public function setImageAttribute($value) { if ($value instanceof UploadedFile) { $this->attributes['image'] = upload_image($value, static::$path, 'post.uploaded'); } else { $this->attributes['image'] = $value; } }
public function insert_restaurant() { $requested_mod = $this->uri->segment(2); if (!$this->acl->hasPermission($requested_mod)) { redirect('admin/dashboard'); } if (!empty($_POST)) { $insert_data['sb_hotel_id'] = $this->input->post('sb_hotel_id'); $insert_data['sb_hotel_restaurant_name'] = $this->input->post('sb_rest_name'); $insert_data['sb_hotel_restaurant_details'] = $this->input->post('sb_rest_desc'); if (array_key_exists("add", $_POST)) { if (!empty($_FILES['sb_rest_img']['name'])) { $folderName = RESTAURANT_PIC; $pic1 = upload_image($folderName, "sb_rest_img"); if ($pic1 != 0) { $insert_data['sb_rest_image'] = $pic1; } } $r = $this->Restaurant_model->insert_rest($insert_data); if ($r > 0) { $this->data['title'] = 'Available Restaurants List'; $this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'New Restaurants added successfully.'); //$this->template->load('page_tpl','restaurant_list_view',$this->data); } else { $this->data['title'] = 'Available Restaurants List'; $this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'Some error occured.. Try Again'); //$this->template->load('page_tpl','restaurant_list_view',$this->data); } } elseif (array_key_exists("edit", $_POST)) { $insert_data1['sb_hotel_restaurant_name'] = $this->input->post('sb_rest_name'); $insert_data1['sb_hotel_restaurant_details'] = $this->input->post('sb_rest_desc'); $sb_hotel_restaurant_id = $this->input->post('sb_hotel_restaurant_id'); if ($_FILES['sb_rest_img']['name'] != '') { $this->unlink_images($sb_hotel_restaurant_id, $insert_data['sb_hotel_id']); $folderName = RESTAURANT_PIC; $pic1 = upload_image($folderName, "sb_rest_img"); if ($pic1 != 0) { $insert_data1['sb_rest_image'] = $pic1; } } $r = $this->Restaurant_model->update_rest($insert_data1, $sb_hotel_restaurant_id, $insert_data['sb_hotel_id']); if ($r > 0) { $this->data['title'] = 'Available Restaurants List'; $this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'Restaurants Editted successfully.'); //$this->template->load('page_tpl','restaurant_list_view',$this->data); } else { $this->data['title'] = 'Available Restaurants List'; $this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'Some error occured.. Try Again'); //$this->template->load('page_tpl','restaurant_list_view',$this->data); } } } else { $this->data['title'] = 'Available Restaurants List'; $this->session->set_flashdata('message', 'Image type not valid'); //$this->template->load('page_tpl','restaurant_list_view',$this->data); } redirect('admin/Restaurants'); }
public function uploadPic() { //include('inc/s3_config.php'); //$bucket = 'akshaytestbucket'; $old_pic_name = $this->input->post('pic_name'); $sb_hotel_user_id = $this->session->userdata('logged_in_user')->sb_hotel_user_id; if (!empty($_FILES['sb_hotel_user_pic']['name'])) { // $tempFile = $_FILES['sb_hotel_user_pic']['tmp_name']; // $ext = $this->getExtension($_FILES['sb_hotel_user_pic']['name']); // $fileName = $sb_hotel_user_id."_profilepic_".time().".".$ext; // $targetFile = $targetPath . $fileName ; // if($s3->putObjectFile($tempFile, BUCKET, $fileName, S3::ACL_PUBLIC_READ) ) // { // if($old_pic_name !="") // $result = $s3->deleteObject(BUCKET,$old_pic_name); // $edit= array( // 'sb_hotel_user_pic'=>$fileName // ); // $this->uploadprofilepic_model->uploadPic($edit,$sb_hotel_user_id); // } //$folderName=HOTEL_USER_PIC; $folderName = $sb_hotel_user_id . "_profilepic_"; $pic1 = upload_image($folderName, "sb_hotel_user_pic"); if ($pic1 != 0) { if ($old_pic_name != "") { $one = delete_oldpic($old_pic_name); } $data["sb_hotel_user_pic"] = $pic1; $edit = array('sb_hotel_user_pic' => $pic1); $this->uploadprofilepic_model->uploadPic($edit, $sb_hotel_user_id); } } $this->session->userdata('logged_in_user')->sb_hotel_user_pic = $edit['sb_hotel_user_pic']; $this->session->set_flashdata('UPLOAD_PROFILEPIC_SUCCESS', UPLOAD_PROFILEPIC_SUCCESS); redirect('admin/uploadprofilepic'); }
<?php require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/app.php'; need_login(); if ($_POST) { $update = array('email' => $_POST['email'], 'username' => $_POST['username'], 'realname' => $_POST['realname'], 'zipcode' => $_POST['zipcode'], 'address' => $_POST['address'], 'mobile' => $_POST['mobile'], 'gender' => $_POST['gender'], 'city_id' => $_POST['city_id'], 'qq' => $_POST['qq'], 'city_id' => $_POST['city_id']); $avatar = upload_image('upload_image', $login_user['avatar'], 'user'); $update['avatar'] = $avatar; if ($_POST['password'] == $_POST['password2'] && $_POST['password']) { $update['password'] = $_POST['password']; } if (ZUser::Modify($login_user['id'], $update)) { Session::Set('notice', '修改账户设置成功'); Utility::Redirect(WEB_ROOT . '/account/settings.php '); } else { Session::Set('error', '修改账户设置失败'); } } $readonly['email'] = defined('UC_API') ? '' : 'readonly'; $readonly['username'] = defined('UC_API') ? 'readonly' : ''; include template('account_settings');
<?php if (isset($_POST['male_name'])) { include_once "../functions.php"; include "../header_db.php"; include "upload.php"; $id = $_POST['id']; //echo $_POST['male_dob']; include_once "addslashes_to_POST.php"; $location = "../images/" . $id; $image_name = upload_image($_FILES, $location); $has_partner = 0; if (isset($_POST['female_name'])) { $has_partner = 1; } $sql = "UPDATE s_male SET Name = " . build_value_type($_POST['male_name']) . ", DOB = " . build_value_type($_POST['male_dob']) . ", Email = " . build_value_type($_POST['male_email_id']) . ", Mobile = " . build_value_type($_POST['male_mobile']) . ", Blood_Group = " . build_value_type($_POST['male_blood_group']) . ", Occupation = " . build_value_type($_POST['male_occupation']) . ", off_addr1 = " . build_value_type($_POST['male_off_addr1']) . ", off_addr_area = " . build_value_type($_POST['male_off_area']) . ", off_addr_pin = " . build_value_type((int) $_POST['male_off_pincode']) . ", Office_phone = " . build_value_type($_POST['male_off_phone']) . ", has_partner = " . $has_partner . " WHERE id = " . $_POST['id'] . ";"; $sql .