function processBlockAllocationInput() { global $user; $return = array(); $method = getContinuationVar('method'); $return['name'] = processInputVar('name', ARG_STRING); $return['owner'] = processInputVar('owner', ARG_STRING); $return['imageid'] = processInputVar('imageid', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['seats'] = processInputVar('seats', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['groupid'] = processInputVar('groupid', ARG_NUMERIC); $override = getContinuationVar('override', 0); $type = processInputVar('type', ARG_STRING); $err = 0; if ($method != 'request' && !preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z0-9\\. \\(\\)]){3,80}$/', $return['name'])) { $errmsg = i("The name can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes(-), and periods(.) and can be from 3 to 80 characters long"); $err = 1; } $resources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin", "imageCheckOut")); $resources["image"] = removeNoCheckout($resources["image"]); if (!array_key_exists($return['imageid'], $resources['image'])) { $errmsg = i("The submitted image is invalid."); $err = 1; } if (!$err && $method != 'request' && !validateUserid($return['owner'])) { $errmsg = i("The submitted owner is invalid."); $err = 1; } else { $return['ownerid'] = getUserlistID($return['owner']); } $groups = getUserGroups(0, $user['affiliationid']); $extragroups = getContinuationVar('extragroups'); if (!$err && !array_key_exists($return['groupid'], $groups) && !array_key_exists($return['groupid'], $extragroups) && $return['groupid'] != 0) { $errmsg = i("The submitted user group is invalid."); $err = 1; } if (!$err && $return['groupid'] == 0) { $return['groupid'] = 'NULL'; } if (!$err && ($return['seats'] < MIN_BLOCK_MACHINES || $return['seats'] > MAX_BLOCK_MACHINES)) { $errmsg = sprintf(i("The submitted number of seats must be between %d and %d."), MIN_BLOCK_MACHINES, MAX_BLOCK_MACHINES); $err = 1; } if (!$err) { $imgdata = getImages(0, $return['imageid']); $concur = $imgdata[$return['imageid']]['maxconcurrent']; if (!is_null($concur) && $concur != 0 && $return['seats'] > $concur) { $errmsg = sprintf(i("The selected image can only have %d concurrent reservations. Please reduce the number of requested seats to %d or less."), $concur, $concur); $err = 1; } } $dooverride = 0; # check user group access to image if (($method == 'new' || $method == 'edit') && !$err && !$override) { $groupresources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin", "imageCheckOut"), array("available"), 0, 0, 0, $return['groupid']); if (!array_key_exists($return['imageid'], $groupresources['image'])) { $dooverride = 1; $errmsg = i("WARNING - The selected user group does not currently have access to the selected environment. You can submit the Block Allocation again to ignore this warning."); $err = 1; } } if (!$err && $type != 'weekly' && $type != 'monthly' && $type != 'list') { $errmsg = i("You must select one of \"Repeating Weekly\", \"Repeating Monthly\", or \"List of Dates/Times\"."); $err = 1; } if (!$err) { if ($type == 'list') { $slots = processInputVar('slots', ARG_STRING); $return['slots'] = explode(',', $slots); $return['times'] = array(); $lastdate = array('day' => '', 'ts' => 0); foreach ($return['slots'] as $slot) { $tmp = explode('|', $slot); if (count($tmp) != 3) { $errmsg = i("Invalid date/time submitted."); $err = 1; break; } $date = $tmp[0]; if (!$err) { $datets = strtotime($date); if ($method != 'edit' && $datets < time() - SECINDAY) { $errmsg = i("The date must be today or later."); $err = 1; break; } } $return['times'][] = "{$tmp[1]}|{$tmp[2]}"; if ($datets > $lastdate['ts']) { $lastdate['ts'] = $datets; $lastdate['day'] = $date; } } if (!$err) { $expirets = strtotime("{$lastdate['day']} 23:59:59"); $return['expiretime'] = unixToDatetime($expirets); } } if ($type == 'weekly' || $type == 'monthly') { $return['startdate'] = processInputVar('startdate', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['enddate'] = processInputVar('enddate', ARG_NUMERIC); $times = processInputVar('times', ARG_STRING); $return['startts'] = strtotime($return['startdate']); $return['endts'] = strtotime($return['enddate']); if ($return['startts'] > $return['endts']) { $errmsg = i("The Last Date of Usage must be the same or later than the First Date of Usage."); $err = 1; } elseif ($method != 'edit' && $return['startts'] < time() - SECINDAY) { $errmsg = i("The start date must be today or later."); $err = 1; } $expirets = strtotime("{$return['enddate']} 23:59:59"); $return['expiretime'] = unixToDatetime($expirets); $return['times'] = explode(',', $times); } foreach ($return['times'] as $time) { $tmp = explode('|', $time); if (count($tmp) != 2) { $errmsg = i("Invalid start/end time submitted"); $err = 1; break; } $start = explode(':', $tmp[0]); if (count($start) != 2 || !is_numeric($start[0]) || !is_numeric($start[1]) || $start[0] < 0 || $start[0] > 23 || $start[1] < 0 || $start[1] > 59) { $errmsg = i("Invalid start time submitted"); $err = 1; break; } $end = explode(':', $tmp[1]); if (count($end) != 2 || !is_numeric($end[0]) || !is_numeric($end[1]) || $end[0] < 0 || $end[0] > 23 || $end[1] < 0 || $end[1] > 59) { $errmsg = i("Invalid end time submitted"); $err = 1; break; } $start = minuteOfDay($start[0], $start[1]); $end = minuteOfDay($end[0], $end[1]); if ($start >= $end) { $errmsg = i("Each start time must be less than the corresponding end time."); $err = 1; break; } } if ($type == 'weekly') { $validdays = 0; $errmsg = ''; for ($day = $return['startts'], $i = 0; $i < 7, $day < $return['endts'] + SECINDAY; $i++, $day += SECINDAY) { $daynum = date('w', $day); $validdays |= 1 << $daynum; } $days = processInputVar('days', ARG_STRING); $dayscheck = processInputVar('days', ARG_NUMERIC); if ($days == '' && $dayscheck == '0') { $days = 0; } $return['daymask'] = 0; if (!$err) { foreach (explode(',', $days) as $day) { if ($day == '' || $day < 0 || $day > 6) { $errmsg = i("Invalid day submitted."); $err = 1; break; } $return['daymask'] |= 1 << $day; } } if (!$err && ($return['daymask'] & $validdays) == 0) { $errmsg = i("No valid days submitted for the specified date range."); $err = 1; } } if ($type == 'monthly') { $return['weeknum'] = processInputVar('weeknum', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['day'] = processInputVar('day', ARG_NUMERIC); if (!$err && ($return['weeknum'] < 1 || $return['weeknum'] > 5)) { $errmsg = i("Invalid week number submitted."); $err = 1; } if (!$err && ($return['day'] < 1 || $return['day'] > 7)) { $errmsg = i("Invalid day of week submitted."); $err = 1; } $times = getMonthlyBlockTimes('', $return['startts'], $return['endts'], $return['day'], $return['weeknum'], $return['times']); if (!$err && empty($times)) { $errmsg = i("Specified day of month not found in date range."); $err = 1; } } } if ($method == 'request') { $return['comments'] = processInputVar('comments', ARG_STRING); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $return['comments'] = stripslashes($return['comments']); } if (!$err && preg_match('/[<>]/', $return['comments'])) { $errmsg = i("<>\\'s are not allowed in the comments."); $err = 1; } } if ($err) { print "clearHideConfirmForm();"; print "alert('{$errmsg}');"; $data = array('extragroups' => $extragroups, 'method' => $method); if ($method == 'edit') { $data['blockid'] = getContinuationVar('blockid'); } $cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJblockAllocationSubmit', $data, SECINWEEK, 1, 0); print "dojo.byId('submitcont').value = '{$cont}';"; if ($dooverride) { $data['override'] = 1; $cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJblockAllocationSubmit', $data, SECINWEEK, 1, 0); print "dojo.byId('submitcont2').value = '{$cont}';"; } else { print "dojo.byId('submitcont2').value = '';"; } } $return['type'] = $type; $return['err'] = $err; return $return; }
function processMgmtnodeInput($checks = 1) { global $submitErr, $submitErrMsg, $user, $mode; $return = array(); $mgmtnodes = getManagementNodes(); $return["mgmtnodeid"] = getContinuationVar("mgmtnodeid"); $return["hostname"] = getContinuationVar("hostname", processInputVar("hostname", ARG_STRING)); $return["IPaddress"] = getContinuationVar("IPaddress", processInputVar("IPaddress", ARG_STRING)); $return["owner"] = getContinuationVar("owner", processInputVar("owner", ARG_STRING, $user["unityid"])); $return["stateid"] = getContinuationVar("stateid", processInputVar("stateid", ARG_STRING)); $return["premoduleid"] = getContinuationVar("premoduleid", processInputVar("premoduleid", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["checkininterval"] = getContinuationVar("checkininterval", processInputVar("checkininterval", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["installpath"] = getContinuationVar("installpath", processInputVar("installpath", ARG_STRING)); $return["keys"] = getContinuationVar("keys", processInputVar("keys", ARG_STRING)); $return["sshport"] = getContinuationVar("sshport", processInputVar("sshport", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["imagelibenable"] = getContinuationVar("imagelibenable", processInputVar("imagelibenable", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["imagelibgroupid"] = getContinuationVar("imagelibgroupid", processInputVar("imagelibgroupid", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["imagelibuser"] = getContinuationVar("imagelibuser", processInputVar("imagelibuser", ARG_STRING)); $return["imagelibkey"] = getContinuationVar("imagelibkey", processInputVar("imagelibkey", ARG_STRING)); if ($return['checkininterval'] < 5) { $return['checkininterval'] = 5; } if ($return['checkininterval'] > 30) { $return['checkininterval'] = 30; } if ($return['sshport'] < 1 || $return['sshport'] > 65535) { $return['sshport'] = 22; } if ($return['imagelibenable'] != '' && $return['imagelibenable'] != 1) { $return['imagelibenable'] = ''; } if ($return['imagelibenable'] != 1) { $return["imagelibgroupid"] = 'NULL'; $return["imagelibuser"] = '******'; $return["imagelibkey"] = 'NULL'; } if (!