Esempio n. 1
function simplephonebook_hook_phonebook_number2name($p_num, $c_username = '')
    global $username;
    // if username supplied use it, else use global username
    $d_username = $c_username ? $c_username : $username;
    if ($p_num) {
        // remove +
        $p_num = str_replace('+', '', $p_num);
        // remove first 3 digits if phone number length more than 7
        if (strlen($p_num) > 7) {
            $p_num = substr($p_num, 3);
        $uid = username2uid($d_username);
        $db_query = "SELECT p_desc FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_toolsSimplephonebook WHERE p_num LIKE '%" . $p_num . "' AND uid='{$uid}'";
        $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
        $db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result);
        $p_desc = $db_row['p_desc'];
        if (!$p_desc) {
            $ret = phonebook_getsharedgroup($uid);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($ret); $i++) {
                $c_gpid = $ret[$i]['gpid'];
                $db_query = "SELECT p_desc FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_toolsSimplephonebook WHERE p_num LIKE '%" . $p_num . "' AND gpid='{$c_gpid}'";
                $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
                $db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result);
                if ($p_desc = $db_row['p_desc']) {
    return $p_desc;
Esempio n. 2
function pvat_hook_interceptincomingsms($sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $message, $sms_receiver)
    $msg = explode(" ", $message);
    $ret = array();
    if (count($msg) > 1) {
        $pv = trim($msg[0]);
        if (substr($pv, 0, 1) == '@') {
            $c_username = substr($pv, 1);
            $new_message = "PV " . $c_username . " ";
            if (username2uid($c_username)) {
                for ($i = 1; $i < count($msg); $i++) {
                    $new_message .= $msg[$i] . " ";
                $new_message = substr($new_message, 0, -1);
                // set 1 to param_modified to let parent function modify param values
                $ret['modified'] = true;
                // this time only message param changed
                $ret['param']['message'] = $new_message;
                $sms_datetime = core_display_datetime($sms_datetime);
                logger_print("dt:" . $sms_datetime . " s:" . $sms_sender . " r:" . $sms_receiver . " m:" . $message . " mod:" . $ret['param']['message'], 3, "pvat");
                // do not forget to tell parent that this SMS has been hooked
                $ret['hooked'] = true;
    return $ret;
Esempio n. 3
function websend2group($username, $gp_code, $message, $sms_type = "text", $unicode = "0")
    global $apps_path;
    global $datetime_now, $gateway_module;
    $uid = username2uid($username);
    $mobile_sender = username2mobile($username);
    $sms_footer = username2footer($username);
    $sms_msg = cleanSmsMessage(appendFooter($message, $sms_footer));
    if (is_array($gp_code)) {
        $array_gp_code = $gp_code;
    } else {
        $array_gp_code[0] = $gp_code;
    $j = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($array_gp_code); $i++) {
        $c_gp_code = strtoupper($array_gp_code[$i]);
        $gpid = gpcode2gpid($uid, $c_gp_code);
        $dbPhonebook = DB_DataObject::factory(playsms_tblUserPhonebook);
        $dbPhonebook->gpid = $gpid;
        while ($dbPhonebook->fetch()) {
            $sms_to = $dbPhonebook->p_num;
            $to[$j] = $sms_to;
            $ok[$j] = 0;
            $db = DB_DataObject::factory(playsms_tblSMSOutgoing);
            $db->uid = $uid;
            $db->p_gateway = $gateway_module;
            $db->p_src = $mobile_sender;
            $db->p_dst = $sms_to;
            $db->p_footer = $sms_footer;
            $db->p_msg = $sms_msg;
            $db->p_datetime = $datetime_now;
            $db->p_sms_type = $sms_type;
            $db->unicode = $unicode;
            $db->send_tries = 1;
            $db->p_status = DLR_PENDING;
            // default to failure
            if ($db->insert()) {
                if (gw_send_sms($mobile_sender, $sms_to, $sms_msg, $c_gp_code, $uid, $db->smslog_id, $sms_type, $unicode)) {
                    $ok[$j] = $sms_to;
    return array($ok, $to);
Esempio n. 4
function myauto_hook_interceptincomingsms($sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $message, $sms_receiver)