= "UPDATE s_common SET DOM = " . build_value_type($_POST['comm_wedding_date']) . ", res_addr1 = " . build_value_type($_POST['comm_res_addr1']) . ", res_addr_area = " . build_value_type($_POST['comm_res_area']) . ", res_addr_pin = " . build_value_type((int) $_POST['comm_res_pincode']) . ", Residence_Phone = " . build_value_type($_POST['comm_res_phone']) . " WHERE id = " . $_POST['id'] . ";"; $sql .= "UPDATE s_female SET Name = " . build_value_type($_POST['female_name']) . ", DOB = " . build_value_type($_POST['female_dob']) . ", Email = " . build_value_type($_POST['female_email_id']) . ", Mobile = " . build_value_type($_POST['female_mobile']) . ", Blood_Group = " . build_value_type($_POST['female_blood_group']) . ", Occupation = " . build_value_type($_POST['female_occupation']) . ", has_partner = " . $has_partner . " WHERE id = " . ($_POST['id'] + 1) . ";"; $no_of_kids = (int) $_POST['no_of_kids']; if ($no_of_kids > 0) { $kids_start_id = $_POST['kid_id']; for ($i = 0; $i < $no_of_kids; $i++) { $sql .= "UPDATE s_kids SET Name = " . build_value_type($_POST['kid_name' . $i]) . ", DOB = " . build_value_type($_POST['kid_dob' . $i]) . ", Email = " . build_value_type($_POST['kid_email_id' . $i]) . ", Mobile = " . build_value_type($_POST['kid_mobile_no' . $i]) . ", Blood_Group = " . build_value_type($_POST['kid_blood_group' . $i]) . " WHERE id = " . $kids_start_id . ";"; $kids_start_id++; } } if (mysqli_multi_query($connection, $sql)) { mysqli_close($connection); header("Location:index.php"); } }
public function update() { $id = isset($_POST['id']) ? intval($_POST['id']) : 0; $data = $_POST; $data['id'] = $id; $data['is_complete'] = isset($data['is_complete']) ? SERIES_STATUS_COMPLETE : SERIES_STATUS_ONGOING; $obj = $this->Series_model->getById($id); $data['thumbnail'] = $obj['thumbnail']; $message = $this->validate($data, TRUE); if (!empty($message)) { set_flash_error($message); } $listGenre = $this->Genre_model->getAll(); $defaultGenre = isset($data['genre']) ? $data['genre'] : array(); $genreSelectbox = selectBox($listGenre, array('Name' => 'genre[]', 'multiple' => 'multiple', 'size' => 10, 'Selected' => $defaultGenre)); $data['genreSelectbox'] = $genreSelectbox; $statusSelectbox = selectBox($this->_config['status'], array('Name' => 'status', 'Selected' => $data['status'])); $data['statusSelectbox'] = $statusSelectbox; $countrySelectbox = selectBox($this->_config['countries'], array('Name' => 'country', 'Selected' => $data['country'])); $data['countrySelectbox'] = $countrySelectbox; $typeSelectbox = selectBox($this->_config['video_type'], array('Name' => 'type', 'Selected' => $data['type'])); $data['typeSelectbox'] = $typeSelectbox; if (!has_error()) { $canUpdate = FALSE; if (!empty($_FILES) && !empty($_FILES['thumbnail']['tmp_name'])) { $result = upload_image($_FILES, SERIE_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_PATH); if ($result['error'] != 0) { $this->layout->title('Edit video'); $this->layout->view('admin_series/edit', $data); } else { $data['thumbnail'] = $result['fileName']; $this->_deleteImage($id); $canUpdate = TRUE; } } else { $canUpdate = TRUE; } if ($canUpdate) { $id = $this->Series_model->update($id, $data); $this->Series_Genre_model->deleteBySeriesId($id); if ($data['genre']) { foreach ($data['genre'] as $genreId) { $seriesGenreData = array(); $seriesGenreData['genre_id'] = $genreId; $seriesGenreData['series_id'] = $id; $this->Series_Genre_model->insert($seriesGenreData); } } $url = base_url() . 'admin_series/index'; set_flash_message($this->lang->line('admin.series.updated')); redirect($url); } } else { $this->layout->title('Edit series'); $this->layout->view('admin_series/edit', $data); } }
if ($_POST) { $team = $_POST; $insert = array('title', 'market_price', 'team_price', 'end_time', 'begin_time', 'expire_time', 'min_number', 'max_number', 'summary', 'notice', 'conduser', 'per_number', 'buyonce', 'product', 'image', 'detail', 'userreview', 'systemreview', 'image1', 'image2', 'flv', 'card', 'bonus', 'mobile', 'address', 'fare', 'express', 'delivery', 'user_id', 'state', 'city_id', 'group_id', 'partner_id', 'team_type', 'sort_order', 'condbuy', 'farefree'); $team['user_id'] = $login_user_id; $team['state'] = 'none'; $team['begin_time'] = strtotime($team['begin_time']); $team['city_id'] = abs(intval($team['city_id'])); $team['partner_id'] = abs(intval($partner_id)); $team['sort_order'] = 0; $team['fare'] = abs(intval($team['fare'])); $team['farefree'] = abs(intval($team['farefree'])); $team['end_time'] = strtotime($team['end_time']); $team['expire_time'] = strtotime($team['expire_time']); $team['image'] = upload_image('upload_image', null, 'team', true); $team['image1'] = upload_image('upload_image1', null, 'team'); $team['image2'] = upload_image('upload_image2', null, 'team'); $table = new Table('team', $team); //team_type == goods if ($table->team_type == 'goods') { $table->min_number = 1; } $table->SetStrip('detail', 'systemreview', 'notice'); if ($team_id = $table->insert($insert)) { Session::Set('notice', '新建项目成功, 请耐心等待审核!'); Utility::Redirect(WEB_ROOT . "/biz/index.php"); } } else { $profile = Table::Fetch('leader', $login_user_id, 'user_id'); //1 $team = array(); $team['user_id'] = $login_user_id;
