Esempio n. 1
 function set_defaults($record = NULL)
     $data['mode'] = '';
     $data['message'] = '';
     $data = data_table($this->table_name, $record);
     if ($record == NULL) {
         $data['app_id'] = $this->nomor_bukti();
     $data['score'] = '';
     $data['cust_name'] = '';
     $data['counter_name'] = '';
     $data['loan_id'] = '';
     if ($record == NULL) {
         $data['app_date'] = date("Y-m-d");
         $data['create_date'] = date("Y-m-d");
         $data['create_by'] = user_id();
     $data['username'] = user_name();
     if (!$record == NULL) {
         if ($query = $this->db->select('cust_name')->where('cust_id', $data['cust_id'])->get('ls_cust_master')) {
             if ($query->row()) {
                 $data['cust_name'] = $query->row()->cust_name;
         if ($query = $this->db->select('counter_name')->where('counter_id', $data['counter_id'])->get('ls_counter')) {
             if ($query->row()) {
                 $data['counter_name'] = $query->row()->counter_name;
     } else {
         $data['cust_name'] = '';
         $data['counter_name'] = '';
     return $data;
Esempio n. 2
 static function get($params)
     $params2 = array();
     if (is_string($params)) {
         $params = parse_str($params, $params2);
         $params = $params2;
     if (isset($params['content_id'])) {
         $params['rel_type'] = 'content';
         $params['rel_id'] = mw()->database_manager->escape_string($params['content_id']);
     $table = MODULE_DB_COMMENTS;
     $params['table'] = $table;
     $comments = db_get($params);
     if (is_array($comments)) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($comments as $item) {
             if (isset($item['created_by']) and intval($item['created_by']) > 0 and ($item['comment_name'] == false or $item['comment_name'] == '')) {
                 $comments[$i]['comment_name'] = user_name($item['created_by']);
     return $comments;
Esempio n. 3
function fetchLatestDeaths_03($rowz = 30, $killers = false)
    $countz = 0;
    if ($rowz === false || $killers === true) {
        $getdeaths = mysql_select_multi("SELECT * FROM player_deaths ORDER BY date DESC;");
    } else {
        $getdeaths = mysql_select_multi("SELECT * FROM `player_deaths` ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 0, {$rowz};");
    $data = false;
    //while ($showdeaths = mysql_fetch_assoc($getdeaths)) {
    if ($getdeaths !== false) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($getdeaths); $i++) {
            $pid = $getdeaths[$i]['player_id'];
            $level = $getdeaths[$i]['level'];
            $kid = user_get_kid($getdeaths[$i]['id']);
            $killedby = user_name(user_get_killer_id($kid));
            if ($killedby == false) {
                $killedby = user_get_killer_m_name($kid);
                $player = 0;
            } else {
                $player = 1;
            if ($killedby === false) {
                $player = 2;
                $killedby = "Deleted player.";
            $getname = mysql_select_single("SELECT `name` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = '{$pid}' LIMIT 1;");
            $name = $getname['name'];
            $row = array();
            $row['level'] = $level;
            $row['victim'] = $name;
            $row['time'] = $getdeaths[$i]['date'];
            $row['is_player'] = $player;
            $row['killed_by'] = $killedby;
            if ($killers) {
                if ($player == 1) {
                    if ($rowz !== false) {
                        if ($countz < $rowz) {
                            $data[] = $row;
                    } else {
                        $data[] = $row;
            } else {
                $data[] = $row;
    return $data;
Esempio n. 4
 function set_defaults($record = NULL)
     $data = data_table($this->table_name, $record);
     $data['mode'] = '';
     $data['message'] = '';
     $data['gender'] = '';
     $data['birth_place'] = '';
     $data['birth_date'] = '';
     $data['marital_status'] = '';
     $data['no_of_dependents'] = '';
     $data['house_status'] = '';
     //		$data['lama_thn']='';
     $data['salary'] = '0';
     $data['spouse_salary'] = '0';
     $data['other_income'] = '0';
     $data['salary_source'] = '';
     $data['spouse_salary_source'] = '';
     $data['other_income_source'] = '';
     $data['comp_name'] = '';
     $data['comp_desc'] = '';
     $data['job_status'] = '';
     $data['com_kec'] = '';
     $data['job_status_etc'] = '';
     $data['emp_status'] = '';
     $data['bussiness_type'] = '';
     $data['emp_status_etc'] = '';
     $data['since_year'] = '';
     $data['com_city'] = '';
