Esempio n. 1
function importRipeData()
    $ripe_db = "";
    // Prepare update
    //$nbad = $ngood = 0;
    $net_id = $_REQUEST['net_id'];
    $ripe_query = htmlspecialchars_decode($_REQUEST['ripe_query']);
    $ripe_result_str = file_get_contents($ripe_query, false, NULL);
    $ripe_result = simplexml_load_string($ripe_result_str);
    $filedir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
    $ripe_xsl = simplexml_load_file($filedir . '/ripe_text.xsl');
    $proc = new XSLTProcessor();
    $newName = htmlspecialchars_decode($_REQUEST['net_name']);
    $newComment = trim($proc->transformToXML($ripe_result));
    // Update
    usePreparedUpdateBlade('IPv4Network', array('name' => $newName, 'comment' => $newComment), array('id' => $net_id), 'AND');
    //		$retcode = 51;
    //    if (!$nbad)
    //		return showFuncMessage (__FUNCTION__, 'OK', array ($ngood));
    //	else
    //		return showFuncMessage (__FUNCTION__, 'ERR', array ($nbad, $ngood));
Esempio n. 2
/** Create a Virtual Machine in the specified pool
	@param name 	The name of the new Virtual Machine
	@param ip		The IP address to assign the VM
	@param asset	Asset tag to use (VM UUID)
	@param osInfo	Operating System information (to be stored as a comment)
	@param taglist	Array of tags to use for this new object
	@param poolID	Virtual Machine pool to parent this object to
function createVMInPool($name, $ip, $asset, $osInfo, $taglist, $poolID, $vmTypeID)
    // make sure there's no duplicates
    if (getSearchResultByField('RackObject', array('id'), 'name', $name, '', 2)) {
        return FALSE;
    // commitAddObject ($new_name, $new_label, $new_type_id, $new_asset_no, $taglist = array())
    $newObject = commitAddObject($name, $name, $vmTypeID, $asset, $taglist);
    // add IP address to new object
    if (!empty($ip)) {
        bindIpToObject(ip_parse($ip), $newObject, 'eth0', 'regular');
    // add OS info to new object
    if (!empty($osInfo)) {
        usePreparedUpdateBlade('Object', array('comment' => $osInfo), array('id' => $newObject));
    // set container
    //commitLinkEntities($parent_entity_type, $parent_entity_id, $child_entity_type, $child_entity_id);
    commitLinkEntities("object", $poolID, "object", $newObject);
Esempio n. 3
function updIPv4RSP()
    $rspool_id = getBypassValue();
    $name = genericAssertion('name', 'string0');
    $vsconfig = genericAssertion('vsconfig', 'string0');
    $rsconfig = genericAssertion('rsconfig', 'string0');
    $taglist = genericAssertion('taglist', 'array0');
    usePreparedUpdateBlade("IPv4RSPool", array('name' => $name, 'vsconfig' => $vsconfig, 'rsconfig' => $rsconfig), array('id' => $rspool_id));
    rebuildTagChainForEntity('ipv4rspool', $rspool_id, buildTagChainFromIds($taglist), TRUE);
    showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'OK', array($_REQUEST['name']));
function sg_commitUpdatePortLabel($object_id, $port_id, $label)
    global $dbxlink;
    $dbxlink->exec('LOCK TABLES Port WRITE');
    usePreparedUpdateBlade('Port', array('label' => $label === '' ? NULL : $label), array('id' => $port_id, 'object_id' => $object_id));
    $dbxlink->exec('UNLOCK TABLES');
Esempio n. 5
function setConfigVar($varname = '', $varvalue = '', $softfail = FALSE)
    global $configCache;
    if (!isset($configCache)) {
        throw new RackTablesError('configuration cache is unavailable', RackTablesError::INTERNAL);
    if ($varname == '' or !array_key_exists($varname, $configCache)) {
        throw new InvalidArgException('$varname', $varname);
    if ($configCache[$varname]['is_hidden'] != 'no') {
        throw new InvalidRequestArgException('$varname', $varname, 'a hidden variable cannot be changed by user');
    if (!mb_strlen($varvalue) && $configCache[$varname]['emptyok'] != 'yes') {
        throw new InvalidRequestArgException('$varvalue', $varvalue, "'{$varname}' is required to have a non-empty value");
    if (mb_strlen($varvalue) && $configCache[$varname]['vartype'] == 'uint' && (!is_numeric($varvalue) or $varvalue < 0)) {
        throw new InvalidRequestArgException('$varvalue', $varvalue, "'{$varname}' can accept UINT values only");
    // Update cache only if the changes went into DB.