$checks) { return $return; } if (!ereg('^[a-zA-Z0-9_][-a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]{1,49}$', $return["hostname"])) { $submitErr |= MNHOSTNAMEERR; $submitErrMsg[MNHOSTNAMEERR] = "Hostname can only contain letters, numbers, dashes(-), periods(.), and underscores(_). It can be from 1 to 50 characters long"; } if (!($submitErr & MNHOSTNAMEERR) && $mode != "confirmEditMgmtnode" && checkForMgmtnodeHostname($return["hostname"])) { $submitErr |= MNHOSTNAMEERR; $submitErrMsg[MNHOSTNAMEERR] = "A node already exists with this hostname."; } $ipaddrArr = explode('.', $return["IPaddress"]); if (!ereg('^(([0-9]){1,3}\\.){3}([0-9]){1,3}$', $return["IPaddress"]) || $ipaddrArr[0] < 1 || $ipaddrArr[0] > 255 || $ipaddrArr[1] < 0 || $ipaddrArr[1] > 255 || $ipaddrArr[2] < 0 || $ipaddrArr[2] > 255 || $ipaddrArr[3] < 1 || $ipaddrArr[3] > 255) { $submitErr |= IPADDRESSERR; $submitErrMsg[IPADDRESSERR] = "Invalid IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of " . "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"; } if ($mode != "confirmEditMgmtnode" && !($submitErr & IPADDRESSERR) && checkForMgmtnodeIPaddress($return["IPaddress"])) { $submitErr |= IPADDRESSERR; $submitErrMsg[IPADDRESSERR] = "A node already exists with this IP address."; } if (!validateUserid($return["owner"])) { $submitErr |= MNOWNERERR; $submitErrMsg[MNOWNERERR] = "Submitted ID is not valid"; } if (!preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\/]){2,100}$/', $return["installpath"])) { $submitErr |= MNINSTPATHERR; $submitErrMsg[MNINSTPATHERR] = "This can only contain letters, numbers, dashes(-), periods(.), underscores(_), and forward slashes(/). It can be from 2 to 100 characters long"; } if (!empty($return['keys']) && !preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\/,]){2,1024}$/', $return["keys"])) { $submitErr |= MNSSHIDKEYSERR; $submitErrMsg[MNSSHIDKEYSERR] = "This can only contain letters, numbers, dashes(-), periods(.), underscores(_), forward slashes(/), and commas(,). It can be from 2 to 1024 characters long"; } if ($return['imagelibenable'] == 1) { $validgroups = getUserResources(array('mgmtNodeAdmin'), array("manageGroup"), 1); if (!in_array($return['imagelibgroupid'], array_keys($validgroups['managementnode']))) { $submitErr |= MNIMGLIBGRPIDERR; $submitErrMsg[MNIMGLIBGRPIDERR] = "The selected group was invalid"; } if (!preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\/,]){2,20}$/', $return["imagelibuser"])) { $submitErr |= MNIMGLIBUSERERR; $submitErrMsg[MNIMGLIBUSERERR] = "This can only contain letters, numbers, and dashes(-) and can be from 2 to 20 characters long"; } if (!preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\/,]){2,100}$/', $return["imagelibkey"])) { $submitErr |= MNIMGLIBKEYERR; $submitErrMsg[MNIMGLIBKEYERR] = "This can only contain letters, numbers, dashes(-), periods(.), underscores(_), and forward slashes(/). It can be from 2 to 100 characters long"; } } else { $return["imagelibgroupid"] = 'NULL'; $return["imagelibuser"] = '******'; $return["imagelibkey"] = 'NULL'; } return $return; }
function validateResourceData() { global $user; $return = array('error' => 0); $return['rscid'] = getContinuationVar('rscid', 0); $return['name'] = processInputVar('name', ARG_STRING); $return['startnum'] = processInputVar('startnum', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['endnum'] = processInputVar('endnum', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['owner'] = processInputVar('owner', ARG_STRING, "{$user['unityid']}@{$user['affiliation']}"); $return['type'] = processInputVar('type', ARG_STRING); $return['IPaddress'] = processInputVar('ipaddress', ARG_STRING); $return['privateIPaddress'] = processInputVar('privateipaddress', ARG_STRING); $return['eth0macaddress'] = processInputVar('privatemac', ARG_STRING); $return['eth1macaddress'] = processInputVar('publicmac', ARG_STRING); $return['startpubipaddress'] = processInputVar('startpubipaddress', ARG_STRING); $return['endpubipaddress'] = processInputVar('endpubipaddress', ARG_STRING); $return['startprivipaddress'] = processInputVar('startprivipaddress', ARG_STRING); $return['endprivipaddress'] = processInputVar('endprivipaddress', ARG_STRING); $return['startmac'] = processInputVar('startmac', ARG_STRING); $return['provisioningid'] = processInputVar('provisioningid', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['stateid'] = processInputVar('stateid', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['notes'] = processInputVar('notes', ARG_STRING); $return['vmprofileid'] = processInputVar('vmprofileid', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['platformid'] = processInputVar('platformid', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['scheduleid'] = processInputVar('scheduleid', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['ram'] = processInputVar('ram', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['cores'] = processInputVar('cores', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['procspeed'] = processInputVar('procspeed', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['network'] = processInputVar('network', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['predictivemoduleid'] = processInputVar('predictivemoduleid', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['natenabled'] = processInputVar('natenabled', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['nathostid'] = processInputVar('nathostid', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['nathostenabled'] = processInputVar('nathostenabled', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['natpublicIPaddress'] = processInputVar('natpublicipaddress', ARG_STRING); $return['natinternalIPaddress'] = processInputVar('natinternalipaddress', ARG_STRING); $return['location'] = processInputVar('location', ARG_STRING); $addmode = processInputVar('addmode', ARG_STRING); if (!is_null($addmode) && $addmode != 'single' && $addmode != 'multiple') { $return['error'] = 1; $return['errormsg'] = "Invalid Add mode submitted"; return $return; } $olddata = getContinuationVar('olddata'); if ($return['rscid'] == 0) { $return['mode'] = 'add'; } else { $return['mode'] = 'edit'; } $errormsg = array(); # hostname $hostreg = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_][-a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]{1,49}$/'; if ($return['mode'] == 'add' && $addmode == 'multiple') { $hostreg = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_%][-a-zA-Z0-9_\\.%]{1,49}$/'; } if (!preg_match($hostreg, $return['name'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Hostname can only contain letters, numbers, dashes(-), periods(.), and underscores(_). It can be from 1 to 50 characters long"; } elseif ($this->checkForHostname($return['name'], $return['rscid'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "A computer already exists with this hostname."; } # add multiple if ($return['mode'] == 'add' && $addmode == 'multiple') { # startnum/endnum if ($return['startnum'] < 0 || $return['startnum'] > 255) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Start must be from 0 to 255"; } if ($return['endnum'] < 0 || $return['endnum'] > 255) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "End must be from 0 to 255"; } if ($return['startnum'] >= 0 && $return['startnum'] <= 255 && $return['endnum'] >= 0 && $return['endnum'] <= 255 && $return['startnum'] > $return['endnum']) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Start must be >= End"; } $checkhosts = array(); for ($i = $return['startnum']; $i <= $return['endnum']; $i++) { $checkhosts[] = str_replace('%', $i, $return['name']); } $allhosts = implode("','", $checkhosts); $query = "SELECT hostname FROM computer " . "WHERE hostname IN ('{$allhosts}') AND " . "deleted = 0"; $qh = doQuery($query); $exists = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh)) { $exists[] = $row['hostname']; } if (count($exists)) { $hosts = implode(', ', $exists); $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "There are already computers with these hostnames: {$hosts}"; } } else { $return['startnum'] = 0; $return['endnum'] = 0; } # owner if (!validateUserid($return['owner'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Submitted owner is not valid"; } # type if (!preg_match('/^(blade|lab|virtualmachine)$/', $return['type'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Submitted type is not valid"; } # edit or add single if ($return['rscid'] || $return['mode'] == 'add' && $addmode == 'single') { # ipaddress if (!validateIPv4addr($return['IPaddress'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid Public IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of " . "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"; } # private ipaddress if (strlen($return['privateIPaddress']) && !validateIPv4addr($return['privateIPaddress'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid Private IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of " . "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"; } # eth0macaddress if (strlen($return['eth0macaddress'])) { if (!preg_match('/^(([A-Fa-f0-9]){2}:){5}([A-Fa-f0-9]){2}$/', $return["eth0macaddress"])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid Private MAC address. Must be XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX " . "with each pair of XX being from 00 to FF (inclusive)"; } elseif ($this->checkForMACaddress($return['eth0macaddress'], 