public static function tearDownAfterClass() { if (!self::$timing) { echo "\n"; return; } $class = get_called_class(); echo "Timing results : {$class}\n"; $s = sprintf("%40s %6s %9s %9s %4s\n", 'name', 'count', 'total', 'avg', '% best'); echo str_repeat('=', strlen($s)) . "\n"; echo $s; echo str_repeat('-', strlen($s)) . "\n"; array_walk(self::$timing, function (&$value, $key) { $value['avg'] = round($value['total'] / $value['count'] * 1000000, 3); }); usort(self::$timing, function ($a, $b) { $at = $a['avg']; $bt = $b['avg']; return $at === $bt ? 0 : ($at < $bt ? -1 : 1); }); $best = self::$timing[0]['avg']; foreach (self::$timing as $timing) { printf("%40s %6d %7.3fms %7.3fus %4.1f%%\n", $timing['name'], $timing['count'], round($timing['total'] * 1000, 3), $timing['avg'], round($timing['avg'] / $best * 100, 3)); } echo str_repeat('-', strlen($s)) . "\n\n"; printf("\nTiming compensated for avg overhead for: timeIt of %.3fus and startTimer/endTimer of %.3fus per invocation\n\n", self::$timeItOverhead * 1000000, self::$startEndOverhead * 1000000); parent::tearDownAfterClass(); }
public function getAllProjects() { $key = "{$this->cachePrefix}-all-projects"; if ($this->cache && ($projects = $this->cache->fetch($key))) { return $projects; } $first = json_decode($this->client->get('projects.json', ['query' => ['limit' => 100]])->getBody(), true); $projects = $first['projects']; if ($first['total_count'] > 100) { $requests = []; for ($i = 100; $i < $first['total_count']; $i += 100) { $requests[] = $this->client->getAsync('projects.json', ['query' => ['limit' => 100, 'offset' => $i]]); } /** @var Response[] $responses */ $responses = Promise\unwrap($requests); $responseProjects = array_map(function (Response $response) { return json_decode($response->getBody(), true)['projects']; }, $responses); $responseProjects[] = $projects; $projects = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $responseProjects); } usort($projects, function ($projectA, $projectB) { return strcasecmp($projectA['name'], $projectB['name']); }); $this->cache && $this->cache->save($key, $projects); return $projects; }
/** * * @return boolean */ public function cleanOldExecutions() { $em = $this->getEntityManager(); $processes = $em->getRepository('Minibus\\Model\\Entity\\Process')->findAll(); foreach ($processes as $process) { $executions = $process->getExecutions(); if ($executions instanceof \Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection) { $count = $executions->count(); $numberToDelete = $count - $this->getNumberToKeep(); $first = true; $executions = $executions->toArray(); usort($executions, function (Execution $e1, Execution $e2) { return $e2->getId() > $e1->getId(); }); foreach ($executions as $execution) { $count--; // Si une exécution est encours, si ce n'est pas la première exécution d'un process // en cours on l'arrête. if ((false === $process->getRunning() || false === $first) && $execution->getState() == Execution::RUNNING_STATE) { $execution->setState(Execution::STOPPED_STATE); } if ($count <= $numberToDelete) { $em->remove($execution); $execution->getProcess()->removeExecution($execution); } $first = false; } } } $em->flush(); }
/** * @param ResourceLocatorInterface $locator */ public function registerLocator(ResourceLocatorInterface $locator) { $this->locators[] = $locator; @usort($this->locators, function ($locator1, $locator2) { return $locator2->getPriority() - $locator1->getPriority(); }); }
