namePrevious' => '', 'path' => $page->path(), 'status' => implode(', ', $page->status(true)), 'statusPrevious' => 0, 'template' => $page->template ? $page->template->name : '', 'templatePrevious' => '', 'parent' => $page->parent ? $page->parent->path : '', 'parentPrevious' => '', 'numChildren' => $page->numChildren(), 'sort' => $page->sort, 'sortfield' => $page->sortfield, 'created' => $page->created, 'modified' => $page->modified, 'createdUser' => $page->createdUser ? $page->createdUser->name : $page->created_users_id, 'modifiedUser' => $page->modifiedUser ? $page->modifiedUser->name : $page->modified_users_id);
     if ($page->namePrevious) {
         $info['namePrevious'] = $page->namePrevious;
     } else {
     if ($page->statusPrevious !== null) {
         $info['statusPrevious'] = implode(', ', $page->status(true, $page->statusPrevious));
     } else {
     if ($page->templatePrevious) {
         $info['templatePrevious'] = $page->templatePrevious->name;
     } else {
     if ($page->parentPrevious) {
         $info['parentPrevious'] = $page->parentPrevious->path();
     } else {
     if ($page->isNew) {
         $info['isNew'] = 1;
     $info['isLoaded'] = (int) $page->isLoaded();
     $info['outputFormatting'] = (int) $page->outputFormatting();
     if ($page->quietMode) {
         $info['quietMode'] = 1;
     foreach (array('created', 'modified') as $key) {
         $info[$key] = wireDate($this->wire('config')->dateFormat, $info[$key]) . " " . "(" . wireDate('relative', $info[$key]) . ")";
     return $info;
  * Render the comment
  * This is the default rendering for development/testing/demonstration purposes
  * It may be used for production, but only if it meets your needs already. Typically you'll want to render the comments
  * using your own code in your templates. 
  * @see CommentArray::render()
  * @return string 
 public function renderItem(Comment $comment, $depth = 0)
     $text = $comment->getFormatted('text');
     $cite = $comment->getFormatted('cite');
     $gravatar = '';
     if ($this->options['useGravatar']) {
         $imgUrl = $comment->gravatar($this->options['useGravatar'], $this->options['useGravatarImageset']);
         if ($imgUrl) {
             $gravatar = "\n\t\t<img class='CommentGravatar' src='{$imgUrl}' alt='{$cite}' />";
     $website = '';
     if ($comment->website) {
         $website = $comment->getFormatted('website');
     if ($website) {
         $cite = "<a href='{$website}' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>{$cite}</a>";
     $created = wireDate($this->options['dateFormat'], $comment->created);
     if (empty($this->options['commentHeader'])) {
         $header = "<span class='CommentCite'>{$cite}</span> <small class='CommentCreated'>{$created}</small> ";
         if ($this->options['useVotes']) {
             $header .= $this->renderVotes($comment);
     } else {
         $header = str_replace(array('{cite}', '{created}'), array($cite, $created), $this->options['commentHeader']);
         if (strpos($header, '{votes}') !== false) {
             $header = str_replace('{votes}', $this->renderVotes($comment), $header);
     $liClass = '';
     $replies = $this->options['depth'] > 0 ? $this->renderList($comment->id, $depth + 1) : '';
     if ($replies) {
         $liClass .= ' CommentHasReplies';
     if ($comment->status == Comment::statusPending) {
         $liClass .= ' CommentStatusPending';
     } else {
         if ($comment->status == Comment::statusSpam) {
             $liClass .= ' CommentStatusSpam';
     $out = "\n\t<li id='Comment{$comment->id}' class='CommentListItem{$liClass}' data-comment='{$comment->id}'>" . $gravatar . "\n\t\t<p class='CommentHeader'>{$header}</p>" . "\n\t\t<div class='CommentText'>" . "\n\t\t\t<p>{$text}</p>" . "\n\t\t</div>";
     if ($this->options['usePermalink']) {
         $permalink = $comment->getPage()->httpUrl;
         $urlSegmentStr = $this->wire('input')->urlSegmentStr;
         if ($urlSegmentStr) {
             $permalink .= rtrim($permalink, '/') . $urlSegmentStr . '/';
         $permalink .= '#Comment' . $comment->id;