     $data['job_level'] = '';
     $data['com_zip_pos'] = '';
     $data['job_type'] = '';
     $data['total_employee'] = '';
     $data['job_type_etc'] = '';
     $data['com_contact_phone'] = '';
     $data['com_street'] = '';
     $data['office_status'] = '';
     $data['com_rtrw'] = '';
     $data['office_status_etc'] = '';
     $data['com_kel'] = '';
     $data['phone_ext'] = '';
     $data['spv_name'] = '';
     $data['hrd_name'] = '';
     if ($record == NULL) {
         $data['create_date'] = date("Y-m-d");
         $data['create_by'] = user_id();
     $data['username'] = user_name();
     return $data;
 function User($var)
     global $CFG;
     $this->exists = false;
     // Both username or userid may be passed
     if (is_numeric($var)) {
         // Numeric, we probably received a userid
         $info = get_record('users', 'ident', $var);
     } elseif (is_string($var)) {
         // String, we probably recieved a username
         $info = get_record('users', 'username', $var);
     if (!empty($info)) {
         $this->exists = true;
         $this->ident = $info->ident;
         $this->username = $info->username;
         $this->email = $info->email;
         $this->name = user_name($info->ident);
         $this->alias = $info->alias;
         $this->code = $info->code;
         $this->icon_quota = $info->icon_quota;
         $this->file_quota = $info->file_quota;
         $this->user_type = $info->user_type;
         $this->owner = $info->owner;
         ereg('^([a-zA-Z]*) (.*)', $this->name, $groups);
         $this->firstname = trim($groups[1]);
         $this->lastname = trim($groups[2]);
         // Load the weblog id's, starting with communities
         // Need to select two fields to collect instead of just u.ident else
         // this very handy datalib function will return false...
         $communities = get_records_sql('SELECT DISTINCT u.ident, 
                                            FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'friends f
                                            JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'users u 
                                            ON u.ident = f.friend
                                            WHERE f.owner = ? 
                                            AND u.user_type = ?', array($this->ident, 'community'));
         $this->blogs = array();
         // Add the own weblog id (is same as user id)
         $this->blogs[] = $this->ident;
         // Add the communities
         if ($communities) {
             foreach ($communities as $community) {
                 $this->blogs[] = $community->ident;
         $this->icon = user_icon_html($info->ident, 100, true);
Esempio n. 6
" alt="Logo"> <span class="mw-sign-version">v. <?php 
</span> </a>
  <div class="mw-ui-box">
    <div class="mw-ui-box-content" id="admin_login">
if ($user != false) {
    print user_name();
      <a href="<?php 
    print site_url();
    _e("Go to");
    print site_url();
</a> <a href="<?php 
    print api_link('logout');
Esempio n. 7
function username()
    return user_name();
Esempio n. 8
 function view_spk($app_id)
     $data['app_id'] = $app_id;
     if ($q = $this->db->where("app_id", $app_id)->get("ls_app_master")) {
         $app = $q->row();
     $model = $this->cust_master_model->get_by_id($app->cust_id)->row();
     $data = $this->set_defaults($model, "ls_cust_master");
     // field cust_master yg sama dengan company
     $field_sama['street'] = $data['street'];
     $field_sama['city'] = $data['city'];
     $field_sama['kel'] = $data['kel'];
     $field_sama['kec'] = $data['kec'];
     $field_sama['rtrw'] = $data['rtrw'];
     $field_sama['zip_pos'] = $data['zip_pos'];
     $data = array_merge($data, $this->cust_master_model->personal(), $this->cust_master_model->company());
     // benerin field_sama
     $data['com_street'] = $data['street'];
     $data['com_city'] = $data['city'];
     $data['com_kel'] = $data['kel'];
     $data['com_kec'] = $data['kec'];
     $data['com_rtrw'] = $data['rtrw'];
     $data['com_zip_pos'] = $data['zip_pos'];
     $data['com_contact_phone'] = $data['contact_phone'];
     // kembalikan
     $data['street'] = $field_sama['street'];
     $data['city'] = $field_sama['city'];
     $data['kel'] = $field_sama['kel'];
     $data['kec'] = $field_sama['kec'];
     $data['rtrw'] = $field_sama['rtrw'];
     $data['zip_pos'] = $field_sama['zip_pos'];
     $data['mode'] = 'view';
     $data['app'] = $app;
     $data['app_id'] = $app_id;
     $data['username'] = user_name();
     $this->template->display("leasing/approve_form", $data);
Esempio n. 9