function show($view, $loc = null, $title = "") { global $db; $config = $db->selectObject('linklistmodule_config', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); if ($config == null) { $config->orderby = 'name'; $config->orderhow = 0; // Ascending } if (!defined('SYS_SORTING')) { require_once BASE . 'subsystems/sorting.php'; } $links = $db->selectObjects('linklist_link', "location_data='" . serialize($loc) . "'"); switch ($config->orderhow) { case 0: usort($links, 'pathos_sorting_byNameAscending'); break; case 1: usort($links, 'pathos_sorting_byNameDescending'); break; case 2: shuffle($links); break; } $template = new template('linklistmodule', $view, $loc); $template->assign('links', $links); $template->register_permissions(array('administrate', 'configure', 'create', 'edit', 'delete'), $loc); $template->output(); }
private function getLatestSymfonyVersion() { // Get GitHub JSON request $opts = array('http' => array('method' => "GET", 'header' => "User-Agent: LiipMonitorBundle\r\n")); $context = stream_context_create($opts); $githubUrl = ''; $githubJSONResponse = file_get_contents($githubUrl, false, $context); // Convert it to a PHP object $githubResponseArray = json_decode($githubJSONResponse, true); if (empty($githubResponseArray)) { throw new \Exception("No valid response or no tags received from GitHub."); } $tags = array(); foreach ($githubResponseArray as $tag) { $tags[] = $tag['name']; } // Sort tags usort($tags, "version_compare"); // Filter out non final tags $filteredTagList = array_filter($tags, function ($tag) { return !stripos($tag, "PR") && !stripos($tag, "RC") && !stripos($tag, "BETA"); }); // The first one is the last stable release for Symfony 2 $reverseFilteredTagList = array_reverse($filteredTagList); return str_replace("v", "", $reverseFilteredTagList[0]); }
function search_doc_files($s) { $a = get_app(); $itemspage = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', 'itemspage'); App::set_pager_itemspage(intval($itemspage) ? $itemspage : 20); $pager_sql = sprintf(" LIMIT %d OFFSET %d ", intval(App::$pager['itemspage']), intval(App::$pager['start'])); $regexop = db_getfunc('REGEXP'); $r = q("select item_id.sid, item.* from item left join item_id on = item_id.iid where service = 'docfile' and\n\t\tbody {$regexop} '%s' and item_type = %d {$pager_sql}", dbesc($s), intval(ITEM_TYPE_DOC)); $r = fetch_post_tags($r, true); for ($x = 0; $x < count($r); $x++) { $r[$x]['text'] = $r[$x]['body']; $r[$x]['rank'] = 0; if ($r[$x]['term']) { foreach ($r[$x]['term'] as $t) { if (stristr($t['term'], $s)) { $r[$x]['rank']++; } } } if (stristr($r[$x]['sid'], $s)) { $r[$x]['rank']++; } $r[$x]['rank'] += substr_count(strtolower($r[$x]['text']), strtolower($s)); // bias the results to the observer's native language if ($r[$x]['lang'] === App::$language) { $r[$x]['rank'] = $r[$x]['rank'] + 10; } } usort($r, 'doc_rank_sort'); return $r; }
/** * Load the fixture jobs in database * * @return null */ public function load() { $rawJobs = array(); $fileLocator = $this->container->get('file_locator'); foreach ($this->jobsFilePaths as $jobsFilePath) { $realPath = $fileLocator->locate('@' . $jobsFilePath); $this->reader->setFilePath($realPath); // read the jobs list while ($rawJob = $this->reader->read()) { $rawJobs[] = $rawJob; } // sort the jobs by order usort($rawJobs, function ($item1, $item2) { if ($item1['order'] === $item2['order']) { return 0; } return $item1['order'] < $item2['order'] ? -1 : 1; }); } // store the jobs foreach ($rawJobs as $rawJob) { unset($rawJob['order']); $job = $this->processor->process($rawJob); $config = $job->getRawConfiguration(); $config['filePath'] = sprintf('%s/%s', $this->installerDataPath, $config['filePath']); $job->setRawConfiguration($config); $this->em->persist($job); } $this->em->flush(); }
