function wordpress_file_upload_function($incomingfromhandler) { global $post; global $blog_id; $shortcode_tag = 'wordpress_file_upload'; $params = wfu_plugin_parse_array($incomingfromhandler); $sid = $params["uploadid"]; $widgetid = $params["widgetid"]; // store current page and blog id in params array $params["pageid"] = $post->ID; $params["blogid"] = $blog_id; if (!isset($_SESSION['wfu_token_' . $sid]) || $_SESSION['wfu_token_' . $sid] == "") { $_SESSION['wfu_token_' . $sid] = uniqid(mt_rand(), TRUE); } //store the server environment (32 or 64bit) for use when checking file size limits $params["php_env"] = wfu_get_server_environment(); $user = wp_get_current_user(); $widths = wfu_decode_dimensions($params["widths"]); $heights = wfu_decode_dimensions($params["heights"]); //additional parameters to pass to visualization routines $additional_params = array(); $additional_params['widths'] = $widths; $additional_params['heights'] = $heights; $uploadedfile = 'uploadedfile_' . $sid; $hiddeninput = 'hiddeninput_' . $sid; $adminerrorcodes = 'adminerrorcodes_' . $sid; $upload_clickaction = 'wfu_redirect_to_classic(' . $sid . ', \'' . $_SESSION['wfu_token_' . $sid] . '\' , 0, 0);'; //check if user is allowed to view plugin, otherwise do not generate it $uploadroles = explode(",", $params["uploadrole"]); foreach ($uploadroles as &$uploadrole) { $uploadrole = trim($uploadrole); } $plugin_upload_user_role = wfu_get_user_role($user, $uploadroles); if ($plugin_upload_user_role == 'nomatch') { return; } //activate debug mode only for admins if ($plugin_upload_user_role != 'administrator') { $params["debugmode"] = "false"; } $params["adminmessages"] = $params["adminmessages"] == "true" && $plugin_upload_user_role == 'administrator'; // define variable to hold any additional admin errors coming before processing of files (e.g. due to redirection) $params["adminerrors"] = ""; /* Define dynamic upload path from variables */ $search = array('/%userid%/', '/%username%/', '/%blogid%/', '/%pageid%/', '/%pagetitle%/'); if (is_user_logged_in()) { $username = $user->user_login; } else { $username = "******"; } $replace = array($user->ID, $username, $blog_id, $post->ID, get_the_title($post->ID)); $params["uploadpath"] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $params["uploadpath"]); /* Determine if userdata fields have been defined */ $userdata_fields = array(); $userdata_occurrencies = substr_count($params["placements"], "userdata"); if ($userdata_occurrencies == 0) { $userdata_occurrencies = 1; } if ($params["userdata"] == "true") { for ($i = 1; $i <= $userdata_occurrencies; $i++) { $userdata_fields2 = wfu_parse_userdata_attribute($params["userdatalabel" . ($i > 1 ? $i : "")]); foreach ($userdata_fields2 as $key => $item) { $userdata_fields2[$key]["occurrence"] = $i; } $userdata_fields = array_merge($userdata_fields, $userdata_fields2); } } $params["userdata_fields"] = $userdata_fields; /* If medialink or postlink is activated, then subfolders are deactivated */ if ($params["medialink"] == "true" || $params["postlink"] == "true") { $params["askforsubfolders"] = "false"; } /* Generate the array of subfolder paths */ $params['subfoldersarray'] = wfu_get_subfolders_paths($params); //____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ if ($params['forceclassic'] != "true") { //**************section to put additional options inside params array************** $params['subdir_selection_index'] = "-1"; //**************end of section of additional options inside params array************** // below this line no other changes to params array are allowed //**************section to save params as Wordpress options************** // every params array is indexed (uniquely identified) by three fields: // - the page that contains the shortcode // - the id of the shortcode instance (because there may be more than one instances of the shortcode inside a page) // - the user that views the plugin (because some items of the params array are affected by the user name) // the wordpress option "wfu_params_index" holds an array of combinations of these three fields, together with a randomly generated string that corresponds to these fields. // the wordpress option "wfu_params_xxx", where xxx is the randomly generated string, holds the params array (encoded to string) that corresponds to this string. // the structure of the "wfu_params_index" option is as follows: "a1||b1||c1||d1&&a2||b2||c2||d2&&...", where // - a is the randomly generated string (16 characters) // - b is the page id // - c is