function updateArray(&$newResult, $arrTep) { if (!empty($newResult)) { foreach ($newResult as $k => $v) { if ($v['id'] == $arrTep['pid']) { $newResult[$k]['childrens'][] = $arrTep; return true; } elseif (!empty($v['childrens'])) { if (true === updateArray($newResult[$k]['childrens'], $arrTep)) { return true; } } } } return false; }
/** * 将当前节点插入到新的树形数组中 * @param $newResult 树形数组地址 * @param $arrTep 当前节点 */ function updateArray(&$newResult, $arrTep) { if (!empty($newResult)) { foreach ($newResult as $k => $v) { //查询当前节点的id是否与新的树形数组的id一致,如果是,那么将当前节点存放在树形数组的childrens字段中 if ($v['id'] == $arrTep['pid']) { $newResult[$k]['childrens'][] = $arrTep; return true; } elseif (!empty($v['childrens'])) { //递归调用,查询树形数组的子节点与当前节点的关系 if (true === updateArray($newResult[$k]['childrens'], $arrTep)) { return true; } } } } return false; }
$USERINFO = ''; $user = isset($_GET['user']) ? (int) $_GET['user'] + 0 : 0; $blockedMod = FALSE; foreach ($mods as $k => $v) { if (in_array($user, $v)) { $blockedMod = TRUE; break; } } $canBlock = TRUE; if ($user_id != 1 and $isMod == 1 and $blockedMod) { $canBlock = FALSE; } if ($canBlock and ($user_id == 1 or $isMod == 1) and $user != 1 and $user_id != $user and isset($_GET['activity']) and ($_GET['activity'] == 1 or $_GET['activity'] == 0)) { ${$dbUserAct} = $_GET['activity']; updateArray(array($dbUserAct), $Tu, $dbUserId, $user); } $usEmail = ''; if (isset($directEmailEnabled)) { if ($user_id == 0 and $directEmailGuests or $user_id > 0) { $usEmail = '<a href="' . $indexphp . 'action=senddirect&user='******'">' . $l_sendDirect . '</a>'; } } if (!function_exists('parseUserInfo_user_regdate')) { function parseUserInfo_user_regdate($val) { if (strstr($val, '-')) { return convert_date($val); } else { return convert_date(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $val)); }
} db_delete($Tp, 'post_id', '=', $post); if ($poster_id != 0) { db_calcAmount($Tp, 'poster_id', $poster_id, $Tu, $dbUserSheme['num_posts'][1], $dbUserId); } //} if (file_exists($pathToFiles . 'bb_plugins2.php')) { require $pathToFiles . 'bb_plugins2.php'; } } // deletion cycle if ($pp = db_simpleSelect(0, $Tp, 'post_id, post_time, poster_name', 'topic_id', '=', $topic, 'post_id DESC', 1)) { $topic_last_post_id = $pp[0]; $topic_last_post_time = $pp[1]; $topic_last_poster = $pp[2]; updateArray(array('topic_last_post_id', 'topic_last_post_time', 'topic_last_poster'), $Tt, 'topic_id', $topic); db_calcAmount($Tp, 'forum_id', $forum, $Tf, 'posts_count'); db_calcAmount($Tp, 'topic_id', $topic, $Tt, 'posts_count'); if (defined('DELETE_PREMOD')) { return; } //CSRF cookie delete setcookie($cookiename . 'csrf', '', time() - 2592000, $cookiepath, $cookiedomain, $cookiesecure); if (isset($metaLocation)) { $meta_relocate = "{$main_url}/{$indexphp}action=vthread&forum={$forum}&topic={$topic}&page={$page}"; echo ParseTpl(makeUp($metaLocation)); exit; } else { if (isset($mod_rewrite) and $mod_rewrite) { $urlp = addTopicURLPage(genTopicURL($main_url, $forum, '#GET#', $topic, $topicData[0]), $page); } else {