protected function verify_image_upload() { $locale = fusion_get_locale(); require_once INCLUDES . "infusions_include.php"; if ($this->field_config['multiple']) { $target_folder = $this->field_config['path']; $target_width = $this->field_config['max_width']; $target_height = $this->field_config['max_height']; $max_size = $this->field_config['max_byte']; $delete_original = $this->field_config['delete_original']; $thumb1 = $this->field_config['thumbnail']; $thumb2 = $this->field_config['thumbnail2']; $thumb1_ratio = 1; $thumb1_folder = $this->field_config['path'] . $this->field_config['thumbnail_folder'] . "/"; $thumb1_suffix = $this->field_config['thumbnail_suffix']; $thumb1_width = $this->field_config['thumbnail_w']; $thumb1_height = $this->field_config['thumbnail_h']; $thumb2_ratio = 0; $thumb2_folder = $this->field_config['path'] . $this->field_config['thumbnail_folder'] . "/"; $thumb2_suffix = $this->field_config['thumbnail2_suffix']; $thumb2_width = $this->field_config['thumbnail2_w']; $thumb2_height = $this->field_config['thumbnail2_h']; $query = ''; if (!empty($_FILES[$this->field_config['input_name']]['name']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$this->field_config['input_name']]['tmp_name'][0]) && $this->safe()) { $result = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= count($_FILES[$this->field_config['input_name']]['name']) - 1; $i++) { if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$this->field_config['input_name']]['tmp_name'][$i])) { $image = $_FILES[$this->field_config['input_name']]; $target_name = $_FILES[$this->field_config['input_name']]['name'][$i]; if ($target_name != "" && !preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/", $target_name)) { $image_name = $target_name; } else { $image_name = stripfilename(substr($image['name'][$i], 0, strrpos($image['name'][$i], "."))); } $image_ext = strtolower(strrchr($image['name'][$i], ".")); $image_res = array(); if (filesize($image['tmp_name'][$i]) > 10 && @getimagesize($image['tmp_name'][$i])) { $image_res = @getimagesize($image['tmp_name'][$i]); } $image_info = array("image" => FALSE, "image_name" => $image_name . $image_ext, "image_ext" => $image_ext, "image_size" => $image['size'], "image_width" => $image_res[0], "image_height" => $image_res[1], "thumb1" => FALSE, "thumb1_name" => "", "thumb2" => FALSE, "thumb2_name" => "", "error" => 0); if ($image_ext == ".gif") { $filetype = 1; } elseif ($image_ext == ".jpg") { $filetype = 2; } elseif ($image_ext == ".png") { $filetype = 3; } else { $filetype = FALSE; } if ($image['size'][$i] > $max_size) { // Invalid file size $image_info['error'] = 1; } elseif (!$filetype || !verify_image($image['tmp_name'][$i])) { // Unsupported image type $image_info['error'] = 2; } elseif ($image_res[0] > $target_width || $image_res[1] > $target_height) { // Invalid image resolution $image_info['error'] = 3; } else { if (!file_exists($target_folder)) { mkdir($target_folder, 0755); } $image_name_full = filename_exists($target_folder, $image_name . $image_ext); $image_name = substr($image_name_full, 0, strrpos($image_name_full, ".")); $image_info['image_name'] = $image_name_full; $image_info['image'] = TRUE; move_uploaded_file($image['tmp_name'][$i], $target_folder . $image_name_full); if (function_exists("chmod")) { chmod($target_folder . $image_name_full, 0755); } if ($query && !dbquery($query)) { // Invalid query string $image_info['error'] = 4; if (file_exists($target_folder . $image_name_full)) { @unlink($target_folder . $image_name_full); } } elseif ($thumb1 || $thumb2) { require_once INCLUDES . "photo_functions_include.php"; $noThumb = FALSE; if ($thumb1) { if ($image_res[0] <= $thumb1_width && $image_res[1] <= $thumb1_height) { $noThumb = TRUE; $image_info['thumb1_name'] = $image_info['image_name']; $image_info['thumb1'] = TRUE; } else { if (!file_exists($thumb1_folder)) { mkdir($thumb1_folder, 0755, TRUE); } $image_name_t1 = filename_exists($thumb1_folder, $image_name . $thumb1_suffix . $image_ext); $image_info['thumb1_name'] = $image_name_t1; $image_info['thumb1'] = TRUE; if ($thumb1_ratio == 0) { createthumbnail($filetype, $target_folder . $image_name_full, $thumb1_folder . $image_name_t1, $thumb1_width, $thumb1_height); } else { createsquarethumbnail($filetype, $target_folder . $image_name_full, $thumb1_folder . $image_name_t1, $thumb1_width); } } } if ($thumb2) { if ($image_res[0] < $thumb2_width && $image_res[1] < $thumb2_height) { $noThumb = TRUE; $image_info['thumb2_name'] = $image_info['image_name']; $image_info['thumb2'] = TRUE; } else { if (!file_exists($thumb2_folder)) { mkdir($thumb2_folder, 0755, TRUE); } $image_name_t2 = filename_exists($thumb2_folder, $image_name . $thumb2_suffix . $image_ext); $image_info['thumb2_name'] = $image_name_t2; $image_info['thumb2'] = TRUE; if ($thumb2_ratio == 0) { createthumbnail($filetype, $target_folder . $image_name_full, $thumb2_folder . $image_name_t2, $thumb2_width, $thumb2_height); } else { createsquarethumbnail($filetype, $target_folder . $image_name_full, $thumb2_folder . $image_name_t2, $thumb2_width); } } } if ($delete_original && !$noThumb) { unlink($target_folder . $image_name_full); $image_info['image'] = FALSE; } } } } else { $image_info = array("error" => 5); } if ($image_info['error'] != 0) { $this->stop(); // return FALSE if possible switch ($image_info['error']) { case 1: // Invalid file size addNotice('danger', sprintf($locale['df_416'], parsebytesize($this->field_config['max_byte']))); self::setInputError($this->field_name); break; case 2: // Unsupported image type addNotice('danger', sprintf($locale['df_417'], ".gif .jpg .png")); self::setInputError($this->field_name); break; case 3: // Invalid image resolution addNotice('danger', sprintf($locale['df_421'], $this->field_config['max_width'], $this->field_config['max_height'])); self::setInputError($this->field_name); break; case 4: // Invalid query string addNotice('danger', $locale['df_422']); self::setInputError($this->field_name); break; case 5: // Image not uploaded addNotice('danger', $locale['df_423']); self::setInputError($this->field_name); break; } $result[$i] = $image_info; } else { $result[$i] = $image_info; } } // end for return $result; } else { return array(); } } else { if (!empty($_FILES[$this->field_config['input_name']]['name']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES[$this->field_config['input_name']]['tmp_name']) && $this->safe()) { $upload = upload_image($this->field_config['input_name'], $_FILES[$this->field_config['input_name']]['name'], $this->field_config['path'], $this->field_config['max_width'], $this->field_config['max_height'], $this->field_config['max_byte'], $this->field_config['delete_original'], $this->field_config['thumbnail'], $this->field_config['thumbnail2'], 