the shortcode id // - d is the user name $params_index = wfu_generate_current_params_index($sid, $user->user_login); $params_str = wfu_encode_array_to_string($params); update_option('wfu_params_' . $params_index, $params_str); $ajax_params['shortcode_id'] = $sid; $ajax_params['params_index'] = $params_index; $ajax_params['debugmode'] = $params["debugmode"]; $ajax_params['is_admin'] = $plugin_upload_user_role == 'administrator' ? "true" : "false"; $ajax_params["error_header"] = $params["errormessage"]; $ajax_params["fail_colors"] = $params["failmessagecolors"]; $ajax_params_str = wfu_encode_array_to_string($ajax_params); $upload_clickaction = 'wfu_HTML5UploadFile(' . $sid . ', \'' . $ajax_params_str . '\', \'' . $_SESSION['wfu_token_' . $sid] . '\')'; } $upload_onclick = ' onclick="' . $upload_clickaction . '"'; $additional_params['clickaction'] = $upload_clickaction; /* Compose the html code for the plugin */ $wordpress_file_upload_output = ""; $plugin_style = ""; if ($widths["plugin"] != "") { $plugin_style .= 'width: ' . $widths["plugin"] . '; '; } if ($heights["plugin"] != "") { $plugin_style .= 'height: ' . $heights["plugin"] . '; '; } if ($plugin_style != "") { $plugin_style = ' style="' . $plugin_style . '"'; } $wordpress_file_upload_output .= '<div id="' . $shortcode_tag . '_block_' . $sid . '" class="file_div_clean' . ($params["fitmode"] == "responsive" ? '_responsive_container' : '') . ' wfu_container"' . $plugin_style . '>'; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= "\n\t" . '<input type="hidden" id="' . $shortcode_tag . '_' . $sid . '_widgetid" value="' . $widgetid . '" />'; //add visual editor overlay if the current user is administrator if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { $wordpress_file_upload_output .= wfu_add_visual_editor_button($shortcode_tag, $sid); } //read indexed component definitions $components = wfu_component_definitions(); $components_indexed = array(); foreach ($components as $component) { $components_indexed[$component['id']] = $component; $components_indexed[$component['id']]['occurrencies'] = 0; } $itemplaces = explode("/", $params["placements"]); foreach ($itemplaces as $section) { $items_in_section = explode("+", trim($section)); $section_array = array($params["fitmode"]); foreach ($items_in_section as $item_in_section) { $item_in_section = strtolower(trim($item_in_section)); if (isset($components_indexed[$item_in_section]) && ($components_indexed[$item_in_section]['multiplacements'] || $components_indexed[$item_in_section]['occurrencies'] == 0)) { $components_indexed[$item_in_section]['occurrencies']++; $occurrence_index = $components_indexed[$item_in_section]['multiplacements'] ? $components_indexed[$item_in_section]['occurrencies'] : 0; if ($item_in_section == "title") { array_push($section_array, wfu_prepare_title_block($params, $additional_params, $occurrence_index)); } elseif ($item_in_section == "filename") { array_push($section_array, wfu_prepare_textbox_block($params, $additional_params, $occurrence_index)); } elseif ($item_in_section == "selectbutton") { array_push($section_array, wfu_prepare_uploadform_block($params, $additional_params, $occurrence_index)); } elseif ($item_in_section == "uploadbutton" && $params["singlebutton"] != "true") { array_push($section_array, wfu_prepare_submit_block($params, $additional_params, $occurrence_index)); } elseif ($item_in_section == "subfolders") { array_push($section_array, wfu_prepare_subfolders_block($params, $additional_params, $occurrence_index)); } elseif ($item_in_section == "progressbar") { array_push($section_array, wfu_prepare_progressbar_block($params, $additional_params, $occurrence_index)); } elseif ($item_in_section == "message") { array_push($section_array, wfu_prepare_message_block($params, $additional_params, $occurrence_index)); } elseif ($item_in_section == "userdata" && $params["userdata"] == "true") { array_push($section_array, wfu_prepare_userdata_block($params, $additional_params, $occurrence_index)); } } } $wordpress_file_upload_output .= call_user_func_array("wfu_add_div", $section_array); } /* Append mandatory blocks, if have not been included in placements attribute */ if ($params["userdata"] == "true" && strpos($params["placements"], "userdata") === false) { $section_array = array($params["fitmode"]); array_push($section_array, wfu_prepare_userdata_block($params, $additional_params, 0)); $wordpress_file_upload_output .