	$entry_data = wc2_get_entry();
	$system = wc2_get_option( 'system' );
	$general = wc2_get_option( 'general' );
	$delivery = wc2_get_option( 'delivery' );
	$settlement = wc2_get_option( 'settlement' );
	var toDoubleDigits = function(num) {
		num += "";
		if(num.length === 1) num = "0".concat(num);
		return num;
	var selected_delivery_method = "";
	var selected_delivery_date = "";
	var selected_delivery_time = "";
	var add_shipping = new Array();

	function addDate(year, month, day, add) {
		var date = new Date(Number(year), (Number(month) - 1), Number(day));
		var baseSec = date.getTime();
		var addSec = Number(add) * 86400000;
		var targetSec = baseSec + addSec;

		var yy = date.getFullYear() + "";
		var mm = toDoubleDigits(date.getMonth() + 1);
		var dd = toDoubleDigits(date.getDate());

		var newdate = new Array();
		newdate["year"] = yy;
		newdate["month"] = mm;
Esempio n. 2
function wc2_cart_confirm_table( $slug = '' ) {
	$wc2_cart = WC2_Cart::get_instance( $slug );
	$cart = $wc2_cart->get_cart( $slug );
	$cart_num = count($cart);
	$entry_data = wc2_get_entry();
	$num = 0;

	<table class="cart-table">
	$cart_header = '
			<th scope="row" class="num">No.</th>
			<th class="thumbnail">&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>
			<th class="name">'.__('Items','wc2').'</th>
			<th class="price">'.__('Unit price','wc2').'</th>
			<th class="quantity">'.__('Quantity','wc2').'</th>
			<th class="subtotal">'.__('Amount','wc2').'</th>';
	$cart_header = apply_filters( 'wc2_filter_cart_confirm_header', $cart_header, $cart, $slug );
	echo $cart_header;
	<?php foreach( $cart as $idx => $row ): ?>
			$post_id = $row['post_id'];
			$item_id = $row['item_id'];
			$item_name = $row['item_name'];
			$item_code = $row['item_code'];
			$sku_name = $row['sku_name'];
			$sku_code = $row['sku_code'];
			$sku_id = $row['sku_id'];
			$quantity = $row['quantity'];
			$price = $row['price'];
			$subtotal = $row['quantity'] * $row['price'];

			//$item_sku_data = wc2_get_item_sku_data( $item_id, $sku_id );
			//$stock_status = $item_sku_data['stock_status'];
			//$stock = $item_sku_data['sku_stock'];
			$pictid = wc2_get_mainpictid( $item_code );
			$cart_thumbnail = ( !empty($pictid ) ) ? wc2_the_item_image( 0, 60, 60, $post_id ) : wc2_no_image();
			$cart_thumbnail = apply_filters( 'wc2_filter_cart_confirm_row_thumbnail', $cart_thumbnail, $post_id, $pictid, $idx, $row, $slug );

			$cart_item_name = wc2_get_cart_item_name( $item_name, $item_code, $sku_name, $sku_code );
			$cart_options = '';
			$cart_options = apply_filters( 'wc2_filter_cart_confirm_row_options', $cart_options, $idx, $row, $slug );