require ACTIVE_TEMPLATE_DIR . 'dashboard/dashboard_top_nav.php';

<div id="wall">
<? $dashboard_user = user_id_from_url();
<? if($dashboard_user != $user_id) : ?>
  <? 	$is_friend = CI::model('users')->realtionsCheckIfUserIsConfirmedFriendWithUser($user_id, $dashboard_user, $is_special = false); ?>
  <? if($is_friend  == true): ?>

   <microweber module="users/profile_view" user_id="<? print $dashboard_user ?>"></microweber>

   <? else: ?>

  <h3>You must be friend with <? print user_name($dashboard_user) ?> in order to view the contact info.</h3>
   <? endif; ?>
  <? else: ?>
  <microweber module="users/profile"></microweber>
   <? endif; ?>


Esempio n. 10
// Run includes
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/../includes.php";
global $profile_id;
global $individual;
global $page_owner;
$individual = 1;
$sitename = htmlspecialchars(sitename, ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
$tag = trim(optional_param('tag'));
$output = "";
if (isset($profile_id)) {
    $rssfiles = sprintf(__gettext("Files tagged with %s"), $tag);
    if ($info = get_record('users', 'ident', $page_owner)) {
        $name = stripslashes(user_name($info->ident));
        $mainurl = $CFG->wwwroot . $info->username . "/files/";
        $rssurl = $mainurl . "rss/" . urlencode($tag);
        $rssdescription = sprintf(__gettext("Files for %s, hosted on %s."), $name, $sitename);
        $output .= <<<END
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="{$rssurl}/rssstyles.xsl"?>
<rss version='2.0'   xmlns:dc=''>
    <channel xml:base='{$mainurl}'>
        <title><![CDATA[{$name} : {$rssfiles}]]></title>
        $output .= run("files:rss:getitems", array($page_owner, 10, $tag));
        $output .= <<<END

Esempio n. 11
function profile_link($user_id)
    global $CI;
    if ($user_id == false) {
        $user_id = user_id();
    return site_url('userbase/action:profile/username:'******'username'));
Esempio n. 12
 <?  if($user_id == false){
	$user_id = user_id();

  <? $form_values = get_user($user_id); ?>
   <div class="c" style="padding-bottom: 4px">&nbsp;</div>

    <a  href="<? print profile_link($user_id) ?>" class="user_photo left" style="background-image:url(<? print user_thumbnail($user_id, 90); ?>);margin-right: 10px"></a>

<p style="padding-bottom: 5px">  Name :
  <a class="" href="<? print profile_link($user_id) ?>"><? print user_name($user_id) ?></a></p>


  <? ($res['custom_fields']['country'])? print $res['custom_fields']['country'].', ':false;  ?> <? ($res['custom_fields']['city'])? print $res['custom_fields']['city'].'':false;  ?>

    <a href="javascript:mw.users.UserMessage.compose(<?php 
echo $user_id;
);" class="btn" title="Send new message"><span>Send a message</span></a>
Esempio n. 13

   <? endif; ?>


<? endif ?>
  <<?php  print $wrap_element_items; ?>  class="<?php  print $wrap_element_items_class; ?>" >
  <a href="<?php print site_url('userbase/action:profile/username:'******'username']) ?>" class="img" style="background-image: url(<? print user_thumbnail($user['id'], 70) ?>)" >     </a>

