function save_window_geom($window, $prefix, $resize = false)
    global $wb;
    if (!$window) {
    $pos = wb_get_position($window);
    $size = wb_get_size($window);
    if ($resize) {
        $wb->settings["Settings"][$prefix . "_geom"] = "{$pos[0]} {$pos[1]} {$size[0]} {$size[1]}";
    } else {
        $wb->settings["Settings"][$prefix . "_geom"] = "{$pos[0]} {$pos[1]}";
function draw_frame($buffer, $caption, $xstart, $ystart, $width, $height, $style, $value)
    global $cl, $wb;
    if ($width > $height && $height <= 8) {
        // Draw a horizontal line
        $xend = $xstart + $width;
        if ($wb->wireframe || $wb->ghoststate) {
            wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart, $ystart + 0, $xend - 1, $ystart + 0, $cl->shade, 0, $wb->wirestyle);
        } else {
            wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart, $ystart + 1, $xend - 1, $ystart + 1, $cl->hilite);
            wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart, $ystart + 0, $xend - 1, $ystart + 0, $cl->shade);
    } else {
        if ($width < $height && $width <= 8) {
            // Draw a vertical line
            $yend = $ystart + $height;
            if ($wb->wireframe || $wb->ghoststate) {
                wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart, $ystart, $xstart, $yend - 1, $cl->shade, 0, $wb->wirestyle);
            } else {
                wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart + 1, $ystart, $xstart + 1, $yend - 1, $cl->hilite);
                wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart, $ystart, $xstart, $yend - 1, $cl->shade);
        } else {
            // Draw the frame box
            $xend = $xstart + $width;
            $yend = $ystart + $height;
            if ($width <= 14) {
                $caption = "";
            } else {
                $textsize = wb_get_size($caption, $cl->sysfont);
            if ($wb->wireframe || $wb->ghoststate) {
                if ($caption) {
                    wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart, $ystart + 6, $xstart + 10, $ystart + 6, $cl->shade, 0, $wb->wirestyle);
                    if ($width > 14 + $textsize[0]) {
                        wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart + 17 + $textsize[0], $ystart + 6, $xend - 1, $ystart + 6, $cl->shade, 0, $wb->wirestyle);
                } else {
                    wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart, $ystart + 6, $xend - 1, $ystart + 6, $cl->shade, 0, $wb->wirestyle);
                wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart, $ystart + 6, $xstart, $yend - 1, $cl->shade, 0, $wb->wirestyle);
                wb_draw_line($buffer, $xend - 1, $ystart + 6, $xend - 1, $yend - 1, $cl->shade, 0, $wb->wirestyle);
                wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart, $yend - 1, $xend - 1, $yend - 1, $cl->shade, 0, $wb->wirestyle);
            } else {
                if ($caption) {
                    wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart + 1, $ystart + 7, $xstart + 10, $ystart + 7, $cl->hilite);
                    if ($width > 14 + $textsize[0]) {
                        wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart + 17 + $textsize[0], $ystart + 7, $xend, $ystart + 7, $cl->hilite);
                } else {
                    wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart + 1, $ystart + 7, $xend - 1, $ystart + 7, $cl->hilite);
                wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart + 1, $ystart + 7, $xstart + 1, $yend, $cl->hilite);
                wb_draw_line($buffer, $xend, $ystart + 7, $xend, $yend, $cl->hilite);
                wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart + 1, $yend, $xend, $yend, $cl->hilite);
                if ($caption) {
                    wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart, $ystart + 6, $xstart + 10, $ystart + 6, $cl->shade);
                    if ($width > 14 + $textsize[0]) {
                        wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart + 17 + $textsize[0], $ystart + 6, $xend - 1, $ystart + 6, $cl->shade);
                } else {
                    wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart, $ystart + 6, $xend - 1, $ystart + 6, $cl->shade);
                wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart, $ystart + 6, $xstart, $yend - 1, $cl->shade);
                wb_draw_line($buffer, $xend - 1, $ystart + 6, $xend - 1, $yend - 1, $cl->shade);
                wb_draw_line($buffer, $xstart, $yend - 1, $xend - 1, $yend - 1, $cl->shade);
            // Draw frame text
            wb_draw_text($buffer, $caption, $xstart + 14, $ystart, $width - 14, $height, $style & WBC_DISABLED ? $cl->disabledfont : $cl->sysfont, WBC_LEFT | WBC_TOP);
Esempio n. 3