			$cart_row = '
			<td class="num">'.$num.'</td>
			<td class="thumbnail">'.$cart_thumbnail.'</td>
			<td class="name">'.$cart_item_name.$cart_options.'</td>
			<td class="price">'.wc2_crform( $price, false, false ).'</td>
			<td class="quantity">'.wc2_crform( $quantity, false, false ).'</td>
			<td class="subtotal">'.wc2_crform( $subtotal, false, false ).'</td>';
			$cart_row = apply_filters( 'wc2_filter_cart_confirm_row', $cart_row, $idx, $row );
			echo $cart_row;
	<?php endforeach; ?>
			<th colspan="5"><?php _e('Total amount of items', 'wc2'); ?></th>
			<th class="total-items-price"><?php wc2_crform_e( $entry_data['order']['item_total_price'], true, false ); ?></th>
<?php if( !empty($entry_data['order']['discount']) ) : ?>
			<td colspan="5"><?php echo apply_filters( 'wc2_filter_discount_label', __('Discount', 'wc2') ); ?></td>
			<td class="discount"><?php wc2_crform_e($entry_data['order']['discount'], true, false); ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if( 0.00 < (float)$entry_data['order']['tax'] && 'products' == wc2_get_tax_target() ) : ?>
			<td colspan="5"><?php wc2_tax_label_e(); ?></td>
			<td class="tax"><?php wc2_tax_e( $entry_data['order'] ) ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>
			<td colspan="5"><?php _e('Shipping charges', 'wc2'); ?></td>
			<td class="aright"><?php wc2_crform_e( $entry_data['order']['shipping_charge'], true, false ); ?></td>
<?php if( !empty($entry_data['order']['cod_fee']) ) : ?>
			<td colspan="5"><?php echo apply_filters( 'wc2_filter_cod_label', __('COD fee', 'wc2') ); ?></td>
			<td class="aright"><?php wc2_crform_e( $entry_data['order']['cod_fee'], true, false ); ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if( 0.00 < (float)$entry_data['order']['tax'] && 'all' == wc2_get_tax_target() ) : ?>
			<td colspan="5"><?php wc2_tax_label_e(); ?></td>
			<td class="tax"><?php wc2_tax_e( $entry_data['order'] ) ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if( wc2_is_membersystem_state() && wc2_is_membersystem_point() && !empty($entry_data['order']['usedpoint']) ) : ?>
			<td colspan="5"><?php _e('Used points', 'wc2'); ?></td>
			<td class="usedpoint"><?php echo number_format( $entry_data['order']['usedpoint'] ); ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>
			<th colspan="5"><?php _e('Total amount', 'wc2'); ?></th>
			<th class="total_price"><?php wc2_crform_e( $entry_data['order']['total_price'], true, false ); ?></th>
<?php if( wc2_is_membersystem_state() && wc2_is_membersystem_point() &&  wc2_is_login() ) : 
		$member_id = wc2_memberinfo( 'ID' );
		$point = wc2_get_member_data_value( $member_id, $key ); ?>
	<form id="cart-form-confirm-point" action="<?php wc2_cart_url_e( 'point' ); ?>" method="post">
	<table id="point-table">
			<td><?php _e('Current holdings points', 'wc2'); ?></td>
			<td><span class="point"><?php echo $point; ?></span><?php _e('Points', 'wc2'); ?></td>
			<td><?php _e('Point to use', 'wc2'); ?></td>
			<td><input name="offer[usedpoint]" class="used_point" type="text" value="<?php esc_attr_e($entry_data['order']['usedpoint']); ?>" /><?php _e('Points', 'wc2'); ?></td>
			<td colspan="2"><input name="use_point" type="button" class="use_point_button" value="<?php _e('Use the points', 'wc2'); ?>" /></td>
	<?php do_action( 'wc2_action_confirm_point_page_form_inside' ); ?>
	<?php do_action( 'wc2_action_confirm_point_page_form_outside' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
	<?php do_action( 'wc2_action_confirm_cart_footer' ); ?>
	$html = ob_get_contents();
	$html = apply_filters( 'wc2_filter_cart_confirm_table', $html, $slug );
	return $html;
Esempio n. 3
function wc2_Classic_trackPageview_by_Yoast($push){
	$page_type = wc2_get_current_page_type();
	$page = wc2_get_current_page();
	$action = isset($_REQUEST['wcaction']) ? $_REQUEST['wcaction']: '';
	$row = array();
	if( 'cart' == $page_type && 'complete' == $page && 'purchase_process' == $action ){
		$entry_data =  wc2_get_entry();
		$order_id = $entry_data['order']['ID'];
		$data = wc2_get_order_data( $order_id );
		$cart = $data['cart'];
		$total_price = $data['item_total_price'] + $data['discount'] - $data['usedpoint'];

		$row[] = "'_addTrans', '" . $order_id . "', '" . get_option('blogname') . "', '" . $total_price . "', '" . $data['tax'] . "', '" . $data['shipping_charge'] . "', '" . $data['address1'] . $data['address2'] . "', '" . $data['pref'] . "', '" . get_locale() . "'";
		foreach( $cart as $index => $cart_row ){
			$skuName = urldecode($cart_row['sku_name']);
			$itemName = $cart_row['item_name'];
			$post_id = $cart_row['post_id'];
			$cats = wc2_get_item_cat_genre_ids($post_id);

			if( is_array($cats) )