    global $core_config;
    // reply message
    $reply = 'Thank you for your message';
    // detect reply message, set unicode if not ASCII
    $unicode = 0;
    if (function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) {
        $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($reply, 'auto');
        if ($encoding != 'ASCII') {
            $unicode = 1;
    // send reply with admin account
    $c_uid = username2uid('admin');
    // send reply
    sendsms($core_config['main']['cfg_gateway_number'], '', $sms_sender, $reply, $c_uid, 0, 'text', $unicode);
    // log it
    logger_print("dt:" . $sms_datetime . " s:" . $sms_sender . " r:" . $sms_receiver . " autorespon:" . $reply, 3, "myauto");
Esempio n. 5
function webservices_ds_count($c_username, $c = 100, $last = false)
    $ret = "ERR 101";
    $uid = username2uid($c_username);
    if ($c) {
        $query_limit = " LIMIT 0,{$c}";
    } else {
        $query_limit = " LIMIT 0,100";
    if ($last) {
        $query_last = "AND smslog_id>{$last}";
    $content_xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
    $content_csv = "";
    $db_query = "SELECT * FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing WHERE uid='{$uid}' {$query_last} ORDER BY p_datetime DESC {$query_limit}";
    $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
    while ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) {
        $smslog_id = $db_row['smslog_id'];
        $p_src = $db_row['p_src'];
        $p_dst = $db_row['p_dst'];
        $p_datetime = $db_row['p_datetime'];
        $p_update = $db_row['p_update'];
        $p_status = $db_row['p_status'];
        $content_xml .= "<ds id=\"" . $smslog_id . "\" src=\"" . $p_src . "\" dst=\"" . $p_dst . "\" datetime=\"" . $p_datetime . "\" update=\"" . $p_update . "\" status=\"" . $p_status . "\"></ds>\n";
        $content_csv .= "\"{$smslog_id}\";\"{$p_src}\";\"{$p_dst}\";\"{$p_datetime}\";\"{$p_update}\";\"{$p_status}\";\n";
    // if DS available by checking content_csv
    if ($content_csv) {
        if ($form == "XML") {
            header("Content-Type: text/xml");
            $ret = $content_xml;
        } else {
            $ret = $content_csv;
    } else {
        $ret = "ERR 400";
    return $ret;
Esempio n. 6
     // document.fm_sendsms.message.value = document.fm_smstemplate.content_num.value;
     // New function introduce for long sms count and another field (SMS character) added to send sms broadcast
     if ($errid) {
         $err = logger_get_error_string($errid);
     if ($err) {
         $content = "<div class=error_string>{$err}</div>";
     $content .= "\n\t    <form name=\"fm_smstemplate\">\n\t    {$input_values}\n\t    </form>\n\n\t    <h2>" . _('Send broadcast SMS') . "</h2>\n\t    <p>\n\t    <form name=fm_sendsms id=fm_sendsms action=index.php?app=menu&inc=send_sms&op=sendsmstogr_yes method=POST>\n\t    <p>" . _('SMS Sender ID') . ": {$sms_from}\n\t    <p>" . _('SMS footer') . ": {$sms_footer} \n\t    <p>\n\t    <p>" . _('Send to group') . ": <select name=\"gpid\">{$list_of_group}</select>\n\t    <p>" . _('Or') . ": <input type=text size=20 maxlength=20 name=gp_code_text value=\"{$dst_gp_code}\"> (" . _('Group code') . ")\n\t    <p>" . _('Message template') . ": <select name=\"smstemplate\">{$option_values}</select>\n\t    <p><input type=\"button\" onClick=\"SetSmsTemplate();\" name=\"nb\" value=\"" . _('Use template') . "\" class=\"button\">\n\t    <p>" . _('Your message') . ":\n\t    <br><textarea cols=\"39\" rows=\"5\" onKeyUp=\"SmsSetCounter();\" onClick=\"SmsSetCounter();\" onblur=\"SmsSetCounter();\" onkeypress=\"SmsSetCounter();\" onKeyUp=\"SmsCountKeyUp({$max_length});\" onKeyDown=\"SmsCountKeyDown({$max_length});\" name=\"message\" id=\"ta_sms_content\">{$message}</textarea>\n\t    <br>" . _('SMS character') . ": <input type=\"text\"  style=\"font-weight:bold;\" name=\"txtcount\" value=\"0 char : 0 SMS\" size=\"17\" onFocus=\"document.frmSendSms.message.focus();\" readonly>\n            <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"153\" name=\"hiddcount\">\n\t    <p><input type=checkbox name=msg_flash> " . _('Send as flash message') . "\n\t    <p><input type=checkbox name=msg_unicode> " . _('Send as unicode message (') . "\n\t    <p><input type=submit class=button value='" . _('Send') . "' onClick=\"selectAllOptions(this.form[gp_code[]])\"> \n\t    </form>\n\t";