         $permalink = "<a class='CommentActionPermalink' href='{$permalink}'>" . $this->_('Permalink') . "</a>";
     } else {
         $permalink = '';
     if ($this->options['depth'] > 0 && $depth < $this->options['depth']) {
         $out .= "\n\t\t<div class='CommentFooter'>" . "\n\t\t\t<p class='CommentAction'>" . "\n\t\t\t\t<a class='CommentActionReply' data-comment-id='{$comment->id}' href='#Comment{$comment->id}'>" . $this->_('Reply') . "</a> " . ($permalink ? "\n\t\t\t\t{$permalink}" : "") . "\n\t\t\t</p>" . "\n\t\t</div>";
         if ($replies) {
             $out .= $replies;
     } else {
         $out .= "\n\t\t<div class='CommentFooter'></div>";
     $out .= "\n\t</li>";
     return $out;
Esempio n. 4
  * Convert a log line to an entry array
  * @param $line
  * @return array
 public function lineToEntry($line)
     $parts = explode("\t", $line, 4);
     if (count($parts) == 2) {
         $entry = array('date' => $parts[0], 'user' => '', 'url' => '', 'text' => $parts[1]);
     } else {
         if (count($parts) == 3) {
             $entry = array('date' => $parts[0], 'user' => strpos($parts[1], '/') === false ? $parts[1] : '', 'url' => strpos($parts[1], '/') !== false ? $parts[1] : '', 'text' => $parts[2]);
         } else {
             $entry = array('date' => isset($parts[0]) ? $parts[0] : '', 'user' => isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : '', 'url' => isset($parts[2]) ? $parts[2] : '', 'text' => isset($parts[3]) ? $parts[3] : '');
     $entry['date'] = wireDate(wire('config')->dateFormat, strtotime($entry['date']));
     $entry['user'] = wire('sanitizer')->pageName($entry['user']);
     if ($entry['url'] == 'page?') {
         $entry['url'] = false;
     if ($entry['user'] == 'user?') {
         $entry['user'] = false;
     return $entry;
Esempio n. 5
  * Get the value of a requested Page property
  * @param string $key
  * @return mixed
  * @see __get
 public function get($key)
     if (is_array($key)) {
         $key = implode('|', $key);
     $value = null;
     switch ($key) {
         case 'parent_id':
         case 'parentID':
             $value = $this->parent ? $this->parent->id : 0;
         case 'child':
             $value = $this->child();
         case 'children':
         case 'subpages':
             // PW1
             $value = $this->children();
         case 'has_parent':
         case 'hasParent':
             $value = $this->parents();
         case 'parent':
         case 'parents':
         case 'rootParent':
         case 'siblings':
         case 'next':
         case 'prev':
         case 'url':
         case 'path':
         case 'outputFormatting':
         case 'isTrash':
             $value = $this->{$key}();
         case 'httpUrl':
         case 'httpURL':
             $value = $this->httpUrl();
         case 'fieldgroup':
         case 'fields':
             $value = $this->template->fieldgroup;
         case 'template_id':
         case 'templates_id':
         case 'templateID':
         case 'templatesID':
             $value = $this->template ? $this->template->id : 0;
         case 'template':
         case 'templatePrevious':
         case 'parentPrevious':
         case 'namePrevious':
         case 'statusPrevious':
         case 'isLoaded':
         case 'isNew':
         case 'pageNum':
         case 'instanceID':
             $value = $this->{$key};
         case 'out':
         case 'output':
             $value = $this->output();
         case 'filesManager':
             $value = $this->filesManager();
         case 'name':
             $value = $this->settings['name'];
         case 'modified_users_id':
         case 'modifiedUsersID':
         case 'modifiedUserID':
             $value = (int) $this->settings['modified_users_id'];
         case 'created_users_id':
         case 'createdUsersID':
         case 'createdUserID':
             $value = (int) $this->settings['created_users_id'];
         case 'modifiedUser':
         case 'createdUser':
             if (!$this->{$key}) {
                 $_key = str_replace('User', '', $key) . '_users_id';
                 $u = $this->wire('user');