= call_user_func_array("wfu_add_div", $section_array); } if (strpos($params["placements"], "selectbutton") === false) { $section_array = array($params["fitmode"]); array_push($section_array, wfu_prepare_uploadform_block($params, $additional_params, 0)); $wordpress_file_upload_output .= call_user_func_array("wfu_add_div", $section_array); } /* Pass constants to javascript and run plugin post-load actions */ $consts = wfu_set_javascript_constants(); $handler = 'function() { wfu_Initialize_Consts("' . $consts . '"); wfu_plugin_load_action(' . $sid . '); }'; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= "\n\t" . '<script type="text/javascript">if(window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("load", ' . $handler . ', false); } else if(window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent("onload", ' . $handler . '); } else { window["onload"] = ' . $handler . '; }</script>'; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= '</div>'; // $wordpress_file_upload_output .= '<div>'; // $wordpress_file_upload_output .= wfu_test_admin(); // $wordpress_file_upload_output .= '</div>'; // The plugin uses sessions in order to detect if the page was loaded due to file upload or // because the user pressed the Refresh button (or F5) of the page. // In the second case we do not want to perform any file upload, so we abort the rest of the script. if (!isset($_SESSION['wfu_check_refresh_' . $sid]) || $_SESSION['wfu_check_refresh_' . $sid] != "form button pressed") { $_SESSION['wfu_check_refresh_' . $sid] = 'do not process'; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= wfu_post_plugin_actions($params); return $wordpress_file_upload_output . "\n"; } $_SESSION['wfu_check_refresh_' . $sid] = 'do not process'; $params["upload_start_time"] = $_SESSION['wfu_start_time_' . $sid]; // The plugin uses two ways to upload the file: // - The first one uses classic functionality of an HTML form (highest compatibility with browsers but few capabilities). // - The second uses ajax (HTML5) functionality (medium compatibility with browsers but many capabilities, like no page refresh and progress bar). // The plugin loads using ajax functionality by default, however if it detects that ajax functionality is not supported, it will automatically switch to classic functionality. // The next line checks to see if the form was submitted using ajax or classic functionality. // If the uploaded file variable stored in $_FILES ends with "_redirected", then it means that ajax functionality is not supported and the plugin must switch to classic functionality. if (isset($_FILES[$uploadedfile . '_redirected'])) { $params['forceclassic'] = "true"; } if ($params['forceclassic'] != "true") { $wordpress_file_upload_output .= wfu_post_plugin_actions($params); return $wordpress_file_upload_output . "\n"; } // The following code is executed in case of non-ajax uploads to process the files. // Consecutive checks are performed in order to verify and approve the upload of files $wfu_checkpass = true; // First we test that WP nonce passes the check $wfu_checkpass = $wfu_checkpass && isset($_REQUEST["wfu_uploader_nonce"]) && wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST["wfu_uploader_nonce"], "wfu-uploader-nonce") !== false; $unique_id = isset($_POST['uniqueuploadid_' . $sid]) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['uniqueuploadid_' . $sid]) : ""; // Check that upload_id is valid $wfu_checkpass = $wfu_checkpass && strlen($unique_id) == 10; if ($wfu_checkpass) { //process any error messages due to redirection to non-ajax upload if (isset($_POST[$adminerrorcodes])) { $code = $_POST[$adminerrorcodes]; if ($code == "") { $params['adminerrors'] = ""; } elseif ($code == "1" || $code == "2" || $code == "3") { $params['adminerrors'] = constant('WFU_ERROR_REDIRECTION_ERRORCODE' . $code); } else { $params['adminerrors'] = WFU_ERROR_REDIRECTION_ERRORCODE0; } } $params['subdir_selection_index'] = -1; if (isset($_POST[$hiddeninput])) { $params['subdir_selection_index'] = sanitize_text_field($_POST[$hiddeninput]); } $wfu_process_file_array = wfu_process_files($params, 'no_ajax'); $safe_output = $wfu_process_file_array["general"]['safe_output']; unset($wfu_process_file_array["general"]['safe_output']); //javascript code generated from individual wfu_after_upload_filters is not executed in non-ajax uploads unset($wfu_process_file_array["general"]['js_script']); $wfu_process_file_array_str = wfu_encode_array_to_string($wfu_process_file_array); $ProcessUploadComplete_functiondef = 'function(){wfu_ProcessUploadComplete(' . $sid . ', 1, "' . $wfu_process_file_array_str . '", "no-ajax", "", "", "' . $safe_output . '", ["false", "", "false"]);}'; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= '<script type="text/javascript">window.onload=' . $ProcessUploadComplete_functiondef . '</script>'; } $wordpress_file_upload_output .= wfu_post_plugin_actions($params); return $wordpress_file_upload_output . "\n"; }