0, $return['rscid'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "There is already a computer with this Private MAC address."; } } # eth1macaddress if (strlen($return['eth1macaddress'])) { if (!preg_match('/^(([A-Fa-f0-9]){2}:){5}([A-Fa-f0-9]){2}$/', $return["eth1macaddress"])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid Public MAC address. Must be XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX " . "with each pair of XX being from 00 to FF (inclusive)"; } elseif ($this->checkForMACaddress($return['eth1macaddress'], 1, $return['rscid'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "There is already a computer with this Public MAC address."; } } } else { $return['IPaddress'] = ''; $return['privateIPaddress'] = ''; $return['eth0macaddress'] = ''; $return['eth1macaddress'] = ''; } # add multiple if ($return['mode'] == 'add' && $addmode == 'multiple') { if (!validateIPv4addr($return['startpubipaddress'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid Start Public IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of " . "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"; } if (!validateIPv4addr($return['endpubipaddress'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid End Public IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of " . "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"; } if (!validateIPv4addr($return['startprivipaddress'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid Start Private IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of " . "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"; } if (!validateIPv4addr($return['endprivipaddress'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid End Private IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of " . "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"; } $startpubiplong = ip2long($return['startpubipaddress']); $endpubiplong = ip2long($return['endpubipaddress']); if ($startpubiplong > $endpubiplong) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Start Public IP Address must be lower or equal to End Public IP Address"; } elseif ($endpubiplong - $startpubiplong != $return['endnum'] - $return['startnum']) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Public IP Address range does not equal Start/End range"; } $startpriviplong = ip2long($return['startprivipaddress']); $endpriviplong = ip2long($return['endprivipaddress']); if ($startpriviplong > $endpriviplong) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Start Private IP Address must be lower or equal to End Private IP Address"; } elseif ($endpriviplong - $startpriviplong != $return['endnum'] - $return['startnum']) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Private IP Address range does not equal Start/End range"; } $return['startpubiplong'] = $startpubiplong; $return['endpubiplong'] = $endpubiplong; $return['startpriviplong'] = $startpriviplong; $return['endpriviplong'] = $endpriviplong; $cnt = $endpubiplong - $startpubiplong + 1; if ($return['startmac'] != '') { if (!preg_match('/^(([A-Fa-f0-9]){2}:){5}([A-Fa-f0-9]){2}$/', $return['startmac'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid Start MAC address. Must be XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX " . "with each pair of XX being from 00 to FF (inclusive)"; } elseif ($this->checkMultiAddMacs($return['startmac'], $cnt, $msg, $macs)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = $msg; } $return['macs'] = $macs; } else { $return['macs'] = array(); } } else { $return['startpubipaddress'] = ''; $return['endpubipaddress'] = ''; $return['startprivipaddress'] = ''; $return['endprivipaddress'] = ''; $return['startmac'] = ''; } # provisioningid $provisioning = getProvisioning(); if (!array_key_exists($return['provisioningid'], $provisioning)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid Provisioning Engine selected"; } else { $return['provisioning'] = $provisioning[$return['provisioningid']]['name']; } # stateid 2 - available, 10 - maintenance, 20 - vmhostinuse if (!preg_match('/^(2|10|20)$/', $return['stateid']) && ($return['mode'] == 'add' || $return['stateid'] != $olddata['stateid'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for State"; } # validate type/provisioning combinations $provtypes = getProvisioningTypes(); if (($return['mode'] == 'add' || $olddata['provisioningid'] != $return['provisioningid']) && !array_key_exists($return['provisioningid'], $provtypes[$return['type']])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid Provisioning Engine selected for computer type"; } # validate type/provisioning/state combinations if ($return['mode'] == 'add' || $olddata['stateid'] != $return['stateid']) { if ($return['type'] == 'lab') { if ($return['stateid'] != 2 && $return['stateid'] != 10) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid state submitted for computer type Lab"; } } elseif ($return['type'] == 'virtualmachine') { if ($return['stateid'] != 10 && ($return['mode'] == 'add' || !is_numeric($olddata['vmhostid']) || $return['stateid'] != 2)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid state submitted for computer type Virtual Machine"; } } elseif ($return['type'] == 'blade') { if ($provisioning[$return['provisioningid']]['name'] == 'none' && $return['stateid'] != 10 && $return['stateid'] != 20) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid state submitted for computer type Bare Metal"; } } } # notes if ($return['stateid'] == 10) { if (!preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z0-9_\\. ,#\\(\\)=\\+:;]{0,5000})$/', $return['notes'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Maintenance reason can be up to 5000 characters long and may only<br>contain letters, numbers, spaces and these characters: - , . _ # ( ) = + : ;"; } } else { $return['notes'] = ''; } # vmprofileid $profiles = getVMProfiles(); if ($return['type'] == 'blade' && $return['stateid'] == 20 && !array_key_exists($return['vmprofileid'], $profiles)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for VM Host Profile"; } # platformid $platforms = getPlatforms(); if (!array_key_exists($return['platformid'], $platforms)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for Platform"; } # scheduleid $schedules = getSchedules(); if (!array_key_exists($return['scheduleid'], $schedules)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for Schedule"; } # ram if ($return['ram'] < 500 || $return['ram'] > 16777215) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for RAM"; } # cores if ($return['cores'] < 1 || $return['cores'] > 255) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for No. Cores"; } # procspeed if ($return['procspeed'] < 500 || $return['procspeed'] > 10000) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for Processor Speed"; } # network if (!preg_match('/^(10|100|1000|10000|100000)$/', $return['network'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for Network"; } # predictivemoduleid $premodules = getPredictiveModules(); if (!array_key_exists($return['predictivemoduleid'], $premodules)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for Predictive Loading Module"; } $naterror = 0; # natenabled if ($return['natenabled'] != 0 && $return['natenabled'] != 1) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value for Connect Using NAT"; $naterror = 1; } # nathostid $nathosts = getNAThosts(); if ($return['natenabled'] && $return['nathostid'] == 0 || $return['nathostid'] != 0 && !array_key_exists($return['nathostid'], $nathosts)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for NAT Host"; $naterror = 1; } # nat change - check for active reservations $vclreloadid = getUserlistID('vclreload@Local'); if ($return['mode'] == 'edit') { if ($olddata['nathostid'] == '') { $olddata['nathostid'] = 0; } if (!$naterror && ($olddata['natenabled'] != $return['natenabled'] || $olddata['nathostid'] != $return['nathostid'])) { $query = "SELECT " . "FROM request rq, " . "reservation rs " . "WHERE rs.requestid = AND " . "rs.computerid = {$return['rscid']} AND " . "rq.start <= NOW() AND " . "rq.end > NOW() AND " . "rq.stateid NOT IN (1,5,11,12) AND " . "rq.laststateid NOT IN (1,5,11,12) AND " . "rq.userid != {$vclreloadid}"; $qh = doQuery($query); if (mysql_num_rows($qh)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "This computer has an active reservation. NAT settings cannot be changed for computers having<br>active reservations."; } } } $nathosterror = 0; # nathostenabled if ($return['nathostenabled'] != 0 && $return['nathostenabled'] != 1) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value for Use as NAT Host"; $nathosterror = 1; } # natpublicIPaddress if ($return['nathostenabled'] && ($return['mode'] == 'edit' || $addmode == 'single')) { if (!validateIPv4addr($return['natpublicIPaddress'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid NAT Public IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of " . "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"; $nathosterror = 1; } # natinternalIPaddress if (!validateIPv4addr($return['natinternalIPaddress'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid NAT Internal IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of " . "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"; $nathosterror = 1; } } # nat host change - check for active reservations if (!$nathosterror && $return['mode'] == 'edit') { if ($olddata['nathostenabled'] != $return['nathostenabled'] || $olddata['natpublicIPaddress'] != $return['natpublicIPaddress'] || $olddata['natinternalIPaddress'] != $return['natinternalIPaddress']) { $query = "SELECT " . "FROM request rq, " . "reservation rs, " . "nathostcomputermap nhcm, " . "nathost nh " . "WHERE rs.requestid = AND " . "rs.computerid = nhcm.computerid AND " . "nhcm.nathostid = AND " . "nh.resourceid = {$olddata['resourceid']} AND " . "rq.start <= NOW() AND " . "rq.end > NOW() AND " . "rq.stateid NOT IN (1,5,11,12) AND " . "rq.laststateid NOT IN (1,5,11,12) AND " . "rq.userid != {$vclreloadid}"; $qh = doQuery($query); if (mysql_num_rows($qh)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "This computer is the NAT host for other computers that have active reservations. NAT host<br>settings cannot be changed while providing NAT for active reservations."; } } } # location if (!preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z0-9_\\. ,@#\\(\\)]{0,255})$/', $return['location'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for Location"; } if ($return['mode'] == 'add') { $return['addmode'] = $addmode; } if ($return['error']) { $return['errormsg'] = implode('<br>', $errormsg); } return $return; }
