  * Handle test SMS AJAX call
  * @since  1.0
 public function send_test_sms()
     $this->verify_request($_POST['security'], 'wc_twilio_sms_send_test_sms');
     // sanitize input
     $mobile_number = $_POST['mobile_number'];
     $message = sanitize_text_field($_POST['message']);
     try {
         wc_twilio_sms()->get_api()->send($mobile_number, $message);
         exit(__('Test message sent successfully', WC_Twilio_SMS::TEXT_DOMAIN));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         die(sprintf(__('Error sending SMS: %s', WC_Twilio_SMS::TEXT_DOMAIN), $e->getMessage()));
     * Formats order note
     * @since  1.0
     * @param string $to number SMS message was sent to
     * @param int $sent_timestamp integer timestamp for when message was sent
     * @param string $message SMS message sent
     * @param string $status order status
     * @param bool $error true if there was an error sending SMS, false otherwise
     * @return string HTML-formatted order note
    private function format_order_note($to, $sent_timestamp, $message, $status, $error)
        try {
            // get datetime object from unix timestamp
            $datetime = new DateTime("@{$sent_timestamp}", new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
            // change timezone to site timezone
            $datetime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(wc_timezone_string()));
            // return datetime localized to site date/time settings
            $formatted_datetime = date_i18n(wc_date_format() . ' ' . wc_time_format(), $sent_timestamp + $datetime->getOffset());
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // log error and set datetime for SMS to 'N/A'
            $formatted_datetime = __('N/A', WC_Twilio_SMS::TEXT_DOMAIN);
        _e('SMS Notification', WC_Twilio_SMS::TEXT_DOMAIN);
        _e('To', WC_Twilio_SMS::TEXT_DOMAIN);
: </strong><?php 
        echo esc_html($to);
        _e('Date Sent', WC_Twilio_SMS::TEXT_DOMAIN);
: </strong><?php 
        echo esc_html($formatted_datetime);
        _e('Message', WC_Twilio_SMS::TEXT_DOMAIN);
: </strong><?php 
        echo esc_html($message);
        _e('Status', WC_Twilio_SMS::TEXT_DOMAIN);
: <span style="<?php 
        echo $error ? 'color: red;' : 'color: green;';
        echo esc_html($status);
        return ob_get_clean();
function init_woocommerce_twilio_sms_notifications()
     * # WooCommerce Twilio SMS Notifications Plugin
     * ## Plugin Overview
     * This plugin sends SMS order notifications to admins and customers by hooking into WooCommerce order status changes.
     * Admins can customize the message templates, as well as what order status changes should trigger SMS sends.
     * ## Admin Considerations
     * + 'SMS' tab added to WooCommerce > Settings
     * ## Frontend Considerations
     * + Opt-in checkbox added to checkout page which determines whether SMS order updates will be sent to the customer. The
     * admin can override this on a global basis.
     * ## Database
     * ### Global Settings
     * + `wc_twilio_sms_checkout_optin_checkbox_label` - the label for the optin checkbox on the checkout page
     * + `wc_twilio_sms_checkout_optin_checkbox_default` - the default status for the optin checkbox, either checked or unchecked
     * + `wc_twilio_sms_shorten_urls` - true to shorten URLs inside SMS messages with goo.gl, false otherwise
     * + `wc_twilio_sms_enable_admin_sms` - true to send SMS admin new order notifications, false otherwise
     * + `wc_twilio_sms_admin_sms_recipients` - mobile phone numbers to send SMS admin new order notifications to
     * + `wc_twilio_sms_admin_sms_template` the message template to use for SMS admin new order notifications
     * + `wc_twilio_sms_send_sms_<order status>` - true to send an SMS update for each order status, false otherwise
     * + `wc_twilio_sms_default_sms_template` - the message template to use for SMS order notifications if an order status-specific template does not exist
     * + `wc_twilio_sms_<order status>_sms_template - the message template to use for the particular order status
     * + `wc_twilio_sms_account_sid` - the account SID for the Twilio API
     * + `wc_twilio_sms_auth_token` - the auth token for the Twilio API
     * + `wc_twilio_sms_from_number` - the number that SMS will be sent from, must exist in the Twilio account used
     * + `wc_twilio_sms_log_errors` - true to log errors to the WC error log, false otherwise
     * ### Options table
     * + `wc_twilio_sms_version` - the current plugin version, set on install/upgrade
     * ### Order meta
     * + `_wc_twilio_sms_optin` - set to true if the customer has opted-in to SMS order updates for this given order, false otherwise
    class WC_Twilio_SMS extends SV_WC_Plugin
        /** version number */
        const VERSION = '1.6.0';
        /** @var WC_Twilio_SMS single instance of this plugin */
        protected static $instance;
        /** plugin id */
        const PLUGIN_ID = 'twilio_sms';
        /** plugin text domain */
        const TEXT_DOMAIN = 'woocommerce-twilio-sms-notifications';
        /** @var \WC_Twilio_SMS_Admin instance */
        public $admin;
        /** @var \WC_Twilio_SMS_AJAX instance */
        public $ajax;
        /** @var \WC_Twilio_SMS_API instance */
        private $api;
         * Setup main plugin class
         * @since 1.0
         * @return \WC_Twilio_SMS
        public function __construct()
            parent::__construct(self::PLUGIN_ID, self::VERSION, self::TEXT_DOMAIN);
            // Load classes
            // Add opt-in checkbox to checkout
            add_action('woocommerce_after_checkout_billing_form', array($this, 'add_opt_in_checkbox'));
            // Process opt-in checkbox after order is processed
            add_action('woocommerce_checkout_update_order_meta', array($this, 'process_opt_in_checkbox'));
            // Add order status hooks, at priority 11 as order status manager adds
            // custom statuses at 10
            add_action('init', array($this, 'add_order_status_hooks'), 11);
         * Loads required classes
         * @since 1.0
        private function includes()
            // Notification class manages sending the SMS notifications.