$warning = $l_emailNotExists; $text2 = ParseTpl(makeUp('admin_sendmails1')); break; } $warning = $l_completed . " ({$row})"; $text2 = ParseTpl(makeUp('admin_panel')); break; case 'restoreData': ${$dbUserSheme['username'][1]} = $admin_usr; ${$dbUserSheme['user_password'][1]} = writeUserPwd($admin_pwd); ${$dbUserSheme['user_email'][1]} = $admin_email; ${$dbUserDate} = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $fields = array($dbUserSheme['username'][1], $dbUserSheme['user_password'][1], $dbUserSheme['user_email'][1]); if ($res = db_simpleSelect(0, $Tu, $dbUserId, $dbUserId, '=', 1)) { $ins = 1; $fs = updateArray($fields, $Tu, $dbUserId, 1); } else { $fields[] = $dbUserDate; $fields[] = $dbUserId; ${$dbUserId} = 1; $ins = 0; $fs = insertArray($fields, $Tu); } if ($fs > 0 and $ins == 1 or $fs == 0 and $ins == 0) { $warning = $l_prefsUpdated; } else { $warning = $l_prefsNotUpdated; } $text2 = ParseTpl(makeUp('admin_panel')); break; case 'banUsr1':
<?php /* This file is part of miniBB. miniBB is free discussion forums/message board software, without any warranty. See COPYING file for more details. Copyright (C) 2004 Paul Puzyrev, Sergei Larionov. */ if (!defined('INCLUDED776')) { die('Fatal error.'); } if (!isset($_GET['chstat'])) { die('Fatal error.'); } else { $topic_status = $_GET['chstat']; } if ($tD = db_simpleSelect(0, $Tt, 'topic_status, topic_poster, sticky', 'topic_id', '=', $topic)) { if ($tD[1] == $user_id and $tD[2] != 1 and ($topic_status == 0 and $userUnlock == 1 or $topic_status == 1) or $logged_admin == 1 or $isMod == 1) { if (updateArray(array('topic_status'), $Tt, 'topic_id', $topic) > 0) { $errorMSG = $topic_status == 1 ? $l_topicLocked : $l_topicUnLocked; } else { $errorMSG = $l_itseemserror; } $correctErr = "<a href=\"{$main_url}/{$indexphp}action=vthread&forum={$forum}&topic={$topic}\">{$l_back}</a>"; } else { $errorMSG = $l_forbidden; $correctErr = $backErrorLink; } } $title .= $errorMSG; echo load_header(); echo ParseTpl(makeUp('main_warning')); return;
$sub[$v[1]] = $sub0[0]; } } else { $v[1] = $langOrig; } } else { $v[1] = $langOrig; } $subS = $sub[$v[1]]; $msgS = $msg[$v[1]][0] . $k . $msg[$v[1]][1]; sendMail($v[0], $subS, $msgS, $reply_to_email, $reply_to_email); } //foreach if (sizeof($allUsers) > 0) { $active = 0; updateArray(array('active'), $Ts, 'topic_id', $topic); } } //email users //Email admin if allowed if ($genEmailDisable != 1 and isset($emailadmposts) and $emailadmposts == 1 and $user_id != 1) { $subS = $sub[$langOrig]; $msgS = $msg[$langOrig][0] . '1' . $msg[$langOrig][1]; sendMail($admin_email, $subS, $msgS, $reply_to_email, $reply_to_email); } unset($setTpls); $emailusers = $tmpUe; $insresOrig = $insres; //Insert user into email notifies if allowed if (isset($_POST['CheckSendMail']) and emailCheckBox() != '' and substr(emailCheckBox(), 0, 8) != '<!--U-->') { $ae = db_simpleSelect(0, $Ts, 'count(*)', 'user_id', '=', $user_id, '', '', 'topic_id', '=', $topic);
} else { $post_status = 1; } } elseif (($user_id == 1 or $isMod == 1) and $fEdit == 0) { if ($logged_admin == 1 and $userAllow == 1 or $isMod == 1 and $userAllow == $user_id) { $post_status = 1; } else { $post_status = $whoEdited; if ($post_status == 2 or $post_status == 3) { $post_status = 0; } } } else { $post_status = 1; } $fif = updateArray(array('post_text', 'post_status'), $Tp, 'post_id', $post); if ($fif != 0) { $errorMSG .= $l_topicTextUpdated . "<br />"; } $title .