WINBINDER - form editor PHP file (generated automatically)

// Control identifiers
if (!defined('IDC_TREEVIEW')) {
    define('IDC_TREEVIEW', 1001);
// Create window
$dim = explode(" ", wb_get_system_info("workarea"));
$wb->mainwin = wb_create_window(null, AppWindow | ResizableWindow, $wb->vars["Lang"]["system_name"], 0, 0, $dim[2], $dim[3], 0x200 | WBC_NOTIFY, WBC_RESIZE | WBC_REDRAW | WBC_HEADERSEL);
$dim = wb_get_size($wb->mainwin, true);
$wb->winwidth = $dim[0];
$wb->winheight = $dim[1];
// Insert controls
$wb->tree_view = wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, TreeView, 'TreeView1', 1, 2, 150, $wb->winheight - 40, IDC_TREEVIEW, WBC_LINES);
wb_set_image($wb->tree_view, PATH_RES . "treeview.bmp", GREEN, 0, 10);
$items = wb_create_items($wb->tree_view, array(array($wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_cust"] . $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_manage"], 2001), array($wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_contact"], 2002, 1), array($wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_company"], 2003, 1), array($wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_product"], 2004, 1), array($wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_sale"] . $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_manage"], 2005), array($wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_opportunity"], 2006, 1), array($wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_order"], 2007, 1), array($wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_agreement"], 2008, 1), array($wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_afterservice"] . $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_manage"], 2009), array($wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_complaints"], 2010, 1), array($wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_refundment"], 2011, 1), array($wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_review"], 2012, 1)));
// End controls
if (!defined('IDC_NAV_NEXT')) {
    define('IDC_NAV_NEXT', 2102);
if (!defined('IDC_NAV_FIRST')) {
    define('IDC_NAV_FIRST', 2103);
if (!defined('IDC_NAV_LAST')) {
    define('IDC_NAV_LAST', 2104);
if (!defined('IDC_CATEGORY_NAV_PRE')) {
    define('IDC_CATEGORY_NAV_PRE', 2105);
if (!defined('IDC_CATEGORY_NAV_NEXT')) {
    define('IDC_CATEGORY_NAV_NEXT', 2106);
if (!defined('IDC_CATEGORY_NAV_FIRST')) {
    define('IDC_CATEGORY_NAV_FIRST', 2107);
if (!defined('IDC_CATEGORY_NAV_LAST')) {
    define('IDC_CATEGORY_NAV_LAST', 2108);
// Insert controls
$contact_tab = wb_create_control($wb->mainwin, TabControl, "{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_contact"]},{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_contact"]}{$wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_category"]}", 160, 30, $wb->winwidth - 160, $wb->winheight - 40, IDC_CONTACT_FORM, WBC_VISIBLE);
$wb->right_control = $contact_tab;
$dim = wb_get_size($contact_tab, true);
// contact
$contact_list = wb_create_control($contact_tab, ListView, "", 0, 10, $dim[0] - 10, $dim[1] - 120, IDC_CONTACT_DATA_LIST, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_SORT | WBC_LINES | WBC_CHECKBOXES, 0, 0);
$wb->contact_list = $contact_list;
// contact category
$wb->contact_category_list = wb_create_control($contact_tab, ListView, "", 0, 10, $dim[0] - 10, $dim[1] - 120, IDC_CONTACT_CATEGORY_DATA_LIST, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED | WBC_SORT | WBC_LINES | WBC_CHECKBOXES, 0, 1);
// End controls
Esempio n. 5
 function renderCategoryForm($p_ctl)
     global $wb;
     //	navigator
     $dim = wb_get_size($p_ctl, true);
     $form_y = $dim[1] - 280 + 30;
     $form_x = 20;
     $search_frame = wb_create_control($p_ctl, Frame, $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_search"], $form_x, $form_y, $dim[0] - 120, 40, 0, WBC_VISIBLE, 0, 1);
     $this->category_keyword = wb_create_control($search_frame, EditBox, "", 50, 15, 150, 21, IDC_CATEGORY_KEYWORD, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0, 1);
     $category_nav_last = wb_create_control($search_frame, PushButton, $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_search"], 220, 15, 80, 22, IDC_CATEGORY_SEARCH_SUBMIT, WBC_VISIBLE, 0, 1);
     wb_set_handler($search_frame, "process_main");
     // detail form
     $detail_frame = wb_create_control($p_ctl, Frame, $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_detail"], $form_x, $form_y + 40, $dim[0] - 120, 120, 0, WBC_VISIBLE, 0, 1);
     wb_create_control($detail_frame, Label, $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_category"] . $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_name"], 60, 15, 150, 14, 0, WBC_VISIBLE, 0, 1);
     $this->category_name = wb_create_control($detail_frame, EditBox, "", 120, 15, 150, 21, IDC_CATEGORY_KEYWORD, WBC_VISIBLE | WBC_ENABLED, 0, 1);
     // Group A
     include_once PATH_CONFIG . 'common.php';
