/** * 取得模型信息 * return array */ function getmodelinfoall($type, $value) { if ($type == 'mid') { $value = intval($value); if (empty($value)) { return false; } } else { if (empty($value) || !preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]{2,20}\$/i", $value)) { return false; } } $cachefile = S_ROOT . './cache/model/model_' . $value . '.cache.php'; $cacheinfo = ''; if (file_exists($cachefile)) { include_once $cachefile; } if (!empty($cacheinfo) && is_array($cacheinfo)) { return $cacheinfo; } else { include_once S_ROOT . './function/cache.func.php'; return updatemodel($type, $value); } }
$attachmenturlcount = count($attachmenturlarr); $attachmenturls = implode("\r\n", $attachmenturlarr); DB::query('REPLACE INTO ' . tname('settings') . ' (variable,value) values (\'attach\',\'' . serialize($_POST['attach']) . '\')'); DB::query('REPLACE INTO ' . tname('settings') . ' (variable,value) values (\'attachmentdir\',\'' . $_POST['attachmentdir'] . '\')'); DB::query('REPLACE INTO ' . tname('settings') . ' (variable,value) values (\'attachmenturl\',\'' . $attachmenturl . '\')'); DB::query('REPLACE INTO ' . tname('settings') . ' (variable,value) values (\'attachmenturls\',\'' . $attachmenturls . '\')'); DB::query('REPLACE INTO ' . tname('settings') . ' (variable,value) values (\'attachmenturlcount\',\'' . $attachmenturlcount . '\')'); updatesettingcache(); foreach ($_POST['thumb'] as $k => $v) { $v['width'] = intval($v['width']); $v['height'] = intval($v['height']); if ($v['width'] == 0 || $v['height'] == 0) { cpmsg('thumbsize_error'); } updatetable('models', array('thumbsize' => $v['width'] . ',' . $v['height']), 'modelname=\'' . $k . '\''); updatemodel('modelname', $k); } cpmsg('update_success', '?action=attach'); } //添加或更改分類的編輯頁面 shownav('global', 'nav_attach'); showsubmenu('nav_attach', array(array('settings_basic', 'global', '0'), array('nav_attach', 'attach', '1'))); showtips('attach_tips'); showformheader('attach'); showtableheader(); showsetting('settings_attach_basic_dir', 'attachmentdir', $_G['setting']['attachmentdir'], 'text'); showsetting('settings_attach_basic_urls', 'attachmenturls', $_G['setting']['attachmenturls'], 'textarea'); showsetting('settings_attach_basic_filesize', 'attach[filesize]', $_G['setting']['attach']['filesize'] / 1024 . 'K', 'text'); foreach ($_models as $_model) { $_mid = $_mname['mid']; $_mname = $_model['modelname'];
$query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT * FROM " . tname($resultmodels['modelname'] . 'items') . " i, " . tname($resultmodels['modelname'] . 'message') . " m WHERE i.catid='{$catid}' AND i.itemid = m.itemid"); while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $value['catid'] = 0; $setsqlarr = array('subject' => addslashes($value['subject']), 'message' => addslashes(serialize($value)), 'dateline' => $_SGLOBAL['timestamp'], 'mid' => $resultmodels['mid'], 'folder' => 2); $ids[] = $value['itemid']; inserttable('modelfolders', $setsqlarr); } $ids = simplode($ids); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("DELETE FROM " . tname($resultmodels['modelname'] . 'items') . " WHERE catid='{$catid}'"); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("DELETE FROM " . tname($resultmodels['modelname'] . 'message') . " WHERE itemid IN ({$ids})"); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('DELETE FROM ' . tname('categories') . ' WHERE catid=\'' . $catid . '\''); } else { $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('DELETE FROM ' . tname('categories') . ' WHERE catid=\'' . $catid . '\''); $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('UPDATE ' . tname($resultmodels['modelname'] . 'items') . ' SET catid=\'' . $newcatid . '\' WHERE catid=\'' . $catid . '\''); } updatemodel('modelname', $resultmodels['modelname']); showmessage('category_delete_success', $newurl); } $addclass = $viewclass = ''; if (empty($_GET['op'])) { //LIST VIEW $listarr = getmodelcategory($resultmodels['modelname']); $viewclass = ' class="active"'; } elseif ($_GET['op'] == 'edit') { //权限 if (!checkperm('managemodcat') || checkperm('manageeditcat')) { showmessage('no_authority_management_operation'); } $_GET['catid'] = intval($_GET['catid']); //ONE VIEW FOR UPDATE $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('SELECT * FROM ' . tname('categories') . ' WHERE catid=\'' . $_GET['catid'] . '\' AND `type`=\'' . $resultmodels['modelname'] . '\'');
