Esempio n. 1
 * Edit an IOTD.
 * @param  AUTO_LINK			The ID of the IOTD to edit
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The IOTD title
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			The IOTD caption
 * @param  URLPATH			The URL to the IOTD image
 * @param  URLPATH			The URL to the IOTD thumbnail image
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the IOTD may be rated
 * @param  SHORT_INTEGER	Whether comments are allowed (0=no, 1=yes, 2=review style)
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the IOTD may be trackbacked
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			Notes for the IOTD
function edit_iotd($id, $title, $caption, $thumb_url, $url, $allow_rating, $allow_comments, $allow_trackbacks, $notes)
    $_caption = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('iotd', 'caption', array('id' => $id));
    $_title = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('iotd', 'i_title', array('id' => $id));
    delete_upload('uploads/iotds', 'iotd', 'url', 'id', $id, $url);
    delete_upload('uploads/iotds_thumbs', 'iotd', 'thumb_url', 'id', $id, $thumb_url);
    $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('iotd', array('i_title' => lang_remap_comcode($_title, $title), 'edit_date' => time(), 'allow_rating' => $allow_rating, 'allow_comments' => $allow_comments, 'allow_trackbacks' => $allow_trackbacks, 'notes' => $notes, 'caption' => lang_remap_comcode($_caption, $caption), 'thumb_url' => $thumb_url, 'url' => $url), array('id' => $id), '', 1);
    suggest_new_idmoniker_for('iotds', 'view', strval($id), $title);
    log_it('EDIT_IOTD', strval($id), get_translated_text($_caption));
    update_spacer_post($allow_comments != 0, 'videos', strval($id), build_url(array('page' => 'iotds', 'type' => 'view', 'id' => $id), get_module_zone('iotds'), NULL, false, false, true), $title, get_value('comment_forum__iotds'));
Esempio n. 2
 * Edit a gallery.
 * @param  ID_TEXT		The old gallery codename (in case we are renaming)
 * @param  ID_TEXT		The gallery codename (maybe the same as the old one)
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT	The full human-readeable name of the gallery
 * @param  LONG_TEXT		The description of the gallery
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT	Teaser text for the gallery
 * @param  LONG_TEXT		Hidden notes associated with the gallery
 * @param  ?ID_TEXT		The parent gallery (NULL: no parent)
 * @param  BINARY			Whether images may be put in this gallery
 * @param  BINARY			Whether videos may be put in this gallery
 * @param  BINARY			Whether the gallery serves as a container for automatically created member galleries
 * @param  BINARY			Whether the gallery uses the flow mode interface
 * @param  URLPATH		The representative image of the gallery (blank: none)
 * @param  URLPATH		Watermark (blank: none)
 * @param  URLPATH		Watermark (blank: none)
 * @param  URLPATH		Watermark (blank: none)
 * @param  URLPATH		Watermark (blank: none)
 * @param  ?SHORT_TEXT	Meta keywords for this resource (NULL: do not edit)
 * @param  ?LONG_TEXT	Meta description for this resource (NULL: do not edit)
 * @param  BINARY			Whether rating are allowed
 * @param  BINARY			Whether comments are allowed
 * @param  ?MEMBER		The gallery owner (NULL: nobody)
function edit_gallery($old_name, $name, $fullname, $description, $teaser, $notes, $parent_id = NULL, $accept_images = 1, $accept_videos = 1, $is_member_synched = 0, $flow_mode_interface = 0, $rep_image = '', $watermark_top_left = '', $watermark_top_right = '', $watermark_bottom_left = '', $watermark_bottom_right = '', $meta_keywords = NULL, $meta_description = NULL, $allow_rating = 1, $allow_comments = 1, $g_owner = NULL)
    suggest_new_idmoniker_for('galleries', 'misc', $name, $fullname);
    $under_category_id = $parent_id;
    while ($under_category_id != '' && $under_category_id != STRING_MAGIC_NULL) {
        if ($name == $under_category_id) {