    usePreparedUpdateBlade('Config', array('varvalue' => $varvalue), array('varname' => $varname));
    $configCache[$varname]['varvalue'] = $varvalue;
Esempio n. 6
function commitUpdateVS($vsid, $vip_bin, $vport = 0, $proto = '', $name = '', $vsconfig = '', $rsconfig = '')
    if ($proto != 'MARK' && $vport <= 0) {
        throw new InvalidArgException('vport', $vport);
    if (!strlen($proto)) {
        throw new InvalidArgException('proto', $proto);
    return usePreparedUpdateBlade('IPv4VS', array('vip' => $vip_bin, 'vport' => $proto == 'MARK' ? NULL : $vport, 'proto' => $proto, 'name' => !strlen($name) ? NULL : $name, 'vsconfig' => !strlen($vsconfig) ? NULL : $vsconfig, 'rsconfig' => !strlen($rsconfig) ? NULL : $rsconfig), array('id' => $vsid));
function initRackTablesObject($rackDatas)
    // zabbix host data
    $params = array('output' => 'extend');
    $result = doPost('host.get', $params);
    $hosts = isset($result['result']) ? $result['result'] : array();
    $objectDatas = array();
    foreach ($hosts as $host) {
        $object_type_id = 4;
        $object_name = isset($host['host']) ? $host['host'] : "";
        $object_label = "";
        $object_asset_no = "";
        $taglist = array();
        $has_problems = $host['status'] == 0 ? 'no' : 'yes';
        $object_id = commitAddObject($object_name, $object_label, $object_type_id, $object_asset_no, $taglist);
        usePreparedUpdateBlade('Object', array('has_problems' => $has_problems), array('id' => $object_id));
        $objectDatas[$host['hostid']] = $object_id;
        // set hostgroup
        $params = array('output' => array('name'), 'hostids' => array($host['hostid']));
        $result = doPost('hostgroup.get', $params);
        $hostgroups = isset($result['result']) ? $result['result'] : array();
        $rack_ids = array();
        $_REQUEST = array();
        foreach ($hostgroups as $hostgroup) {
            if (isset($rackDatas[$hostgroup['name']])) {
                $rack = $rackDatas[$hostgroup['name']];
                array_push($rack_ids, $rack['id']);
                $height = $rack['height'];
                for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
                    for ($j = $height; $j > 0; $j--) {
                        if ($rack[$j][$i]['state'] == 'F') {
                            # state == "T" : mounted
                            $_REQUEST['atom_' . $rack['id'] . "_{$j}" . "_{$i}"] = 'on';
                            break 2;
        $_REQUEST['object_id'] = $object_id;
        $_REQUEST['rackmulti'] = $rack_ids;
        $object = spotEntity('object', $object_id);
        $changecnt = 0;
        // Get a list of rack ids which are parents of the object
        $parentRacks = reduceSubarraysToColumn(getParents($object, 'rack'), 'id');
        $workingRacksData = array();
        foreach ($_REQUEST['rackmulti'] as $cand_id) {
            if (!isset($workingRacksData[$cand_id])) {
                $rackData = spotEntity('rack', $cand_id);
                $workingRacksData[$cand_id] = $rackData;
            } else {
                $rackData = $workingRacksData[$cand_id];
            $is_ro = !rackModificationPermitted($rackData, 'updateObjectAllocation', FALSE);
            // It's zero-U mounted to this rack on the form, but not in the DB.  Mount it.