            require_once $this->get_plugin_path() . '/includes/class-wc-twilio-sms-notification.php';
            // Response class manages creating XML response message.
            if (isset($_REQUEST['wc_twilio_sms_response'])) {
                require_once $this->get_plugin_path() . '/includes/class-wc-twilio-sms-response.php';
                new WC_Twilio_SMS_Response();
            // load admin classes
            if (is_admin()) {
         * Loads admin classes
         * @since 1.0
        private function admin_includes()
            // admin
            require_once $this->get_plugin_path() . '/includes/admin/class-wc-twilio-sms-admin.php';
            $this->admin = new WC_Twilio_SMS_Admin();
            // AJAX
            require_once $this->get_plugin_path() . '/includes/class-wc-twilio-sms-ajax.php';
            $this->ajax = new WC_Twilio_SMS_AJAX();
         * Add hooks for the opt-in checkbox and customer / admin order status changes
         * @since 1.1
        public function add_order_status_hooks()
            $statuses = wc_get_order_statuses();
            // Customer order status change hooks
            foreach (array_keys($statuses) as $status) {
                $status_slug = 'wc-' === substr($status, 0, 3) ? substr($status, 3) : $status;
                add_action('woocommerce_order_status_' . $status_slug, array($this, 'send_customer_notification'));
            // Admin new order hooks
            foreach (array('pending_to_on-hold', 'pending_to_processing', 'pending_to_completed', 'failed_to_on-hold', 'failed_to_processing', 'failed_to_completed') as $status) {
                add_action('woocommerce_order_status_' . $status, array($this, 'send_admin_new_order_notification'));
         * Send customer an SMS when their order status changes
         * @since 1.1
        public function send_customer_notification($order_id)
            $notification = new WC_Twilio_SMS_Notification($order_id);
         * Send admins an SMS when a new order is received
         * @since 1.1
        public function send_admin_new_order_notification($order_id)
            $notification = new WC_Twilio_SMS_Notification($order_id);
         * Returns the Twilio SMS API object
         * @since  1.1
         * @return \WC_Twilio_SMS_API the API object
        public function get_api()
            if (is_object($this->api)) {
                return $this->api;
            // Load API
            require_once $this->get_plugin_path() . '/includes/class-wc-twilio-sms-api.php';
            $account_sid = get_option('wc_twilio_sms_account_sid', '');
            $auth_token = get_option('wc_twilio_sms_auth_token', '');
            $from_number = get_option('wc_twilio_sms_from_number', '');
            $options = array();
            if ($asid = get_option('wc_twilio_sms_asid')) {
                $options['asid'] = $asid;
            return $this->api = new WC_Twilio_SMS_API($account_sid, $auth_token, $from_number, $options);
         * Adds checkbox to checkout page for customer to opt-in to SMS notifications
         * @since 1.0
        public function add_opt_in_checkbox()
            // use previous value or default value when loading checkout page
            if (!empty($_POST['wc_twilio_sms_optin'])) {
                $value = wc_clean($_POST['wc_twilio_sms_optin']);
            } else {
                $value = 'checked' == get_option('wc_twilio_sms_checkout_optin_checkbox_default', 'unchecked') ? 1 : 0;
            $optin_label = get_option('wc_twilio_sms_checkout_optin_checkbox_label', '');
            if (!empty($optin_label)) {
                // output checkbox
                woocommerce_form_field('wc_twilio_sms_optin', array('type' => 'checkbox', 'class' => array('form-row-wide'), 'label' => $optin_label), $value);
         * Save opt-in as order meta
         * @since 1.0
         * @param int $order_id order ID for order being processed
        public function process_opt_in_checkbox($order_id)
            if (!empty($_POST['wc_twilio_sms_optin'])) {
                update_post_meta($order_id, '_wc_twilio_sms_optin', 1);
         * Load plugin text domain.