                 if ($this->settings[$_key] == $u->id) {
                     $this->set($key, $u);
                     // prevent possible recursion loop
                 } else {
                     $u = $this->wire('users')->get((int) $this->settings[$_key]);
                     $this->set($key, $u);
             $value = $this->{$key};
             if ($value) {
         case 'urlSegment':
             $value = $this->wire('input')->urlSegment1;
             // deprecated, but kept for backwards compatibility
         case 'accessTemplate':
             $value = $this->getAccessTemplate();
         case 'num_children':
         case 'numChildren':
             $value = $this->settings['numChildren'];
         case 'numChildrenVisible':
         case 'numVisibleChildren':
         case 'hasChildren':
             $value = $this->numChildren(true);
         case 'editUrl':
         case 'editURL':
             $value = $this->editUrl();
         case 'statusStr':
             $value = implode(' ', $this->status(true));
         case 'modifiedStr':
         case 'createdStr':
         case 'publishedStr':
             $value = $this->settings[str_replace('Str', '', $key)];
             $value = $value ? wireDate($this->wire('config')->dateFormat, $value) : '';
             if ($key && isset($this->settings[(string) $key])) {
                 return $this->settings[$key];
             // populate a formatted string with {tag} vars
             if (strpos($key, '{') !== false && strpos($key, '}')) {
                 return $this->getMarkup($key);
             if (($value = $this->getFieldFirstValue($key)) !== null) {
                 return $value;
             if (($value = $this->getFieldValue($key)) !== null) {
                 return $value;
             // if there is a selector, we'll assume they are using the get() method to get a child
             if (Selectors::stringHasOperator($key)) {
                 return $this->child($key);
             // check if it's a field.subfield property
             if (strpos($key, '.') && ($value = $this->getFieldSubfieldValue($key)) !== null) {
                 return $value;
             // optionally let a hook look at it
             if (self::isHooked('Page::getUnknown()')) {
                 $value = $this->getUnknown($key);
     return $value;
Esempio n. 6
  * Format a date with the given PHP date() or PHP strftime() format
  * @param int $value Unix timestamp of date
  * @param string $format date() or strftime() format string to use for formatting
  * @return string Formatted date string
 public function formatDate($value, $format)
     if (!$value) {
         return '';
     if (!strlen($format) || $format == 'U' || $format == '%s') {
         return (int) $value;
     // unix timestamp
     $relativeStr = '';
     if (strpos($format, '!') !== false) {
         if (function_exists('wireDate')) {
             if (preg_match('/([!][relativ]+-?)/', $format, $matches)) {
                 $relativeStr = wireDate(ltrim($matches[1], '!'), $value);
                 $format = str_replace($matches[1], '///', $format);
         } else {
             // usage outside of ProcessWire, relative dates not supported
     if (strpos($format, '%') !== false) {
         // use strftime() if format string contains a %
         if (strpos($format, '%-') !== false) {
             // not all systems support the '%-' option in strftime to trim leading zeros
             // so we are doing our own implementation here
             $TRIM0 = true;
             $format = str_replace('%-', 'TRIM0%', $format);
         } else {
             $TRIM0 = false;
         $value = strftime($format, $value);
         if ($TRIM0) {
             $value = str_replace(array('TRIM00', 'TRIM0'), '', $value);
     } else {
         if (function_exists('wireDate')) {
             // use ProcessWire's wireDate()
             $value = wireDate($format, $value);
         } else {
             // usage outside of ProcessWire
             $value = date($format, $value);
     if (strlen($relativeStr)) {
         $value = str_replace('///', $relativeStr, $value);
     return $value;