function auth_update($set, $where) { $set = base_protect($set); $where = base_protect($where); $flag = updatetable('authmap', $set, $where); return $flag; }
function update($uId, $appIds, $appName, $privacy, $allowSideNav, $allowFeed, $allowProfileLink, $version, $displayMethod, $displayOrder = null) { global $_SGLOBAL; switch ($privacy) { case 'public': $privacy = 0; break; case 'friends': $privacy = 1; break; case 'me': $privacy = 3; break; case 'none': $privacy = 5; break; default: $privacy = 0; } $where = sprintf('uid = %d AND appid IN (%s)', $uId, simplode($appIds)); $setarr = array('appname' => $appName, 'privacy' => $privacy, 'allowsidenav' => $allowSideNav, 'allowfeed' => $allowFeed, 'allowprofilelink' => $allowProfileLink); if ($displayOrder !== null) { $setarr['displayorder'] = $displayOrder; } updatetable('userapp', $setarr, $where); $result = $_SGLOBAL['db']->affected_rows(); $displayMethod = $displayMethod == 'iframe' ? 1 : 0; if (is_array($appIds)) { foreach ($appIds as $appId) { $this->refreshApplication($appId, $appName, $version, $displayMethod, null, null, null); } } return new APIResponse($result); }
function setActionLink($uId, $appId, $actionMarkup) { global $_SGLOBAL; $fields = array('profilelink' => $actionMarkup); $where = array('uid' => $uId, 'appid' => $appId); updatetable('userappfield', $fields, $where); $result = $_SGLOBAL['db']->affected_rows(); return new APIResponse($result); }
function update($appId, $appName, $version, $displayMethod, $displayOrder = null) { $fields = array('appname' => $appName); $where = array('appid' => $appId); $result = updatetable('userapp', $fields, $where); $displayMethod = $displayMethod == 'iframe' ? 1 : 0; $this->refreshApplication($appId, $appName, $version, $displayMethod, null, null, $displayOrder); return new APIResponse($result); }
/** * 编辑指定ID信息 * * @param unknown_type $eid * @return unknown */ function edit($eid, $dataarray) { if (is_array($dataarray) && !empty($eid)) { //更新数据库操作 $wheresqlarr = " " . $this->idname . "='{$eid}'"; updatetable($this->table, $dataarray, $wheresqlarr); return "OK"; } return lang('Array_format_error'); }
public function update($appId, $appName, $version, $displayMethod, $displayOrder = null) { $db_prefix = getDbPrefix(); global $_SGLOBAL; $fields = array('appname' => $appName); $where = array('appid' => $appId); $result = updatetable('myop_myapp', $fields, $where); $result = updatetable('myop_userapp', $fields, $where) || $result; $displayMethod = $displayMethod == 'iframe' ? 1 : 0; $this->refreshApplication($appId, $appName, $version, $displayMethod, null, null, $displayOrder); return new APIResponse($result); }
function update($appId, $appName, $version, $displayMethod, $displayOrder = null) { global $_SGLOBAL; $fields = array('appname' => $appName); $where = array('appid' => $appId); updatetable('myapp', $fields, $where); updatetable('userapp', $fields, $where); $result = $_SGLOBAL['db']->affected_rows(); $displayMethod = ($displayMethod == 'iframe') ? 1 : 0; $this->refreshApplication($appId, $appName, $version, $displayMethod, null, null, $displayOrder); return new APIResponse($result); }
function update_doing($db_uch, $uid, $uname, $msg) { $mtime = explode(' ', microtime()); $doingarr = array("uid" => $uid, "username" => $uname, "dateline" => $mtime[1], "message" => $msg, "ip" => "IM"); inserttable($db_uch, "doing", $doingarr, 1); updatetable($db_uch, "spacefield", array("note" => $uname), array("uid" => $uid)); $feedarr = array("appid" => 1, "icon" => "doing", "uid" => $uid, "username" => $uname, "dateline" => $mtime[1], "title_template" => "{actor}:{message}", "body_template" => "", "body_general" => "", "image_1" => "", "image_1_link" => "", "image_2" => "", "image_2_link" => "", "image_3" => "", "image_3_link" => "", "image_4" => "", "image_4_link" => "", "target_ids" => "", "friend" => ""); $feedarr = sstripslashes($feedarr); $feedarr['title_data'] = serialize(sstripslashes(array("message" => $msg))); $feedarr['body_data'] = serialize(sstripslashes(array())); $feedarr['hash_template'] = md5($feedarr['title_template'] . "\t" . $feedarr['body_template']); $feedarr['hash_data'] = md5($feedarr['title_template'] . "\t" . $feedarr['title_data'] . "\t" . $feedarr['body_template'] . "\t" . $feedarr['body_data']); $feedarr = sstripslashes($feedarr); inserttable($db_uch, "feed", $feedarr); }
