function check_permission($perm) { global $g, $smarty; $allow = $perm == "space" ? "allow_space" : $perm . "_allow"; if (!$g[$allow]) { $message = L("have_no_perm", "msg", L($allow, "tpl")); $smarty->assign('action_img', "failed.png"); $smarty->assign('url', 'javascript:;'); $smarty->assign('message', $message); $smarty->assign('title', $message); $smarty->assign('page_title', strip_tags($message)); vtemplate($smarty->flash_layout); exit; } }
} if (isset($_POST['is_ajax'])) { die(L("success")); } if (!$updated) { flash("action_failed"); } else { flash("success", '', 0); } } if (isset($_GET['do'])) { $do = trim($_GET['do']); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); } if ($do == "edit") { if (!empty($id)) { $linkinfo = $spacelink->read("*", $id); setvar("item", $linkinfo); } $tpl_file = "link_edit"; vtemplate($tpl_file); exit; } } $result = $spacelink->getSpaceLinks($the_memberid, $companyinfo['id']); if (!empty($result)) { setvar("Items", $result); } vtemplate($tpl_file);
unset($vals['created']); unset($_POST['memberfield']['created']); $result = $member->save($vals, "update", $the_memberid); $memberfield->primaryKey = "member_id"; $result = $memberfield->save($_POST['memberfield'], "update", $the_memberid); $member->clearCache($the_memberid); $member->updateMemberCaches($the_memberid); if (isset($_POST['personal']['resume_status'])) { $result = $pdb->Execute("REPLACE INTO {$tb_prefix}personals (member_id,resume_status,max_education) VALUE (" . $the_memberid . ",'" . $_POST['personal']['resume_status'] . "','" . $_POST['personal']['max_education'] . "')"); } if (!$result) { flash('action_failed'); } else { flash('success'); } } unset($G['typeoption']['gender'][-1]); setvar("Genders", $G['typeoption']['gender']); setvar("Educations", $G['typeoption']['education']); setvar("OfficeRedirects", explode(",", L("office_redirects", "tpl"))); $personal = $pdb->GetRow("SELECT * FROM {$tb_prefix}personals WHERE member_id=" . $the_memberid); setvar("resume_status", $personal['resume_status']); setvar("max_education", $personal['max_education']); if (!empty($memberinfo['photo'])) { $memberinfo['image'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($memberinfo['photo'], "../", "small"); } $r2 = $area->disSubOptions($memberinfo['area_id'], "area_"); $memberinfo = am($memberinfo, $r2); setvar("item", $memberinfo); vtemplate("personal");
if (isset($_POST['save']) && !empty($_POST['data']['member']['styleid'])) { $templet_id = intval($_POST['data']['member']['styleid']); $pdb->Execute("UPDATE {$tb_prefix}members SET templet_id=" . $templet_id . " WHERE id=" . $the_memberid); $pdb->Execute("REPLACE INTO {$tb_prefix}spacecaches (cache_spacename,company_id,data1,data2) VALUE ('" . $companyinfo['cache_spacename'] . "','" . $companyinfo['id'] . "','" . $templet_id . "','" . $_POST['data']['skin'][$templet_id] . "')"); $member->clearCache($the_memberid); $member->updateMemberCaches($the_memberid); flash("success"); } setvar("templet_id", $memberinfo['templet_id']); $cache_data = $pdb->GetRow("SELECT data2 AS style FROM {$tb_prefix}spacecaches WHERE company_id='" . $companyinfo['id'] . "'"); /** * only for 4.2=>4.3 converts * 2012.9 */ if (isset($cache_data['style'])) { setvar("style_id", $cache_data['style']); } $result = $templet->getInstalled($memberinfo['membergroup_id'], $memberinfo['membertype_id']); foreach ($result as $key => $val) { if (!is_dir(PHPB2B_ROOT . "templates" . DS . $val['directory'])) { unset($result[$key]); } elseif (!empty($result[$key]['description'])) { $_styles = unserialize($result[$key]['description']); if (is_array($_styles)) { $result[$key]['styles'] = $_styles; } } } setvar("Items", $result); vtemplate("space");