1, $this->field_config['path'] . $this->field_config['thumbnail_folder'] . "/", $this->field_config['thumbnail_suffix'], $this->field_config['thumbnail_w'], $this->field_config['thumbnail_h'], 0, $this->field_config['path'] . $this->field_config['thumbnail_folder'] . "/", $this->field_config['thumbnail2_suffix'], $this->field_config['thumbnail2_w'], $this->field_config['thumbnail2_h']); if ($upload['error'] != 0) { $this->stop(); switch ($upload['error']) { case 1: // Invalid file size addNotice('danger', sprintf($locale['df_416'], parsebytesize($this->field_config['max_byte']))); self::setInputError($this->field_name); break; case 2: // Unsupported image type addNotice('danger', sprintf($locale['df_417'], ".gif .jpg .png")); self::setInputError($this->field_name); break; case 3: // Invalid image resolution addNotice('danger', sprintf($locale['df_421'], $this->field_config['max_width'], $this->field_config['max_height'])); self::setInputError($this->field_name); break; case 4: // Invalid query string addNotice('danger', $locale['df_422']); self::setInputError($this->field_name); break; case 5: // Image not uploaded addNotice('danger', $locale['df_423']); self::setInputError($this->field_name); break; } return $upload; } else { return $upload; } } else { return array(); } } }
public function edit_hotel_action($hotel_id) { $data = $this->input->post(); $requested_mod = 'hotel'; if (!$this->acl->hasPermission($requested_mod)) { redirect('admin/dashboard'); } $this->validation_rules = array(array('field' => 'sb_hotel_country', 'label' => 'Country', 'rules' => 'required', 'class' => 'text-danger'), array('field' => 'sb_hotel_state', 'label' => 'State', 'rules' => 'required', 'class' => 'text-danger'), array('field' => 'sb_hotel_city', 'label' => 'City', 'rules' => 'required', 'class' => 'text-danger'), array('field' => 'sb_hotel_address', 'label' => 'Address', 'rules' => 'required', 'class' => 'text-danger'), array('field' => 'sb_hotel_zipcode', 'label' => 'Postal Code', 'rules' => 'required', 'class' => 'text-danger'), array('field' => 'sb_hotel_owner', 'label' => 'Hotel Owner', 'rules' => 'required', 'class' => 'text-danger'), array('field' => 'sb_hotel_website', 'label' => 'Hotel Website', 'rules' => 'required|prep_url', 'class' => 'text-danger'), array('field' => 'sb_hotel_email', 'label' => 'Hotel Email', 'rules' => 'required|valid_email', 'class' => 'text-danger')); $this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<div class="text-danger">', '</div>'); $this->form_validation->set_rules($this->validation_rules); if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { $this->data['action'] = "admin/hotel/edit_hotel_action/{$hotel_id}"; $this->data['countrylist'] = getCountryList(); $this->data['languagelist'] = getAllLanguages(); $this->data['hoteldata'] = $this->Hotel_model->get_hotel_data($hotel_id); $this->template->load('page_tpl', 'create_hotel', $this->data); } else { $this->data['hoteldata'] = $this->Hotel_model->get_hotel_data($hotel_id); $data["sb_hotel_pic"] = $this->data['hoteldata']['sb_hotel_pic']; if (!empty($_FILES['sb_hotel_pic']['name'])) { $folderName = HOTEL_PIC; $pic1 = upload_image($folderName, "sb_hotel_pic"); if ($pic1 != 0) { $data["sb_hotel_pic"] = $pic1; } } $hoteldata = array('sb_hotel_category' => $data['sb_hotel_category'], 'sb_hotel_star' => $data['sb_hotel_star'], 'sb_hotel_email' => $data['sb_hotel_email'], 'sb_hotel_website' => $data['sb_hotel_website'], 'sb_hotel_owner' => $data['sb_hotel_owner'], 'sb_hotel_country' => $data['sb_hotel_country'], 'sb_hotel_state' => $data['sb_hotel_state'], 'sb_hotel_city' => $data['sb_hotel_city'], 'sb_hotel_address' => $data['sb_hotel_address'], 'sb_hotel_zipcode' => $data['sb_hotel_zipcode'], 'sb_hotel_pic' => $data['sb_hotel_pic'], 'sb_property_built_month' => $data['sb_property_built_month'], 'sb_property_built_year' => $data['sb_property_built_year'], 'sb_property_open_year' => $data['sb_property_open_year']); $result = $this->Hotel_model->edit_hotel($hoteldata, $hotel_id); if ($result == '1') { $languageresult = $this->Hotel_model->set_hotel_languages($hotel_id, $data['sb_languages']); $this->session->set_flashdata('category_success', HOTEL_UPDATION_SUCCESS); redirect("admin/hotel/edit_hotel/{$hotel_id}"); } else { $this->session->set_flashdata('category_error', HOTEL_UPDATION_FAIL); redirect("admin/hotel/edit_hotel/{$hotel_id}"); } } }
<?php require_once "../../../../maincore.php"; require_once INCLUDES . "infusions_include.php"; require_once INFUSIONS . "al_catalog/infusion_db.php"; if (isset($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) { $upload_dir = AL_CATALOG_DIR . "uploads/"; header('Content-Type: application/json'); $uploaded = upload_image("file", "", $upload_dir, $catalog_settings['photo_max_width'], $catalog_settings['photo_max_height'], $catalog_settings['max_photo_size'], false, true, true, 0, $upload_dir, "_t1", $catalog_settings['cat_thumb_width'], $catalog_settings['cat_thumb_height'], 0, $upload_dir, "_t2", $catalog_settings['item_thumb_width'], $catalog_settings['item_thumb_height']); if ($uploaded['error'] == 0) { $insert = dbquery("INSERT INTO " . DB_AL_CATALOG_IMAGES . " (ctg_image_file,ctg_image_thumb,ctg_image_thumb_item) VALUES ('" . $uploaded['image_name'] . "','" . $uploaded['thumb1_name'] . "','" . $uploaded['thumb2_name'] . "')"); $id = mysql_insert_id(); die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "thumb" : "' . $uploaded['thumb1_name'] . '", "id" : "' . $id . '"}'); } else { die('{"jsonrpc" : "2.0", "result" : "' . $uploaded['error'] . '"}'); } } if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == "delete_image" && isset($_POST['image_id']) && isnum($_POST['image_id'])) { $img_result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . DB_AL_CATALOG_IMAGES . " WHERE ctg_image_id='" . $_POST['image_id'] . "'"); if (dbrows($img_result)) { $img_data = dbarray($img_result); if (file_exists(AL_CATALOG_DIR . "uploads/" . $img_data['ctg_image_file'])) { unlink(AL_CATALOG_DIR . "uploads/" . $img_data['ctg_image_file']); } if (file_exists(AL_CATALOG_DIR . "uploads/" . $img_data['ctg_image_thumb'])) { unlink(AL_CATALOG_DIR . "uploads/" . $img_data['ctg_image_thumb']); } $del = dbquery("DELETE FROM " . DB_AL_CATALOG_IMAGES . " WHERE ctg_image_id='" . $_POST['image_id'] . "'"); } header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array('status' => 'ok'));