			$category = isset($cats[0]) ? get_term($cats[0], 'item'): '';
			$catName = isset($category->name) ? $category->name: '';
			$skuPrice = $cart_row['price'];
			$quantity = $cart_row['quantity'];

			$row[] = "'_addItem', '" . $order_id . "', '" . $skuName . "', '" . $itemName . "', '" . $catName . "', '" . $skuPrice . "', '" . $quantity . "'";

		$row[] = "'_trackTrans'";
	$row = apply_filters('wc2_filter_Classic_trackPageview_by_Yoast', $row, $page_type, $page, $action);
	$push = array_merge( $push, $row );

	return $push;
Esempio n. 4
	 * Delivery input check
	public function delivery_check() {
		$mes = array();
		if( isset($_POST['delivery']['delivery_flag']) && $_POST['delivery']['delivery_flag'] == 1 ) {
			if ( WC2_Utils::is_blank($_POST['delivery']['name1']) || WC2_Utils::is_blank($_POST['delivery']['name2']) ){
				$mes[] = __('氏名を入力してください。', 'wc2');
			if ( WC2_Utils::is_blank($_POST['delivery']['zipcode']) ){
				$mes[] = __('郵便番号が入力されていません。', 'wc2');
			}elseif( preg_match('/[^\d-]/', trim($_POST['delivery']['zipcode'])) ){
				$mes[] = __('郵便番号は半角数字で入力してください。', 'wc2');
			if ( WC2_UNSELECTED == ($_POST['delivery']['pref']) )
				$mes[] = __('都道府県が選択されていません。', 'wc2');
			if ( WC2_Utils::is_blank($_POST['delivery']['address1']) )
				$mes[] = __('市区町村・番地が入力されていません。', 'wc2');
			if( WC2_Utils::is_blank($_POST['delivery']['tel']) ){
				$mes[] = __('電話番号が入力されていません。', 'wc2');
			}elseif( !WC2_Utils::is_blank($_POST['delivery']['tel']) && preg_match('/[^\d]/', trim($_POST['delivery']['tel'])) ){
				$mes[] = __('電話番号は半角数字で入力してください。', 'wc2');
		if( !isset($_POST['offer']['delivery_method']) || (empty($_POST['offer']['delivery_method']) && !WC2_Utils::is_zero($_POST['offer']['delivery_method'])) )
			$mes[] = __('配送方法を選択してください。', 'wc2');
		if( !isset($_POST['offer']['payment_method']) ) {
			$mes[] = __('支払方法を選択してください。', 'wc2');
		} else {
			$entry_data = wc2_get_entry();
			$delivery = wc2_get_option( 'delivery' );
			$general = wc2_get_option( 'general' );
			$payment = wc2_get_payment( $_POST['offer']['payment_method'] );
			if( 'COD' == $payment['settlement'] ) {
				$item_total_price = wc2_get_item_total_price();
				$materials = array(
					'total_price' => $item_total_price,
					'discount' => $entry_data['order']['discount'],
					'shipping_charge' => $entry_data['order']['shipping_charge'],
					'cod_fee' => $entry_data['order']['cod_fee'],
				$item_total_price += wc2_get_tax( $materials );
				$cod_limit_amount = ( isset($general['cod_limit_amount']) && 0 < (int)$general['cod_limit_amount'] ) ? $general['cod_limit_amount'] : 0;
				if( 0 < $cod_limit_amount && $item_total_price > $cod_limit_amount )
					$mes[] = sprintf(__('商品合計金額が、代引きでご購入できる上限額(%s)を超えています。', 'wc2'), wc2_crform( $general['cod_limit_amount'], true, false ));

			$d_method_index = wc2_get_delivery_method_index( (int)$_POST['offer']['delivery_method'] );
			if( $delivery['delivery_method'][$d_method_index]['nocod'] == 1 ) {
				if('COD' == $payment['settlement'])
					$mes[] = __('この配送方法では、代引きはご利用できません。', 'wc2');

