Esempio n. 1
 *                                                                                         *
 * Copyright © 2005-2008, Crawlability, Inc. All rights reserved.                          *
 * You may not redistribute this file or its derivatives without written permission.       *
 *                                                                                         *
 * Sales Email:                                                     *
 *                                                                                         *
 *-------------------------------------LICENSE AGREEMENT-----------------------------------*
 * 1. You are free to download and install this plugin on any vBulletin forum for which    *
 *    you hold a valid vB license.                                                         *
 * 2. You ARE NOT allowed to REMOVE or MODIFY the copyright text within the .php files     *
 *    themselves.                                                                          *
 * 3. You ARE NOT allowed to DISTRIBUTE the contents of any of the included files.         *
 * 4. You ARE NOT allowed to COPY ANY PARTS of the code and/or use it for distribution.    *
$mods = $db->query("SELECT id,name FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "file_cats ORDER BY `order`");
while ($mod = $db->fetch_array($mods)) {
    $url = $vbseo_vars['bburl'] . '/downloads.php?do=cat&id=' . $mod['id'];
    if (VBSEO_ON) {
        $url = vbseo_any_url($url);
    vbseo_add_url($url, 1.0, '', 'daily');
$mods = $db->query("SELECT id as fid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "file_files");
while ($mod = $db->fetch_array($mods)) {
    $url = $vbseo_vars['bburl'] . '/downloads.php?do=file&id=' . $mod['fid'];
    if (VBSEO_ON) {
        $url = vbseo_any_url($url);
    vbseo_add_url($url, 1.0, '', 'daily');
Esempio n. 2
function vbseo_add_2urls($url, $url2, $priority = 1.0, $lastmod = 0, $freq = '')
    global $vboptions;
    $added_urls = 1;
    vbseo_add_url($url, $priority, $lastmod, $freq);
    if ($vboptions['vbseo_sm_oldurls'] && VBSEO_ON) {
        vbseo_add_url($url2, $priority, $lastmod, $freq);
    return $added_urls;
Esempio n. 3

# vbSEO Google Sitemap Generator - PhotoPlog Add On.
# Written by A v Klinken (
# Full HTTP path to your gallery root (including trailing forwardslash)
$gallery_url = '';
# Priority you want to assign to the sitemap pages
$sitemap_priority = 0.5;
# How often you wish to flag for updates
$sitemap_update = 'weekly';
# PhotoPlog Table Prefix
#$tableprefix = 'gallery_';
# URL used for Picture (index.php?n=)
$fileurl = 'index.php?n=';
# DON'T EDIT PAST HERE #############################################
$photos = $db->query_read('SELECT fileid FROM photoplog_fileuploads WHERE moderate = 0');
while ($photo = $db->fetch_array($photos)) {
    $modified = $photo['dateline'];
    vbseo_add_url($gallery_url . $fileurl . $photo['fileid'], $sitemap_priority, $modified, $sitemap_update);
Esempio n. 4
 *                                                                                         *
 * Sales Email:                                                     *
 *                                                                                         *
 *-------------------------------------LICENSE AGREEMENT-----------------------------------*
 * 1. You are free to download and install this plugin on any vBulletin forum for which    *
 *    you hold a valid vB license.                                                         *
 * 2. You ARE NOT allowed to REMOVE or MODIFY the copyright text within the .php files     *
 *    themselves.                                                                          *
 * 3. You ARE NOT allowed to DISTRIBUTE the contents of any of the included files.         *
 * 4. You ARE NOT allowed to COPY ANY PARTS of the code and/or use it for distribution.    *
// replace the URL below with your vBa links main folder URL
$vba_links_url = '';
$lnkg = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "links_categories WHERE private = 0");
while ($lnk = $db->fetch_array($lnkg)) {
    $url = 'browselinks.php?c=' . $lnk['catid'];
    if (VBSEO_ON) {
        $url = vbseo_any_url($url);
    $url = $vba_links_url . $url;
    vbseo_add_url($url, 1.0, $lnk['lastupdated'], 'daily');
$lnkg = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "links WHERE suspended = 0 AND open > 0");
while ($lnk = $db->fetch_array($lnkg)) {
    $url = 'showlink.php?do=showdetails&l=' . $lnk['linkid'];
    if (VBSEO_ON) {
        $url = vbseo_any_url($url);
    $url = $vba_links_url . $url;
    vbseo_add_url($url, 0.5, $lnk['lastupdated'] ? $lnk['lastupdated'] : $lnk['dateline'], 'weekly');