Session::Set('error', '无权操作'); redirect(WEB_ROOT . '/biz/index.php'); } $team = Table::Fetch('team', $id); if ($_POST) { $insert = array('title', 'market_price', 'team_price', 'end_time', 'begin_time', 'expire_time', 'min_number', 'max_number', 'summary', 'notice', 'per_number', 'product', 'image', 'detail', 'userreview', 'systemreview', 'image1', 'image2', 'flv', 'card', 'conduser', 'buyonce', 'bonus', 'delivery', 'mobile', 'address', 'fare', 'express', 'credit', 'user_id', 'city_id', 'group_id', 'partner_id', 'team_type'); $table = new Table('team', $_POST); $table->SetStrip('detail', 'systemreview', 'notice'); $table->begin_time = strtotime($_POST['begin_time']); $table->city_id = abs(intval($table->city_id)); $table->partner_id = abs(intval($partner_id)); $table->end_time = strtotime($_POST['end_time']); $table->expire_time = strtotime($_POST['expire_time']); $table->image = upload_image('upload_image', $team['image'], 'team', true); $table->image1 = upload_image('upload_image1', $team['image1'], 'team'); $table->image2 = upload_image('upload_image2', $team['image2'], 'team'); //team_type == goods if ($table->team_type == 'goods') { $table->min_number = 1; } $error_tip = array(); if (!$error_tip) { if ($table->update($insert)) { print $table->title; $field = strtoupper($table->conduser) == 'Y' ? null : 'quantity'; $now_number = Table::Count('order', array('team_id' => $table->id, 'state' => 'pay'), $field); $need_update = array('now_number' => $now_number); /* 增加了总数,未卖完状态 */ if ($table->max_number > $table->now_number) { $need_update['close_time'] = 0; }
$todaypost = $todaypost[0]['todayposts']; $new_todaypost = $todaypost + 1; $thread_info = $db->fetch_all("SELECT subject,replies FROM `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` WHERE tid = '" . $_GET['tid'] . "'"); $lastpost = $_GET['tid'] . "\t" . $thread_info[0]['subject'] . "\t" . $postinfo['date'] . "\t" . $postinfo['author']; if (strtoupper($dbcharset) == 'GBK') { $lastpost = mb_convert_encoding($lastpost, 'GBK', 'UTF-8'); } $db->query("UPDATE `" . DB_PRE . "forum_forum` SET `lastpost` = '" . $lastpost . "',`todayposts` = '" . $new_todaypost . "' WHERE fid = '" . $_GET['fid'] . "'"); $new_replies = $thread_info[0]['replies'] + 1; $db->query("UPDATE `" . DB_PRE . "forum_thread` SET `replies` = '" . $new_replies . "',`lastpost` = '" . $postinfo['date'] . "',`lastposter` = '" . $postinfo['author'] . "' WHERE tid = '" . $_GET['tid'] . "'"); //处理上传的图片 if ($_GET['img'] == '1') { if ($postinfo['ftpimgname'] == '') { upload_image($_FILES, $_GET['tid'], $pid, $postinfo['authorid'], true); } else { upload_image($_FILES, $_GET['tid'], $pid, $postinfo['authorid'], true, $postinfo['ftpimgname']); } } //如果是需要审核的帖子则插入待审核表中 if ($postinfo['verify'] == '-2') { $db->query("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PRE . "common_moderate` (`id`,`idtype`,`status`,`dateline`) VALUES ('" . $pid . "','pid','0','" . $postinfo['date'] . "')"); } $code = '200'; $data_array[0] = array('result' => 'reply succ'); } else { $code = '500'; $data_array[0] = array('result' => 'reply failed'); } break; case 'smiley': $sql = $topic->getSql('smiley');
$id = abs(intval($_GET['id'])); $store = Table::Fetch('store', $id); if ( $_POST && $id==$_POST['id'] && $store) { $table = new Table('store', $_POST); $table->SetStrip('location', 'other'); $table->region = abs(intval($table->region)); $table->city_id = abs(intval($table->city_id)); $table->open = (strtoupper($table->open)=='Y') ? 'Y' : 'N'; $table->store_logo = upload_image('store_logo',$store['store_logo'],'team'); $table->store_bg = upload_image('store_bg',$store['store_bg'],'team'); $table->store_banner = upload_image('store_banner',$store['store_banner'],'team'); $table->store_small_logo = upload_image('store_small_logo',$store['store_small_logo'],'team'); $table->image = upload_image('image',$store['image'],'team'); $up_array = array( 'name', 'brand', 'city_id', 'longlat', 'region', 'partner_id', 'type', 'telphone', 'address', 'create_time', 'businesszone', 'location', 'other', 'open', 'longlat','head', 'contact','jtxl','yysj','mcard_bizer_no', 'store_logo','store_bg','store_banner','store_small_logo','car_yh','image' ); $flag = $table->update( $up_array ); if ( $flag ) { Session::Set('notice', '修改门店信息成功'); redirect( WEB_ROOT . "/manage/store/edit.php?id={$id}"); } Session::Set('error', '修改门店信息失败'); $store = $_POST;
$_POST[$k] = mb_convert_encoding($v, 'GBK', 'UTF-8'); } } } if ($_POST['form_submit'] == 'ok') { $shop_name = trim($_POST['shop_name']); $shop_info = trim($_POST['shop_info']); $shop_phone = trim($_POST['shop_phone']); $shop_address = trim($_POST['shop_address']); $shop_website = trim($_POST['shop_website']); $shop_lat = trim($_POST['shop_lat']); $shop_lng = trim($_POST['shop_lng']); $class = trim($_POST['class']); $fuwu = trim($_POST['fuwu']); $huanjing = trim($_POST['huanjing']); $pic_array = upload_image($_FILES); if ($pic_array) { $shop_pic = $pic_array[0][0]; } else { $shop_pic = $data_array[0]['shop_pic'] ? $data_array[0]['shop_pic'] : ''; } if ($_GET['shop_id'] != '') { $insert_sql = "UPDATE `" . DB_PRE . "common_shoplist` SET `shop_name` = '" . $shop_name . "', `shop_pic` = '" . $shop_pic . "', `shop_info` = '" . $shop_info . "', `shop_name` = '" . $shop_name . "', `shop_phone` = '" . $shop_phone . "', `shop_address` = '" . $shop_address . "', `shop_website` = '" . $shop_website . "', `shop_lat` = '" . $shop_lat . "', `shop_lng` = '" . $shop_lng . "', `class` = '" . $class . "', `fuwu` = '" . $fuwu . "', `huanjing` = '" . $huanjing . "' WHERE `shop_id` =" . $_GET['shop_id']; } else { $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO `" . DB_PRE . "common_shoplist` (`shop_id`, `shop_name`, `shop_pic`, `shop_info`, `shop_phone`, `shop_address`, `shop_website`, `shop_lat`, `shop_lng`, `class`, `fuwu`, `huanjing`) VALUES (NULL, '" . $shop_name . "', '" . $shop_pic . "', '" . $shop_info . "', '" . $shop_phone . "', '" . $shop_address . "', '" . $shop_website . "', '" . $shop_lat . "', '" . $shop_lng . "', '" . $class . "', '" . $fuwu . "', '" . $huanjing . "')"; } $result = $db->query($insert_sql); if ($result) { if ($_GET['shop_id'] != '') { echo '<script>alert("编辑成功");history.back();</script>'; } else {