        $under_category_id = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('galleries', 'parent_id', array('name' => $under_category_id));
    if (is_null($parent_id)) {
        $parent_id = '';
    if ($old_name != $name) {
        if (!is_alphanumeric($name, true)) {
        $test = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('galleries', 'name', array('name' => $name));
        if (!is_null($test)) {
            warn_exit(do_lang_tempcode('ALREADY_EXISTS', escape_html($name)));
        seo_meta_erase_storage('gallery', $old_name);
        $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('images', array('cat' => $name), array('cat' => $old_name));
        $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('videos', array('cat' => $name), array('cat' => $old_name));
        $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('galleries', array('parent_id' => $name), array('parent_id' => $old_name));
        if (addon_installed('awards')) {
            $types = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('award_types', array('id'), array('a_content_type' => 'gallery'));
            foreach ($types as $type) {
                $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('award_archive', array('content_id' => $name), array('content_id' => $old_name, 'a_type_id' => $type['id']));
    if (!is_null($meta_keywords)) {
        seo_meta_set_for_explicit('gallery', $name, $meta_keywords, $meta_description);
    $myrows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('galleries', array('fullname', 'description', 'teaser'), array('name' => $old_name), '', 1);
    if (!array_key_exists(0, $myrows)) {
    $myrow = $myrows[0];
    $map = array('name' => $name, 'notes' => $notes, 'fullname' => lang_remap($myrow['fullname'], $fullname), 'description' => lang_remap_comcode($myrow['description'], $description), 'teaser' => lang_remap_comcode($myrow['teaser'], $teaser), 'parent_id' => $parent_id, 'accept_images' => $accept_images, 'accept_videos' => $accept_videos, 'is_member_synched' => $is_member_synched, 'flow_mode_interface' => $flow_mode_interface, 'allow_rating' => $allow_rating, 'allow_comments' => $allow_comments, 'g_owner' => $g_owner);
    if (!is_null($rep_image)) {
        $map['rep_image'] = $rep_image;
        delete_upload('uploads/grepimages', 'galleries', 'rep_image', 'name', $old_name, $rep_image);
    if (!is_null($watermark_top_left)) {
        $map['watermark_top_left'] = $watermark_top_left;
        delete_upload('uploads/watermarks', 'galleries', 'watermark_top_left', 'name', $old_name, $watermark_top_left);
    if (!is_null($watermark_top_right)) {
        $map['watermark_top_right'] = $watermark_top_right;
        delete_upload('uploads/watermarks', 'galleries', 'watermark_top_right', 'name', $old_name, $watermark_top_right);
    if (!is_null($watermark_bottom_left)) {
        $map['watermark_bottom_left'] = $watermark_bottom_left;
        delete_upload('uploads/watermarks', 'galleries', 'watermark_bottom_left', 'name', $old_name, $watermark_bottom_left);
    if (!is_null($watermark_bottom_right)) {
        $map['watermark_bottom_right'] = $watermark_bottom_right;
        delete_upload('uploads/watermarks', 'galleries', 'watermark_bottom_right', 'name', $old_name, $watermark_bottom_right);
    $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('galleries', $map, array('name' => $old_name), '', 1);
    log_it('EDIT_GALLERY', $name, $fullname);
    $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('group_category_access', array('category_name' => $name), array('module_the_name' => 'galleries', 'category_name' => $old_name));
    update_spacer_post($allow_comments != 0, 'galleries', $name, build_url(array('page' => 'galleries', 'type' => 'misc', 'id' => $name), get_module_zone('galleries'), NULL, false, false, true), $fullname, get_value('comment_forum__galleries'));
Esempio n. 3
 * Edit a download.