function auth($uId, $picData, $picExt = 'jpg', $isReward = false) { global $_SGLOBAL; $pic = base64_decode($picData); if (!$pic || strlen($pic) == strlen($picData)) { $errCode = '200'; $errMessage = 'Error argument'; return new APIErrorResponse($errCode, $errMessage); } $secret = md5($_SGLOBAL['timestamp'] . "\t" . $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']); $picDir = S_ROOT . './data/avatar/' . substr($secret, 0, 1); if (!is_dir($picDir)) { if (!mkdir($picDir, 0777)) { $errCode = '300'; $errMessage = 'Cannot create directory'; return new APIErrorResponse($errCode, $errMessage); } } $picDir .= '/' . substr($secret, 1, 1); if (!is_dir($picDir)) { if (!@mkdir($picDir, 0777)) { $errCode = '300'; $errMessage = 'Cannot create directory'; return new APIErrorResponse($errCode, $errMessage); } } $picPath = $picDir . '/' . $secret . '.' . $picExt; $fp = @fopen($picPath, 'wb'); if ($fp) { if (fwrite($fp, $pic) !== FALSE) { fclose($fp); //The main table updatetable('space', array('videostatus' => 1), array('uid' => $uId)); //Attached table $fields = array('videopic' => $secret); updatetable('spacefield', $fields, array('uid' => $uId)); $result = $_SGLOBAL['db']->affected_rows(); if ($isReward) { // Bonus Points getreward('videophoto', 1, $uId, '', 0); } return new APIResponse($result); } } $errCode = '300'; $errMessage = 'Video Auth Error'; return new APIErrorResponse($errCode, $errMessage); }
function insertsession($setarr) { global $_SGLOBAL, $_SCONFIG; $_SCONFIG['onlinehold'] = intval($_SCONFIG['onlinehold']); if ($_SCONFIG['onlinehold'] < 300) { $_SCONFIG['onlinehold'] = 300; } $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("DELETE FROM " . tname('session') . " WHERE uid='{$setarr['uid']}' OR lastactivity<'" . ($_SGLOBAL['timestamp'] - $_SCONFIG['onlinehold']) . "'"); //添加在线 $ip = getonlineip(1); $setarr['lastactivity'] = $_SGLOBAL['timestamp']; $setarr['ip'] = $ip; inserttable('session', $setarr, 0, true, 1); //更新用户 updatetable('space', array('lastlogin' => $_SGLOBAL['timestamp'], 'ip' => $ip), array('uid' => $setarr['uid']), 1); }
function update($appId, $appName, $version, $displayMethod, $displayOrder = null) { global $_SGLOBAL; $result = true; $sql = "SELECT appname FROM " . tname('myapp') . " WHERE appid = {$appId}"; $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query($sql); $row = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query); if ($row['appname'] != $appName) { $fields = array('appname' => $appName); $where = array('appid' => $appId); updatetable('myapp', $fields, $where); updatetable('userapp', $fields, $where); $result = $_SGLOBAL['db']->affected_rows(); } $displayMethod = $displayMethod == 'iframe' ? 1 : 0; $this->refreshApplication($appId, $appName, $version, $displayMethod, null, null, $displayOrder); return new APIResponse($result); }
/** @param (忘记密码)通过地址栏用户名和新密码登陆 @param return null */ function find_pwd() { global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $userid, $_MooCookie; // if($userid){ // return; // } $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'string', G); $pwd = MooGetGPC('upwd', 'string', G); /* echo md5($uid).'<br>'; echo md5($pwd); print_r($_COOKIE); exit; */ if ($_MooCookie['findpwd'] == md5($pwd) && md5($uid) == $_MooCookie['finduser']) { $newpwd = md5(base64_decode($pwd)); //note 修改密码 //$_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("update {$dbTablePre}members set password = '******' where uid = '{$uid}'"); //if(MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB){ // MooFastdbUpdate('members','uid',$uid); // } MooSetCookie('auth', MooAuthCode("{$uid}\t{$newpwd}", 'ENCODE'), 86400); //note 写入session表需要的字段值 $online_ip = GetIP(); $lastactive = $GLOBALS['timestamp']; //$uid = $user['uid']; //note 更新用户的最近登录ip和最近登录时间 $updatesqlarr = array('lastip' => $online_ip, 'lastvisit' => $lastactive, 'password' => $newpwd); $wheresqlarr = array('uid' => $uid); updatetable("members_search", $updatesqlarr, $wheresqlarr); if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { $val = array(); $val['lastip'] = $online_ip; $val['lastvisit'] = $lastactive; $val['password'] = $newpwd; MooFastdbUpdate('members_search', 'uid', $uid, $val); //!! } //note 先删除表里面已存在对应用户的session //$_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("DELETE FROM `{$dbTablePre}membersession` WHERE `uid` ='$uid'"); //$_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("REPLACE INTO `{$dbTablePre}membersession` SET `username`= '$user[username]',`password`='$user[password]',`ip` = '$online_ip',`lastactive` = '$lastactive',`uid` = '$uid'"); return 1; } return 0; }
function wz_checkauth($wxid, $token, $mid, $op_wxid) { global $_SGLOBAL; if ($_COOKIE['site_auth']) { @(list($password, $token_id) = explode(" ", authcode($_COOKIE['site_auth'], 'DECODE'))); $_SGLOBAL['supe_token_id'] = intval($token_id); if ($password && $_SGLOBAL['supe_token_id']) { $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM " . tname("wz_session") . " WHERE token_id=" . $_SGLOBAL['supe_token_id']); if ($session = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { if ($session['password'] == $password) { $token_mid = $_SGLOBAL['db']->getone('select mid from ' . tname('wz_token') . ' where id=' . $_SGLOBAL['supe_token_id']); $token_op_wxid = $_SGLOBAL['db']->getone('select op_wxid from ' . tname('wz_token') . ' where