function processInput($configid) { $return = array(); $configtypes = getConfigTypes(); $return['typeid'] = processInputVar('typeid', ARG_NUMERIC); if (!array_key_exists($return['typeid'], $configtypes)) { $this->errmsg = "Invalid type submitted"; return 0; } $return['name'] = processInputVar('name', ARG_STRING); if (!preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z0-9\\. ]){3,80}$/', $return['name'])) { $this->errmsg = "The name can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes(-)," . "\\nand periods(.) and can be from 3 to 80 characters long"; return 0; } # check for existance of name $name = mysql_real_escape_string($return['name']); $query = "SELECT id FROM config WHERE name = '{$name}' AND id != {$configid}"; $qh = doQuery($query); if (mysql_num_rows($qh)) { $this->errmsg = "Another config with this name already exists."; return 0; } # owner $return['owner'] = processInputVar('owner', ARG_STRING); if (!validateUserid($return['owner'])) { $this->errmsg = "Invalid user submitted for owner"; return 0; } $return['ownerid'] = getUserlistID($return['owner']); if (is_null($return['owner'])) { $this->errmsg = "Invalid user submitted for owner"; return 0; } # optional $return['optional'] = processInputVar('optional', ARG_NUMERIC); if ($return['optional'] !== '0' && $return['optional'] !== '1') { $this->errmsg = "Invalid data submitted"; return 0; } # type $return['type'] = $configtypes[$return['typeid']]; # cluster if ($return['type'] == 'Cluster') { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $tmp = stripslashes($_POST['subimages']); } else { $tmp = $_POST['subimages']; } $tmp = json_decode($tmp, 1); if (is_null($tmp)) { $this->errmsg = "Invalid data submitted"; return 0; } $resources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin")); $return['subimages'] = $tmp['items']; foreach ($return['subimages'] as $key => $sub) { if (!array_key_exists($sub['imageid'], $resources['image'])) { $this->errmsg = "Invalid subimage submitted"; return 0; } elseif (!is_numeric($sub['min']) || $sub['min'] < 1 || $sub['min'] > MAXSUBIMAGES || !is_numeric($sub['max']) || $sub['max'] < 1 || $sub['max'] > MAXSUBIMAGES || $sub['min'] > $sub['max']) { $this->errmsg = "Invalid min/max value submitted for {$resources['image'][$sub['imageid']]}"; return 0; } elseif ($sub['deleted'] != 0 && $sub['deleted'] != 1) { if ($sub['id'] > 15000000) { unset($return['subimages'][$key]); } else { $return['subimages'][$key]['deleted'] = 0; } } } $return['data'] = ''; } elseif ($return['type'] == 'VLAN') { $tmp = getContinuationVar('configdata'); $vdata = $tmp['variables'][0]; $return['data'] = processInputVar('vlanid', ARG_NUMERIC); if ($return['data'] < 1 || $return['data'] > 4095) { $this->errmsg = "VLAN ID must be between 1 and 4095"; return 0; } $var = array($vdata['id'] => array('id' => $vdata['id'], 'name' => 'VLAN', 'identifier' => $vdata['identifier'], 'datatypeid' => $vdata['datatypeid'], 'defaultvalue' => $return['data'], 'required' => '1', 'ask' => '0', 'deleted' => '0')); $return['configvariables'] = $var; } else { # TODO may need more validation on data $return['data'] = trim($_POST['data']); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $return['data'] = stripslashes($return['data']); } if (!is_string($return['data']) || $return['data'] == '') { $this->errmsg = "cannot be empty"; return 0; } # TODO validate configvariable input if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $tmp = stripslashes($_POST['configvariables']); } else { $tmp = $_POST['configvariables']; } $tmp = json_decode($tmp, 1); $return['configvariables'] = $tmp['items']; } return $return; }
function validateResourceData() { global $user; $return = array('error' => 0); $return["name"] = processInputVar("name", ARG_STRING); $return["owner"] = processInputVar("owner", ARG_STRING, "{$user["unityid"]}@{$user['affiliation']}"); $return["ram"] = processInputVar("ram", ARG_NUMERIC, 512); $return["cores"] = processInputVar("cores", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["cpuspeed"] = processInputVar("cpuspeed", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["networkspeed"] = (int) processInputVar("networkspeed", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["concurrent"] = processInputVar("concurrent", ARG_NUMERIC, 0); $return["reload"] = processInputVar("reload", ARG_NUMERIC); # not in add $return["checkout"] = processInputVar("checkout", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["checkuser"] = processInputVar("checkuser", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["rootaccess"] = processInputVar("rootaccess", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["sethostname"] = processInputVar("sethostname", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["sysprep"] = processInputVar("sysprep", ARG_NUMERIC); # only in add $return["connectmethodids"] = processInputVar("connectmethodids", ARG_STRING); # only in add $return['requestid'] = getContinuationVar('requestid'); # only in add $return["imageid"] = getContinuationVar('imageid'); $return['baserevisionid'] = getContinuationVar('baserevisionid'); $return["desc"] = processInputVar("desc", ARG_STRING); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $return["desc"] = stripslashes($return['desc']); } $return['desc'] = preg_replace("/[\n\\s]*\$/", '', $return['desc']); $return['desc'] = preg_replace("/\r/", '', $return['desc']); $return['desc'] = htmlspecialchars($return['desc']); $return['desc'] = preg_replace("/\n/", '<br>', $return['desc']); $return["usage"] = processInputVar("usage", ARG_STRING); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $return["usage"] = stripslashes($return['usage']); } $return['usage'] = preg_replace("/[\n\\s]*\$/", '', $return['usage']); $return['usage'] = preg_replace("/\r/", '', $return['usage']); $return['usage'] = htmlspecialchars($return['usage']); $return['usage'] = preg_replace("/\n/", '<br>', $return['usage']); $return["comments"] = processInputVar("imgcomments", ARG_STRING); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $return["comments"] = stripslashes($return['comments']); } $return['comments'] = preg_replace("/[\n\\s]*\$/", '', $return['comments']); $return['comments'] = preg_replace("/\r/", '', $return['comments']); $return['comments'] = htmlspecialchars($return['comments']); $return['comments'] = preg_replace("/\n/", '<br>', $return['comments']); if ($return['requestid'] != '') { $return['mode'] = 'add'; } else { $return['mode'] = 'edit'; } $errormsg = array(); if (preg_match("/[-'\"]/", $return["name"]) || strlen($return["name"]) > 60 || strlen($return["name"]) < 2) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = i("Name must be from 2 to 60 characters and cannot contain any dashes (-), single (') or double (\") quotes."); } elseif (!preg_match('/^[\\x20-\\x7E]+$/', $return["name"])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = i("Name can only contain alphabets, numbers, signs, and spaces."); } else { if ($return['mode'] == 'edit') { $imageid = $return['imageid']; } else { $imageid = ''; } if ($this->checkForImageName($return["name"], "long", $imageid)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = i("An image already exists with this name."); } } if ($return["ram"] < 0 || $return["ram"] > 8388607) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = i("RAM must be between 0 and 8388607"); } if ($return["cores"] < 0 || $return["cores"] > 255) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = i("Cores must be between 0 and 255"); } if ($return["cpuspeed"] < 0 || $return["cpuspeed"] > 20000) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = i("Processor Speed must be between 0 and 20000"); } $lognetwork = log10($return['networkspeed']); if ($lognetwork < 1 || $lognetwork > 5) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = i("Invalid value submitted for network speed"); } if (!is_numeric($return['concurrent']) && !empty($return['concurrent']) || is_numeric($return['concurrent']) && ($return["concurrent"] < 0 || $return["concurrent"] > 255)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = i("Max concurrent usage must be between 0 and 255"); } if ($return['mode'] == 'edit' && ($return["reload"] < 0 || $return["reload"] > 120)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = i("Estimated Reload Time must be between 0 and 120"); } if (!validateUserid($return["owner"])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = i("Submitted ID is not valid"); } if ($return['checkout'] != 0 && $return['checkout'] != 1) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = i("Available for checkout must be Yes or No"); } if ($return['checkuser'] != 0 && $return['checkuser'] != 1) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = i("Check for logged in user must be Yes or No"); } if ($return['rootaccess'] != 0 && $return['rootaccess'] != 1) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = i("Users have administrative access must be Yes or No"); } if ($return['sethostname'] != 0 && $return['sethostname'] != 1) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = i("Set computer hostname must be Yes or No"); } if ($return['mode'] == 'add' && $return['sysprep'] != 0 && $return['sysprep'] != 1) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = i("Use sysprep must be Yes or No"); } if (empty($return['desc'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = i("You must include a description of the image") . "<br>"; } if ($return['mode'] == 'add') { if (!preg_match('/^[,0-9]+$/', $return['connectmethodids'])) { $tmp = getImageConnectMethods($return['imageid'], getContinuationVar('baserevisionid', 0)); $return['connectmethodids'] = implode(',', array_keys($tmp)); } else { $conmethods = getConnectMethods($return['imageid']); $ids = array(); foreach (explode(',', $return['connectmethodids']) as $id) { if (array_key_exists($id, $conmethods)) { $ids[$id] = 1; } } if (empty($ids)) { $ids = getImageConnectMethods($return['imageid'], getContinuationVar('baserevisionid', 0)); } $return['connectmethodids'] = implode(',', array_keys($ids)); } } if ($return['error']) { $return['errormsg'] = implode('<br>', $errormsg); } return $return; }