 * @param  AUTO_LINK			The ID of the download to edit
 * @param  AUTO_LINK			The ID of the category the download is to be in
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The name of the download
 * @param  URLPATH			The URL to the download
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			The description of the download
 * @param  ID_TEXT			The author of the download (not necessarily same as the submitter)
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			The comments for the download
 * @param  AUTO_LINK			The out-mode-id (the ID of a download that this download is an old version of). Often people wonder why this is specified with the old version, and not the opposite with the new version - it is because statistically, we perceive more chance of downloads merging than splitting
 * @param  integer			The ordered number of the gallery image to use as the download representative image
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the download has been validated
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the download may be rated
 * @param  SHORT_INTEGER	Whether comments are allowed (0=no, 1=yes, 2=review style)
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the download may be trackbacked
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			Hidden notes pertaining to the download
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The downloads original filename (the URL may be obfuscated)
 * @param  integer			The file size of the download (we can't really detect this in real-time for remote URLs)
 * @param  integer			The cost of the download that members will have to pay to get it
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the submitter gets the points for the download (they are selling it) (otherwise they are just thrown out, which is an alternative model - one of enforcing community point building)
 * @param  ?AUTO_LINK		The licence to use (NULL: none)
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		Meta keywords
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			Meta description
function edit_download($id, $category_id, $name, $url, $description, $author, $comments, $out_mode_id, $default_pic, $validated, $allow_rating, $allow_comments, $allow_trackbacks, $notes, $original_filename, $file_size, $cost, $submitter_gets_points, $licence, $meta_keywords, $meta_description)
    suggest_new_idmoniker_for('downloads', 'view', strval($id), $name);
    if ($file_size == 0 || url_is_local($url)) {
        if (url_is_local($url)) {
            $file_size = filesize(get_custom_file_base() . '/' . rawurldecode($url));
        } else {
            $file_size = @filesize($url) or $file_size = NULL;
    $myrows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('download_downloads', array('name', 'description', 'comments'), array('id' => $id), '', 1);
    if (!array_key_exists(0, $myrows)) {
    $myrow = $myrows[0];
    seo_meta_set_for_explicit('downloads_download', strval($id), $meta_keywords, $meta_description);
    delete_upload('uploads/downloads', 'download_downloads', 'url', 'id', $id, $url);
    $met = @ini_get('max_execution_time');
    $data_mash = create_data_mash($url, NULL, get_file_extension($original_filename));
    if (function_exists('set_time_limit')) {
    if (!addon_installed('unvalidated')) {
        $validated = 1;
    $just_validated = !content_validated('download', strval($id)) && $validated == 1;
    if ($just_validated) {
        send_content_validated_notification('download', strval($id));
    $map = array('download_data_mash' => $data_mash, 'download_licence' => $licence, 'original_filename' => $original_filename, 'download_submitter_gets_points' => $submitter_gets_points, 'download_cost' => $cost, 'edit_date' => time(), 'file_size' => $file_size, 'allow_rating' => $allow_rating, 'allow_comments' => $allow_comments, 'allow_trackbacks' => $allow_trackbacks, 'notes' => $notes, 'name' => lang_remap($myrow['name'], $name), 'description' => lang_remap_comcode($myrow['description'], $description), 'comments' => lang_remap_comcode($myrow['comments'], $comments), 'validated' => $validated, 'category_id' => $category_id, 'url' => $url, 'author' => $author, 'default_pic' => $default_pic, 'out_mode_id' => $out_mode_id);
    $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('download_downloads', $map, array('id' => $id), '', 1);
    $self_url = build_url(array('page' => 'downloads', 'type' => 'entry', 'id' => $id), get_module_zone('downloads'), NULL, false, false, true);
    if ($just_validated) {
        $subject = do_lang('DOWNLOAD_NOTIFICATION_MAIL_SUBJECT', get_site_name(), $name);
        $mail = do_lang('DOWNLOAD_NOTIFICATION_MAIL', comcode_escape(get_site_name()), comcode_escape($name), array(comcode_escape($self_url->evaluate())));
        dispatch_notification('download', strval($category_id), $subject, $mail);
    log_it('EDIT_DOWNLOAD', strval($id), get_translated_text($myrow['name']));
    if (addon_installed('galleries')) {
        // Change its gallery
        $download_gallery_root = get_option('download_gallery_root');
        if (is_null($download_gallery_root)) {
            $download_gallery_root = 'root';
        $test = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('galleries', 'parent_id', array('name' => 'download_' . strval($id)));
        if (!is_null($test)) {
            edit_gallery('download_' . strval($id), 'download_' . strval($id), do_lang('GALLERY_FOR_DOWNLOAD', $name), '', '', '', $download_gallery_root);
    update_spacer_post($allow_comments != 0, 'downloads', strval($id), $self_url, $name, get_value('comment_forum__downloads'));
Esempio n. 4
 * Edit a news entry.
