function weaver_admin_init_cb() { /* this will initialize the SAPI stuff */ weaver_sapi_options_init(); // This must come first as it hooks update_option used elsewhere // Now, init the Weaver database weaver_init_opts('weaver_admin_init_cb'); /* load opts */ do_action('wvrx_extended_setup'); // load weaver extension options do_action('wvrx_plus_setup'); // set up Plus options do_action('wvrx_plus_admin_init'); // weaver_sapi_options_init(); return; }
function weaver_admin_page_process_options() { /* Process all options - called upon entry to options forms */ // echo("WEAVER-SETTINGS:"); var_dump($weaver_main_settings); // echo "POST-weaver-settings:" ; var_dump($_POST['weaver_main_settings']); // echo "POST-FULL:" ; var_dump($_POST); settings_errors(); // display results from SAPI save settings /* ================ Weaver Upgrade 2020 Weaver buttons ================== */ if (weaver_submitted('hide_import_old_weaver')) { weaver_setopt('wvr_hide_if_are_oldWeaver_opts', true); weaver_save_msg(__('Hide 2010 Weaver Notice', WEAVER_TRANSADMIN)); } if (weaver_submitted('import_old_weaver')) { weaver_import_2010_weaver(); weaver_save_msg(__("Previously existing settngs imported.", WEAVER_TRANSADMIN)); } /* ================ Weaver Themes Tab ================== */ if (weaver_submitted('setsubtheme') || weaver_submitted('setsubtheme2')) { /* seems like Mozilla doesn't like 2 sets of select inputs on same page, so we make up 2 ids/names to use */ if (isset($_POST['setsubtheme'])) { $pID = 'ttw_subtheme'; } else { $pID = 'ttw_subtheme2'; } $cur_subtheme = weaver_filter_textarea($_POST[$pID]); /* must have been set to get here */ if ($cur_subtheme == '') { $cur_subtheme = 'Wheat'; } /* but just in case */ /* now, I set all values for theme */ weaver_activate_subtheme($cur_subtheme); $t = weaver_getopt('ttw_subtheme'); if ($t == '') { $t = 'Wheat'; } /* did we save a theme? */ weaver_save_msg(__("Weaver current sub-theme set to: ", WEAVER_TRANSADMIN) . $t); } /* ================ Weaver FTP File Access ================== */ if (weaver_submitted('ftp_save_form')) { if (isset($_POST['ftp_hostnamex'])) { weaver_setopt('ftp_hostname', trim(weaver_filter_textarea($_POST['ftp_hostnamex']))); } if (isset($_POST['ftp_usernamex'])) { weaver_setopt('ftp_username', trim(weaver_filter_textarea($_POST['ftp_usernamex']))); } if (isset($_POST['ftp_passwordx'])) { weaver_setopt('ftp_password', weaver_encrypt(trim($_POST['ftp_passwordx']))); } if (isset($_POST['ftp_hide_check_messagex'])) { weaver_setopt('ftp_hide_check_message', true); } else { weaver_setopt('ftp_hide_check_message', false); } weaver_save_msg(__('FTP File Access Form Settings Saved.', WEAVER_TRANSADMIN)); } /* ================ Weaver Main Options Tab ================== */ /* Weaver Main and Advanced Options processed in validation callbacks */ /* ================ Weaver Advanced Options Tab ================== */ /* SAPI settings are handled in the Main Options Tab section above */ if (weaver_submitted('reset_weaver')) { // delete everything! weaver_save_msg(__('All Weaver settings have been reset to the defaults.', WEAVER_TRANS)); delete_option('weaver_main_settings'); delete_option('weaver_advanced_settings'); weaver_load_cache(); // be sure cache has something valid in it weaver_init_opts('reset_weaver'); } /* ================ Weaver Save/Restore Themes Tab ================== */ /* this tab has the most individual forms and submit commands */ if (weaver_submitted('changethemename')) { if (isset($_POST['newthemename'])) { $new_name = sanitize_user($_POST['newthemename']); weaver_setopt('ttw_themename', $new_name); echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>Theme name changed to ' . $new_name . '</strong></p></div>'; } global $weaver_dev; if ($weaver_dev) { // used to save a theme for distribution/inclusion in dynamic theme db if (isset($_POST['newthemeimage'])) { weaver_setopt('ttw_theme_image', $_POST['newthemeimage']); } if (isset($_POST['newthemedesc'])) { weaver_setopt('ttw_theme_description', $_POST['newthemedesc']); } } } if (weaver_submitted('savemytheme')) { if (weaver_savemytheme()) { weaver_save_msg(__('All current main and advanced options backed up in <em>My Saved Theme</em>.', WEAVER_TRANSADMIN)); } else { weaver_save_msg(__('ERROR: Saving <em>My Saved Theme</em> failed.', WEAVER_TRANSADMIN)); } } if (weaver_submitted('backup_settings')) { $name = weaver_savebackup(); if ($name !== false) { weaver_save_msg(__('All current main and advanced options backed up in:', WEAVER_TRANSADMIN) . ' "' . $name . '.wvb"'); } else { weaver_save_msg(__('ERROR: Saving backup failed.', WEAVER_TRANSADMIN)); } } if (weaver_submitted('filesavetheme')) { $base = strtolower(sanitize_file_name($_POST['savethemename'])); $temp_url = weaver_write_current_theme($base); if ($temp_url == '') { weaver_save_msg(__('Invalid name supplied to save theme to file.', WEAVER_TRANSADMIN)); } else { weaver_save_msg(__("All current main and advanced options saved in ", WEAVER_TRANSADMIN) . $temp_url); } } if (weaver_submitted('uploadtheme') && isset($_POST['uploadit']) && $_POST['uploadit'] == 'yes') { weaver_uploadit(); } if (weaver_submitted('restoretheme')) { $base = $_POST['ttw_restorename']; $valid = validate_file($base); // make sure an ok file name $fn = weaver_f_uploads_base_dir() . 'weaver-subthemes/' . $base; if ($valid < 1 && weaver_upload_theme($fn)) { $t = weaver_getopt('ttw_subtheme'); if ($t == '') { $t = 'Wheat'; } /* did we save a theme? */ weaver_save_msg(__("Weaver theme restored from file, saved as: ", WEAVER_TRANSADMIN) . $t); } else { weaver_save_msg('<em style="color:red;">' . __('INVALID FILE NAME PROVIDED - Try Again', WEAVER_TRANSADMIN) . "({$fn})" . '</em>'); } } if (weaver_submitted('deletetheme')) { $myFile = $_POST['selectName']; $valid = validate_file($myFile); if ($valid < 1 && $myFile != "None") { weaver_f_delete(weaver_f_uploads_base_dir() . 'weaver-subthemes/' . $myFile); echo '<div style="background-color: rgb(255, 251, 204);" id="message" class="updated fade"><p>File: <strong>' . $myFile . '</strong> has been deleted.</p></div>'; } else { echo '<div style="background-color: rgb(255, 251, 204);" id="message" class="updated fade"><p>File: <strong>' . $myFile . '</strong> invalid file name, not deleted.</p></div>'; } } /* ====================================================== */ if (weaver_submitted('wvrx_save_extension')) { /* for theme extensions */ do_action('wvrx_save_extension'); } if (weaver_submitted('wvrx_plus_save_plus')) { do_action('wvrx_plus_save_plus'); } // All plus submit buttons... weaver_save_opts('Weaver Admin'); /* FINALLY - SAVE ALL OPTIONS AND UPDATE CURRENT CSS FILE */ }