function addGroupUser() { global $submitErr, $submitErrMsg; $groupid = getContinuationVar("groupid"); $newuser = processInputVar("newuser", ARG_STRING); if (validateUserid($newuser) != 1) { $submitErr |= IDNAMEERR; $submitErrMsg[IDNAMEERR] = "Invalid login ID"; editOrAddGroup(0); return; } addUserGroupMember($newuser, $groupid); editOrAddGroup(0); }
function processImageInput($checks = 1) { global $submitErr, $submitErrMsg, $user; $return = array(); $mode = processInputVar("mode", ARG_STRING); $return["imageid"] = processInputVar("imageid", ARG_NUMERIC, getContinuationVar('imageid')); $return['requestid'] = getContinuationVar('requestid'); #$return["name"] = processInputVar("name", ARG_STRING); $return["prettyname"] = processInputVar("prettyname", ARG_STRING); $return["owner"] = processInputVar("owner", ARG_STRING, "{$user["unityid"]}@{$user['affiliation']}"); #$return["platformid"] = processInputVar("platformid", ARG_NUMERIC); #$return["osid"] = processInputVar("osid", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["minram"] = processInputVar("minram", ARG_NUMERIC, 64); $return["minprocnumber"] = processInputVar("minprocnumber", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["minprocspeed"] = processInputVar("minprocspeed", ARG_NUMERIC, 500); $return["minnetwork"] = processInputVar("minnetwork", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["maxconcurrent"] = processInputVar("maxconcurrent", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["reloadtime"] = processInputVar("reloadtime", ARG_NUMERIC, 10); $return["forcheckout"] = processInputVar("forcheckout", ARG_NUMERIC, 1); $return["checkuser"] = processInputVar("checkuser", ARG_NUMERIC, 1); $return["usergroupid"] = processInputVar("usergroupid", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["sysprep"] = processInputVar("sysprep", ARG_NUMERIC, 1); $return["description"] = processInputVar("description", ARG_STRING); $return["usage"] = processInputVar("usage", ARG_STRING); $return["comments"] = processInputVar("comments", ARG_STRING); $return['description'] = preg_replace("/[\n\\s]*\$/", '', $return['description']); $return['description'] = preg_replace("/\r/", '', $return['description']); $return['description'] = htmlspecialchars($return['description']); $return['description'] = preg_replace("/\n/", '<br>', $return['description']); $return['usage'] = preg_replace("/[\n\\s]*\$/", '', $return['usage']); $return['usage'] = preg_replace("/\r/", '', $return['usage']); $return['usage'] = htmlspecialchars($return['usage']); $return['usage'] = preg_replace("/\n/", '<br>', $return['usage']); $return['comments'] = preg_replace("/[\n\\s]*\$/", '', $return['comments']); $return['comments'] = preg_replace("/\r/", '', $return['comments']); $return['comments'] = htmlspecialchars($return['comments']); $return['comments'] = preg_replace("/\n/", '<br>', $return['comments']); if (!$checks) { return $return; } /*if($mode != "confirmAddImage" && (strlen($return["name"]) > 30 || strlen($return["name"]) < 2)) { $submitErr |= NAMEERR; $submitErrMsg[NAMEERR] = "Short Name must be from 2 to 30 characters"; } if(! ($submitErr & NAMEERR) && checkForImageName($return["name"], "short", $return["imageid"])) { $submitErr |= NAMEERR; $submitErrMsg[NAMEERR] = "An image already exists with this name."; }*/ if (ereg('-', $return["prettyname"]) || strlen($return["prettyname"]) > 60 || strlen($return["prettyname"]) < 2) { $submitErr |= PRETTYNAMEERR; $submitErrMsg[PRETTYNAMEERR] = "Long Name must be from 2 to 60 characters " . "and cannot contain any dashes (-)."; } if (!($submitErr & PRETTYNAMEERR) && checkForImageName($return["prettyname"], "long", $return["imageid"])) { $submitErr |= PRETTYNAMEERR; $submitErrMsg[PRETTYNAMEERR] = "An image already exists with this name."; } if ($return["minram"] < 0 || $return["minram"] > 20480) { $submitErr |= MINRAMERR; $submitErrMsg[MINRAMERR] = "RAM must be between 0 and 20480 MB"; } if ($return["minprocspeed"] < 0 || $return["minprocspeed"] > 20000) { $submitErr |= MINPROCSPEEDERR; $submitErrMsg[MINPROCSPEEDERR] = "Processor Speed must be between 0 and 20000"; } if (!is_numeric($return['maxconcurrent']) && !empty($return['maxconcurrent']) || is_numeric($return['maxconcurrent']) && ($return["maxconcurrent"] < 1 || $return["maxconcurrent"] > 255)) { $submitErr |= MAXCONCURRENTERR; $submitErrMsg[MAXCONCURRENTERR] = "Max concurrent usage must be blank or between 1 and 255"; } if ($return["reloadtime"] < 0 || $return["reloadtime"] > 120) { $submitErr |= RELOADTIMEERR; $submitErrMsg[RELOADTIMEERR] = "Estimated Reload Time must be between 0 and 120"; } if (!validateUserid($return["owner"])) { $submitErr |= IMGOWNERERR; $submitErrMsg[IMGOWNERERR] = "Submitted ID is not valid"; } if (empty($return['description'])) { $submitErr |= IMAGEDESCRIPTIONERR; $submitErrMsg[IMAGEDESCRIPTIONERR] = "You must include a description of the image<br>"; } return $return; }
function validateAPIgroupInput($items, $exists) { # initialMaxTime if (array_key_exists('initialMaxTime', $items)) { if (!is_numeric($items['initialMaxTime']) || $items['initialMaxTime'] < 1 || $items['initialMaxTime'] > 65535) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 21, 'errormsg' => 'submitted initialMaxTime is invalid'); } } # totalMaxTime if (array_key_exists('totalMaxTime', $items)) { if (!is_numeric($items['totalMaxTime']) || $items['totalMaxTime'] < 1 || $items['totalMaxTime'] > 65535) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 22, 'errormsg' => 'submitted totalMaxTime is invalid'); } } # maxExtendTime if (array_key_exists('maxExtendTime', $items)) { if (!is_numeric($items['maxExtendTime']) || $items['maxExtendTime'] < 1 || $items['maxExtendTime'] > 65535) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 23, 'errormsg' => 'submitted maxExtendTime is invalid'); } } # affiliation if (array_key_exists('affiliation', $items)) { $esc_affiliation = mysql_escape_string($items['affiliation']); $affilid = getAffiliationID($esc_affiliation); if (is_null($affilid)) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 17, 'errormsg' => 'unknown affiliation'); } $items['affiliationid'] = $affilid; } # name if (array_key_exists('name', $items)) { if (!ereg('^[-a-zA-Z0-9_\\.: ]{3,30}$', $items['name'])) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 19, 'errormsg' => 'Name must be between 3 and 30 characters ' . 'and can only contain letters, numbers, and ' . 'these characters: - _ . :'); } $esc_name = mysql_escape_string($items['name']); $doesexist = checkForGroupName($esc_name, 'user', '', $affilid); if ($exists && !$doesexist) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 18, 'errormsg' => 'user group with submitted name and affiliation does not exist'); } elseif (!$exists && $doesexist) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 27, 'errormsg' => 'existing user group with submitted name and affiliation'); } elseif ($exists && $doesexist) { $items['id'] = getUserGroupID($esc_name, $affilid); } } # owner if (array_key_exists('owner', $items)) { if (!validateUserid(mysql_escape_string($items['owner']))) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 20, 'errormsg' => 'submitted owner is invalid'); } } # managingGroup if (array_key_exists('managingGroup', $items)) { $parts = explode('@', $items['managingGroup']); if (count($parts) != 2) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 24, 'errormsg' => 'submitted managingGroup is invalid'); } $esc_mgName = mysql_escape_string($parts[0]); $esc_mgAffil = mysql_escape_string($parts[1]); $mgaffilid = getAffiliationID($esc_mgAffil); if (!checkForGroupName($esc_mgName, 'user', '', $mgaffilid)) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 25, 'errormsg' => 'submitted managingGroup does not exist'); } $items['managingGroupID'] = getUserGroupID($esc_mgName, $mgaffilid); $items['managingGroupName'] = $parts[0]; $items['managingGroupAffilid'] = $mgaffilid; } $items['status'] = 'success'; return $items; }