} else { header("Location: ../index.php?view=list-news&stt=fail"); } break; default: if (isset($_POST['title']) && isset($_FILES['file']['name']) && isset($_POST['tomtat']) && isset($_POST['content']) && isset($_POST['cat_id']) && isset($_POST['hotnews']) && isset($_POST['featured'])) { $title = $_POST['title']; $tomtat = $_POST['tomtat']; $content = $_POST['content']; $cat_id = $_POST['cat_id']; $hotnews = $_POST['hotnews']; $featured = $_POST['featured']; // rename file image $temp_name = explode(".", $_FILES["file"]["name"]); $newfilename = microtime() . "." . end($temp_name); if (upload_image($_FILES['file'], $newfilename)) { if ($news_obj->insertNews($title, $newfilename, $tomtat, $content, $cat_id, $hotnews, $featured)) { header("Location: ../index.php?view=list-news&stt=success"); } else { header("Location: ../index.php?view=form-news&stt=fail"); } } else { if ($news_obj->insertNews($title, '', $tomtat, $content, $cat_id, $hotnews, $featured)) { header("Location: ../index.php?view=form-news&stt=success"); } else { header("Location: ../index.php?view=form-news&stt=fail"); } } } break; }
<!-- header --> <div class="header"> <h1>Créer une nouvelle équipe</h1> </div> <!-- content --> <div class="content" id="page"> <?php // Message à afficher en fin de page $message = null; // Accessible uniquement si le user est log if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) { // Accessible uniquement si le user est admin if (isset($_SESSION['admin']) && $_SESSION['admin'] == $is_admin) { // S'exécute uniquement si le user a posté le résultats des matchs if (isset($_POST['envoi']) && $_POST['envoi'] == 'yes') { $saved_image = upload_image($_POST['image_equipe']); if ($saved_image != 1) { creer_nouvelle_equipe($_POST['nom_equipe'], $saved_image); } } ?> <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover"> <thead> <tr> <th class="left">Nom equipe</th> <th class="text-right">Image equipe</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <form action="admin_creer_equipe.php" method="post">
<?php //// UPLOAD IMAGE FUNCTION /////////////////// echo "hello"; echo upload_image($_FILES['image']); function upload_image($file) { $image_folder = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "upload/"; $e_allowedExt = array("gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png"); $e_bits = explode('.', $file['name']); $e_ext = strtolower(array_pop($e_bits)); $e_allowed = "no"; if (!in_array($e_ext, $e_allowedExt)) { //error message - bad filetype. #header("location:edit-images.php?id=$id&error=filetype") or die(); } else { $e_img_target_path = $image_folder . "temp/" . basename($file['name']); if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $e_img_target_path)) { //sucess don't give errors. } else { //error message - couldn't upload image #header("location:edit-images.php?id=$id&error=upload"); } ////END ORIGINAL IMAGE UPLOAD AND BEGIN THUMBNAIL UPLOAD //////////////// //////////////// //LARGE THUMBNAIL $e_file = basename($file['name']); $e_file_info = getimagesize($image_folder . "temp/" . $e_file); $e_width = $e_file_info[0]; $e_height = $e_file_info[1];
case 'get_markers_by_category': get_markers_by_category($_REQUEST['id_categoria']); break; case 'add_post': add_post($_REQUEST['id_user'], $_REQUEST['post_title'], $_REQUEST['post_content']); break; case 'get_post': get_post($_REQUEST['id_post']); break; case 'get_comments': get_comments($_REQUEST['id_post']); break; case 'comment_post': comment_post($_REQUEST['id_post'], $_REQUEST['username'], $_REQUEST['id_user'], $_REQUEST['comment']); break; case 'qualify': qualify($_REQUEST['id_usuario'], $_REQUEST['qualification']); break; case 'get_average': get_average(); break; case 'upload_image': upload_image($_FILES, $_REQUEST['id_user'], $_REQUEST['id_post']); break; case 'get_image': get_image($_REQUEST['filename']); break; } } else { echo 'No se ha realizado solicitud http alguna.'; }
<?php require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/app.php'; need_manager(); need_auth('market'); $id = abs(intval($_REQUEST['id'])); $goods = Table::Fetch('goods', $id); $table = new Table('goods', $_POST); $table->letter = strtoupper($table->letter); $uarray = array('title', 'number', 'image', 'score', 'per_number', 'display', 'sort_order', 'time'); $table->display = strtoupper($table->display) == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'; $table->image = upload_image('upload_image', $goods['image'], 'team'); $table->time = time(); if (!$_POST['title'] || !$_POST['score']) { Session::Set('error', '商品标题、兑换积分不能为空'); redirect(null); } if ($goods) { if ($flag = $table->update($uarray)) { Session::Set('notice', '编辑商品成功'); } else { Session::Set('error', '编辑商品失败'); } } else { if ($flag = $table->insert($uarray)) { Session::Set('notice', '新建商品成功'); } else { Session::Set('error', '新建商品失败'); } } redirect(null);