= $l_editPost; if (isset($mod_rewrite) and $mod_rewrite) { if (isset($topic_title)) { $tt = $topic_title; } else { $tt = '#GET#'; } $furl = $furlCl = addTopicURLPage(genTopicURL($main_url, $forum, '#GET#', $topic, $tt), $page) . "#msg{$anchor}"; $topicsLink = "<a href=\"" . addTopicURLPage(genForumURL($main_url, $forum, '#GET#'), PAGE1_OFFSET + 1) . "\">{$l_returntotopics}</a><br />"; } else { $furl = addGenURLPage("{$main_url}/{$indexphp}action=vthread&forum={$forum}&topic={$topic}", $page) . "#msg{$anchor}"; $furlCl = addGenURLPage("{$main_url}/{$indexphp}action=vthread&forum={$forum}&topic={$topic}", $page, '&') . "#msg{$anchor}";
} elseif ($action == 'vthread') { /* Redirect to the regular URL and update sendmails table, if user is accessing topic from email message */ if (isset($_GET['user'])) { $resetUser = $_GET['user'] + 0; } else { $resetUser = $user_id; } if (!isset($activeEmailsDisable) and $genEmailDisable == 0 and $emailusers > 0 and $user_id > 0 and $sendid = db_simpleSelect(0, $Ts, 'id,active,user_id', 'user_id', '=', $resetUser, '', '', 'topic_id', '=', $topic) and $sendid[1] == 0) { $active = 1; updateArray(array('active'), $Ts, 'id', $sendid[0]); } if (isset($_GET['goPost']) and isset($_GET['user'])) { $goPost = $_GET['goPost'] + 0; if ($sendid = db_simpleSelect(0, $Ts, 'id,active', 'user_id', '=', $resetUser, '', '', 'topic_id', '=', $topic) and $sendid[1] == 0) { $active = 1; updateArray(array('active'), $Ts, 'id', $sendid[0]); } $anchor = '#msg' . $goPost; if ($row = db_simpleSelect(0, $Tp, 'count(*)', 'post_id', '<=', $goPost, '', '', 'topic_id', '=', $topic)) { $totalPosts = $row[0]; } else { $totalPosts = 0; } $page = getPage($topic, $totalPosts); if (isset($metaLocation)) { $meta_relocate = "{$main_url}/{$indexphp}action=vthread&forum={$forum}&topic={$topic}&page={$page}{$anchor}"; echo ParseTpl(makeUp($metaLocation)); exit; } else { if (isset($mod_rewrite) and $mod_rewrite) { $furl = addTopicURLPage(genTopicURL($main_url, $forum, '#GET#', $topic, '#GET#'), $page) . $anchor;
die('Fatal error.'); } if ($step != 1 and $step != 0) { $step = 0; } //0 - 1st step, 1-edit concrete if ($topic != 0 and ($logged_admin == 1 or $isMod == 1) and $rt = db_simpleSelect(0, $Tt, 'topic_title', 'topic_id', '=', $topic) and $rf = db_simpleSelect(0, $Tf, 'count(*)') and $rf[0] > 0 and $rowf = db_simpleSelect(0, $Tf, 'forum_id, forum_name', '', '', '', 'forum_order')) { if ($step == 1) { if (isset($_POST['forumWhere'])) { $forum_id = $_POST['forumWhere'] + 0; } else { $forum_id = 0; } if ($forum_id != 0 and $ff = db_simpleSelect(0, $Tf, 'forum_id', 'forum_id', '=', $forum_id)) { $u1 = updateArray(array('forum_id'), $Tt, 'topic_id', $topic); $u2 = updateArray(array('forum_id'), $Tp, 'topic_id', $topic); db_calcAmount($Tp, 'forum_id', $forum_id, $Tf, 'posts_count'); db_calcAmount($Tp, 'forum_id', $forum, $Tf, 'posts_count'); db_calcAmount($Tt, 'forum_id', $forum_id, $Tf, 'topics_count'); db_calcAmount($Tt, 'forum_id', $forum, $Tf, 'topics_count'); if ($u1 > 0 and $u2 > 0) { /* If moving to closed forum, remove all forbidden subscribers */ if (in_array($forum_id, $clForums)) { if ($row = db_simpleSelect(0, $Ts, 'user_id', 'topic_id', '=', $topic)) { $delstr = '('; do { if (!isset($clForumsUsers[$forum_id]) or isset($clForumsUsers[$forum_id]) and !in_array($row[0], $clForumsUsers[$forum_id])) { db_delete($Ts, 'user_id', '=', $row[0], 'topic_id', '=', $topic); } } while ($row = db_simpleSelect(1)); }