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($ActiveOption as $key => $value) {
         $this->category_active = wb_create_control($detail_frame, RadioButton, $key, 80 + $i * 70, 40, 70, 14, IDC_CATEGORY_ACTIVE, 0, 0);
     wb_create_control($detail_frame, PushButton, $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_new"], 130, 80, 90, 25, IDC_CATEGORY_SUBMIT, 0x0, 0, 0);
     wb_set_handler($detail_frame, "process_main");
function process_form($window, $id, $ctrl, $lparam1 = 0, $lparam2 = 0)
    global $wb;
    static $controls = array();
    static $isMoving = false;
    static $xcuroff = 0;
    static $ycuroff = 0;
    static $ctrl_lastpos = null;
    switch ($id) {
        case IDDEFAULT:
            if ($lparam1 & WBC_RESIZE) {
                // Form was resized
                $size = wb_get_size($wb->formwin);
                $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->width = $size[0];
                $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->height = $size[1];
            } elseif ($lparam1 & WBC_REDRAW) {
                // Redraw screen
                // Draw the form background and grid
                $buffer = $lparam2;
                $dim = wb_get_size($window, true);
                $winwidth = $dim[0];
                $winheight = $dim[1];
                draw_background($buffer, $winwidth, $winheight);
                // Draw all controls from the current form
                for ($i = 0; $i < $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->numcontrols; $i++) {
                    $ct = $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$i];
                    if ($ct) {
                        draw_control($buffer, $ct);
                // Draw a "ghost"
                if ($ctrl_lastpos && $wb->ghost) {
                    draw_ghost($buffer, $ctrl_lastpos);
                // Is there a control selected?
                if ($wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol >= 0) {
                    $ct = $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol];
                    if (!$isMoving) {
                        draw_handles($buffer, "", $ct->left, $ct->top, $ct->width, $ct->height);
                } else {
            } elseif ($lparam1 & WBC_MOUSEUP) {
                // A button was released
                $ctrl_lastpos = null;
                $isMoving = false;
                $wb->mouseop = false;
                $xcuroff = 0;
                $ycuroff = 0;
                wb_refresh($window, true);
                $wb->mousecpos = NOWHERE;
            } elseif ($lparam1 & WBC_LBUTTON) {
                // Left button is held down
                $wb->mouseop = true;
                $xleft = $lparam2 & 0xffff;
                $ytop = ($lparam2 & 4294901760.0) >> 16;
                // Left mouse button was pressed
                if ($lparam1 & WBC_MOUSEDOWN) {
                    // Can't change the current control while resizing or moving a control
                    if ($wb->mousecpos == NOWHERE || $wb->mousecpos == INCONTROL) {
                        // If mouse cursor is clicked inside a control, select a new one.
                        // Search in reverse order because we need the topmost control
                        $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol = -1;
                        // Start with no control selected
                        $form = $wb->form[$wb->currentform];
                        // Auxiliary variable
                        // This loop finds and selects a new control as current
                        for ($i = $form->numcontrols - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
                            $cttest = $form->ct[$i];
                            if ($xleft >= $cttest->left && $xleft <= $cttest->left + $cttest->width && $ytop >= $cttest->top && $ytop <= $cttest->top + $cttest->height) {
                                $ctrl_lastpos = $form->ct[$i];
                                $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol = $i;
                        // No control selected
                // $ct (an auxiliary variable) is set to the currently selected control
                if ($wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol >= 0) {
                    $ct = $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol];
                // **** Below: resizes aren't considering cursor offset
                if ($wb->mousecpos == INCONTROL) {
                    // Moving control
                    $x = $lparam2 & 0xffff;
                    $y = ($lparam2 & 4294901760.0) >> 16;
                    if (!$isMoving) {
                        $isMoving = true;
                        $xcuroff = $x - $ct->left;
                        $ycuroff = $y - $ct->top;
                    // Is grid active?