     echo $content;
 case "sendsmstogr_yes":
     $gpid = $_POST['gpid'];
     $gp_code = $_POST['gp_code_text'];
     if ($gp_code) {
         $uid = username2uid($username);
         $gpid = phonebook_groupcode2id($uid, $gp_code);
     if (!$gpid[0]) {
     $gpid = $_POST['gpid_text'];
     $msg_flash = $_POST['msg_flash'];
     $msg_unicode = $_POST['msg_unicode'];
     $message = $_POST['message'];
     if ($gpid && $message) {
         $sms_type = "text";
         if ($msg_flash == "on") {
             $sms_type = "flash";
Esempio n. 7
     $up_timezone = $_POST['up_timezone'] ? $_POST['up_timezone'] : $gateway_timezone;
     $up_language = $_POST['up_language_module'];
     //	$status = username2status($uname);
     $error_string = _('No changes made');
     if ($up_name && $up_email) {
         $db_query = "SELECT username FROM " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblUser WHERE email='{$up_email}' AND NOT username='******'";
         $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
         if ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) {
             $error_string = _('Email is already in use by other username') . " (" . _('email') . ": `{$email}`, " . _('username') . ": `" . $db_row['username'] . "`) ";
         } else {
             if ($up_password) {
                 $chg_pwd = ",password='******'";
             $db_query = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblUser SET c_timestamp='" . mktime() . "',name='{$up_name}',email='{$up_email}',mobile='{$up_mobile}',sender='{$up_sender}',footer='{$up_footer}',datetime_timezone='{$up_timezone}',language_module='{$up_language}',status='{$up_status}'" . $chg_pwd . " WHERE username='******'";
             if (@dba_affected_rows($db_query)) {
                 $c_uid = username2uid($uname);
                 rate_setusercredit($c_uid, $up_credit);
                 $error_string = _('Preferences has been saved') . " (" . _('username') . ": `{$uname}`)";
             } else {
                 $error_string = _('Fail to save preferences') . " (" . _('username') . ": `{$uname}`)";
     } else {
         $error_string = _('You must fill all field');
     header("Location: index.php?app=menu&inc=user_mgmnt&op=user_edit&uname={$uname}&err=" . urlencode($error_string));
 case "user_add":
     if ($err) {
         $content = "<p><font color='red'>{$err}</font><p>";
Esempio n. 8
include '../web/init.php';
include '../web/configure.php';
include "{$apps_path['libs']}/function.php";
$frequency = @$_SERVER['argv'][1];
error_log("playsms cron - frequency \"{$frequency}\"");
// restart the gateway module?
if ($frequency == gw_get_restart_freq()) {
// usually the uid is whoever is
// using the website, but since this
// is cmd-line, we must act like we're the admin
global $uid;
if (!isset($uid)) {
    $uid = username2uid("admin");
// do any autosending for this frequency
// restart the system?
$dbMainConfig = DB_DataObject::factory('playsms_tblConfig_main');
if ($frequency == $dbMainConfig->cfg_system_restart_frequency) {
    $output = array();
    $rebootwait = 5;
    exec("sudo shutdown -r +{$rebootwait} 'playsms {$frequency} reboot' > /dev/null 2>&1 &", $output);
    echo implode('\\n', $output);
Esempio n. 9
function setsmsincomingaction($sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $message, $sms_receiver = "")
    global $gateway_module, $core_config;
    // make sure sms_datetime is in supported format and in GMT+0
    $sms_datetime = core_adjust_datetime($sms_datetime);
    // incoming sms will be handled by plugin/tools/* first
    $ret_intercept = interceptincomingsms($sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $message, $sms_receiver);
    if ($ret_intercept['modified']) {
        $sms_datetime = $ret_intercept['param']['sms_datetime'] ? $ret_intercept['param']['sms_datetime'] : $sms_datetime;
        $sms_sender = $ret_intercept['param']['sms_sender'] ? $ret_intercept['param']['sms_sender'] : $sms_sender;
        $message = $ret_intercept['param']['message'] ? $ret_intercept['param']['message'] : $message;
        $sms_receiver = $ret_intercept['param']['sms_receiver'] ? $ret_intercept['param']['sms_receiver'] : $sms_receiver;
    // if hooked function returns cancel=true then stop the processing incoming sms, return false
    if ($ret_intercept['cancel']) {
