function isTension($moveString)
    //detect is a major piece is under attack
    //Input: A string of moves in coordinate notation (e2e4)
    //	And if to limit results to major cpatures (i.e. not pawn captures)
    $moves = explode(' ', $moveString);
    $position = array(array('r', 'n', 'b', 'q', 'k', 'b', 'n', 'r'), array('p', 'p', 'p', 'p', 'p', 'p', 'p', 'p'), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), array('P', 'P', 'P', 'P', 'P', 'P', 'P', 'P'), array('R', 'N', 'B', 'Q', 'K', 'B', 'N', 'R'));
    // indexed [number][letter]
    foreach ($moves as $key => $move) {
        $position = updatePosition($position, $move);
        $isCheck = FALSE;
        foreach ($position as $number => $column) {
            //echo "1\n";
            foreach ($column as $letter => $square) {
                //echo "2\n";
                if ($square !== 0) {
                    // Now to work out if the locus of each piece hits an opposite side king
                    if ($square === 'q') {
                        $collided = array('+x' => FALSE, '+y' => FALSE, '-x' => FALSE, '-y' => FALSE, '+x+y' => FALSE, '+x-y' => FALSE, '-x+y' => FALSE, '-x-y' => FALSE);
                        // straights
                        // +x
                        for ($x = $number + 1; $x < 8; $x++) {
                            //echo "$x 3\n";
                            if ($collided['+x'] === FALSE && $position[$x][$letter] === 'Q') {
                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                $collided['+x'] = TRUE;
                            } else {
                                if ($collided['+x'] === FALSE && $position[$x][$letter] !== 0) {
                                    $collided['+x'] = TRUE;
                        // -x
                        for ($x = $number - 1; $x >= 0; $x--) {
                            //echo "4\n";
                            if ($collided['-x'] === FALSE && $position[$x][$letter] === 'Q') {
                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                $collided['-x'] = TRUE;
                            } else {
                                if ($collided['-x'] === FALSE && $position[$x][$letter] !== 0) {
                                    $collided['-x'] = TRUE;
                        // +y
                        for ($x = $letter + 1; $x < 8; $x++) {
                            //echo "5\n";
                            if ($collided['+y'] === FALSE && $position[$number][$x] === 'Q') {
                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                $collided['+y'] = TRUE;
                            } else {
                                if ($collided['+y'] === FALSE && $position[$number][$x] !== 0) {
                                    $collided['+y'] = TRUE;
                        // -y
                        for ($x = $letter - 1; $x >= 0; $x--) {
                            //echo "6\n";
                            if ($collided['-y'] === FALSE && $position[$number][$x] === 'Q') {
                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                $collided['-y'] = TRUE;
                            } else {
                                if ($collided['-y'] === FALSE && $position[$number][$x] !== 0) {
                                    $collided['-y'] = TRUE;
                        // diagonals
                        // +x +y
                        $x = $letter + 1;
                        $y = $number + 1;
                        while ($x < 8 && $y < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
                            //echo "7\n";
                            if ($collided['+x+y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] === 'Q') {
                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                $collided['+x+y'] = TRUE;
                            } else {
                                if ($collided['+x+y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] !== 0) {
                                    $collided['+x+y'] = TRUE;
                        // +x -y
                        $x = $letter + 1;
                        $y = $number - 1;
                        while ($x < 8 && $y < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
                            //echo "8\n";
                            if ($collided['+x-y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] === 'Q') {
                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                $collided['+x-y'] = TRUE;
                            } else {
                                if ($collided['+x-y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] !== 0) {
                                    $collided['+x-y'] = TRUE;
                        // -x +y
                        $x = $letter - 1;
                        $y = $number + 1;
                        while ($x < 8 && $y < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
                            //echo "9\n";
                            if ($collided['-x+y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] === 'Q') {
                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                $collided['-x+y'] = TRUE;
                            } else {
                                if ($collided['-x+y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] !== 0) {
                                    $collided['-x+y'] = TRUE;
                        // -x -y
                        $x = $letter - 1;
                        $y = $number - 1;
                        while ($x < 8 && $y < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
                            //echo "10\n";
                            if ($collided['-x-y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] === 'Q') {
                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                $collided['-x-y'] = TRUE;
                            } else {
                                if ($collided['-x-y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] !== 0) {
                                    $collided['-x-y'] = TRUE;
                    } else {
                        if ($square === 'r') {
                            $collided = array('+x' => FALSE, '+y' => FALSE, '-x' => FALSE, '-y' => FALSE);
                            // straights
                            // +x
                            for ($x = $number + 1; $x < 8; $x++) {
                                //echo "11\n";
                                if ($collided['+x'] === FALSE && $position[$x][$letter] === 'Q') {
                                    $isCheck = TRUE;
                                    $collided['+x'] = TRUE;
                                } else {
                                    if ($collided['+x'] === FALSE && $position[$x][$letter] !== 0) {