                    $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->left = $wb->grid ? (int) (max(4, $x - $xcuroff) / 5) * 5 : $x - $xcuroff;
                    $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->top = $wb->grid ? (int) (max(4, $y - $ycuroff) / 5) * 5 : $y - $ycuroff;
                    wb_refresh($window, true);
                } elseif ($wb->mousecpos == INNHANDLE) {
                    // Resizing control (North)
                    $y = ($lparam2 & 4294901760.0) >> 16;
                    // Is grid active?
                    $y1 = $wb->grid ? (int) (max(4, $y - 0) / 5) * 5 : $y;
                    $bottom = $ct->top + $ct->height;
                    $newtop = $y1 + HANDLE_YOFFSET_5;
                    $newheight = $bottom - $newtop;
                    if ($newheight > 0) {
                        $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->top = $newtop;
                        $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->height = $newheight;
                    wb_refresh($window, true);
                } elseif ($wb->mousecpos == INEHANDLE) {
                    // Resizing control (East)
                    $x = $lparam2 & 0xffff;
                    // Is grid active?
                    $x1 = $wb->grid ? (int) (max(4, $x - 0) / 5) * 5 : $x;
                    $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->width = max(1, $x1 - $ct->left);
                    wb_refresh($window, true);
                } elseif ($wb->mousecpos == INWHANDLE) {
                    // Resizing control (West)
                    $x = $lparam2 & 0xffff;
                    // Is grid active?
                    $x1 = $wb->grid ? (int) (max(4, $x - 0) / 5) * 5 : $x;
                    $right = $ct->left + $ct->width;
                    $newleft = $x1 + HANDLE_XOFFSET_5;
                    $newwidth = $right - $newleft;
                    if ($newwidth > 0) {
                        $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->left = $newleft;
                        $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->width = $newwidth;
                    wb_refresh($window, true);
                } elseif ($wb->mousecpos == INSHANDLE) {
                    // Resizing control (South)
                    $y = ($lparam2 & 4294901760.0) >> 16;
                    // Is grid active?
                    $y1 = $wb->grid ? (int) (max(4, $y - 0) / 5) * 5 : $y;
                    $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->height = max(1, $y1 - $ct->top);
                    wb_refresh($window, true);
                } elseif ($wb->mousecpos == INNEHANDLE) {
                    // Resizing control (Northeast)
                    $x = $lparam2 & 0xffff;
                    $y = ($lparam2 & 4294901760.0) >> 16;
                    // Is grid active?
                    $x1 = $wb->grid ? (int) (max(4, $x - 0) / 5) * 5 : $x;
                    $y1 = $wb->grid ? (int) (max(4, $y - 0) / 5) * 5 : $y;
                    $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->width = max(1, $x1 - $ct->left);
                    $bottom = $ct->top + $ct->height;
                    $newtop = $y1 + HANDLE_YOFFSET_5;
                    $newheight = $bottom - $newtop;
                    if ($newheight > 0) {
                        $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->top = $newtop;
                        $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->height = $newheight;
                    wb_refresh($window, true);
                } elseif ($wb->mousecpos == INSEHANDLE) {
                    // Resizing control (Southeast)
                    $x = $lparam2 & 0xffff;
                    $y = ($lparam2 & 4294901760.0) >> 16;
                    // Is grid active?
                    $x1 = $wb->grid ? (int) (max(4, $x - 0) / 5) * 5 : $x;
                    $y1 = $wb->grid ? (int) (max(4, $y - 0) / 5) * 5 : $y;
                    $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->width = max(1, $x1 - $ct->left);
                    $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->height = max(1, $y1 - $ct->top);
                    wb_refresh($window, true);
                } elseif ($wb->mousecpos == INNWHANDLE) {
                    // Resizing control (Northwest)
                    $x = $lparam2 & 0xffff;
                    $y = ($lparam2 & 4294901760.0) >> 16;
                    // Is grid active?