function processUserPrefsInput($checks = 1) { global $submitErr, $submitErrMsg, $user; $return = array(); $defaultres = $user["width"] . 'x' . $user["height"]; $return["preferredname"] = processInputVar("preferredname", ARG_STRING, $user["preferredname"]); $return["resolution"] = processInputVar("resolution", ARG_STRING, $defaultres); $return["bpp"] = processInputVar("bpp", ARG_NUMERIC, $user["bpp"]); $return["audiomode"] = processInputVar("audiomode", ARG_STRING, $user["audiomode"]); $return["mapdrives"] = processInputVar("mapdrives", ARG_NUMERIC, $user["mapdrives"]); $return["mapprinters"] = processInputVar("mapprinters", ARG_NUMERIC, $user["mapprinters"]); $return["mapserial"] = processInputVar("mapserial", ARG_NUMERIC, $user["mapserial"]); $return['unityid'] = "{$user['unityid']}@{$user['affiliation']}"; if (!$checks) { return $return; } if (strlen($return["preferredname"]) > 25) { $submitErr |= PREFNAMEERR; $submitErrMsg[PREFNAMEERR] = "Preferred name can only be up to 25 characters"; } if (!ereg('^[a-zA-Z ]*$', $return["preferredname"])) { $submitErr |= PREFNAMEERR; $submitErrMsg[PREFNAMEERR] = "Preferred name can only contain letters and spaces"; } if (array_key_exists('unityid', $return) && !validateUserid($return['unityid'])) { $submitErr |= VIEWASUSERERR; $submitErrMsg[VIEWASUSERERR] = "Invalid user id"; } if ($user['affiliation'] == 'Local') { $return['newpassword'] = $_POST['newpassword']; $confirmpwd = $_POST['confirmpassword']; $curr = $_POST['currentpassword']; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $return['newpassword'] = stripslashes($return['newpassword']); $confirmpwd = stripslashes($confirmpwd); $curr = stripslashes($curr); } if (!empty($return['newpassword']) && !empty($confirmpwd) && !validateLocalAccount($user['unityid'], $curr)) { $submitErr |= LOCALPASSWORDERR; $submitErrMsg[LOCALPASSWORDERR] = "Password incorrect"; } elseif (empty($return['newpassword']) && !empty($confirmpwd) || !empty($return['newpassword']) && empty($confirmpwd) || $return['newpassword'] != $confirmpwd) { $submitErr |= LOCALPASSWORDERR; $submitErrMsg[LOCALPASSWORDERR] = "Passwords do not match"; } } return $return; }
function AJsubmitAddUserPriv() { global $submitErr, $submitErrMsg, $user; $node = processInputVar("activeNode", ARG_NUMERIC); if (!checkUserHasPriv("userGrant", $user["id"], $node)) { $text = "You do not have rights to add new users at this node."; print "addUserPaneHide(); "; print "alert('{$text}');"; dbDisconnect(); exit; } $newuser = processInputVar("newuser", ARG_STRING); if (!validateUserid($newuser)) { $text = "<font color=red>{$newuser} is not a valid userid</font>"; print setAttribute('addUserPrivStatus', 'innerHTML', $text); dbDisconnect(); exit; } $perms = explode(':', processInputVar('perms', ARG_STRING)); $usertypes = getTypes("users"); array_push($usertypes["users"], "block"); array_push($usertypes["users"], "cascade"); $newuserprivs = array(); foreach ($usertypes["users"] as $type) { if (in_array($type, $perms)) { array_push($newuserprivs, $type); } } if (empty($newuserprivs) || count($newuserprivs) == 1 && in_array("cascade", $newuserprivs)) { $text = "<font color=red>No user privileges were specified</font>"; print setAttribute('addUserPrivStatus', 'innerHTML', $text); dbDisconnect(); exit; } $node = processInputVar("activeNode", ARG_NUMERIC); updateUserOrGroupPrivs($newuser, $node, $newuserprivs, array(), "user"); clearPrivCache(); print "refreshPerms();"; dbDisconnect(); exit; }
function processScheduleInput($checks = 1) { global $submitErr, $submitErrMsg; $return = array(); $return["start"] = array(); $return["end"] = array(); $return["scheduleid"] = getContinuationVar("scheduleid", processInputVar("scheduleid", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["name"] = getContinuationVar("name", processInputVar("name", ARG_STRING)); $return["owner"] = getContinuationVar("owner", processInputVar("owner", ARG_STRING)); $return["submode"] = processInputVar("submode", ARG_STRING); $return["selrow"] = processInputVar("selrow", ARG_NUMERIC); $return["count"] = getContinuationVar("count", processInputVar("count", ARG_NUMERIC, 0)); $return["startDay"] = processInputVar("startDay", ARG_MULTINUMERIC); $return["startTime"] = processInputVar("startTime", ARG_MULTISTRING); $return["endDay"] = processInputVar("endDay", ARG_MULTINUMERIC); $return["endTime"] = processInputVar("endTime", ARG_MULTISTRING); if (!$checks) { return $return; } if (strlen($return["name"]) > 25 || strlen($return["name"]) < 2) { $submitErr |= SCHNAMEERR; $submitErrMsg[SCHNAMEERR] = "Name must be from 2 to 30 characters"; } if (!($submitErr & SCHNAMEERR) && checkForScheduleName($return["name"], $return["scheduleid"])) { $submitErr |= SCHNAMEERR; $submitErrMsg[SCHNAMEERR] = "A schedule already exists with this name."; } if (!validateUserid($return["owner"])) { $submitErr |= SCHOWNERERR; $submitErrMsg[SCHOWNERERR] = "The submitted unity ID is invalid."; } for ($i = 0; $i < $return["count"]; $i++) { if (!ereg('^((0?[1-9])|(1[0-2])):([0-5][0-9]) (am|pm)$', $return["startTime"][$i]) || !ereg('^((0?[1-9])|(1[0-2])):([0-5][0-9]) (am|pm)$', $return["endTime"][$i])) { $submitErr |= 1 << $i; $submitErrMsg[1 << $i] = "Time must be of the form [H]H:MM am/pm"; } elseif (daytimeToMin($return["startDay"][$i], $return["startTime"][$i], "start") >= daytimeToMin($return["endDay"][$i], $return["endTime"][$i], "end")) { $submitErr |= 1 << $i; $submitErrMsg[1 << $i] = "The start day/time must be before the end day/time"; } } for ($i = 0; $i < $return["count"] - 1; $i++) { for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $return["count"]; $j++) { if (daytimeToMin($return["startDay"][$i], $return["startTime"][$i], "start") < daytimeToMin($return["endDay"][$j], $return["endTime"][$j], "end") && daytimeToMin($return["endDay"][$i], $return["endTime"][$i], "end") > daytimeToMin($return["startDay"][$j], $return["startTime"][$j], "start")) { $submitErr |= OVERLAPERR; $submitErrMsg[OVERLAPERR] = "At least 2 of the time periods overlap. Please combine them into a single entry."; break 2; } } } return $return; }
function XMLRPCaddUsersToGroup($name, $affiliation, $users) { global $user; if (!in_array('groupAdmin', $user['privileges'])) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 16, 'errormsg' => 'access denied for managing user groups'); } $validate = array('name' => $name, 'affiliation' => $affiliation); $rc = validateAPIgroupInput($validate, 1); if ($rc['status'] == 'error') { return $rc; } $query = "SELECT ownerid, " . "editusergroupid AS editgroupid " . "FROM usergroup " . "WHERE id = {$rc['id']}"; $qh = doQuery($query, 101); if (!($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qh))) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 18, 'errormsg' => 'user group with submitted name and affiliation does not exist'); } # if not owner and not member of managing group, no access if ($user['id'] != $row['ownerid'] && !array_key_exists($row['editgroupid'], $user['groups'])) { return array('status' => 'error', 'errorcode' => 28, 'errormsg' => 'access denied to user group with submitted name and affiliation'); } $fails = array(); foreach ($users as $_user) { if (empty($_user)) { continue; } $esc_user = mysql_escape_string($_user); if (validateUserid($esc_user) == 1) { addUserGroupMember($esc_user, $rc['id']); } else { $fails[] = $_user; } } if (count($fails)) { $cnt = 'some'; $code = 34; if (count($fails) == count($users)) { $cnt = 'all submitted'; $code = 35; } return array('status' => 'warning', 'failedusers' => $fails, 'warningcode' => $code, 'warningmsg' => "failed to add {$cnt} users to user group"); } return array('status' => 'success'); }
function processBulkComputerInput($checks = 1) { global $submitErr, $submitErrMsg, $viewmode; $return = processComputerInput2(); $ipaddress = getContinuationVar("ipaddress", processInputVar("ipaddress", ARG_STRING)); if (!empty($ipaddress)) { $return["startipaddress"] = $ipaddress; $tmp = $ipaddress; $tmpArr = explode('.', $tmp); array_pop($tmpArr); $return["endipaddress"] = implode('.', $tmpArr); $return["starthostval"] = ""; $return["endhostval"] = ""; } else { $return["startipaddress"] = getContinuationVar("startipaddress", processInputVar("startipaddress", ARG_STRING)); $return["endipaddress"] = getContinuationVar("endipaddress", processInputVar("endipaddress", ARG_STRING)); $return["starthostval"] = getContinuationVar("starthostval", processInputVar("starthostval", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["endhostval"] = getContinuationVar("endhostval", processInputVar("endhostval", ARG_NUMERIC)); } $return["startpripaddress"] = getContinuationVar("startpripaddress", processInputVar("startpripaddress", ARG_STRING)); $return["endpripaddress"] = getContinuationVar("endpripaddress", processInputVar("endpripaddress", ARG_STRING)); $return["startmac"] = getContinuationVar("startmac", processInputVar("startmac", ARG_STRING)); $return["stateid"] = getContinuationVar("stateid", processInputVar("stateid", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["owner"] = getContinuationVar("owner", processInputVar("owner", ARG_STRING)); $return["platformid"] = getContinuationVar("platformid", processInputVar("platformid", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["scheduleid"] = getContinuationVar("scheduleid", processInputVar("scheduleid", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["ram"] = getContinuationVar("ram", processInputVar("ram", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["numprocs"] = getContinuationVar("numprocs", processInputVar("numprocs", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["procspeed"] = getContinuationVar("procspeed", processInputVar("procspeed", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["network"] = getContinuationVar("network", processInputVar("network", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["hostname"] = getContinuationVar("hostname", processInputVar("hostname", ARG_STRING)); $return["type"] = getContinuationVar("type", processInputVar("type", ARG_STRING)); $return["provisioningid"] = getContinuationVar("provisioningid", processInputVar("provisioningid", ARG_NUMERIC)); $return["computergroup"] = getContinuationVar("computergroup", processInputVar("computergroup", ARG_MULTINUMERIC)); $return['macs'] = getContinuationVar('macs', array()); if (!