  <p><a href="<?php print site_url('userbase/action:profile/username:'******'username']) ?>"><strong><? print user_name($item['id']); ?></strong></a> <a href="javascript:mw.users.UserMessage.compose(<?php echo $user['id']; ?>);" class="send_msg" style="margin:0" title="Send new message to <?php echo $user['first_name']; ?>"></a><br />



  <div class="c"></div><br />

  </<?php  print $wrap_element_items; ?>>
  <? endforeach; ?>
</<?php  print $wrap_element; ?>>

Esempio n. 14

<h2>Payment history</h2>
<br />
<? if(!empty($ord)): ?>
<? foreach($ord as $item): ?>
<div class="bluebox">
  <div class="blueboxcontent">
    <div class="richtext">
      <p>You paid <strong>$<? print floatval($item['amount']); ?></strong> on <? print ($item['created_on']); ?></p>
switch ($item['to_table']) {
    case 'table_users':
      <? $user_paid_for = get_user($item['to_table_id']); ?>
      <p>for the account of <? print user_name($item['to_table_id']); ?></p>
      <? print $item['to_table'] ?>, <? print $item['to_table_id'] ?>
      <!-- <p>Your account will expire on 12.12.2012.</p>--> 
Esempio n. 15
 if($expires < $expires2)  :?>
 <h3 class="user_sidebar_title">Account status</h3>
 <div class="richtext"> <br />
   <span class="red">Your account will expire on <? print ($usr_data['expires_on']) ?></span><br />
   <br />
   <a href="<? print site_url('dashboard/action:extend-account/ns:true') ?>" class="mw_btn_x_orange left"><span>Extend Account</span></a> <br />
   <br />
 <? endif; ?>
 <? endif; ?>
 <? endif; ?>
 <h3 class="user_sidebar_title">Information about Me</h3>
 <div class="richtext">
   <p> Name<br />
     <strong><? print user_name($dashboard_user); ?></strong> </p>
   <? if($user_info['bday'] and $user_info['bmonth'] and $user_info['byear']): ?>
   <p> Date of birthday<br />
     <strong><? print $user_info['bday'] ?>/<? print $user_info['bmonth'] ?>/<? print $user_info['byear'] ?></strong> </p>
   <? endif; ?>
   <? if($user_info['country']): ?>
   <p> Country<br />
     <strong><? print $user_info['country'] ?></strong> </p>
   <? endif; ?>
   <? if($user_info['city']): ?>
   <p> City<br />
     <strong><? print $user_info['city'] ?></strong> </p>
   <? endif; ?>
 <? if($user_info['about']): ?>
 <h3 class="user_sidebar_title">About me</h3>
<? $author = get_user($the_post['created_by']); ?>

<div class="post_list">

<a href="<? print site_url('skide/userbase/action:profile/username:'******'created_by'], 'username'); ?>" class="user_photo left" style="margin-right: 7px;background-image: url('<? print user_thumbnail( $the_post['created_by'], 50) ?>')"></a>
<div class="post_list_content"> <span class=""><? print user_name($the_post['created_by']); ?></span><br />
  <span class="question_text"><? print $the_post['content_title'];  ?></span> <a href="javascript:add_edit_question('<? print $the_post['id'] ?>');" class="mw_btn_x reply_btn"><span><strong>Edit</strong></span></a> <a class="user_activity_comments right" href="<? print post_link($the_post['id']); ?>"><strong id="post-likes-<? print ($the_post['id']); ?>"><? print comments_count($the_post['id']); ?></strong><span></span></a> </div>
<div class="c">&nbsp;</div>