                                        $collided['+x'] = TRUE;
                            // -x
                            for ($x = $number - 1; $x >= 0; $x--) {
                                //echo "12\n";
                                if ($collided['-x'] === FALSE && $position[$x][$letter] === 'Q') {
                                    $isCheck = TRUE;
                                    $collided['-x'] = TRUE;
                                } else {
                                    if ($collided['-x'] === FALSE && $position[$x][$letter] !== 0) {
                                        $collided['-x'] = TRUE;
                            // +y
                            for ($x = $letter + 1; $x < 8; $x++) {
                                //echo "13\n";
                                if ($collided['+y'] === FALSE && $position[$number][$x] === 'Q') {
                                    $isCheck = TRUE;
                                    $collided['+y'] = TRUE;
                                } else {
                                    if ($collided['+y'] === FALSE && $position[$number][$x] !== 0) {
                                        $collided['+y'] = TRUE;
                            // -y
                            for ($x = $letter - 1; $x >= 0; $x--) {
                                //echo "14\n";
                                if ($collided['-y'] === FALSE && $position[$number][$x] === 'Q') {
                                    $isCheck = TRUE;
                                    $collided['-y'] = TRUE;
                                } else {
                                    if ($collided['-y'] === FALSE && $position[$number][$x] !== 0) {
                                        $collided['-y'] = TRUE;
                        } else {
                            if ($square === 'b') {
                                $collided = array('+x+y' => FALSE, '+x-y' => FALSE, '-x+y' => FALSE, '-x-y' => FALSE);
                                // diagonals
                                // +x +y
                                $x = $letter + 1;
                                $y = $number + 1;
                                while ($x < 8 && $y < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
                                    //echo "15\n";
                                    if ($collided['+x+y'] == FALSE && ($position[$y][$x] === 'Q' || $position[$y][$x] === 'R')) {
                                        $isCheck = TRUE;
                                        $collided['+x+y'] = TRUE;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($collided['+x+y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] !== 0) {
                                            $collided['+x+y'] = TRUE;
                                // +x -y
                                $x = $letter + 1;
                                $y = $number - 1;
                                while ($x < 8 && $y < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
                                    //echo "16\n";
                                    if ($collided['+x-y'] == FALSE && ($position[$y][$x] === 'Q' || $position[$y][$x] === 'R')) {
                                        $isCheck = TRUE;
                                        $collided['+x-y'] = TRUE;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($collided['+x-y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] !== 0) {
                                            $collided['+x-y'] = TRUE;
                                // -x +y
                                $x = $letter - 1;
                                $y = $number + 1;
                                while ($x < 8 && $y < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
                                    //echo "17\n";
                                    if ($collided['-x+y'] == FALSE && ($position[$y][$x] === 'Q' || $position[$y][$x] === 'R')) {
                                        $isCheck = TRUE;
                                        $collided['-x+y'] = TRUE;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($collided['-x+y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] !== 0) {
                                            $collided['-x+y'] = TRUE;
                                // -x -y
                                $x = $letter - 1;
                                $y = $number - 1;
                                while ($x < 8 && $y < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
                                    //echo "18\n";
                                    if ($collided['-x-y'] == FALSE && ($position[$y][$x] === 'Q' || $position[$y][$x] === 'R')) {
                                        $isCheck = TRUE;
                                        $collided['-x-y'] = TRUE;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($collided['-x-y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] !== 0) {
                                            $collided['-x-y'] = TRUE;
                            } else {
                                if ($square === 'n') {
                                    //L shapes
                                    // ++x +y
                                    if ($letter + 2 < 8 && $number + 1 < 8) {
                                        if ($position[$number + 1][$letter + 2] === 'Q' || $position[$number + 1][$letter + 2] === 'R') {
                                            $isCheck = TRUE;
                                    // ++x -y
                                    if ($letter + 2 < 8 && $number - 1 >= 0) {
                                        if ($position[$number - 1][$letter + 2] === 'Q' || $position[$number - 1][$letter + 2] === 'R') {
                                            $isCheck = TRUE;
                                    // --x +y
                                    if ($letter - 2 >= 0 && $number + 1 < 8) {
                                        if ($position[$number + 1][$letter - 2] === 'Q' || $position[$number + 1][$letter - 2] === 'R') {
                                            $isCheck = TRUE;
                                    // --x -y
                                    if ($letter - 2 >= 0 && $number - 1 >= 0) {
                                        if ($position[$number - 1][$letter - 2] === 'Q' || $position[$number - 1][$letter - 2] === 'R') {
                                            $isCheck = TRUE;
                                    // ++y +x
                                    if ($letter + 1 < 8 && $number + 2 < 8) {
                                        if ($position[$number + 2][$letter + 1] === 'Q' || $position[$number + 2][$letter + 1] === 'R') {
                                            $isCheck = TRUE;
                                    // ++y -x