function wordpress_file_upload_function($incomingfromhandler) { global $post; global $blog_id; $params = wfu_plugin_parse_array($incomingfromhandler); $sid = $params["uploadid"]; // store current page id in params array $params["pageid"] = $post->ID; if (!isset($_SESSION['wfu_token_' . $sid]) || $_SESSION['wfu_token_' . $sid] == "") { $_SESSION['wfu_token_' . $sid] = uniqid(mt_rand(), TRUE); } //store the server environment (32 or 64bit) for use when checking file size limits $params["php_env"] = wfu_get_server_environment(); $user = wp_get_current_user(); $widths = wfu_decode_dimensions($params["widths"]); $heights = wfu_decode_dimensions($params["heights"]); $uploadedfile = 'uploadedfile_' . $sid; $hiddeninput = 'hiddeninput_' . $sid; $adminerrorcodes = 'adminerrorcodes_' . $sid; $upload_clickaction = 'wfu_redirect_to_classic(' . $sid . ', \'' . $_SESSION['wfu_token_' . $sid] . '\' , 0, 0);'; //check if user is allowed to view plugin, otherwise do not generate it $uploadroles = explode(",", $params["uploadrole"]); foreach ($uploadroles as &$uploadrole) { $uploadrole = strtolower(trim($uploadrole)); } $plugin_upload_user_role = wfu_get_user_role($user, $uploadroles); if (!in_array($plugin_upload_user_role, $uploadroles) && $plugin_upload_user_role != 'administrator' && $params["uploadrole"] != 'all') { return; } //activate debug mode only for admins if ($plugin_upload_user_role != 'administrator') { $params["debugmode"] = "false"; } $params["adminmessages"] = $params["adminmessages"] == "true" && $plugin_upload_user_role == 'administrator'; // define variable to hold any additional admin errors coming before processing of files (e.g. due to redirection) $params["adminerrors"] = ""; /* Define dynamic upload path from variables */ $search = array('/%userid%/', '/%username%/', '/%blogid%/', '/%pageid%/', '/%pagetitle%/'); if (is_user_logged_in()) { $username = $user->user_login; } else { $username = "******"; } $replace = array($user->ID, $username, $blog_id, $post->ID, get_the_title($post->ID)); $params["uploadpath"] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $params["uploadpath"]); /* Determine if userdata fields have been defined */ $userdata_fields = array(); if ($params["userdata"] == "true" && $params["userdatalabel"] != "") { $userdata_rawfields = explode("/", $params["userdatalabel"]); foreach ($userdata_rawfields as $userdata_rawitem) { if ($userdata_rawitem != "") { $is_required = $userdata_rawitem[0] == "*" ? "true" : "false"; if ($is_required == "true") { $userdata_rawitem = substr($userdata_rawitem, 1); } if ($userdata_rawitem != "") { array_push($userdata_fields, array("label" => $userdata_rawitem, "required" => $is_required)); } } } } $params["userdata_fields"] = $userdata_fields; /* If medialink or postlink is activated, then subfolders are deactivated */ if ($params["medialink"] == "true" || $params["postlink"] == "true") { $params["askforsubfolders"] = "false"; } /* Prepare information about directory or selection of target subdirectory */ $subfolders = wfu_prepare_subfolders_block($params, $widths, $heights); $subfolders_item = $subfolders['item']; $params['subfoldersarray'] = $subfolders['paths']; //____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ if ($params['forceclassic'] != "true") { //**************section to put additional options inside params array************** $params['subdir_selection_index'] = "-1"; //**************end of section of additional options inside params array************** // below this line no other changes to params array are allowed //**************section to save params as Wordpress options************** // every params array is indexed (uniquely identified) by three fields: // - the page that contains the shortcode // - the id of the shortcode instance (because there may be more than one instances of the shortcode inside a page) // - the user that views the plugin (because some items of the params array are affected by the user name) // the wordpress option "wfu_params_index" holds an array of combinations of these three fields, together with a randomly generated string that corresponds to these fields. // the wordpress option "wfu_params_xxx", where xxx is the randomly