id=' . $_SGLOBAL['supe_token_id']); if ($token_mid == $mid && $token_op_wxid == $op_wxid) { updatetable(tname('wz_token'), array('state' => 1), array('wxid' => $session['wxid'], 'mid' => $mid, 'op_wxid' => $op_wxid)); $_SGLOBAL['supe_wxid'] = addslashes($session['wxid']); wz_insertsession($session); //更新session return $_SGLOBAL['supe_token_id']; } } } } } $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM " . tname("wz_token") . " WHERE wxid='" . $wxid . "' and mid=" . $mid . " and op_wxid=" . $op_wxid . " and state=0"); if ($wz = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { if ($wz['token'] == $token) { updatetable(tname('wz_token'), array('state' => 1), array('wxid' => $wxid, 'mid' => $mid, 'op_wxid' => $op_wxid)); $_SGLOBAL['supe_wxid'] = addslashes($wz['wxid']); $session = array('token_id' => $wz['id'], 'wxid' => $_SGLOBAL['supe_wxid'], 'password' => $token); wz_insertsession($session); //登录 $cookietime = 3600; //3600 * 24 * 15; //设置cookie ssetcookie('site_auth', authcode($session["password"] . ' ' . $session["token_id"], 'ENCODE'), $cookietime); $_SGLOBAL['supe_token_id'] = $session['token_id']; return $_SGLOBAL['supe_token_id']; } } obclean(); ssetcookie('site_auth', '', -86400 * 365); return 0; }
function space_friend_stat($start, $perpage) { global $_SGLOBAL; $next = false; $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT uid, friend FROM " . tname('spacefield') . " LIMIT {$start},{$perpage}"); while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $next = true; $fuids = array(); $subquery = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT fuid FROM " . tname('friend') . " WHERE uid='{$value['uid']}' AND status='1'"); while ($subvalue = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($subquery)) { $fuids[$subvalue['fuid']] = $subvalue['fuid']; } $fuidstr = implode(',', $fuids); if ($fuidstr != $value['friend']) { updatetable('spacefield', array('friend' => $fuidstr), array('uid' => $value['uid'])); } } return $next; }
function refreshApplication($appId, $appName, $version, $displayMethod, $narrow, $flag, $displayOrder) { global $_SGLOBAL; $fields = array(); if ($appName !== null && strlen($appName) > 1) { $fields['appname'] = $appName; } if ($version !== null) { $fields['version'] = $version; } if ($displayMethod !== null) { // todo: remove $fields['displaymethod'] = $displayMethod; } if ($narrow !== null) { $fields['narrow'] = $narrow; } if ($flag !== null) { $fields['flag'] = $flag; } if ($displayOrder !== null) { $fields['displayorder'] = $displayOrder; } $sql = sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s WHERE appid = %d', tname('myapp'), $appId); $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query($sql); if ($application = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $where = sprintf('appid = %d', $appId); updatetable('myapp', $fields, $where); } else { $fields['appid'] = $appId; $result = inserttable('myapp', $fields, 1); } //update cache include_once S_ROOT . './source/function_cache.php'; userapp_cache(); }
function topic_join($topicid, $uid, $username) { global $_SGLOBAL; $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM ".tname('topicuser')." WHERE uid='$uid' AND topicid='$topicid'"); if($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { updatetable('topicuser', array('dateline'=>$_SGLOBAL['timestamp']), array('id'=>$value['id'])); } else { $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("UPDATE ".tname('topic')." SET joinnum=joinnum+1, lastpost='$_SGLOBAL[timestamp]' WHERE topicid='$topicid'"); $setarr = array( 'uid' => $uid, 'topicid' => $topicid, 'username' => $username, 'dateline' => $_SGLOBAL['timestamp'] ); inserttable('topicuser', $setarr); } }
updatetable('space', $space, array('uid' => $newuid)); if ($bp['birthday']) { $birth_year = intval(substr($bp['birthday'], 0, 4)); $birth_month = intval(substr($bp['birthday'], 4, 2)); $birth_day = intval(substr($bp['birthday'], 6, 2)); $birthday_info = array('birthyear' => $birth_year, 'birthmonth' => $birth_month, 'birthday' => $birth_day); updatetable('spacefield', $birthday_info, array('uid' => $newuid)); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("INSERT INTO " . tname('spaceinfo') . " (type,subtype,uid,friend) VALUES ('base','birth'," . $newuid . ",1)"); } if ($bp['unit']) { $workinfo = array('uid' => $newuid, 'type' => 'work', 'title' => $bp['unit']); inserttable('spaceinfo', $workinfo, 1); } if ($bp['academy'] && $bp['class'] && $bp['startyear']) { $eduinfo = array('uid' => $newuid, 'type' => 'edu', 'title' => '北京航空航天大学', 'subtitle' => $bp['academy'] . $bp['startyear'] . '级' . $bp['class'] . '班', 'startyear' => $bp['startyear']); $tagname = $bp['startyear'] . '年' . $bp['class'] . '班'; auto_join($newuid, $tagname, $_SGLOBAL['db']); inserttable('spaceinfo', $eduinfo, 1); } //更新手机验证表记录 $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("UPDATE " . tname('mobilereg') . " SET status=1 WHERE mobile = '{$mobile}' and verifycode = '{$verifycode}'"); //设置隐私 $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("INSERT INTO " . tname('spaceinfo') . " (type,subtype,uid,friend) VALUES ('contact','mobile'," . $newuid . ",1)"); //更新用户手机绑定字段 updatetable('spacefield', array('mobile' => $mobile, 'mobiletask' => 1), array('uid' => $newuid)); //变更记录--用户登录时间 if ($_SCONFIG['my_status']) { inserttable('userlog', array('uid' => $newuid, 'action' => 'add', 'dateline' => $_SGLOBAL['timestamp']), 0, true); } showmessage('registered', 'space.php?do=home', 1); }
