$urls = array(); foreach ($navigation as $text => $href) { if (empty($href)) { $urls[] = $text; } else { $urls[] = '<a href="' . $href . '">' . $text . '</a>'; } } $breadcrumb = implode(' -> ', $urls); print_header("{$course->shortname}: {$voicetool->name}", "{$course->fullname}", $breadcrumb . " {$voicetool->name}", "", "", true, update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, $strvoicetool), navmenu($course, $cm)); } $roleSwitch = isSwitch(); //the user have switched his role? //determinate the role for the wimba tools $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); $role = voicepodcaster_getRole($context); //get the informations related to the Vt resource $vtAction = new vtAction($USER->email); $resource = $vtAction->getResource($voicetool->rid); //check the availability of the resource $vtpreview = isVtAvailable($voicetool->rid); if ($resource->error == true) { wimba_add_log(WIMBA_ERROR, voicepodcaster_LOGS, "view.php : problem to get the resource(rid : " . $voicetool->rid . ") linked to this activity"); error(get_string("problem_vt", "voicepodcaster"), "{$CFG->wwwroot}/course/view.php?id={$course->id}"); } $currentUser = $vtAction->createUser($USER->firstname . "_" . $USER->lastname, $USER->email); $currentUserRights = $vtAction->createUserRights($resource->getType(), $role); //get the vt session $vtSession = $vtAction->getVtSession($resource, $currentUser, $currentUserRights); ?>
function voicepodcaster_get_url_params($courseid) { global $USER; global $CFG; $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid); $role = voicepodcaster_getRole($context); $signature = md5($courseid . $USER->email . $USER->firstname . $USER->lastname . $role); $url_params = "enc_course_id=" . rawurlencode($courseid) . "&enc_email=" . rawurlencode($USER->email) . "&enc_firstname=" . rawurlencode($USER->firstname) . "&enc_lastname=" . rawurlencode($USER->lastname) . "&enc_role=" . rawurlencode($role) . "&signature=" . rawurlencode($signature); return $url_params; }