         * @since 1.0
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::load_translation()
        public function load_translation()
            load_plugin_textdomain('woocommerce-twilio-sms-notifications', false, dirname(plugin_basename($this->get_file())) . '/i18n/languages');
        /** Helper methods ******************************************************/
         * Main Twilio SMS Instance, ensures only one instance is/can be loaded
         * @since 1.4.0
         * @see wc_twilio_sms()
         * @return WC_Twilio_SMS
        public static function instance()
            if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
                self::$instance = new self();
            return self::$instance;
         * Returns the plugin name, localized
         * @since 1.2
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::get_plugin_name()
         * @return string the plugin name
        public function get_plugin_name()
            return __('WooCommerce Twilio SMS Notifications', self::TEXT_DOMAIN);
         * Returns __FILE__
         * @since 1.2
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::get_file()
         * @return string the full path and filename of the plugin file
        protected function get_file()
            return __FILE__;
         * Gets the URL to the settings page
         * @since 1.2
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::is_plugin_settings()
         * @param string $_ unused
         * @return string URL to the settings page
        public function get_settings_url($_ = '')
            return admin_url('admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=twilio_sms');
         * Gets the plugin documentation URL
         * @since 1.5.0
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::get_documentation_url()
         * @return string
        public function get_documentation_url()
            return 'http://docs.woothemes.com/document/twilio-sms-notifications/';
         * Gets the plugin support URL
         * @since 1.5.0
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::get_support_url()
         * @return string
        public function get_support_url()
            return 'http://support.woothemes.com/';
         * Returns true if on the plugin settings page
         * @since 1.2
         * @see SV_WC_Plugin::is_plugin_settings()
         * @return boolean true if on the settings page
        public function is_plugin_settings()
            return isset($_GET['page']) && 'wc-settings' == $_GET['page'] && isset($_GET['tab']) && 'twilio_sms' == $_GET['tab'];
         * Log messages to WooCommerce error log if logging is enabled
         * /wp-content/woocommerce/logs/twilio-sms.txt
         * @since 1.1
         * @param string $content message to log
         * @param string $_ unused
        public function log($content, $_ = null)
            if ('yes' == get_option('wc_twilio_sms_log_errors ')) {
        /** Lifecycle methods ******************************************************/
         * Run every time.  Used since the activation hook is not executed when updating a plugin
         * @since 1.0
        protected function install()
            require_once $this->get_plugin_path() . '/includes/admin/class-wc-twilio-sms-admin.php';
            // install default settings
            foreach (WC_Twilio_SMS_Admin::get_settings() as $setting) {
                if (isset($setting['default'])) {
                    add_option($setting['id'], $setting['default']);
         * Perform any version-related changes.
         * @since 1.0
         * @param int $installed_version the currently installed version of the plugin
        protected function upgrade($installed_version)
            // upgrade to 1.1.2 version
            if (version_compare($installed_version, '1.1.2') < 0) {
    // end \WC_Twilio_SMS
     * Returns the One True Instance of Twilio SMS
     * @since 1.4.0
     * @return WC_Twilio_SMS
    function wc_twilio_sms()
        return WC_Twilio_SMS::instance();
     * The WC_Twilio_SMS global object, exists only for backwards compat
     * @deprecated 1.4.0
     * @name $wc_twilio_sms
     * @global WC_Twilio_SMS $GLOBALS['wc_twilio_sms']
    $GLOBALS['wc_twilio_sms'] = wc_twilio_sms();
  * Get SMS usage for today via Twilio API and set as 15 minute transient
  * @since 1.1
 private function get_sms_usage()
     // get transient
     if (false === ($usage = get_transient('wc_twilio_sms_sms_usage'))) {
         // transient doesn't exist, fetch via Twilio API
         try {
             // get SMS usage
             $response = wc_twilio_sms()->get_api()->get_sms_usage();
             $usage = array('count' => isset($response['usage_records'][0]['count']) ? $response['usage_records'][0]['count'] : 0, 'cost' => isset($response['usage_records'][0]['price']) ? $response['usage_records'][0]['price'] : 0);
             // set 15 minute transient
             set_transient('wc_twilio_sms_sms_usage', $usage, 60 * 15);
             return $usage;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return array('count' => 0, 'cost' => '0.00');
     } else {
         return $usage;