$ucsynlogin = uc_user_synlogin($setarr['uid']); //好友邀请 if ($invitearr) { //成为好友 include_once S_ROOT . './source/function_cp.php'; invite_update($invitearr['id'], $setarr['uid'], $setarr['username'], $invitearr['uid'], $invitearr['username'], $app); } //判断用户是否设置了头像 $setarr = array(); $avatar_exists = ckavatar($space['uid']); if ($avatar_exists) { if (!$space['avatar']) { $setarr['avatar'] = 1; $setarr['updatetime'] = $_SGLOBAL['timestamp']; } } else { if ($space['avatar']) { $setarr['avatar'] = 0; } } if ($setarr) { updatetable('space', $setarr, array('uid' => $space['uid'])); } if (empty($_POST['refer'])) { $_POST['refer'] = 'space.php?do=home'; } showmessage('login_success', $app ? "userapp.php?id={$app}" : $_POST['refer'], 1, array($ucsynlogin)); } $membername = empty($_SCOOKIE['loginuser']) ? '' : sstripslashes($_SCOOKIE['loginuser']); $cookiecheck = ' checked'; include template('do_login');
<?php if (!defined('iBUAA')) { exit('Access Denied'); } //idtype到含有magiccolor字段的表映射 $mapping = array('blogid' => 'blogfield', 'tid' => 'thread'); if (!isset($mapping[$idtype])) { showmessage('magicuse_bad_object'); } magic_check_idtype($id, $idtype); //彩色灯 if (submitcheck("usesubmit")) { //颜色代号 $tablename = $mapping[$idtype]; $_POST['color'] = intval($_POST['color']); updatetable($tablename, array('magiccolor' => $_POST['color']), array($idtype => $id, 'uid' => $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'])); //feed也加上颜色 $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('SELECT * FROM ' . tname('feed') . " WHERE id='{$id}' AND idtype='{$idtype}' AND uid='{$_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']}'"); $feed = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query); if ($feed) { $feed['body_data'] = unserialize($feed['body_data']); $feed['body_data'] = is_array($feed['body_data']) ? $feed['body_data'] : array(); $feed['body_data']['magic_color'] = $_POST['color']; $feed['body_data'] = serialize($feed['body_data']); updatetable('feed', array('body_data' => $feed['body_data']), array('feedid' => $feed['feedid'])); } magic_use($mid, array('id' => $id, 'idtype' => $idtype), true); showmessage('magicuse_success', $_POST['refer'], 0); }
$id = intval($_GET['id']); $uid = $id ? getcount('blog', array('blogid' => $id), 'uid') : 0; showmessage('do_success', "space.php?uid={$uid}&do=blog&id={$id}", 0); } elseif ($_GET['op'] == 'edithot') { //权限 if (!checkperm('manageblog')) { showmessage('no_privilege'); } if (submitcheck('hotsubmit')) { $_POST['hot'] = intval($_POST['hot']); updatetable('blog', array('hot' => $_POST['hot']), array('blogid' => $blog['blogid'])); if ($_POST['hot'] > 0) { include_once S_ROOT . './source/function_feed.php'; feed_publish($blog['blogid'], 'blogid'); } else { updatetable('feed', array('hot' => $_POST['hot']), array('id' => $blog['blogid'], 'idtype' => 'blogid')); } showmessage('do_success', "space.php?uid={$blog['uid']}&do=blog&id={$blog['blogid']}", 0); } } else { //添加编辑 //获取个人分类 $classarr = $blog['uid'] ? getclassarr($blog['uid']) : getclassarr($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']); //获取相册 $albums = getalbums($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']); $tags = empty($blog['tag']) ? array() : unserialize($blog['tag']); $blog['tag'] = implode(' ', $tags); $blog['target_names'] = ''; $friendarr = array($blog['friend'] => ' selected'); $passwordstyle = $selectgroupstyle = 'display:none'; if ($blog['friend'] == 4) {
$f_index = 'USE INDEX(dateline)'; $actives = array('we' => ' class="active"'); } //类型 if ($_GET['type']) { $sub_actives = array('type_' . $_GET['type'] => ' class="active"'); $wheresql .= " AND type='{$_GET['type']}'"; } else { $sub_actives = array('type_all' => ' class="active"'); } $list = array(); $sid = empty($_GET['sid']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['sid']); $sharesql = $sid ? "sid='{$sid}' AND" : ''; $count = $_SGLOBAL['db']->result($_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tname('share') . " WHERE {$sharesql} {$wheresql}"), 0); //update statistics if (empty($sharesql) && $wheresql == "uid='{$space['uid']}'" && $space['sharenum'] != $count) { updatetable('space', array('sharenum' => $count), array('uid' => $space['uid'])); } if ($count) { $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM " . tname('share') . " {$f_index}\r\n\t\t\tWHERE {$sharesql} {$wheresql}\r\n\t\t\tORDER BY dateline DESC\r\n\t\t\tLIMIT {$start},{$perpage}"); while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { realname_set($value['uid'], $value['username']); $value = mkshare($value); $list[] = $value; } } // pagination $multi = multi($count, $perpage, $page, $theurl . "&type={$_GET['type']}"); realname_get(); include_once template("space_share_list"); }
