<?php /* win_shellexecute($operation, $file, $params, $workdir, $showcmd) win_get_registry_key($key, $subkey, $entry) win_set_registry_key($key, $subkey, $entry, $value) win_messagebox($text, $caption, $type) win_getlasterror() */ $ret = win_messagebox('Welcome to the Roadsend Compiler', PCC_VERSION_TAG, MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONASTERISK); switch ($ret) { case IDYES: win_messagebox("You answered Yes", 'Go'); break; case IDNO: win_messagebox("You answered No", 'Stop'); break; case IDCANCEL: win_messagebox("You answered Cancel", "Cancel"); break; } $install_dir = win_get_registry_key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Roadsend\\Compiler\\" . PCC_VERSION_MAJOR . '.' . PCC_VERSION_MINOR, "root"); win_messagebox("The Roadsend install dir is [" . $install_dir . "]\n", 'Version'); echo "last error: " . win_getlasterror();
<?php echo PHP_OS . "\n"; $wallpaper = win_get_registry_key(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Control Panel\\Desktop", "Wallpaper"); echo "The current wallpaper file is [" . $wallpaper . "]\n"; $install_dir = win_get_registry_key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Roadsend\\Compiler\\" . PCC_VERSION_MAJOR . '.' . PCC_VERSION_MINOR, "root"); echo "The Roadsend install dir is [" . $install_dir . "]\n"; win_set_registry_key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Roadsend\\Compiler\\" . PCC_VERSION_MAJOR . '.' . PCC_VERSION_MINOR, "stringtest", "mystringval"); echo win_get_registry_key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Roadsend\\Compiler\\" . PCC_VERSION_MAJOR . '.' . PCC_VERSION_MINOR, "stringtest"); win_set_registry_key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Roadsend\\Compiler\\" . PCC_VERSION_MAJOR . '.' . PCC_VERSION_MINOR, "inttest", 25); echo win_get_registry_key(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Roadsend\\Compiler\\" . PCC_VERSION_MAJOR . '.' . PCC_VERSION_MINOR, "inttest");