 * @param  AUTO_LINK			The ID of the news to edit
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The news title
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			The news summary (or if not an article, the full news)
 * @param  ID_TEXT			The news author (possibly, a link to an existing author in the system, but does not need to be)
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the news has been validated
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the news may be rated
 * @param  SHORT_INTEGER	Whether comments are allowed (0=no, 1=yes, 2=review style)
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the news may have trackbacks
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			Notes for the news
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			The news entry (blank means no entry)
 * @param  AUTO_LINK			The primary news category (NULL: personal)
 * @param  ?array				The IDs of the news categories that this is in (NULL: do not change)
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		Meta keywords
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			Meta description
 * @param  ?URLPATH			URL to the image for the news entry (blank: use cat image) (NULL: don't delete existing)
 * @param  ?TIME				Recorded add time (NULL: leave alone)
function edit_news($id, $title, $news, $author, $validated, $allow_rating, $allow_comments, $allow_trackbacks, $notes, $news_article, $main_news_category, $news_category, $meta_keywords, $meta_description, $image, $time = NULL)
    $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('news', array('title', 'news', 'news_article', 'submitter'), array('id' => $id), '', 1);
    $_title = $rows[0]['title'];
    $_news = $rows[0]['news'];
    $_news_article = $rows[0]['news_article'];
    suggest_new_idmoniker_for('news', 'view', strval($id), $title);
    if (!addon_installed('unvalidated')) {
        $validated = 1;
    $just_validated = !content_validated('news', strval($id)) && $validated == 1;
    if ($just_validated) {
        send_content_validated_notification('news', strval($id));
    $map = array('news_category' => $main_news_category, 'news_article' => update_lang_comcode_attachments($_news_article, $news_article, 'news', strval($id), NULL, false, $rows[0]['submitter']), 'edit_date' => time(), 'allow_rating' => $allow_rating, 'allow_comments' => $allow_comments, 'allow_trackbacks' => $allow_trackbacks, 'notes' => $notes, 'validated' => $validated, 'title' => lang_remap_comcode($_title, $title), 'news' => lang_remap_comcode($_news, $news), 'author' => $author);
    if (!is_null($time)) {
        $map['date_and_time'] = $time;
    if (!is_null($image)) {
        $map['news_image'] = $image;
        delete_upload('uploads/grepimages', 'news', 'news_image', 'id', $id, $image);
    	foreach ($news_category as $key=>$value)
    		if($key>0) $news_categories.=','.$value;
    if (!is_null($news_category)) {
        $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_delete('news_category_entries', array('news_entry' => $id));
        foreach ($news_category as $value) {
            $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_insert('news_category_entries', array('news_entry' => $id, 'news_entry_category' => $value));
    log_it('EDIT_NEWS', strval($id), $title);
    $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('news', $map, array('id' => $id), '', 1);
    $self_url = build_url(array('page' => 'news', 'type' => 'view', 'id' => $id), get_module_zone('news'), NULL, false, false, true);
    if ($just_validated) {
        dispatch_news_notification($id, $title, $main_news_category);
    seo_meta_set_for_explicit('news', strval($id), $meta_keywords, $meta_description);
    if ($validated == 1 && has_category_access($GLOBALS['FORUM_DRIVER']->get_guest_id(), 'news', strval($main_news_category))) {
        $_ping_url = str_replace('{url}', urlencode(get_base_url()), str_replace('{rss}', urlencode(find_script('backend')), str_replace('{title}', urlencode(get_site_name()), get_option('ping_url'))));
        $ping_urls = explode(',', $_ping_url);
        foreach ($ping_urls as $ping_url) {
            $ping_url = trim($ping_url);
            if ($ping_url != '') {
                http_download_file($ping_url, NULL, false);
    update_spacer_post($allow_comments != 0, 'news', strval($id), $self_url, $title, get_value('comment_forum__news'));
Esempio n. 5
 * Edit a poll.