// echo $_GET["occupation"]."<br>"; // echo get_preffered_style_name($_GET["prefferedstyle"])."<br>"; // echo $_GET["blog_domain"]."<br>"; // echo $_GET["website"]."<br>"; // echo $_GET["country"]."<br>"; // echo $_GET["state"]."<br>"; // echo $_GET["city"]."<br>"; // echo $_GET["zipcode"]."<br>"; // echo $_GET["cyear"]."<br>"; // echo $_GET["describe_yourself"]."<br>"; // echo $_GET["gender"]."<br>"; // mno lastname middlename firstname gender website bdate // occupation country state_ city zip blogdom aboutme ispicset // fbid twid isVal datejoined // $whereArray = array('mno',134); updateArray('fs_members', array('occupation', 'preffered_style', 'blogdom', 'website', 'country', 'state_', 'city', 'zip', 'bdate', 'aboutme', 'gender'), array(get_occupation_name($_GET["occupation"]), get_preffered_style_name($_GET["prefferedstyle"]), $_GET["blog_domain"], $_GET["website"], $_GET["country"], $_GET["state"], $_GET["city"], $_GET["zipcode"], set_year($_GET["cyear"]), $_GET["describe_yourself"], gender($_GET["gender"])), 'mno', $_SESSION['mno']); // echo "gender = ".gender($_GET["gender"])."<br>"; // echo "gender = ".year($_GET["cyear"])."<br>"; // print_r($your_data); if ($_GET["gender"] == 1) { // print_r($men_brand); $_SESSION['gender'] = 1; echo "<table border=0 class='blist'>"; // brands_men($brands_men,$bname=null,$id=null,$class=null) brands_men(brands_men_list(), 'brands_men', 'id_men_', 'cl_men_'); echo "</table>"; // echo "<input type='button' onclick='getCheckedBoxes();gotoSlide(2)' value='SAVE' > "; echo "\n\t\t\t<br><br><br>\n\t \t\t<center>\n\t\t\t\t<input type=button onclick='getCheckedBoxes_men();gotoSlide(2)' value='SAVE' class='m' style='width:200px;height:50px;font-size:20pt;box-shadow:2px 2px 2px #aaa;border:0; ' /> \n\t \t\t</center>\n\t\t"; } else { // print_r($women_brand); $_SESSION['gender'] = 2;
if (!($updId = db_simpleSelect(0, $Tu, "{$dbUserId},{$dbUserSheme['language'][1]},{$dbUserSheme['username'][1]}", $dbUserSheme['user_email'][1], '=', $email))) { $title .= $l_emailNotExists; $errorMSG = $l_emailNotExists; $correctErr = $backErrorLink; echo load_header(); echo ParseTpl(makeUp('main_warning')); return; } else { $ulang = $updId[1]; $loginName = $updId[2]; ${$dbUserNp} = substr(ereg_replace("[^0-9A-Za-z]", "A", writeUserPwd(uniqid(rand()))), 0, 8); $newPasswd = ${$dbUserNp}; ${$dbUserNk} = substr(md5(uniqid(rand())), 0, 32); $confirmCode = ${$dbUserNk}; $updArr = array($dbUserNp, $dbUserNk); $fs = updateArray($updArr, $Tu, $dbUserId, $updId[0]); if ($fs > 0) { if ($emailusers == 2 and file_exists($pathToFiles . 'templates/email_user_password_' . $ulang . '.txt')) { $langS = $ulang; } else { $langS = $langOrig; } $msg = ParseTpl(makeUp('email_user_password_' . $langS)); $sub = explode('SUBJECT>>', $msg); $sub = explode('<<', $sub[1]); $msg = trim($sub[1]); $sub = $sub[0]; if (!isset($reply_to_email)) { $reply_to_email = $admin_email; } sendMail($email, $sub, $msg, $reply_to_email, $reply_to_email);