Esempio n. 17

// def_return создаёт функцию, которая просто возвращает определённое
// значение.
def_return('user_name', 'waserd');
echo user_name();
//    ELGG community details
// Run includes
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/includes.php';
require_once $CFG->dirroot . 'profile/profile.class.php';
$profile_name = optional_param('profile_name', '', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
if (!empty($profile_name)) {
    $profile_id = user_info_username('ident', $profile_name);
if (empty($profile_id)) {
    $profile_id = optional_param('profile_id', -1, PARAM_INT);
$page_owner = $profile_id;
//Show the details
$community = get_record('users', 'ident', $page_owner);
$community_name = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(user_name($community->ident)), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
$community_owner = get_record('users', 'ident', $community->owner);
$community_nameowner = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($community_owner->name . " " . $community_owner->lastname), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
$community_details = get_record('community_details', 'owner', $page_owner);
$community_description = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($community_details->description), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
$community_email = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($community_details->email), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
$community_city = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($community_details->city), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
$community_name_title = __gettext("Community Name");
$community_owner_title = __gettext("Owner");
$community_description_title = __gettext("Description");
$community_email_title = __gettext("Email");
$community_city_title = __gettext("City");
$run_result = <<<END

Esempio n. 19

<div id="wall"> 

 <? if($dashboard_user == user_id()) : ?>
<a href="#" class="mw_btn_s right" onclick="add_edit_toy(0)"><span>Add new toy</span></a>
  <h2>My toys</h2>
   <? else: ?>
       <h2><? print user_name($dashboard_user); ?>'s toys for sale</h2>
   <? endif; ?>

  <br />
  <div id="post_dash" style="display: none">
  <div class="c">&nbsp;</div>
  <br />
    <microweber module="posts/list" category="6" limit="500" display="posts_list_toys"  created_by="<? print $dashboard_user;  ?>" no_results_text="<? print user_name($dashboard_user); ?> doesn't have any toys for sale"></microweber>

Esempio n. 20
$log_check = get_log_item($data['id']);

if(!empty($log_check )): ?>

<li <? print $addtinal_style ?> id="log_item_<? print $log_check['id'] ?>"> <a href="<?php 
print site_url('userbase/action:profile/username:'******'username']);
" class="user_photo" style="background-image: url('<?php 
print $thumb;
')"></a> <a href="<?php 
print site_url('userbase/action:profile/username:'******'username']);
" class="mw_blue_link"><? print user_name($author['id']); ?></a>
  <? get_dashboard_action($data['id']); ?>
  <div class="user_activity_bar">
print ago($log_check['created_on']);
       <? if($log_check['created_by'] == user_id()): ?>
 <a class="comment_delete" href="javascript:mw.users.log_delete(<? print $log_check['id'] ?>, '#log_item_<? print $log_check['id'] ?>');">delete</a>


   <? endif; ?>
Esempio n. 21
<? if(!empty($comments)) : ?>

<div id="post_comments_list">
  <? foreach($comments as $item): ?>
  <div class="post_comment" id="comment-list-id-<? print $item['id'];?>">
    <? $author = CI::model('users')->getUserById( $item['created_by']); 

    <? $thumb = CI::model('users')->getUserThumbnail( $author['id'], 70); ?>
    <a class="img" href="<? print profile_link($author['id']);?>"> <span style="background-image: url('<?  print $thumb; ?>');"></span> </a>
    <div class="post_comment_text">
    <? if(!empty($author)): ?>
      <div class="post_comment_author"><strong><a href="<? print profile_link( $item['created_by']);?>"><? print user_name( $item['created_by']);?> </a></strong> said:</div>
      <? else: ?>
      <div class="post_comment_author"><strong>Anonymous</strong> said:</div>
      <? endif; ?>
      <p class=""><? print ($item['comment_body']); ?> </p>
      <? if($item['created_by'] == user_id()): ?>
      <a href="javascript:mw.comments.del(<? print $item['id'];?>, '#comment-list-id-<? print $item['id'];?>')" class="comment_delete">delete</a>
      <? endif; ?>
    <div class="c">&nbsp;</div>
    <div class="user_activity_bar">
      <div><a class="user_activity_likes" href="<? print voting_link($item['id'], '#post-comments-'.$item['id'], 'comments'); ?>"><strong id="post-comments-<? print ($item['id']); ?>"><? print votes_count($item['id'], false, 'comments'); ?></strong><span></span><strong >Like</strong></a></div>
Esempio n. 22