        logger_print("cancelled datetime:" . $sms_datetime . " sender:" . $sms_sender . " receiver:" . $sms_receiver . " message:" . $message, 3, "setsmsincomingaction");
        return false;
    $c_uid = 0;
    $c_feature = "";
    $ok = false;
    $array_target_keyword = explode(" ", $message);
    $target_keyword = strtoupper(trim($array_target_keyword[0]));
    $message_full = $message;
    $message = $array_target_keyword[1];
    for ($i = 2; $i < count($array_target_keyword); $i++) {
        $message .= " " . $array_target_keyword[$i];
    switch ($target_keyword) {
        case "BC":
            $c_uid = mobile2uid($sms_sender);
            $c_username = uid2username($c_uid);
            $c_feature = 'core';
            $array_target_group = explode(" ", $message);
            $target_group = strtoupper(trim($array_target_group[0]));
            $c_gpid = phonebook_groupcode2id($c_uid, $target_group);
            $message = $array_target_group[1];
            for ($i = 2; $i < count($array_target_group); $i++) {
                $message .= " " . $array_target_group[$i];
            logger_print("username:"******" gpid:" . $c_gpid . " sender:" . $sms_sender . " receiver:" . $sms_receiver . " message:" . $message, 3, "setsmsincomingaction bc");
            list($ok, $to, $queue) = sendsms_bc($c_username, $c_gpid, $message);
            $ok = true;
        case "PV":
            $c_feature = 'core';
            $array_target_user = explode(" ", $message);
            $target_user = strtoupper(trim($array_target_user[0]));
            $c_uid = username2uid($target_user);
            $message = $array_target_user[1];
            for ($i = 2; $i < count($array_target_user); $i++) {
                $message .= " " . $array_target_user[$i];
            logger_print("datetime:" . $sms_datetime . " sender:" . $sms_sender . " receiver:" . $sms_receiver . " target:" . $target_user . " message:" . $message, 3, "setsmsincomingaction pv");
            if (insertsmstoinbox($sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $target_user, $message, $sms_receiver)) {
                $ok = true;
            for ($c = 0; $c < count($core_config['featurelist']); $c++) {
                $c_feature = $core_config['featurelist'][$c];
                $ret = x_hook($c_feature, 'setsmsincomingaction', array($sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $target_keyword, $message, $sms_receiver));
                if ($ok = $ret['status']) {
                    $c_uid = $ret['uid'];
                    logger_print("feature:" . $c_feature . " datetime:" . $sms_datetime . " sender:" . $sms_sender . " receiver:" . $sms_receiver . " keyword:" . $target_keyword . " message:" . $message, 3, "setsmsincomingaction");
    $c_status = $ok ? 1 : 0;
    if ($c_status == 0) {
        $c_feature = '';
        $target_keyword = '';
        $message = $message_full;
        // from interceptincomingsms(), force status as 'handled'
        if ($ret_intercept['hooked']) {
            $c_status = 1;
            logger_print("intercepted datetime:" . $sms_datetime . " sender:" . $sms_sender . " receiver:" . $sms_receiver . " message:" . $message, 3, "setsmsincomingaction");
        } else {
            logger_print("unhandled datetime:" . $sms_datetime . " sender:" . $sms_sender . " receiver:" . $sms_receiver . " message:" . $message, 3, "setsmsincomingaction");
    $db_query = "\n        INSERT INTO " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSIncoming \n        (in_uid,in_feature,in_gateway,in_sender,in_receiver,in_keyword,in_message,in_datetime,in_status)\n        VALUES\n        ('{$c_uid}','{$c_feature}','{$gateway_module}','{$sms_sender}','{$sms_receiver}','{$target_keyword}','{$message}','{$sms_datetime}','{$c_status}')\n    ";
    $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
    return $ok;
Esempio n. 10
function xlate_hook_interceptincomingsms($sms_datetime, $sms_sender, $message, $sms_receiver)
    global $core_config;
    $msg = explode(" ", $message);
    $ret = array();
    if (count($msg) > 1) {
        $keyword = trim($msg[0]);
        if (substr($keyword, 0, 1) == '@') {
            $xlate = substr($keyword, 1);
            $xlate = explode('2', $xlate);
            $xlate_from = $xlate[0];
            $xlate_to = $xlate[1];
            if ($xlate_from && $xlate_to && strlen($xlate_from) == 2 && strlen($xlate_to) == 2) {
                for ($i = 1; $i < count($msg); $i++) {