 * @param  AUTO_LINK			The ID of the poll to edit
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The question
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The first choice
 * @range  1 max
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The second choice
 * @range  1 max
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The third choice (blank means not a choice)
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The fourth choice (blank means not a choice)
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The fifth choice (blank means not a choice)
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The sixth choice (blank means not a choice)
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The seventh choice (blank means not a choice)
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The eighth choice (blank means not a choice)
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The ninth choice (blank means not a choice)
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The tenth choice (blank means not a choice)
 * @param  integer			The number of choices
 * @param  BINARY				Whether to allow rating of this poll
 * @param  SHORT_INTEGER	Whether comments are allowed (0=no, 1=yes, 2=review style)
 * @param  BINARY				Whether to allow trackbacking on this poll
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			Notes about this poll
function edit_poll($id, $question, $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $a5, $a6, $a7, $a8, $a9, $a10, $num_options, $allow_rating, $allow_comments, $allow_trackbacks, $notes)
    log_it('EDIT_POLL', strval($id), $question);
    $rows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('poll', array('*'), array('id' => $id), '', 1);
    $_question = $rows[0]['question'];
    $_a1 = $rows[0]['option1'];
    $_a2 = $rows[0]['option2'];
    $_a3 = $rows[0]['option3'];
    $_a4 = $rows[0]['option4'];
    $_a5 = $rows[0]['option5'];
    $_a6 = $rows[0]['option6'];
    $_a7 = $rows[0]['option7'];
    $_a8 = $rows[0]['option8'];
    $_a9 = $rows[0]['option9'];
    $_a10 = $rows[0]['option10'];
    $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('poll', array('edit_date' => time(), 'allow_rating' => $allow_rating, 'allow_comments' => $allow_comments, 'allow_trackbacks' => $allow_trackbacks, 'notes' => $notes, 'num_options' => $num_options, 'question' => lang_remap_comcode($_question, $question), 'option1' => lang_remap_comcode($_a1, $a1), 'option2' => lang_remap_comcode($_a2, $a2), 'option3' => lang_remap_comcode($_a3, $a3), 'option4' => lang_remap_comcode($_a4, $a4), 'option5' => lang_remap_comcode($_a5, $a5), 'option6' => lang_remap_comcode($_a6, $a6), 'option7' => lang_remap_comcode($_a7, $a7), 'option8' => lang_remap_comcode($_a8, $a8), 'option9' => lang_remap_comcode($_a9, $a9), 'option10' => lang_remap_comcode($_a10, $a10)), array('id' => $id), '', 1);
    suggest_new_idmoniker_for('polls', 'view', strval($id), $question);
    update_spacer_post($allow_comments != 0, 'polls', strval($id), build_url(array('page' => 'polls', 'type' => 'view', 'id' => $id), get_module_zone('polls'), NULL, false, false, true), $question, get_value('comment_forum__polls'));
Esempio n. 6
 * Edit a calendar event.
 * @param  AUTO_LINK			The ID of the event
 * @param  ?AUTO_LINK		The event type (NULL: default)
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The recurrence code
 * @param  ?integer			The number of recurrences (NULL: none/infinite)
 * @param  BINARY				Whether to segregate the comment-topics/rating/trackbacks per-recurrence
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		The title of the event
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			The full text describing the event
 * @param  integer			The priority
 * @range  1 5
 * @param  BINARY				Whether it is a public event
 * @param  ?integer			The year the event starts at (NULL: default)
 * @param  ?integer			The month the event starts at (NULL: default)
 * @param  ?integer			The day the event starts at (NULL: default)
 * @param  ?integer			The hour the event starts at (NULL: default)
 * @param  ?integer			The minute the event starts at (NULL: default)
 * @param  ?integer			The year the event ends at (NULL: not a multi day event)
 * @param  ?integer			The month the event ends at (NULL: not a multi day event)
 * @param  ?integer			The day the event ends at (NULL: not a multi day event)