public function run() { $typeName = $this->defaultType; $categoryId = intval($this->getInput('categoryid','get')); $alias = $this->getInput('alias','get'); $tagServicer = $this->_getTagService(); $hotTags = $tagServicer->getHotTags($categoryId,20); $tagIds = array(); foreach ($hotTags as $k => $v) { $attentions = $this->_getTagAttentionDs()->getAttentionUids($k,0,5); $hotTags[$k]['weight'] = 0.7 * $v['content_count'] + 0.3 * $v['attention_count']; $hotTags[$k]['attentions'] = array_keys($attentions); $tagIds[] = $k; } usort($hotTags, array($this, 'cmp')); $myTags = $this->_getTagAttentionDs()->getAttentionByUidAndTagsIds($this->loginUser->uid,$tagIds); $this->setOutput($myTags, 'myTags'); $this->setOutput($hotTags, 'hotTags'); $this->setOutput($categoryId, 'categoryId'); //seo设置 Wind::import(''); $seoBo = PwSeoBo::getInstance(); $seoBo->init('topic', 'hot'); Wekit::setV('seo', $seoBo); }
function scan($dir) { $files = array(); // Is there actually such a folder/file? if (file_exists($dir)) { $scanned = scandir($dir); //get a directory listing $scanned = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.', '..', '.DS_Store', 'Thumbs.db')); //sort folders first, then by type, then alphabetically usort($scanned, create_function('$a,$b', ' return is_dir ($a) ? (is_dir ($b) ? strnatcasecmp ($a, $b) : -1) : (is_dir ($b) ? 1 : ( strcasecmp (pathinfo ($a, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), pathinfo ($b, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) == 0 ? strnatcasecmp ($a, $b) : strcasecmp (pathinfo ($a, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), pathinfo ($b, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) )) ; ')); foreach ($scanned as $f) { if (!$f || $f[0] == '.') { continue; // Ignore hidden files } if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $f)) { // The path is a folder $files[] = array("name" => $f, "type" => "folder", "path" => $dir . '/' . $f, "items" => scan($dir . '/' . $f)); } else { // It is a file $files[] = array("name" => $f, "type" => "file", "ext" => pathinfo($f, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), "path" => $dir . '/' . $f, "size" => filesize($dir . '/' . $f)); } } } return $files; }
/** * @param Maintainer\MaintainerInterface $maintainer */ public function registerMaintainer(Maintainer\MaintainerInterface $maintainer) { $this->maintainers[] = $maintainer; @usort($this->maintainers, function ($maintainer1, $maintainer2) { return $maintainer2->getPriority() - $maintainer1->getPriority(); }); }
public function siteSidebar() { global $Language; global $dbTags; global $Url; $db = $dbTags->db['postsIndex']; $filter = $Url->filters('tag'); $html = '<div class="plugin plugin-tags">'; $html .= '<h2>' . $this->getDbField('label') . '</h2>'; $html .= '<div class="plugin-content">'; $html .= '<ul>'; $tagArray = array(); foreach ($db as $tagKey => $fields) { $tagArray[] = array('tagKey' => $tagKey, 'count' => $dbTags->countPostsByTag($tagKey), 'name' => $fields['name']); } // Sort the array based on options if ($this->getDbField('sort') == "count") { usort($tagArray, function ($a, $b) { return $b['count'] - $a['count']; }); } elseif ($this->getDbField('sort') == "alpha") { usort($tagArray, function ($a, $b) { return strcmp($a['tagKey'], $b['tagKey']); }); } foreach ($tagArray as $tagKey => $fields) { // Print the parent $html .= '<li><a href="' . HTML_PATH_ROOT . $filter . '/' . $fields['tagKey'] . '">' . $fields['name'] . ' (' . $fields['count'] . ')</a></li>'; } $html .= '</ul>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; return $html; }
function Form() { $rgb = new RGB(); $this->iColors = array_keys($rgb->rgb_table); usort($this->iColors, '_cmp'); $this->iGradstyles = array("Vertical", 2, "Horizontal", 1, "Vertical from middle", 3, "Horizontal from middle", 4, "Horizontal wider middle", 6, "Vertical wider middle", 7, "Rectangle", 5); }
