$ftopics = '';
        if (_rows($qryft) >= 1) {
            while ($getft = _fetch($qryft)) {
                if (fintern($getft['kid'])) {
                    $lp = cnt($db['f_posts'], " WHERE sid = '" . $getft['id'] . "'");
                    $pagenr = ceil($lp / config('m_ftopics'));
                    $page = $pagenr == 0 ? 1 : $pagenr;
                    $getp = db("SELECT text FROM " . $db['f_posts'] . "\n                                WHERE kid = '" . $getft['kid'] . "'\n                                AND sid = '" . $getft['id'] . "'\n                                ORDER BY date DESC\n                                LIMIT 1", false, true);
                    $text = strip_tags(!empty($getp) ? $getp['text'] : $getft['t_text']);
                    $intern = $getft['intern'] != 1 ? "" : '<span class="fontWichtig">' . _internal . ':</span>';
                    $wichtig = $getft['sticky'] != 1 ? '' : '<span class="fontWichtig">' . _sticky . ':</span> ';
                    $ftopics .= show($dir . "/userlobby_forum", array("id" => $getft['id'], "pagenr" => $page, "p" => $lp + 1, "intern" => $intern, "wichtig" => $wichtig, "lpost" => cut(re($text), 100), "kat" => re($getft['kattopic']), "titel" => re($getft['topic']), "kid" => $getft['kid']));
        // Userlevel
        if (($lvl = data("level")) == 1) {
            $mylevel = _status_user;
        } elseif ($lvl == 2) {
            $mylevel = _status_trial;
        } elseif ($lvl == 3) {
            $mylevel = _status_member;
        } elseif ($lvl == 4) {
            $mylevel = _status_admin;
        $erase = $can_erase ? _user_new_erase : '';
        $index = show($dir . "/userlobby", array("userlobbyhead" => _userlobby, "erase" => $erase, "pic" => useravatar(), "mynick" => autor($userid), "myrank" => getrank($userid), "myposts" => userstats("forumposts"), "mylogins" => userstats("logins"), "myhits" => userstats("hits"), "mymsg" => $mymsg, "mylevel" => $mylevel, "puser" => _user, "plevel" => _admin_user_level, "plogins" => _profil_logins, "phits" => _profil_pagehits, "prank" => _profil_position, "pposts" => _profil_forenposts, "nkal" => _kalender, "kal" => $nextkal, "nart" => _artikel, "art" => $artikel, "nartc" => _lobby_artikelc, "artc" => $artc, "board" => _forum, "threads" => _forum_thread, "rankings" => $rankings, "nrankings" => _lobby_rankings, "awards" => $awards, "nawards" => _lobby_awards, "nforum" => _lobby_forum, "ftopics" => $ftopics, "lastforum" => _last_forum, "forum" => $forumposts, "nvotes" => _lobby_votes, "ncwcom" => _cw_comments_head, "cwcom" => $cwcom, "ngal" => _lobby_gallery, "gal" => $gal, "votes" => $newv, "cws" => $cws, "ncws" => _lobby_cw, "nnewsc" => _lobby_newsc, "newsc" => $newsc, "ngb" => _lobby_gb, "gb" => $gb, "nuser" => _lobby_user, "user" => $user, "nmgb" => _lobby_membergb, "mgb" => $membergb, "nmsg" => _msg, "nnews" => _lobby_news, "news" => $news, "away_new" => $away_new, "away_now" => $away_now, "neuerungen" => _lobby_new));
    } else {
        $index = error(_error_have_to_be_logged, 1);
Esempio n. 2
     if ($ch != 0) {
         $hardware_head = show(_profil_head_cont, array("what" => _profil_hardware));
     if (empty($get['rlname'])) {
         $rlname = '-';
     } else {
         $rlname = re($get['rlname']);
     $show = show($dir . "/profil_show", array("hardware_head" => $hardware_head, "about" => _profil_about, "rang" => $rang, "country" => flag($get['country']), "rangpic" => $rangpic, "pcity" => _profil_city, "city" => re($get['city']), "prank" => _profile_rank, "stats_hits" => _profil_pagehits, "stats_profilhits" => _profil_profilhits, "stats_msgs" => _profil_msgs, "stats_lastvisit" => _profil_last_visit, "stats_forenposts" => _profil_forenposts, "stats_logins" => _profil_logins, "stats_cws" => _profil_cws, "stats_reg" => _profil_registered, "stats_votes" => _profil_votes, "logins" => userstats($_GET['id'], "logins"), "hits" => userstats($_GET['id'], "hits"), "msgs" => userstats($_GET['id'], "writtenmsg"), "forenposts" => userstats($_GET['id'], "forumposts"), "votes" => userstats($_GET['id'], "votes"), "cws" => userstats($_GET['id'], "cws"), "regdatum" => date("d.m.Y