                                    if ($letter - 1 >= 0 && $number + 2 < 8) {
                                        if ($position[$number + 2][$letter - 1] === 'Q' || $position[$number + 2][$letter - 1] === 'R') {
                                            $isCheck = TRUE;
                                    // --y +x
                                    if ($letter + 1 < 8 && $number - 2 >= 0) {
                                        if ($position[$number - 2][$letter + 1] === 'Q' || $position[$number - 2][$letter + 1] === 'R') {
                                            $isCheck = TRUE;
                                    // --y -x
                                    if ($letter - 1 >= 0 && $number - 2 >= 0) {
                                        if ($position[$number - 2][$letter - 1] === 'Q' || $position[$number - 2][$letter - 1] === 'R') {
                                            $isCheck = TRUE;
                                } else {
                                    if ($square === 'p') {
                                        // +y -x
                                        if ($letter - 1 >= 0 && $number + 1 < 8) {
                                            if ($position[$number + 1][$letter - 1] === 'Q' || $position[$number + 1][$letter - 1] === 'R' || $position[$number + 1][$letter - 1] === 'N' || $position[$number + 1][$letter - 1] === 'B') {
                                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                        // +y +x
                                        if ($letter + 1 < 8 && $number + 1 < 8) {
                                            if ($position[$number + 1][$letter + 1] === 'Q' || $position[$number + 1][$letter + 1] === 'R' || $position[$number + 1][$letter + 1] === 'N' || $position[$number + 1][$letter + 1] === 'B') {
                                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                    } else {
                                        if ($square === 'Q') {
                                            $collided = array('+x' => FALSE, '+y' => FALSE, '-x' => FALSE, '-y' => FALSE, '+x+y' => FALSE, '+x-y' => FALSE, '-x+y' => FALSE, '-x-y' => FALSE);
                                            // straights
                                            // +x
                                            for ($x = $number + 1; $x < 8; $x++) {
                                                //echo "19\n";
                                                if ($collided['+x'] === FALSE && $position[$x][$letter] === 'q') {
                                                    $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                    $collided['+x'] = TRUE;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($collided['+x'] === FALSE && $position[$x][$letter] !== 0) {
                                                        $collided['+x'] = TRUE;
                                            // -x
                                            for ($x = $number - 1; $x >= 0; $x--) {
                                                //echo "20\n";
                                                if ($collided['-x'] === FALSE && $position[$x][$letter] === 'q') {
                                                    $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                    $collided['-x'] = TRUE;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($collided['-x'] === FALSE && $position[$x][$letter] !== 0) {
                                                        $collided['-x'] = TRUE;
                                            // +y
                                            for ($x = $letter + 1; $x < 8; $x++) {
                                                //echo "21\n";
                                                if ($collided['+y'] === FALSE && $position[$number][$x] === 'q') {
                                                    $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                    $collided['+y'] = TRUE;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($collided['+y'] === FALSE && $position[$number][$x] !== 0) {
                                                        $collided['+y'] = TRUE;
                                            // -y
                                            for ($x = $letter - 1; $x >= 0; $x--) {
                                                //echo "22\n";
                                                if ($collided['-y'] === FALSE && $position[$number][$x] === 'q') {
                                                    $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                    $collided['-y'] = TRUE;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($collided['-y'] === FALSE && $position[$number][$x] !== 0) {
                                                        $collided['-y'] = TRUE;
                                            // diagonals
                                            // +x +y
                                            $x = $letter + 1;
                                            $y = $number + 1;
                                            while ($x < 8 && $y < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
                                                //echo "23\n";
                                                if ($collided['+x+y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] === 'q') {
                                                    $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                    $collided['+x+y'] = TRUE;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($collided['+x+y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] !== 0) {
                                                        $collided['+x+y'] = TRUE;
                                            // +x -y
                                            $x = $letter + 1;
                                            $y = $number - 1;
                                            while ($x < 8 && $y < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
                                                //echo "24\n";
                                                if ($collided['+x-y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] === 'q') {
                                                    $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                    $collided['+x-y'] = TRUE;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($collided['+x-y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] !== 0) {
                                                        $collided['+x-y'] = TRUE;
                                            // -x +y
                                            $x = $letter - 1;
                                            $y = $number + 1;