protected function uploadImage($options = array()) { if (IS_POST) { $file = PUT('file'); if (!empty($file) && is_file($file)) { unlink($file); } if (PUT('upload', false)) { $cfg = array_merge(array('path' => strtolower(CONTROLLER_NAME), 'key' => 'file', 'size' => 3, 'thumb' => false), $options); $res = upload_image($cfg['path'], $cfg['key'], $cfg['size']); if ($res['success']) { if ($cfg['thumb']) { $image = new \Think\Image(); $image->open($res['image']); $w = $data['w']; $h = $data['h']; if (is_array($cfg['thumb'])) { $w = $cfg['thumb'][0]; $h = $cfg['thumb'][1]; } $image->thumb($w, $h, $image::IMAGE_THUMB_CENTER)->save($res['image']); } $this->success($res['image']); } else { $this->error($res['msg']); } } } }
$download_image_thumb = ""; } elseif (!empty($_FILES['download_image']['name']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['download_image']['tmp_name'])) { require_once INCLUDES . "infusions_include.php"; // Name of $_FILE key which holds the uploaded image $image = "download_image"; // Left blank to use the image name as it is $name = $_FILES['download_image']['name']; // Upload folder $folder = DOWNLOADS . "images/"; // Maximum image width in pixels $width = $settings['download_screen_max_w']; // Maximum image height in pixels $height = $settings['download_screen_max_w']; // Maximum file size in bytes $size = $settings['download_screen_max_b']; $upload = upload_image($image, $name, $folder, $width, $height, $size, false, true, false, 1, $folder, "_thumb", $settings['download_thumb_max_w'], $settings['download_thumb_max_h']); if ($upload['error'] != 0) { switch ($upload['error']) { case 1: // Invalid file size $error = 9; break; case 2: // Unsupported image type $error = 10; break; case 3: // Invalid image resolution $error = 11; break; case 4:
function generate_article_preview($title, $article_tag, $tile_css) { $icon_link = upload_image("preview"); $preview = "<div class=\"row\" style=\"height:220px;\"><hr><div class=\"tile col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12\" style=\"width:375px;\">\n <div class=\"tile {$tile_css}"; $preview .= "\">"; $preview .= "<h4 class=\"article-tag\">{$article_tag}</h4>"; $preview .= "<a href=\"#\"><img src=\"{$icon_link}\" alt=\"img\" class=\"icon\"></a> <!--350px x 200px-->"; $preview .= "<a href=\"#\"><p class=\"title\">{$title}</p></a>"; $preview .= "</div> <!--tile second-column--></div> <!--column-->"; //echo $preview; return $preview; }
function post_image($source, $social_network) { switch ($social_network) { case 'facebook': $this->fb->upload_image($source); break; case 'twitter': break; case 'google+': upload_image($action->link); break; default: break; } $files = get_file_from_dir($source); post_image(); persist(); move_to_old_dir($source . '/uploaded'); }
$empresasData2[$i] = array(); //p($dada); foreach ($dada as $dada2_key => $dada2_val) { //$empresasData2[$i][$dada2_key] = mb_convert_encoding($dada2_val, "UTF-8", "HTML-ENTITIES"); //p($dada2); $response['arrayContent'][$i][$dada2_key] = encode_tojson($dada2_val); } $response['arrayContent'][$i] = json_encode($response['arrayContent'][$i]); } $response['content']['mgs'] = encode_tojson($type . '_updated'); $response['content']['hasArray'] = encode_tojson($i); } if (@$_POST['action'] == 'upload_perfil') { $_POST['usuarios_id']; //subir imagen del perro $image_name = upload_image('fileUpload', str_replace('.png', '', $_POST['usuario_foto'])); db_update('usuarios', array('foto' => $image_name), array('id' => $_POST['usuarios_id'])); $response['content']['mgs'] = 'imagen cargada correctamente'; } if (@$_POST['action'] == 'get_updates') { $_POST['serverupdate']; $_POST['table']; $type = cleanQuery($_POST['table']); $where = array('serverupdate > ' => $_POST['serverupdate']); /*if($type == 'respuestas_usuarios' || $type == 'notificaciones' || $type == 'videos_usuarios_empresas'){ $where['usuarios_id'] = $_POST['usuarios_id']; }*/ $empresasData2 = array(); $empresasData = get($type, '*', $where); $i = 0; if (!empty($empresasData)) {
echo '<img src="/images/img/back.gif" alt="image" /> <a href="load.php?act=editdown&id=' . $id . '">Вернуться</a><br />'; break; ############################################################################################ ## Загрузка скриншота ## ############################################################################################ ############################################################################################ ## Загрузка скриншота ## ############################################################################################ case 'loadscreen': show_title('Загрузка скриншота'); $down = DB::run()->queryFetch("SELECT `downs`.*, `cats`.* FROM `downs` LEFT JOIN `cats` ON `downs`.`downs_cats_id`=`cats`.`cats_id` WHERE `downs_id`=? LIMIT 1;", array($id)); if (!empty($down)) { if (empty($down['downs_screen'])) { if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['screen']['tmp_name'])) { // ------------------------------------------------------// $handle = upload_image($_FILES['screen'], $config['screenupload'], $config['screenupsize'], $down['downs_link']); if ($handle) { $folder = $down['folder'] ? $down['folder'] . '/' : ''; $handle->process(BASEDIR . '/load/screen/' . $folder); if ($handle->processed) { DB::run()->query("UPDATE `downs` SET `downs_screen`=? WHERE `downs_id`=?;", array($handle->file_dst_name, $id)); $handle->clean(); $_SESSION['note'] = 'Скриншот успешно загружен!'; redirect("load.php?act=editdown&id={$id}"); } else { show_error($handle->error); } } else { show_error('Ошибка! Не удалось загрузить скриншот!'); } } else {
function API_EditBrand($post) { /* 加载后台主操作函数 */ require_once ROOT_PATH . ADMIN_PATH . '/includes/lib_main.php'; require_once ROOT_PATH . ADMIN_PATH . '/includes/cls_exchange.php'; require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_image.php'; /* 检查权限 */ admin_privilege('brand_manage'); $is_show = isset($_POST['is_show']) ? 1 : 0; $brand_id = !empty($_POST['brand_id']) ? intval($_POST['brand_id']) : 0; /*检查品牌名是否重复*/ $exc = new exchange($GLOBALS['ecs']->table("brand"), $GLOBALS['db'], 'brand_id', 'brand_name'); $is_only = $exc->is_only('brand_name', $_POST['brand_name'], '', ''); if (!$is_only) { client_show_message(301); } $param = "brand_name = '{$_POST['brand_name']}', site_url='{$_POST['site_url']}', brand_desc='{$_POST['brand_desc']}', is_show='{$is_show}', sort_order='{$_POST['sort_order']}' "; /* 处理图片 */ $img_name = upload_image($_POST['brand_logo'], 'brandlogo'); if ($img_name !== false) { $param .= " ,brand_logo = '" . basename($img_name) . "' "; } /* 更新数据 */ if ($exc->edit($param, $brand_id, '')) { /* 清除缓存 */ clear_cache_files(); admin_log($_POST['brand_name'], 'edit', 'brand'); client_show_message(0, true); } else { client_show_message(302); } }