public function init() { // collect tables foreach ($this->node->xpath("value") as $key => $node) { $table = $this->getDocument()->getFormatter()->createTable($this, $node); // skip translation tables if ($table->isTranslationTable()) { continue; } $this->tables[] = $table; } usort($this->tables, function ($a, $b) { return strcmp($a->getModelName(), $b->getModelName()); }); /* * before you can check for foreign keys * you have to store at first all tables in the * object registry */ foreach ($this->tables as $table) { $table->initIndices(); $table->initForeignKeys(); } // initialize many to many relation if ($this->getDocument()->getConfig()->get(FormatterInterface::CFG_ENHANCE_M2M_DETECTION)) { foreach ($this->tables as $table) { $table->initManyToManyRelations(); } } }
public static function show_news($folder = 'posts', $template = 'templates') { $m = new Mustache_Engine(); $files = glob("{$folder}/*.md"); /** / usort($files, function($a, $b) { return filemtime($a) < filemtime($b); }); /**/ $html = ''; foreach ($files as $file) { $route = substr($file, strlen($folder) + 1, -3); $page = new FrontMatter($file); $title = $page->fetch('title') != '' ? $page->fetch('title') : $route; $date = $page->fetch('date'); $author = $page->fetch('author'); $description = $page->fetch('description') == '' ? '' : $page->fetch('description'); $data[] = array('title' => $title, 'route' => $route, 'author' => $author, 'description' => $description, 'date' => $date); } /**/ function date_compare($a, $b) { $t1 = strtotime($a['date']); $t2 = strtotime($b['date']); return $t1 - $t2; } usort($data, 'date_compare'); $data = array_reverse($data); /**/ $template = file_get_contents('templates/show_news.tpl'); $data['files'] = $data; return $m->render($template, $data); return $html; }
/** * Registers new class patch. * * @param ClassPatchInterface $patch */ public function registerClassPatch(ClassPatchInterface $patch) { $this->patches[] = $patch; @usort($this->patches, function (ClassPatchInterface $patch1, ClassPatchInterface $patch2) { return $patch2->getPriority() - $patch1->getPriority(); }); }
protected function generateContent($templatePath, $contentType) { // We build these into a single string so that we can deploy this resume as a // single file. $assetPath = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($templatePath, $contentType)); if (!file_exists($assetPath)) { return ''; } $assets = array(); // Our PHAR deployment can't handle the GlobAsset typically used here foreach (new \DirectoryIterator($assetPath) as $fileInfo) { if ($fileInfo->isDot() || !$fileInfo->isFile()) { continue; } array_push($assets, new FileAsset($fileInfo->getPathname())); } usort($assets, function (FileAsset $a, FileAsset $b) { return strcmp($a->getSourcePath(), $b->getSourcePath()); }); $collection = new AssetCollection($assets); switch ($contentType) { case 'css': $collection->ensureFilter(new Filter\LessphpFilter()); break; } return $collection->dump(); }
/** * @return array of \app\model\Venue ascending by price */ public function getVenuesSortedByPrice() { usort($this->venues, function ($venueA, $venueB) { return $venueA->getPrice() > $venueB->getPrice(); }); return $this->venues; }
public function display_page(Page $page, SetupPanel $panel) { $setupblock_html1 = ""; $setupblock_html2 = ""; usort($panel->blocks, "blockcmp"); /* * Try and keep the two columns even; count the line breaks in * each an calculate where a block would work best */ $len1 = 0; $len2 = 0; foreach ($panel->blocks as $block) { if ($block instanceof SetupBlock) { $html = $this->sb_to_html($block); $len = count(explode("<br>", $html)) + 1; if ($len1 <= $len2) { $setupblock_html1 .= $this->sb_to_html($block); $len1 += $len; } else { $setupblock_html2 .= $this->sb_to_html($block); $len2 += $len; } } } $table = "\n\t\t\t<form action='" . make_link("setup/save") . "' method='POST'><table>\n\t\t\t<tr><td>{$setupblock_html1}</td><td>{$setupblock_html2}</td></tr>\n\t\t\t<tr><td colspan='2'><input type='submit' value='Save Settings'></td></tr>\n\t\t\t</table></form>\n\t\t\t"; $page->set_title("Shimmie Setup"); $page->set_heading("Shimmie Setup"); $page->add_block(new Block("Navigation", $this->build_navigation(), "left", 0)); $page->add_block(new Block("Setup", $table)); }