 * @param  ?integer			The hour the event ends at (NULL: not a multi day event)
 * @param  ?integer			The minute the event ends at (NULL: not a multi day event)
 * @param  ?ID_TEXT			The timezone for the event (NULL: current user's timezone)
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the time should be presented in the viewer's own timezone
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT		Meta keywords
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			Meta description
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the download has been validated
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the download may be rated
 * @param  SHORT_INTEGER	Whether comments are allowed (0=no, 1=yes, 2=review style)
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the download may be trackbacked
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			Hidden notes pertaining to the download
function edit_calendar_event($id, $type, $recurrence, $recurrences, $seg_recurrences, $title, $content, $priority, $is_public, $start_year, $start_month, $start_day, $start_hour, $start_minute, $end_year, $end_month, $end_day, $end_hour, $end_minute, $timezone, $do_timezone_conv, $meta_keywords, $meta_description, $validated, $allow_rating, $allow_comments, $allow_trackbacks, $notes)
    $myrows = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('calendar_events', array('e_title', 'e_content', 'e_submitter'), array('id' => $id), '', 1);
    $myrow = $myrows[0];
    suggest_new_idmoniker_for('calendar', 'view', strval($id), $title);
    seo_meta_set_for_explicit('event', strval($id), $meta_keywords, $meta_description);
    if (!addon_installed('unvalidated')) {
        $validated = 1;
    $just_validated = !content_validated('event', strval($id)) && $validated == 1;
    if ($just_validated) {
        send_content_validated_notification('event', strval($id));
    $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('calendar_events', array('e_title' => lang_remap($myrow['e_title'], $title), 'e_content' => update_lang_comcode_attachments($myrow['e_content'], $content, 'calendar', strval($id), NULL, false, $myrow['e_submitter']), 'e_edit_date' => time(), 'e_recurrence' => $recurrence, 'e_recurrences' => $recurrences, 'e_seg_recurrences' => $seg_recurrences, 'e_start_year' => $start_year, 'e_start_month' => $start_month, 'e_start_day' => $start_day, 'e_start_hour' => $start_hour, 'e_start_minute' => $start_minute, 'e_end_year' => $end_year, 'e_end_month' => $end_month, 'e_end_day' => $end_day, 'e_end_hour' => $end_hour, 'e_end_minute' => $end_minute, 'e_timezone' => $timezone, 'e_do_timezone_conv' => $do_timezone_conv, 'e_is_public' => $is_public, 'e_priority' => $priority, 'e_type' => $type, 'validated' => $validated, 'allow_rating' => $allow_rating, 'allow_comments' => $allow_comments, 'allow_trackbacks' => $allow_trackbacks, 'notes' => $notes), array('id' => $id), '', 1);
    $self_url = build_url(array('page' => 'calendar', 'type' => 'view', 'id' => $id), get_module_zone('calendar'), NULL, false, false, true);
    if ($just_validated) {
        $subject = do_lang('CALENDAR_EVENT_NOTIFICATION_MAIL_SUBJECT', get_site_name(), strip_comcode($title));
        $mail = do_lang('CALENDAR_EVENT_NOTIFICATION_MAIL', comcode_escape(get_site_name()), comcode_escape($title), array($self_url->evaluate()));
        dispatch_notification('calendar_event', strval($type), $subject, $mail);
    update_spacer_post($allow_comments != 0, 'events', strval($id), $self_url, $title, get_value('comment_forum__calendar'));
    log_it('EDIT_CALENDAR_EVENT', strval($id), $title);
Esempio n. 7
 * Edit the specified catalogue entry
 * @param  AUTO_LINK			The ID of the entry being edited
 * @param  AUTO_LINK			The ID of the category that the entry is in
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the entry has been validated
 * @param  LONG_TEXT			Hidden notes pertaining to the entry
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the entry may be rated
 * @param  SHORT_INTEGER	Whether comments are allowed (0=no, 1=yes, 2=review style)
 * @param  BINARY				Whether the entry may be trackbacked
 * @param  array				A map of field IDs, to values, that defines the entries settings
 * @param  ?SHORT_TEXT		Meta keywords for this resource (NULL: do not edit)
 * @param  ?LONG_TEXT		Meta description for this resource (NULL: do not edit)