                    $words .= $msg[$i] . " ";
                $words = trim($words);
                // contact google
                $lib = $core_config['apps_path']['plug'] . '/tools/xlate/lib/GoogleTranslate';
                // load JSON.php for PHP version lower than 5.2.x
                require_once $lib . '/JSON.php';
                require_once $lib . '/googleTranslate.class.php';
                if ($gt = new GoogleTranslateWrapper()) {
                    /* Translate */
                    $xlate_words = $gt->translate($words, $xlate_to, $xlate_from);
                    // incoming sms is handled
                    $ret['hooked'] = true;
                    /* Was translation successful */
                    if ($gt->isSuccess()) {
                        $reply = '@' . $xlate_from . '2' . $xlate_to . ' ' . $words . ' => ' . $xlate_words;
                        logger_print("success dt:" . $sms_datetime . " s:" . $sms_sender . " r:" . $sms_receiver . " w:" . $words . " from:" . $xlate_from . " to:" . $xlate_to . " xlate:" . $xlate_words, 3, "xlate");
                    } else {
                        $reply = '@' . $xlate_from . '2' . $xlate_to . ' ' . _("unable to translate") . ': ' . $words;
                        logger_print("failed dt:" . $sms_datetime . " s:" . $sms_sender . " r:" . $sms_receiver . " w:" . $words . " from:" . $xlate_from . " to:" . $xlate_to, 3, "xlate");
                    // detect reply message, set unicode if not ASCII
                    $unicode = 0;
                    if (function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) {
                        $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($reply, 'auto');
                        if ($encoding != 'ASCII') {
                            $unicode = 1;
                    // send reply SMS using admin account
                    // should add a web menu in xlate.php to choose which account will be used to send reply SMS
                    // usualy we inspect the result of sendsms_pv, but not this time
                    logger_print("send reply encoding:" . $encoding, 3, "xlate");
                    // sendsms_pv('admin',$sms_sender,$reply,'text',$unicode);
                    $c_uid = username2uid('admin');
                    sendsms($core_config['main']['cfg_gateway_number'], '', $sms_sender, $reply, $c_uid, 0, 'text', $unicode);
                    // do not forget to tell parent that this SMS has been hooked
                    $ret['hooked'] = true;
                } else {
                    // unable to load the class, set incoming sms unhandled
                    $ret['hooked'] = false;
                    logger_print("class not exists or fail to load", 3, "xlate");
    return $ret;
Esempio n. 11
function user_getdatabyusername($username)
    $uid = username2uid($username);
    return user_getdatabyuid($uid);
Esempio n. 12
function sendsms_bc($username, $gpid, $message, $sms_type = 'text', $unicode = 0)
    global $apps_path, $core_config, $gateway_module;
    $uid = username2uid($username);
    $sms_sender = sendsms_get_sender($username);
    $max_length = $unicode ? $core_config['smsmaxlength_unicode'] : $core_config['smsmaxlength'];
    if ($sms_footer = username2footer($username)) {
        $max_length = $max_length - strlen($sms_footer) - 1;
    if (strlen($message) > $max_length) {
        $message = substr($message, 0, $max_length);
    $sms_msg = $message;
    // \r and \n is ok -
    //$sms_msg = str_replace("\r","",$sms_msg);
    //$sms_msg = str_replace("\n","",$sms_msg);
    $sms_msg = str_replace("\"", "'", $sms_msg);
    // destination group should be an array, if single then make it array of 1 member
    if (is_array($gpid)) {
        $array_gpid = $gpid;
    } else {
        $array_gpid[0] = $gpid;
    // create a queue
    $queue_code = sendsms_queue_create($sms_sender, $sms_footer, $sms_msg, $uid, $sms_type, $unicode);
    if (!$queue_code) {
        // when unable to create a queue then immediately returns FALSE, no point to continue
        return FALSE;
    $j = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($array_gpid); $i++) {
        $c_gpid = strtoupper($array_gpid[$i]);
        $rows = phonebook_getdatabyid($c_gpid);
        foreach ($rows as $key => $db_row) {
            $p_num = $db_row['p_num'];
            $sms_to = $p_num;
