function wallow_get_opt($opt) { global $wallow_opt; if (isset($wallow_opt[$opt])) { return apply_filters('wallow_option_' . $opt, $wallow_opt[$opt], $opt); } $defopt = wallow_get_coa($opt); if (!$defopt) { return null; } if ($defopt['req'] == '' || wallow_get_opt($defopt['req'])) { return $defopt['default']; } else { return null; } }
function avatar() { global $current_user; ?> <div id="avatar_cont" class="no-grav"> <?php if (wallow_get_opt('wallow_qbar_avatar')) { echo '<img width="50" height="50" class="avatar avatar-50 photo" src="' . esc_url(wallow_get_opt('wallow_qbar_avatar')) . '" alt="user-avatar">'; } elseif (is_user_logged_in()) { //fix for notice when user not log-in get_currentuserinfo(); $email = $current_user->user_email; echo get_avatar($email, 50, $default = get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/user.png', 'user-avatar'); } else { echo '<img width="50" height="50" class="avatar avatar-50 photo" src="' . get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/user.png" alt="user-avatar">'; } ?> </div> <?php }
<h3 class="storytitle"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?> " rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?> </a></h3> <?php wallow_hook_post_title_after(); ?> <div class="storycontent"> <?php switch (wallow_get_opt('wallow_postexcerpt')) { case 0: the_content(); break; case 1: the_excerpt(); break; } ?> </div> <?php wallow_hook_entry_bottom(); ?> </div>
function wallow_body_classes($classes) { if (wallow_get_opt('wallow_theme_set') === '1') { // use custom combinations $genlook = wallow_get_opt('wallow_theme_genlook'); $sidebar = wallow_get_opt('wallow_theme_sidebar'); $menu = wallow_get_opt('wallow_theme_pages'); $popup = wallow_get_opt('wallow_theme_popup'); $quickbar = wallow_get_opt('wallow_theme_quickbar'); $avatar = wallow_get_opt('wallow_theme_avatar'); } else { // output a default theme set $theme_set = wallow_get_opt('wallow_theme_set'); $genlook = $theme_set; $sidebar = $theme_set; $menu = $theme_set; $popup = $theme_set; $quickbar = $theme_set; $avatar = $theme_set; } $classes[] = esc_attr('body-' . $genlook); $classes[] = esc_attr('sidebar-' . $sidebar); $classes[] = esc_attr('menu-' . $menu); $classes[] = esc_attr('quickbar-' . $quickbar); $classes[] = esc_attr('popup-' . $popup); $classes[] = esc_attr('avatar-' . $avatar); $classes[] = 'wlw-no-js'; if (wallow_get_opt('wallow_qbar')) { $classes[] = 'quickbar'; } if (!wallow_get_opt('wallow_sidebar')) { $classes[] = 'no-sidebar'; } return $classes; }
function wallow_get_comments_link($args = '') { $defaults = array('zero' => false, 'one' => false, 'more' => false, 'css_class' => '', 'none' => false, 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'id' => false); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); if (false === $zero) { $zero = __('Leave a Comment', 'wallow'); } if (false === $one) { $one = __('1 Comment', 'wallow'); } if (false === $more) { $more = __('% Comments', 'wallow'); } if (false === $none) { $none = __('Comments Off', 'wallow'); } $id = $id ? (int) $id : get_the_ID(); $css_class = !empty($css_class) ? ' class="' . esc_attr($css_class) . '"' : ''; $number = get_comments_number($id); if (0 == $number && !comments_open() && !pings_open()) { $output = $none ? $before . '<span' . $css_class . '>' . $none . '</span>' . $after : ''; } elseif (post_password_required()) { $output = $before . __('Enter your password to view comments', 'wallow') . $after; } else { $label = wallow_get_opt('wallow_cust_comrep') ? '#comments' : '#respond'; $href = 0 == $number ? get_permalink() . $label : get_comments_link(); $title = esc_attr(sprintf(__('Comment on %s', 'wallow'), the_title_attribute(array('echo' => 0)))); if ($number > 1) { $text = str_replace('%', number_format_i18n($number), $more); } elseif ($number == 0) { $text = $zero; } else { $text = $one; } $output = $before . '<a' . $css_class . ' href="' . esc_url($href) . '" title="' . esc_attr($title) . '">' . $text . '</a>' . $after; } return apply_filters('wallow_get_comments_link', $output); }
function wallow_preview() { $theme_set = wallow_get_opt('wallow_theme_set'); $genlook = $theme_set === '1' ? wallow_get_opt('wallow_theme_genlook') : $theme_set; $pages = $theme_set === '1' ? wallow_get_opt('wallow_theme_pages') : $theme_set; $quickbar = $theme_set === '1' ? wallow_get_opt('wallow_theme_quickbar') : $theme_set; $sidebar = $theme_set === '1' ? wallow_get_opt('wallow_theme_sidebar') : $theme_set; $avatar = $theme_set === '1' ? wallow_get_opt('wallow_theme_avatar') : $theme_set; $popup = $theme_set === '1' ? wallow_get_opt('wallow_theme_popup') : $theme_set; ?> <div id="theme_preview"> <div id="tp_wallow_theme_genlook" class="<?php echo $genlook; ?> "></div> <div id="tp_wallow_theme_pages" class="<?php echo $pages; ?> "></div> <div id="tp_wallow_theme_quickbar" class="<?php echo $quickbar; ?> "></div> <div id="tp_wallow_theme_sidebar" class="<?php echo $sidebar; ?> "></div> <div id="tp_wallow_theme_avatar" class="<?php echo $avatar; ?> "></div> <div id="tp_wallow_theme_popup" class="<?php echo $popup; ?> "></div> </div> <?php }
function get_option($option) { return wallow_get_opt($option); }
<div id="credits" class="fixfloat"> © <?php echo date("Y"); ?> <strong><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> </strong> <?php _e('All rights reserved', 'wallow'); ?> <?php wallow_hook_change_view(); ?> <?php if (wallow_get_opt('wallow_tbcred')) { ?> - Powered by <a href=""><strong>WordPress</strong></a> and <a title="v<?php echo esc_attr(wallow_get_info('version')); ?> " href=""><strong>Wallow</strong></a><?php } ?> - <?php _e('Have fun!', 'wallow'); ?> </div> <!-- <?php echo get_num_queries(); ?>
/** * Register the widgets on startup. * * Widgets list is filterable. */ function wallow_register_widgets() { if (!is_blog_installed()) { return; } if (!wallow_get_opt('wallow_custom_widgets')) { return; } register_widget('Wallow_Widget_Popular_Posts'); register_widget('Wallow_Widget_Latest_Commented_Posts'); register_widget('Wallow_Widget_Latest_Commentators'); register_widget('Wallow_Widget_User_Quick_Links'); register_widget('Wallow_Widget_Pop_Categories'); register_widget('Wallow_Widget_Social'); register_widget('Wallow_Widget_Recent_Posts'); register_widget('Wallow_Widget_Image_Details'); register_widget('Wallow_Widget_Share_This'); register_widget('Wallow_Widget_Post_Details'); register_widget('Wallow_Widget_Clean_Archives'); }