function actual_edit_catalogue_entry($id, $category_id, $validated, $notes, $allow_rating, $allow_comments, $allow_trackbacks, $map, $meta_keywords = '', $meta_description = '')
    $catalogue_name = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('catalogue_categories', 'c_name', array('id' => $category_id));
    $catalogue_title = get_translated_text($GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('catalogues', 'c_title', array('c_name' => $catalogue_name)));
    $_fields = list_to_map('id', $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_select('catalogue_fields', array('id', 'cf_type'), array('c_name' => $catalogue_name)));
    $fields = collapse_2d_complexity('id', 'cf_type', $_fields);
    $original_submitter = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('catalogue_entries', 'ce_submitter', array('id' => $id));
    $old_category_id = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value('catalogue_entries', 'cc_id', array('id' => $id));
    if (!addon_installed('unvalidated')) {
        $validated = 1;
    $was_validated = content_validated('catalogue_entry', strval($id));
    $just_validated = !$was_validated && $validated == 1;
    if ($just_validated) {
        send_content_validated_notification('catalogue_entry', strval($id));
    $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('catalogue_entries', array('ce_edit_date' => time(), 'cc_id' => $category_id, 'ce_validated' => $validated, 'notes' => $notes, 'allow_rating' => $allow_rating, 'allow_comments' => $allow_comments, 'allow_trackbacks' => $allow_trackbacks), array('id' => $id), '', 1);
    $title = NULL;
    foreach ($map as $field_id => $val) {
        if (is_null($title)) {
            $title = $val;
        $type = $fields[$field_id];
        $ob = get_fields_hook($type);
        list(, , $sup_table_name) = $ob->get_field_value_row_bits($_fields[$field_id]);
        if (substr($sup_table_name, -6) == '_trans') {
            $_val = $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_value_null_ok('catalogue_efv_' . $sup_table_name, 'cv_value', array('cf_id' => $field_id, 'ce_id' => $id));
            if (is_null($_val)) {
                $_val = insert_lang_comcode($val, 3);
            } else {
                if ($type == 'posting_field') {
                    $_val = update_lang_comcode_attachments($_val, $val, 'catalogue_entry', strval($id), NULL, false, $original_submitter);
                } else {
                    $_val = lang_remap_comcode($_val, $val);
            $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('catalogue_efv_' . $sup_table_name, array('cv_value' => $_val), array('cf_id' => $field_id, 'ce_id' => $id), '', 1);
        } else {
            if ($sup_table_name == 'float') {
                $smap = array('cv_value' => is_null($val) || $val == '' ? NULL : floatval($val));
            } elseif ($sup_table_name == 'integer') {
                $smap = array('cv_value' => is_null($val) || $val == '' ? NULL : intval($val));
            } else {
                $smap = array('cv_value' => $val);
            $GLOBALS['SITE_DB']->query_update('catalogue_efv_' . $sup_table_name, $smap, array('cf_id' => $field_id, 'ce_id' => $id), '', 1);
    suggest_new_idmoniker_for('catalogues', 'entry', strval($id), strip_comcode($title));
    seo_meta_set_for_explicit('catalogue_entry', strval($id), $meta_keywords, $meta_description);
    $self_url = build_url(array('page' => 'catalogues', 'type' => 'entry', 'id' => $id), get_module_zone('catalogues'), NULL, false, false, true);
    if ($category_id != $old_category_id || $was_validated != ($validated == 1)) {
        if ($category_id != $old_category_id) {
    if ($catalogue_name[0] != '_') {
        log_it('EDIT_CATALOGUE_ENTRY', strval($id), $title);
        if ($just_validated) {
            $subject = do_lang('CATALOGUE_ENTRY_NOTIFICATION_MAIL_SUBJECT', get_site_name(), strip_comcode($title), array($catalogue_title));
            $mail = do_lang('CATALOGUE_ENTRY_NOTIFICATION_MAIL', comcode_escape(get_site_name()), comcode_escape(strip_comcode($title)), array(comcode_escape($self_url->evaluate()), comcode_escape($catalogue_title)));
            dispatch_notification('catalogue_entry__' . $catalogue_name, strval($id), $subject, $mail);
    update_spacer_post($allow_comments != 0, 'catalogues', strval($id), $self_url, $title, get_value('comment_forum__catalogues__' . $catalogue_name));