require_once 'engine/init.php';
include 'layout/overall/header.php';
if ($config['log_ip']) {
$house = getValue($_GET['id']);
if ($house !== false && $config['TFSVersion'] === 'TFS_10') {
    $house = mysql_select_single("SELECT `id`, `owner`, `paid`, `name`, `rent`, `town_id`, `size`, `beds`, `bid`, `bid_end`, `last_bid`, `highest_bidder` FROM `houses` WHERE `id`='{$house}';");
    $minbid = $config['houseConfig']['minimumBidSQM'] * $house['size'];
    if ($house['owner'] > 0) {
        $house['ownername'] = user_name($house['owner']);
    //data_dump($house, false, "Data");
    // Bid on house logic
    $bid_char =& $_POST['char'];
    $bid_amount =& $_POST['amount'];
    if ($bid_amount && $bid_char) {
        $bid_char = (int) $bid_char;
        $bid_amount = (int) $bid_amount;
        $player = mysql_select_single("SELECT `id`, `account_id`, `name`, `level`, `balance` FROM `players` WHERE `id`='{$bid_char}' LIMIT 1;");
        // Does player have or need premium?
        $premstatus = $config['houseConfig']['requirePremium'];
        if ($premstatus) {
            $premstatus = mysql_select_single("SELECT `premdays` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id`='" . $player['account_id'] . "' LIMIT 1;");
            $premstatus = $premstatus['premdays'] > 0 ? true : false;
        } else {
            $premstatus = true;

global $CFG;
// Given a user ID as a parameter, will display a list of communities
if (isset($parameter[0])) {
    $community_id = (int) $parameter[0];
    $community_name = user_info('username', $community_id);
    $community_owner = user_info('owner', $community_id);
    $result = run('community:members:data', array($community_id));
    $i = 1;
    if (!empty($result)) {
        foreach ($result as $key => $info) {
            $link = $CFG->wwwroot . $info->username . "/";
            $friends_name = user_name($info->ident);
            $info->icon = run("icons:get", $info->ident);
            $friends_icon = user_icon_html($info->ident, COMMUNITY_ICON_SIZE);
            // $friends_menu = run("users:infobox:menu",array($info->ident));
            $functions = array();
            if ($community_owner != $info->ident && $community_owner == $_SESSION['userid']) {
                $msg = "onclick=\"return confirm('" . __gettext("Are you sure you want to separate this user from the community?") . "')\"";
                $functions[] = "<a href=\"" . $CFG->wwwroot . $community_name . "/community/separate/" . $info->ident . "\" {$msg}>" . __gettext("Separate") . "</a>";
            } else {
                if ($community_owner == $info->ident) {
                    $functions[] = "<b>(" . __gettext("Owner") . ")</b>";
            $functions = implode("\n", array_map(create_function('$entry', "return \"<li>\$entry</li>\";"), $functions));
            $members .= templates_draw(array('context' => 'community_member', 'name' => $friends_name, 'icon' => $friends_icon, 'link' => $link, 'functions' => $functions));
            if ($i % COMMUNITY_MEMBERS_PER_ROW == 0) {
                $members .= "</tr><tr>";

// TODO: remove all references to this that aren't a direct reference to the function
if (empty($parameter)) {
    global $profile_id;
    $profile_id = (int) $profile_id;
    $user_id = $profile_id;
} else {
    $user_id = (int) $parameter;
$run_result = user_name($user_id);
Esempio n. 25
                            </a> <a href="javascript:mw.delete_single_post('<?php 
            print $item['id'];
                    <div class="mw-ui-col manage-post-item-col-4"><span class="manage-post-item-author"
            print user_name($item['created_by']);
            print user_name($item['created_by'], 'username');
                    <div class="mw-ui-col manage-post-item-col-5">
            mw()->event_manager->trigger('module.content.manager.item', $item);
            print $append;

global $page_owner, $CFG;
if (user_type($page_owner) == 'person' && run("permissions:check", array("userdetails:change", $page_owner))) {
    $info = get_record('users', 'ident', $page_owner);
    $name = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(user_name($info->ident)), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
    $lastname = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($info->lastname), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
    $email = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($info->email), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
    //$changeName = __gettext("Change your full name:"); // gettext variable
    //$displayed = __gettext("This name will be displayed throughout the system."); // gettext variable
    $body = <<<END