<?php require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/app.php'; need_manager(); need_auth('market'); if ($_POST) { $table = new Table('partner', $_POST); $table->SetStrip('location', 'other'); $table->create_time = time(); $table->user_id = $login_user_id; $table->password = ZPartner::GenPassword($table->password); $table->group_id = abs(intval($table->group_id)); $table->city_id = abs(intval($table->city_id)); $table->open = strtoupper($table->open) == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'; $table->display = strtoupper($table->display) == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'; $table->image = upload_image('upload_image', null, 'team', true); $table->image1 = upload_image('upload_image1', null, 'team'); $table->image2 = upload_image('upload_image2', null, 'team'); $table->insert(array('username', 'user_id', 'city_id', 'title', 'group_id', 'bank_name', 'bank_user', 'bank_no', 'create_time', 'location', 'other', 'homepage', 'contact', 'mobile', 'phone', 'password', 'address', 'open', 'display', 'image', 'image1', 'image2', 'longlat')); $partner = DB::GetTableRow('partner', array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password)); // 更新商户支付信息 if ($login_partner) { $table = new Table('partner_pay', $_POST); $table->SetPk('id', $partner['id']); $insert = array('id', 'tenpaymid', 'tenpaysec', 'alipaymid', 'alipaysec'); $flag = $table->insert($insert); } Session::Set('notice', '新建商户成功'); Utility::Redirect(WEB_ROOT . '/manage/partner/index.php'); } include template('manage_partner_create');
$partner = Table::Fetch('partner', $id); if ( $_POST && $id==$_POST['id'] && $partner) { $table = new Table('partner', $_POST); $table->SetStrip('location', 'other', 'psjjs'); $table->group_id = abs(intval($table->group_id)); $table->city_id = abs(intval($table->city_id)); $table->open = (strtoupper($table->open)=='Y') ? 'Y' : 'N'; $table->display = (strtoupper($table->display)=='Y') ? 'Y' : 'N'; $table->image = upload_image('upload_image', $partner['image'], 'team', true); $table->image1 = upload_image('upload_image1', $partner['image1'], 'team'); $table->image2 = upload_image('upload_image2', $partner['image2'], 'team'); $table->image3 = upload_image('upload_image3', $partner['image3'], 'team'); $table->image4 = upload_image('upload_image4', $partner['image4'], 'team'); $table->image5 = upload_image('upload_image5', $partner['image5'], 'team'); $table->image6 = upload_image('upload_image6', $partner['image6'], 'team'); $up_array = array( 'username', 'pass','title','yysj','skfs','jtxl', 'bank_name','bank_user_xm', 'bank_user', 'bank_no', 'location', 'other','psjjs','homepage', 'contact', 'mobile', 'phone', 'address', 'group_id', 'open', 'city_id', 'display','cycle_calculate', 'image', 'image1', 'image2','image3','image4','image5','image6', 'longlat', 'head','sel1','sel2','sel3', ); if ($table->password ) { $table->password = ZPartner::GenPassword($table->password); $up_array[] = 'password'; }
$team['city_id'] = abs(intval($team['city_id'])); $team['dptpl_id'] = abs(intval($team['dptpl_id'])); $team['sort_order'] = abs(intval($team['sort_order'])); $team['fare'] = abs(intval($team['fare'])); $team['farefree'] = intval($team['farefree']); $team['pre_number'] = abs(intval($team['pre_number'])); $team['end_time'] = strtotime($team['end_time']); $team['expire_time'] = strtotime($team['expire_time']); $team['r_score'] = abs(floatval($team['r_score'])); $team['r_number'] = abs(intval($team['r_number'])); $team['r_satisfaction'] = abs(intval($team['r_satisfaction'])); $team['image'] = upload_image('upload_image',$eteam['image'],'team',true); $team['image1'] = upload_image('upload_image1',$eteam['image1'],'team'); $team['image2'] = upload_image('upload_image2',$eteam['image2'],'team'); /* 序列化选取的城市 */ if (!empty($team['city_ids'])) { if(in_array(0, $team['city_ids'])) { $team['city_id'] = 0; $team['city_ids'] = '@0@'; } else { $team['city_id'] = abs(intval($team['city_ids'][0])); $team['city_ids'] = '@'.implode('@', $team['city_ids']).'@'; } }else { Session::Set('notice', '请选择项目发布的城市'); include template('manage_team_edit');
<?php require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/app.php'; need_manager(); need_auth('market'); $id = abs(intval($_GET['id'])); $partner = Table::Fetch('partner', $id); if ($_POST && $id == $_POST['id'] && $partner) { $table = new Table('partner', $_POST); $table->SetStrip('location', 'other'); $table->group_id = abs(intval($table->group_id)); $table->city_id = abs(intval($table->city_id)); $table->open = strtoupper($table->open) == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'; $table->display = strtoupper($table->display) == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'; $table->image = upload_image('upload_image', $partner['image'], 'team', true); $table->image1 = upload_image('upload_image1', $partner['image1'], 'team'); $table->image2 = upload_image('upload_image2', $partner['image2'], 'team'); $up_array = array('username', 'title', 'bank_name', 'bank_user', 'bank_no', 'location', 'other', 'homepage', 'contact', 'mobile', 'phone', 'address', 'group_id', 'open', 'city_id', 'display', 'image', 'image1', 'image2', 'longlat', 'head', 'open_time', 'traffic_info'); if ($table->password) { $table->password = ZPartner::GenPassword($table->password); $up_array[] = 'password'; } $flag = $table->update($up_array); if ($flag) { Session::Set('notice', '修改商户信息成功'); redirect(WEB_ROOT . "/manage/partner/edit.php?id={$id}"); } Session::Set('error', '修改商户信息失败'); $partner = $_POST; } include template('manage_partner_edit');