$checks) { return $return; } $startaddrArr = explode('.', $return["startipaddress"]); if (!ereg('^(([0-9]){1,3}\\.){3}([0-9]){1,3}$', $return["startipaddress"]) || $startaddrArr[0] < 1 || $startaddrArr[0] > 255 || $startaddrArr[1] < 0 || $startaddrArr[1] > 255 || $startaddrArr[2] < 0 || $startaddrArr[2] > 255 || $startaddrArr[3] < 1 || $startaddrArr[3] > 255) { $submitErr |= IPADDRERR; $submitErrMsg[IPADDRERR] = "Invalid IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of " . "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"; } $endaddrArr = explode('.', $return["endipaddress"]); if (!ereg('^(([0-9]){1,3}\\.){3}([0-9]){1,3}$', $return["endipaddress"]) || $endaddrArr[0] < 1 || $endaddrArr[0] > 255 || $endaddrArr[1] < 0 || $endaddrArr[1] > 255 || $endaddrArr[2] < 0 || $endaddrArr[2] > 255 || $endaddrArr[3] < 1 || $endaddrArr[3] > 255) { $submitErr |= IPADDRERR2; $submitErrMsg[IPADDRERR2] = "Invalid IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of " . "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"; } $endpraddrArr = array(); if ($viewmode == ADMIN_DEVELOPER) { if (!empty($return['startpripaddress']) || !empty($return['endpripaddress'])) { $startpraddrArr = explode('.', $return["startpripaddress"]); if (!ereg('^(([0-9]){1,3}\\.){3}([0-9]){1,3}$', $return["startpripaddress"]) || $startpraddrArr[0] < 1 || $startpraddrArr[0] > 255 || $startpraddrArr[1] < 0 || $startpraddrArr[1] > 255 || $startpraddrArr[2] < 0 || $startpraddrArr[2] > 255 || $startpraddrArr[3] < 1 || $startpraddrArr[3] > 255) { $submitErr |= IPADDRERR3; $submitErrMsg[IPADDRERR3] = "Invalid IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of " . "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"; } $endpraddrArr = explode('.', $return["endpripaddress"]); if (!ereg('^(([0-9]){1,3}\\.){3}([0-9]){1,3}$', $return["endpripaddress"]) || $endpraddrArr[0] < 1 || $endpraddrArr[0] > 255 || $endpraddrArr[1] < 0 || $endpraddrArr[1] > 255 || $endpraddrArr[2] < 0 || $endpraddrArr[2] > 255 || $endpraddrArr[3] < 1 || $endpraddrArr[3] > 255) { $submitErr |= IPADDRERR4; $submitErrMsg[IPADDRERR4] = "Invalid IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of " . "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"; } } if (!empty($return['startmac'])) { if (!ereg('^(([A-Fa-f0-9]){2}:){5}([A-Fa-f0-9]){2}$', $return["startmac"])) { $submitErr |= MACADDRERR; $submitErrMsg[MACADDRERR] = "Invalid MAC address. Must be XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX " . "with each pair of XX being from 00 to FF (inclusive)"; } elseif (!$submitErr) { $tmp = explode(':', $return['startmac']); $topdec = hexdec($tmp[0] . $tmp[1] . $tmp[2]); $botdec = hexdec($tmp[3] . $tmp[4] . $tmp[5]); $topmac = "{$tmp[0]}:{$tmp[1]}:{$tmp[2]}"; $topplus = implode(':', str_split(dechex($topdec + 1), 2)); $start = $botdec; $return['macs'] = array(); $end = $start + ($endaddrArr[3] - $startaddrArr[3] + 1) * 2; for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) { if ($i > 16777215) { $val = $i - 16777216; $tmp = sprintf('%06x', $val); $tmp2 = str_split($tmp, 2); $return['macs'][] = $topplus . ':' . implode(':', $tmp2); } else { $tmp = sprintf('%06x', $i); $tmp2 = str_split($tmp, 2); $return['macs'][] = $topmac . ':' . implode(':', $tmp2); } } if ($i > 16777215 && $topdec == 16777215) { $submitErr |= MACADDRERR; $submitErrMsg[MACADDRERR] = "Starting MAC address too large for given " . "given number of machines"; } } } } if ($return["ram"] < 32 || $return["ram"] > 20480) { $submitErr |= RAMERR; $submitErrMsg[RAMERR] = "RAM must be between 32 and 20480"; } if ($return["procspeed"] < 500 || $return["procspeed"] > 20000) { $submitErr |= PROCSPEEDERR; $submitErrMsg[PROCSPEEDERR] = "Processor Speed must be between 500 and 20000"; } if (!ereg('^[a-zA-Z0-9_%][-a-zA-Z0-9_.%]{1,35}$', $return["hostname"])) { $submitErr |= HOSTNAMEERR; $submitErrMsg[HOSTNAMEERR] = "Hostname must be <= 36 characters"; } if (empty($return["starthostval"]) && $return["starthostval"] != 0) { $submitErr |= STARTHOSTVALERR; $submitErrMsg[STARTHOSTVALERR] = "Start value can only be numeric."; } if (empty($return["endhostval"]) && $return["endhostval"] != 0) { $submitErr |= ENDHOSTVALERR; $submitErrMsg[ENDHOSTVALERR] = "End value can only be numeric."; } if (!($submitErr & IPADDRERR2 || $submitErr & ENDHOSTVALERR) && $endaddrArr[3] - $startaddrArr[3] != $return["endhostval"] - $return["starthostval"]) { $numipaddrs = $endaddrArr[3] - $startaddrArr[3] + 1; $numhostnames = $return["endhostval"] - $return["starthostval"] + 1; $submitErr |= IPADDRERR2; $submitErrMsg[IPADDRERR2] = "The number of IP addresses ({$numipaddrs}) " . "does not match the number of hostnames ({$numhostnames})."; $submitErr |= ENDHOSTVALERR; $submitErrMsg[ENDHOSTVALERR] = "The number of IP addresses ({$numipaddrs}) " . "does not match the number of hostnames ({$numhostnames})."; } if ($viewmode == ADMIN_DEVELOPER && !empty($return['startpripaddress']) && !empty($return['endpripaddress']) && (!($submitErr & IPADDRERR2 || $submitErr & IPADDRERR4) && !empty($endpraddrArr) && $endaddrArr[3] - $startaddrArr[3] != $endpraddrArr[3] - $startpraddrArr[3])) { $numpubaddrs = $endaddrArr[3] - $startaddrArr[3] + 1; $numpraddrs = $endpraddrArr[3] - $startpraddrArr[3] + 1; $submitErr |= IPADDRERR2; $submitErrMsg[IPADDRERR2] = "The number of public IP addresses ({$numpubaddrs}) " . "does not match the number of private IP addresses ({$numpraddrs})."; $submitErr |= IPADDRERR4; $submitErrMsg[IPADDRERR4] = $submitErrMsg[IPADDRERR2]; } if (!validateUserid($return["owner"])) { $submitErr |= OWNERERR; $submitErrMsg[OWNERERR] = "Submitted ID is not valid"; } $return['count'] = 0; if (!$submitErr) { $return['count'] = $endaddrArr[3] - $startaddrArr[3] + 1; } return $return; }
function validateResourceData() { global $user; $return = array('error' => 0); $return['rscid'] = getContinuationVar('rscid', 0); $return['name'] = processInputVar('name', ARG_STRING); $return['owner'] = processInputVar('owner', ARG_STRING, "{$user['unityid']}@{$user['affiliation']}"); $return['ipaddress'] = processInputVar('ipaddress', ARG_STRING); $return['stateid'] = processInputVar('stateid', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['sysadminemail'] = processInputVar('sysadminemail', ARG_STRING); $return['sharedmailbox'] = processInputVar('sharedmailbox', ARG_STRING); $return['installpath'] = processInputVar('installpath', ARG_STRING); $return['timeservers'] = processInputVar('timeservers', ARG_STRING); $return['keys'] = processInputVar('keys', ARG_STRING); $return['sshport'] = processInputVar('sshport', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['imagelibenable'] = processInputVar('imagelibenable', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['imagelibgroupid'] = processInputVar('imagelibgroupid', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['imagelibuser'] = processInputVar('imagelibuser', ARG_STRING); $return['imagelibkey'] = processInputVar('imagelibkey', ARG_STRING); $return['publicIPconfig'] = processInputVar('publicIPconfig', ARG_STRING); $return['publicnetmask'] = processInputVar('publicnetmask', ARG_STRING); $return['publicgateway'] = processInputVar('publicgateway', ARG_STRING); $return['publicdnsserver'] = processInputVar('publicdnsserver', ARG_STRING); $return['checkininterval'] = processInputVar('checkininterval', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['availablenetworks'] = processInputVar('availablenetworks', ARG_STRING); $return['federatedauth'] = processInputVar('federatedauth', ARG_STRING); $return['nathostenabled'] = processInputVar('nathostenabled', ARG_NUMERIC); $return['natpublicIPaddress'] = processInputVar('natpublicipaddress', ARG_STRING); $return['natinternalIPaddress'] = processInputVar('natinternalipaddress', ARG_STRING); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $return['sysadminemail'] = stripslashes($return['sysadminemail']); $return['sharedmailbox'] = stripslashes($return['sharedmailbox']); } $olddata = getContinuationVar('olddata'); if ($return['rscid'] == 0) { $return['mode'] = 'add'; } else { $return['mode'] = 'edit'; } $errormsg = array(); # hostname if (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_][-a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]{1,49}$/', $return['name'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Hostname can only contain letters, numbers, dashes(-), periods(.), and underscores(_). It can be from 1 to 50 characters long"; } elseif ($this->checkForMgmtnodeHostname($return['name'], $return['rscid'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "A node already exists with this hostname."; } # owner if (!validateUserid($return['owner'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Submitted owner is not valid"; } # ipaddress if (!validateIPv4addr($return['ipaddress'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of " . "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"; } # sysadminemail if ($return['sysadminemail'] != '') { $addrs = explode(',', $return['sysadminemail']); foreach ($addrs as $addr) { if (!validateEmailAddress($addr)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid email address entered for SysAdmin Email Address(es)"; break; } } } # sharedmailbox if ($return['sharedmailbox'] != '' && !validateEmailAddress($return['sharedmailbox'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid email address entered for Shadow Emails"; } # installpath if ($return['installpath'] != '' && !preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\/]){2,100}$/', $return['installpath'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Install Path must be empty or only contain letters, numbers, dashes(-), periods(.), underscores(_), and forward slashes(/) and be from 2 to 100 characters long"; } # timeservers if ($return['timeservers'] != '') { if (strlen($return['timeservers']) > 1000) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Too much data entered for Time Server(s)"; } else { $hosts = explode(',', $return['timeservers']); foreach ($hosts as $host) { if (preg_match('/^([0-9]{1,3}(\\.?))