function mtag_out($mtag, $uids) { global $_SGLOBAL; $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("DELETE FROM ".tname('tagspace')." WHERE tagid='$mtag[tagid]' AND uid IN (".simplode($uids).")"); //更新成员数 $count = getcount('tagspace', array('tagid'=>$mtag['tagid'])); if($count > 0) { updatetable('mtag', array('membernum'=>$count), array('tagid'=>$mtag['tagid'])); } else { $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("DELETE FROM ".tname('tagspace')." WHERE tagid='$mtag[tagid]'"); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("DELETE FROM ".tname('mtag')." WHERE tagid='$mtag[tagid]'"); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("DELETE FROM ".tname('thread')." WHERE tagid='$mtag[tagid]'"); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("DELETE FROM ".tname('post')." WHERE tagid='$mtag[tagid]'"); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("DELETE FROM ".tname('mtaginvite')." WHERE tagid='$mtag[tagid]'"); //删除举报 $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("DELETE FROM ".tname('report')." WHERE id='$mtag[tagid]' AND idtype='tagid'"); } }
} $setsqlarr['jobname'] = trim($_POST['jobname']) ? trim($_POST['jobname']) : adminmsg('您没有填写职位名称!', 1); $setsqlarr['amount'] = intval($_POST['amount']); $setsqlarr['comname'] = trim($_POST['comname']) ? trim($_POST['comname']) : adminmsg('您没有填写单位名称!', 1); $setsqlarr['contact'] = trim($_POST['contact']) ? trim($_POST['contact']) : adminmsg('您没有填写联系人!', 1); $setsqlarr['tel'] = trim($_POST['tel']) ? trim($_POST['tel']) : adminmsg('您没有填写联系电话!', 1); $setsqlarr['district'] = intval($_POST['district']) ? intval($_POST['district']) : adminmsg("您没有选择地区"); $setsqlarr['sdistrict'] = intval($_POST['sdistrict']) ? intval($_POST['sdistrict']) : adminmsg("您没有选择地区"); $district_cn = explode("/", trim($_POST['district_cn'])); $setsqlarr['district_cn'] = $district_cn[0]; $setsqlarr['sdistrict_cn'] = $district_cn[1]; $setsqlarr['detailed'] = trim($_POST['detailed']); $setsqlarr['refreshtime'] = time(); $days = intval($_POST['days']); if ($days > 0) { $time = $_POST['olddeadline'] > time() ? $_POST['olddeadline'] : time(); $setsqlarr['deadline'] = strtotime("{$days} day", $time); } require_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . 'include/splitword.class.php'; $sp = new SPWord(); $setsqlarr['key'] = $setsqlarr['jobname'] . $setsqlarr['comname'] . $setsqlarr['address'] . $setsqlarr['detailed']; $setsqlarr['key'] = "{$setsqlarr['jobname']} {$setsqlarr['comname']} " . $sp->extracttag($setsqlarr['key']); $setsqlarr['key'] = $sp->pad($setsqlarr['key']); if (updatetable(table('simple'), $setsqlarr, " id='{$id}' ")) { $link[0]['text'] = "返回列表"; $link[0]['href'] = '?act=list'; adminmsg("修改成功!", 2, $link); } else { adminmsg("修改失败!", 0); } }
} if (submitcheck('setsubmit')) { include_once S_ROOT . './source/function_cache.php'; cache_write('convert', "set", $_POST['set']); show_msg('数据库保存完成', $turl . '?step=300'); } elseif (submitcheck('opensubmit')) { $uid = getcount('member', array('username' => $_POST['username']), 'uid'); if (!$uid) { show_msg('指定的用户名不存在,请谨慎填写管理员用户名', 'convert.php?step=18'); } //写log if (@($fp = fopen($lockfile, 'w'))) { fwrite($fp, 'UCenter Home'); fclose($fp); } updatetable('space', array('groupid' => 1), array('uid' => $uid)); show_msg('设置管理员成功,数据转换全部完成!<br> <font color=blue>请立即删除本转换文件!</font><br> <a href="space.php">登录全新的 UCenter Home 吧</a><br> 登录后,推荐你进行一下操作:<br> 进入 管理平台 => 统计更新 页面,对各项统计数据进行一下重新统计。'); } //处理开始 if (empty($_GET['step'])) { //开始 $_GET['step'] = 0; show_msg("<span style=\"font-size:14px;\">本程序会将X-Space 3.x/4.x系列转换到 UCenter Home。</span><br><br>\r\n\t\t<strong>数据转换说明,请务必阅读</strong><br>\r\n\t\t由于UCenter Home与SupeSite/X-Space功能的不同,本转换程序,只会进行以下数据信息的转换,其他数据不做转换,请认真了解:<br><br>\r\n\t\t<table width=\"100%\" class=\"datatable\">\r\n\t\t<tr style=\"font-weight:bold;\"><td width=\"100\">X-Space</td><td width=\"100\">UCenter Home</td><td>备注</td></tr>\r\n\t\t<tr><td>用户空间数据</td><td>用户空间数据</td><td>包括空间查看数、创建时间、积分、附件使用大小、居住城市</td></tr>\r\n\t\t<tr><td>日志</td><td>日志</td></td><td>其中,日志中的自定义字段不能转换</td></tr>\r\n\t\t<tr><td>图片主题</td><td>日志</td><td>图片主题中的图片、介绍等构成这篇日志的内容。