function json_encode_cn($arr) { return urldecode(json_encode(urlencode_array($arr))); }
/** * Función para pasar por url un array */ function urlencode_array($var, $varName, $separator = '&') { $toImplode = array(); foreach ($var as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $toImplode[] = urlencode_array($value, "{$varName}[{$key}]", $separator); } else { $toImplode[] = "{$varName}[{$key}]=" . urlencode($value); } } return implode($separator, $toImplode); }
public function openid() { $openid = new LightOpenID($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); if (!$openid->mode) { if (isset($_POST['google'])) { $openid->identity = ''; $openid->required = array('namePerson/friendly', 'contact/email'); $openid->optional = array('namePerson', 'birthDate', 'person/gender', 'contact/postalCode/home', 'contact/country/home', 'pref/language', 'pref/timezone'); header('Location: ' . $openid->authUrl()); } } else { if ($openid->mode === 'cancel') { echo 'User has canceled authentication!'; } else { if ($openid->validate()) { $data = $openid->getAttributes(); /* check for first login, if no record exists create one and force user to input remaining data. * If a login does exist create the session and redirect the user to their dashboard. */ $identity = $this->model->check_openid($openid->identity); if (!$identity) { redirect('auth/register/' . urlencode_array($data) . '&identity=' . urlencode($openid->identity)); } else { if (!$this->model->login_user($identity['identity'])) { die("could not login user"); } else { redirect('dashboard'); } } } else { echo "Login with '{$openid->identity}' failed"; } } } }
/**/ /** * Testing get_billing_methods *****************************/ open_div('Testing get_billing_methods', 'billing_methods'); $billing_methods = $r->get_billing_methods(); print_pre($billing_methods); close_div(); /**/ /** * Testing get_orders ********************/ open_div('Testing get_orders', 'list_nodes'); $filters = array('include_inactive' => 'N'); // $orders = $r->get_orders(urlencode_array($filters)); print_pre($orders); close_div(); /**/ /** * Testing find_order ********************/ open_div('Testing find_order', 'find_node'); $vps = $r->find_order('', false); print_pre($vps); close_div(); /**/ /** * Testing vps->get_info ***********************/ open_div('Testing vps->get_info', 'node_info');
function AMP_url_build_query($attr = array()) { if (empty($attr)) { return array(); } $complete = array(); foreach ($attr as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $complete[$key] = urlencode_array($value, $key); continue; } elseif (strip_tags($value) != $value) { continue; } $complete[$key] = AMP_url_print($value, $key); } return $complete; }
function navegador($datos, $offset, $numrows, $cfilas, $maxpag) { $id = $this->id; //****************************************** CARGA DEL NAVERGADOR ********************************************************************* // variables del get que no se van a volver a pasar $ex_pasaget = array("offset" . $id, "borrar", "publicar", "despublicar"); if ($datos) { foreach ($datos as $param => $valor) { if (!in_array($param, $ex_pasaget)) { // AGREGADO if (!is_array($valor)) { $valor = urlencode($valor); $auxarr_nav[] = "{$param}=" . $valor; } else { $auxarr_nav[] = urlencode_array($valor, $param); } } } } if (count($auxarr_nav) > 0) { $pasa_get = "&" . join("&", $auxarr_nav); } else { $pasa_get = ""; } //---Calculos de paguinado--- $paginaactual = $offset / $cfilas + 1; $intermaxpag = intval(($paginaactual - 1) / $maxpag); $pages = intval($numrows / $cfilas); if ($numrows % $cfilas) { $pages++; } $total_pages = $pages; //total de paginas //Logica de maximo de paginas en el navegador if ($pages > $intermaxpag * $maxpag) { //si el numero total de pagias es mayor a el numero de inervalos por el maximo de paginas a // mostrar.. if ($pages > $intermaxpag * $maxpag + $maxpag) { //lo mismo que el anterior pero este sirbe para el ultimo intervlo. $pages = $intermaxpag * $maxpag + $maxpag; //modifica el valor de las paginas a mostrar segun el limite de paginas } $init = $intermaxpag * $maxpag + 1; //modifica el valor de donde va a empesar a mostrar los paginas } $str_nav = "<div class=\"paginado\">"; // pfagalde: Para que en el caso de que la consulta traiga mas resultados // pero solo querramos mostrar una pagina if ($total_pages > 1 && $maxpag > 1) { //link anterior if ($offset > 0 && $offset <= $numrows) { // previene que no aparezca el link de pagina anterior $prevoffset = $offset - $cfilas; $str_nav = $str_nav . "<a class=\"prevnext\" href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?offset{$id}=0{$pasa_get}\">« Primera</a> \n"; if ($intermaxpag >= 1) { $str_nav = $str_nav . "<a class=\"prevnext\" href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?offset{$id}=" . ($maxpag * $cfilas * $intermaxpag - $maxpag * $cfilas) . "{$pasa_get}\"><img src='" . $this->path_image . "boton_retro.gif' alt='Retroceder {$maxpag} páginas' style='border:0px; text-align:center;'></a> \n"; } $str_nav = $str_nav . "<a class=\"prevnext\" href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?offset{$id}={$prevoffset}{$pasa_get}\">« Anterior</a> \n"; } //arma del navegador for ($i = $init; $i <= $pages; $i++) { if ($offset / $cfilas + 1 == $i) { } $newoffset = $cfilas * ($i - 1); $str_nav = $str_nav . "<a class='paginado' href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?offset{$id}={$newoffset}{$pasa_get}\">" . ($offset / $cfilas + 1 == $i ? "<strong class='actual'>{$i}</strong>" : "{$i}") . "</a> \n"; } // link siguiente if (!($offset / $cfilas == $pages)) { //para que la ultima pagina no tenga siguiente $newoffset = $offset + $cfilas; if ($numrows - $offset > $cfilas && $offset < $numrows) { $str_nav = $str_nav . "<a class=\"prevnext\" href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?offset{$id}={$newoffset}{$pasa_get}\">Siguiente »</a> \n"; if (($intermaxpag + 1) * $maxpag * $cfilas == $pages * $cfilas && $total_pages != $pages) { $str_nav = $str_nav . "<a class=\"prevnext\" href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?offset{$id}=" . ($intermaxpag + 1) * $maxpag * $cfilas . "{$pasa_get}\"><img src='" . $this->path_image . "boton_avance.gif' alt='Adelantar {$maxpag} Páginas' style='border:0px; text-align:center;'></a> \n"; } $str_nav = $str_nav . "<a class=\"prevnext \" href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?offset{$id}=" . ($total_pages * $cfilas - $cfilas) . "{$pasa_get}\">Ultima »</a>\n"; } } $str_nav = $str_nav . "</div>"; return $str_nav; } }
/** * Gets a list of orders belonging to the user. The list can be filtered * @param string|array filters * dc-location: dclondon; dcdallas; dcbrisbane * sever-type: VPS; PHYSICAL * include_inactive: Y | N * @return array empty array if nothing found or array of RimuHostingNode objects */ public function get_orders($filters = '') { if (is_array($filters)) { $filters = urlencode_array($filters); } $url = $this->_base_url . '/r/orders;' . $filters; $orders = array(); $response = $this->run_query($url); $this->response = $response->get_orders_response; if ($response->get_orders_response->response_type == 'OK') { foreach ($response->get_orders_response->about_orders as $order) { $orders[$order->order_oid] = new RimuHostingNode($this, $order, $order->domain_name); } } return $orders; }