            if (isset($_REQUEST["zerou_{$cand_id}"]) && !in_array($cand_id, $parentRacks)) {
                if ($is_ro) {
                commitLinkEntities('rack', $cand_id, 'object', $object_id);
            // It's not zero-U mounted to this rack on the form, but it is in the DB.  Unmount it.
            if (!isset($_REQUEST["zerou_{$cand_id}"]) && in_array($cand_id, $parentRacks)) {
                if ($is_ro) {
                commitUnlinkEntities('rack', $cand_id, 'object', $object_id);
        foreach ($workingRacksData as &$rd) {
            applyObjectMountMask($rd, $object_id);
        $oldMolecule = getMoleculeForObject($object_id);
        foreach ($workingRacksData as $rack_id => $rackData) {
            $is_ro = !rackModificationPermitted($rackData, 'updateObjectAllocation', FALSE);
            if ($is_ro || !processGridForm($rackData, 'F', 'T', $object_id)) {
            // Reload our working copy after form processing.
            $rackData = spotEntity('rack', $cand_id);
            applyObjectMountMask($rackData, $object_id);
            $workingRacksData[$rack_id] = $rackData;
        if ($changecnt) {
            // Log a record.
            $newMolecule = getMoleculeForObject($object_id);
            global $remote_username, $sic;
            usePreparedInsertBlade('MountOperation', array('object_id' => $object_id, 'old_molecule_id' => count($oldMolecule) ? createMolecule($oldMolecule) : NULL, 'new_molecule_id' => count($newMolecule) ? createMolecule($newMolecule) : NULL, 'user_name' => $remote_username, 'comment' => empty($sic['comment']) ? NULL : $sic['comment']));
        // set IP
        $params = array('output' => 'extend', 'hostids' => $host['hostid']);
        $result = doPost('hostinterface.get', $params);
        $hostinterfaces = isset($result['result']) ? $result['result'] : array();
        foreach ($hostinterfaces as $interface) {
            if (isset($interface['ip']) && $interface['ip'] != '') {
                $allocs = getObjectIPAllocations($object_id);
                $current_ips = array();
                foreach ($allocs as $alloc) {
                    $ip = $alloc["addrinfo"]["ip"];
                    $current_ips[$ip] = $ip;
                $ip = $interface['ip'];
                if (!in_array($ip, array_values($current_ips))) {
                    // new IP
                    $ip_bin = ip_parse($ip);
                    if (null == getIPAddressNetworkId($ip_bin)) {
                        // if ip is not exists, adding it into RackTables IPv4Prefix.
                        $range = substr($ip, 0, strripos($ip, '.')) . '.0/24';
                        $vlan_ck = NULL;
                        $net_id = createIPv4Prefix($range, 'admim', isCheckSet('is_connected'), $taglist);
                        $net_cell = spotEntity('ipv4net', $net_id);
                        if (isset($vlan_ck)) {
                            if (considerConfiguredConstraint($net_cell, 'VLANIPV4NET_LISTSRC')) {
                                commitSupplementVLANIPv4($vlan_ck, $net_id);
                    bindIPToObject($ip_bin, $object_id, "", "");
    return $objectDatas;
  * @expectedException PDOException
 public function testInvalidateRackLink()
     usePreparedInsertBlade('EntityLink', array('parent_entity_type' => 'row', 'parent_entity_id' => self::$rowa_id, 'child_entity_type' => 'rack', 'child_entity_id' => self::$racka_id));
     usePreparedInsertBlade('EntityLink', array('parent_entity_type' => 'row', 'parent_entity_id' => self::$rowb_id, 'child_entity_type' => 'rack', 'child_entity_id' => self::$rackb_id));
     usePreparedUpdateBlade('EntityLink', array('child_entity_id' => self::$racka_id), array('id' => lastInsertID()));
Esempio n. 9
  * @expectedException PDOException
 public function testUpdateLinkBetweenIncompatiblePorts()
     usePreparedInsertBlade('Link', array('porta' => self::$porta, 'portb' => self::$portb));
     usePreparedUpdateBlade('Link', array('porta' => self::$porta, 'portb' => self::$portc), array('porta' => self::$porta, 'portb' => self::$portb));
Esempio n. 10
function updateVLANDomain()
    $domain_id = assertUIntArg('vdom_id');
    $group_id = assertUIntArg('group_id', TRUE);
    $description = assertStringArg('vdom_descr');
    if (!$group_id) {
        $group_id = NULL;
    } else {
        $dominfo = getVLANDomain($domain_id);