/** * * Returns array of people containing entity, mutuals (friends), groups (shared) and priority * @param Int $guid * @param Int $friends_limit * @param Int $groups_limit * @return Array */ function get_suggestions($guid, $friends_of_friends_limit = 10, $groups_members_limit = 10) { $dbprefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix'); $guid = sanitize_int($guid); $suggestions = array(); if ($friends_of_friends_limit) { // get some friends of friends $options = array('selects' => array('COUNT(fof.guid_two) as priority'), 'type' => 'user', 'joins' => array("JOIN {$dbprefix}users_entity ue ON ue.guid = e.guid", "JOIN {$dbprefix}entity_relationships fr ON fr.guid_one = {$guid} AND fr.relationship = 'friend'", "JOIN {$dbprefix}entity_relationships fof ON fof.guid_one = fr.guid_two AND fof.relationship = 'friend'"), "wheres" => array("ue.banned = 'no'", "e.guid NOT IN (SELECT f.guid_two FROM {$dbprefix}entity_relationships f WHERE f.guid_one = {$guid} AND f.relationship = 'friend')", "fof.guid_two = e.guid", "e.guid != {$guid}"), 'group_by' => 'e.guid', 'order_by' => 'priority desc, ue.last_action desc', 'limit' => abs((int) $friends_of_friends_limit)); $fof = elgg_get_entities($options); foreach ($fof as $f) { $priority = (int) $f->getVolatileData('select:priority'); $suggestions[$f->guid] = array('entity' => $f, 'mutuals' => $priority, 'groups' => 0, 'priority' => $priority); } } if ($groups_members_limit) { // get some mutual group members $options = array('selects' => array('COUNT(mog.guid_two) as priority'), 'type' => 'user', 'joins' => array("JOIN {$dbprefix}users_entity ue ON ue.guid = e.guid", "JOIN {$dbprefix}entity_relationships g ON g.guid_one = {$guid} AND g.relationship = 'member'", "JOIN {$dbprefix}groups_entity ge ON ge.guid = g.guid_two", "JOIN {$dbprefix}entity_relationships mog ON mog.guid_two = g.guid_two AND mog.relationship = 'member'"), "wheres" => array("ue.banned = 'no'", "e.guid NOT IN (SELECT f.guid_two FROM {$dbprefix}entity_relationships f WHERE f.guid_one = {$guid} AND f.relationship = 'friend')", "mog.guid_one = e.guid", "e.guid != {$guid}"), 'group_by' => 'e.guid', 'order_by' => 'priority desc, ue.last_action desc', 'limit' => 3); // get members of groups $mog = elgg_get_entities($options); foreach ($mog as $m) { if (!isset($suggestions[$m->guid])) { $priority = (int) $m->getVolatileData('select:priority'); $suggestions[$m->guid] = array('entity' => $m, 'mutuals' => 0, 'groups' => $priority, 'priority' => $priority); } else { $priority = (int) $m->getVolatileData('select:priority'); $suggestions[$m->guid]['groups'] = $priority; $suggestions[$m->guid]['priority'] += $priority; } } } // sort by priority usort($suggestions, __NAMESPACE__ . '\\suggested_friends_sorter'); return $suggestions; }