function update_fs_members_4notifications($mno) { // echo "$_POST[iral],$_POST[idal],$_POST[ifal],$_POST[ifam],$_POST[icoal],$_POST[icoab],$_POST[sf],$_POST[coml],$_POST[combp],$_POST[rtmc],$_POST[smnlpbpif]"; updateArray('fs_members', array('iral', 'idal', 'ifal', 'ifam', 'icoal', 'icoab', 'sf', 'coml', 'combp', 'rtmc', 'smnlpbpif'), array($_POST['iral'], $_POST['idal'], $_POST['ifal'], $_POST['ifam'], $_POST['icoal'], $_POST['icoab'], $_POST['sf'], $_POST['coml'], $_POST['combp'], $_POST['rtmc'], $_POST['smnlpbpif']), 'mno', $mno); }
<?php /* This file is part of miniBB. miniBB is free discussion forums/message board software, without any warranty. See COPYING file for more details. Copyright (C) 2004 Paul Puzyrev, Sergei Larionov. */ if (!defined('INCLUDED776')) { die('Fatal error.'); } $USERINFO = ''; $user = isset($_GET['user']) ? $_GET['user'] + 0 : 0; if (($user_id == 1 or $isMod == 1) and $user != 1 and isset($_GET['activity']) and ($_GET['activity'] == 1 or $_GET['activity'] == 0)) { $activity = $_GET['activity']; updateArray(array('activity'), $Tu, $dbUserId, $user); } if (!isset($l_sendDirect)) { $usEmail = ''; } else { $usEmail = '<a href="' . $indexphp . 'action=senddirect&user='******'">' . $l_sendDirect . '</a>'; } $addFieldsGen = array('user_icq', 'user_website', 'user_occ', 'user_from', 'user_interest'); $addFd = ''; $addCustomFd = ''; foreach ($addFieldsGen as $k => $v) { if (isset($dbUserSheme[$v][1])) { $addFd .= ',' . $dbUserSheme[$v][1]; } else { $addFd .= ',null'; } } foreach ($dbUserSheme as $k => $v) { if (strstr($k, 'user_custom')) {
$title .= $l_forbidden; $errorMSG = $l_forbidden; $correctErr = ''; } elseif ($curr = db_simpleSelect(0, $Tu, $dbUserNp, $dbUserNk, '=', $confirmCode)) { if ($confEmail) { ${$dbUserNk} = ''; ${$dbUserNp} = ''; ${$dbUserAct} = 1; $updArr = array($dbUserAct, $dbUserNk, $dbUserNp); $fs = updateArray($updArr, $Tu, $dbUserNk, $confirmCode); $mes = $l_emailCodeConfirm; } else { ${$dbUserSheme['user_password'][1]} = writeUserPwd($curr[0]); ${$dbUserNk} = ''; ${$dbUserNp} = ''; $updArr = array($dbUserSheme['user_password'][1], $dbUserNk, $dbUserNp); $fs = updateArray($updArr, $Tu, $dbUserNk, $confirmCode); $mes = $l_passwdUpdate; } if ($fs > 0) { $title .= $mes; $errorMSG = $mes; $correctErr = ''; } else { $title .= $l_itseemserror; $errorMSG = $l_itseemserror; $correctErr = ''; } } echo load_header(); echo ParseTpl(makeUp('main_warning'));
<?php /* This file is part of miniBB. miniBB is free discussion forums/message board software, without any warranty. See COPYING file for more details. Copyright (C) 2004 Paul Puzyrev, Sergei Larionov. */ if (!defined('INCLUDED776')) { die('Fatal error.'); } if (!isset($_GET['chstat'])) { die('Fatal error.'); } else { $sticky = $_GET['chstat'] + 0; } if ($logged_admin == 1 or $isMod == 1) { if (updateArray(array('sticky'), $Tt, 'topic_id', $topic) > 0) { $errorMSG = $sticky > 0 ? $l_topicSticked : $l_topicUnsticked; } else { $errorMSG = $l_itseemserror; } $correctErr = "<a href=\"{$main_url}/{$indexphp}action=vthread&forum={$forum}&topic={$topic}\">{$l_back}</a>"; } else { $errorMSG = $l_forbidden; $correctErr = $backErrorLink; } $title .= $errorMSG; echo load_header(); echo ParseTpl(makeUp('main_warning')); return;
public function update_logging_in_fb_friends($mno, $fb_all_freinds, $fb_freinds_on_fs, $fb_freinds_on_fb) { // echo "update_logging_in_fb_friends( $mno , $fb_all_freinds , $fb_freinds_on_fs , $fb_freinds_on_fb )"; $b = updateArray('fs_members', array('fb_all_freinds', 'fb_freinds_on_fb', 'fb_freinds_on_fs'), array($fb_all_freinds, $fb_freinds_on_fb, $fb_freinds_on_fs), 'mno', intval($mno)); }