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ require "../libraries/"; require "room.share.php"; require PHPB2B_ROOT . './libraries/page.class.php'; uses("order"); $page = new Pages(); $page->displaypg = 25; $options = cache_read("typeoption"); setvar("pay_status", $options['common_option']); setvar("order_status", $options['common_status']); $conditions[] = "member_id=" . $the_memberid; if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = trim($_GET['action']); if ($action == "cancel" && !empty($_GET['tradeno'])) { $pdb->Execute("DELETE FROM " . $tb_prefix . "orders WHERE trade_no='" . $_GET['tradeno'] . "' AND member_id='" . $the_memberid . "' AND pay_status='0'"); } } $order = new Orders(); $amount = $order->findCount(null, $conditions); $page->setPagenav($amount); $result = $order->findAll("*", null, $conditions, " id desc", $page->firstcount, $page->displaypg); setvar("ByPages", $page->pagenav); setvar("datas", $result); vtemplate("order");
$membergroup_id = $group_info['after_live_time']; $time_add = $membergroup->getServiceEndtime($group_info['default_live_time']); $pdb->Execute("UPDATE {$tb_prefix}members SET membergroup_id='" . $group_info['after_live_time'] . "' WHERE id=" . $the_memberid); } } uaAssign(array("LastLogin" => date("Y-m-d H:i", $memberinfo['last_login']))); $offer_count = $pdb->GetArray("SELECT count(id) AS amount,type_id AS typeid FROM {$tb_prefix}trades WHERE member_id=" . $the_memberid . " GROUP BY type_id"); $offer_stat = array(); $types = $trade->getTradeTypes(); if (!empty($offer_count)) { foreach ($offer_count as $offer_key => $offer_val) { $offer_stat[$types[$offer_val['typeid']]] = $offer_val['amount']; } setvar("items_offer", $offer_stat); } $pm_count = $pdb->GetArray("SELECT count(id) AS amount,type AS typename FROM {$tb_prefix}messages WHERE to_member_id=" . $the_memberid . " GROUP BY type"); if (!empty($pm_count)) { $pm_result = array(); foreach ($pm_count as $pm_val) { $pm_result[$pm_val['typename']] = intval($pm_val['amount']); } setvar("pm", $pm_result); } setvar("ServiceInfo", $service_info); $group['name'] = $g['name']; $group['image'] = $g['avatar']; setvar("group", $group); vtemplate("index"); } else { flash('invalid_user'); }
<?php /** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ require "../libraries/"; require "room.share.php"; $tplname = "invite"; $invitecode = authcode($the_memberid . $time_stamp . pb_radom(6)); setvar("InviteCode", $invitecode); vtemplate($tplname);
* The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ require "../libraries/"; require "room.share.php"; require LIB_PATH . 'passport.class.php'; $passport = new Passports(); if (isset($_POST['do']) || isset($_POST['action'])) { $do = trim($_POST['do']); $action = trim($_POST['action']); if ($do == "checkpasswd" || $action == "checkpasswd") { pb_submit_check('oldpass'); $OldPassCheck = $member->checkUserPasswdById($_POST['oldpass'], $the_memberid); if ($OldPassCheck > 0) { $vals = array(); $vals['userpass'] = $member->authPasswd(trim($_POST['newpass'])); if (!empty($_POST['question']) && !empty($_POST['answer'])) { $vals['question'] = $_POST['question']; $vals['answer'] = $_POST['answer']; } $result = $member->save($vals, "update", $the_memberid); $passport->ucSingleUpdatePwd($the_membername, trim($_POST['newpass'])); flash("success"); } else { flash('old_pwd_error'); } } } vtemplate("changepass");
<?php /** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ require "../libraries/"; require "room.share.php"; uses("trade", "product"); check_permission("offer"); $product = new Products(); $trade = new Trades(); $trade_controller = new Trade(); $trade_type_names = $trade_controller->getTradeTypes(); $conditions = "member_id = " . $the_memberid; $amount = $pdb->GetArray("select Trade.type_id as TradeTypeId,count( as CountTrade from " . $trade->getTable(true) . " where " . $conditions . " group by Trade.type_id"); if (is_array($amount)) { $stats = array(); foreach ($amount as $val) { $stats[$val['TradeTypeId']] = array("Amount" => $val['CountTrade'], "name" => $trade_type_names[$val['TradeTypeId']]); } } setvar("UserTradeStat", $stats); setvar("ProductAmount", $product->findCount(null, $conditions, "")); vtemplate("stat");