$query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('SELECT id, displayorder FROM ' . tname('modelcolumns') . ' WHERE mid = \'' . $_POST['mid'] . '\''); while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $fieldarr[$value['id']] = $value['displayorder']; } if (is_array($_POST['displayorder']) && $_POST['displayorder']) { foreach ($_POST['displayorder'] as $postcatid => $postdisplayorder) { $postcatid = intval($postcatid); $postdisplayorder = intval($postdisplayorder); if (!empty($postcatid)) { if ($fieldarr[$postcatid] != $postdisplayorder) { updatetable('modelcolumns', array('displayorder' => $postdisplayorder), array('id' => $postcatid)); } } } } updatemodel('mid', $_POST['mid']); showmessage('fieldlistsubmit_success', CPURL . '?action=models&op=field&mid=' . $_POST['mid']); } if (empty($_GET['op'])) { //Ä£Ð͹ÜÀí_ÁбíÒ³ $modellist = ''; $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query('SELECT m.*, c.status FROM ' . tname('models') . ' m LEFT JOIN ' . tname('channels') . ' c ON (m.modelname = c.nameid) ORDER BY m.mid DESC'); while ($temp = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $tmpurl = S_URL . '/m.php?name=' . $temp['modelname']; $temp['status'] = $temp['status'] > 0 ? $alang['setting_allowtagshow_1'] : $alang['setting_allowtagshow_0']; $modellist .= <<<EOF \t\t<tr class="darkrow" id="ns"> \t\t\t<td align="center"><a href="{$tmpurl}" target="_blank">{$temp['modelname']} ({$temp['modelalias']})</a></td> \t\t\t<td align="center"><a href="{$cpurl}?action=channel" target="_blank">{$temp['status']}</a></td> \t\t\t<td align="center"> \t\t\t\t<a href="?action=models&op=edit&mid={$temp['mid']}">{$alang['robot_robot_op_edit']}</a> |
//crons列表 updatecroncache(); //计划任务 updatecategorycache(); //分类 updatecensorcache(); //缓存语言屏蔽 click_cache(); //缓存表态 creditrule_cache(); //缓存积分 postnews_cache; //缓存信息推送 model_cache(); foreach ($_SGLOBAL['updatemodel']['cache'] as $value) { updatemodel('mid', $value); } if (discuz_exists()) { updatebbssetting(); //缓存论坛设置 updatebbsstyle(); //缓存论坛风格设置 updatebbsbbcode(); //缓存论坛bbcode/smiles } //写log if (@($fp = fopen($lockfile, 'w'))) { fwrite($fp, 'SupeSite'); fclose($fp); } show_msg('升级完成,为了您的数据安全,避免重复升级,请登录FTP删除本文件!');
} if ($_GET['op'] == 'add') { $attrid = inserttable('modelcolumns', $arr_data, 1); $query = DB::fetch(DB::query('SELECT max(displayorder) as displayorder FROM ' . tname('modelcolumns') . '')); updatetable('modelcolumns', array('fieldname' => $attr_pre . $attrid, 'displayorder' => intval($query['displayorder']) + 1), 'id=' . $attrid); DB::query('ALTER TABLE `' . tname($table_handle) . '` ADD `' . $attr_pre . $attrid . '` ' . $arr_data['fieldtype'] . '( ' . $arr_data['fieldlength'] . ' ) '); } elseif ($_GET['op'] == 'edit') { $field_len = DB::result_first('select fieldlength from ' . tname('modelcolumns') . ' where id=' . $attrid); if (intval($field_len) > intval($_POST['fieldlength'])) { cpmsg('ext_field_length_error'); } updatetable('modelcolumns', $arr_data, 'id=' . $attrid); DB::query('ALTER TABLE `' . tname($table_handle) . '` CHANGE `' . $attr_pre . $attrid . '` `' . $attr_pre . $attrid . '` VARCHAR( ' . $arr_data['fieldlength'] . ' ) '); } updatemodel('modelname', 'shop'); updatemodel('modelname', 'groupbuy'); if ($_GET['op'] == 'add') { cpmsg('message_success', '?action=attr&type=' . $_GET['type']); } else { cpmsg('update_success', '?action=attr&type=' . $_GET['type']); } } if ($_GET['op'] == 'add' || $_GET['op'] == 'edit') { shownav('global', 'attr_' . $_GET['op']); showsubmenu('attr_' . $_GET['op']); showformheader('attr&type=' . $_GET['type'] . '&op=' . $_GET['op']); showtableheader(''); if ($_GET['op'] == 'edit') { if ($attrid > 0) { $query = DB::query('select * from ' . tname('modelcolumns') . ' where id=' . $attrid); $attritem = DB::fetch($query);