$upda = array($dbUserSheme['user_email'][1], $dbUserSheme['user_viewemail'][1], $dbUserSheme['user_sorttopics'][1], $dbUserSheme['language'][1]); foreach ($addFieldsGen as $k) { if (isset($dbUserSheme[$k])) { $upda[] = $dbUserSheme[$k][1]; } } foreach ($dbUserSheme as $k => $v) { if (strstr($k, 'user_custom')) { $upda[] = $v[1]; } } if ($passwd != '') { ${$dbUserSheme['user_password'][1]} = md5(${$dbUserSheme['user_password'][1]}); $upda[] = $dbUserSheme['user_password'][1]; } $upd = updateArray($upda, $Tu, $dbUserId, $user_id); if ($upd > 0) { $title .= $l_prefsUpdated; $warning = $l_prefsUpdated; if (${$dbUserSheme['user_password'][2]} != '') { $warning .= ', ' . $l_prefsPassUpdated; } } else { $title .= $l_editPrefs; $warning = $l_prefsNotUpdated; } } else { if (!isset($l_userErrors[$correct])) { $l_userErrors[$correct] = $l_undefined; } $warning = $l_errorUserData . ": <span class=warning>{$l_userErrors[$correct]}</span>";
} else { $antiSpam = 1; } } if ($user_id == 1 or $antiSpam == 0) { $forum_id = $forum; $topic_id = $topic; $poster_id = $user_id; $poster_name = $user_usr; $post_text = $postText; $post_time = 'now()'; $post_status = 0; $inss = insertArray(array('forum_id', 'topic_id', 'poster_id', 'poster_name', 'post_text', 'post_time', 'poster_ip', 'post_status'), $Tp); if ($inss == 0) { $topic_last_post_id = $insres; if (updateArray(array('topic_last_post_id'), $Tt, 'topic_id', $topic) > 0) { db_forumReplies($forum, $Tp, $Tf); db_topicPosts($topic, $Tt, $Tp); //fire an event require_once 'geograph/event.class.php'; new Event(EVENT_NEWREPLY, $topic_last_post_id); } if ($emailusers == 1 or isset($emailadmposts) and $emailadmposts == 1) { $topicTitle = db_simpleSelect(0, $Tt, 'topic_title', 'topic_id', '=', $topic); $topicTitle = $topicTitle[0]; $postTextSmall = strip_tags(substr(str_replace(array('<br>', ''', '"', '&', '$'), array("\r\n", "'", '"', '&', '$'), $postText), 0, 200)) . '...'; $msg = ParseTpl(makeUp('email_reply_notify')); $sub = explode('SUBJECT>>', $msg); $sub = explode('<<', $sub[1]); $msg = trim($sub[1]); $sub = $sub[0];
do { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($userInfoInPosts); $i++) { if (function_exists('parseUserInfo_' . $userInfoInPosts[$i])) { $cols[$i + 1] = call_user_func('parseUserInfo_' . $userInfoInPosts[$i], $cols[$i + 1]); } ${'userInfo_' . $userInfoInPosts[$i]}[$cols[0]] = $cols[$i + 1]; } } while ($cols = db_simpleSelect(1)); } unset($xtr); } /* --User info in posts */ //echo $topicData[5]; if ($cols = db_simpleSelect(0, $Tp, 'poster_id, poster_name, post_time, post_text, poster_ip, post_status, post_id', 'topic_id', '=', $topic, 'post_id ' . $srt, $makeLim)) { if ($page == PAGE1_OFFSET + 1 and isset($enableViews) and $enableViews) { updateArray(array('topic_views'), $Tt, 'topic_id', $topic); } $tpl = makeUp('main_posts_cell'); $groupDelete = 0; do { if ($i > 0) { $bg = 'tbCel1'; } else { $bg = 'tbCel2'; } $poster_id = $cols[0]; $postDate = convert_date($cols[2]); if (!($user_id == 1 or $isMod == 1 or $user_id == 0)) { $availEditMes = ($topicStatus == 0 and (time() - strtotime($cols[2]) < $useredit or $useredit == 0)); } else { $availEditMes = TRUE;