同时,图片全部转换到用户的默认相册里面</td></tr>\r\n\t\t<tr><td>文件</td><td>日志</td><td>文件的介绍、下载地址等构成这篇日志的内容</td></tr>\r\n\t\t<tr><td>商品</td><td>日志</td><td>商品价格、数量、介绍等构成这篇日志的内容</td></tr>\r\n\t\t<tr><td>视频</td><td>日志</td><td>视频的播放器、视频介绍等构成这篇日志的内容</td></tr>\r\n\t\t<tr><td>书签</td><td>日志</td><td>书签的链接、书签的介绍等沟通这篇日志的内容</td></tr>\r\n\t\t<tr><td>好友</td><td>好友</td><td>好友转换后为申请好友状态,需要对方批准一下</td></tr>\r\n\t\t<tr><td>留言</td><td>留言</td><td>其中,悄悄话变为公开的</td></tr>\r\n\t\t<tr><td>日志分类</td><td>日志分类</td></td><td> </td></tr>\r\n\t\t<tr><td>评论</td><td>评论</td></td><td> </td></tr>\r\n\t\t</table>\r\n\t\t<br>\r\n\t\t<strong>不做转换的数据</strong>:<br>\r\n\t\tSupeSite/X-Space中的广告、公告、系统分类、频道、模型、模块、收藏、友情链接、投票、资讯、采集器、专题、用户风格、脚印等数据不会做转换。\r\n\t\t<br><br>\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t根据您的站点规模,转换数据可能需要数分钟,甚至几小时的时间<br>在此期间,请关闭X-Space站点,禁止访问,并耐心等候!<br><br>\r\n\t\t<a href=\"{$turl}?step=100\">我已经认真阅读以上规则,开始数据转换操作</a>"); } elseif ($_GET['step'] == 1) { $next = false; $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM {$tpre}userspaces LIMIT {$start},{$perpage}"); while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) {
} stat_write_static_cache($cache_file_path, $catarr); function stat_write_static_cache($cache_file_path, $config_arr) { $content = "<?php\r\n"; $content .= "\$data = " . var_export($config_arr, true) . ";\r\n"; $content .= "?>"; file_put_contents($cache_file_path, $content, LOCK_EX); } //更新任务时间表 if ($crons['weekday'] >= 0) { $weekday = array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'); $nextrun = strtotime("Next " . $weekday[$crons['weekday']]); } elseif ($crons['day'] > 0) { $nextrun = strtotime('+1 months'); $nextrun = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", $nextrun), $crons['day'], date("Y", $nextrun)); } else { $nextrun = time(); } if ($crons['hour'] >= 0) { $nextrun = strtotime('+1 days', $nextrun); $nextrun = mktime($crons['hour'], 0, 0, date("m", $nextrun), date("d", $nextrun), date("Y", $nextrun)); } if (intval($crons['minute']) > 0) { $nextrun = strtotime('+1 hours', $nextrun); $nextrun = mktime(date("H", $nextrun), $crons['minute'], 0, date("m", $nextrun), date("d", $nextrun), date("Y", $nextrun)); } $setsqlarr['nextrun'] = $nextrun; $setsqlarr['lastrun'] = time(); updatetable(table('crons'), $setsqlarr, " cronid ='" . intval($crons['cronid']) . "'");
$_SGLOBAL['space_theme'] = $_SGLOBAL['space_css'] = ''; } } //ᅲ○ᄑ애ᅪ테ᅡᄐ if (!$space['self'] && $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']) { $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT dateline FROM " . tname('visitor') . " WHERE uid='{$space['uid']}' AND vuid='{$_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']}'"); $visitor = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query); $is_anonymous = empty($_SCOOKIE['anonymous_visit_' . $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'] . '_' . $space['uid']]) ? 0 : 1; if (empty($visitor['dateline'])) { $setarr = array('uid' => $space['uid'], 'vuid' => $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'], 'vusername' => $is_anonymous ? '' : $_SGLOBAL['supe_username'], 'dateline' => $_SGLOBAL['timestamp']); inserttable('visitor', $setarr, 0, true); show_credit(); //ᄒᄎ틔ᅤᅤᅢ } else { if ($_SGLOBAL['timestamp'] - $visitor['dateline'] >= 300) { updatetable('visitor', array('dateline' => $_SGLOBAL['timestamp'], 'vusername' => $is_anonymous ? '' : $_SGLOBAL['supe_username']), array('uid' => $space['uid'], 'vuid' => $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'])); } if ($_SGLOBAL['timestamp'] - $visitor['dateline'] >= 3600) { show_credit(); //1겨ᄆᄎᄒᄎ틔ᅤᅤᅢ } } //ᄑᄆ애ᅪ getreward('visit', 1, 0, $space['uid']); } //ᄎ↓ᄚᄉᄒ $space['magiccredit'] = 0; if ($_SGLOBAL['magic']['gift'] && $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']) { $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('SELECT * FROM ' . tname('magicuselog') . " WHERE uid='{$space['uid']}' AND mid='gift' LIMIT 1"); if ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $data = empty($value['data']) ? array() : unserialize($value['data']);
function IHomeServiceVoteComplainOperation($params = NULL) { global $_SGLOBAL; if ($params['uid']) { if ($params['uid'] <= 0) { $errorMsg = array("errorNo" => "4002", "content" => "the format of parameter is not correct.the parameter uid must be a positive integer."); return json_encode($errorMsg); } else { $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("select username,name from " . tname('space') . " where uid = " . $params['uid']); if ($row = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { if ($row['name']) { $params['uname'] = $row['name']; } else { $params['uname'] = $row['username']; } } else { $errorMsg = array("errorNo" => "500", "content" => "the uid is not exist"); return json_encode($errorMsg); } } } else { $errorMsg = array("errorNo" => "4001", "content" => "lack the neccessary parameter.the parameter uid is not exist or is not a positive integer."); return json_encode($errorMsg); } if ($params['complainId']) { if ($params['complainId'] <= 