/** * Generates, encodes, re-orders variables for the query string. * * @param array $params The specific parameters for this payment * @param array $pairs Pairs * @param string $namespace The namespace * * @return string An encoded string of parameters */ public static function generate_query_string($params, &$pairs = array(), $namespace = null) { if (is_array($params)) { foreach ($params as $k => $v) { if (is_int($k)) { GoCardless_Utils::generate_query_string($v, $pairs, $namespace . '[]'); } else { GoCardless_Utils::generate_query_string($v, $pairs, $namespace !== null ? $namespace . "[{$k}]" : $k); } } if ($namespace !== null) { return $pairs; } if (empty($pairs)) { return ''; } usort($pairs, array(__CLASS__, 'sortPairs')); $strs = array(); foreach ($pairs as $pair) { $strs[] = $pair[0] . '=' . $pair[1]; } return implode('&', $strs); } else { $pairs[] = array(rawurlencode($namespace), rawurlencode($params)); } }
public static function getFacebookLikesGroupedBySubmitter(array $gifs, Router $router) { $json = FacebookHelper::getLikes($gifs, $router); $submitters = []; foreach ($json as $item) { $url = $item['url']; $likesCount = intval($item['total_count']); /** @var Gif $gif */ $gif = FacebookHelper::findGif($gifs, $url); if (!array_key_exists($gif->getSubmittedBy(), $submitters)) { $submitters[$gif->getSubmittedBy()] = ['gifs' => [], 'likes' => 0]; } $submitters[$gif->getSubmittedBy()]['gifs'][] = $gif; $submitters[$gif->getSubmittedBy()]['likes'] += $likesCount; } // Sort array $submittersIndexed = []; foreach ($submitters as $submitter => $infos) { $submittersIndexed[] = ['submitter' => $submitter, 'gifs' => $infos['gifs'], 'likes' => $infos['likes']]; } usort($submittersIndexed, function ($a, $b) { return $b['likes'] - $a['likes']; }); return $submittersIndexed; }
/** * Generates the HTML for the represented <source> or <img> element. * * @param SrcsetGeneratorInterface $srcset_gen * The generator instance that will be used to generate the srcset * attributes. * @param mixed $image * The image representation that will be passed to $srcset_gen * @param string $alt * The for an <img> `alt` attribute. Only used if $this->as_img is true. * * @return string * The HTML for either a <source> or <img> element depending on the value * * @see SrcsetGeneratorInterface */ public function renderWith(SrcsetGeneratorInterface $srcset_gen, $image, $alt = '') { $last = F\last($this->sizes); $srcset = F\map($this->sizes, function (Size $size) use($image, $srcset_gen) { return $srcset_gen->listFor($image, $size); }); $srcset = F\unique(F\flatten($srcset), function (Src $src) { return $src->getUrl(); }); # Not really needed, but makes debugging nicer. usort($srcset, function (Src $l, Src $r) { $l = $l->getWidth() ?: (int) $l->getMultiplier(); $r = $r->getWidth() ?: (int) $r->getMultiplier(); return $l - $r; }); $srcset = implode(', ', $srcset); $sizes = F\map($this->sizes, function (Size $size) use($last) { return $size === $last ? $size->renderWidthOnly() : (string) $size; }); $sizes = implode(', ', $sizes); $media = !$this->as_img ? ' media="' . $last->getMediaQuery() . '"' : ''; $alt = $this->as_img ? ' alt="' . htmlspecialchars($alt) . '"' : ''; $attributes = "srcset=\"{$srcset}\" sizes=\"{$sizes}\"{$media}{$alt}"; return $this->as_img ? "<img {$attributes}>" : "<source {$attributes}>"; }
private function obtener_tuits() { $search = "from%3Atelemedellin%20#NoticiasTM"; $notweets = 6; $consumerkey = "lvX5ZuwYkNNFwaYaLz0Rw"; $consumersecret = "tkEfo98Xcpg0rYphooAetOSVjBcYEXhM4pKTGh1Bw"; $accesstoken = "44186827-6qP8bJ2cRD5Hwkol6hJn782lzSEprym5tyVI4mAc5"; $accesstokensecret = "xI07T7D9S6E6jnEQ2muSYD1kSBIATRkGgKM3C6w"; $connection = Yii::app()->twitter->getConnectionWithAccessToken($consumerkey, $consumersecret, $accesstoken, $accesstokensecret); $search = str_replace("#", "%23", $search); $tweets = $connection->get("" . $search . "&count=" . $notweets); $nuevos_tweets = array(); if (!empty($tweets) && !empty($tweets->statuses)) { foreach ($tweets->statuses as $tweet) { if (substr($tweet->text, 0, 2) == 'RT') { continue; } $texto_original = $tweet->text; $texto_nuevo = ''; $ultimo_indice = 0; $entidades = array(); //print_r($tweet->entities);exit(); if (count($tweet->entities->hashtags)) { foreach ($tweet->entities->hashtags as $hashtag) { $nh = '<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Ver los tuits del Hashtag #NoticiasTM en Twitter"><s>#</s><b class="hashtag">' . $hashtag->text . '</b></a>'; $entidades[] = array('texto' => $nh, 'pi' => $hashtag->indices[0], 'pf' => $hashtag->indices[1]); } } if (count($tweet->entities->user_mentions)) { foreach ($tweet->entities->user_mentions as $user_mention) { $num = '<a href="' . $user_mention->screen_name . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Ver el perfil del usuario ' . $user_mention->screen_name . ' en Twitter"><s>@</s><b class="user_mention">' . $user_mention->screen_name . '</b></a>'; $entidades[] = array('texto' => $num, 'pi' => $user_mention->indices[0], 'pf' => $user_mention->indices[1]); } } if (count($tweet->entities->urls)) { foreach ($tweet->entities->urls as $url) { $nu = '<a href="' . $url->expanded_url . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="tlink">' . $url->url . '</a>'; $entidades[] = array('texto' => $nu, 'pi' => $url->indices[0], 'pf' => $url->indices[1]); } } if (count($tweet->entities->media)) { foreach ($tweet->entities->media as $media) { $nm = '<a href="' . $media->expanded_url . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="tlink">' . $media->url . '</a>'; $entidades[] = array('texto' => $nm, 'pi' => $media->indices[0], 'pf' => $media->indices[1]); } } usort($entidades, "NewsTicker::ceo"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($entidades); $i++) { $pedazo = mb_substr($texto_original, $ultimo_indice, $entidades[$i]['pi'] - $ultimo_indice, 'UTF-8'); $texto_nuevo .= $pedazo; $texto_nuevo .= $entidades[$i]['texto']; $ultimo_indice = $entidades[$i]['pf']; } $texto_nuevo .= mb_substr($texto_original, $ultimo_indice, 200, 'UTF-8'); $nuevos_tweets[] = $texto_nuevo; } Yii::app()->cache->set('tweets', $nuevos_tweets, 300); } return $nuevos_tweets; }
/** * Compose and get order full history. * Consists of the status history comments as well as of invoices, shipments and creditmemos creations * * @return array */ public function getFullHistory() { $order = $this->getOrder(); $history = array(); foreach ($order->getAllStatusHistory() as $orderComment) { $history[] = $this->_prepareHistoryItem($orderComment->getStatusLabel(), $orderComment->getIsCustomerNotified(), $orderComment->getCreatedAtDate(), $orderComment->getComment()); } foreach ($order->getCreditmemosCollection() as $_memo) { $history[] = $this->_prepareHistoryItem($this->__('Credit memo #%s created', $_memo->getIncrementId()), $_memo->getEmailSent(), $_memo->getCreatedAtDate()); foreach ($_memo->getCommentsCollection() as $_comment) { $history[] = $this->_prepareHistoryItem($this->__('Credit memo #%s comment added', $_memo->getIncrementId()), $_comment->getIsCustomerNotified(), $_comment->getCreatedAtDate(), $_comment->getComment()); } } foreach ($order->getShipmentsCollection() as $_shipment) { $history[] = $this->_prepareHistoryItem($this->__('Shipment #%s created', $_shipment->getIncrementId()), $_shipment->getEmailSent(), $_shipment->getCreatedAtDate()); foreach ($_shipment->getCommentsCollection() as $_comment) { $history[] = $this->_prepareHistoryItem($this->__('Shipment #%s comment added', $_shipment->getIncrementId()), $_comment->getIsCustomerNotified(), $_comment->getCreatedAtDate(), $_comment->getComment()); } } foreach ($order->getInvoiceCollection() as $_invoice) { $history[] = $this->_prepareHistoryItem($this->__('Invoice #%s created', $_invoice->getIncrementId()), $_invoice->getEmailSent(), $_invoice->getCreatedAtDate()); foreach ($_invoice->getCommentsCollection() as $_comment) { $history[] = $this->_prepareHistoryItem($this->__('Invoice #%s comment added', $_invoice->getIncrementId()), $_comment->getIsCustomerNotified(), $_comment->getCreatedAtDate(), $_comment->getComment()); } } foreach ($order->getTracksCollection() as $_track) { $history[] = $this->_prepareHistoryItem($this->__('Tracking number %s for %s assigned', $_track->getNumber(), $_track->getTitle()), false, $_track->getCreatedAtDate()); } usort($history, array(__CLASS__, "_sortHistoryByTimestamp")); return $history; }