                    $x1 = $wb->grid ? (int) (max(4, $x - 0) / 5) * 5 : $x;
                    $y1 = $wb->grid ? (int) (max(4, $y - 0) / 5) * 5 : $y;
                    $right = $ct->left + $ct->width;
                    $newleft = $x1 + HANDLE_XOFFSET_5;
                    $newwidth = $right - $newleft;
                    if ($newwidth > 0) {
                        $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->left = $newleft;
                        $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->width = $newwidth;
                    $bottom = $ct->top + $ct->height;
                    $newtop = $y1 + HANDLE_YOFFSET_5;
                    $newheight = $bottom - $newtop;
                    if ($newheight > 0) {
                        $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->top = $newtop;
                        $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->height = $newheight;
                    wb_refresh($window, true);
                } elseif ($wb->mousecpos == INSWHANDLE) {
                    // Resizing control (Southwest)
                    $x = $lparam2 & 0xffff;
                    $y = ($lparam2 & 4294901760.0) >> 16;
                    // Is grid active?
                    $x1 = $wb->grid ? (int) (max(4, $x - 0) / 5) * 5 : $x;
                    $y1 = $wb->grid ? (int) (max(4, $y - 0) / 5) * 5 : $y;
                    $right = $ct->left + $ct->width;
                    $newleft = $x1 + HANDLE_XOFFSET_5;
                    $newwidth = $right - $newleft;
                    if ($newwidth > 0) {
                        $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->left = $newleft;
                        $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->width = $newwidth;
                    $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$wb->form[$wb->currentform]->nselcontrol]->height = max(1, $y1 - $ct->top);
                    wb_refresh($window, true);
            } elseif (!($lparam1 & (WBC_LBUTTON | WBC_RBUTTON))) {
                // No button pressed
                $xleft = $lparam2 & 0xffff;
                $ytop = ($lparam2 & 4294901760.0) >> 16;
                $form = $wb->form[$wb->currentform];
                // Auxiliary variable
                if ($form->nselcontrol < 0) {
                    $wb->mousecpos = NOWHERE;
                $ct = $wb->form[$wb->currentform]->ct[$form->nselcontrol];
                // Aux variable
                //-------------- Mouse position tests
                // Is mouse cursor inside the control area?
                if ($xleft >= $ct->left && $xleft <= $ct->left + $ct->width && $ytop >= $ct->top && $ytop <= $ct->top + $ct->height) {
                    $wb->mousecpos = INCONTROL;
                    // Test for North handle
                } else {
                    if ($xleft >= $ct->left + ($ct->width - HANDLE_WIDTH) / 2 && $xleft <= $ct->left + ($ct->width + HANDLE_WIDTH) / 2 && $ytop >= $ct->top - HANDLE_YOFFSET && $ytop <= $ct->top - HANDLE_YOFFSET + HANDLE_HEIGHT) {
                        $wb->mousecpos = INNHANDLE;
                        // Test for East handle
                    } else {
                        if ($xleft >= $ct->left + $ct->width + HANDLE_XOFFSET - HANDLE_WIDTH && $xleft <= $ct->left + $ct->width + HANDLE_XOFFSET && $ytop >= $ct->top + ($ct->height - HANDLE_HEIGHT) / 2 && $ytop <= $ct->top + ($ct->height + HANDLE_HEIGHT) / 2) {
                            $wb->mousecpos = INEHANDLE;
                            // Test for West handle
                        } else {
                            if ($xleft >= $ct->left - HANDLE_XOFFSET && $xleft <= $ct->left - HANDLE_XOFFSET + HANDLE_WIDTH && $ytop >= $ct->top + ($ct->height - HANDLE_HEIGHT) / 2 && $ytop <= $ct->top + ($ct->height + HANDLE_HEIGHT) / 2) {
                                $wb->mousecpos = INWHANDLE;
                                // Test for South handle
                            } else {
                                if ($xleft >= $ct->left + ($ct->width - HANDLE_WIDTH) / 2 && $xleft <= $ct->left + ($ct->width + HANDLE_WIDTH) / 2 && $ytop >= $ct->top + $ct->height + HANDLE_YOFFSET - HANDLE_HEIGHT && $ytop <= $ct->top + $ct->height + HANDLE_YOFFSET) {
                                    $wb->mousecpos = INSHANDLE;
                                    // Test for Northeast handle
                                } else {
                                    if ($xleft >= $ct->left + $ct->width + HANDLE_XOFFSET - HANDLE_WIDTH && $xleft <= $ct->left + $ct->width + HANDLE_XOFFSET && $ytop >= $ct->top - HANDLE_YOFFSET && $ytop <= $ct->top - HANDLE_YOFFSET + HANDLE_HEIGHT) {