0) { $errorMsg = array("errorNo" => "4002", "content" => "the format of parameter is not correct.the parameter complainId must be a positive integer."); return json_encode($errorMsg); } else { $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("select uname from " . tname('complain') . " where doid = " . $params['complainId']); if ($row = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { if (isblacklist($row['uid'])) { $errorMsg = array("errorNo" => "500", "content" => "the user of complain is in blacklist."); return json_encode($errorMsg); } } else { $errorMsg = array("errorNo" => "500", "content" => "the complain id is not exist"); return json_encode($errorMsg); } } } else { $errorMsg = array("errorNo" => "4001", "content" => "lack the neccessary parameter.the parameter complainId is not exist or is not a positive integer."); return json_encode($errorMsg); } if ($params['reply_id']) { if ($params['reply_id'] <= 0) { $errorMsg = array("errorNo" => "4002", "content" => "the format of parameter is not correct.the parameter reply_id must be a positive integer."); return json_encode($errorMsg); } else { $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("select * from " . tname('complain_op') . " where id = " . $params['reply_id']); if (!($row = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query))) { $errorMsg = array("errorNo" => "4001", "content" => "the reply_id isn't exist."); return json_encode($errorMsg); } } } else { $errorMsg = array("errorNo" => "4001", "content" => "lack the neccessary parameter.the parameter reply_id is not exist or is not a positive integer."); return json_encode($errorMsg); } if (!$params['vote']) { $errorMsg = array("errorNo" => "4001", "content" => "lack the neccessary parameter.the parameter vote is not exist."); return json_encode($errorMsg); } else { if ($params['vote'] != 'up' & $params['vote'] != 'down') { $errorMsg = array("errorNo" => "4002", "content" => "the format of parameter is not correct.the parameter vote is our of range."); return json_encode($errorMsg); } } # check over $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("select * from " . tname('complain') . " where doid=" . $params['complainId']); $complain = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query); # checked if ($params['vote'] == 'up') { $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("select * from " . tname("complain_op_updown") . " where opid = " . $params['reply_id'] . " and uid = " . $params['uid']); $updown = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query); if (!empty($updown)) { if ($updown['uid'] == $complain['uid'] || $updown['updown'] == 2) { $errorMsg = array("errorNo" => "403", "content" => "updown again"); return json_encode($errorMsg); } $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("delete from " . tname("complain_op_updown") . " where opid = " . $params['reply_id'] . " and uid = " . $params['uid'] . " and updown = 1"); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("update " . tname('complain_op') . " set upnum=upnum-1 where id=" . $params['reply_id']); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("update " . tname('complain_dep') . " set upnum=upnum-1,updownnum=updownnum-1,score=score-1 where uid in (select uid from " . tname("complain_op") . " where id=" . $params['reply_id'] . ")"); } else { $downarr = array(); $downarr['opid'] = $params['reply_id']; $downarr['uid'] = $params['uid']; $downarr['updown'] = 1; $downarr['username'] = $params['uname']; $downarr['dateline'] = $_SGLOBAL['timestamp']; $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("update " . tname('complain_dep') . " set upnum=upnum+1,updownnum=updownnum+1,score=score+1 where uid in (select uid from " . tname("complain_op") . " where id= " . $params['reply_id'] . ")"); inserttable("complain_op_updown", $downarr); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("update " . tname('complain_op') . " set upnum=upnum+1 where id=" . $params['reply_id']); $q = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("select * from " . tname('complain') . " where uid=" . $params['uid'] . " and doid=" . $params['complainId'] . " and lastopid=" . $params['reply_id'] . " and status=1"); if ($r = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($q)) { updatetable('complain', array('status' => 2), array('id' => $r['id'])); $oparr = array(); $oparr['doid'] = $params['complainId']; $oparr['message'] = ''; $oparr['uid'] = $params['uid']; $oparr['username'] = $params['uname']; $oparr['optype'] = 6; $oparr['dateline'] = $_SGLOBAL['timestamp']; $oparr['opvalue'] = 1; inserttable("complain_op", $oparr); } } } else { if ($params['vote'] == 'down') { $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("select * from " . tname("complain_op_updown") . " where opid = " . $params['reply_id'] . " and uid = " . $params['uid']); $updown = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query); if (!empty($updown)) { if ($updown['uid'] == $complain['uid'] || $updown['updown'] == 1) { $errorMsg = array("errorNo" => "403", "content" => "updown again"); return json_encode($errorMsg); } $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("delete from " . tname("complain_op_updown") . " where opid = " . $params['reply_id'] . " and uid = " . $params['uid'] . " and updown = 2"); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("update " . tname('complain_op') . " set downnum=downnum-1 where id=" . $params['reply_id']); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("update " . tname('complain_dep') . " set downnum=downnum-1,updownnum=updownnum-1,score=score+1 where uid in (select uid from " . tname("complain_op") . " where id=" . $params['reply_id'] . ")"); } else { $downarr = array(); $downarr['opid'] = $params['reply_id']; $downarr['uid'] = $params['uid']; $downarr['updown'] = 2; $downarr['username'] = $params['uname']; $downarr['dateline'] = $_SGLOBAL['timestamp']; inserttable("complain_op_updown", $downarr); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("update " . tname('complain_dep') . " set downnum=downnum+1,updownnum=updownnum+1,score=score-1 where uid in (select uid from " . tname("complain_op") . " where id=" . $params['reply_id'] . ")"); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("update " . tname('complain_op') . " set downnum=downnum+1 where id=" . $params['reply_id']); $sql = "select * from " . tname('complain') . " where uid=" . $params['uid'] . " and doid=" . $params['complainId'] . " and lastopid=" . $params['reply_id'] . " and status=1"; $q = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("select * from " . tname('complain') . " where uid=" . $params['uid'] . " and doid=" . $params['complainId'] . " and lastopid=" . $params['reply_id'] . " and status=1"); if ($r = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($q)) { updatetable('complain', array('status' => 0, 'lastopid' => 0, 'dateline' => $_SGLOBAL['timestamp'], 'times' => 1, 'issendmsg' => 0), array('id' => $r['id'])); $note = cplang("complain_down", array("space.php?do=complain_item&doid={$complain['doid']}")); notification_complain_add($complain["atuid"], "complain", $note); $oparr = array(); $oparr['doid'] = $params['complainId']; $oparr['message'] = ''; $oparr['uid'] = $params['uid']; $oparr['username'] = $params['uname']; $oparr['optype'] = 5; $oparr['dateline'] = $_SGLOBAL['timestamp']; $oparr['opvalue'] = 1; inserttable("complain_op", $oparr); } } } } }
[UCenter Home] (C) 2007-2008 Comsenz Inc. $Id: avatar.php 10586 2008-12-10 06:53:47Z liguode $ */ if (!defined('IN_UCHOME')) { exit('Access Denied'); } //判断用户是否设置了头像 $avatar_exists = trim(ckavatar($space['uid'])); if (strlen($avatar_exists) < 1) { showmessage('这个功能要求您的UCenter的Server端的 avatar.php 程序需要进行升级。<br>如果您是本站管理员,请通过下面的地址下载 avatar.php 文件的压缩包,并覆盖您的UCenter根目录中的同名文件即可。<br><a href=""></a>'); } if ($avatar_exists) { //活动完成 $task['done'] = 1; //更新用户头像标识位 updatetable('space', array('avatar' => 1), array('uid' => $space['uid'])); //找热门异性有头像的用户 $wherearr = array(); $wherearr[] = "s.uid=sf.uid"; $wherearr[] = "s.avatar='1'"; if ($space['sex'] == 2) { $title = '帅哥'; $wherearr[] = "'1'"; } else { $title = '美女'; $wherearr[] = "'2'"; } $nouids = $space['friend'] ? $space['friend'] . ",{$space['uid']}" : $space['uid']; $wherearr[] = "s.uid NOT IN ({$nouids})"; $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT s.uid,s.username,,s.namestatus\r\n\t\tFROM " . tname('space') . " s, " . tname('spacefield') . " sf\r\n\t\tWHERE " . implode(' AND ', $wherearr) . "\r\n\t\tORDER BY s.friendnum DESC LIMIT 0,10"); while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) {
function download_update($setarr, $index) { $wherearr = array('index' => (int) $index); $setarr = base_protect($setarr); return updatetable('download', $setarr, $wherearr) ? $index : false; }
<?php /* [UCenter Home] (C) 2007-2008 Comsenz Inc. $Id: function_image.php 7350 2008-05-12 09:36:04Z liguode $ */ if (!defined('IN_UCHOME')) { exit('Access Denied'); } //检查对象及重复使用 $idtype = 'cid'; $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('SELECT * FROM ' . tname('comment') . " WHERE cid = '{$id}' AND authorid = '{$_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']}'"); $value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query); if (empty($value)) { showmessage('magicuse_bad_object'); } elseif ($value['magicflicker']) { showmessage('magicuse_object_once_limit'); } //彩虹炫 if (submitcheck("usesubmit")) { updatetable('comment', array('magicflicker' => 1), array('cid' => $id, 'authorid' => $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'])); magic_use($mid, array('id' => $id, 'idtype' => $idtype), true); showmessage('magicuse_success', $_POST['refer']); }