Esempio n. 1
  * Template tag: get excerpt 2 (Full version)
  * This full version may auto-generate an excerpt if it is found to be empty.
  * @param array Associative list of params
  *   - allow_empty: force generation if excert is empty (Default: false)
  *   - update_db: update the DB if we generated an excerpt (Default: true)
  * @return string
 function get_excerpt2($params = array())
     $params += array('allow_empty' => false, 'update_db' => true);
     if (!$params['allow_empty']) {
         // Make sure excerpt the excerpt is not empty by updating it automatically if needed:
         if ($this->update_excerpt() && $params['update_db'] && $this->ID) {
             // We have updated... let's also update the DB:
             // Do not auto track modification date.
     // Old DBs may have tags in exceprts, so we strip them:
     return utf8_strip_tags($this->excerpt);
Esempio n. 2
 * Get the param from an array param's first index instead of the value.
 * E.g., for "param[value]" as a submit button you can get the value with
 *       <code>Request::param_arrayindex( 'param' )</code>.
 * @see param_action()
 * @param string Param name
 * @param mixed Default to use
 * @return string
function param_arrayindex($param_name, $default = '')
    $array = array_keys(param($param_name, 'array', array()));
    $value = array_pop($array);
    if (is_string($value)) {
        $value = utf8_substr(utf8_strip_tags($value), 0, 50);
        // sanitize it
    } elseif (!empty($value)) {
        // this is probably a numeric index from '<input name="array[]" .. />'
        debug_die('Invalid array param!');
    } else {
        $value = $default;
    return $value;
Esempio n. 3
 // User is trying to login right now
 // Stop a request from the blocked IP addresses or Domains
 global $action;
 // Set $action so it can be recorded in the hitlog:
 $action = 'login';
 $Debuglog->add('Login: User is trying to log in.', '_init_login');
 // Don't take risks here :p
 // Check that this login request is not a CSRF hacked request:
 // fp> NOTE: TODO: now that we require goign through the login form, all the login logic that is here can probably be moved to login.php ?
 // Note: login and password cannot include ' or " or > or <
 // Note: login cannot include @
 $login = utf8_strtolower(utf8_strip_tags(remove_magic_quotes($login)));
 $pass = utf8_strip_tags(remove_magic_quotes($pass));
 $pass_md5 = md5($pass);
  * Handle javascript-hashed password:
  * If possible, the login form will hash the entered password with a salt that changes everytime.
 param('pwd_salt', 'string', '');
 // just for comparison with the one from Session
 $pwd_salt_sess = $Session->get('core.pwd_salt');
 // $Debuglog->add( 'Login: salt: '.var_export($pwd_salt, true).', session salt: '.var_export($pwd_salt_sess, true), '_init_login' );
 $transmit_hashed_password = (bool) $Settings->get('js_passwd_hashing') && !(bool) $Plugins->trigger_event_first_true('LoginAttemptNeedsRawPassword');
 if ($transmit_hashed_password) {
     param('pwd_hashed', 'array:string', array());
 } else {
     // at least one plugin requests the password un-hashed:
     $pwd_hashed = array();
Esempio n. 4
  * Template tag: get excerpt 
  * This light version does display only. It never tries to auto-generate the excerpt.
  *  May be used in ItemLight lists such as sitemaps, feeds, recent posts, post widgets where the exceprt might be used as a title, etc.
  * @param string filename to use to display more
  * @return string
 function get_excerpt($format = 'htmlbody')
     // Character conversions + old DBs may have tags in excerpts, so we strip them:
     return format_to_output(utf8_strip_tags($this->excerpt), $format);