        $parent_dominfo = getVLANDomain($group_id);
        if ($group_id == $domain_id) {
            throw new InvalidRequestArgException('group_id', $group_id, "domains should not be the same");
        if ($parent_dominfo['group_id'] || $dominfo['subdomc']) {
            throw new InvalidRequestArgException('group_id', $group_id, "Multi-level domain groups are not allowed");
    usePreparedUpdateBlade('VLANDomain', array('group_id' => $group_id, 'description' => $description), array('id' => $domain_id));
    showSuccess("VLAN domain updated successfully");
Esempio n. 11
File: api.php Progetto: xtha/salt
             // finally update our value
             error_log("update attribute ID {$attr_id} from {$oldvalue} to {$value}");
             commitUpdateAttrValue($object_id, $attr_id, $value);
     // see if we also need to update the object type
     $object = spotEntity('object', $object_id);
     if ($sic['object_type_id'] != $object['objtype_id']) {
         error_log("object type id for object {$object_id} will be changed from " . $object['objtype_id'] . ' to ' . $sic['object_type_id']);
         // check that the two types are compatible
         if (!array_key_exists($sic['object_type_id'], getObjectTypeChangeOptions($object_id))) {
             throw new InvalidRequestArgException('new type_id', $sic['object_type_id'], 'incompatible with requested attribute values');
         usePreparedUpdateBlade('RackObject', array('objtype_id' => $sic['object_type_id']), array('id' => $object_id));
     // Invalidate thumb cache of all racks objects could occupy.
     foreach (getResidentRacksData($object_id, FALSE) as $rack_id) {
         usePreparedDeleteBlade('RackThumbnail', array('rack_id' => $rack_id));
     // ok, now we're good
     // redirect to the get_object URL for the edited object
     redirectUser($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?method=get_object&object_id={$object_id}");
     // update user-defined tags for an object
     //    UI equivalent: /index.php?module=redirect&page=object&tab=tags&op=saveTags
     //    UI handler: saveEntityTags()
 // update user-defined tags for an object
 //    UI equivalent: /index.php?module=redirect&page=object&tab=tags&op=saveTags
Esempio n. 12
function commitUpdateAttrForNetwork($network, $attr_id, $value = '')
    switch ($network['realm']) {
        case 'ipv4net':
            $av_table = 'AttributeValue_IPv4';
        case 'ipv6net':
            $av_table = 'AttributeValue_IPv6';
            throw new InvalidArgException('realm', $network['realm'], "Unknown realm");
    $key = array('net_id' => $network['id'], 'attr_id' => $attr_id);
    $result = usePreparedSelectBlade("SELECT type AS attr_type, av.* FROM Attribute a " . "LEFT JOIN {$av_table} av ON = av.attr_id AND av.net_id = ?" . "WHERE = ?", array($network['id'], $attr_id));
    if (!($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) {
        throw new InvalidArgException('$attr_id', $attr_id, 'No such attribute #' . $attr_id);
    $attr_type = $row['attr_type'];
    switch ($attr_type) {
        case 'uint':
        case 'float':
        case 'string':
            $column = $attr_type . '_value';
        case 'dict':
        case 'date':
            $column = 'uint_value';
            throw new InvalidArgException('$attr_type', $attr_type, 'Unknown attribute type found in ' . $network['realm'] . ' #' . $network['id'] . ', attribute #' . $attr_id);
    $ret = 0;
    if (isset($row['attr_id'])) {
        // AttributeValue row present in table
        if ($value == '') {
            $ret = usePreparedDeleteBlade($av_table, $key);
        } else {
            $ret = usePreparedUpdateBlade($av_table, array($column => $value), $key);
    } elseif ($value != '') {
        $ret = usePreparedInsertBlade($av_table, $key + array($column => $value));
    return $ret;
Esempio n. 13
function sg_commitUpdatePortl2address($object_id, $port_id, $port_l2address)
    $db_l2address = l2addressForDatabase($port_l2address);
    global $dbxlink;
    $dbxlink->exec('LOCK TABLES Port WRITE');
    if (alreadyUsedL2Address($db_l2address, $object_id)) {
        $dbxlink->exec('UNLOCK TABLES');
        // FIXME: it is more correct to throw InvalidArgException here
        // and convert it to InvalidRequestArgException at upper level,
        // when there is a mean to do that.