                                            while ($x < 8 && $y < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
                                                //echo "25\n";
                                                if ($collided['-x+y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] === 'q') {
                                                    $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                    $collided['-x+y'] = TRUE;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($collided['-x+y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] !== 0) {
                                                        $collided['-x+y'] = TRUE;
                                            // -x -y
                                            $x = $letter - 1;
                                            $y = $number - 1;
                                            while ($x < 8 && $y < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
                                                //echo "26\n";
                                                if ($collided['-x-y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] === 'q') {
                                                    $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                    $collided['-x-y'] = TRUE;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($collided['-x-y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] !== 0) {
                                                        $collided['-x-y'] = TRUE;
                                        } else {
                                            if ($square === 'R') {
                                                $collided = array('+x' => FALSE, '+y' => FALSE, '-x' => FALSE, '-y' => FALSE);
                                                // straights
                                                // +x
                                                for ($x = $number + 1; $x < 8; $x++) {
                                                    //echo "27\n";
                                                    if ($collided['+x'] === FALSE && $position[$x][$letter] === 'q') {
                                                        $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                        $collided['+x'] = TRUE;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($collided['+x'] === FALSE && $position[$x][$letter] !== 0) {
                                                            $collided['+x'] = TRUE;
                                                // -x
                                                for ($x = $number - 1; $x >= 0; $x--) {
                                                    //echo "28\n";
                                                    if ($collided['-x'] === FALSE && $position[$x][$letter] === 'q') {
                                                        $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                        $collided['-x'] = TRUE;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($collided['-x'] === FALSE && $position[$x][$letter] !== 0) {
                                                            $collided['-x'] = TRUE;
                                                // +y
                                                for ($x = $letter + 1; $x < 8; $x++) {
                                                    //echo "29\n";
                                                    if ($collided['+y'] === FALSE && $position[$number][$x] === 'q') {
                                                        $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                        $collided['+y'] = TRUE;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($collided['+y'] === FALSE && $position[$number][$x] !== 0) {
                                                            $collided['+y'] = TRUE;
                                                // -y
                                                for ($x = $letter - 1; $x >= 0; $x--) {
                                                    //echo "30\n";
                                                    if ($collided['-y'] === FALSE && $position[$number][$x] === 'q') {
                                                        $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                        $collided['-y'] = TRUE;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($collided['-y'] === FALSE && $position[$number][$x] !== 0) {
                                                            $collided['-y'] = TRUE;
                                            } else {
                                                if ($square === 'B') {
                                                    $collided = array('+x+y' => FALSE, '+x-y' => FALSE, '-x+y' => FALSE, '-x-y' => FALSE);
                                                    // diagonals
                                                    // +x +y
                                                    $x = $letter + 1;
                                                    $y = $number + 1;
                                                    while ($x < 8 && $y < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
                                                        //echo "31\n";
                                                        if ($collided['+x+y'] == FALSE && ($position[$y][$x] === 'q' || $position[$y][$x] === 'r')) {
                                                            $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                            $collided['+x+y'] = TRUE;
                                                        } else {
                                                            if ($collided['+x+y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] !== 0) {
                                                                $collided['+x+y'] = TRUE;
                                                    // +x -y
                                                    $x = $letter + 1;
                                                    $y = $number - 1;
                                                    while ($x < 8 && $y < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
                                                        //echo "32\n";
                                                        if ($collided['+x-y'] == FALSE && ($position[$y][$x] === 'q' || $position[$y][$x] === 'r')) {
                                                            $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                            $collided['+x-y'] = TRUE;
                                                        } else {
                                                            if ($collided['+x-y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] !== 0) {