H:i", $get['regdatum']) . _uhr, "lastvisit" => date("d.m.Y H:i", userstats($_GET['id'], "lastvisit")) . _uhr, "contact" => _profil_contact, "preal" => _profil_real, "pemail" => _email, "picq" => _icq, "phlsw" => _hlswstatus, "psteam" => _steamid, "php" => _hp, "hp" => $hp, "pnick" => _nick, "pbday" => _profil_bday, "page" => _profil_age, "psex" => _profil_sex, "gamestuff" => _profil_gamestuff, "xfire" => re($get['hlswid']), "buddyadd" => $buddyadd, "userstats" => _profil_userstats, "pos" => _profil_os, "pcpu" => _profil_cpu, "pram" => _profil_ram, "phdd" => _profil_hdd, "pboard" => _profil_board, "pmaus" => _profil_maus, "nick" => autor($get['id']), "rlname" => $rlname, "bday" => $bday, "age" => getAge($get['bday']), "sex" => $sex, "email" => $email, "icq" => $icq, "icqnr" => $icqnr, "pn" => $pn, "edituser" => $edituser, "hlswid" => $hlsw, "steamid" => $steamid, "steam" => $steam, "onoff" => onlinecheck($get['id']), "clan" => $clan, "picture" => userpic($get['id']), "favos_head" => $favos_head, "sonst" => _profil_sonst, "pich" => _profil_ich, "pposition" => _profil_position, "pstatus" => _profil_status, "position" => getrank($get['id']), "status" => $status, "ich" => bbcode($get['beschreibung']), "custom_about" => $custom_about, "custom_contact" => $custom_contact, "custom_favos" => $custom_favos, "custom_hardware" => $custom_hardware));
 $navi_profil = show(_profil_navi_profil, array("id" => $_GET['id']));
 $navi_gb = show(_profil_navi_gb, array("id" => $_GET['id']));
 $navi_gallery = show(_profil_navi_gallery, array("id" => $_GET['id']));
 $profil_head = show(_profil_head, array("profilhits" => userstats($_GET['id'], "profilhits")));
 $index = show($dir . "/profil", array("profilhead" => $profil_head, "show" => $show, "nick" => autor($_GET['id']), "profil" => $navi_profil, "gb" => $navi_gb, "gallery" => $navi_gallery));
 if ($_GET['do'] == "delete") {
     if ($chkMe == "4" || $_GET['id'] == $userid) {
         $qry = db("DELETE FROM " . $db['usergb'] . "\n                   WHERE user = '******'id']) . "'\n                   AND id = '" . intval($_GET['gbid']) . "'");
         $index = info(_gb_delete_successful, "?action=user&amp;id=" . $_GET['id'] . "&show=gb");
     } else {
         $index = error(_error_wrong_permissions, 1);
 } elseif ($_GET['do'] == "edit") {
     $qry = db("SELECT * FROM " . $db['usergb'] . "\n               WHERE id = '" . intval($_GET['gbid']) . "'");
     $get = _fetch($qry);
     if ($get['reg'] == $userid || permission('editusers')) {
         if ($get['reg'] != 0) {
             $form = show("page/editor_regged", array("nick" => autor($get['reg']), "von" => _autor));
         } else {
Esempio n. 3
     } else {
         $uin = show(_icqstatus_forum, array("uin" => $getu['icq']));
         $icq = '<a href="http://www.icq.com/whitepages/about_me.php?uin=' . $getu['icq'] . '" target="_blank">' . $uin . '</a>';
     if (empty($getu['hp'])) {
         $hp = "";
     } else {
         $hp = show(_hpicon_forum, array("hp" => $getu['hp']));
     if (data($pUId, "signatur")) {
         $sig = _sig . bbcode(data($pUId, "signatur"), 1);
     } else {
         $sig = "";
     $onoff = onlinecheck($userid);
     $userposts = show(_forum_user_posts, array("posts" => userstats($pUId, "forumposts") + 1));
 } else {
     $pn = "";
     $icq = "";
     $email = show(_emailicon_forum, array("email" => eMailAddr($_POST['email'])));
     if (empty($_POST['hp'])) {
         $hp = "";
     } else {
         $hp = show(_hpicon_forum, array("hp" => links($_POST['hp'])));
 $qryw = db("SELECT s1.kid,s1.topic,s2.kattopic,s2.sid\n                FROM " . $db['f_threads'] . " AS s1\n                LEFT JOIN " . $db['f_skats'] . " AS s2\n                ON s1.kid = s2.id\n                WHERE s1.id = '" . intval($tID) . "'");
 $getw = _fetch($qryw);
 $qrykat = db("SELECT name FROM " . $db['f_kats'] . "\n                  WHERE id = '" . $getw['sid'] . "'");
 $kat = _fetch($qrykat);
 $wheres = show(_forum_post_where_preview, array("wherepost" => re($_POST['topic']), "wherekat" => re($getw['kattopic']), "mainkat" => re($kat['name']), "tid" => $_GET['id'], "kid" => $getw['kid']));