function weaver_do_admin() { /* theme admin page */ /* This generates the startup script calls, etc, for the admin page */ global $weaver_opts_cache, $weaver_main_options, $weaver_main_opts_list; if (!current_user_can('edit_theme_options')) { wp_die("No permission to access that page."); } weaver_admin_page_process_options(); /* handle incoming options settings for all pages*/ echo '<div class="wrap">'; screen_icon("themes"); /* add a nice icon to the admin page */ ?> <div style="float:left;"><h2><?php echo WEAVER_THEMEVERSION; ?> Options</h2><a name="top_main" id="top_main"></a> </div> <?php if (!weaver_getopt('ttw_subtheme')) { weaver_init_opts('admin', true); } if (!weaver_f_check_WP_Filesystem() && !weaver_getopt('ftp_hide_check_message')) { // let's get a working FS first weaver_ftp_form(); } else { if (false && !function_exists('weaver_plus_plugin')) { ?> <div style="float:right;padding-right:30px;"><small><strong>Like Weaver? Please</strong></small> <form action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="6Y68LG9G9M82W"> <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!"> <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1"> </form> </div> <?php } ?> <div style="clear:both;"> <?php weaver_check_for_2010_weaver(); /* notify if 2010 Weaver settings found */ weaver_check_version(); // check version RSS ?> <div id="tabwrap"> <div id="tab-container-1" class='yetii'> <ul id="tab-container-1-nav" class='yetii'> <li><a href="#tab0"><?php echo __('Weaver Themes', WEAVER_TRANSADMIN); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="#tab1"><?php echo __('Main Options', WEAVER_TRANSADMIN); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="#tab2"><?php echo __('Advanced Options', WEAVER_TRANSADMIN); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="#tab3"><?php echo __('Save/Restore', WEAVER_TRANSADMIN); ?> </a></li> <?php do_action('wvrx_add_plus_tab_title', '<li><a href="#tab9">', '</a></li>'); ?> <li><a href="#tab4"><?php echo __('Snippets', WEAVER_TRANSADMIN); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="#tab7"><?php echo __('CSS Help', WEAVER_TRANSADMIN); ?> </a></li> <li><a href="#tab5"><?php echo __('Help', WEAVER_TRANSADMIN); ?> </a></li> <?php do_action('wvrx_add_extended_tab_title', '<li><a href="#tab6">', '</a></li>'); ?> </ul> <div id="tab0" class="tab" > <?php weaver_themes_admin(); ?> </div> <div id="tab1" class="tab" > <?php weaver_options_admin(); ?> </div> <div id="tab2" class="tab"> <?php weaver_advanced_admin(); ?> </div> <div id="tab3" class="tab"> <?php weaver_saverestore_admin(); ?> </div> <?php do_action('wvrx_add_plus_tab', '<div id="tab9" class="tab" >', '</div>'); /* plus option admin tab */ ?> <div id="tab4" class="tab"> <?php weaver_snippets_admin(); ?> </div> <div id="tab7" class="tab"> <?php weaver_csshelp_admin(); ?> </div> <div id="tab5" class="tab"> <?php weaver_help_admin(); ?> </div> <?php do_action('wvrx_add_extended_tab', '<div id="tab6" class="tab" >', '</div>'); /* extended option admin tab */ ?> </div> <?php if (weaver_getopt('ttw_show_preview')) { ?> <h3>Preview of site. Displays current look <em>after</em> you save options or select sub-theme.</h3> <iframe id="preview" name="preview" src="<?php echo get_option('siteurl'); ?> ?temppreview=true" style="width:100%;height:400px;border:1px solid #ccc"></iframe> <?php } else { echo "<h4>If you'd like a preview box of your site here, check the 'Show Site Preview' box near the bottom of the Advanced Options tab.</h4>\n"; } ?> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var tabber1 = new Yetii({ id: 'tab-container-1', persist: true }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var tabberMain = new Yetii({ id: 'tab-container-main', tabclass: 'tab_mainopt', persist: true }); </script> </div> <?php } // end of else weaver_check_write_files }