generated string, holds the params array (encoded to string) that corresponds to this string. // the structure of the "wfu_params_index" option is as follows: "a1||b1||c1||d1&&a2||b2||c2||d2&&...", where // - a is the randomly generated string (16 characters) // - b is the page id // - c is the shortcode id // - d is the user name $params_index = wfu_generate_current_params_index($sid, $user->user_login); $params_str = wfu_encode_array_to_string($params); update_option('wfu_params_' . $params_index, $params_str); $ajax_params['shortcode_id'] = $sid; $ajax_params['params_index'] = $params_index; $ajax_params['debugmode'] = $params["debugmode"]; $ajax_params['is_admin'] = $plugin_upload_user_role == 'administrator' ? "true" : "false"; $ajax_params["error_header"] = $params["errormessage"]; $ajax_params["fail_colors"] = $params["failmessagecolors"]; $ajax_params_str = wfu_encode_array_to_string($ajax_params); $upload_clickaction = 'wfu_HTML5UploadFile(' . $sid . ', \'' . $ajax_params_str . '\', \'' . $_SESSION['wfu_token_' . $sid] . '\')'; } $upload_onclick = ' onclick="' . $upload_clickaction . '"'; /* Prepare the title */ $title_item = wfu_prepare_title_block($params, $widths, $heights); /* Prepare the text box showing filename */ $textbox_item = wfu_prepare_textbox_block($params, $widths, $heights); /* Prepare the upload form */ $additional_params = array(); $uploadform_item = wfu_prepare_uploadform_block($params, $widths, $heights, $upload_clickaction, $additional_params); /* Prepare the submit button */ $submit_item = wfu_prepare_submit_block($params, $widths, $heights, $upload_clickaction); /* Prepare the progress bar */ $progressbar_item = wfu_prepare_progressbar_block($params, $widths, $heights); /* Prepare the message */ $message_item = wfu_prepare_message_block($params, $widths, $heights); /* Prepare user data */ $userdata_item = wfu_prepare_userdata_block($params, $widths, $heights); /* Compose the html code for the plugin */ $wordpress_file_upload_output = ""; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= '<div id="wordpress_file_upload_block_' . $sid . '" class="file_div_clean wfu_container">'; //add visual editor overlay if the current user is administrator if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { $wordpress_file_upload_output .= "\n\t" . '<div id="wordpress_file_upload_editor_' . $sid . '" class="wfu_overlay_editor">'; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= "\n\t\t" . '<button class="wfu_overlay_editor_button" title="' . WFU_PAGE_PLUGINEDITOR_BUTTONTITLE . '" onclick="wfu_invoke_shortcode_editor(' . $sid . ', ' . $post->ID . ', \'' . hash('md5', $post->post_content) . '\');"><img src="' . WFU_IMAGE_OVERLAY_EDITOR . '" width="20px" height="20px" /></button>'; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= "\n\t" . '</div>'; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= "\n\t" . '<div id="wordpress_file_upload_overlay_' . $sid . '" class="wfu_overlay_container">'; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= "\n\t\t" . '<table class="wfu_overlay_table"><tbody><tr><td><img src="' . WFU_IMAGE_OVERLAY_LOADING . '" /><label>' . WFU_PAGE_PLUGINEDITOR_LOADING . '</label></td></tr></tbody></table>'; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= "\n\t\t" . '<div class="wfu_overlay_container_inner"></div>'; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= "\n\t" . '</div>'; } $itemplaces = explode("/", $params["placements"]); foreach ($itemplaces as $section) { $items_in_section = explode("+", trim($section)); $section_array = array(); foreach ($items_in_section as $item_in_section) { $item_in_section = strtolower(trim($item_in_section)); if ($item_in_section == "title") { array_push($section_array, $title_item); } elseif ($item_in_section == "filename") { array_push($section_array, $textbox_item); } elseif ($item_in_section == "selectbutton") { array_push($section_array, $uploadform_item); } elseif ($item_in_section == "confirmbox" && preg_match("/(^|,)\\s*checkbox\\s*(,|\$)/", $params['security_active']) && $params["singlebutton"] != "true") { array_push($section_array, $confirmbox_item); } elseif ($item_in_section == "uploadbutton" && $params["singlebutton"] != "true") { array_push($section_array, $submit_item); } elseif ($item_in_section == "subfolders") { array_push($section_array, $subfolders_item); } elseif ($item_in_section == "progressbar") { array_push($section_array, $progressbar_item); } elseif ($item_in_section == "message") { array_push($section_array, $message_item); } elseif ($item_in_section == "userdata" && $params["userdata"] == "true") { array_push($section_array, $userdata_item); } } $wordpress_file_upload_output .