<form action="index.php" method="post">


    /*$body .= templates_draw(array(
                'context' => 'databox',
                'name' => __gettext("Your first name "),
                'column1' => "<input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" value=\"$name\" />"
        $body .= templates_draw(array(
                'context' => 'databox',
global $CFG;
global $db;
// Search criteria are passed in $parameter from run("search:display")
$handle = 0;
foreach ($data['profile:details'] as $profiletype) {
    if ($profiletype->internal_name == $parameter[0] && $profiletype->field_type == "keywords") {
        $handle = 1;
if ($handle) {
    $sub_result = "";
    $searchline = "tagtype = " . $db->qstr($parameter[0]) . " AND tag = " . $db->qstr($parameter[1]) . "";
    $searchline = "(" . run("users:access_level_sql_where", $_SESSION['userid']) . ") and " . $searchline;
    $searchline = str_replace("owner", "t.owner", $searchline);
    //$parameter[1] = stripslashes($parameter[1]);
    if ($result = get_record_sql('SELECT DISTINCT u.* FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'tags t
                                          JOIN ' . $CFG->prefix . 'users u ON u.ident = t.owner
                                          WHERE ' . $searchline)) {
        foreach ($result as $key => $info) {
            $icon = user_icon_html($info->ident, 100, true);
            $sub_result .= "\t\t\t<item>\n";
            $sub_result .= "\t\t\t\t<name><![CDATA[" . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(user_name($info->ident)), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8') . "]]></name>\n";
            $sub_result .= "\t\t\t\t<link>" . url . htmlspecialchars($info->username, ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8') . "</link>\n";
            $sub_result .= "\t\t\t\t<link>{$icon}</link>\n";
            $sub_result .= "\t\t\t</item>\n";
    if ($sub_result != "") {
        $run_result .= "\t\t<profiles tagtype=\"" . addslashes(htmlspecialchars($parameter[0], ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8')) . "\">\n" . $sub_result . "\t\t</profiles>\n";
Esempio n. 28
 * return the "this is restricted" text for a given access value
 * functionised to reduce code duplication
 * @param string $access access control value
 * @return string description for output
function get_access_description($accessvalue)
    if ($accessvalue != "PUBLIC") {
        if ($accessvalue == "LOGGED_IN") {
            $title = "[" . __gettext("Logged in users") . "] ";
        } else {
            if (substr_count($accessvalue, "user") > 0) {
                $title = "[" . __gettext("Private") . "] ";
            } else {
                $title = "[" . __gettext("Restricted") . "] ";
                if (substr_count($accessvalue, "community") > 0) {
                    $name = user_name(str_replace("community", '', $accessvalue));
                    $title = '<span title="' . __gettext('Restricted to Community: ') . $name . '">' . $title . '</span>';
                } else {
                    if (substr_count($accessvalue, "group") > 0) {
                        $title = '<span title="' . __gettext('Restricted to Group') . '">' . $title . '</span>';
    } else {
        $title = "";
    return $title;
Esempio n. 29
 <? $author = CI::model('users')->getUserById( $data); ?>
    <? $thumb = CI::model('users')->getUserThumbnail( $author['id'], 70); ?>

 <a href="<? print user_link($author['id']); ?>"> <span style="background-image: url('<?  print $thumb; ?>');"></span> <strong><?  print user_name($author['id']) ; ?></strong> </a> </li>
Esempio n. 30
            _e("You are commenting as");
            if (isset($cur_user_data['thumbnail']) and trim($cur_user_data['thumbnail']) != '') {
        <span class="mw-user-thumb mw-user-thumb-small"> <img style="vertical-align:middle" src="<?php 
                print $cur_user_data['thumbnail'];
"  height="24" width="24" /> </span>
        <span class="comments-user-profile-username"> <?php 
            print user_name($cur_user_data['id']);
 </span> <small><a href="<?php 
            print api_link('logout');
        )</a></small> </span>
        <div class="row comment-textarea">
          <div class="col-sm-12  comment-field">
            <textarea required placeholder="<?php