            $sms_to = str_replace("\\'", "", $sms_to);
            $sms_to = str_replace("\"", "", $sms_to);
            $ok[$j] = 0;
            $to[$j] = $sms_to;
            $queue[$j] = $queue_code;
            // fill the queue with destination numbers
            if ($ret = sendsms_queue_push($queue_code, $sms_to)) {
                $ok[$j] = $ret['status'];
    if (!$core_config['issendsmsd']) {
    return array($ok, $to, $queue);
Esempio n. 13
function sendsms_bc($username, $gpid, $message, $sms_type = 'text', $unicode = 0)
    global $apps_path, $core_config;
    global $datetime_now, $gateway_module;
    $uid = username2uid($username);
    $sms_sender = sendsms_get_sender($username);
    $max_length = $core_config['smsmaxlength'];
    if ($sms_footer = username2footer($username)) {
        $max_length = $max_length - strlen($sms_footer) - 1;
    if (strlen($message) > $max_length) {
        $message = substr($message, 0, $max_length - 1);
    $sms_msg = $message;
    // \r and \n is ok -
    //$sms_msg = str_replace("\r","",$sms_msg);
    //$sms_msg = str_replace("\n","",$sms_msg);
    $sms_msg = str_replace("\"", "'", $sms_msg);
    // destination group should be an array, if single then make it array of 1 member
    if (is_array($gpid)) {
        $array_gpid = $gpid;
    } else {
        $array_gpid[0] = $gpid;
    $j = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($array_gpid); $i++) {
        $c_gpid = strtoupper($array_gpid[$i]);
        $rows = phonebook_getdatabyid($c_gpid);
        foreach ($rows as $key => $db_row) {
            $p_num = $db_row['p_num'];
            $sms_to = $p_num;
            $sms_to = str_replace("\\'", "", $sms_to);
            $sms_to = str_replace("\"", "", $sms_to);
            $to[$j] = $sms_to;
            $ok[$j] = 0;
            if ($ret = sendsms($sms_sender, $sms_footer, $sms_to, $sms_msg, $uid, $c_gpid, $sms_type, $unicode)) {
                $ok[$j] = $ret['status'];
                $smslog_id[$i] = $ret['smslog_id'];
    return array($ok, $to, $smslog_id);
Esempio n. 14
function pnum2pemail($p_num)
    global $username;
    if ($p_num) {
        $uid = username2uid($username);
        $db_query = "SELECT p_email FROM playsms_tblUserPhonebook WHERE p_num='{$p_num}' AND uid='{$uid}'";
        $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
        $db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result);
        $p_email = $db_row[p_email];
    return $p_email;
Esempio n. 15
             echo "ERR 300";
     } else {
         echo "ERR 301";
 case "DS":
     // output in CSV form:
     // SMS log ID; Source number; Destination Number; Message; Delivery Time; Update Pending Status Time; SMS Status
     // SMS Status:
     // 0 = pending
     // 1 = sent
     // 2 = failed
     // 3 = delivered
     $uid = username2uid($u);
     $content = "";
     if ($slid) {
         $db_query = "SELECT p_status FROM playsms_tblSMSOutgoing WHERE uid='{$uid}' AND smslog_id='{$slid}'";
         $db_result = dba_query($db_query);
         if ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) {
             $p_status = $db_row[p_status];
             echo $p_status;
         } else {
             echo "ERR 400";
     } else {
         if ($c) {
             $query_limit = " LIMIT 0,{$c}";
Esempio n. 16
 $filename = $_FILES['fncsv']['name'];
 $fn = $_FILES['fncsv']['tmp_name'];
 $fs = $_FILES['fncsv']['size'];
 $row = 0;
 $valid = 0;
 $invalid = 0;
 if ($fs == filesize($fn) && file_exists($fn)) {
     if (($fd = fopen($fn, 'r')) !== FALSE) {
         $sid = md5($fn);
         while (($data = fgetcsv($fd, $fs, ',')) !== FALSE) {
             $sms_to = $data[0];
             $sms_msg = $data[1];
             $sms_username = $data[2];
             if ($sms_to && $sms_msg) {
                 if ($uid = username2uid($sms_username)) {
                     $db_query = "INSERT INTO " . _DB_PREF_ . "_toolsSendfromfile (uid,sid,sms_datetime,sms_to,sms_msg,sms_username) ";
                     $db_query .= "VALUES ('{$uid}','{$sid}','" . $core_config['datetime']['now'] . "','{$sms_to}','{$sms_msg}','{$sms_username}')";
                     if ($db_result = dba_insert_id($db_query)) {
                         $item_valid[$valid - 1] = $data;
                 } else {
                     $item_invalid[$invalid - 1] = $data;
 } else {
     $error_string = _('Invalid CSV file');