= call_user_func_array("wfu_add_div", $section_array); } /* Append mandatory blocks, if have not been included in placements attribute */ if ($params["userdata"] == "true" && strpos($params["placements"], "userdata") === false) { $section_array = array(); array_push($section_array, $userdata_item); $wordpress_file_upload_output .= call_user_func_array("wfu_add_div", $section_array); } if (strpos($params["placements"], "selectbutton") === false) { $section_array = array(); array_push($section_array, $uploadform_item); $wordpress_file_upload_output .= call_user_func_array("wfu_add_div", $section_array); } /* Pass constants to javascript and run plugin post-load actions */ $consts = wfu_set_javascript_constants(); $handler = 'function() { wfu_Initialize_Consts("' . $consts . '"); wfu_plugin_load_action(' . $sid . '); }'; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= "\n\t" . '<script type="text/javascript">if(window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener("load", ' . $handler . ', false); } else if(window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent("onload", ' . $handler . '); } else { window["onload"] = ' . $handler . '; }</script>'; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= '</div>'; // $wordpress_file_upload_output .= '<div>'; // $wordpress_file_upload_output .= wfu_test_admin(); // $wordpress_file_upload_output .= '</div>'; // The plugin uses sessions in order to detect if the page was loaded due to file upload or // because the user pressed the Refresh button (or F5) of the page. // In the second case we do not want to perform any file upload, so we abort the rest of the script. if (!isset($_SESSION['wfu_check_refresh_' . $sid]) || $_SESSION['wfu_check_refresh_' . $sid] != "form button pressed") { $_SESSION['wfu_check_refresh_' . $sid] = 'do not process'; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= wfu_post_plugin_actions($params); return $wordpress_file_upload_output . "\n"; } $_SESSION['wfu_check_refresh_' . $sid] = 'do not process'; $params["upload_start_time"] = $_SESSION['wfu_start_time_' . $sid]; // The plugin uses two ways to upload the file: // - The first one uses classic functionality of an HTML form (highest compatibility with browsers but few capabilities). // - The second uses ajax (HTML5) functionality (medium compatibility with browsers but many capabilities, like no page refresh and progress bar). // The plugin loads using ajax functionality by default, however if it detects that ajax functionality is not supported, it will automatically switch to classic functionality. // The next line checks to see if the form was submitted using ajax or classic functionality. // If the uploaded file variable stored in $_FILES ends with "_redirected", then it means that ajax functionality is not supported and the plugin must switch to classic functionality. if (isset($_FILES[$uploadedfile . '_redirected'])) { $params['forceclassic'] = "true"; } if ($params['forceclassic'] != "true") { $wordpress_file_upload_output .= wfu_post_plugin_actions($params); return $wordpress_file_upload_output . "\n"; } // The section below is executed when using classic upload methods if (isset($_POST[$adminerrorcodes])) { $code = $_POST[$adminerrorcodes]; if ($code == "") { $params['adminerrors'] = ""; } elseif ($code == "1" || $code == "2" || $code == "3") { $params['adminerrors'] = constant('WFU_ERROR_REDIRECTION_ERRORCODE' . $code); } else { $params['adminerrors'] = WFU_ERROR_REDIRECTION_ERRORCODE0; } } $params['subdir_selection_index'] = -1; if (isset($_POST[$hiddeninput])) { $params['subdir_selection_index'] = $_POST[$hiddeninput]; } $wfu_process_file_array = wfu_process_files($params, 'no_ajax'); $safe_output = $wfu_process_file_array["general"]['safe_output']; unset($wfu_process_file_array["general"]['safe_output']); $wfu_process_file_array_str = wfu_encode_array_to_string($wfu_process_file_array); $ProcessUploadComplete_functiondef = 'function(){wfu_ProcessUploadComplete(' . $sid . ', 1, "' . $wfu_process_file_array_str . '", "no-ajax", "", "", "' . $safe_output . '", ["false", "", "false"]);}'; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= '<script type="text/javascript">window.onload=' . $ProcessUploadComplete_functiondef . '</script>'; $wordpress_file_upload_output .= wfu_post_plugin_actions($params); return $wordpress_file_upload_output . "\n"; }