+$/', $host) && !validateIPv4addr($host) || !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_][-a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]{1,50}$/', $host)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Time servers must be an IP address or a hostname containing only letters, numbers, dashes(-), periods(.), and underscores(_). Each host can be up to 50 characters long"; break; } } } } # keys if ($return['keys'] != '' && !preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\/,]){2,1024}$/', $return['keys'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "End Node SSH Identity Key Files can only contain letters, numbers, dashes(-), periods(.), underscores(_), forward slashes(/), and commas(,). It can be from 2 to 1024 characters long"; } # imagelibenable if ($return['imagelibenable'] == 1) { # imagelibgroupid $validgroups = getUserResources(array('mgmtNodeAdmin'), array('manageGroup'), 1); if (!array_key_exists($return['imagelibgroupid'], $validgroups['managementnode'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "The group selected for Image Library Management Node Group is not valid"; } # imagelibuser if (!preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\/,]){2,20}$/', $return['imagelibuser'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Image Library User can only contain letters, numbers, and dashes(-) and can be from 2 to 20 characters long"; } # imagelibkey if (!preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\/,]){2,100}$/', $return['imagelibkey'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Image Library SSH Identity Key File can only contain letters, numbers, dashes(-), periods(.), underscores(_), and forward slashes(/). It can be from 2 to 100 characters long"; } } else { $return['imagelibenable'] = 0; if ($return['mode'] == 'edit') { $return['imagelibgroupid'] = $olddata['imagelibgroupid']; $return['imagelibuser'] = $olddata['imagelibuser']; $return['imagelibkey'] = $olddata['imagelibkey']; } else { $return['imagelibgroupid'] = ''; $return['imagelibuser'] = ''; $return['imagelibkey'] = ''; } } # publicIPconfig if (!preg_match('/^(dynamicDHCP|manualDHCP|static)$/', $return['publicIPconfig'])) { $return['publicIPconfig'] = 'dynamicDHCP'; } if ($return['publicIPconfig'] == 'static') { # publicnetmask $bnetmask = ip2long($return['publicnetmask']); if (!preg_match('/^[1]+0[^1]+$/', sprintf('%032b', $bnetmask))) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value specified for Public Netmask"; } # publicgateway if (preg_match('/^([0-9]{1,3}(\\.?))+$/', $return['publicgateway']) && !validateIPv4addr($return['publicgateway'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value specified for Public Gateway"; } elseif (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_][-a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]{1,56}$/', $return["publicgateway"])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Public gateway must be an IP address or a hostname containing only letters, numbers, dashes(-), periods(.), and underscores(_). It can be up to 56 characters long"; } # publicdnsserver $servers = explode(',', $return['publicdnsserver']); if (empty($servers)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Please enter at least one Public DNS server"; } else { foreach ($servers as $server) { if (!validateIPv4addr($server)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid IP address entered for Public DNS Server"; break; } } } } else { $return['publicnetmask'] = $olddata['publicnetmask']; $return['publicgateway'] = $olddata['publicgateway']; } # stateid 2 - available, 5 - failed, 10 - maintenance if (!preg_match('/^(2|5|10)$/', $return['stateid'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for State"; } # checkininterval if ($return['checkininterval'] < 5) { $return['checkininterval'] = 5; } elseif ($return['checkininterval'] > 30) { $return['checkininterval'] = 30; } # sshport if ($return['sshport'] < 1 || $return['sshport'] > 65535) { $return['sshport'] = 22; } # availablenetworks if ($return['availablenetworks'] != '') { if (strpos("\n", $return['availablenetworks'])) { $return['availablenetworks'] = preg_replace("/(\r)?\n/", ',', $return['availablenetworks']); } $return['availablenetworks2'] = explode(',', $return['availablenetworks']); foreach ($return['availablenetworks2'] as $key => $net) { $net = trim($net); if ($net == '') { unset($return['availablenetworks2'][$key]); $return['availablenetworks'] = implode("\n", $return['availablenetworks2']); continue; } $return['availablenetworks2'][$key] = $net; if (!preg_match('/^([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\/([0-9]{2})$/', $net, $matches) || $matches[1] < 0 || $matches[1] > 255 || $matches[2] < 0 || $matches[2] > 255 || $matches[3] < 0 || $matches[3] > 255 || $matches[4] < 0 || $matches[4] > 255 || $matches[5] < 1 || $matches[5] > 32) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid network entered for Available Public Networks; must be comma delimited list of valid networks in the form of x.x.x.x/yy"; } } } # federatedauth if ($return['federatedauth'] != '') { $affils = getAffiliations(); $fedarr = explode(',', $return['federatedauth']); $test = array_udiff($fedarr, $affils, 'strcasecmp'); if (!empty($test)) { $new = array(); foreach ($test as $affil) { if (preg_match('/^[-0-9a-zA-Z_\\.:;,]*$/', $affil)) { $new[] = $affil; } } if (count($test) == count($new)) { $errormsg[] = "These affiliations do not exist: " . implode(', ', $new); } else { $errormsg[] = "Invalid data entered for Affiliations using Federated Authentication for Linux Images"; } $return['error'] = 1; } } $nathosterror = 0; # nathostenabled if ($return['nathostenabled'] != 0 && $return['nathostenabled'] != 1) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid value for Use as NAT Host"; $nathosterror = 1; } # natpublicIPaddress if ($return['nathostenabled']) { if (!validateIPv4addr($return['natpublicIPaddress'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid NAT Public IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of " . "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"; $nathosterror = 1; } # natinternalIPaddress if (!validateIPv4addr($return['natinternalIPaddress'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid NAT Internal IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of " . "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)"; $nathosterror = 1; } } # nat host change - check for active reservations if (!$nathosterror && $return['mode'] == 'edit') { if ($olddata['nathostenabled'] != $return['nathostenabled'] || $olddata['natpublicIPaddress'] != $return['natpublicIPaddress'] || $olddata['natinternalIPaddress'] != $return['natinternalIPaddress']) { $vclreloadid = getUserlistID('vclreload@Local'); $query = "SELECT " . "FROM request rq, " . "reservation rs, " . "nathostcomputermap nhcm, " . "nathost nh " . "WHERE rs.requestid = AND " . "rs.computerid = nhcm.computerid AND " . "nhcm.nathostid = AND " . "nh.resourceid = {$olddata['resourceid']} AND " . "rq.start <= NOW() AND " . "rq.end > NOW() AND " . "rq.stateid NOT IN (1,5,11,12) AND " . "rq.laststateid NOT IN (1,5,11,12) AND " . "rq.userid != {$vclreloadid}"; $qh = doQuery($query); if (mysql_num_rows($qh)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "This management node is the NAT host for computers that have active reservations. NAT host<br>settings cannot be changed while providing NAT for active reservations."; } } } if ($return['error']) { $return['errormsg'] = implode('<br>', $errormsg); } return $return; }
function validateResourceData() { global $user; $return = array('error' => 0); $errormsg = array(); $return['rscid'] = getContinuationVar('rscid', 0); $return["name"] = processInputVar("name", ARG_STRING); $return["owner"] = processInputVar("owner", ARG_STRING, "{$user["unityid"]}@{$user['affiliation']}"); $times = processInputVar('times', ARG_STRING); if (!preg_match("/^([A-Za-z0-9-!@#\$%^&\\*\\(\\)_=\\+\\[\\]{}\\\\|:;,\\.\\/\\?~` ]){2,30}\$/", $return['name'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Name cannot contain single (') or double (") quotes, " . "less than (<), or greater than (>) and can be from 2 to 30 " . "characters long"; } elseif ($this->checkForScheduleName($return['name'], $return['rscid'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "A schedule already exists with this name."; } if (!validateUserid($return['owner'])) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Submitted owner is not valid"; } if (!preg_match('/^([0-9]+:[0-9]+,)*([0-9]+:[0-9]+){1}$/', $times)) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Invalid time data submitted"; } if (!$return['error']) { $times = explode(',', $times); $return['times'] = array(); foreach ($times as $pair) { list($start, $end) = explode(':', $pair); foreach ($return['times'] as $check) { if ($start < $check['end'] && $end > $check['start']) { $return['error'] = 1; $errormsg[] = "Two sets of times are overlapping - please correct and save again"; break 2; } } $return['times'][] = array('start' => $start, 'end' => $end); } } if ($return['error']) { $return['errormsg'] = implode('<br>', $errormsg); } return $return; }