        throw new InvalidRequestArgException('port_l2address', $db_l2address, 'address belongs to another object');
    usePreparedUpdateBlade('Port', array('l2address' => $db_l2address === '' ? NULL : $db_l2address), array('id' => $port_id, 'object_id' => $object_id));
    $dbxlink->exec('UNLOCK TABLES');
Esempio n. 14
function updateRackTemperature()
    //showFuncMessage (__FUNCTION__, 'OK', array ($_REQUEST['name']));
    //$row = array ('rackid' => $_REQUEST['rack_id'], 'top' => 10, 'middle' => 20, 'bottom' => 30);
    //usePreparedInsertBlade ('racktemperature', $row);
    $rack_id = $_REQUEST['rack_id'];
    $result = usePreparedSelectBlade("SELECT * FROM racktemperature WHERE rackid = ?", array($rack_id));
    $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    if (isset($row['rackid'])) {
        usePreparedUpdateBlade('racktemperature', array('top' => $_REQUEST['top'], 'middle' => $_REQUEST['middle'], 'bottom' => $_REQUEST['bottom']), array('rackid' => $_REQUEST['rack_id']));
    } else {
        $row = array('rackid' => $_REQUEST['rack_id'], 'top' => $_REQUEST['top'], 'middle' => $_REQUEST['middle'], 'bottom' => $_REQUEST['bottom']);
        //$row = array ('rackid' => $_REQUEST['rack_id'], 'top' => 10, 'middle' => 20, 'bottom' => 30);
        usePreparedInsertBlade('racktemperature', $row);
Esempio n. 15
function tableHandler()
    $opspec = getOpspec();
    switch ($opspec['action']) {
        case 'INSERT':
            usePreparedInsertBlade($opspec['table'], buildOpspecColumns($opspec, 'arglist'));
            $retcode = 48;
        case 'DELETE':
            $conjunction = array_key_exists('conjunction', $opspec) ? $opspec['conjunction'] : 'AND';
            usePreparedDeleteBlade($opspec['table'], buildOpspecColumns($opspec, 'arglist'), $conjunction);
            $retcode = 49;
        case 'UPDATE':
            usePreparedUpdateBlade($opspec['table'], buildOpspecColumns($opspec, 'set_arglist'), buildOpspecColumns($opspec, 'where_arglist'), array_key_exists('conjunction', $opspec) ? $opspec['conjunction'] : 'AND');
            $retcode = 51;
            throw new InvalidArgException('opspec/action', $opspec['action']);
Esempio n. 16
function updateNodePingCheck()
    $check = getNodePingCheck($_REQUEST['check_id']);
    $account = getNodePingAccount($_REQUEST['account_id']);
    $nodeping = new NodePingClient(array('token' => $account['token']));
    $np_check = $nodeping->check->get(array('id' => $_REQUEST['np_check_id'], 'limit' => 1, 'clean' => true));
    if (isset($check['error'])) {
        return showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'ERR1', array('Error: ' . $np_check['error']));
    usePreparedUpdateBlade('NodePingCheck', array('account_id' => $_REQUEST['account_id'], 'np_check_id' => $_REQUEST['np_check_id'], 'label' => $np_check['label'], 'type' => $np_check['type'], 'target' => $np_check['parameters']['target'], 'check_interval' => $np_check['interval']), array('id' => $_REQUEST['check_id']));
    return showFuncMessage(__FUNCTION__, 'OK', array(htmlspecialchars($np_check['label'])));