                                                                $collided['+x-y'] = TRUE;
                                                    // -x +y
                                                    $x = $letter - 1;
                                                    $y = $number + 1;
                                                    while ($x < 8 && $y < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
                                                        //echo "33\n";
                                                        if ($collided['-x+y'] == FALSE && ($position[$y][$x] === 'q' || $position[$y][$x] === 'r')) {
                                                            $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                            $collided['-x+y'] = TRUE;
                                                        } else {
                                                            if ($collided['-x+y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] !== 0) {
                                                                $collided['-x+y'] = TRUE;
                                                    // -x -y
                                                    $x = $letter - 1;
                                                    $y = $number - 1;
                                                    while ($x < 8 && $y < 8 && $x >= 0 && $y >= 0) {
                                                        //echo "34\n";
                                                        if ($collided['-x-y'] == FALSE && ($position[$y][$x] === 'q' || $position[$y][$x] === 'r')) {
                                                            $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                            $collided['-x-y'] = TRUE;
                                                        } else {
                                                            if ($collided['-x-y'] == FALSE && $position[$y][$x] !== 0) {
                                                                $collided['-x-y'] = TRUE;
                                                } else {
                                                    if ($square === 'N') {
                                                        //L shapes
                                                        // ++x +y
                                                        if ($letter + 2 < 8 && $number + 1 < 8) {
                                                            if ($position[$number + 1][$letter + 2] === 'q' || $position[$number + 1][$letter + 2] === 'r') {
                                                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                        // ++x -y
                                                        if ($letter + 2 < 8 && $number - 1 >= 0) {
                                                            if ($position[$number - 1][$letter + 2] === 'q' || $position[$number - 1][$letter + 2] === 'r') {
                                                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                        // --x +y
                                                        if ($letter - 2 >= 0 && $number + 1 < 8) {
                                                            if ($position[$number + 1][$letter - 2] === 'q' || $position[$number + 1][$letter - 2] === 'r') {
                                                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                        // --x -y
                                                        if ($letter - 2 >= 0 && $number - 1 >= 0) {
                                                            if ($position[$number - 1][$letter - 2] === 'q' || $position[$number - 1][$letter - 2] === 'r') {
                                                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                        // ++y +x
                                                        if ($letter + 1 < 8 && $number + 2 < 8) {
                                                            if ($position[$number + 2][$letter + 1] === 'q' || $position[$number + 2][$letter + 1] === 'r') {
                                                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                        // ++y -x
                                                        if ($letter - 1 >= 0 && $number + 2 < 8) {
                                                            if ($position[$number + 2][$letter - 1] === 'q' || $position[$number + 2][$letter - 1] === 'r') {
                                                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                        // --y +x
                                                        if ($letter + 1 < 8 && $number - 2 >= 0) {
                                                            if ($position[$number - 2][$letter + 1] === 'q' || $position[$number - 2][$letter + 1] === 'r') {
                                                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                        // --y -x
                                                        if ($letter - 1 >= 0 && $number - 2 >= 0) {
                                                            if ($position[$number - 2][$letter - 1] === 'q' || $position[$number - 2][$letter - 1] === 'r') {
                                                                $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if ($square === 'P') {
                                                            // -y -x
                                                            if ($letter - 1 >= 0 && $number - 1 >= 0) {
                                                                if ($position[$number - 1][$letter - 1] === 'q' || $position[$number - 1][$letter - 1] === 'r' || $position[$number - 1][$letter - 1] === 'n' || $position[$number - 1][$letter - 1] === 'b') {
                                                                    $isCheck = TRUE;
                                                            // -y +x
                                                            if ($letter + 1 < 8 && $number - 1 >= 0) {
                                                                if ($position[$number - 1][$letter + 1] === 'q' || $position[$number - 1][$letter + 1] === 'r' || $position[$number - 1][$letter + 1] === 'n' || $position[$number - 1][$letter + 1] === 'b') {
                                                                    $isCheck = TRUE;
    return $isCheck;
Esempio n. 2
function getPosition($points)
    $score = getFinalScore();
    $pos = 0;
    foreach ($score as $elemento) {
        $pos = $elemento['posizione'];
        if ($points > $elemento['punti']) {
            return $pos;
        } else {
            if ($points == $elemento['punti']) {
                return $pos;
    return $pos + 1;