                                        $wb->mousecpos = INNEHANDLE;
                                        // Test for Shoutheast handle
                                    } else {
                                        if ($xleft >= $ct->left + $ct->width + HANDLE_XOFFSET - HANDLE_WIDTH && $xleft <= $ct->left + $ct->width + HANDLE_XOFFSET && $ytop >= $ct->top + $ct->height + HANDLE_YOFFSET - HANDLE_HEIGHT && $ytop <= $ct->top + $ct->height + HANDLE_YOFFSET) {
                                            $wb->mousecpos = INSEHANDLE;
                                            // Test for Northwest handle
                                        } else {
                                            if ($xleft >= $ct->left - HANDLE_XOFFSET && $xleft <= $ct->left - HANDLE_XOFFSET + HANDLE_WIDTH && $ytop >= $ct->top - HANDLE_YOFFSET && $ytop <= $ct->top - HANDLE_YOFFSET + HANDLE_HEIGHT) {
                                                $wb->mousecpos = INNWHANDLE;
                                                // Test for Shouthwest handle
                                            } else {
                                                if ($xleft >= $ct->left - HANDLE_XOFFSET && $xleft <= $ct->left - HANDLE_XOFFSET + HANDLE_WIDTH && $ytop >= $ct->top + $ct->height + HANDLE_YOFFSET - HANDLE_HEIGHT && $ytop <= $ct->top + $ct->height + HANDLE_YOFFSET) {
                                                    $wb->mousecpos = INSWHANDLE;
                                                } else {
                                                    $wb->mousecpos = NOWHERE;
        case IDCLOSE:
function reset_contact_category_view()
    global $wb;
    // Empty listview
    wb_delete_items($wb->contact_category_list, null);
    $keyword = $wb->keyword;
    $where_is = " where 1 ";
    if ($keyword) {
        $where_is .= " AND category_name LIKE '%{$keyword}%' ";
    $max_row = 22;
    $category_table_name = $wb->setting["Settings"]["contact_category_table"];
    $start_num = ($wb->current_category_page - 1) * $max_row;
    $sql2 = " SELECT * FROM {$category_table_name} {$where_is} ";
    $total_category_num = $wb->db->num_rows();
    $wb->total_category_page = ceil($total_category_num / $max_row);
    $sql2 = " SELECT * FROM {$category_table_name} {$where_is} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$start_num}," . $max_row;
    $category_data = array();
    while ($wb->db->next_record()) {
        $row = array();
        $row[] = $wb->db->f("id");
        $row[] = $wb->db->f("category_name");
        $row[] = $wb->db->f("active");
        $category_data[] = $row;
    // Create listview items
    wb_create_items($wb->contact_category_list, $category_data);
    //category navigator
    $dim = wb_get_size($wb->right_control, true);
    $nav_button_y = $dim[1] - 80;
    $nav_button_x = 60 + 150;
    $nav_button_space = 100;
    wb_create_control($wb->right_control, Label, $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_total"] . " " . $total_category_num . " " . $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_records"] . " " . $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_current"] . $wb->current_category_page . "/" . $wb->total_category_page . " " . $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_page"], 20, $nav_button_y + 5, 150, 14, 0, WBC_VISIBLE, 0, 1);
    $category_nav_first = wb_create_control($wb->right_control, PushButton, $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_first_page"], $nav_button_x, $nav_button_y, 80, 22, IDC_CATEGORY_NAV_FIRST, WBC_VISIBLE, 0, 1);
    $category_nav_pre = wb_create_control($wb->right_control, PushButton, $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_pre_page"], $nav_button_x + $nav_button_space, $nav_button_y, 80, 22, IDC_CATEGORY_NAV_PRE, WBC_VISIBLE, 0, 1);
    $category_nav_next = wb_create_control($wb->right_control, PushButton, $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_next_page"], $nav_button_x + $nav_button_space * 2, $nav_button_y, 80, 22, IDC_CATEGORY_NAV_NEXT, WBC_VISIBLE, 0, 1);
    $category_nav_last = wb_create_control($wb->right_control, PushButton, $wb->vars["Lang"]["lang_last_page"], $nav_button_x + $nav_button_space * 3, $nav_button_y, 80, 22, IDC_CATEGORY_NAV_LAST, WBC_VISIBLE, 0, 1);
    if ($wb->current_category_page == $wb->total_category_page) {
        wb_set_enabled($category_nav_next, false);
        wb_set_enabled($category_nav_last, false);
    if ($wb->current_category_page == 1) {
        wb_set_enabled($category_nav_pre, false);
        wb_set_enabled($category_nav_first, false);