public function getEntities() { $args['method'] = "glpi.listMyEntities"; $result = $this->connector->call($args); usort($result, array($this, "sortEntities")); return $result; }
function __SLEGetTransport($arFields, $arCurrentUserSubscribe) { if (array_key_exists($arFields["ENTITY_TYPE"] . "_" . $arFields["ENTITY_ID"] . "_" . $arFields["EVENT_ID"] . "_N_N", $arCurrentUserSubscribe["TRANSPORT"])) { $arTransport[] = $arCurrentUserSubscribe["TRANSPORT"][$arFields["ENTITY_TYPE"] . "_" . $arFields["ENTITY_ID"] . "_" . $arFields["EVENT_ID"] . "_N_N"]; } if (array_key_exists($arFields["ENTITY_TYPE"] . "_" . $arFields["ENTITY_ID"] . "_all_N_N", $arCurrentUserSubscribe["TRANSPORT"])) { $arTransport[] = $arCurrentUserSubscribe["TRANSPORT"][$arFields["ENTITY_TYPE"] . "_" . $arFields["ENTITY_ID"] . "_all_N_N"]; } $bHasLogEventCreatedBy = CSocNetLogTools::HasLogEventCreatedBy($arFields["EVENT_ID"]); if ($bHasLogEventCreatedBy) { if ($arFields["EVENT_ID"]) { if (array_key_exists("U_" . $arFields["USER_ID"] . "_all_N_Y", $arCurrentUserSubscribe["TRANSPORT"])) { $arTransport[] = $arCurrentUserSubscribe["TRANSPORT"]["U_" . $arFields["USER_ID"] . "_all_N_Y"]; } elseif (array_key_exists("U_" . $arFields["USER_ID"] . "_all_Y_Y", $arCurrentUserSubscribe["TRANSPORT"])) { $arTransport[] = $arCurrentUserSubscribe["TRANSPORT"]["U_" . $arFields["USER_ID"] . "_all_Y_Y"]; } } } if (!array_key_exists($arFields["ENTITY_TYPE"] . "_" . $arFields["ENTITY_ID"] . "_" . $arFields["EVENT_ID"] . "_N_N", $arCurrentUserSubscribe["TRANSPORT"]) && !array_key_exists($arFields["ENTITY_TYPE"] . "_" . $arFields["ENTITY_ID"] . "_all_N_N", $arCurrentUserSubscribe["TRANSPORT"])) { if (array_key_exists($arFields["ENTITY_TYPE"] . "_0_" . $arFields["EVENT_ID"] . "_N_N", $arCurrentUserSubscribe["TRANSPORT"])) { $arTransport[] = $arCurrentUserSubscribe["TRANSPORT"][$arFields["ENTITY_TYPE"] . "_0_" . $arFields["EVENT_ID"] . "_N_N"]; } elseif (array_key_exists($arFields["ENTITY_TYPE"] . "_0_all_N_N", $arCurrentUserSubscribe["TRANSPORT"])) { $arTransport[] = $arCurrentUserSubscribe["TRANSPORT"][$arFields["ENTITY_TYPE"] . "_0_all_N_N"]; } else { $arTransport[] = "N"; } } $arTransport = array_unique($arTransport); usort($arTransport, "__SLTransportSort"); return $arTransport; }
/** * @param File[] * @return File[] sorted */ protected function sortFiles(array $files) { usort($files, function (File $a, File $b) { return strcmp($a->name, $b->name); }); return $files; }
/** * Сортирует список методов по указанному алгоритму * * @param Method[] $methods Список методов * @param string $sort Алгоритм сортировки * * @return void */ public function sort(array &$methods, $sort = self::BY_COMPLEXITY) { if (!in_array($sort, self::SORTS, true)) { $sort = self::BY_COMPLEXITY; } usort($methods, $sort === self::BY_COMPLEXITY ? $this->byComplexity() : $this->byName()); }
/** * Customizes the sorting algorithm of a custom column. */ public function replyToSortCustomColumn($aTerms, $aTaxonomies, $aArgs) { if ('edit-tags.php' == $GLOBALS['pagenow'] && isset($_GET['orderby']) && 'custom' == $_GET['orderby']) { usort($aTerms, array($this, '_replyToSortByCustomOptionValue')); } return $aTerms; }