			$country = $entry_data['delivery']['country'];
			$local_country = wc2_get_base_country();
			if( $country == $local_country ) {
				if( $delivery['delivery_method'][$d_method_index]['intl'] == 1 ) {
					$mes[] = __('配送方法が誤っています。国際便は指定できません。', 'wc2');
			} else {
				if( WC2_Utils::is_zero($delivery['delivery_method'][$d_method_index]['intl']) ) {
					$mes[] = __('配送方法が誤っています。国際便を指定してください。', 'wc2');
		//custom_delivery check
		$csde_mes = wc2_custom_field_enter_check('delivery');
		foreach( $csde_mes as $csde_mes_val ){
			$mes[] = $csde_mes_val;

		//custom_order check
		$csod_mes = wc2_custom_field_enter_check('order');
		foreach( $csod_mes as $csod_mes_val ){
			$mes[] = $csod_mes_val;

		$mes = apply_filters( 'wc2_filter_delivery_check', $mes );
		return $mes;
Esempio n. 5
function wc2_set_order_price($cart = array(), $entry_data = array())
    $general = wc2_get_option('general');
    if (empty($cart) and !is_admin()) {
        $cart = wc2_get_cart();
    if (empty($entry_data) and !is_admin()) {
        $entry_data = wc2_get_entry();
    //*** Delivery method name
    $delivery_name = wc2_get_delivery_method_name($entry_data['order']['delivery_method']);
    wc2_set_entry_order_value('delivery_name', $delivery_name);
    //*** Payment method name
    $payment = wc2_get_payment($entry_data['order']['payment_method']);
    $payment_name = $payment['name'];
    wc2_set_entry_order_value('payment_name', $payment_name);
    //*** Item total price
    $item_total_price = wc2_get_item_total_price($cart);
    wc2_set_entry_order_value('item_total_price', $item_total_price);
    //*** Discount price
    $discount = wc2_get_order_discount($general['display_mode'], $cart);
    wc2_set_entry_order_value('discount', $discount);
    //*** Shipping charge
    if (empty($general['postage_privilege']) || $item_total_price + $discount < $general['postage_privilege']) {
        $country = isset($entry_data['delivery']['country']) && !empty($entry_data['delivery']['country']) ? $entry_data['delivery']['country'] : $entry_data['customer']['country'];
        $shipping_charge = wc2_get_shipping_charge($entry_data['order']['delivery_method'], $entry_data['delivery']['pref'], $country, $cart);
    } else {
        $shipping_charge = 0;
    $shipping_charge = apply_filters('wc2_filter_set_shipping_charge', $shipping_charge, $cart, $entry_data);
    wc2_set_entry_order_value('shipping_charge', $shipping_charge);
    //*** COD fee
    $usedpoint = isset($entry_data['order']['usedpoint']) ? (int) $entry_data['order']['usedpoint'] : 0;
    $amount_by_cod = $item_total_price + $discount + $shipping_charge - $usedpoint;
    $amount_by_cod = apply_filters('wc2_filter_set_amount_by_cod', $amount_by_cod, $entry_data, $item_total_price, $discount, $shipping_charge, $usedpoint);
    $cod_fee = wc2_get_cod_fee($entry_data['order']['payment_method'], $amount_by_cod, $item_total_price, $discount, $shipping_charge);
    $cod_fee = apply_filters('wc2_filter_set_cod_fee', $cod_fee, $entry_data, $item_total_price, $discount, $shipping_charge, $usedpoint);
    wc2_set_entry_order_value('cod_fee', $cod_fee);
    //*** Set materials
    $materials = array('entry_data' => $entry_data, 'cart' => $cart, 'total_price' => $item_total_price, 'discount' => $discount, 'shipping_charge' => $shipping_charge, 'usedpoint' => $usedpoint, 'cod_fee' => $cod_fee, 'payment' => $payment);
    //*** Tax price
    $tax = wc2_get_tax($materials);
    wc2_set_entry_order_value('tax', $tax);
    //*** Total price
    $total_price = $item_total_price + $discount + $shipping_charge - $usedpoint + $cod_fee + ('exclude' == $general['tax_mode'] ? $tax : 0);
    $total_price = apply_filters('wc2_filter_set_total_order_price', $total_price, $item_total_price, $discount, $shipping_charge, $usedpoint, $cod_fee);
    wc2_set_entry_order_value('total_price', $total_price);
    //*** Get point
    $member = wc2_get_member();
    $getpoint = wc2_get_order_point($member['ID'], $usedpoint);
    wc2_set_entry_order_value('getpoint', $getpoint);